The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, September 02, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Page 7, Image 7

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x r ' ''' ''.&''
n-r The,
aro conducted every Saturday
tnoir now church as follows:
Sabbath school nt 10 n. m. preach
lug sorvlco 10:15 a. m. You nro
cordially Invited to attend.
(Ministers and others aro requost-
, Jo band the Sunday church no-
Jce3 not later than Friday evening to
ln!Uro Insertion Saturday.)
... j tit f Iff i
ltl'iM' .MIVI1IUIM3J.
run Lutheran runtcii.
Cor. 3rd and Commercial Ave.
o Ilcv. n. l Ileiigtson, pastor.
204 Highland Avenue-
Phono 91-R
Sunday school 0:45 a. in,
Morning sorvlco 11a. in.
Evening sorvlco 8 p. in.
Sunday school 10:00 n. m.
Preaching 11:00 . m.
Epworth League, 7:30 p. m.
Union services Sunday evening of
Vorth Hem! United Urethern, Moth
Idlst and Presbyterian congregations
u, M B. church. Mis Anna A. Rob
bln.'stato organizer for the W. C. T.
U will bo tho spenkor.
Services will bo hold in tho Chris
tian Science ball. 327 Third street.
north, Sunday at 11 a. in. Subject,
Sunday school at 12 m.
Emmanuel Church
' UOV. Robt. K. Urowilillir. Hnr-lnr
0:30 n. in. Sunday School.
11 a. in. Holy Communion and
Episcopal Church Service (Holy
Communion) In North Rend at 3:30
tomorow afternoon. Sunday School
nt 2:4G.
44444444444 4
Rev. Q. LeRoy Hall,
Hesldence 692 Sixth street
Residence, 2RC-J.
Study, 289-L.
10 o'clock Sundny school, Alva
Doll, superintendent.
11 o'clock Morning service.
Morning topic, "A Consecrated
Church nursery for children con
ducted nt the corner of 3rd and Con
(Cotiilimcri from lust Saturday) iir or 20 years ago, but those wore
Soiling crops are usually grown ns .generally poorly located or neglected.
Little attention has been given to
pruning or to cultivation and sprny-
tral between tho hours of 11 and 12 ;ier feed for dairy stock. Field
flltllllnv mmntiir ' (ii I'll twiil n ml U'liltn nli-ii'iit tinnu tlli1
5 .ii,-.,., ,m. , r i lug with the result that many of thes.
w ,iu,JV IUOIOIUU DUaVVlUU V A ill." -' 11,11 UlU IMU lllll;illll 1WI tlHU Vil LD I
2:30 ferry).
7:00 o'clock n.
Y. P. U.
H. Y. P. U. service will bo In chnrgo IS f corn for euBllngo has inc
Mass will bo celebrated in Marata
flold at 10:30 Sunday morning, tho
Rov. Father Springer celebrant.
"'r 4
n uov. h. i. Ilutlodgo, PaBtor. M
Sunday school, 10 n. m.
Morning sorvlco, 11 a. m.
Epworth Loaguo at 7 o'clock.
Services at 8 p. m.
uov. McLEOD, Pastor.
Sunday school, 10 n. m. Blmrp.
Y. P. 8. C E. at 0:30 p. m.
Preaching at 1 1 n. m.
Sundny evening tho congregation
Till Join In the union servlco at tho
North Dead M. E. church.
of north m:xi.
J. T. M. Knox, pnstor.
4 44444444
of Alva Doll.
Communion sorvlco Sundny morn
ing. Tho annual offering for mis
sions will bo called for nnd pledges
taken nt this service. In tho evening
tho pnstor will Bpenk on missions,
taking us n thomo: "A Consccrntod
Cobbler." You aro Invited.
mr1in t1 a n vn nt iitnann t itmtwul tint li
During recent years silos have been I . ,.,.,. .,
' , . , . , .. , .or produco Inferior fru t. The farm-
adopted In some cases, and tho ruls-i ' , , ,,,,..
Braised' , - .....
ing nro gradually giving moro nucn-
Sorvlces Sunday morning at 10:45.
Sunday school at 10 o'clock.
Junior League, 4:00 p. m.
7:30 o'clock Evoning worship.
