THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELO, OREGON, "" I NOTICE OF DELINQUENT TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1910. m accordance with Chapter 275 of J 1911 General Luwb or Oregon L-hlch Is In substanco ns follows: 8FCTION 1. Four montliB nftor ,,n.vlien tnxes chnrged agnlnst ronl tlluu ... .. .Inllniinnnt. Min tux col- 'et'or shall cause to be once each week for four "."-,. in the newspnper Miners selected by the county court to '" .,... .,.., v rniirt nroceedlnca un- nllll 811 tu - - .. .. .10 published successive or news- .J. ,ier he provisions or Section 2002 of Lord S uruB"" """ " , n .inscription of the several parcels or " . ,ri ntioti which taxes aro iCfll J .1... .,,. fif ftivnu ntiil ! iho nomo of the owner, If shown upnii . the tax roll, nnd a statomont that six ' lli -.1. tnvnd tin ilit I In. I 'i"'88"1!1',; iioA-it Tn,; c; -'swh S.c '"" " " ,i HV m.rrll I. NEW, NWW SEW . . . .33 S bv 8Uoii 2003 ,f Lord's" Oroiton , VwV-,"' " '- W, W. SI. O.v. 5dJ ' ',; rollector shall forth- Assessed Descrlp- to tlon. See. Tax EH CnrlA. .MaRnoy SEHNW Vi Ludwlg Ness EH NEH, NEHSEH, Lot 1 ..17 William llrenier SEUN EH io Peter Mlchelbrlnk That part of NEH SWH lying N & W of W Fork of N Fork Slltllcomn Hlver.,10 William Bremer NWNW U. SWH NWH 20 F. Bodo Timber on S EH SWH, SWW SEH. 30 F. Ilode Timber on E liNW 31 8.40 11 0.C0 27.35 0.09 7.01 1.52 10.80 1C.80 1.05 3.3G t .... "in inx Clliutiui mum iui iir with cnuso to bo posted a copy of the nrlnted notice In four public places n his county for four weeks, com neiielng four months after tbo daio when such taxes become delinquent, mid shall file in the office of tbo comity clerk of his county a copy or such notice, with a certificate endors ed thereon setting forth that Mich notices had been posted In four public places In his county, as hereinbefore provided. . SECTION 2. The neglect or fnll lire of tho tax collector to give such notice In the manner herein provided shall not Invalidate any tax certificate of delinquency, hut shall subject tho tax collector to nny damages which may be sustained by nny party In jured by the falluro to glvo such notice. SECTION 3. Tho cost or publish ing such description shnll bo ndded to and become a part or tho penalty charged against tbo particular tract of real property. .NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the hereinafter described par cels of real property have taxes charg ed ngnlnst them for tho yenr 1910 and which became delinquent on tho first Monday In April, 1911, such de scription, the nnmes of the owners of snld real property ns shown upon tho tax roll, and the amount or tnxes charged against each parcol aro ah follows: VOLUME a. Thii. 2:J S. It 1 1AV, W. !. Ore. 5.20. 0 2. 