7?,E H0,S..!Y ES' MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1911 EVENING EDITION. M $ :L Fall Suits! 'Alt t. UKt , , , t -a. ,, , ,fj, , ,(l UlJ ,0v, n tjrir JV fall .line, of Clothcraft is , inan .announcemeQt that illj nicanniuch to you when you once know these Mies, ' ' "t f No other line in America, bears such a guarantee ! We cansuit you and fit you at $J5.00, .ftZO.QP and $25.00 is hoped to complete It beforo winter rains. tlio Father Dies. J. 13. Kelly, former ly of this city but more recently lo cated In Dnndon, has been summon cd tr ills old home In Kliedlve, Penn., by tie B.4d iiowb of tlio death of his fnl! or there. ) Ask.toJSee No. 4130 Clothcraft Mm Serge Special, $18.5p. ' i l v.it Woolen Mill Stflte M . 'M i.in MILL-TO-MAN CLOTHIER MSOTITjXD 4S Sfeta. 1 1 d-srt" a- 4: .. m -atst IWN f-K THE RIGHT WRITING PAPER YOU WILL HE SATISFIED KVKItV TIME YOU WBITE A LETTEB ON MUCH STATIONERY AS WE ARE BELLING, FOR ALL OUH PAPEBS ARE WELL MADE, KVE.V IN THE CHEAPER GRADES. ' ' ' WR MAKR L1S PROFIT ON SUCH PAPERS BUT, WR CAB BY GOODS WHICH W CAN TAKE PRIDE iN'sELLlNri. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF FINE WHITING PAPEBS AND ENVELOPES. Lcckhart-Parsons Drug Co. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded. Till: BUSY COBNEB phone am The Royal TONIOHT Tlio following Is tlio lino program of moving plcturoa: "FOBOED DISPATCH" (Imp.) 'CATTLE BUSTLEBS" "THE STAMPEDE" (Imp.) (A Beautiful anil Touching Story of, tho Civil War.) "THE- BBONCO BUSTEB" (Bison) f . i ! ...if, : i ! "j i ',. i ! II I ' l . s. ! UUJ&fiUN. : i -tMMIrD MtL ,,, I 4 r M fiorjyr (n.nery Crew. Snm Nuss, tho Co qutl.o cannorymnn, and his wife ar rived hero today from Portland. A crow of ChlneBo salmon packers also camo in and it was understood that they were for his cannery. Personal Notes MBS. J. W. DENNETT left Saturday for a short outing at Ten Mile. W. T. IIUMMEBT loft today for Port laud after a short stay in this section. THAYER GRIMES is ablo to bo about again after being laid up for sot oral days. Ludlcs Aid Outing. Tho Ladles' Aid Society of tho Lutheran church hnvo planned an outing up Catching Inlet- to Jxlox Matson's plnco to be held Wednesdny, Soptombor C, leav ing Marshflold on tho steamer Mil llcoma at 9:30 a. m. Two Autos. Tho Broakwater to day brought in two new 1912 Hudson models, both 33 h.p. They nro tlio first Hudson 1912 models to reach (ho coast. Ono Is for' C. S. Wlnsor of North Ilond find tho other for n Mr. Williams, living on Catching Inlet. First Cranberries. D. M. Bozln today brought' in tho first homo grown cranberries of tho season. They nro tho early black varloty. Ho says tho prospcctB aro for a very good crop this year.. Tho other varloty will bo rlpo in about two Weeks. His ranch' is In tho Sand Hill section. . B. It. JONES, J. H, Stermer nnd Mr, Bomlngton left on tho Roscburg stago for Boscburg. HUJO QUIST entortalned a party ot friends at tho houseboat on South Coos Blvor yesterday. E. L. RODINSON and Eric Bolt are at Golden Falls making a spoclal survey of that section. F. C. TRUE nnd wife and baby oC Coqulllo woro over-Sunday guests at tho O. O. Lund homo. DEN CHANDLER will leavo tomor row for Eugono to rcsumo his course at the University of Oregon. Wed Saturday. C. E. Whltworth, a rancher near Port Orford, arid Miss Ilattlo J. McLaurln of 'South Inlol ' ' 'J . . . . L ' -1 woro marriou by Justico Ponnock. at lifs ofllco Saturday afternoon. Tho brldo rocenlly proved up on a h6mo- itead but they will go to Port Orford to resldo on tho groom's ranch. DUNCAN DOUGLAS will leavo flooa for Corvallls to attend Oregon Agricultural collogo tho coming year. ANGELA MAY, tho Comic Opora Star, will open hor ongagoment at Tho Boyal Sunday I evening, Soptombor 10. i PRICK 10 CENTS TO ANY 1'AItX OF HOUSE Cbango of programs each night. 