& , s DIGNIFTING THE INDUSTRIES college, Beaver Hill Coal MOD VI DIABLO NR JOSSON CEMENT. Tho licet Domestic and Imported brandB. piRtor, Llmo, Drlck nnd till kinds of bulldora material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE. SOUTH BROADWAY. 1'IIONK 201 EQUIPPED Sleamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIMK BAILS FROM PORTLAND AT 1 A. M SEPTEMBER !I, 8, Irt, 11) AND 2(1 AT 8 P. SI. BAILS KHOM ' MY 'Vl' SERVICE OK THE TIDE OX SEP TKMIIER 5, 10, HI, 2:1 AXI) Jill. t. U. KEATING. AGENT PHONE MAIN' 3B-L "THE FRIEND S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS CONNECTING WITH THIS NORTH IIAXK HOAI) AT PORTLAND Sails from Portland fdr Coos Bay, Tuesday, Sept. 5 NOHTH PaJIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE 44 O. K. MeGEORGE, Agent FAST AXI) COMMODIOUS Steamer Redcmdo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sail from Marshfield for San Francisco Tucs.,Sept. 5, 3:30 p. m. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 44 C. P. MeGEORGE, Agom. DRAIN-COOS BAY AUTO LINE via allegany now ready foit business leaves mahshkield daily boat leaves alert landing, mahshkield 5:00 a. m. connecting with southern pacikio north hound tkain at dhain. TICKETS for SALE and INFORMATION AT TIIK HUSY COIN xku drug store, phone u fast service to roseburg Our nutos, leaving Mnrsliflelil at 0 o'clock ovcry inornlug, cou aect ulth ihu evening train (o Portland. Faru 0.00. COOS HAY HOSERUHG STAGE LINK OTTO BCHETTEH, Agoni, C. P. HAHNAUD, 180 MARKET AV Mnrshflcia. Agent, HOSEIIURG, Ore. PHONB 11 The Want Ads Are News "Tlio Tillies' " clnsslfiod column nro nows coIiiiiiiih Just ns much an any' other part or tho paper Mi",v are, up-to-tho-mlnuto, llvo announce ments that rolloct the needs of vari ous' businesses nnd households; thoy toll In short, conclso way, tho most soiiKht for necessities of scores of In dividuals. Somo aro In search of work, and thoy toll what they can do host; somo In need of holpors, somo have goods for salo, somo want to ex chnngo cortnln merchnndlso, some wish partners to aid thorn In their business, somo aro soaking to rounlii lost articles these and ninny other needs nro a part of tho classified sec tion; all making up tho sum of mod ern homo nnd business requisites. "Tlnics" want ads aro Intensely Interesting, full of humnn (Jesiro and radiant with possibilities for nil who win uso thorn to accomplish nny legll Iniato purpose This lo tho titlo of a boautlful 04-pftgo book which will allow any boy or pirl how to auctiprn n. petal in tho mall TODAY and It will h. nt pnrp The aim of the Collcgo la to dlgnlTy and popufarUo" tho lnduntrlofl. and to sorvo ALL thopcoMa" itofferS courses In Agriculture, Civil Engineering Electrical Englnoer ng, Mechanical Engineering, Mining Emin eorlne, Forestry. Uomcstlo! .Bclenco nnd Art Com' morco, Pharmacy and Music. The College 'obmi Boptenibor22d, Catajogfroo. ' oimns Address: nE0I3TItAR.0Iir.a0H AORinitrT.iDAt Corvallis, Oregon. --. j 1 WITH WIRELESS OK COOS HAY" WIIKN PACKING FOIt A JOURNEY tv jure: , FSXVH You will feel satisfied If you lot us prepare your Laundry work. Your Shirts, collars, cuffs and handkor chlofs will bo found In perfect condi tion, nnd not an nrtlclo damaged In tho slightest. Wo nro very prompt In dollvorlcs too, nnd our charges nro admittedly reasonable Wo should llko to bo favored with a, trial order, becauso wo know wo shall have your custom nfterwnrds. COOS HAY STKAM LAUNDRY PIIONK .MAIN 5'M rlt. C. C. TAGGAHT, Physician and Surgeon. Olllco aO!)