7 51 Assestcd to Descrip tion. Sec. Tax Wm. McCulloch EWSW y, Lot 3 31 $30.13 Tup. 2;l S, It 12 V, AV. .M. Oiv. Attested Descrlp- to tlon. Sec. Tax' Mary Ellen .Mohoney SW ' i SEW 10.40 Richard J. Reeves Lot 2, I EfcNWU 7 17.28 Edward Davis SEHNW J 13 1.05 Albert It. King Ei SWH N4SB4 13 C.72 II. W. Wllklns Land nn described In Vol 54 Pago 20 Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 17 5.20 I). N. Ilohomb NVjSW- '4, SKW8WU, SV- SE'4, leiiH part sold ...17 11.70 Ceo. Ktzmlnger and F. O. Seaton land ns describ ed Vol. 55, Pago 184, Records of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 17 1.30 Bank of Orogon Lot 3, Less plat of Lakeside. .18 .20 Chns. M. Holstrom NW- 4NE4 IS 2.08 Oliver Landrlth SWW NEW 19 1.50 Olher Landrlth NWW SE'4 19 7.54 August LncliBtrom E',i SWH 20 3.38 W.J. Woolsoy SKVl SE U. Less 1 aero 21 1.30 Aldrldge J. Ronton SW Isaac Enlund SHSWW. (Personal) 5 10.11 Warren Stein NWUSW H Chester A. Snnford Lots ., ...... II. W. Sanford NEHSE W 0 Elizabeth Williams Und S-10 or Eli NEH. SWH NEW. (Personal) 17 Robert Marsden NWViN W4 20 W. L. Hideout SWH ..29 Unknown Owner Lots 4 5 30 John Ilenr NEW NEW 31 ailbcrt nilbertson SV,r4 SE'4. SEV4SWW, Lot 4 less 33 ncres 31 O. Ollbcrtson Land de scribed In Vol 50, Puro 100, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 31 T. K.-Klng3ton 10at. SW I V4NE4 32 Twp. HI 8, It. lit W, W. M. Oiv, Assessed Descrlp- to tlon. Sec. L. Dulmko Lot 4 4 C. A. Nollnor SE4SE4 11 John Dear EjSE4. SW ViSEU. 8E4SW4. ..12 Oscar II. Ohmnn NE4 . . 13 Lafayette P. Crouch SW iSWH 13 .Lafayette V. Crouch Stt I SEM, SE,SV4 14 Jacob Mnttson llont 1 Hoiifc Lot 0 In NWU ' N'WU 14 C. A. Nollner Meg. nt Cor. Sees. 11. 12, 13 & 14 run W. on Sec line 20.00 chs to 11-14 see. cor, run S 33 i E. 7.10 chs to right bank or north slough, run up said right bank to point S. or beg. run N 3. 50 chs to Hog 14 Frank Oranliolm Iloat IIoiiro Lot 9 14 W. C. & P. C. Lungren llont House Lot 10 14 Hyler & Simpson Hoat House Lot In 15 Alex Simpson ..Lots 0, 7,. 25 Alox Simpson Tldo Land fronting Lots 0, 7, . . .25 IiVu Holm Tide Land front Ink IM -T' E. E. Straw NE4SW4, 18 ' C. A. Smith Timber Co. , Lot 8,' 23 I. Hacker Und SWVi SE4, Lots 7, 13 23 K. H. Mast, Und SW4 SEM, Lots 7, 13 23 Mcnnsha Woodenware Co. ! Lots 4, 5 24 I Dr. Ira n. Ilartlo 1 acre In Lot 5 2 4 Mcnasha Woodenware Co. Lots 1, 2 25 I. Hacker Und Vi Lot 1 20 II. II. MnBt Und 4 Lot 1 20 Mcnasha Woodenwnrc Co. SEUNEVi 20 iMrs. Mary McKnlght NV4 1 NV4 27 Mnry Ella Barry Land as described Vol 40, Pago 405, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 29 Marshfleld Marble Works Land ns described Vol 2 1, Page 220. Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore. . . .32 MarshHeld Marble Works Laud ns described Vol 24. Page 218, Record of Deeds. Coos Co, Ore. . .32 John II. Uurgnrd Land I ns (lescriocovoi in, rngo noi. Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 32 1 1. Hacker S&S'j 3G I. Hacker NE SE 4 . 