Rov. Father Springer, Rector.
Mass will bo colobratod at 8
o'clock Sunday morning.
Sunday School at 10 A. M.
Christian Endeavor nt 0:30 P. M.
Preaching sorvlce at 11 A. M. nnd
I o'clock.
Tho ovonlng meeting will bo a
union sorvlco of tho ProHbytorlnn, 44 4
Mfthodlst and United Ilrothron con- 4 CHURCH OK CHRIST
Sundny School 10 a. 111.
Preaching servlco 11:00.
Christian Endeavor 7:00.
Preaching sorvlco 8:00.
sregatlons of North Dond.
4 T. 0. BUNCH, Minister.
Regular eorvlcot ovory Lord's day.
Sunday school, 10 o'clock A. M.
Communion sorvlce 11 o'clock A.M.
Y. P. 8. C. E. 6:30 o'clock P. M.
Prayer meeting Thursday aventns
8eTenth Day Adventlst sorvlco each wook 8 o'clock.
Hope to .Save Dig Lumber Carrier
Which Struck Reef.
Tho Intcst Intolllgonco concerning
the Hazel Dollar, tho big lumbor
steamer which took on pnrt of Its
enrgo here last April and which mot
with accidents nt Pugct Sound nnd
on a .Tupiiucso reef, Is contained in
tho following San Francisco dls
putch: "A cnblo messago from M11
rornn, Japan, recolved hero a fow
days ago, says that It was expected
tliut tho steamer Hazel Dollar, which
was fast 011 tho roof there, would bo
floated at tho uoxt high tldo. It was
planned to make temporary ropalrs
nt Murornn and to tako the vessel to
Shanghai for permanent repairs."
Read the Times' Want Ads.
We Are Loaded for You
With a New Line of
Bed Room Furniture
New Brass Beds
From . .
$20 Up
New Iroft aftd'Steeld!')350
Beds $3.00 to . $&&
Wood Beds Birdseye Maple, Cir- 1 '1. 50 Up
cassiam Walnut or Fumed Oak, M
We Have a New Line
of Dressers
Ii All Styles and Finishes
From $7.50 to $35
Also Springs, Mattresses, Blankets, Etc
Ir ' II
p fel
Come and inspect our stock. Always something
new. You are always welcome.
Going Harvey Company
in the warmer sections of the Interior
of Coos County, which are best adapt
ed to this crop. Silos have not yet
come into general use on the. larger
farms. Tho largo yield obtained of
root crops, Including carrots, beets,
mnngcNwurzels, and rutubagas, sug
gest their use during tho winter
months as a substitute for ensilage
whore provision for tho Intter has not
been mude.
In the production of grain local
variations of ell unite affect the ad
aption of tho crops to certain parts
of tho nrea. Corn and tho grains.
whent, barley and oats, have not
in general been successful crops along
the const In the western part of tho
urea. In well-sheltered locations oc
casional crops aro secured. Tho best
success with these crops Is hud In tho
Interior nt Coqulllo and eastward,
onts being especlaly productive In the
soils of tho river bottoms. Com,
when grown for thu grnln, Is restrict
ed to interior situations. It Is fre
quently cut too green for ensilage.
When grown for this purpose It
should bo allowed to become as fuliy
matured iih possible, thus reducing
the proportion of water and increas
ing Its vnluo ns a Btoclc feed. This
crop requires early planting on well-
drained land to Insure proper ripen
ing in this locality.
Kale produces woll upon tunny of
tho lowland soils. It bus also given
good results In parts of tho uplands,
when planted nt the most fnvorublo
time and given propor cultivation.
us a green feed for the winter months
this crop could probably bo moro ex
tensively grown with profit, as it Is
known to withstand temporat tires be
low tho freezing point, and produces
Its greatest growth during tho winter
season. Kalo Is usually transplant
ed from germinating bods to the flold
about July 1, and is cut down during
January and Fobruaury. Yields of
40 tons to tho aero of green stalks
and leaves aro Boniot lines socurod.
Root crops and knlo aro both very
productlvu under local conditions,
and valuablo succulent feeds for
dairy stock during tho winter months.
Hay occupies n relatively largo pro
portion of tho nron undor cultivation.