-B10 Coko Uulldlng. Plioncs: Itcslilcnio IKIIj; Olllco KI2J J W. IlIiNNHTT, lAwryor. Ofilco ovor Plnnngnn & Donnott Dnnk larslifiold Orogon -p.lt. .1. T. .McCOHMAO, L) Physician nnd Surgeon Marshfleld, Orogon. Jfllco: Lockhart Dulldlng, opposite Post Ofllce. Phono 105-J T- It A. O. liUHKOUGllS, Scientific MnsNnglHt, Tronta nil diseases Offlco, cornor Second nnd Central Avonuo. Olllco hours 11 to 12 a. in. 2 to 5 p. m. Dlt. A. .1. IIKXDKY'S Miwlm-,1 Donliil 1nrTnm. Wo nro oqulppod to do high class work on short notlco at tho vory lowest prices. Examination froo. Lady attendant, Coko building, oppo site Chandler hotol. T-U. II. II. MOOHK, Chiropractor. Chronic Diseases a Specialty 203 Coos Dldg Phono 81-L Ofilco hours 1 to 6; 6:30 to 7:30 Sunday 3 to G rH. G. W. TjKSLIK, - Ostcopathlo Pliyfllclan draduato of tho Amortean school of Osteopnthy at Klrksvlllo, Mo. OIBco In Eldorado IJlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phono 1C1-J; Marshtlold; Orogon. Blanchard's Livery Wo huvo secured thn livery busi ness of h. II. Holsnor nnd -nro pre pared to rondcr excollont sorvlco to tho pooplo of Coos Dny. Caroful drivers, good rigs nnd oyorytlilng that will moan sntlsfnctory sorvlco to tbo public. Phono us for a driving hors, n rig or anything needed In tho livory lino. Vo also do a trucking business of nil kinds. IH.AXCHAHD HIIOTHER8. Livery, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First and Aldor Stroots. Phono 138-J UNIQUE PANTATORIUM Wo nro oxport dyers nnd cloanern. Hnt work of nil kinds. Our work will plenso you. Suits mndo to ordor. jsrso Centrnl Ave Thone 280X ROSS (Sb PINEGOR PROPRIETORS Thoro Is ono raodlclno that overy fnmlly should bo provided with and ..n..nnioiiu iinrinir tlinHiimmer months: viz. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Komoay. u is uimosv cor tnln to bo noodod. It costs but a q .artor. Can you nfford to bo with out It? For salo oy aw aeniors. NOTICE. Notlco Is horoby glvon to all whom It may concern that I have been mndo trusteo nnd assignee of the estntes of L. D. Klnnoy, Tho Delt Lino Railway, a corporation nnd tho Coos Day Rapid Transit Co. also a cornoratlon. All persons having claims against said L. D. Kinnoy or against eitner o snld corporations nro hereby notified nnd requested to present tho snme to F ( -r&-nsnr me, under oath at my olllco in Mnrsn fleld, Coos county, Oregon, within threo months from nnd nftor tho dute of this notlco. Outstanding contrncts must bo settled nt once or thoy will bo cancelled. Dated August 15, 1911. W. J. RUST, Trustee. The Best of Everything in Bread Buns Rolls Cookies Cakes Pies GOODS DELIVERED DAILY Coos Bay Bakery PHOXE 111-L Have You Seen Our New Market? Wo aro now nlcoly locatod In our now shop nnd extend & cordlnl Invitation to overy ono to call. Wo hnndlo only tho REST MEATS nt