30 I Tup. I!." S, It 12 W, W. M Assessed Descrlp- to tlon. Sec, 21.50 1.05 1.72 1.72 7.92 2.75 33 4.20 0.87 .55 .t;n S.S0 4.40 .40 1..12 3.03 1 rtmi '.A f. J. t 1.05 2.52 J. J. Rnuer NEUSE'4'23 J. J. Rauer S&Sv, .NW'4SM4 .".bl Ceo. M. Walker and L. F. Falkensteln Lnnd no described In Vol 38, Pago 45 Record of Deeds, Cooa i Co. Ore 20 Alex. Stonolnko et nl C WWSEU ! ..2S ned C. llentz rwivis .. - . ... T4 v. u Leggett aNK4, N A SK4 29 W. J. Rust SW4NW4 '2"9 mm, Lu"Bron NBViS ChZy 30 ChesterA. Sanford W' "agner & euo SW4S 'NEM NWH. SEWN M4 30 Rawer & Ekalo SWV4s" i 33 wm. McCulloch SU.NL N'HSEU 3C a....?'.-1 . "ia w, w. m "cl Descrlp- Ii,if n,L tIo- Sec. Jwwlbeavol 55, Pago oil' Jecorl of Deeds, Coos co ore '..13 described Vol. 54. Pmro Record of Deed3, r.. .... -"e l 3G IS. 54 n It) W, AV. M. Oi-o. Descrlp- Tnx 31 9.09 W. V. M. Ore. Descrlp- P111.1,.... . uon sec. Tnx - ".suurv 1.1,,,-iln. n x 7.50 .03 15. GO .28 2.08 20.15 1.30 1.50 2.S0 25.09 11.90 9.24 Ore. Tax 5XO rZ '"eior" or Deed3, ; r.-A0' u-e 13 - hick EH.W4 1 wp. U I s Assessed ' Pram. .... .- Sec. t." . "I KnoKier Lot 2 .:"" .-. . 11 "tcssoa to .on .05 John Rear Und & Lot 5 25 33.2S John W. Plummer N8 E4, SW4SE4, NE4S W4 28 Wllllnni Horsfnll S'.JSW J og William' ilorsfa'li sVJ'se" ' H 29 Henry Ilnverkanip Land as described Vol 54, Pago 207, Record of Deeds, Coos Co. Ore 34 2.30 O. E. Smith Und 1-3 Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. and Tldo land fronting Lots 1,2 34 1.73 Unknown Ownor Tldo Land fronting Lot 1 ..35 , 2.10 Twp. 2.1 S, It. 10 W, W. M. Oiv. Assessed Descrlp- to tlon. Sec. II. W. Parker Und U Lots 0, 7. S, 13 0 H. W. Parker Und 4 Lots 2, 3, 4, SW'Y NE i' a vi, , u Jonns Swenholt Und 3-4 Lots 0. 7. 8, 13 0 Jonas Swenholt Und 3-4 LotB2. 3. 4.SVMNE4. Geo. W. Realo Tlmbor on SE4 NE4,N SE4,S E'4 SE'4 c F. C. Farrln SW4SW, 20 F. C. Farrln SE4SWM. 20 F. C. Farrln SVNVU. NW4SWV4 20 F. C Farrln E68E4 SE4 NE4 27 Twp. 25 S, It. 11 W, W. M. Ore. Assessed Descrlp- to tlon. Sec. Jonas Swenholt Und 3-4 Lot 3. SNWU 1 II. W. Pnrklow und Lot 3. SttNWU C. A. Smith Timber Co. NWH NWH J C. A. Smith Timber Co. Lot 1, " C. A. Smith Tlmbor Co. Lot 2 3 Z. T. Thomas W4SWH, NEHSWH. SEHNWU. less part sold fi Florence Alice Ott Land ns desorlbed Vol 55. Pago 300, Record of Deeds, Coos Co. Ore c Ronnett Trust Co. SEH SRI. G W. R. Piper Lots 5, 6, 7, 8. 12 7 Rennett Trust Co. Lots 13, 14 I W. D. Piper Lot 1 n. A. Smith Tlmbei Co. Elvy P. Hrlles Lot 1. 0 under Swonsen W',6E 1 a 1 our 1 i n . -.jiniuiiiiiMi t " 1 ........... t.M...ii.. ti., tin jtniiii'" oiiiiiiiii vj va J SWH SWH I '"iMat Klokas LotB 3, 4, S I WHNWH 5 A Clyde and Llda E. Ilrown " Vricri i),..,,,,.!i r. . , V4 kl I 7A , V I - null II I f . if I,.!... a... ..11.. iniini. a . -p .,.,1111 uiiiiiiiii iajuvj, o , n n.i I'' WoIiW I '"""(AMU Schmidt WV4KV4. . or, SEHSEH 5 "1. Peter Johnson W E & LOO. WSEHSEV4 f. Ole A. KJellnnd WV6WV6. 1 a i.