"RUMORS NEVER BUILT ANYTHING, NOT EVEN A RAILROAD," SAYS THE PESSIMIST YOUR. ADS CARRYING Your store-news, should nppcnr ns regularly ns docs this newspaper. If n newspaper omitted nn issue now null then even for so weighty n rcii son ns fearing Hint It might rn I li lt would not bo n good nuwspnper. SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's advertising space Is a newspaper, compared with Um spoc used by o'her stores, should define II . coinpurutlvo itnportnnco In tbn couiiuuiiltyl Does your storo'o oH-vet-tiding space do Hint? MKMRER OK ASSOCIATED litIJS3 VOL XXXV Established In 1878 ns The Const Mail MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times. Coast Mnl! and Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 46 wWWiia MUKWWIWWI mtmn RAILROAD HFHGH SHE Tf LS IE: Vice - President Kruttsclwitt Denies Any ConferenceWith President pyiarkham. SAYS ILLINOIS CENTRAL IS INDEPENDENT LINE Shop Employes' Leaders In Conference In Chicago and San Francisco Today. M IS ALARMING PLAN 10 FILL LOW SECT! LDSI IT. IAC0I i A BL 10 S WILL CONFER TONIGHT. (Hy Associated Press.) CHICAGO, 111., Sept. C The labor chiefs after adjournment tn Id tliey lind taken no action. Another conference will bo held nt six o'clock HiIh evening. (By Associated Press to the Coorf Dny Times) CHICAGO. 111., Sept. 0 Julius Knittsclmltt, vice-president of tho Ilnrrluinu system, arrived hero to day from San Francisco. It was commonly reported ho would confer with President Markhnm of tho Illi nois Central in reference to tho negotiations which are now pending between tho federation of employed and the olllcluls of that company which nro similar to tho negotiations between tho federation and tho Southern Pacific. Mr. Kruttschnltt declared he could seo no reason why lie should he called into conference with Mnrkhnm. "I am not inter ested In any ofllclnl way in tho Illi nois Central," Bnld Kruttschnltt. "The Hnriiman Hues nnd tho Illinois Central aro entirely lndopondont nnd I do not hco how I could bo call ed Into ennfereuco with Markhnm. Kruttschnltt declared there was no now developments In tho situation on the Mnrrlman Hues slnco ho left Snn Francisco Saturday. OPINION' lSniVlDED IllliieW Vn (nil libor Union Lenders I liable to Agree , CIIICAOO, Sept. (I Tho confer ence of tho union lenders broke u: nt A o clock. Tho members declined ' -u whether thoy nro to assemblo nwln or not. Thoro Is a division of oplium nmong tho lendoi'H ns to tho best policy to pursue. stu i u e is expected lo Anm'les Sends Rclegutiou (o San Francisco Coiifvivun. I.OS ANGELES, Cnl., Sopt. G More than a scoro of union lendors ri preunulng tho federation of crnft tmp'oved In tho Harrlninn shops, left here today for Snn Francisco. Thoy w 11 coaler with tho union representa tives who met Kruttschnltt Inst week nnd according to labor men hero, n t'rll.e declared is expected as a result. RAILWAY LA DOR TROl'RLE. Af- Railroad Addition District Pro position Put Up to Port Commission. Tho question of lllllng tho flnt In Railroad Addition south of Donnelly street by drodglnga from tho Dny will be put up to the port of Coos Bay commission. Councilman Pow- ors to whom tho matter was referred by tho city council recently reported Inst night that only n smnll portion, comparatively, of the property own ers would sign to have tho work done nt their expense. However, most of them nro willing to havo their prop erty filled if tho city or somebody else bears tho expense. Mr. Powers stated thnt three mem bers, ot tho Port Commission, that Is McssrB. Mlngus, Harris nnd Seng- stneken, had expressed themselves fnvorubly upon tho proposition. His Idea wns thnt ns tho