The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, September 04, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Image 1

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Your store-news, should appear ns
regularly ns does (Ills newspaper. If
n newspaper omitted nn issue now
nml tlu'ii even for so weighty a ron
mn as fearing Hint U "light rain
It would not bo n good nownpnpcr.
"A, store's advertising space Ib a
newspaper, compared with tho Hpaoe
used liy other stores, should define
It cotnparntivo Importance In tiw
couiiniiultyl Docs your store's tA
verlNIng space do that?
Established In 1878
as The Coast Mall
A Consolidation of TIimm. Const Mnll
and Coos liny Advertiser.
No. 44
Alleged Wife Murderer Graph
ically Describes How High
wayman Shot Her.
Plans to Give Demonstration to
Jury of Attack oh Auto '
on Road.
(By Associated Tress to Coos-Bay
Times.) ,
Vn., Sept. !. Nonry Clay Deattio
Jr., went on tlio witness stand to
day nml categorically denied that ho
tool; any part In or Know anything
nbout tlic purcluiBO of shot K by
cousin, Paul llenttle, with which his
wife was killed. Ukowlso ho flatly
contradicted almost tho ontlro testi
mony of his cousin, particularly with
regard to tho alleged confession In
which Henry Is supposed to havo said
Paul, "I wish 1 hadn't done It."
llenttle showed sinned of nervous
ness, but his nnswers were quick and
dcclflve and ho showed npt memory
In relating the details of tho manner
In which tho alleged highwayman np
pronrliod tho machine., and Intending
to shoot tho accused, and tho mur
dered wife, who sat beside him. It
wns the sntne story Identical oven In
phraseology, with that which the ac
cused told the coroner's jury,, al
though he ndmltted moro of IiIb rela
tions with lleulnh llenford, follow
ing the courso of tho dofotiBO
throughout tho trial and pointing lier
out as a dlsreputnblo girl for whom
the prisoner hnd only a piiBBlng fancy
and for whom ho never would liavo
murdered his wife. For nearly two
hours rind a half Roattlo was in tho
witness chair and when court ad
journed for luncheon tho direct exa
mination of the prisoner, closing tho
c.ih for tho defense, wns roncluded
Kcrpt for tho demonstration requir
ed l tho counsel for tho prlsonor
that the Jury bo shown ly tho accused
on the lawn outsldo the court room
the txnet nmnnor In which ho says
the murder occurred whllo lio was
seated In tho car. Indications aro
that Bcnitlo will bo on tho stand un
til line In tho evening ns tho prose
cution has prepared a longthy cross
examination. IR RE
French Aviator Reaches Alti
tude of 13,943 Feet In
By A--- . laied Press to tho Coos Bny
PKMF. Franco. Sent. 4. Ro-
laiu" (, linrros, n French aviator.
II' T ll
w world's record for alti
ui .leroplniio, reaching 13,-
i iT. Cal.. Sept. I. A pUo
iiwly uuloaded from tho
ft' ...liiudo hero, collapsed, bu-
" - a: h it Kdwnrd Thompson.
' li- ship's olncors. Ho siu-
' " liOUMlon of tho brain nnd
"h uile nnd probably will dlo.
-poclnl GOT-TO.fiirr-HOMH
Prie.M nnd onslost posslblo terms on
H 7 lures, 500-foot ocean front.
Pcrc lovered, sheltered from wind,
wtenUi lew of coast, excellent
IshlDfi and hunting, fine sand beach
Close 1 Todd, the Chnndler.'
Judge Coke and Family and
.', Fri6rjds Made 500-Mile
Tour of Coast.
'Judge Jf.S.,, Cgko' and wlfo and
children and Chus II. Sclby urrlvcd
homo las't night from n delightful
auto tour. Part of tho way, they
wore accompanied by Geo. M. Uri).wn
and jrn ii.'iuuuio 01 uosouurK anu,, , , A . ., . .
,?,,,. . n ' ... , Mind a good trip down tho coast. Sho
.Ins Watson of Coqulllo.
