EOTF9HHI THE COOS BAY TIMES, llIARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBlR 4,1911 EVENING EDITION. Li. "A n COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONKY DAN E. MALONEY Editor and Pub. News Editor Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIAIK8. Marshllcld :: :: :: :: Oregon Dedicated to tho sorvlce cf tbo pooplo, that no good causa shall lack a champion, and that ovll shall not thrive unopposed. Entered at tho postoflice at Marsu lo!d, Oregon, for transmission Jhr,ough tho malls as second class tnall matter. Au Independent Kopubltaan news paper published every evening except Sunday, and wookly by The, .Coos Uny Tlmos Publishing Co, WITH THE X TOAST A IV D TEA X . GOOD EVENING. 4 Kind words are tho music of , tho world. Fober. . BLESSINGS SUBSCRIPTION KATES. DAILY. Onoyoar $6.00 Per menth 60 WEICLY. One yoar 11.50 ' Whon paid strictly In adv.ance the ubsorlptlen prico of tho Coos Bay Times la 45.00 p-ir year or 12.50 (or1 ift'S.PJP?- ... OFFICIAL rIJKK ftF THE CTTY OF MAR8HFIELW. Official Paper of Coos County T JIB 1JI of Joo Dnyi.dson, a young Jmorlcan sculptor who refuses to Vo clasflffled .b'.ut 'whoso Work had 'already gained wido reputation, Is of Interest in relntlbn to tho alwnyB baf fling, question of tho proper or Ideal fl'nvlronmont f6r an artist. "" 'Bavicjuon Aha come up from pov erty nnd obscurity 'and h'nB apparently yw,on success without courting It. Ho Us mnlnjy solf-tnught, and has made ra placo for himself while cnrofully instructed art atiulonts are still .utruggllnK for recognition. Ho bf gnn earning hlH own living whon ho nyns 1C years old and not only sup iportcd himsolf but gavo part of hts earnings to his fnmlly. Ho has gono hungry and slept on park bonchos yet In splto of this, or perhnps bo cnuho of It, ho has Hucnvodotl. That ho has comu close to the heart of humnnlty his various pieces Dhow plainly: And tho thoorlst Is '"anoved to doclaro that this li n result " .of hla oxporlonco In tho real struggle tfor oxistonco. But nlong with tho big, totorant appreciation for tho bur 16ns of life soon In his "Till." "Tho '' Enrth." and "Tho End of Hay," (thoro Ib n carofrud oxub-jrnnco and Joy of living In his "Vlclory," "Night," nnd "A Uusslan Duncor." Thoro aro possibly no rules and formulas for tho workings of gonlus but it Is refreshing to llml nn artist unomblttored by tho hardships of lira own Hfo, to boo him nblo to Interpret aymimthollcnlly tho heavy bunion of toll nnd tho othorcnl beauty of mo tion and tho fulliu of Joy In living. PorhnpH It Ih Iwonuno of bin ovn bnjil Hchoollng In whh of obKcini'.v and jiorhnpH iikiiIii It Ih only by tbo lllH of IiIh Illuminating gouluH. ALONG THE WATHRI'ROXT. Tho Proaldunt Is In from tho Co iilllo with lumbor and gunoral freight. Tho Uott'oe Ih In from tho Sluslnw with fliili and will take a enrgo of morcbnndlso back with hop. Tho Itaudolph is in from ltoguo rlvor with a cargo of wool. Sho will lake guuentl merchaudlHO buck. Tho Nairn Smith and Palsy Mit chell sallod lato Saturday afternoon for tho south with cargoes from tbo C. A. Smith mill. Tho Saginaw got to sea nbout 7 o'clock Saturday ovcnlng. Whllo go ing down tho Bay, bIio struck on the shoal opposlto tho Cold Storage plant. It'B what I thank Cod foreachnlght A llttlo cabin that's mlno by right, The strength of a man for work or fight, And food and light. It's what I thank God for each day A wife with novor too much to say; A wlfo, a dog, nn a child for play, For those I'd pray. I thank God for tho land I tread, A plpo to smoko and an easy bod, Tho .thatch