THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4,1911 EVENING EDITION. 4 N 1 - v ICC MP MAM ADHD R ft V C iiiuuHiu ninn Lfiuun urn iu IS DROWNED HOT OBSERVED Body of J. L Macjness of Port- No program or Exercises For LOVE DIVDRGE I . ME DECIDED;: I Local Overflow Q. at'UOVSON arrived homo toda from n business trip to Portland, d land Found Two Other Rose City Men Missing PORTLAND, Ore, Sunt. 4. Float ing with fuco iiii-tiirnecl In the river bcshlo housobont No. 17. nt tho Ore gon Yncht club lngoon, Just north of tho Oaks; the body of J. Lloyd Alng ncss, missing cashier of the bnggago Holiday on Coos Bay To dayBanks Close. Today Is Labor Day tout aside from the banks closing and tho nostoillcu observing holiday hours, thoro was no particular observance of It on Coos Huy. Few of the unions aside from the longshoremen maintain a department at the Union Depot, was local branch hero and to this fact was found with no signs of violence upon It and with n wntch and n small sum of money In tho pockets of his clothes. Ho had been missing a lit tle over four days nnd tho body was recovered within two dnys of the time set for his wedding. A feature of tho case Is that the discovery was mado by Henry Itltchle. agent for n life Insurance company, who a few ntontliB ago Issued a policy upon Mugucss. The clrcuntstnuccS found about the body havo been ac cepted by all concerned is showing accidental death, perhaps brought about by n vertigo arising from the violent headaches to which tho man wns subject Tho place wher" the body was discovered Is nearly on a right lino Inshore from tho drodgo 'where his canoo was found entangled in tho moorings. J. Lloyd Magness, after tolophon Ing to Miss Xlmi Joy, daughter of Councilman Joy, nnd his Intended bride, Hint he had a headache and wns going for a row In an effort to overcome it dropped out of sight Tuesday evening. Hotel Man Missing, Mental aberration, which cnuses liim to wander about the city, Is tho reason of tho dlsappenranco of Char Jos W. Jones, assistant manager of tho Oregon Hotel, It Is believed by tho partyrthat searched for tho iiiIbs lng man. Tho private papers nnd business nffnlrs of Jones wero thor oughly investigated. Nothing wns found that would Indicate a motive for Jones leaving Portland. Lou vie Cafe Man Cone. Moro profound nt every turn grows tho uiyBtory shrouding the disap pearance of Theodoro K. Kruno, wonltliy onfo nnd hotel-owner of this city, who vanished on tho morning of August 21. With nil Ills llnanclal nffnlrs In excellent shnpo and with those who have had business or so cial relations with hint speaking high ly of him as n methodical, exact nnd sober-minded man, his friends nro dumbfounded nt the unusual circum stances of the enne, "Honry Cross, n Portland resident of 23 West Humboldt avenue, called nt tho Louvre Ilestnurnut nnd said Hint ho had seen Kruso In Seattle, at tho Rathskeller, at p. m., August 22, tho day after Mr. Kruso tolo graphed from Seattle to Mrs. Kruso In Portland. Ho said Mr. Kruso was in tho compnny of a tall, slender man probably due the failure to havo u program. West's Proclamation. Governor West's Labor Day procla mation was as follows: "Whereas, The .Legislature of tho stato of Oregon has set apart and ap pointed tho Ilrst Monday In Septem ber of each year as Labor Day, and has declared the same to bo a public holiday, and, "Whereas, Labor In nil Its scope and meaning (s tho cornerstone and foundation upon which rests tho solid nnd enduring prosperity, growth and advancement of our stato and nation, and "Wheieas, It Is