reasonable prices. When you wnnt a steak, 'a nlco mutton Juicy chop, somo tender Iamb or good veal call us up by phono. A trial ordor will convlnco you. Enterprise Market GEO. W. KING, Prop.g PHOXE 02-J. You Will Find Solid, comfort and satisfaction in OUR FURXITURK mado by tho best manufactur ers It combines olegnnco dura bility nnd comfort. Our goods being substantially mndo will retnln tholr flno olognnt finish and Inst a Ufottmo and always proro n sourco of satisfaction. Anothor Important fact la that our prices aro no hlghor than for poortr quality nnd trashy goods. Lot us figure with you whon you want anything from a kitchen chair to a comploto outfit C. A. Johnson, Oldest Furniture Store on Coos IJny IF YOU HAVE ANY House to Build You Will Do Well to See LADD, HUNT CONTRACTORS AND nUILDERS. Phone 138-J Have That Roof Fixed NOW Sec CORTHELL Phone aiai BARGAINS IN DWELLING. DUY NOW 5-Room houso nt Dny Park. Price S700. Cash 9150 6-Room houso, lota 100x100. EaBtsldo $1,200 Dwellings In Dunkor Hill, West and South Marshflold, Forndalo and North Bend at bargains. AUG. FRIZEEN, Renl Estate Insurance mid Rentals 08, Central Ave., Mnrsliflold, Ore. Good Livery Service Fancy new rigs, good horses and rareful drivers are now at the dls osal of the Coos Day public at REASOlUllLE RATE8. Riga or rigs'wlth drivers ready for ny trip anywhere any time. Horses joarded and rlga cared for. New hearse and special accommo dations provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEED STADLES PHONE 278-J NOTIOD OF DELINQUENT TAXES (Contlnuod.) unnumbered 9 D O Wolcott 11 10 D O Wolcott 12 10 D O Wolcott 13 10 D O Wolcott 14 10 J H Flnnngnn 20 10 J D McNeil 21 11 J D McXoll 22 11 J D McNeil 23 11 J D McNeil 24 11 J D McXoll 25 11 J D McXoll 20 11 J D McNeil 27 11 J D McXoll 28 11 1.5G 4.01 .78 .78 .78 .78 .78 .78 .78 .78 .78 .78 .78 .78 Plunagan Est. and Mary P Mullen.... 22 12 Flnnngnn Est. nnd Mary P Mullen. .. .23 12 Plnnngnn Est. and Mary P Mullen.... 2 4 12 Mary P Mullen, und 25 12 Mnry P Mullen, undVi 20 12 Mary P Mullen, und 27 12 Mary P Million, undtf 28 12 .78 .78 .78 .30 .39 .39 .39 WEST HUXKEH HILL ADDITION TO MARSHFIELD. John W Flanagan, undV 1 E G Plnnngan, und 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 6 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 0 0 G 6 0 G 0 G 0 0 7 7 7 7 1.30 1.30 John W Flanagan, und 2 E O .Flanagan, undV&. 2 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 2.G0 2.G0 2.G0 2.G0 2.G0 2.G0 2. no 2.G0 2.G0 2.G0 2.G0 2.G0 2.G0 .78 .78 .78 .73 .78 .78 .78 .78 .73 .78 .1.04 1.01 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.01 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 .30 .39 .39 .78 .78 .78 .78 .78 .78 .78 27.04 1.04 V1.0I 1.04 1.04 1.01 1.04 1.01 1.01 2. GO 2.G0 .78 .78 1.5G .78 .78 joun w Fianngnn, uudl& E Q Flnnagan, utid John W Flanngan, 1mlY2 E Q Flanngan, und'4 M E Dnrry 17 M E Dnrry 18 M E Dnrry 10 M E Ilnrry 80 M B Dnrry 21 M E Dnrry 22 M E Dnrry 23 M E Dnrry 24 Mnry F Mullen 25 P R Tally 9 P R Tully 10 P R Tully 11 P R Tully 12 J W Flnnagan 22 John F Hall, trustee .24 John P Hall, trustoo. . 1 John P Hall, truBtoo. . 2 M E Dnrry 3 M E Dnrry 4 M E Dnrry ......... 