Onts nro largely grown as a
tlou to tho enre and mnnngement of
their orchards and fruits of excellent
quality aro grown. Tho most prom
ising varieties of apples tire the Grav
ensteln, Dnldwln, Spltzenberg, Rhode
Island Greening, Tompkins King, and
Wealthy. As moro interest Is shown
In fruit growing now vnrltles -pcclully
adapted to tho local climatic
conditions may bo Introduced. The
most favorable (locations jfojr fruit
occur In tho moro lovol pnrts of the
hill lands nnd upon tho valley ter
races along tho Coqullle River nnd Its
branches. Tho production of straw
berries and biiBh fruits Is limited to
supplying tho. local markets. Thess
fruits develop excellent quality and
aro very productive.
LnlMir .Swirco
Labor for farm worlc Is frequently
rather scarce. Tho hlghor wages
paid nt the lumber camps and mills
draw tho most eillclont labor to othor
,occupnt!oiiB than farming. Ameri
cans, Gcrmnns, nnd Swedes nro em
ployed ns milkers nnd for general
work on the farms. Iluttor makers
rocolvo from $r.O to $G0 n month nnd
bonrd. Farm hands recolvo nil aver
age wago of $2.00 n day for'10 or 12
hours' work, and $35 by tho month,
Including bonrd.
Tho slzo of tho farms In tho more
thickly sottlcd districts along tho
Coos r.nd Coqulllo Rlvors rnnges from
CO to 100 acres or more. Tho farm
usually Includes somo bottom Mud,
which Is cleared and cultivated, the
remaining area consisting of timber
land which Is usually used as pasturo
for stock. Tho hill lands nro gonor
ally hold In 100-acro homesteads,
which are cleared, or In timber
claims. Extensive tracts nro held
by lumber companies, or aro Included
in railroad grants.
Tho unimproved lands In tho dairy
farms along tho Coos nnd Coqulllo
Rivers nnd In the section noar Lang-
lots nnd Denmark, In tho southwest
ern part of the area, is hold at $150
to $200 an acre for bottom fond.
Arons which havo been cut over or
aro covered with small second-growth
forests can bo bought for $5 to $25
nu ncro, depending on tho topography
j'nnd location of tho land and tho near
ness to town, tiio cost or cio'irmg
I dominates as Is well seen along th
Kiuuiur jui i u ui me auuiii rum ui iu
Coos Rlvor. The prevailing color of
the shales Is yellowish brown or oc
casionally white, while light-colored
sandstones nro most common. The
shnlo Is frequently deeply wenthored
and fissured, forming loose, disinte
grated beds, and permitting tho pene
tration of tree nnd plant roots to
great depths and generally nffecttlng
the soil nnd subsoil of tho overly'.ng
material as regards drainage Tho
Rlverton clny loam Is tho principal
soil typo derived from this formation.
In local ureas It forms a shallow cov
ering avor shnlo or sandstone, but Is
usually of great depth, is freo from
grnvol where typically dovolopod, ami
possess a uniformity sllty or lonmy
Tho soil derived from tho Myrtle
formation of tho CrotuccoiiB period
are confined to tho southern pnrt of
tho area In Coos County and In the
northwestern part of Curry County.
The dnrk-groy sandstones and fine
conglomerates and shales occurring
In this section havo Imparted a dark
er color nnd slightly heavier texturj
to tho soil material than Is typical of
tho soils derived from the Eorono
rocks of tho uplands farther north.
The presonco of nngular chips nnd
rock fragments In tho soil nnd sub
soil and tho moro rugged topograph
ic features of tho region, tho compnr
ntlvoly thinly forested slopes In cor
tnln areas, and tho bnro hills aro dls
gulshlng fenturcs of tho Myrtlo clay,
tho principal soil typo derived from
this formation.
(To lie Continued Xoxt Hnttirdny)
former cobs
e: a y boy wins
cron. Hed nml whltn clovnr nnil n
mixture of ryo grass and orchard ,tho lniul of,tno BCCOnd rowtB trep8'
grass nro used both ns soiling and Bl' ' .! ' ""uor"r,,H" ,H U8"",iU
hay crops.