I mndo that's over my head, And dally bread. i I .thnnk God for an Irish namo, And a son of mine to bear' tho same, My pwn to loyo nnd nono to blame, No moro I'd claim. Watkins' Pony Slough Reflections SOME STRENUOUS AND SENSIBLE SAYINGS BY SAGE OF "THE CEDARS." Do not allow your kidney and blad der trouble to develop beyond tho reach of medicine. Take Foley Kid ney Pills. They gtvo quick results and stop Irregularities with surpris ing promptness. For salo by Red Cross Drug Store. PUo( Ideas, who havo noma Inventive ability lllfcll please wriUilJHKKI.KV M.INTIHK, (fall I'sient Allerneja. Wuklinlon. II. U Lies always go In droves, thoy nre necessary for tho protection of each other. Somo Coos Bay men aro always ready to qhango their opinions when no ono agrees with (hem. Jlut ' When old, man Noah built his ark Th,oy thought "he was a bloomlri' mark. They laughed at Ulm and called him "mutt." And In their sleeves thoy chortfedt but ' ' '( Whon Fulton built his queer old tub Men laughed anil said ho' was a dub. Thoy Bald: '"This fellow's off his nut!" Ho was a Joko In those days, but Whon Wilbur Wright said: "I can fly," Men smiled and winked tho other eye. Thoy kidded him and said, "Tut, tut;" Thoy thought that ho was daffy, but When Chandler snld: "Now, you can bet ' We'll havo n rallwny to Coos Bay yet." ' Somo smiled and said you'ro In n rut And can't get' out, but So, gontlo readers, do not loer Whon somo dnmphool does some thing quoor, A gonlus Is a funny nut. His actions aro peculiar, but DIXIT Nothing falls so hard as a gold pen or a two bit ulgar. Tom NIcoIh Ih In receipt of a lottor from bis old friend. John A. McDon ald of Dayton, Oregon, In which ho touchori up tho local situation hi a poetical manner. Mr.McDonaldwIllbo remomborod by many having visited Mr. NIcoU hero last year. Ho con cludes a long loiter to him ns fol lows: "I must quit writing you of religion and politics, I write you now of oil and gas Ami other things that will como to pass You'ro oil and railroad suro muat come Or suro as h you'ro on 'tho bum. Then pump her up nnd go nhead And If you don't you'ro surely dond. All you havo Is very fair But the town Is built upon hot air, Thon wrlto mo soon nnd toll mo nil If you get railroad and oil this fall." Of courBO Mr. McDonald would not wrlto this without a poet's llceuso but Tom will wrlto him thnt wo aro suro As an Investment common honesty and common decency may not yield quick roturns, bu at last, whon eter nal silence roigns, tnen common non esty and common decency nre lha on ly things that count, tho only .things that do count. Tho man who brings four dollars nnd his family andmnkos his homo among us Is worth to any cumtu'lutty a forty aero field full of high brows, who llvo elsewhere and leave their land holdings to bo enhanced In value at our oxponsd. My son, It It concedod your father Is a fool, but 'try to bear with him vot a whllo as best you may. for you 'wlllnced him to dig 'tiio potatoes aiiil' clean tho cow barn while you uro '. . . ..!- .i...i...i. J...