llISS f 'S'WWc-juwnum m,, ,. ,..., 6 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1911 EVENING EDITION. " " '" "-. -. , t "" 5HHr?B'lMwBBH " v "SALMONING" OF DOGS A SCIENTIFIC TREATISE OX A PREVAMCNT ANIMAL EASE, ITS CAUSE AX1) CURE. IMS- Prof. Emllo F. Pernot, bncterlolo-f foiling of tho carcass, is usually 119 glst Oregon State Hoard of Health. tlccahle for ti long time after death, has nn article In tho Inst Oregon i Ciiiim of the Disease. State Hoard Dnlletln In which he nays I A closo examination' of tho blood In nnrt: "Dogs nro very vnhmhlo do- like material along the back of the mestlc nnlnials to stock raisers and flsli reveals numerous Binnll white orchardlsts In this state. High prlcci spots which when placed on the 111I aro frequently paid for Imported crosenpe, under a low-power Ions, dogs. In one Instance nn orchnrdlst paid $125 for nn Imported dog to kcop tho Jack rabbits from destroy ing his young apple orchard. Even tually tho dog ate a trout and died prove to bo amoeba; as tho fish Is cold blooded a warming stage Is un necessary to note nctlve movement. Soon after being removed from the llsli tho amoeba become encysted and FLOWERS FOR ti E A National Society That CollqcU the Floral Surplus of the Coun try and Distributes It Among the City Poor. Y of snlmon poisoning. Tho loss of remain motionless. These are evl- dogs of more or less valuo from mil jnonlng is very common nnd wide spread. In our mountainous districts tho stock Industry depends largely upon dogs, as stock cannot be handled on tho rango without them, nnd in sheep herding tho shepherd dog Is indlspeu sablo. Tho most fatal disease of dogs In Oregon Is commonly known as "snl mon poisoning." Dogs that have ac cess to llsh Inhabiting streams tribut ary to tho sea, die from eating tho fish. Trout and salmon trout nro well known to bo particularly viru lent, and the salmon after leaving tho sen water nnd ascending tho fresh water streams become virulent after Inhabiting fresh wnter for some time, but the salmon taken directly from tho sen, or salt water, do not cause tho disease when eaten by dogs. Thoro are many popular theories aH to tho cause of dogs dying from eat ing llsh. Perhaps the most common 0110 Is that salmon-possesses a poi son which when eaten by dogs pro duces sickness mid death, commonly mown as "salmon poisoning." Tho remedies are ho numerous and somo ho ridiculous, that nn enumera tion of tliem is unnecessary hero. Sufflcu to say, thnt nil diseases of tho animal bod;, liavo a specific cause, thoroforo it became necessary in this disease of dogs to definitely deter mine tho Hjicclllc cause, before 11 rem cdy could intelligently bo ndmlnlstor- cd. As thero Is but Ilttlo or no lltorn turo upon tho subject of salmonlng of dogs, wo undertook nn Investiga tion of tho causo with tho assump tion that owing to tho disease having nn Incubating period of nino days from tho tlmo tho llsh is enton un til tho first symptom makes Itsolf manifest ,tt was a Imperial disease Thero appears to no a ninrked dc greo of d I fro re n co In tho susceptibility of dogs of different breeds. Tho hounds Been to bo particularly huh- ceptiblo, collies and shepherd dogs dently a fresh water amoeba that be come pnracltls to the llsh, but not pathogenic to them. Cuiv and How (ilvcn. The calomel moved Its bowels well, carrying off a largo amount of bile. Tho fecal mnttor pnssed was very black, or dark brown black In color. The dog was feeling well on Saturday, March tith nnd was sent home apparently cured. The elllclency of cnlomol as u spe cific for salmon poisoning lias been repeatedly verified by dog owner. Itoports liavo been received from the same owner of bIx recoveries out of eight cases, two of the dogg thnt died having other complications. Two grains of calomel Is a dose. Allow the dog to drink nil tho water It desires. The most effective tlmo for admi nistering the calomel is about the third day after tho first symptoms liavo been observed, or nfter tho dog has appeared very Hick nnd vomiting. Our oxperlonco Iiiib been thnt If the calomel Is given In the last stages of tho disease it causes Intense suf fering owing to tho highly Inllnmcd condition of tho Intestines, and tho dog being in such n weak emaciated condition usually dies from exhaus tlon, in a short time. Ot' who have garden. over flowing with summer bios Horns, hnvo you ever