A crop rotation which Is woll nd-
aptod to tho local conditions consists
of corn ono yonr, potntoos ono year
ryo, grass and clover hay two years,
aftor which tho land may remain as
pasturo for two or moro years before
bolng plowed for tho cultivated crop.
Tho soils of tho hills and uplands aro
frequently seedod with white clovor
nnd bluegra8s nftor clearing nnd bo
foro tho lnrgo stumps nro roinovod.
Tho orlglnnl seeding often produces
pnstures which nro mniiitnlucd for 10
years or longer. Alslko clover Is woll
adapted to tho moist bottom land
not sufllciontly well drained for tilled
crops, though It hns como Into gonor
nl favor as a groon food.
flood For Fruit
In rocont years an Increasing In
torost In fruit growing hns dovolopod.
Apples, pears, plums, and cherries nrc
producod, but principally In small or
chards for domestic purposes. Many
cd at $20 to $-10 mi ncro.
Tho soils of tho Mnrshllold nrea
camprlso three clearly doflnnd groups,
ns determined by origin nnd tho pro
cess of formation, nnmoly, tho resid
ual soils of tho hills nnd uplnndB, tho
roworhod deposits occupying tho
Coastal Plain and tho mnrlno nnd rlv
or terraces, and tho alluvial soils of
tho stream bottoms. In extent tho
soils of tho uplnnds rank first. They
nro derived from tho woathoring of
underlying rocks of sedimentary ami
to n less extent of Igneous origin.
Tho geologic formntlon chnrnctor
Izlng tho upland portion of tho area,
lying north of tho Coqulllo Rlvor In
Coos County, from which tho soils In
this portion of tho area nro lnrgely
derived, bolongs to tho Eocouo period.
Tills formntlon is composed of thick
strata of shnlo and sandstono fro
qontly nltomotoly stratified near
tho coast, whllo In tho onstern part of
small plots woro sot out to orchardf tho area tho masslvo sandstono pro-
Freo to You and Every Sister 8ur
ring from Woman's Aliments.
N ' hair 4
1 am a wnman.
I know wotnan'e infferlngt.
1 navo found thn nr
woiuun'b ailuii-uta. 1 waul to ttllill women about
thU ouro-(, my riwUr. for yourueir, your
daughter, your mother, oryours&ti-r. 1 want to
M',1,1 A'0Ui ".ow ,to c,m """ilvi ut hom,, with
out tho huln i of n doctor. Men cioict undci Htund
wuiui-nanuttL-riUK. , Whatwowoimn know Iron
Urlnct, wo know bitier thu.i nny doctor I
know ' tlt my'hoiiiK trt utmejit h wif.i nnd Miro
ui i u iur nuf-.iir.53 or njiiun Siimrui. I'lciutlM. llll
t itimir.l or f iIIick of l!ii Wtrab. ritfuu. Scial; er hiilut
h.iC.l, Utf.nj 01 CifJ.i Ttiitoit, (i (jrcntht: tu cunt la
Btlfl. ilt.i t1 tft& '1 ll.frlii Arm I.
crngiaf Iici'hk ho Ir.i ij,nt, miluchol,, d'lln lo cry, (it I
"jia-.j, mi-njii, k sua ujci'ir iiballii abiii ciuill
I ai! to bund you a somolcl. Ia iif rlmat
ri're'jr ' to rroo to ji-u tliut uu ecu euro
youne.f nt lioiiie, oiiHlly. quiokty und
urvly. Itenn-mlK -, fill coil )tu nolb'aito
wlh to continue, it will cojs yononly obon JsctnHa w . ov Ka than two oi-ium u day. It
will rut , Int-'fiTn with your vo,!t or ccououcl n. Jwt ti your o:ot :c" fJiiou, tell iiih how yon
jnilurif you Willi, and I will Bond vou tho trj.njant for youro n i n ""ly fret'.in libiln wrui
p.r, hy rot.;rn mall I will olw dend you frjatl coil, my lxmk "WOMAN'S OiVd hFOICll I0IISIB" with
.j'llttimtory iUtutrntlom ho ns '. hv w kuwi sulrcr. nnd how thi v can enaily cure tlienelvi
ixt C- try woirmn ih-mld J.hvj it, nnd l urn to talii for herself. Tin n win n the doctor y
Jox iiHUt ftuvii an ontruiinii," toj cun decide for jourelf. Thousand i of won.en havocund
a m ivia with niy hirat r. mtily. it cunw !l old or tounf. To Mcthai of CiuthUrt, I w 111 explain a
Jln-ul-t bouio trtatiut-nt w hloh ipeedlly und t-tuull cunti I.eucorrlioe, Uretn BIokntMnud
IU use r IrruKular "in"Uun in yoiuig Ludlee, lluiuinca und hialth nlways resultafrom
Whorover you , llyo. I enn refer yon to lodloi of your own locality who know and will Rladlr
VjII nny nufferor tliut thU Hooi Irtilrajnl really cum nil women's dUeiwcw, and make women well,
?,f,lpIuraLBn(f ro.1"13'- Jt ial bi rouf tilnn, oud tho freo ten day' treatment Uyouri,J
tho book Write to-day, ua you may not uuo tut affer again. Addreu
mrs. m. summers, BoxH - - Notro Dame, Ind., u. s.A.
