THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 8 Tho evening was pleasantly spent with vnrlous games and music, Mrs. Fred Glazier sang several solos. Rc freshiients of sandwiches, enko and coffee weie served. Thoso present wore: MesBrs. nnd Mcsdames M. E. Everltt, A. L. Gubser, .1. G. Klluney, Arthur Morton. F. E. Glnzler Sr.. H. J. Isaacs. Misses Amj Isnacs, lona Hutethlns, llnttlo Hngo, Carrie Ste vens. Ella Guinea. Nora Huge, Hose Lhlngton, .Mary Guruen, Mllllcent Spears. Helen W'nldvogcl, Dernlce Glazier. .Mcsdnnn's K. L. Heap, Fred Glnzli- nnd 13. L. Gurnea, and Messrs. Dcllmont, Goodln, Durtis, McNny nnd Tom Hngo. E. S. Dargolt and wife left this week for nn extended visit nt points ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Crape Cream of Tartar NO ALUM,NO LIME PHOSPHATE n's FALL SUIT, ADVANCE SHOWING i Ii M 5 i. 1 ' K ftsPij-r ' V Vj7 i WvyJ Is Uf i (Continued from pago 2.) Dnrbor, Snrnli Nebb, Lillian Medina, Cownn and Fremont Hudson, Mrs. Alexander, Doyd Arnott, Joe Barber, Edith Cnvnnngh, Alice Dylor, Hubert Cnvanngh, Horncc Uyler and Hobt. Webb. 0 L. A. Hess and wlfo of Philadel phia are guests at the Percy Peot home In Eastildo. 0 Mra. W. A. Toyo and daughter, Catberlno, will arrive home from Napa, Cal., whore they have spent the last three months. -0- Will Lawhorno and wife, Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Coke, left this week for Sltkum, Oregon, where they will en Joy a week's outing. Wednesday evening, Miss Mao Stauff was hostess at her homo In South Marshflcld at a farewell com plimentary to Mrs. T. G. Loyland, who loft this week for Portland to rcsldo and Miss JoHcphluc Eddy who loft on nn extended southern trip. .1. T. Hall, Mrs. Elizabeth Sanhcrg, Mrs. .1. T. McCornmc, Mrs. Lcofo anil I Mrs. It. E. Drowning. The first reg ular meeting Is to ,bo held the last Tuesday In September at the homo of Mrs. J. W. Dennett. 0 Mrs. W. II. Kennedy waB hostess to a few ladles at cards Tuesday eve ning. Refreshments wero Borved and the evening made n most onjoyable one.' At cards, Miss Oonovlevo Scng stacken won llrst prize. Among thoso present wero Mrs. E. Mlngus, Mrs. It. K. Dooth, Miss Mnmlo Mnho .ley, Miss Lucy Iiorton, Miss Nolllo Towoj, Miss Charlotte Murch, Miss Oonovlevo Songstaekon, Mrs. N. Itas muBsen and Mrs. Laron. 0 Mrs. F. E. Hague, who Is vlsltlnfi relatives In Portland at Vnncouvor, D. C, oxpect8 to return next week or tho llrst of tho following weok. O Dr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Ingram left this weok for Spoknno whero they will visit relatives of Mrs. Ingram for ti whllo beforo going to Ilnydcn Lnkc, Idaho, whore they will npond fourtcon months on a homestead on VnrloiiH games, n rhymo contest and vocal nnd Instrumental music con-jw"'ch Dr. Ingrnm recently fllcd. trlbuted to tho evening's pleasure. Oordon RnsmiiBson, Duncan Forgu Itofreshmonts wero served, Misses' Gordon RnsmuBson, Duscnn Forgu Mary Kruso nnd EIbIo Hnll nsslBtlng 80"' Fred McCormnc, Georgo Murch tho hostess. Among thoso Invited nnt! Georgo Hnlncs aro among those woro Mrs. A. H. Eddy, Mrs. O. S. planning to leave soon for Corvallls , Torroy, Mrs. J. T. Hnll, Mrs. T. Q. t0 cntor Oregon Agricultural collogo Loyland, Mrs. Franklin C. Dlrch, Mrs. tho coming yenr. Ed. WIedor, Loo PTNvFIagg, Mrs. M. E. Stauff. Misses McLaln, nnd .loo and John Noblo will Nottlo Savngo, Josephine Eddy, Ednn nl8 IoftVo on to resume tholr cour- Lnrson, Mary Jnmcson, Iluth Allen, 80f t Columbia College. Hnzol Merryman, Elslo Hnll andj o Mnry Kruso nnd Messrs. Day OHI-1 Last Monday, Mrs. S. D. Harper Guy Torroy, P. N. Flngg, G. L. Din- was hostess at a most delightful lit dinger, V. T. Lnngulllo, D. Coumerln, Jns. Stauff, and Win. Stauff. 