-u hmi. r. Mntt Klokas SE H NE H ', 0 Gilbert Gllbcrtson Land described Vol 53 pngo 45S Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore. (less lots 8, 9, Ken tuck Vale) 0 Gilbert Gllbcrtson Land described Vol 50, Pago 100, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore, G. W. Thomns Est. N14 SE'4. Less pnrt sold Elery P. Rrlles Land described In Vol 44, Pago 377, Record or Deeds, Coos Co, Ore Emily Stevens Reg. on N. line County road, 8 rods due N or SW Cor or SWH NE". . Sec G, Twp. 25 8 It 12W WM run N 23 rods, run E 4 rods, run S 23 rods, run W I rods to begin . A. G. Rnab Land ns de scribed Vol 53. Pago 200 Record or Deeds, Coos j Co, Ore Lars Helseth Land De scribed Vol 54, Pago 451, Record or Deeds, Cooa Co. Ore 0 Sarah Lewis Land De scribed Vol 54, Page 47, Record or Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 0 Mabel Seugstackcn N,& NE'4 7 Mabel Sengstncken, NW HSWH 8 E. W. Schrock NWH ... 9 Lnurn Ray Lots 7, S, 9, 10 9 Frank R. Murr Lots 13 14 10 Rlrd I. Mend Lots 15. 10 10 Rlrd 1. t.Mead NW.NEH.15 4.1G Frank II. Murr NNWH.15 John McLeod --- NWV4SW 4. 10 H 17 4.20. 1.05 1.21 Tnx 5.20 5.48 35.02 17.81 2.08 0.24 20 1.17 .52 .52 3.33 5.00 2.50 .OS Annie- E. Rnab NWHSE .55 52.80 13.20 Ore. Tax 3.30 8.78 7.73 12.05 5 2.73 5 11.93 12.39 3.87 9.83 1.05 38.01 G 29.99 G 17.43 .11 J 0 .2x 0 1 0.4!) 3.78 3.15 2.10 1.20 24.75 21.24 7.50 4.30 4.30 0.88 1.20 John McLeod NBHSEH nlso begin 4.53chs N or SE Cor or NEH Sec 18 Twp 25 S R 12W WM Ore, run S 4.53 chs. run W to SW cor or SEHNE H said sec. run N55' E .17 1.9 SWH Sotithorn Oregon Co. - SEH 33 I. S. Smith NU, NWH... 3 4 Cora U. McFarland Land described Vol 50, Page 224, Record ot Deeds, Coos Co, Ore. ........ 3G Twp 25 S, It l!l V, W M Ore, Assessed Descrlp- to tlon. Sec. 4.20 2.10 .92 Tnx .32 3.78 It. 1.31 1.20 3.S0 5.52 2.88 52.?0 00.00 8.00 15.32 11.14 1). R. 11.00 11.00 33.00 22.00 13.20 17.00 10.01 11.00 11.00 50.00 Tax 9.84 9.3G 29.52 0 28.0S 7.0S 11..20 lJ.201 5.75 chs, run E to bogln 18 Wm. S. and John M. Crook SEH NWH, Wj NE H. NBHNEH 19 Southern Oregon Co SEHSEH 19 F. V. Lllen'thnl N8EH 20 George A. Lyons Und Vj SEHSEH 20 Ina Holm SE NE H .... 20 Inn Holm SWH NWH.. 21 George A. Lyons Und Vz WiSWH 21 E. G. Flanagan Und H .., 4 .............. MM E. R. Senbrook Und H 1) 4. .............. mm U. S. Smith SM SWH... 27 22.40 Southern Oregon Co. ' NtsNt, m 33. GO Southern Oregon Co. HE H NW H , SW Vi INK Vi , .59 J. A. Munday NW H SW H. 29 G. A. Slgnnlness nnd O. C. Sether Land described Vol 55, Page 1G, Record Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 29 II . Sengstacken Und 3-S Tliln I. nnd Frnntlnir L.nt I M, ....,...,,,...,... "" 7,44 Coos Ray Cremery "Assn" Land aescnoea vol -'3 Page 198, Record or Deeds, Coos Co, Ore. . . ,30 James Hamilton nnd L. L. Rllllngs Regln on Twp line 2039 rt E or cor Twps 25 & 2G S, R 12 & 13 W WM Oro run N 4 5 v. E 270 V. ft to loft bank or catching sloueth. run S along said slough 75Vs' E 199.80 ft, run S 08' E 129 ft. run S 53' E 142.8 ft, run W on Twp line . 