0. J. LEMANSKI, Prop. Beaver Hill Coa MOUNT 1)1 ABU) ND .IOSSON CEMENT. Tho best Doimn.lo oA Importod brands. Plaitor, Llmo, Drlck nud ull Kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTn BROADWAY. PHONE 20J WAXTKDGood Housekeeping Mag' zlne roqulros tho services of a representative in Mnrshileld, Oro., to look after subscription reriow ls and to extond circulation by special methods which havo prov ed unusually successful. Salary nd commission. Previous exporl nco deslrablo, but not essential. "Whole tlmo or spare tlmo. Ad dress, with reforencos, J.. Fair- oanks, Good Housekeeping Maga Elne, 381 Fourth Ave., Now York City. plotoly furnished; two lots at Day Park. P.O. Box 132. FOB RENT "Furnished flat, modem conveniences. Phono 233-X. FOB BENT Small houso In South Marshflold ?G por month. Apply "C" caro Times. FOB SALE Two team horscsj ono pair with wagon and harness, cheap. T. J. Gardner, Llbby. Notice to Fishermen Allco II will mnko dally trips from Coos River to Pick Up Salmon nud will stop nt any landing. Flshormou shipping fish by Allco H can travol free during Hailing sonson. Cash will bo paid for flsh at tho dock or at tho Allco II any tlmo. Lower Day flsh will bo takon caro of by launch Mawmoll. (Signed) J. J. REYNOLDS. Mgr. and Solo Owner. Council Tuesday. Tho Marshflold city council will mcot Tuesday ovo nlng to tako up various joBy matters Lease Property. P. A. McNnbb, who recently niovod horo from .Port land, hns leased tho Ayro proporty recently bought by tho Marshflold Elks and will occupy It. 'Mr. Ayro nnd family movod to near Ninth and Flauagan. Mr. McNnbb is a mombor of tho Vancouvor lodgo of Elks and has been ongngod In tho lumber nnd logging business on tho Columbia Blvor. ()K'iiH New Olllce. Arthur E. Polloxfou, well-known on Coos Bn writes that ho has opouod a now olllro nt No. 3 Market street which Is just across finm tho Ferry building nnd a convenient plnco for nny Coos Ilny ites visiting In San Francisco to drop In nnd mnko their hendnuartors havo tholr mnll sont, otc. Mr. Polloxfou Is now gonornl manngor of tho Sa cramento Vnlley Farms Co., hnudllng somo of tho finest Irrigated land In California. Coiulron Gets Contract. Walter Condron with sovornl in on nnd teams loft this morning for Coqulllo whoro ho has socured tho contract for grad ing the chango of tho local railway to tho waterfront right-of-way which tho company recently secured. Ho must first clonr tho land beforo. start ing tho grading. Tho work has beon delayed by tho throat of invoking the referendum on tho action ot tho city council but tho matter was finally adjusted. Tho work will now be rushed with all ppsslblo speed as It Grimes Coming. Dorsoy Kroltzor this morning rocolved n telegram from Wm. Grimes stating that ho and Mrs. Grime? expect to leave this wcok tor Coos Bay and will reach hero somotlmo noxt weok. They woro d3 tallied In Ohio on account of Mrs. Or inos not being well enough to ti3V Pi. MBS. JENNIE DAVIDSON, who ua- derwent an operation last weok at Mercy hospital, Is rapidly 'Improv ing. BRV. FATHER MUNRO, tho Catho- ' lie 'priest' for tlio Marshflold par ish, arrived horo on tho Broak water today. EDGAB SCHWARTZ, who has beon A 'guest at tho II. S. Towor home, will loavo tomorrow for his hom at Fresno, Cal. Mndo u lilt. Tho Clark Comedy company which has boon playing nt tho Boyal theatre?, inado n decided hit. Manager Lomanskl snys that Saturday night they drew nn audlonco of' ovor COO and Sunday nllit as many more and that tho audlohce np penrod Immensoly plonsed with tholr program. 0ktii Singer Here. Angola May, a celebrated opora slngor who Is touring tho country In an automobile nnd who will nrrlvo dlroct from Now York City, will nppoar at Tho Boyal Thoatro In this city noxt Sundny ovo ning. This Is tho novel "Overlnnd" professional trip that has crontod widespread Intorest nnd In ovory city crowds havo awaited hor coming nnd tho thoatios, havo been full to overflowing. Making Progress. It. F. Marshall writes from Los Angolos to W. A. Gllmnro, In N,orth Bond thnt he Is making progress with tho Universal Forco Mnchlno of which ho Is ono of tho patentees and In which a num ber of Coos Day people Including J lid go Hall, aro lntorosted. Mr. Marshall has opened olllcos on Enst Fourth street, Los Angolos, nnd Is gottlng estimates on manufacturing machines. Tho mattor of Incorporat ing nnd building n factory Is nlso be ing considered. , FRANK BUBKHOLDEB nnd wife. Miss Eva Sugg nnd Clnudo Moon autocd from Coqulllo hero Sunday nnd visited friends. 