lilting and Just that wo pause occasionally In tho midst of our varied activities and give a thought to the potency, meaning and honor of conscientious and use ful toll. "Now, therefore, I, Oswnld West, Governor of tho state of Oregon, by virtue of the power and authority In mo vested, to hereby proclaim Mon day, September -I, 1011, us Labor Day, and I do hcieby recommend that it bo so observed within tho borders of the stato, wherever possible, by the cessation of business, both pub lie and private and by tho observance of fitting ceremonies by citizens eve rywhere; nnd I would further recom mend that (lugs bo displayed upon all public buildings in recognition of that honor Justly duo to nil thoso who labor for the progress nnd good of this, our magulllcout commonwealth." Decree x Refused Former Wealthy New York Broker by Baker City Judge. HAKI3K. Ore., Sept. .With a rul ing to the effect that tho bonds of matrimony now existing between tho plaintiff andt defendant shall not be and nrc not dissolved, and that the suit shall be dismissed, Circuit Court Judge William Smith settled the fa mous (II voice suit of Sidney C. Love, the ox-inllllonnlro Chicago and Now York clubmnu and broker, against his wlfo, Mnrjorlo Humes Love, conceded the most beautiful woman In America. . S. WINSOU and son of North Bend wero Marshflold visitors today. G. aiLBEIlTSON of Glondalo, Ore gon, Is on the Tidy looking 'nftlM' l his extensive holdings on the east side of tho Bay. ' MISS RUDY W ATKINS loayiis t"JU week for The Dalles, "'Oregon, where sho will nttend school tho coming year, mnklng hor homo with hor aunt, Mrs. Bayard, a sis tor of Judgo Wntklns. COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORES. POKTLAND, Ore., Sept. 4. Sun day's games In tho Coast Leaguo rc- atiltnrl nn fnllmva fv in nis mining or rnci, .inuge sniun,; Oakland Portland ON NOVEL IBIP W nil tho way through, Hilda In fnvor of tho plaintiff, Lovo, but evidently his reason for not grunting the deeiee Is shown In paragraph 10. wherein ho states that since ho left England on September 27, 1!09, Lovo lias not sought reconciliation with his wlfo Id uumlstnkable terms, litis not provided a home or sought to relieve her mind with reference to tho future, nnd baa not ctcutcd a condition such ns his wlfo would accept, without thinking that sho would hazard her own happiness by so doing. In a lengthy opinion, tho Judge points out that the prldo of the de fendant was broken after tho loss of his fortunp and that he was entitled to more consideration from the mem bers of his family than the evidence shows ho received. Ho takes a lllng nt Mrs. Love's claim that her husband was a gam bler, when by her own testimony It was shown that sho had purchased a gambling outfit for him, paying $1,000 for It. Ho also trcatn lightly her claim that she tried to divcrt'hls mind from drink In tho Immoral pasttlmu of gambling. '- ' "If they renlly loved each otirer," ho said, "no quarrel ovor such a tri vial matter ns tho baby's food could havo separated them." ."Don't bo nshamed to do niiythlng that will Improve your personal ni pcarancc," Is Lillian Husfiol's advise to women, Evor mot n woman who needed urging of that kind? H H Oakland (Second gnme.) ' Portland Oakland At Los Angeles ' San Francisco ....'..... ' Los Angeles (Second game.) Snu Francisco Los Angeles At Sncrnmonto Vernon Sacramento ', (Second game.) Vernon Sacramento Hntmtliiy'H (Sanies.' Saturday's games In the League resulted ns follows: At Oakland Portland Oakland At Sacramento Vernon Sacramento At Los Angeles Sun Francisco Los Angeles iWr. . . V :s l it o I ft J i r. 7 . 