-.:-i . engaged in mo uiuuuuiu uiuuriiiinu ui rbadlng "Olil Sflouth," smoklnij cigar ettes nnd disporting your latest hof socks. Tho bllllonalrd'dcBccrntcs tho crad lo olid1 tho'roS-o to 'attain his' horde, Wappoaso hls'abtfftd donates" 'to ah outraged public llbrarrbs bf "Bliffalo rimi" ''Bill BUnttlno7,,,'Nlck Carter," "bid 8iouthva'nd tho like, did' ho but tb'n'diirt'hom Hi n btinit offorln'g per haps' thoy would bo'moro acceptable besides saving an Immonso amount of tl'mo to tho young and largo Invest ments In cigarettes. Tho cost of repairing tho wiring In our building In Marshfleld was nine dollars. Tho owner nt onco got a re duction of Fifty Dollars per year in tho lnsnrnncfc. Think It over. Coos Bay firing Co. PHONE SaT-J II Hi "I' I 'I '-lll'il... Hnwloy, congressman, Btnndpnttcr, assembly, salary as congressman $7,500 per annum; olllco In W. O. W. $1,200 por nnnum; total, $8,700 per annum. Gracious, rwhat a lot of money for so llttlo wool I But como to think of It I do rocnll that tho aforosald did actually go from ono department to another In Washington to protest against tho abolishment of custom house whoso ofllcor Is paid a salary of $l,o6o por annum nnd whoso totnl receipts aro $40 fop tho sariio time. Ho who elovntes his nose nnd b'rdwB nt any ono who performs honest' toll of any sort, hot only writes himsolf an aBs but is in fact an onomy of mankind. to havo moro than ono inllroad and tho probability of oil and gas Is stronger thnn over. Tho latest local Joko: "Havo you Keen Davo Jonos with his bonr Hklu and ho runs a clothing store, too." AMONG THE DOCTORS Do YOU Want Plums or Prunes FOR CANNING Buy Them Whenever You See Any for the Crop Is Short and FJiey Will lot Last Long. When I foil Blck In Chlnn, thoy called tho doctor In; ho pounded on n tom-tom and rnlBOH a frightful 'Mn. Ho snld. "The ovll spirits must first bo chased away, and then I'll chnngo tho troatmont and ninKo n tea or nay; rn clvo you shredded toadstools, and Ink nnd powdered snakes, and burn somo yollow feathors, and thus euro up your aches. This house can know no honJIiiK till ghosts aro chased thoro from; so watch mo piny tho cowbell, and swnt the Thomas-torn." When I fell sick In Kansas, tho stern physi cian enmo, and spent tho morning working tho diagnosis gnmo; ho pinched me In tho larynx, ho pokod mo In tho lung; ho hit mo with a hammer, ho squinted at my tongue. And then ho groaned with pity, and scratched his whiskered Jaw, and snld: "It's bunlonltls worst caso I evor saw! Just bring nn ax and buck saw, and water In n kog, and sit upon his forohead I must how off his leg." Whon next dlscaso has got mo, and I am Boro afraid, I'll hustlo back to Chi na, whoro doctors knoy tholr trndo. WALT MASON. Tbo Times Want Ads bring result Trunks and Suit, Cases Traveling Bags Did you know that wo carried ono of tho best Hues of suit cases, trunks and traveling bags on Coos Bay? When you need nnythlng in this lino you will save money nnd get sat isfaction by Inspecting our stock. Wo buy direct from tho factory and you get tho benefit of tho saving. SUIT CASKS from $2.50 to $1.1.00 TRUNKS.... from 80.00 to $1.1.00 TRAVELING BAGS, from $1.7.1 to $10..10 Business Directory 'Following Is a list of Rellablo Business FlrmB that It will Pay to PJtronlzo. '" ' "Go To" WILLEY & SCHR0EDER for Plumbing 'and Heating rarsh'fleldj'dre., Phoiier73 STAMEN AH kind of photograph work Bromide enlArgfag 'gad kodak 'finishing. ' ,. -J. -L. KOONTZ Machine and Repair-Shops. GKNElt Ali MACniNIBT Bteam and Gas Englna Work At 'Holland's 'boat'shop, front lifdot, Manihflbld, Or. BKARY'8 GUN SnOP Pull' lino bf Blcyclo supplies. ' Gun, blcyclo, machine lock repair ing, Keys made and flttod. K. HANDEL, Prop. No. 007 No. Front St. Phono 180-R MARSHFIHLD'S POPULAR FAMILY bOTRL "' Hud Lion Rates reductd'to: Day 60c, 75a and l'.00;-weelr $2.00 to'fB.eo. House ke'eplng'apartmehtB with gas ran get flO.'OO to '$18.00 por month. FREE BATHS K. W. SULLIVAN. Prop. WILL EXCHANGE My $2,100, 'equity In u C-room "bung.ilov, lot 80x92, Woodstock Add., Portlnnd, Oro. Valued at $3,000, for ncreaee