0 Mr. nnd Mrs. D. F. Hobs ontertnln cd at their homo on Catching Inlet nt diunor Wednesday In honor of Mrs. brother, J. W. Donobrake, and son, Itoss's brother J. W. Donobrnko and son, Ross, who loft Friday for Hllls- hospltnllty of tho host nnd hostess nunt, Mrs. 11, F. Dengtson woro: J. W. and II. S. Houebrnko, tlo luncheon, nt her homo' In South Mnrshflold. Among thoBo present woro Mrs. F. S. Dow, Mrs. Horace Hydo, Mrs. F. G. Horton, Mrs. J. T. M. Knox nnd Mrs. L. W. Langdon. 0 MIhs Alleo Dahlgreu returned to her homo In Portland this week nftor a pleasant visit nt tho homo of her Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Hobs, MIbs Ida Mntson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Holloii beck, "Grnndmn" Donobrnko, Mrs. Nowlnnd and grandson, Veil, Mrs. Hlggluson and son, Williams. Tho room was prettily decorated with (lowers and nil wore seated at a table 0 Mrs. Helen Drlggs nnd dnughtor returned to their home In Portland this week after a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. L. .1. Simpson In North Deud and nt Shore Acres. 0 i jirs. .1. i:. i.vnnn mir inr nor notnn provided with all good things to cat , Sn PrnncBC0 thls weok nftor n that one could wish. After cllnnop.'B,lirt vlalt wlt M,.B J T McConnnc music was furnished by H. S. and J.,mu, othor fl.lcillls ... tho IJn,. v. Kouonrnue aim ueorge kobs, two songs wero sung, "Gloria" and J. W. Donebrnko's favorite "I Am Glad I Dear Ills Nnme." The hour of pnr- 0 Mra. Florence Hawes of San Fran cisco, who has been tho guest of Mrs. ting came too soon but J. W, Done-; i Mary It. Smith the past few weeks, brake was promised four chick dlnnors on his return to Coos Day. Tim F.mllAa nt tlln tfiilKpminl Mini'rli pursuant to an announcement iiui,!.'1" ,n!i? ,n ' Centennial celebra- In church, met nt the rectory on Sat loft for her home this week. 0 Mis. Chas. Thorn and daughters loft this week for Astoria where they urday afternoon of tho 26th. for tho purpose of forming a branch of tho woman's auxiliary. The auxiliary Is the missionary agency among women In the Episcopal church throughout tho United Stntes. It works In con junction with the general board of missions In New York City. Last tlon. They will also visit relatives In Portland boforo returning. 0 Miss Elizabeth Cox loft this weok for a month or six weoks visit at Hie J. A. Cox home in Chicago. She will also visit nt a number of points en route, going and coming. Slio wa accompanied as far as Portland by In tho mid-west. Most of tho time will be spent nt Norfolk, Neb., at Dos Moines nnd Mt. Vernon, lown, where Mr. Dargolt resided beforo coming to the conBt. They will visit at the prin cipal points of Interest en route, go ing via tho northern route nnd re turning the southern wny. O Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Robinson and children of Portland lire gti's nt tne homo of Mrs. HoIiIuhoh's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Muir In North Dond. They are en rotifo from Port land to California wlwro thuy expect to locate. 0 Misses Then Kruso nnd Helen Johnson nnd Mrs. HnsmusBeu of North Demi will leave next wek tor a visit at Crockett, Cal. A North Dond bench party niinlst lug of Mrs. J. YV. unrdlnor. Mrs. M. E. Everltt nnd her sister. Mrs. Wnr.u. Mr. nnd Mrs. Archie Wlilsmtnt, Mrs. David Vaughan and motlior-In-'siw, Mrs. Vaughan chartered a launch and Bpent Thursdny it Charleston. 