government had offered to widen tho channel oppo site Mnrshilold another hundred feet If tho peoplo hero would defray tho actual expense of oporntlng tho dredge, which would bo about six cents per yard, was n good one. Ho said tho pnrt of tho bay to bo dredg ed out was part of tho project of the port commission nud thut if tho com mission did It by prlvato contract It would cost about ten cents per yard. Hy having tho government do it, four cents per ynrd would bo saved. Tho matter will probably bo taken up by tho port commission nt its next meeting. In enso this Is not arranged, the city council can forco tho lllllng of tho proporty nt tho expense of tho property ownors by having tho city health ofllccr declnre thnt section un sanitary on account of It boing too low to bo drained. Tor City Dump. Councilman Copplo wns Instructed to seo Alvn Doll relntlvo to a now city gnrbago dump. P. A. Goldon, Duncan Ferguson nnd othir resl- Rescue Party Returns With-'iyna,.th? ,rp?,cllc I,mrty of B,x mon J who started Snttirdny to senrch for OUt Beilltl Able to Lofintt- 'jenKh anrrott, the Iloston student, uui Duny mill, tu LUiictU, jins returned empty-bunded. Thoy Mionii-in nnrn ni, ,,: renched nn nltltudo of over 13.000 ISSIIIfJ BOStOn MOUntaiH; foot nnd found many tracks of the -.. , young man nlmost up to thnt point. UimnOr. It In probable that ho wub drlvun (IflWIl Milt inmitltTl'tl 111 Mtn ufnt'tii oi,1 Dy Associated Press "lo the Coos Dny ( mny have plunged Into one of tho' In-, 'rimes) numerable crevasses. It is not like-, ial.u.ia, wnsn., sopt. i. iinirieii ly thnt Garrett's body will bo found uimuuzznijuigm OUGHT FOR 10 IN BEPHEWS IN flSHIHC iUI CVCT :m BAILEY SILL SWIMS ACROSS QUIT SENATE IHE CHANNEL Texas Senator Says He Not Be Candidate For Re-election. (Dy Associated Press o Coos Dny Tlmos.) GAINESVILLE, Tex., Sopt. C. United States Senator Joseph W. Dnlloy today coullrmcd tho nnnoim cement mado Inst night that he would not bo a candldnto for re-election to tho United Stntes Semite. His term will oxplro March 3, 1013. it Is Bnld Dnlloy will go to New York to practice law nfter his term In the Senate expires. I L UlUlLlii HURRIES WORK Clir CHARTER Wm. Burgess Finally Crosses From Dover to Cape Grisnes In 24 Hours. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Da; Times.) LONDON, England, Sept. C Win. Durgoss today successfully swam tho English channel from Dover to Capo Orlsucs. Tho swimmer landed at Capo Qrlsncs In almost exactly 1! I hours nfter lenvlng Dover. Durgess has been trying for yours to emulate tho fent of Captain Webb In 1S75. Several times ho wns with in n mllo of tho goal only to be swept nwny by the receding tide. Activity on Extension From Salem Thought Confirmation of Race to Coos Bay. EUGENE, Ore., Sept. C. Tho Eugene Ounrd prints tho following: "Hullrond development Is coming quicKiy in western Oregon, now that a start has been made. Exten skins on tho Oregon Electric south from Salem begins today nnd tho of- Two Posses In Pursuit of John Turnow In Satsop County, Near Aberdeen. DEAD BODIES OF ' YOUTHS ARE FOUND Nineteen-Year-Old Brothers Mysteriously Slain While Hunting For Bear. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day, Times.) ADEItDEEN, Wash, Sept. C Two J posses, each equipped for nn oxtond- cd stny in the mountains, today nro Bcnrchlng for John Turnow, suspoct- llclnl announcement deals only with oil of tho murder or John nnd Wil tho section ending nt Albuny. Pres- llnm Dnuer, tho 10 years old twins Idont Gray says tho mutter of tho ' of Henry Dnuer, a fnrmor of Sntsop, GO ROBED Rumor of Southern Pacific Fight On Local Railway Franchise Denied. BEATTIE CASE NEAR FINISH Accused Virginia Banker Ex presses Confidence of Re leaseFinal Arguments. Eugeno extension will bo settled "In n few dnys." This will probubly bo when Mr. Orny visits Eugeno tomor row or Wednesdny. Ho will leuvo Portland by automobile, this coming morning nnd will como ns fnr as Eugene. In fact tho Guard has re liable Information that tho contract for tho entire distance between Sal em nud Eugeno has been let. The buying or Oregon Electric depot grounds in this city, ns printed in whose dend bodies yesterdny wore) found in the brush near tho Tumour home. The youths hnd been shot nnd their bodies covered over with leaves nnd brush. Tho chnso nftor Turnow who Is nn undo of tho mur dered boys, Is expected to ho n long; hard senrch. Turnow Is n skilled woodsmnn nnd knows ovory foot of the ground of tho uppor Sntsop nnd Wluoochoo rivers. Ho has two dnyu start of his pursuers, nnd is bollovod Snturdny's Guard, is continuation of. to bo carrying not only his own rlllo (Dy Assoclnted Press to tho Coo? Dny Times) RICHMOND. Vn., Sopt. C Judm Wm. A. Watson conferred todny with An investigation of the records ns to tho adoption of tho amendment to tho Murshlleld city charter empower ing the city council to grant fran chises, by L. A. Liljeqvlst, law part-1 1'. O. Weudenburg and J. M. Gregory, nor ior a. j. suorwoou or Coqullle, , attorneys ror the prosecution, nud attorney ror tho Southern Pnclllc In ; with II. M. Smith, Jr. nnd Hill Carter, this section, has started much com-'counsel ror tho defeiiBu In tho Dcattio ment. Mr. Llljcqvlst made his In- trial. A determination of the Duo vustUatlon nud has returned to Co- technlcnllt.es or tho law nnd lnvlnu of qulllo without mnklng any statement I tho legnl bnsls ror tho ngument or the of his purpose counsel tomorrow woro expected to Humor hud It thut tho Investlga- bo tho subjects or today's conference. Hon wns for tho purposo of making Another question that howovor wa& a legal attack on the franchlso grant- expected to bo settled by Judge Wnt ed tho C. A. Smith company. thoSlmn-'Son at the conference Is whether Hen- dents or Ferndolo complain or tho son Lumber compnny, W. S. Chnndler. lnh Hen ford nnd Pnul Denttlo should present one. Mr. Doll has n pnrty J- " Dennett nnd J. II. Flnnngnn. It be given their freedom wi,n win rnmi.i. n fm .i ,,,, J wns clnlmcd thnt tho Southern Pacific ' " " , , """'',, I wnntod tho franchise for ltsolf nnd ground between Mnrshilold nnd Lib- proposod to try and knock out tho by. ! present one. Councilman Copplo brought up fiel . Dr- R;,MI"B"8, who lias been very wiubu iu iiiu ouiiiiiuru I'uciiic interests in their operations In this section to dny omphntlcnlly domed thnt the llniTiiimii Line Federation Not reeled by Illinois Central. S N FRANCISCO, Cnl., Sopt. C The refusnl of ofllclnls of tho Illinois Central to recognlzo tho Fedorntlon of Shopmen of thnt systom will not affect the sltuntlon on tho Hnrrlmnn sve'er.) ncconllng to n Btntomont to day ly J v. KHno. president of tho Hlacksnilth's Union hero todny. quostlon or Mayor Straw's houlevnrd scheme, tho mnttcr having ovldentlv been rorgotton by the cltlzene Intor csted ns nono or thorn wore presont. No action wns tnkon but tho coun- cllmen expressed themselves ns in fr.vor of investigating tho proposi tion for n boulovnrd from Mnrshilold to Tnrheol Point providing It wns nt Ien8t -100 reet wldo. This will bo Investlgnted. Tho Prouss nnd Merchant estates were requested to Immediately mnko tho Improvement connecting up Fourth street nnd EIrod, permission ror which wns given them soinetlmo ngo. Property ownors on North Front (By Denttle'H Early View. Associated Press to Coos Day Timet. CHESTERFIELD