621.4 ft to Beg. ...31 Coos Bay Land Co. Tldo Land Fronting Lots 10, ll. 12. 13 31 Tnx 17.111 1 5.72 1 7.I.S. 8.10 7.10 .53; 1.05 09.30 0.81 i 8.40 vpt 11 1-1.401 '11. 12. 13, a ill Te'i? vpViVEU 1 1.92 Southern Oregon Co. Alfred Stora Nb4.t.vt 1- .;- , ,, C. A. Smith Timber Co. ' - ; ; Emily Stevens Lot 3, . . 1 G. Gllbertson Lnnd de scribed Vol 5G, Page 1G0 Records of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 1 Unknown Owner Beg 11 6 chs S or NW Cor or Lot 4 Sec 2- 25-13, run N 8.00 chs to SE Cor Town of Glnsgow, run W 5.00 chs, run N 9.00 chs, run E along south Boundary of Glasgow to Intersection with meander line, run southeasterly along me under lino to beg 2 Unknown Owner Tide Lnnd fronting Pnrt Lot 5 2 M. P. Pendergrnss Und H Lot 2 nnd Tide Lnnd fronting 3 John Flnnagan Est. Und 1-3 Tide Land fronting Lots 1, 2, 3 4 Rennett Trust Co, Und 10-108 Lnnd described Vol .VI, Pago 120 Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore.. . 10 Annie Doollng Land de scribed Vol 43, Page 240 Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 10 O. Gale Land describ ed Vol 4 1, Pago 589 acc ord of Deeds, Coos Co, Oro 10 Carl L. Albrecht Land de scribed Vol 55, Pnge 590 accord or Deeds, Coos Co Oro (Personnl), 10 Flanagan Est Tldo Lnnd Fronting Lot 3 12 Flnnngan Est Tldo Lnnd Fronting Lot 4 12 Cnlirornln Lumbor Co Beg. 10. G2 chs E nnd 10. 00 chs N or SW cor Lot 4 Sec 15 Twp 25 13, run S 120 rt run E to low wat er, run northerly along low water line to point duo E or beg, run W to beg it 15 W. T. Rowley NEH SWH. NEH SEH .-..10 F. Wyatt 8. SWH. N EH SEH, NWH SWH. NEH SEH 10 A. Bock Und V. NviW V. NEHSEH 10 C. A. Smith Timber Co Tlmberon E . NW H SE H 1 G Ben McMullen Timber on 8 14 SEH nndW3-4 NWH SEH 1 P. Kuhne Lnnd describ ed Vol 49, Page S Record or Deeds, Coos Co, Oro. . 17 Relt Lino Ry Co. SEHN EH. Eli SEH 21 432 00 E. W. Russell Und 1-10 NWHNEH 21 W. Schultz Und 1-1 G N WH.NEH 21 E. M. Ward Timber on E V&NEH, EV.SEH 21 Bolt Line Ry Co. NWH less part covered by por tion or Koos nny Plat 'E'22 000.00 F. n. Walte Land describ ed Vol 51, Pago 000 Rec ord or Deeds, Coos Co, Ore ! II. Sengstncken SVj SE HSWH 2 E. M. Wnrd, Timber on NW H E. M. Wnrd Timber on N WW SWH 22 N. .1. Cornwall Lnnd de scribed Vol 48, Pnge 45 Record or Deeds, Coos Co Ore 20 Coos Bay Ico & Cold Stor ago Co. Land describ ed Vol 30 Pngo 41 Rec ord or Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 20 240.80 M. M. Scott Land de scribed Vol 49 Pago 40 Record or Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 34 John F. Morrlssey nog. 859 rt W & 502 rt S of Sec Cors Sec 20. 