0 The Ainoiicnn Woman's Lcnguo held nn enjoyable meeliiK nt the homo of Mrs. C. II. Murr In North Dond this week. Tho league will meet next Wednesday rf'.ernoon at tho home of Mrs. W E. Homme of Cooston. Claude Hockett nnd wife nnd son, Graham, hnvo returned from n visit with rolntlves nt GrantB' Pass and Eugene. Thoy will rcsldo at North Dend. 0 Tho Promenndo given nt tho Eagles' Hall last ovonlng by tho Young LndloH of tho Marshllcld Eplscopnl church was a decided success both from a flu nnclnl and social standpoint. Tho nttendnnco was largo and tho gather ing most congenial. Tho hnll was most nttrnctlvely decorated, Japan- oso lanterns nnd huckleberry being used profusely and effectively. Tin music was good nnd tho floor excel lent, affording lovers of tho light fan tastic all that they could desire. Tho decorations which won many compli ments during tho evening was the work of Misses Flnronco Aiken, Grnco Kruso, Agnes Hutchcson, Gonovlovv) Seugstncken, mid Mrs. J. T. Harrlgan, Mrs. Win. Dungnii, .Mrs. J. W. Den nett. During tho evening punch wnu served In a prettily decorated room by MIbscb Mnry Kni60 and Elslo Hall. 0 .Mrs. E. Mlngus entortajned a few friends at her homo In West Mnrsh Held Friday nfteruon nt luncheon nnd cards. Among thoso present worn Mrs. M. C. Horton, Mrs. C. K. Perry, Mrs. J. T. McCormnc nnd Mrs. M. C Mnlonoy. 0 Goo. F. Winchester nnd wlfo leave todny for Dnndon for n short visit lif ter which thoy will go to Cnnuis Val ley to spend tho remainder of Mr. Winchester's vncntlon with rolntlves 0 Wm. Warwick and wlfo and daugh ter came down yesterday from South Coos River. Mr. Wnrwlck will re turn there Monday but Mrs. Warwick will renmln In town. The New Browns and Grays Full Box Backs Elegant Fall Models Spring Styles on Sale at Half Price "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. MAPSHFIELD BANDON their homo In Portland after n do llghtful fow weoks spent in Cooj county. During tho last fow days of tholr stny, thoy wero gtiostB of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Donnott. Tuesday thoy woro ontortnlnod nt a llttlo pic nic pnrty on South Coos Rivor by M.r nnd Mrs. Donnott. Dcsldo the Donnott and Scudding families, Miss M. F. Mullln of Sun Francisco was tho only othor guest. 0 Miss Hilda Stonholm arrived home today from n fow weoks visit at vnrl ous California points. ' Mrs. M. C. Cliapnfan and daugh ters, Mlsbes Dohlla and Ada, return ed today from a month's visit at vari ous southern points. 0 Mrs. I. S. Kniifmnn will loavo Mon day for nn extended visit nt tho liouir of her son In Holonn, Mont. She will nlso visit nt other polnta bo foro rotiirulng to tho Day. Elton Metlln arrived homo toda from Oakland, Cal., to spend a fow months nt tho homo of his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Motlln. COAST LEAGUE HALL SCORE8. (Dy Associated Press to the Coos Bay 'Times.) PORTLAND, Oro., Sept. 2. Yes torday's games in tho Coast Loaguo resultod as follows: At Los Angeles San Francisco Los Angolos At Sncrnmonto Vornon Bncramonto At Oakland Portlnnd , Oakland R II 1 7 O O 94 M R II 9 G G 7 R II 0 2 5 8 North Bend News MAHSIIFIHLI) MAX TO WED year the united offering of 'all thelller slster M,S8 AUco Cox- w,1 w branches of the auxiliary connected with tho Eplscopnl church amounted to more than $243,000. This is ap portioned among about 35 mission ary Jurisdictions, domestic nnd for eign. Dlshop nnd Mrs. Scaddlng wero present nt tho rectory and outlined tho work of tho auxiliary as well as of missions In general. A chapter of tho auxiliary was formed, comprising tho following; member: Mrs. J. W. Dennett, president; Mr. Win. Hors- fall, vice-president; Mrs. GoorefnoUe. Idaho. The