COURTHOUSE, Vn., Sept. C. "I expect to bo homo Suporlntendont W. F. Mlllor em- COM-TU AT SACRAMENTO l-ibi v l,idtrs Will Hold Secret .Meet- in There Tonight i street nlong the hard paving woro phntlcnlly denied thnt tho 'Southern 2i " Instructed to put their shlewnlks In ! Pnclflc contomplntod any such notion ns tho rumor hnd it. Southorn Pnclflc contemplated any nt-jSll,ldny- 1 feel ,ny 8tor' hnB ,m" tnck on tho rrnnchlso. Ho stated pressed tho Jury nnd bollovo they hnt It wns not tho policy or Intention will give mo n aqunro deal." This l'hTit!?.Cni0l;f.,J":!wnB tho confident remark or Henry pony's desire to got Into this com-'CIn' Denttlo, Jr., indicted ror tho munlty on nn equitable bnsls nnd do murder of his wlfo, ns ho sat in his business hero If they could but If it j cell hero today. luijuired iikui 10 uo bo, iney wouiu not. Ho wns not nwaro of Mr. Lllje qvlst's mission but stated that ho might possibly bo getting some legal Information ror tho compnny ror ru turo rereronco. General Manager C. J .Mllllu or the local Southorn Pacll.c Inttrests could not bo ranched in connection with tho matter today. S Fit NClSCO. Sopt. 0- t C . l- t ,c HI- c. out i iHirnese of tho conference P ulmt Kline or tho DlncksmUhs I"".' 'mal Union snld today that k' cntnMves or tho International ( ' I a nt tlia l?nlliTail SIlHK i". m iinferenco horo wjll leave 'k0,1 condition within tho noxt flvo ' fcr ?acrnmonto to nttnnd , dnys. ,f( t"re there tonight boarlng ill-1 stroot Commissioner Lnwhorno r"r.:r?oZ!oni: 's'rct-, to n,- tli -"'H ' ) r was not nt llborty to give bending along tho fills on Highland nvonue. Street I Accepted. Contractor Hugh MeLnln Inst ovo nlne nsked tho council to accept Don- uiilo-.". in Chicago will be entrusted nolly nvenue paving which 1ms been to Huiie the Illinois Central shop-, jmnKinK flre ror n couplo or years. ! weirs troubles. Klluo and the other Wnen he flrst completed the Job, the 'caners this afternoon loft suddenly pminPi instructed him to wait dur- for Sacramento for tho meeting to- , tho rninv Benson to lot tho big night. It Is believed tho Sncramen- n sette before putting on tho to shopmen wnnt to strike nnd the ,,innvintr. Tho fill settled even more leaders plnn to avert tho action. Tho than wa8 anticipated nnd In order leaders will order a plnn to avert vvs, this action, (Continued on page 4.) ICIEAN SHIP SUNK; 32 DIE j Ninety Others Saved When Charter Is Accepted. j The Mnrshilold city council Inst ovonlng pnssed n resolution nccept lug the charter of tho Terminal Railway, tho organization effected by . (Dy Asooclat 1 Press to the Coos Day Vessel Goes Down Off Coast of Peru. the C. A. Smith Lumber compnny, tho Simpson Lumber company, W. S. Chandler and J. II. Flanagan nud Times.) LIMA. Peru, Sept. 6. A tele gram today trom the purser or the this report. Mr. Gray will, on this visit, look'over tho city with n view to asking ror further street frnn chlsos In addition to the one tho Ore gon Electric now IkiIiIb on Fifth street, over whFcfi tho rond will en- tor tho city. "Developments In tho matter of tho Hill lino to Florence nnd Coos Dny from Eugene, nro coming fnst. Iu rnct tho Hill peoplo nro working nil nrotind tho Southern Pnclflc mon, nnd nro tying up rights-of-way nil along their lino through the moun tains nnd on tho Slusluw. In sonio places thoy have secured property that the Southern Pacific ought to havo If thoy really Intond to build a rnllrond. Pinter Urns. Dusy. "Work on tho III11 road to tho const will bo commenced this fnll and will bo dono by Porter Dros., tho contractors, who were nlso tho pro moters of tho Hill road nlong tho Deschutes river In Enstorn Oregon. "Tho