Thoy went from horo to Gold Uonch lllul a b,B c,,rK r Konoral freight,
whoro Judgo Coke presided at tho Including housohold goods,
rogulnr- term of circuit court. Last) Tho Breakwater yesterday aftor
Wednesdny morning, thoy loft thoro ; lllt0l llA tho siiglnnw In tho Coluni-
nnd wont to Crescent City, tlionco
bnck to Grunts Pass, tlionco to Hose
burg and homo via tho Myrtle Point Saginaw made tho run up without
road. Tho entire trip wns made with- dllllculty and should have' reached
out a mishap, tho only dolny botng Portland Into Inst evening,
occasioned by the breaking of aj Tho Breakwater will sail at 9:30
spring between Crescent City and Tuesdny morning for Portland. Sho
Grants Pass. The run wns over GOO . will start on tho soven day schodulo
mites. . September 1C.
"Tho trip wns u most delightful Among those arriving on thu
one,1" said Mr. Sclby this morning, nreakwator wore tho following:
"Tho rond Is mountainous and crook-. Miss S. A. McCullnm, Geo Solnndor,
ed but Judge Coko Is a very careful M. Wakemnu, Mrs. Wakoman, W.
drlvor and wo enjoyed It line. Crcs- Robinson, Mrs. A. Kruso, A. Pctor
cent City Is a mighty nice llttlo town. Bon, II. C Krusw, Geo Meursgrony,
"Every plnco wo -wont, Cobs Bny T. Thornun, A. M. Rhodos, Ester Sll
rallrond oxtonslons was tho principal verman, A. B. Tucker. G. U Cloth
thomo of conversation. At ench of Jen, Mrw. Clothlon, A. I. Tlarkor, Hoi
tho prlnclpnl plnces wo visited, their, on Q. Barker. Mrs. II. Wngnor, Mrs.
hope of rnllronds seemed to center jT. Crow, T. Crow, Latim M. Galletto,
on Coos Bny." J. R. Gallottc, Jlmmlc Downer, Mrs.
Sadie Downer, Myrtle Downer, Jack
RINGER HERMANN HKItK. 'Do-wnor, Robt Downer, Rov. A. R.
Hon. Blngor Herrmann hns sono Monroo, C. L. Adnnis, C. G. Gulov
to Myrtlo Point and Marshflold whoro BOn, Mrs. "Rlla .'cl6on, Ilolon Smith,
ho Intends to spond a couple of j. g. oiln, Mrs. Olln, 1. K. McCon
weoks with friends. Mr. Hormnnn noil, Geo. M. Ross, R. M. Plko, Mrs.
(ormorly resided In Coos county J
whoro ho has an oxtonslvo neqnuln-
tanccBhlp. Rosoburg Nuws.
Strawborxles tho year Tound Is the
record Geo. V. ArtlB Is nttomntliiB '
nnd so far ho has mndo good
has but 200 plants yot ho picks i
enough berries dnlly to supply his'
tnblo. George Is a firm bollovor In'
Coos county soli ib the groateit pro-j
duclng wctlon of the stnte. North
Bend Hnilior.
Five NIarshfleld Women Select
ed to Have Charge of In
' stitution Henceforth.
The Marshflold Public Library com
mittee has been reorganized In order
to more effectually carry out the
work, a number of tho nioinbors of
tjie original commlttoo In charge of
it being away from Coos -Bay so thnt
thoy could not give It tholr 'time and
Tho membors ot tho now commit
too or rather tho directors of tho now
! public library association aro. .urs.
Homy Songstackon, Mrs. M. c. uor
ton, Mrs. J. W. Bennett, Mrs. II. S.
Towor nnd Mrs. J. T. McCormae.
City Attorney Goss hold thnt under
tho law, Mayor E: 12. Straw could not
nnnoint a new library committee un-
til the library was being supported
i.v n iilrect tax for that purpose,
Howevor, ho hold that tho old com
mittee could name their successors
and acting under this ruling, tho old
committee agreed upon tho now direc
Estimate That Over 100,00.0
Lives We're Lost In Yarirjstc
Kiang Valley. '
(By Associated Press to CGOn Buy
HANKOW!, China, ScpL I Tho
Steamer Met Steam 'Schooner
Saginaw livColumhia River
Late Yesterday. '
Tho Breakwater arrived In at noon
toimy wltn olghty-oiio. passengers, she'
i bin rivor Just abovo Astorlu. Tho
pike, C. G. McCarthy, Mrs. I). 12
Qulnn, T3oo lluvrlng, Jack Boyor, 1.