consid ered how much pleasure a pimple flower may give to tho tired and dlicourngcd worker in tho hot city sweatshop, to tho gasping child In tho crowded ward of tho great hospital, to the hot, untidy children In the dirty slum Hlrcets, to tho weary mother with tho cross baby or tho tired fa ther who comes homo at the end of nn exhausting day's work to the torrid home In tho tenement to dream of tho green fields and the sunny orchards where ho was a boy? I you have never thought of it kindly give your mind to tho consideration of such con- iUDGE HOLDS LAND ' COMPANY IS ALRIGHT Hocolvcr Denied For Concern In Which Coon County People Are Interested. Many Coos county pcoplo will bo Interested in tho following artlclo from n Seattlo paper relative to n land company from which thoy bought property through A. B. Pol loxfon who represented It on tho liny a fow years ago: "Judgo King Dykcman n fow days ago denied tho petition of Georgo A. Hell for a receiver for tho Jo vita una. oKonou x. rxvu I Hiililitti Pmimniiv. mi (In. ulinu'lmr nf next, thon the bird dogs and finally ! tin, company that Its assetH were bo tho common mongrel, which hooiiib tojlng conserved, that it Is a going con bo tho last HiiHceptlblo. Tho partial jcern, and that tho company has dellv InauBceptlblllty or immunity of tho ered to all purchasers of lot ovory- lattor may bo duo to common dogs) thing thnt was agreed to In tho con- iu tract. eating llsh partially sterilized rooked food that they obtain from garbage. A dog thnt has been well halmoneil nnd recovers from the dlsoaso Is Im munized against subsequent attacks as will bo seen by experiments with "Spottlo." ThU has been coullrmud by many ownern of dogs, thnt If a salmoued dog recount from n severe J attack of the iIIwiiho, It never occurs again. SVMI'TONS ' Tho first notlcoablo symptom of this disease occurs invariably nino days after tho llsh has been eaten. Tho dog becomes mopish, desired to lie down, nnd refuses to take food. During tho course of low temper ature the dog appears to bo cold anil curls up as if It were Buffering with abdominal pains. No food Is taken nfter the first fc.wuptoms appear, but thero Ib a coimlaiit desire to drink, which If allowed Is followed by vo miting. Howol action varies; In iomo cases constipation piocedo dlnrrhoea. while lu other diarrhoea begins early, continuing throughout the Ill ness, The dngtt usually have spasms of more or los oorlty Jiibt before death. From tho oarlUwt stag of tho disease, einaelutlou gradually in creases until time of death. Tho abdomen U tensely countrified nud tho animal walks with meat dlllloul iy. Tho miicuous membrane, such n lips and eyelid, become bloodless nud anemic, hi some Instances rose spots npppur upon tho ubdoiueu and Inside the letc. ImIuk unite noticeable on white-haired dons. An nbveiico of ilgor uiurtls. or tlf- "It was the charge of tho plain tiff that tlio company lrid agreed to do certain street .York thnt had not been done, and that in.siepresentn tlouw had been made to non-resident contract-holders. "Jiiiiioh II. Kerr, attorney for tho defendants, told the court that the cempany hail Invested $ 120.000 foi the acreage nt lovlta Hilghts, and has spent $117,000 In lnipiuveincutB and $!t0.000 In siirvoyiiK. -!ce ex pense nud other sundries. Atlldavlts sot forth the Information that the as sets of the company nro S.'.moL'S nnd tho liabilities SlS.tOO." Al,().; THK WATERFRONT. The space required to store sutllc- lent oil for a traveling radius of 0,000 miles 011 the oil burning stenmers, is about one-third less than tho space re quired for coal bunkers sufficient for storage for a traveling radius of 3,000 mllcf, and the cost of the oil as com pared with coal will Ire from 10 per cent to jo per cent less. The motors of tluw ships will require only about live men to tend to them The new motor ships will be nlilo to take on ' tenements. The New York authorities dlttotiB nnd then look nt your glowing flower beds If you can without a gen erous stirring of conscience thnt is. If you hnvo a conscience. Fortunately kind hearts hnre already tnken step to bring tho abundance of ton country to tho door of tho city. It Wfly in 1R1V7 thnt tho VnHnnnI Plant. Flower nnd Fruit guild woe os tnbllshcd In Now York city. Tho ob ject of this organisation was to gather I t. 41. l 1 . M --. m I uiu uumi rnirj)iu 01 inrron nnu gar dens