1 II 9 10 " S 10 11 0 10 12 Coast n 1 0 R 7 1 n 5 0 H o 3 II 11 I H 12 10 A TURKISH llATn will do you GOOD. Phono 214-J.' "- Road tho Times' Want Ads. Don't Miss This Chance to $2 $35 C. N. McLean Who Claims to Have Sustained Broken Neck on Wager Tour. C. N. McLean of Kansas City, Mo., one of tho few men who hnvo recov ered from a broken neck nnd Is able to be about, Is now at Tho Chandler. He claims to bo on n novel trip, trav eling on n wnger Involving $25,000 Woven years ago, ho alleges he sus tained a broken neck in Kansas City. Ills recovery nnd especlnlly tho re gaining of ability to walk and bo around without oven the uso of crut ches Is one of tho marvels of medical annals. The effects of his Injury is noticeable from his bearing, being compelled to hold his head In a half stooping posture. The wager on which ho now clnlnu to bo traveling was tho result of a controversy among Knnsas City nion as to the possibilities of advertising among tho various classes of people. He is to tour 1,000 of the principal cities and points of interest In North Amerlcn, South Amorlcn, Europe, Asia and Australia. He is to take orders for souvenir enrds to bo bent i t Pillii tlirt Vnvlnna uln oao ti mml In 1!i T:i ! " 1 ' ..vWO ..w,..v ..4 quality, uiveii u .vim wivo ,h0 ,ncoa ne hng nIroady vUlt01, nnrt B now SUit, you eail't ail'oi'd nt tho same time compile n boolt from to miss this bargain. AVeai'I'j'sesperioncoa. a suit of quality for what'aml nIb0 ft heuvy.sot imuli Il0 ,lin. you would pay for a i'hoap;,tV 110tIcert Jlr. ,CniM! ln lmialng ni Shoddy Working SUit. Also A the party was ontorlng tho lostnu- rnut and had no conversation with him. j Since sending tho telegram from Seattle; absolutely no other clew which might load to tho discovery of his whereabouts has been unearthed. tend tho Times Want Ads rPESSI0NAL DIRECTOR Y rn. cTcTrAnnC PliyMclaii ami Surgeon. OIllco 209-210 Coko Building. Phones: Residence 1MIL; OIllco 1(12 J Many n Suffering Woman. Drags herself painfully through her dally taslts, suffering from backache, headache, uorvousnesa, loss of nppc tlto nnd poor slcop, not knowing hor Ills nro duo to kidney nnd bladder troubles. Foley Kidney Pills glvo quick relief from pnln nnd misery nnd a prompt return to health nnd strength. No woman who so suf fers can afford to overlook Foloy Kid noy PllU. For ealo by Bed Cross Drug Storo. $14.75 buys any of our $20 suits. $17.50 'buys any of our $25 to suits. The Famous High Art Clothing Made by Strouse & Bros., Baltimore, Md., absolutely guaranteed to be of the best on the market in style, fit and Blanchard's Livery wo novo Becuroa the itvory uusi tiess of L, H. Hclsner nnd aro pre parod to render excellent sorvlco t the peoplo of Coos Bny. Cnrcfu drivers, good rigs and everything 'tint will moan satisfactory service to tbo public. Phono us for a driving hom. a rig or anything needed Ir tho livery lino. Wo also do o trucking business of all kinds, HLANCHAHD BROTHERS. Livery, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First and Aldor Streets. Phono 138-J J. XV. BENNRTT, Lawyer. Office ovor Flnnngan & Bennett Bnnk inrshflcld Orogon DH. J. T. McCOIlMAO, PhvalMnn nnd flnrinnn Marshfleld, Oregon. Jfllco: Lockhart Building, opposite Post Ofllce. Phono 105-J D" A. C. BURROUGHS, Scientific Massaglst, Treats all diseases OIllco, cornor Second nnd Central Avonuo. Office hours 11 to 12 a. m. 2 to 5 p. in. few from 2o to, $30. Overcoats While They Last $17 50 Cull early nnd got your pick 95.00 nnd $1.30 Packard Shoes $;i.3 $2.00 and $1.30 Cluett Shirts. .81.35 $2.00 and $1.30 $3.00 Kingsbury Hats $2.35 Big reduction on other goods too numerous to mention. DO J I If you have anytning to sell, trade. Comer Broadwau & Central rent or wnt help, try a want ad. notice to fishermen. We want fresh salmon nnd are prepared to pay tho highest cash price for thorn. For further parti culars see C. G. IIOCKETT, Empire City, oi GEO. F. SMITH. Coos River After the sbow try a Turkish Bath Phone 214-J. Have That Roof Fixed NOXV See CORTHELL Phone 3121 r It. A. .1. HENDRY'S -' Modern Dental Parlors. X'o aro equipped to do high class work on short notlco nt tho vary lowest prices. Examination froo. Lady attendant, Coko building, oppo site Chandler hotel. Tn. II. n. MOOHE, Chiropractor. -' Chronic Diseases n Specialty 203 Coos Bldg Phono 81-L Office Pours 1 to G; 6:30 to 7:30 Sunday 3 to 5 pR. G, XV. LESLIE, Osteopathic Phyolclan Graduate of the American school of Osteopathy nt Klrksvllle, Mo. Offlte In Eldorado Blk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phone 1C1-J; Marshfleld: Oregon. "FIFIELD" THE OXLY XX'AV TO 'FRISCO BAY" The Steamer Fifseld WILL SAIL FROM BANDON FOR. SAN FRAN CISCO, AT 1 1 O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY TICKETS FOR SALE AND IXIORMATIOX AT IIILLYER'S CIGAR STORE. We Are Selling Fall Suits -Selling Lots of Them 'Two Reasons 1st, We Are Showing Without Question The Swell est "Styles and Nobbiest Patterns Ever Seen Here 2nd, "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. MARSIIFIELD BAN DON 9 First National Bank OF COOS BAY AT MAHSHFIELI). OREGOX, Capital and surplus and profit's $107,000.00 Total ! resources;' .-vr.r: v . . . . . 535,000.00 United States Depository for Postal Savings Does a general banking business, Interest paid on time and savings deposits, OFFICERS: Y, ui viiuiiui, m w, ,iw,iu,, uuiuur iiciiCI President, Vice-President, Cashier, DIRECTORS: W, S, Chandler, John S, Coke, W, U, Douglas,' x Wm, Grimes, John F, Hall, S, C, Rogers, F, S, Dow, W, P, Murphy, M, C, Horton, Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $100,000 Assets Over $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits "THE PRIEXU OP COOS HAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS CONNECTING WITU THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT PORTLAND Sails from Portland for Coos Bay, Tuesday, Sept. 5 NORTH PAJIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE 44 o. P. McQEOROE, Agent PAST AND COSLMOIHOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sail from Marshfield for San Francisco Tues.,Sept. 5, 3:30 p. m. 1NTEH-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phone 44 o. P. McQEORGB, Agent. EQUIPPED WITn WIRELESS Steamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS PROM PORTLAND AT 0 A. M. ON SEPTEMBER 3, 8, 13, 10 AND 2(1 AT 8 P. M, SAILS FROM COOS RAY AT SERVICE OP THE TIDE ON SEP. TEMRER 5, 10, 10, 23 AND 30. L. 11. KEATING, AGENT PHONE MAIN 3S-L DRA1N-C00S BAY AUTO LINE VIA ALLEGANY NOW READY POR HUSIXESS LEAVES .MARSHFIELD DAILY ROAT L'EAVES ALERT LAXDIXG, MARSHFIELD ff:0 A. "' COXXECTING WITH SOUTHERN PACIFIC NORTH UOU.VD TRAIN AT DRAIN. TICKETS FOR SALE AND INFORMATION AT THE IJISY COR NER DRUG STORE, PHONE 2 mt FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBURG Our nutos, leaving MarshHeld nt O o'clock every morning, con nect with tho evening train to Portland. Fare $0.00. COOS BAY ROSEBURG BT.A GE LINE OTTO SOnETTER, Agent, C. P. BARNARD, 120 MARKET AV Marshfleld. Agent, ROSEBURG, Ore. PHONS 11 MW WUHL' Ut' I H"'mw wmafuiMwww'