THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFlELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1911 EVENING EDITION. .1 1'' LEAVE TODAY TO MAKE AUTO COOS BAY TIMES Matchless Prices on New Merchandise M. O. MALONK1' DAN K. MALONKV Editor mid Pub. News Editor 2 ' WW'C'-fWfl Oil I D D D D D DlJ D ' r "i :e i) f d, D! ii ri i j 1 Address nil communications to COOS HAY DAILY times. AW T G Mnrsliflcld : : j t Orogoa oodicaujd to tuo Borvioo ct tho Eighty-Eight Sail For Portland Judge Coke and Family Plan people, tnnt no goou caueo annu iacK u cbnmplon, and that ovll shall not thrive unopposed. -Changes Schedule Sep- Entered at tho poRtolTico at Marsh Mold, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as eocond class mall mattor. All Independent Republican news poper published every cvoulng oxcopt Sunday, and Wcokly by TIio Coos Hay Times Publishing Co. suiiScmmoN hates. DAILY. One year $6.00 Per month GO WEUKLY. One year $1.50 Whon paid strictly In advance tho subscription prico of the Coos Day Times Is $5.00 pr year or $2.50 for Iz months. OFFICIAL PAPER OF TUB CITY OF MAHSIII'IELD. Official Pnper of Coos County EGO OLUliS THE LATEST. THE wondorful keeping qunlltlos of tho egg mnko tho freshness thorcof of so doubtful n charac ter that eggs hnvo been divided Into eggs, fresh eggs and uow-lnld eggs. The clnBslflcatlnnmukeBtho brenkfust ogg a sourco of mystery not always dollcato or pollto. Eggs have n way of disguising their ovll chnngo of charactor that rendcm thorn a con stant sourco of suspicion and dangor to all housokoopors Innocent of their oxact origin. Unlike the Chamoloon tholr color changes not with their tompor. Good or bad, thoy romnlu to all appoarancos tho samo. Tho elastic classification of oggs Is nn Injustlco to shippers and consum er alike. Canadians nro among those who roallzo this and thoy aro to bo oara mondud for taking practicable siupi ;to protect tho consumer from Igno rantly purchasing Btalo or bad eggs by forming ugg clubs. Tho method employed by the Can- tember 16. The Hrcttkwntor Ballod nt noon to- I day for Portland with olghty-olght passengers, nu or tuo nrst. class nc commudatlons being taken. The Breakwater will sail an tho five-day Bchedulo until September 1C whon it will go on n seven-day schedule, louv lng here ovcry Saturday. Among those sailing on her to day wore tho following: Mnbel Metz, John Teschncr, D. R. Murphy, C. Qrcgg, Win. Wlieoler, P. A. ilnndly, Minnie Chnpmun, P. Schroder, Geo Schroder, Mrs. P. Schroder, Ora Schroder, Rev. F. D. Fnskctt, Mrs. Harry Qardlner, Hazel Isancsun, D. E. Muling, II. Okl, A. Oroknnska, Mrs. Drlggs, MIbscb Brlggs, E. C. Gohrko, Mrs. Mlllor, Miss Milter, Miss Glazier, Mrs. Chns Thorn, Misses Thom, Alico Dahlgren, Mrs. F. G. Leyland, Z. T. Thomas, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. L. T. Cowan, Hazel Cowan, Gusslo Cowan, Dr. F. P. Hut-gun, Mrs. Kurgan, N. P. Adamson, Richard Holm, Mrs. Holm, Maud Collin, Mrs. J. V. Ingram, Dr. J. V. Ingram, Jos Vasoy, Mrs. Vasey, L. H. Hall, Miss Ellzaboth Cox, Miss Alico Cox, W. 11. Scott, Mrs. C. W. McCulloch, P. S. Mitchell Jr., P. S. Mltcholl Sr., Gertrude Robinson, F. M. Hooves, J. E. Nolson, R. F. Rlch- ardson, V. F. Lnngulllo, C. I. Rlo- gurd, Miss P. M. Rlcgnrd, Miss Nor bin, Claud Nnsburg, W. A. Stnlnn ker, Mrs. Emmn Scott, Peter Scott, Mrs. A. II. Eddy, Mrs. Josephine Ed dy, Mary J. Tucker, h. E. McKlnley, Ernest G. Larson, Thomas