Murr, S. Glttoron, Goo Fort, F. Shtr
vor, 3. Comlnos, P. Ruko, M. Com!-
i i
wm " Collins, u. uiooianu, .M.Uiurt and tho Tour succeeded In turn-
- i.l ... 1 T Mil.... T I .. PmiII i. . . - a . a ..I .1 . ..a 1
"uc,u",,,,,k '" r.iniw. j
Ue,NolBoii, Carl Knorts, Carl Drelyor, T3. ,
Williamson, uari iiiuiiio, v. u.
Thompson, Mrs. T. Flolchor, Mrfc. F.
12. llaguo. Sani Nubs, Mrs. Nnss, Miss
Hart, Capt. A. II. Davis, Mrs. Davis,
A. 3. Cnpron.'W. H. Robor, Geo John-
....... r. na. 111 -
son, John Sommorsot, J. Tnggnrt,
Krlss Kollock, JI. Knudson, A. B'jor
dsou, C. Chrlsteson, Albert Snlkon,
Otto Lnrsoit, S. Mao, Ben I-ufher, C.
Thompson, .. Anderson.
Frank B. Tichenor Makes It
Complete Today Works
i Hard For It. '
With nn exhibit assembled thivt Ava3
n revelation to ovon Coos
linniilo Vrnnlr Tl. Tlplionnr
.'"" -- - - t
this afternoon packing the stult for
shipment to Snlotn. Ho oxpects
moro In this afternoon nnd ovonlns
and can handlo lato consignments up
to R o'clock In tho morning.
Although Mr. Tichenor hns got to-
gethor nn exhibit of much merit, it
has, been secured only after much
hnrii work on his part. Today when
somo of tho samnles of corn nnd veg-!to
etables ho desired wore not forth-,
coming, he wont out to tho stores;
nud picked up the best samples he,
could find in the market.
The various articles wore on exhl -
bit at tho Marshflold Chamber of I
Commerco all day and attracted much
attention and won much praise for
Mr. Tichenor.
American mission nt Wnliu hns ro
ctlved a report that a hundred thou
sand persons wcro drowned. In Hoods
on the Yangtsc Klang river. Tho
il'obds are tho worst in ninny years.
It Is estimated that OG per cent of
tho crops wero destroyed.
Milo Sumner Injured and Arno
Mereen, Jack Merecn and.
Herman Edwards Escape
Mllo Sumner of tho Pioneer Hard-.
wuro company la conllnod to his homo
today with three broken ribs nml
somo minor bruises and Arno Mo-
iiwiii Miirixm nml f'nlil. Horilinil .
EilwnrdB aro gradually recovering
from thp fright entailed by an auto
accident on tho Llbby road yester
day. That the nccldont was not moro
(disastrous In its results Is ono of thoi80
marvels of motoring.
Mr. Moreen and son, .Inck, wore en
route to I.lbby In their lliipinobllo"
Just ns they reached the sharp curve
in tho rounding along tho top of thoj1" thls vicinity and aided him In as
. i f.ii.iittilnt Hiciti iwwullitl If litu ntn
canyon, Mllo Sumner and enpt.
wards In Mr. Sumnor'u Metz cur hove
In sight, coming from Mhby. Mr.
Siimnor wnsSrunning at n good clip
and ns only n low feot Intervened be
tween tho much lues, it va Impos
sible to stop In time to avoid a colli
sion. Realizing this, Mr. Sumner
turned his enr Into tho embankment
Thombnnkmout Is almost strnlght
up and down. In another Instant,
tho Met', car hnd run up the sldo and
turned turtle, falling wor bnckwnrd
with tho wheel striking on tho run
Tiln?; board of Mr. Mweon's ear which
had been brought to a standstill.