13. W. KAMMEBBB nnd wlfo have returned from Myrtlo Point whoro Mrs. Knmmoror has boon spondlng a few weoks for tho bonoflt of her health. A. BROWN, who recontly undor wont an oporntlon at Morcy hos pital for nppondlcltlB Is recuporat lug rapidly and expects to rotum homo today. II. B. DOIE and A. R. Dolderston of Spokane nro looking ovor tho Coo Dny section. Mr. Dole's brother Is n railroad contractor nnd visited tho Dny recontly. MRS. F. E. HAGUE roturnod on tho Bronkwntor today from a sovornl weeks' visit with relatives in'Brit Ish Columbia Points, on Pugot Sound nnd In Portland. UM'Ei).To in,y or ie)is0 ,iary "nch with stock. Give full par ticulars address J. M. P., 210 S. 8cool St., LodI, Cal. nA at 8 heml sU'ck P'" F,Ildcr 'H be rewarded by returning to u A "award, Blanco hotel. sT--8ninll Pocket account book containing record of work ot Jteamer Alert. Reward for return Capt. Edward's or Times' office. KSALB-Comfortable home coiii-i WANTED A competent girl for gen oral housework to go to 3an Fran risen. Annlv to Mrs. II. II. Mc- Phorson, 334 Pino St. FOR SALE First-class liorso nud buggy. Cheap If taken immedia tely. Address 'N. D.' caro Times. FOR BENT Furnished flat of flvo rooms, modern conveniences. Ap ply 703, 3rd St., John Ellorby. WANTED 81x steady boarders nt corner 2nd and Central. Close In. Price reasonable Mis. N. M. Matson. FOR SALE My farm 000 acres in ono lot or will cut up In parcels to suit, 0. W, Santord, Marshfleld. WANTED experienced col tuln ers Beaver Hill Company. Fruits and Vegetables Read this appetizing list ot Fresh things tor tho tablo that will tonipt tho Jaded appetite and PHONE YOUR ORDER . for a ceiits , .1150 LARGE COOS BAY CUCUMBERS BLACKBERRIES, 1 boxes for Pineapples Fears Cantaloupes. GRAPHS, Muscat, Seedless,. Tokny, Black. Apples Peaches Plums Oranges Why Beans String IJtans Head Lettuce Tomatoos r Sweet Potatoes Beets Carrots Parsnips Artichokes Hubbard Squash Egg Plant Green Corn - Cnbbngo Watermelons. Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones 85 and 305 r Raines Fine Peaches. J. E. Nonh, who bought the Thomas Blano ranch on North Coos River, was In town to day with somo of tho finest peaches, not evening barring tho famous pro ducts of tho peach growing sections, over seon on tho Day. Thoy aro largo, ot lino color nnd flavor. Ho has eighteen trees boarlng this yenr and already gathered ton apples boxes of peacheatromthem. Hosaysthutthls year's crop proves that poacnj canbo grown In commercial quantities and plans to put out a big orchard of thorn. While peaches havo beon rnls od In this soctlon, thoy havo novor been produced in largo quantities and novor of tho size, quality and flavor of those shown by Mr. Noah today It Is likoly that a samplo ot thorn will bo sent in tho exhibit to tho stnto fair. E. C. CHASE and wlfo will lenvo to morrow for tholr homo In Port laud. Mr. Chaso has beon looking after tho interests of tho Union Fishorles company in this soctlon. MRS. J. C. 8WINFORD nnd dnughtor loft East St. Louis yestordoy for homo. Thoy will visit n fow days nt Wolsor, Idaho, and will probnbly not roach horo beforo noxt wook. MRS. EUOENB O'CONNELL, who hns beon spondlng a fow wooko nt the homo of hor daughtors, Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Richardson In Portland, Is now vlsltfng mombors of tho Hnguo family at Vancouvor, D. C. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT. A meeting of 0. D. Clrclo No. 1CI Is called for Soptombor 5th, 1911, at 7:30 p. m., to ballot on now mom bors and transact other business. NORA DALY, 0. N. DERBY Thru Us flavor won Its favor. I Don't forget the Turkish Baths. PHONE 914-J. MRS. I. L. WE1TZEL nnd mother Mrs. KIsport and daughter of North Bond, loavo on tho Bodondo for San Diego, Cal., to spond tho wlntor. Tho trip is mado in hope ot benefitting tho health of Mrs. KIsport. II. D. SMOAK, formorly of North Bond but now residing at Glonada, nonr Floronco, loft yesterday for his homo after a short stay hero. Ho roports groat activity by sur veyors and right of wny mon there, ono of the proposed routes run ning right through his rosldonca proporty. MRS. GUY WARNER and baby, hor mother and other relatives, who, havo been spondlng tho summoi horo, will leavo this weejt fpr Cal ifornia whero they will spend n month or six weoks. Mr. Warner will Join thoin later to spond his vacation there. Ho will visit his brother, J .E. Warner, formerly clork at tho Blanco hotel but now proprietor of a gonornl storo at Cores, Cal. P r