Thomson, Myrtlo Helm, Elvln Holm, Viola Holm, F. E. Clements, M. Schwnti, Mrs. 0. O'Kolly, J. J. Gaynor, Miss Kuledn Ryan, W. Oldenlierg, Mrs. Oldenbcrg, Otto Hnrry, Mrs. J. H. Hughes, Agnes Hughes, Anna Hughes, Cecllo Doyle, W. R. Leo, Mrs. H. F. Lawrence, P. Brown, S. White. Fine Trip En Route Home From Gold Beach. Judge Coke nnd family, Chas. I). Soll)y, Ira D. Riddle, James Watson, Georgo Urown nnd others who have been nttondlng circuit court at Gold Beach the past ten days havo ar ranged a fine auto trip for tholr ro turn. They will go down tho const to Crescent City and thence back by Urnnts Pass and Rosoburg. In a lettor written nt Uold Bench August 28th, Mr. Solby says: "I am glad to advise you that Curry County Circuit Court will end Vn Wedjnemdny morning tho 30th, nnd Judgo Coko and family nnd my solf will start In nn automobile on our return to Marshfleld: but wo will not return by tho same route wo camo over. Tho rnds aro so sandy north of hero thnt wo had to push tho nutomoblle half way through tho sand. Wo will return by going to Crcsent City, Calif., along tho beach 90 miles, then to Rosoburg 75 miles, then to Myrtlo Point and Mnrshflold, reaching thoro on Frldny ovcnlnc or Snturdny morning. Wo lonvo hero iWcdnoadny mojnlng. Irn Ridtflo hns his cor with George Brown nnd Jns. Wntson nnd thoy will also ac company us. "Incldontly, Judgo Coko Is mnklnir good with theso pcoplo nnd they nil think him to bo tho best Judgo they ever unci. Ho pleases thom perfect ly and wo nil know ho Is as good a Judgo as thoy can possibly think him to bo." Just Received at The Boston Store Your attention is called to the various items shown below. These oxcopHmmlly m prices make buying timely and imperative. NOW IS THE TIME TO SAE MONEY Pillow Cases lie Made of best grade of bleached muslin. Sunbleachod, torn and hemmed. 4 4 r Worth loe. Size 20x42. Each. ... I It $2.25 Bed Spreads $1.60 Full size bed spread of fine Marseilles satin finish. Very neat pat- &4 C( terns. Worth $2.25. Each. . $ I .UU Full Size Sheets 50c Sun-bleached, torn and hemmed. 72x90. Sells everywhere at 6'5c. Our price, each. Sizo 50c 65c Work Shirts 45c Conic in a large rangq of colors and pat terns. Every size from 14ll; to AfZ 38. Regular G5u grade. Each HtDL one view or 'ritoum, ndlatiB resomblus the system by which Donmurk farmorH havo mado mrorni Investigation Into the ir.w Blioh Inrbnds Into tho EiiuIIhIi mnrket nmoiig members of tho Nnvnl Rosor- nnd dosorvoa to bo more largely !vt'8 se" to establish beyond doubt REGATTA WILL BE BIG EVENT "COOS HAY" UNABLE TO UK FOR IIKJ TAKK.V NORTH TODAY SIICi:i COXTKSTH NEXT WEEK. adopted. A number Is given to ovory mem ber of tho ogg club. The eggs of ouch member must be stamped with Ills number boforo they are dispatch ed to a contrnl point whero thoy nro cnndlod, graded nnd put upon tho mnrkot. Tho prollts nro divided ac cording to the candling. It is claimed for tlumo clubs thnt although thoy ran not absolutely pro tect tho consumer from bad oggn thoy can boo that only eggs nro Hunt out by tholr members, nnd so tho consumer stands a bettor chance of receiving oggs of good quality. Moroovor, ns these eggs will coin mnnd a hotter price tho shippers will bo duly rewarded for tholr consider ation of the consumer. HILL HEADED THIS WAY (From Euguno Cunrd) It bwims certain that Jim lit 11 said lib would bent the llnrrlman linos In to tho Coos liny territory. And from present Indication., the