27, 34, 35, Twp 25- 13, run W 50 rt. run N 100 rt, run E 50 rt, run S 100 rt to beg 34 4.30 Enst Mnrshtlold Land Co Und 1-3 Parcel tldo Land rront Lot 1 ., 30 W. S. Nicholson Land de scribed Vol 43 Pago 477 Record or Deeds, Coos Co, Ore. 3G Unknown Ownor Begin at SW Cor Lot S Blk 48 Enst MarshHeld, run S 200rt. run S 82' 15' E to SW Cornor Lot 19 Blk 49 Enst xMarshrield, run N 235 rt run W 200 rt to Beg 30 Unknown Owner Und 2-3 Pnrcol Tide Lnnd Front ing Lot 1, 3G Coos Rny Land Co Bog at Cor to Sees 25, 20, 35, 30. Twp 25- 13 run E 81 .84 It. run S40 rt. run W 81.84ft, run N 40 ft to beg 3G Twp. 25, S It 11 W, AV. M. Ore. Assessed Descrlp- to tlon. Sec. Mnry Maxton Beg 75.98 chs E of Cor to Sees 23, 24, 25, 20, Twp 25-14. run N 27' E 13.18 chs, N 17 E 5.00 chs. N 2.17 chs, N 74' W 3.00 chs, S 85' W 9.00, SCl'W 7.87 chs, S 40' E 2.93 chs, S 10' W 3.00 chs, S 25' E 4.00 chs, S 28' W 5.42 chsS 84 V' W 5.50 chs. S 35 3-4' W 1G.79 chs S 40' W 12.03 chs, S 42' E 2.50 chs. S 3'9V E 5.37 chs, S 34' W 2.50 chs, S 50' E 2.50 chs, S 82 V6' E 3.00 chs,N54H'E 2.90 chs. N 39' E 29.79 chs. N 29 V.' E 8.75 chs to beg 24 Slmpklns & Hyde Lot 1 4.20 1 and all tide land front- 9G.00 Gt.00 .22 45.7G 8.32 49.50 3.24 23.04 1.20 G.00 .00 2.40 3.12 5.38 1.72 1.72 2.10 4.20 2.10 1.G8 1.08 0,03 23.10 2.7G 2.07 8.17 9.90 4.95 3.30 19.80 1.98 Tax W. 11. Piper Und 2-40 Lots 1, 2, nnd tide lnnd fronting 30 3.'42 Tup. 2(1 S, It AV, AV. SI. Oiv. Assessed Dcscrlp- to ilon. Sec. Tax J. H. Flornoy NESWH, Lots 3, 4 31 0.70 Wm. il. McGee SWHNW 1 go 12,40 Tni' 20 S,' It. 10 AV,' AA'Sl Ore. Assessed Descrlp- to tlon. Sec. Tax John F. Snlcs E 14 SEH, SEHNEH.Lot 1 2 71.40 Royal F. Cumpston NW H 8 GO.OO John F. Spies W&NEH. SEHNEH, NEHSEH .12 44.80 Edith L. Johnson NEH 22 G7.20 Thnd B Preston SyiS. . 24 74.40 Thnd B. Preston W V-E V. 32 44.80 Thnd B. Preston EV4 SEH 32 22.40 Twp. 2(1 S, 11 11 AA WSI Oiv. Assessed Descrlp- to tlon. Sec. Tnx J. Hodson Lots 3,4,... 0 17.25 Dennis .McCarthy Und vi NEW. '. 20 19.20 Geo. W. Bcale Timber on SV.SWH 30 0.00 Twp. 20 S, It 12 V, W. SI. Oiv. I Southern Oregon uo. I Lots 1, 2, 3, 1 1 Soutlicrn Oregon uo. Sv.NBH.Sl.NWW. 1 Southern Oregon Co. SWH 1 Southern Oregon Co. SEH 1 II. Pnrklow et til Lot 1 2 Southern Orogon Co. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 3 Southern Oregon Co. Sv.NEH.Sv.XWU. ... 3 Southern Oregon Co-. SVjSWH, NWHSWW.. 3 Southern Oregon Co. Lotc 1.2.SV.NEH Southern Oregon Co. Lots 5. G, 8, SEHXWU. NEWSWW r' Southern Oregon Co. E W SE H , ............ .' W. A. Collver Land de scribed Vol 42, Pago 120 Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 5 James E. Johnson Lnnd described Vol 53 Pngo 315, Record of Deeds, Coob Co, Ore 0 Ell Stelnnon Begin 935 ft E or NW Cor Sec 0 Twp. 20-12, run E 319 ft, run S 798.0 W 319 rt, run N 798.0 ft to beg. 0 Southern Orogon Co. Lots 2, 3, 4, 7 Southern Oregon Co. E Vi W Vi 7 Southern Oregon Co. Wi NEH 7 Southern Oregon Co. NEH n Southern Oregon Co. NEHXWH 0 Southern Oregon Co. Lots 3, I, EiiSWH 9 iSouthom Oregon Co. SI 74 J Bout hem Oregon Co. NEH 11 Southorn Oregon Co. N4 ...............ll Southern Oregon Co. E vi SW W . X W U SW H . . 