to the city wbcro they could bo distributed free to thoso who needed nnd would nppreclato them. Tho work h grown from the distribution of it few hundred bunches of flower to enormouH proportions. Thero nro locnl brunches of tho organizations In ninny places, nnd tho society Is anxious to en tabllsh iheso wherever they do not x 1st. Tho exprens companies In nnd about New York city hnvo been Interested In the work and enrry free certified packages of flowero and plants from contilbutors to tho society's New York depot. Mrs. John Wood Stewart of Now York- originated tho Plant, Flower mid Fruit guild In ISM she was visiting n big country estnte at (Jtenrldge. N. J., where there wiih tin unused surplus of (lowers nnd fruit, hi her philanthrop ic work Mrs. Stewart had learned the valuo cf these things, and when she spoko to her hostess the latter eagerly coincided In Mrs. Stewart's regret for the waste of fruits nnd flowers; also her hostess said that If there wore any society for the purpose of distributing such fruits or flowers to the sick or poor sho would bo glnd to co-operate with It. Mrs. Stewart set out to Interest oth er iicrsons whoso clrcuinstnnces made It likely they would be able to assist Mich an organization. Tho result was the Nntlonal Plant, Flower nnd Fruit guild, which has branches In many parts of the country. The scopo of the work has broadened sluco then. Flow ers are supplied to hospitals, to cltv inlssloiis.settleiiients.missloti churches, vacation schools and to many other org!inl7ntloii8. One of tho guild's most Interesting activities Is the nmlnien.'iuco of u farm garden for the little children of the iieani 111 .now ioru, wiiero oil is cheaper than lu Europe, sulllclent quantity for the trip from New York lo Oerinanv and from Hamburg back to New York. The oil can be pumped Into the tanks without any of the In convenience of taking in conl.nnd much more rapidly. Try Times' Wnut Ads. $100 Reward, $100 Tlu-r Hill-in i-r I 111. iHr ft I 1 i.lni.i-.l io .-urn mm im-ri' i. hi u DM oin- iri-Milii uIm-Hm- Tho uniform success that has at tended tho use or Chamberlain'- Co lic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Keuiedy has made it k favorite everywhere. It can always b dtendc.l up-q F-ir sale by all donlers. that i-U-iii'ti lint U-i-n iihli-toi-iiM- iii hII lu -I'W'MIHl 'llltt M 'HIM -hi I(hU' iMIMirh Tun- l ilit- milx 1.m- . nre iimi linnuii i,i llli' llU'tlU-ftl frrilt-riillt raUlrn I1..I111 ........ lIliiiiuiiHl i11mhi-. rtHii(ri a ihiixIiiiiIoiihI irt-Him in llull.k t'Htar'h urn-1. t-kin inl -r iml i -hiIiik .lln-.'il 111x.11 ih 1,1.1,1.1 hii.I mi). If II- IIIIHII ill 1 Inl U1 l!lln hi l l 1 II Vlllll I hi- fimnilali.ii of III.' .It-k n. i-lii( ihi a lout ii- iiuih fn liiillilln up 'In- ii.titiitii. luii ninl H-lt'ilir iittiuit- In il.m11; ii,iik ilit- irinlt'luK ka-Miuuth (11I1I1 in ri iir. tllv uvr Unit Ihi-v it-r On.- Ilun.tr.. I i,,l. lur lor biiv rM I Iml It fall. In . tin' Mini for lll Ul li-fcllll mi'i 1. nnnually set luddo a section of Hud sou park for Pie use of the youngsters of the neighborhood, who are such dill gent farmers thnt the park commls .ilouer was moved to admiration and Is flow enthusiastically commuted to fur thering similar experiments wherever possible, rtpsldo the park farm, fifty back yard gardens were started lii spots that lind previously been eye sores In their neighborhoods. Two roof gardens were maintained for frorh nlr camps, nnd 717 window boxes were placed in tenement houes. The Jusplrer. tho netlve head of the work. Is the executive secretary of the Natloiml Plant. Fruit and Flower guild, who mty Ui found nt her desk, fii Fifth avenue. New York, on every week day. Sho Is n remarkable per- sniiige l Mrs Paul, for uo ono over No Smoking Wax With Electric Flat Irons The smell of smoking wax is not agreeable and the fumes injure delicate throats. Wax is not necessary with hlectric Flat Irons is not used at all. The wax-fumes danger of catching fire occa sional damage to the article being ironedarc all eliminated. The surface of the Electric Iron is always smooth. Electric Flat Irons Ironing Done In Half the Time With Half' The Labor Telephone 178 Oregon Power Company , $3.00 S 2i3 First National Bank OF COOS HAY AT MAllSHFIKLl). OHKGON, Capital and surplus and profits $107,000.00 Total resources 535,000.00 United StatesDepository for Postal Savings