old nmn ap pears determined to mnko good his word, tho activity of tho Hill people being moro In evidence every dny. Furnished Rooms With Hot nnd Cold Water. HOTEL COOS C. A. METLI.V, Proprietor. Hutcs; HO I'tuitH n Day and I'pminR Cor. Broadway nnd Market that It all started from tho complaints of two or three disgruntled mon, two of whom hud bona discharged from the service It now'npponrs, slnco tho potty olllcors nnd n majority cf tho mon bnvo had opportunity to ox press thoinsolvos, that tho nmns-iea' strongth of tho kIcIuth hns dwindled to nbnut two Individuals, who wore dlsehnrged from tho resorvo iofoio they began kicking. After the dls charged Btoward, Cloaicns, got Ins pay abend of tho other mon In tho re serve, lie bernmo satlsllod nnd now seems to think thnt tho Oregon Nnvnl contingent can bo tolerated. Mr. Lo Clott, at whoso call tho meeting of protest wns held, Is also said to havo boon discharged for improper con duct whllo returning homo. OlllierH nnd tho Borlous members of tho resorvo doprcclnto bucIi a hub bub at this time. Tho reserve hn Just pnBscd through nn unsatisfactory oxporlonco In changing commanding ofllcors, nnd ns a result several por hoiis, it Is claimed, have boon trying to break up the organization. Friends ui iiiu organization nouove that no toriety glvon tho kicks of two dis charged men following tho crulso Is largely due to tho destructive influ ence which has boon working to pro vont the resorvo getting properly es tablished. Portland Tologrnm. Owing to n Blight accident, tho motor bont "Coos Uny" on which this section bases its hopo for victory In tho big regatta at Astoria noxt week, wns unable to bo taken north today. She was to havo been ship ped on the Ureukwnter. Sho will probably be taken on tho next steam er. It Is claimed that sho will crowd tho 40-mllo mark, and if sho does, sho is likely to enpturo tlrst honors nt tho big motor bont races. Tho "Coos Hay" has twin screw 0 cylinder 1C Id rid go engines, 32 feet ov er nil, built nnd owned by a stjck company or coos uny people. An .Astoria dispatch gives tho fol lowing particulars of tho regatta; The Astoria Slxteonth Anniml Ro gnttn promises to bo ono of tho great est motor boat racing meets evor held in tho United States. On Monday morning, September 1, whon Admiral Speucor and his start or elllclent olll cors In command of tho flagship tiro tho starting gun. tho wutora of tho New Dress Ginghams lie Come in most all of the now patterns, in stripes,, cheeks and plaids and plain colors. 15c Red Seal quality. 4 4 Yard I It Outing Flannel 9c Plain white and cream, also the dark fig ured outing in very best Amos- A -, keag grade. Yard only Ct, Feather Pillows 60c "Dreamland" Feather Pillows, size 18x25. Covered with best grade of picket blue stripe ticking. rA Each U Ut Fringed Spreads $2.45 Cut-cornered and fringed bed spreads for brass or iron beds. Very pretty pat- i -x ,.f r terns. Kegumr $ii.ou vaiue. Each .$2.45 I Long Kimonos 98c Made of good quality, Persian flannel ette. Sizes 34 to 44. Worth, aq fully $1.50. Our price JOt Figured Flannelette 12c Pretty figured FllinueL'etto in new pat terns, The kind you havo been 4 r paying 18c and 20c for. Yard. . . Ct Fine Percale 9c Regular 12V!c grade "tf-S" percale in neat new patterns. 