1 1 Southern Oregon Co. SEH 11 W. C. Blckford SW H , ..12 Southern Oregon Co. Southern Oregon Co. NWH 13 33.00 Southern Oregon Co. SWH 13 33. GO Southern Oregon Co. . SEH 13 33.00 Southern Oregon Co. WViNEH 15 Southorn Oregon Co. NWH 15 Southorn Oregon Co. SWH 15 Southern Oregon Co. SEH. , 15 Southern Oregon Co. EH-NEH. NEHSEH. ..17 John A. Carlson Land de scribed Vol 54, Pngo 511. Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore. (Personnl) ....17 Alox Hougoll Lnnd do scribed A'ol 54, Pngo 512 Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Oro 17 21. GO A. B. Cnvanrtgh SEHNE U. less pnrt sold 18 29.28 Southorn Orogon Co. NViNEH. NHNWH...10 4.80 Southorn Orogon Co, NEW NEW 21 1.92 Southorn Orogon Co. NEW 25 70.S0 Southorn Oregon Co. NWH 25 Southorn Oregon Co. SWH 25 Southern Oregon Co. SEH 25 Southorn Orogon Co. NEM 7 Southorn Oregon Co, NWH 27 Southorn Orogon Co. sivy 07 .'. '.. ...............Ml Southern Orogon Co. 2.19 SEH. 4.40 4.10 4.20 4.20 12. GO 1.3-i 4.20 3.15 I.43 4.21 2.20 1.70 2.20 .80 3.21 4.50 2.20 4.40 1.10 5.29 4.00 4.20 4.20 3.15 1.20 8.30 33.00 L. J. Simpson SEHNW U, SWUXEW C 3.45 L...L Simpson Lot 1, . . . . 1.77 Guy C. Barnuni Lots 2, 3, SEHNWU, NEW SWH 7 G.72 Guy C. Bnrnum NEW Lot 4 7 LOG O. E. Morrell nnd W. C. Howie NWH Lot 4, 7 1.05 John Rudberg WWXEW WviSEW 8 13.41 Altn A. Gnrdner NWNE WNEW 10 4.20 Flnnngan Est. Undvi SE W 10 10.08 J. L. Durnnd Land de scribed Vol 23, Page 384 Record or Deeds, Coob Co, Ore 11 22,54 W. J. Rust Begin nt point 370.9 rtN, 110.5 ft W ot Wsec cor between bccs 11 12 Twp 2G - 13 being tho NE Cor lot I Blk 2 Flag- starr, thence W nlong S mnrgln or Mills St. 740 .05 rt to NE Cor or that tract to be described; continue In snme direct ion 1G0.8 rt to NAV cor said tract, thence S 370.9 rt, run S 40' E G40.C ft. run N S1G rt to place ot beginning, IcBSptsold.. 11 27.37 A. Simpson Lnnd describ ed A'ol 53 Pnge 597, Rec ord ot Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 12 J. D. McNeil et al A strip ot land 200 rt wldo In cluding tide lnnd off tho W end of the 5 acre trnct of Lot 2 Sec 12 12 Southern Oregon Co. Eli NEW. EH SEW. ...13 J. W. Snover Und 3-8 S EHNWW. NWW SWW. EliSWW 13 21.20 J. W. Snover Und U Lot 1 13 .51 Ada Graber E vi SW U S WW 13 C. V. Smith Lots 2, 3, N EWSWW 18 Ilnrmon Powell SWWSE W 18 Southern Oregon Co. Lots G, 7 23 J. AV. Snover Und 3-8 Pnrcol In NEW NWW,. .24 Rny F. Bush NEWSWW. Nvi SEW 24 Coos Buy Oregon ConI Co. SWW, (Personnl) ...25 Geo. AV. Benlo Lot 3 and tide land fronting 20 Lena Lolor Und 1-8 AVVi NWW. NEW NWW. NW WNEW 28 Lena Lolor Und 1-8 S SEW. NEH SE'4 28 Lena Lolor Und 1-8 NE 74 MIIMI t lltlVti Lena Lolor Und 1-8 SEW 33 Lenn Lolor Und 1-8 8WW33 California Lumber Co Lots 7, 8, 9 34 17.38 Lcnn Lolor Und 1-8 Lot G. NViSWW. SWW NAV W 34 C. E. Green Begin at SE Cor Utter City Store Lot run S 98 rt to S Cor or Uttor City Hotel Porch, run S 30 rt, run E 90 ft, run N 30 rt, run W 90 rt, to begin, 34 Georgo Forry Lnnd do-. . scribed In A'ol G Pngo 234 Ilecord ol Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 34 .44 Twp. 20 H, It II AV, W. SI. Oro. Assessed Descrlp- to Hon. Soc. Tax Guy C. Bnrniim Lot 11,. 