R. C. Uuntlar, Son f Mix. C. K. .Tor
don, of I'astnldo, AVius Honors
at AlumeiLi, Calif.
An Alameda, Calif., papor of ro
cont dnto contains tho following story
which will bo of lutorest to tho ninny
friends or It. C. Dunbar, who is a son
of Mrsr C. E. Jordnn of Eastsldo and
who wns raised on Coos Day and who
Is now a promlnout fruit grower of
"Talking about lomons you should
soo tho ono that grow on R. C. Dun-
bar'B ranch at 532" Pacific avonuo la
this city. It is cortalnly somo lemon.
wolghlng 10 ouncos and looking like
an orange, all but tho color. It scorns
that tho lomon thought It was an
orango and outgrow itself. But put
ting naldo nil lovlty tho lomon Is a
peach and that Is no naturo fake.
Dunbar Ib proud of that lomon. It
liavlng been grown on a two-year old
tree In tho city of Alameda. It goos
to show that tho model city of tho
Pacific const produces not only prize
oggs, but troplcnl fruits. In fact the
city will not ovon tako off Its lint to
southern California In tho mnttor of
lomons. When nundar Is not cutting
steaks nnd chops at tho Ray City
Market ho Is working In his garden
nnd tho lomon treo Is one of his spec
ial prides. And Justly so, becnuso
It certainly Is ono big, largo, Juicy
Notlco Is horoby given thnt pur
suant to tho provisions of Chaptor V
of Titlo XXVI, L. O. L., nnd In nc
cordnuco with tho terms and condi
tions of said bond, tho City of Mnrsu
flold will take up and cancol tho spe
cial improvement bonds of said city
of Mnrshllold, Coos County, Orogou,
Issued on tho 1st day of Octobor,
llJOt), and mimborod 2, 3, 4 nnd 5
of said issuo respectively, bolng each
for tho sum of C0O and bearing In
terest at 0 per cout per annum, and
will on tho noxt soml-nnnual coupons
porlod of said bonds, to-wlt: on tho
1st day of Octobor, 1911, pay to tho
propor owners and holders of said
bonds, fnco vnluo of ouch thereof
with accrued interest to said data
and tho owners and holders of said
above described bonds nro horoby no-,
tilled to presont tho snmo for pay
ment and cancellation to tho under
signed, th6 trensuror of said city at
his ofllco in tho Flanagan & Donnett
bnnk In said City of Marshflold, Coos
County, Oregon, on said duto for
payment, cancellation and redemp
tion, and are further uotlflod that In
terest thoreon will ceaso nt said In
terest pnymont porlod, to-wlt: on
October 1st, 1911.
Dated this 2nd day of September,
1911. R. P. WILLIAMS,
Far (ilrli. Conducted tor (he SISURS OF THE HOLY
CilUtUu Cturuu Muile, Art. Elocution and Commcr
ciil Dcpti.fciW.ilaiiJ CvJn"'"".KtfiieJ Moral in4
tlSTKR WfERlOK Si. Ajr;', AloJoij. frr,U.J
.-' ft
Lia4tai.-ttali -
..a i t-