6 Lotltn Flanagan 6 Lotltn Flnnagan 7 Lotltn Flnnngnn 8 John F Hall, trustoo.. 1 John F Hntl, trustoo. . 2 John P Hall, trustoo. , 3 John P Hull, trustoo.. 4 John F Hall, trustee. . 5 John F Hall, trusteo. . 0 Mnry F Million 21 Mnry P Million 22 Mary P Mullen 23 Mary P Mullen 24 M E Dnrry, undtt....25 M E Ilarry, und tt . . . . 2 G M E Dnrry, und ....2 7 M E Dnrry, und Si..,. 2 8 M E Darry, und....26 10 M.E Dnrry, und....27 10 M K Dnrry. und....28 10 John F Hall, trusteo.. 1 11 John P Hull, trustoo.. 2 11 John P Hall, trustoo.. 3 11 Mnry P Million 18 11 Mnry P Mullen 19 11 Mnry P Million 20 11 Mnry P Mullen 21 11 E Q Larson C 12 E O Lnrsou 0 12 E O Larson ....;... 7 12 Flora Hnrgen 15 12 Flom Hnrgen 10 12 Mnry F Million 20 12 Mary F Million 21 12 E O Lnrson 27 12 E O Lnrson 28 12 M E Dnrry 13 13 M E Dnrry 14 13 E G Flanagan 22 1G E a Flanngan 23 15 W M Richardson .... 3 10 W M Richardson .... 4 1G W M Rlchnrdson .... 5 1G NOTICE OF DELINQUENT TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1010. SHERIFF'S ASSESSMENT FOR 10IO Twp. 27 S, It 13 W, W. M. Ore. Assessed Dcscrlp- to tlon Sec Tax D. Folsom Beginning nt a point ou tho range lino 955.G8 ft N of the SE cornor of Twp 27 S of rnngo 13 W W M nnd running thence W 295.08 ft, thonco N 34.3? ft thence enst 295. 08 ft to said rango line; thonco south 34.32 ft along said rango line to the placo of beginning containing 23- -100 ncros 20 3.24 Two. .11 S. It 12 W. W. M. Ore M. H. Demont NV4NWU 20 1G.J6 Lot Blk Tax Henry Sponcock r No Bond ocennviow Aau Und 0-9 20 2 .53 Dennett Trust Cc No Dend Oceanvlew Add Und 2-9 20 2 .18 Win. Vaughan Ban gor Pint 2, Und ,. . 2 25 1.70 W. W. Graves Graves Add to Marshflold, . . 1 18 .44 Ethol M. Reynolds Graves Add to Marsh flold 2 18 .44 E. P. McCarthy Graves Add to Marshfield, . . 3 18 .11 Frank J. Knblo Graves Add to Marshfleld, . . 4 18 .44 Frank J. Kablo Graves Add to Marshflold, . . 5 18 .44 Frank J. Kablo Graves Add to Marshflold, . . G 18 .44 Delt Lino Ry. Co. Koosbay Pint "F" No. Bond 10 13 1.76 That six months nfter such tnxes are delinquent a tax certificate of delinquency will Issue thoroln, aa pro vided by law. The foregoing Is the net amount tax only and those remitting should add 10 per cent of total amount as penalty provided by law, interest at tho rato of 1 per cent per month froni tho first Monday In April, 1911, and the cost of publishing such descrip tions which amounts to fifty cents por line. W. W. GAGE, Sheriff and Tax Collector of Coos county, Oregon. I OFFICIALS IRE Slnlo Game Warden Kiiiley Tells of Gov. West's Dad Murk.xmniiHhlp State Giuno Wnrdon Fluley who has Just returned to Portland has given the following story to ?i Portland pn por concerning Gov. Wont's poor lnnrksmnnHhlp durlnir their trip through Coos and Curry coiintlosr Gov. Wost has only himself to blamo for his failure in shoot nny deer on his recent hunting trip with Stato Superintendent of Public In struction Aldorman and State Gnmo Wnrdon Flnloy. This statement was mndo by Mr. Plnley. who has Just re turned from a two-week's visit to tho Coos Country. Mr. Plnley admits that as Game Wnrdon ho refused to nllow tho Gov ernor to hunt, bocnuso