W f.f ' 4r- !- THE COOS BAX TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1911 EVENING EDITION. g D D ;d ti k ir i TO, D, D D V r i n r COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONKY DAN E. MALONKY Editor and Pub. News Editor ts Address nil communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. Mnrshflcld :: :: : : Orcgoa 1 W L LEAVE SOON Plans made to Take U. S. S. Training Ship to Portland Next Wednesday. Unless prosont plans tiro changed, the United States training ship Dos ton which has been hero for tlio past month, will leavo next Wednesday for Portland. Capt. Reynolds Is now Au Indopondont Republican news- making plans for taking tlio vessel Dedicated to the sorvlco of the people, that no good cause shall lack a champion, and that ovll shall not thrive unopposed. Entored at the postoffico at Marsh Hold, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second class mall matter. paper published ovory evening except Sunday, and Weekly by Tlio Coos Hay Times Publishing Co. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. DAILY. One year 16.00 Per menth , 60 WEEKLY. One year 1.50 Whon paid strictly in ndvanco the subscription rlco of the Coos Bay Tlmoa Is 5.09 p-ir year or $2.60 for Ix months. OFFICIAL PAl'EIt OF TUB CITY OF MAHSIIFIELD. Ofllclnl Paper of Coos County UNREST AH A DISEASE. NOBODY doubts that wo have a speed mania. Tlio moro sonsa- " tlon of moving swiftly bocomoB n crying need of the system. Wo hnvo a travel mnnlu. To those- who havo ranged about the world iiiuph, it Is impoBslulo to bo contoutud long in ono spot. Is it powlblo that tlio gunornl un rest of tho modern world Is merely a manifestation of the huuio state of- back to the Columbia river whoro sho will be stationed for sonio tlino. While doflnite plans have not been completed, It Is understood that tho purpoBO Is to select some of tho mom bors of the Mnrshllold Divisions and some of tho members of tho Bandon Division of the Oregon Naval Mlllttn, which Is now here receiving Instruc tion, to make tho trip on her. Capt. Jiib Magco will pilot tho Bos ton out from here. It Is llkoly that a farewell recep tion will bo tendered nboard tho vessel. MB THE CHANDLER. F. W. Davis, Minneapolis; Wm, Candlln, Conulllo; C. D. Minor, San Francisco; J. Donholm nnd wlfo ami daughter, Portland; E. R. Owen, Los Angolcs; F. W. Fcenoy nnd wlfo, Ban don; Phil Brownoll, Qnrdlnor; T. F. Itlco, Long Bench. nerves? Is being dlHsntlsllod with existing THE LLOYD conditions tho craving for something Dr. II. Kendall, Hoy Simpson. F. dlfforout, a symptom of dlscaso King, O. C. Clnrko and wlfo, of Clarke rather than a proof of onllghtonod Comedy Co.; W. C. Ouonthor, LaPorl, progress? I1: H. Hampton, Bnudon; J. Smith, It Is certainly poHslblo to bo tin- Coos Rlvor; W. J. Elmrond, IL, Wng- roasonably Hiiscoptlblo to a cry for or mid Wm. Hormos, Soknno, Wn. change, JiiBt ns posHlblo to ns to bo- tup iir wen LV ' 4tUow BofaothliiK In frottymt change U,IU?, dobs county; violin II. StnVr. .j thnt beget an nppotlto?. KKt.0; . c. Jackson, City," Itox in our niarm at ihkiiir root are Thomn8i Portland; Chns. Brosl and wo gottlng Into u state whore taking KreU Akc0( North ,Jom,. Norto root will bo Impossible? N0.tlli Portlnnd; II. F. Folgor, Port It In well to romombor thnt whllo Orford; Win. Stream nnd D. C. thoro enn bo no progress without strenm, Port Orford. chnngo, it Is entirely possible to havo a great deal of changu without pro gress. A moro norvous attitude of unrest elgnlllos nothing worth whllo. A people that makes few changes nnd then dellborntely will fur surpass u pooplo thnt Is Jumping from one thing to'nnothor merely for tho snko of doing something different. COUNTY WARRANTS. All Coos County warrants drawn on tho Gunornl Fund nnd endorsed prior to April 1, 