home was beuu- Murcli. treasurer, nnd Mrs. Downing, take a course at a business collego there tho coming year. O Miss Pearl Helgard left this weok for a short visit In Portlnnd prior to entering Oregon Stnto University nt Eugene, O A farewell party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glazier, Aug ust 29, for Mrs. Fred Glazier, who left Thursday to join her husband at tifully decorated In pink and sreeu, secretary; Mrs. George Deubner, Mrs. i roses being the predominant llower. I C. J. Mnhoney, n former well known Mnrshfleld young man but now nn attorney In Portlnnd. nnd Mis Ef flo Collier wero married by Archblsn op Chrlstio of tho Catholic diocese of Oregon In Portlnnd Thursday. Tho news of tho nuptials was n surprit-o only In that it took place n fow days earlier than friends of tho couple here had anticipated. Yesterday, Mrs. Elizabeth Adams and Miss Mamie Mahoney, sisters of the groom, re ceived the following tolegram from their brother: "Tho big event was pulled off yesterdny at tho Archbish op's residence. My wlfo Joins mo in Fending regards to tho bunch. Leavo tomorrow for Newport. Will write from there." Mr. nnd Mrs. Mahonoy will make their home in Portland and scores of Coos county peoplo will un ite in wishing tho estimable couple nil the Joys that time can bring. Dlshop and Mrs. Chaa. R. Scad, ding left Wednesday morning for Perry I.annlng Will Marry Ada Until of Richmond, Calif. RICHMOND, Cnl., Sept. 2 Elabor ate preparations nro being mado for tho wedlng of Miss Adn Roth, one o' the most popular young wonion of th's city, to Porry Lnnnlng, n building contractor of Marshflold, Oro., tomor row. The ceremony wll bo solemn led at tho homo of tho bride's sister, Mrs. II. II. Turley. Rev. 1, S. Nov som, pastor of tho Christian Church will ofllclnte. The brlde-to-bo Is a daughter of Peter Roth, contractor. Tho couple will make their homo In Mnrshflold. whore Mr. Lannlng has business In terests. Thoy will leave for a honey moon trip of several weoks through the South Immediately after tho wed ding. A Wisconsin man threntons to run for congress with the ton command nionts for his platform. Which is not llkoly to mnke a hit with voters who like to hnvo u congressman gift ed with sorao originality. J. W. Gardiner returned thli wtrt from a business trip to San Fru Cisco. Mrs. Geo Bolster of Klamath FtUi, n former well-known Coos Day r! dent, returned to North Dend Thar day for a visit. Mrs. M. J. Pratt visited her dl- tors, Mrs. T. V. Johnson nnd Jin Tlioinns Luwhoriio In Mnrshneld tW weok. Miss Molllo Johnson rcturcM horo for a visit with her. L. F. Fnlkonstoln has return from Portlnnd where ho recently it dorwont nn oporntlon. Ho Is mtrt Improved but hns not fully rocovenl from tho oporntlon. Road tho Times' Wan. Ads. Have your Job printing done ' The Times office. I1ARGAIX IX MODERN DWELLIXfi 5-room modern dwelling, bunga low style, nil conveniences, Including hot water boating plant, level lot, on one of tho best corners In Wost Marshfleld, fine bay view, oast front Price I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 150 Front St. vJ3 Nothing so refreshing ns 'C jL TOOTH WAShCJ (rftflulJ Wo have nil tho best kinds (nnd &V3iti U Tooth Brushes, Too JrA COI.GATES LIQUID DEXT1I RICE Itublfonui Sooriont Sanitol Tooth AVnsh Dentifrice Lyons Tooth Powder Colgates Dental Ribbon Pebcco Tooth Paste Colgates Tooth Powder Princess Tooth Powder Calov Tooth Powder Oxydento Tooth Powder Peroxide Tooth Powder Woodbury's Dental Cicain liorodeut Tooth PnMe CROSS DRUG STORE m&W? MMta. :iMrRWflf'!lfii' h i iiBBSSjj J mSSHSSSfSim