Mr. IM wards fell out of tho car and
rolled under tho front of Mr. Mo-:l'on until a test dam Is constructed
reon'H enr. tho lftltor being the onlyjncroBB tho ou,Iot ot U'0"1 tl ,,otul
thlng thnt prevented the Met-. niuchl-l',no how In"cl wntl"' cun BtoruU
no fnlllng on top of him and relish
ing him. Mr, Stnnnor fell out on tho
other side.
Apparently neither wer badly
ing mo .moi Tigui sine up nun swiri'
lug it on its -way.
A fow nun u feot would liavo nionnt
tho Mntz car dropping over on Mr.
Moreen mid Jack and hnd not Mr.
Moreen's iiniuhlno Intervened, Mr
I2d wards Mould have 'been crushed
underneath It.
When Mr. Sumner reached home,
ho felm pain In his Bldo nnd sent for
n nhyslelnn who found that three.
ribs had nen fractnrefl.
Conimanaor Davis of tho regular
Unltod States Navy and Paymaster
Is 'busyiCapnm arrived here from Portland
' today io assist hi taking tho tralulug
ship Boston back from Coos Bay to
the Columbia river,
Capt. Roypolds statoa that thoy
' hopo to i;ot avay on the flood tide to-
morrow. Capt. Edgar Simpson will
bo tho navigating officer again. It
will bo necessary to have a tug to
tako the Boston dowu tho bny owing
tho crooked channel nt the mouth
of Coos' Iuver, opposite the cold stop
uapi. Jiagee win prouauiy pnoi
.m. ... .. iil
her out
Tho selection of n small crew from
the Bandon and Marshflold Divisions
of the Oregon Naval Reserves to as-
slst In taking the Bostoa back to the j
Columbia river will probably be com-
pleted tonight. I
Messrs'. Richardson, McDaniel
and Albrecht Complete
A. L. Richardson, tho engineer en
gaged' by tho North Bond and Marsh
Hold olty councils to, report .on tho
vnluntlon of tho Coos Bay Wator
company's system and on tho vari
ous sources of supply In this section
and tho probable cost of samo, Iiiih
completed tho -Hold work hero and
will return to Portland to compile
his report. Ho expects to have it
ready to submit within ton dnys or
Councilman Albrecht of Mnrshlleld
and Councilman McDaniol of North
Bend accompanied him on most of his
trips to the varloitB sources of supply
hti-p"" M "" i'".""-" -
Mr. Richardson states that until
ho had computed his Hold notes for
his reports, ho docs not enro to glvo
out any doilnlto information. Ho litis
endcavorod to Becuro a gravity, Bys
tom In order to eliminate tho cost
of nbout $10 per day for pumping
ennh million gallons required to sup
ply tho town.
lie estimates that tho North Coos
rlvoi- supply will furnish botweon 2,
000,000 and 11,000,000 gallons per
dny but JiiBt whnt tho cost of It
would bo ho hits not computed. Thoj
Ki'l Lake and Clcnr Lnko projectu, ho
snys, cannot ho dc finitely reported
there. The cost of tho tost or export
m until 1 dnm would be nbout $1,000.
Mr. Rlclinrdson Is also Inclined to
tho liellof that tho best solution of
tho water question horo In tho fu
ture "will bo rwo systems, ono to fur
ii'lfth water for general domestic uso
lov the city nnd another to furnish
Trosh wator for tho manufacturing
plants. lie snys tint sulllclent wator
ran he obtained to supply tho manu
facturing plants which will permit Its
delivery on tho Bny wato- level much
.cheaper Oion It can be secured If It
hns to bo furnished through the reg
ular city mains with the force that
Is required for tho water sup
ply of tho city.
Drill For Oil. C. M. Mniipln, who
lecontly arrived horo from Southern
California whoro ho Tins been engag
ed in the oil business, Is trying to
orgnuizo n stock company of local
nion to drill for oil In this vicinity.
Ho figures thnt It will require about
?ir,000 to drill n woll 3,000 feet
deep -which may bo necessary to do
tormlno whothor tho oil Is horo. Ho
believes from tho Judications thnt
oil can bo struck nt a much less
dopth hut wants to provide for anv
emergency. Mr. Mnupin mot with
a number of local mon tho other
night and discussed tho project In
dotnll. Thoy havo oil looses or op
tions on about G.000 aeros on Catch
ing Inlet. Messrs. Wm, Cox, A. II.,
Powors, M. C. Horton, I. S. Knuf-
niaii, D. J. Roos, W. W. Gago, E. A.