1910, will ho paid upon presentation at my olllco In Co qulllo, Oregon. No Interest will bo allowed on any of these warrant aft er August 2-1, 1011. Dated this 36th day of .Vigust 1911. T. M. DJMMICK, County Trea3inor, THE COOS C. Underwood, South Inlot; F. Martin, nnd Al Smith, Coos River; Tom .Murphy, Portlnnd; n. B. Smith, Portlnnd; Chns. Hellor, Dora; F. Ony, Portlnnd. ALLEGES FRAUD IN LOCAL DEAL F. W. Kern Sues Niehaus Estate on Account of North Bend Box Factory. , The following Oakland, Cal., press dispatch will bo of Interest to many Coos Bay people who are personally acquainted with tho parties mention ed and nlso becnuso the North Bond Box factory is the property named In tho suit: "The Into Edward F. Nolhaus, for-. merly a wealthy Berkeley furniture manufacturer, is accused of fraud In a suit filed before tho superior court by Frederick W. Kern. Tho fraud Is alleged to havo been com mitted in the purchase of a furniture factory at Iforth Bond, Ore. Kern claims that Niehaus Induced him nnd D. O. Drufflo to put money Into this enterprise on tho representation that tho property would cost $40,000, and that this was a roasonablo prlco for It. "Subsequently, Kern claims that ho found thnt Niehaus only paid $30,000 for tho wholo plnnt, nnd ho asks thnt $6,000, which ho clnlms ho wns wrongfully induced to put up, bo returned to him. Tho suit Is di rected against Mathlldo NlohauB wi dow of tho doad man, ns executrix of his will. Nlohnus disinherited his only child, n son, Edwnrd II. A. Nie haus, but tho son wns given half of tho largo estato after ho had begun n contost of tho will and tho evidence produced showed thnt tho Instrument would bo broken. Mrs. Nlohnus, tho' young man's mother, hnd becomo embittered ngnlnst him becnuso of his mnrrlngo, nnd It wns shown thnt sho strongly Influenced his fnthor ngnlnst him. Spiritualistic seances, In which tho elder Nclhnus snw vi sions of his son In tho possession of n devil, flrudo lnrgoly In tho testi mony In tho will contest." A TURKISH-RATH will do you GOOD. Phono 2H-J. cc WATCH! NOTICE! Homor Mauzoy, ono of tho drivers nnd tho solicitor for us Is out for Laundry. Watch him! ho Is llablo to stop you on tho streot and explain all dotatls of Laundry and also to bo at your homo nny tlmo. Ho knows Lnundry buslnoss from A to Z. Marshfield Hand and Steam Laundry IMION 20-J TICKETS for tho PROMENADE to bo glvon nt Eagles Hall Friday eve ning ON SALE at tho HUSY CORNER DERBY Thru Its flavor won Its fnvor. HAVE YOU READ IT? Tho Adlor-l-ka book telling how you can EASILY guard ngnlnst np pendlcltls, nnd get Instant relief from stomach nnd bowel trouble, ts being road with much Interest by Marsh field pooplo. It is given nwny freo by Lockhnrt &. Parsons Drug Co, 'ADVERTISER LETTER LIST. List of unclaimed lotteru remain ing in tho Marshlleld, Oregon post nlllce, September 1, 1911. Porsoiu' culling for the same will plcnso say advertised und pay ono cent for each advertised loiter called for: John P. Anderson, Edw. Sldnoy Adams, Frank Alclutl, O. D. Bruno Anderson, It. A. Bruno, W. G. Brown, Jesslo Bell, Mrs. A. J. ntinch, Mrs. Lulu Cardwoll. H, S .Charlton, Mlui Jesslo Cnmpboll, Chns L. Casey, Louie Carlo Collins, Mrs. L. C. Collins, Mm James Cowno, Miss Dorothy Collins, Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Curtis, W. M. Dixon, John E. Dunn, Claude Hnmll ton, Kuut K. Reason, Juntos Keller, Mr. nnd Mrs. Bud King, Paul Kiskl, Clarenro Mlllor, Jnmes Miles, Jmnos Murray,' Frank Neas, James No ft, James O'Brleu, Robert Plummor, Robert L. Perks, John Puskolln, Ilnr ley A. Reynolds, C. D. Hooves, MIhj Mngglo Robertson, Jako Sydnnm, Bert Stonnor, Ed Stubbs, Mrs. Anna Smith, K. II. Smith, Mrs. Oilvo M, Thrush, Roy Tanner, J. F. Taylor, O. A. Valle. L. Van Burklor, Crlss Ward, Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Wilson, Joe Zurg llch, Mrs. Alice Young. Good Livery Service Fancy new rigs, good horses and nroful drivers are now nt tho dU osal of tho Coos Bny public at REASONABLE RATES. Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for ny trip anywhere any time. Horses )oarded and rigs cared for. Now hearso and special accommo dations provided for funernl parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLES PHONE 278-J Do YOU Want Plums or Prunes FOR CANNING Buy Them Whenever You See Any for the Crop Is Short and They Will Not Last Long. PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSES Wo, tho undorslgnod legal votors of Lnkosldo precinct, Coos County, State of Oregon, respectfully petition the Hon. County Court of Coos County, Stato of Orogon, to grant n llconso to Wm. Hlllls Short to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors In less quantities than ono gallon In Lnkesldo Precinct, Coos County, Stato of Oregon, for tho period of Six Months, ns in duty bound wo will ever pray. Mllo M. Plorson Chns. St. Dennis Amos Ktnbnrgo Chns. N, Norrls Pargunlo Ciurlne, Auvor Lames, W. Ingorsoll D. R. Razur W. Ingersall D. O. Klnyon C. E. A. L. Cram P. G. Jordan Herman Carlson Gus Carlson C. Anderson Chas J. Furhop Aug. Laksonen E. Vanburger Will. Judd A. F. Johnson Andrew Manlkl Now therefore will apply to tho Hon. County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Coos, on the 16th day of Sep tember, 1911, for a liquor license In conformity to and with the afore said petition. Dated this 17th day of August, 1911. WM. HILLI9 SHORT. Donnls McDonald J. Vnnlonogan R. M. Wledor Harry Benson John Vlonler H. W. Wllklns Hobort J Monson Mat Manlkl J. F. Whyback Georgo Carlson P. L. Roundtroo F. G. Krlck Goo F. Schroder Frank Bouron Chas. Stutsman tho undersigned The Sign of Popularity The secret of popularity lies in. meeting peo ple often aiid leaving them favorably im pressed. The popular merchant meets the people often: always with a cheerful message. . lit Electric Sian can welcome a thousand people an hour and bid them come to 1 U UK store. Its cordial and constant service safeguards the merchant's popularity. Insist that our Now Business Department 'originate a special design for YOU ono that's different one you will like. Telephone 178 Oregon Power Company The Electric Sign Is the Sign of Popularity THEJURKISH BATH PARLORS HAVE MOVED From tholr old quarters, in tho Coos building, ono block north to a now homo nt 392 Broadway which has been especially fitted up for them and whoro tboy nro hotter prepared than over bo foro to render excellent sorvlco to tho public. TURKISH, RUS SIAN, STEAM, ELECTRIC) nnd'SHOWER BATHS, in fact any bath that can bo glvon anywhoro may bo secured horo. You nro cordially Invltod to call nt our now qunrtcrs. Both Lady and Gentleman Attendants PHONE 2J1-J. .102 BROADWAY MARSHFIELD First National Bank OF COOS nAY AT MA HSHFIELD. OREGON, Capital and surplus and profits $107,000.00 Total resources 535,000.00 United States Depository for Postal Savings Does a general banking business, Interest paid on time and savings deposits, OFFICERS: W, S, Chandler, M, C, Horton, Dorsev Kreltzer, President, Vice-President, Cashier, DIRECTORS: W, S, Chandler, John S, Coke, W, U, Douglas, Wm, Grimes, John F, Hall, S, C, Rogers, F,S, Dow, W. P, Murphy, M, C, Horton, Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $100,000 Assets Over $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for andJDelivercd Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN 57-J 7 Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phone 8131 ALICE H Tho Popular Picnic IJont. Now mnkos rogular schodule os tho South Cooo River run. Lttvei Marshfield woolc days at q. m. Ar rlvoi in Marshflold at 8:45 