10 bolts at Qr yard only Cti Turkish Towels 12c Bleached Turkish towels' of medium heavv grade. Size 19x.18 fringed. A wondertul towel buy at each onlv 12c Straw Matting Suit Cases, Telescopes, Trunks, Men's, Women's and Children's Underwear and Hosiery at Powerful Savings Columbia Hlvor will ho atlrred by the grentest fleet of fast boats that havo over boon assembled in tho United States. Tho races will contluo clx anys. Don't Buy It Elsewhere If You Can Get It Here THE BOSTON STORE "Every Article a Big Bargain" The One Great Bargain Center in Southern Oregon ed n boat 2G feet over all, .oqulnnod with two 4 cyllndor Kord automobile engines. Tho "Chohnlls," 20 foot ovor all, equipped with a 41 powor Roberts on glno, owned In Astoria, Is another competitor. SIXTH MAX I)K.I. Another Victim of llrldgo Disaster Curry County Man. ROSE11URG, Oro., Aug. 31. Tho bridge disaster of last Theso races nro conducted under Among the very prominent eiUrlsli:V",l!,PnC?,TLP?n;; Thursday afternoon claimed Its sixth aro annolnted by 'tho Association. Tho following nnm- ed gontlomon have been appointed judges: L. E. "Tod" Geary, of Seattle, Wn., Fred Drlnton, Naval Architect, Seat- Knox Wnlken, Vancouvor, u. Fisher, San Francisco, Calif., Wolf," owned by the Oregon 81 ,, ",?,'!!,"! iiuiu Association, ties uned nnd hnllt by "Johnny" Wolff, Oregon pioneer bont racer. Sho Is 39 feet over all and is equipped with n 9 cyllndor Slllnllfti' .........,, v..n...u. ,., , Another bont which Is attracting n ii n vi ITI'onl ilnnl nt ntlnliHnn ilirnnnliniit ,1... "i U- C. V. Coopor, Portlnnd, Ore., W. H. Read th Times' Want Ads. glue, Sho tho umh Uoat and Englno Co.. Clin- l?5"1 A l "'?,, ton. IoJn. nnd dcBlgncd by W. Ilj"08 AwodnUon. of Fauhor. Sho mado a 25 mtlo course !w,J?00,i' Port,n"1l1; Do YOU Want Plums or Prunes FOR CANNING Buy Them Whenever You See Any for the Crop Is Short and They Will Not Last Long. U ' ' I Til 1 1 oil Stntna tlilu vnn a l,n ut).l Ton HI." The Ho.i Ton in- i . curtis, I'ortianu, oro., uny u. umrKo, Faubor hydroplano. 36 feet tover .ill. I ""',,,,B",,,U' lY"a w T'-V.1 " .""'J P" owned by Commodore W. E. HuBh-v l""0' ,wn" ',0if" "c,n10"' nn of Ilollnvuo. In. Her power plant W nnc Uco. Calif., Mr. Hawkins, San slsts of ono 8 cyllndor Bellovuo m ' rnnclsco. Calif.. 1 ri. P. McLennan, wns built at tho ahon of vnnlver. u. u uugar Ames, rrei- mill UI U1U SHOP Ol ... nnnfl TntnrnnHn.,,.1 T.. f Senttlo, Wn O. Oro. nt Peoria in th Freo.fnr.nii in a-.ii . mo courso win ue patrolled at all which Is claimed to he tho fastest tlmo t,mcB Ky l?.S , COr? ,f.r,oin Uo TV0' ,. ..i i.. ,. ., v l u nuo cutter "Snohomish" nnd no lnthr. v,. .i m .-uiiiiivuuii. fn, .. u,ny . n-t,A i ";;. . . " -i -no "wigwnm II "Is owned by O. m b-BVrmi,t m 108eui"-K this morning i. inu, in uiHiorin urecon: oo. ".. . signed nnd built by Dlnhley of Sent- ia? Srt0I S0M Rn(1 yncl,lt .S' . 8 of l WW? SwlBnoO "Ullt tho "Seat. , L " "JIa??S?..hf": uoapiru." it will bo equipned with """v"'" '" "'""'v "" UU""K a 6 cylinder onglno. Ilchton- .U,, They will bo accompanied length of the boat all over Is 26 feet'. Hy 'e r ?? bnnd nd w,.betraof t rno -Beattio Sp r t" s owned bv " - " w,whi imun Mr. Cox of Portland. Oregon. l"8l"r thc!r 81fe pa88ng0 ln" wns designed nnd built bv ninklnv nf I Seattle, nnd Is equipped with two Lel. SAME OLD LKSSOX ghton engines, putting her In tho twin 7i ."