Anderson pud J. II. Flanagan wore
among those prosent. N
Norlli Bend Wins North Bond de
feated Sumner by a score of three to
nothing yesterday In one of the best
Bnmeg played on tho Ray thu Beason,
Tho Mnrshfleld team has broken un
aml consequently the Coos Bay lea-
gll0 schedule will probably bo called
Have your calling cards printed at
The Times office
(Iowa n Defeats Russian Lion
With Ease In Chicago This
First Fall In Fourteen Minutes
and Second Fall-In Seven
Minutes. ' . ,
Dy Associated Press' to tho Coos Bay
Times'.) ' " '
MATS! 1)12. 'Chicago, SOpt.'i t.
Gotch nrrlvod oh "tlio ground at S
o'clock and 10 minutes, Intor Hack
onschmldt put In , )ils appearance.
Both men wont to tholr dressing
Gotch entered tho ring nt 2:59 p.
m. Hackenschmldt followed nt 3:07.
Gotch won the first fall. It toolc
Gotch Just fourtcon minutes and IS
l-f seconds to got a rovorso body
hold on Ilnckonschmldt nml tho
crowd split tho nlr with choors and
yells. Tho Russian foil to tho mat
with Gotch holding his logs In tivo
nlr and pinning tho Russian's Mg
shoulders to tho cushions, "reticle"
-iwled through tho ropes pntortlmn
ever nnd submitted to tho admlnls"
terntlon of his seconds.
Gotch won the second "Bill' mid tho -match
with a too lock,ln,Mwon mlns
utes and 3G 1-15 secJUdV.'.
Odds i-'nvp fihtvh; . J
Bottor weather,. COuld not hnv'o
been desired., Roforoo Edward
Smith was e Aty (m tho scono nnd
mndo an lrapecffon of tho mat and,
ring. At 1:30 .Inck Curloy nnnoaw-""
cd over.v, Beat In tho stands, number
ing 35t)00. Jmd been sold. Thoro wns
little, bottlng. Directors of the iiui-
plro Athletic Club ruled "all bots are'
off" thiiB romovlug tho club'froiri unj
responsibility which uilgh' tfrrso
therefrom. It was moroly technical
nnd for the protection of tho cFuIj
which Is back of tho conto3t. Ono
bet of M00 to ?200 wns mndo. Tho
prevailing odds wero two to ono on
Seat Sale For Wrestling Match Ik
Over $7."5,()0().
(By Associated Press to tlioCooa Bny
CHICAGO, III., Sept. 4 Gotch and
Hackonschmldt, tho promlor wros
tlors, this forenoon Impatiently await
ed tho clang of tho boll which thi
afternoon called thorn to tho mat to
wrestlo for the championship of tho
world. Hackonschmldt declared
hlmsolf to bo In tho tlnost posslblo
condition. Hnckonschmldt, tho chal
lenger, Insisted tho. match would bo
n continuation of tho ono ho aban
doned unfinished with Gotch threo
yoars ago. Gotch, tho champion,,
said ho expected to pin tho should
ers of tho mighty Russian to tho mat
beyond nil question.
In Chicago on tho night of April 3,
'OS, Gotch and Hnckonschmldt wrestl
ed for tho championship of tlio world.
Aftor two hours and threo minutes of
dospornto defense, Hackenschmldt ad
mitted his dofent. Immonso throngu
today nro gathering at tho ball park
to obtain points of vnntago from
which to view the match. A conser
vative estimate places tho crowd
whloh will Jam tho park nt thirty
thousand and it Is estimated tho box
Qitlco rooelpts will oxcoed $75,000.
Tho purso Is to bo divided as fol
lows: Gotch $21,000 iiml 50 por
cent of tho moving picturo profits
while IlnckenFchmldt will content
himself with $11,000.
Everybody PLEASED with'
HAINES' flour. -
If you boye anything to sell, trado,
rent or want help, try a want ad.