a. D, Sunday, leaves MarahOold at 8 a. a Returns at 6 p. m. Abstracts, Real Estate,, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co HENRY SENGSTAOKEN. Mgr. Coqullle Office Phone 191 Marshflold Office 14-J Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. General Agents "BASTSIDB" Alt, KINDS OF 101 FWNTIN6 DONE AT THE TlHES' OFFICE IN TIIK'CIItCUIT COURT OF THK STATE OP OREGON, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OP COOS. HENRY SENGSTAOKEN, Plaintiff, VS. SEAPORT LAND CO., n corporation. J. N. Shnhnn, F. D. Walto, Annio M. Wnito his wife, E. M. Ward, L. D. Kinney and M. G. Klnnoy his wife, Goorgo M. Everett nnd Llzzlo Eva. rott his wlfo, J. Virgil Fugli and Adorn Pugh his wlfo, Belt Line, Rnllwny Co., a corporntlon, J. H, 8onunors, A. W. Meyers, W. J. Hint, Charles Stauff, John Swcnson, Hiu Drndford Co., a private corporation, Armour & Co., n corporntlon, P. ,V. Roborg & William J. Smith copart ners, ns North Bend Hnrdwaro Cft, S. C. Giles, E. Don McCrnry, Port lnnd Iron Works, a corporation; E. L. C. Fnrrln, Honoyman Hardware Compnny, n corporation; E. C. At kins & Co., a corporation; II. U. Hei- cock, H. O. Potcrson, F. T. Barton, R. B. Fry, North Bond Hardware Co., n corporntlon, nnd Coos Da; Manufacturing Co., a corporation, Dofcndanti. To J. II. Sotnmors, John Swcnion, Ilulso Bradford Co., a corporation; II. B. Ileacock o'ndll, O. Ptertor, dofendnnts In tho nbovo nnd fsr( going entitled cnuse: In tho nnmo of tho Stnto of Ore gon, you nnd ouch of you nro hcrebr required to npponr nnd answer the complaint filed ngnlnst you In tin nbovo entitled nult within six weeks from nnd aftor tho dnte of tho flrU publication of this summons, the snmo being tho tlmo prescribed Is tho ordor for publication hereof, anl If you fnil so to nppenr nnd answer for want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho relief prnyod for nnd domnnded In plain tiff's complaint filed ngnlnst you In this cnuso, n succinct statement of which is, thnt thoro is due nnd o Ing to tho plaintiff from tho defend nnt tho Sonport Lnnd Compnny, on promissory noto mndo, executed anl dollvorod by snid Seaport Land Co, n corporation to snld plaintiff on th 11th day of January, 190G, the ua of Four Thousnnd Dollnrs together with Interest thereon from said date at tho rnto of C per cont per annuo. for tho foreclosure of thnt certain mortgage glvon by said Seaport Lanl Co. on said date for tho security ' tho payment of snld sum of mon'jr. Interest, nnd for costs, attorney ff" nnd expenses In enso of suit for tof collection of tho snmo, and the aaw of tho promises therein described, to wit; All of BoU Lino Rnllwny Addition to Empiro City, Coos County, Oregon. Including all of tho lots and bloc thereof, according to tho nlat thereof now on record and on fllo In the oi flco of tho pountv Clork for Cool County, Orogon. Also tho EV4 of tho SEV of Sec tion 3 and tho W of tho SWtf ' Soctlon 2 all in Township 26 Souu. Rnngo 14 West of Willnmotte Merl dlan, in Coos County, State of Ore gon, that the same bo sold in the manner nrasRrlhnri hv law In fore closure sales; that the proceeds said sale bo applied to tho paymn of the roatfi nnd axnenses of for closure and sale with reasonable ' torney's fees and then to plaintiff domands and tho balance If any W whomsoever may be lawfully entitiw thereto and that defendants and eta and all of them be forever barred all right, title and interest equity of redemption In the pre' l8es described herein and " complaint of tho plaintiff herein, of anv nnrt lhArnf. This summons Is published W nrria nt . TJn T B PnkO. JUOS of tho Circuit Court of tho State nromn Ft . 4nJ T.iHIMnl DlS'flC1' in said Stato, dated August 1511 PK J 1in flrgt DUbUC tlon of this aummona Is August i A. D. 1911. rvrm TI flBLBT, .-! Attor-er for FUW . ,1J ..