Does a general banking business, Interest paid on time and savings deposits. OFFICERS: W. S, Chandler, M, C, Horton, Dorsev Kreitzer, President, Vice-President, Cashier, DIRECTORS: M U, UliailUIDI, JUIIII VJ, JUIG W, U, Douglas, John F, Hall, F, S, Dow, M, C, Horton, Wm, Grimes, S, C, Rogers, W, P, Murphy, Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $100,000 Assets Over $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. IIE.MIY SEXG8TACKEN, Mgr. Coqulllo Office Phone 191 Mnrshflold Offlco 14-J. Farina Timber Coal and Platting Landa a specialty. Genaral Agenta "EASTSIDB" This has bcon a dry month but nro you nwnrd that It lms been Raining Bargains At our storo every day. Just cast your englo eyo In our window nnd' see the 40-Piece Set of Crockery ' for Only $5.00 You cannot duplicate this prlco In Coos county. (pOOS BAY Vash STORE Tlio Storo Tliut SntvN Yon Money. (SHO. N. UOIT, - Malinger. Front Kit-eel. Mnt-nliflchl. URl) ofMn.whol iMiKimolnventlvonlilllty fnPB r.Vasnx'rllo lli:i:i.i:v A Mrl.N'l nil" ! n,i.,,l VlljriHjrt, M'u.liliiuluii, II. f. The cost of repairing tho wiring In our building In Mnrshflold was nino dollnrs. Tho owner nt onco got a re duction of FlfJy Dollars per jour In the Insurance. Think It ovor. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J Business Directory Following Is a list of Rcllnblo DuslneBS Firms thnt It will Pay to Patronize 60 To WILLEY & SCHR0EDER for Plumbing and Heating Mnraliflclil, Ore., Phono 773 STADDEN All hinds of photograph work, bromide enlarging and kodak finishing. J. L. KOONTZ Machine aa4 Repair 8hop GENEItAIi MACHINIST Stean and Qa Englno Work At UolUnd's boat skop, Front street, Marshfleld, Or. IIKAIIY'S GUN SHOP Full lino of Blcyclo supplloa. Gun, blcyclo, machlno lock ropafr Ing, Keys mndo and fitted. E. HANDEL, Prop. No. 007 No. Front St. Phono 180-R MAnSHFIELD'S POPULAR FASIILY HOTEL THE XiLOYl Hates reducod to: Day 50c, 75c and 11.00; week J2.00 to 5.00. Houao koeplng aparttnonts with gas ranges JIO.00 to $18.00 por month. FREH DATHS K. V. SULLIVAN. Prop. WILL K.YCIIANOE My !?2,10l), equity In a G-room hungaliu', lot 80x92, Woodstock Add., Portland, Oro. Valued nt J3.000, for ncivaRO noar or property In Mnrsiilloid. Or. I am tho owner of this bungalow, nnd shnll only deal direct with ownor of property. If you ku'iw (t nny ono wishing to exchange have them wrlto L. J. Juston, 494 Morrlsson St., Portland, Oregon. !'ii VfMlkU t,WClr &S. a cm &jwjfozmi. V r, V . . tu SKZIVi A CLEAN. WE. .W rWil&LSfr ISAs&i. s y ! S?B5SEN ' ..W. (Wt I A H (LK.r'. ' J -vO 91-5 ' ' '-.'.'I -I f "V Jv Xv TD Cm BAY MALTY OEAL6RV K TsAfSWrS COAL .'WAY,T...r7.V i'lV firm xv.;. riS!. It &&. - lA. ,' V . WATCH! NOTICE! Homer Mauzey, one of tho drlvera and the solicitor for us Is out for Laundry. Watch him! he Is liable to stop you on tho street and explain all details of Laundry and also to be nt your homo any time. He knows Laundry business from A to Z. Marshfield Hand and Steam Laundry PHON.. 220.J CMWsf A .1 I 41 The past has proven thnt Investments In sranll aero tracts near growing cities nro tho most profitable Tho C. D. R. S. has such to offer. Chas. J. llruBchko, Marshfleld, Oro. ALICE H Sl' ItlHl lltlt ! l-tlhtl! I COOS RAY TO HRATVniili.vna Tho Popular Picnic llont. itlnie posslblo HoUen Auto Line Now makes regular schedule on Vla Allegany. Tliroimh fnr s - i t iL -. fl.il. I T !... ... T " ----- ',,,mmt lenM's hit prom-nw without twiug H- DOi" uoa kVBr "" stves stage, steamer and auto via Gardl Kiuvil with nil euthukhum to go out Mnrshflold week clnys at 4 q. m. Ar- ner. Through In ono dnv 7 an , K?J.n.BNKVAco.ro,.,0.o -t'Zr''ZA:Z "! ","""U""i,.r: " nrn,n' Coos W tage line. Through . ' --..t Dl llllji 1VU1LO lUUiOUUUlU UL O K. Al. TI TXVfX rtntta I CA e-ft .1 i..ii, i i..i. tuuuierul mission. nrnn n r n m . ' " )0unas oi Don't forget the Turkish ' . Returns at 6 p. m. baggage tree. Norton & Hansen, ngts.'PHOXE 8U.J. A Modern Drlck Building, Electric Lights, Steam Heat.. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water HOTEL COOS C. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: 50 cents a Day and Upward. Cor. Broadway and Market Marshfleld, Oregon, -1 It Is worse than useless to take any medicines internally for muscular or chronic rheumatism. All that ' needed Is a free application of Cham berlain's Llnlmont. For sale by a" dealers. Baths-