noar or proporty In Mnrsiifluid. Or. I am tho ownor of this bungalow, nnd shall only donl direct with ownor of proporty. If you knw ol nny ono wishing to txchano Iiiivh them wrlto L. J. Juston, 49-1 Morrl8son St., Portland, Orogon. COOS HAY TO DRAIN Quickest tlmo posslblo Hoidcii Auto Line, via Allegany. Through faro $H.25. Stago, stennior nnd nuto via Gardl nor. Through In ono day $7. CO. Drain, Coos Bay stago lino. Through n two days $0.50. CO pounds of baggago tree. Norton & Hanson, nets. We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for andJDelivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN 57-J JIhe Bazar Phone 32 The House of Quality. Good Livery Service Fancy new rigs, good horses and areful drivers are now at the dls osal of the Coos Bay public at REASONABLE RATES. Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for ny trip anywhere any time. Horses )oarded and rigs cared for. New hearse and special accommo dations provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND PEED STABLES PHONE 273-J SCHOOL TIME IS SHOE TI ME Bring the Bpys apd Girls to the Big Store to be Fitted Qi Your boys and girls will .need new shoes , for school, Have you given this important matter .the .thought it de serves? Or do you jus.t buy any kind of shoes and if the soles wear out or tho uppers split in a couple of weeks, blame .It tin t(ie children? Really, the fault is not theirs. Children can not be expected to sit' quietly to save shoe expense, Rather, you should economize by providing your children with shoes that Will stand tha wean Sriffig Tjhem fcre, Please the Boys and Girls and Vf:Y 'U fl,VO M4J-!r tiv !" Save Money ,,i V jt u Formerly.Merchant & Kammerer No Smoking Wax With Electric Flat Irons The smell of smoking wax is not agreeable and Jhe fumes injure delicate throats. "ax is not necessary with hlectric Flat Irons is not used at all. : The wax-fumes danger of catching fire occa sional damage to the article being ironed are all eliminated. The surface of the Electric Iron is always smooth. Electric Flat Irons, $3,00 IroningDonc In Half the Time With Half The Labor yv 1 "Z M hiiM'j I Telephone 17S Oregon Power Company Abstracts, Real Estate,, Five ancl Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Slgr. Coqullla Offl:o Phone 191 Marahlleld Offlce 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a peclalty. Qensral Agent "BA8TSIDB" UNIQUE PANTATORIUM Wo are expert dyers and cleaners. Hat work of all kinds. Our work will please you. Suits made to order. S50 Centml Ave. Phone 250X tROSS &, PINEGOR PROPRIBTOR t- WATCH! NOTICE! Homer Mauzey, one of the drivers nnd the solicitor for us Is out for Laundry. Watch him! ho Is llablo to stop you on the street and explain all details of Laundry and also to he at your home any time. He knows Laundry business from A to Z. Marshfield Hand and Steam Laundry PIION.. 220-J AMOK n Tho Popular Picnic Boat. Now makes regular schedule on tho South Coos River run. Lonves Marshfleld week days at 4 q. m. Ar rive In Marahndld at 8:'45a. 'a. Sunday, leaves Marahfleld'4at'8 . ai Return at" 8 p. m. v BARGAINS IN DWKLL1X0 BUY NOW R.TInnm hnnsn nt Day Park. Clna tinn f"nnh '' 4 . Ibu Y vv. vmw - . - a t i it- mnrlOO. 17nofal.1a "" Dwellings In Bunker HlH. o. a.., xfnrohflniH. Ferndale North Bend at bargains. nAi T?n... lnanMtirn and ' I 08, Central Ave.. Marshfleld0 A Mnrtnrn Tlrlnk Building. Ell I Lights, Steam Heat.. Blesw Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water HOTEL OOOB U. A. Allium. "" jl Cor. Bfokdyar and Market v Marshfleld, Oregon. A