tho Exooutlvo had failed to provide himself with n hunting llceime, but, on tho other linnd, ho sayH It Is doubtful whothnr tho Governor could havo hit a deer If ho had boon privileged lo shoot nt ono. In this connection Mr. Flnloy tolln how tho ranchers took pity on tho Govornor In his predicament and tied a buck for him nt which to shoot. Tho Qovornor hit tho limb Instead of tho buck, nnd tho deor escaped. Gnmo Warden Flnloy says Stato Superintendent Alderman Is hardly n bottor shot. "Wo snw n good ninny deer," said Mr. Flnloy, "and Mr. Aldorman had good shots nt n buck. lie had a Win chester, Jiutnt 50 yards he allot Ihreo foot ovor tho buck. Ho was used to shooting with an automat I", and In stead of putting In nnother shell nf tor tho first ono was fired, ho was 10 excited that ho pulled on tho trigger hard enough to bend. Then It would not work, nnd ho nsked Governor West for his gun. lie didn't hit tho buck nt that shot ell her, In splto of tho fnct that h leaned tlm gun against a tree. Ills excuse was that tho troo ahook." " "RATS" XO LONGER PAKIIIOXAHLE mtlCSS I ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. :il. "lints" nro uudur tho ban In thlH season's stylos of halrdross Ing, according to tho dictum that went foilii to tho models nt tho "Mado In St. LoiiIh" show being hold In tho Coliseum hero. Tho dictum, however, was not mndo lu St. Louis. It uumo from Paris, ami was cojjvoyed by tho woman who has coino to 4 rehearse tho 12 models who havo been nnumd tho "perfect thirty-sixes." She told tho inn- dels, to bo lu stylo m-xt winter 4 and spring, thoy would have to 4 look 111(0 Voiius do Mllo. Venus did not wear comets, and tho fashion mentor told tho moduls 4 It Is Impossible in look as If 4 you didn't have corsois If you wore rats. The display shows Hhto is to 4 bo a revolution In womon's droHHstyios for the next scmisoii. CurvcH mid the mincing stop that goes with tho hobble shirt aro to disappear, and In their places Is to ooiuu the corxotlosa 4 natural figure. Trousers aro to replace tho pottleoat lu this 4' offort to roallxo the natural llg- uro for women, but few women doubtless will follow the troiK sors Idea In public. - LIGIITIIOrSES REARRANGED. Double Flush to Obviate Wrecks Llko Thai of Santa Komi. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., Sept. 1. Because of tho wreck of the steamer Santa Rosa which broke up 011 point Arguullo, July 1, all single llaHhllghts on tlio Pacific const are to be changed to double llash lights. This, It Is believed, will obvlato tho possibility of occurrences such as the mistaking or a railroad headlight for a lighthouse Hash, as It was testi fied was done by the Santa Rosa's wheelman. VISITS IX ROSKIIIIRG. Shorltf (loo QiiIiiu bus us gnosis at his homo his sister, Mrs. Ellon Ledgerwood. of Baudou, and hla brothor-ln-law, Albert Ford, of Lind say, Cal. Mr. Ford Is a prominent ornngo grower of his homo locality. Roseburg Itovlew. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN. Wo want fresh salmon and nro propnred to pay the highest cash prlco for them. For further parti culars see C. G. IIOOKETT, Empire City, or .GEO. F. SMITH, Cooa River. of (-' n ,J