Southern Pnclflc shows no unusunl activity, except tliat thoy havo a lnrgo forco or surveyors scnt tored from hero to Coos Dny, nnd their rTght-of-wny men nro busy in that section between Eugeno nnd tho mountains. Whntover progross Is boing mado In this respect Is being guarded carefully although It Is known thnt considerable right-of-way has been purchased nud paid for. "It la tho Southorn Pacific's an nounced Intention to begin confciruc tlon on tho flrst twenty miles of rond out ot Eugeno Just ns soon ns the rlglit-ot-wny Is secured. This will tnko them out to their flrst tunnel through tho mountains, which will bo quite n long one. The Coos Dny road Is to leavo tho main lino or tho McClnron tract west or tho city lim its, nnd It Is supposed thoy will, close their option on that 10 ncres or land on or before September 14 whe.i It oxpires. Thl3 wjuld s'vo them ample room for yards, round house nnd ropalr shops for the oporatlon or their const rond ns wall ns tho Xaton extension to th-a ciibt." hut also a rifle and shot gun used by; tho Dnuer boys on their bear hunt ing expedition. win m of go o s N ARE IN KOSKItUKG. J. W. Dennott to build tho Hue for Chilean steamer Tucapel, says It was which they were recently granted a wrecked near Qullca and thirty-two rranchlse in Marshfleld. The chnr ter shows tho incorporators to bo Arno Mereen, W. S. Chandler, J. H. Wlnsor and the capital stock to be $200,000. The compuny Is empow ered to build nnd operate railways (Continued on page 4.) were drowned nnd ninety saved. OI tho drowned, nine were passengers. You ought to buy your HAY and FEED or HAINES. A TUltinsn DATn will do you GOOD. Phone 214-J. Messrs. Never nnd Aston Confer With T. H. Slierldnn. Tho Rosoburg News says: "Messrs. Novers nnd Aston, who nro known In Marshfleld ns tho "Independent Surveyors." nrrlved In Roseburg Inst night to spend a couplo or dnys look ing niter business Interests. These gentlemen cnused quite a stir SALE OF CORNER OF DROADWAV AND CENTRAL AVENUE TO NORTH IHCND MAN FOR $lJ,n) REPORTED CONCLUDED. It was announced todny thnt tho negotiations for tho snlo of tho M. P. Gulovson corner nt tho southwost cornor or Drondwny nnd Central nvo nuo hnd boon closed. C. S. Wlnsor. cnshler ol tho Dnnk ol Oregon nt North Rond, Is tho purchaser, Tho price ol tho corner which has fifty foot frontago on Drondway and ono hundred-foot' frontngo on Contrnl nvenue, Is understood to hnvo bcou $23,500. Tho property Is ono of tho most desirable unimproved pieces la Mnrshilold. Who Mr. Wlnsor hns associated with him or whether ho la buying It for hlmsoir alone hns nob been announced. Nolthor hns It been nnnounccd whnt tho purchasers' In tentions nro but It Is expected thnt It will bo Improved shortly on ac count of tho advantageous location. COAST LEAGUE HALL SCORES. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times. ) PORTLAND, Oro Sept. C. Yos torday's scores In tho Coast Leaguo woro ns follows: At Snn Francisco R If. Vernon San Francisco . , ., A T ro A ...,! Ctolti w nwa iiiuiva Oakland . . . Los Angoleg . . JKS 8 At Sacramento R II Portlnnd 0 13 Sacrnmonto 4 5 - LtfebtiKnttiL: . ffsflilfSaBBBBBBBBBBV VV&k&vlillllllllllVS GETS TWENTY YEARS. New York Dell Hoy Sentenced For Murder Today. '" (Dy Associated Press to Coos DaJ Times. NEW YORK. Sept. 5. Pnul Got. In del the bell boy who was convicted Marshfleld a few days ago, when they or tho murder or William II. Jack arrived there quite unexpectedly, and I BHi the broker, was sentenced to WWAAflAWWWWWVWVVVWWAw' servo not less than twenty years ta (continued on paeo 4.) tho state prison. REMEMBER THAT GOOD-LUCK ABIDES ONLY WITH HIM WHO DESERVES IT A i wmm