1 .43 Seaport Land Co Lots 4, 5, 0, W !i SWW, 8EWSW G.45 .42 20.10 4.20 5.04 1.G8 0.24 .38 25.20 5.50 8.05 .58 .44 .55 .55 .55 2.20 .22 .5.04 11.52 11.52 10.0S 3.00 1.80 7.52 1.93 Mat Matson N 2G ncres NEUNKU 0 ''' .' . I ...........M Southern Orogdn Co. Lots 4, 5, SEW SEW. Part Lot 3 29 Southern Oregon Co. NEW v, 3 3 Southern Oregon Co. EHNWW. SEW SWH. ..33 Southorn Oregon ' Co. SEH, 33 Southern Oregon Co. NEH 35 Southern Oregon Co. NWH 35 Southern Oregon Co. SWH 35 Southorn Oregon Co. SEH '.35 I. Hacker Und vi NW H SWV4 3G It. II. Mast Und',6 NWH SWH 30 Twp. 20 S, It. til W. W. SI. Oiv Assessed Descrlp- to tlon. Sec. Southorn Oregon Co. NvfrSEW. SWW SEH.. I L. .1, Simpson Lots2, 3, 4, G L. J. Simpson Lot 0, NEHSAVH. 0 7G.80 70.80 57.G0 50,40 5G.40 50,40 50,40 1.84 4.09 4.70 3.53 4.7Q 43.20 43.20 43.20 43.20 7.20 7.20 Tnx 7.80 37.8 3,30 21.00 7.20 5.04 G.30 .70 1.86 .93 9.00 15.75 15.7G Senport Lnnd Co Tldo Laud fronting Lots 4, 0, 0 2 Coon Bay Slfg. Co Tim ber on Lots 4, 5, 0, nnd SWH 2 Seaport Lnnd Co EViS EH 3 Coos Bay Site. Co Tim ber on E'.iSEH, SWHS -E H . Lot 3 3 Aztec Land &Cnttlo Co NWW SEW 0 Seaport Land Co EViNB U, NEHSEH 10 Coos Rny Site. Co Tlm bor on NEH 10 21.00 Coos Bny Slfg. Co Tlm bor on NEHSEH 10 Guy C. Bnrnuiii Lots 0, 7,11 Guy C. Illinium Tldo Land fronting. Lots G, 7 11 Senport Land Co Tldo Land fronting Lot 1, ...11 Senport Land Co Lots 1. 2. 3, WW NWH NWW O V 4 1 1 1 1 1 11 Cooa Rny Slfg. Co Tim ber on Lots 1, 2, 3 11 Coos Rny Slfg. Co Tim ber on WviNWH. NWH SWH 11 Nelson Iron AVorks Tlm bor on Lot 5 11 C. E. Lennnn Lot 1, . . .12 Guy C. Bnrnum Lots 3, 5, G, SEHNWU 12 Guy C. Bnrnum Tldo Lnnd fronting Lots 3, 5, 0, ... 12 Guy C. Bnrnuiii Lot 7, SW USEH. 12 Phillip A Bullion NEH 8 WW 12 Guy C. Bnrniim Lot 1, N AVWNEU 13 John Jnrf EViNEHSEU,13 Ed Beck Wvi NEH SEH, 13 Nolson Iron AVorks Tlm bor on Lots 1, 2, 14 Allco Goll Beg 1.G3 chs S Usee cor Betwoen Sec 14 &I5. run S 14.50 chs, run AV 0.50, run N 14.50, run E 0.50 to beg 15 'Ajstee Land & Cattle Co. SWH NEH. NWH SEH 17 14.40 Aztec Land & Cnttlo Co. SEHSWH 17 E. L. C. Farrln Lot 1. ..20 Chns. Baker NEWS AVW. N W H S E H , E Vi NAV W . . 2 2 W. V. Baker NWH SWH 22 Unknown Ownor nnd Unoc cupied Lot 2 23 Fred Shelter est. Tldo Land treating, Lot 5, . .20 Goo. II. AVober, SWH.. .34 Twp. 27 8, It O AV, AV. SI. Oro. Assessod Deserlp- to tlon. Sec. Tax T.aoNo. paciric Ry Co NWH 1,44 2.10 ' .21 I 0.05 1.39 3.3 G 1.08 ? 3.07 .84 .84 4,20 . 7.20.' fl 1.8(2 .2 i 8.00 vi 2.010 j .G3w--r m .S4 1 G 00 Wj o HXE14 : r g Carl a ?. o i i , , a Magney NEHS 25.20 12 28. SO Southern Oregon Co. J ing , 25 1.01 3.45' (Continued) WV.NEH. i Ku3te4L..jti.Mk.--