!?,?, ""J8.3""" ovor nil. Ho Bald ho'd help the ...,..w.v 4.. .u ii'si uvur itll. IS nnrt ltl n world alone:. owned by Mr. II. Llnnort of R in ,iu .""i V" C.L-Sr"' ..... pod with an. 8 cylinder V typo special Did thov nitv him? Oh. nni .M ,, opsign Mpport racing engine. The engino is ono or tho 4 cycle typo. This power plant is tho snmo n thnt which nppeared In the "Missouri III" in tno I'eoria Rogattn. The "Missou ri III" made n trifle better than 31 miles an hour. Mr. Drlscoll fully bolloves thnt she will be nble to beat tho record of tho "Missouri III." "Nunes Flyer" the bont Is 25 feet 11 3-4 Inches ovor nil. 4 foot 4 inch oeam, null draft of S inches. ThA oowor v ant u ono Model n Rrriniv'o s cylinders, 6 Inches boro by 6 inches Btroka and Is owned by Nunos Bros., of Sacramonto, California. i Milton Smith of Ranier has entei- They merely snld- Wlth shako of head: "We told wo told you sol" He Bald, "I'll find the priceless mines" and tolled till mldnlKht dim: Thoy ciimo n shaking of tho ground; nn earthquake swallowed him. A bitter tale of woe! Did they pity him? Oh, nol Still they said With shako of head: "Too bad I Vo told him bo!" victim Tuesday, whon William Glenn Wilson bronthed his last. During tho four nnd a half days that he lin gered on tho vorgo of death, at Umpqua, Wilson novor regninod completo consciousness. Tho Inju rles to his back dovoloped spinal meningitis nnd tho ond wns at onca foreseen. Another tolegrnm was recolvod hero from Frank McFnrland, of nis RnpldB, Mich., to tho effect thnt ho Is u uroiuer oi jonn McFnrland, of Coour D'Alono, who Is at present en route to Rosoburg to take charge of tho remains of Potor. M. D. Cooley of Drain, whn urri,i snys he was well acquainted with Norman (Peter) McFarland, a victim In Thursday's bridge disaster at Ump qua. He says McFarland worked for him on a stock range In Curry coun ty nbout three years ago. Ho was married to a young lady at Agnes. Curry county, but tho two havo not uveu logemer ror some time. Mr. Cooloy pronounced McFarland a good fellow, honest and Industrious and well-liked by all who chancod to make his acquaintance. His wlfo still resides at Agnes, Curry county. Hat your Jo trlitUf do& t WOMAN KILLS THREE DEER. Mrs. Ben McMullen and Miss Ber nice Chandler went to the Chandler ranch noar Eckley. Whllo there they went hunting and Mrs. McMullen kill ed throe deer and Miss Chandler one. which was pretty good for amatm.r ports-women CoqUllle Herald. "If you havi nytliia to sill. ir.4. ml waaikil-. ut want ad. CATCHING INLET ,NEWS. (Special to Tho. Tlmos.) Mr. Roy Hodson lyhllo hunting re contly got lost In tho donso wood between hero and Suinnor, finding deer tracks and following them sonio dlstnnco passed through Sum nor and wont as far as Cunningham Creok, realizing his condition retrac ed his Btops to Sumnor callod nt Loj nurd Mastors hotel from which a tolophono messago was sent to H. 3. Honobrnko who Immodlntely upon receipt Informed Mrs. Hodson. HJ took passago on tho mail-boat to Mnrshflold whore ho staid ovor night, walking homo noxt morning. Roy is our trustworthy mall cnrrler from Ross' boat-landing -up tho Inlet, carrying mall ovory day for eight or nluo famtllos and wo rojolco with his parents that "the lost is found." J. W. Bouobrako and son, Rosa, will bo tho guosta of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Honobrnko Thursday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Dvron Hodson spent Wednesday ovonlng with W. R. an1 Mrs. Hlgglnson. 10 Cords of Aldor wood from J. C. Donne's place was put on a scow and towed by tho Sumner to Coos Bay Creamery Wednesday. Mr. Mike Boono of Sumner was la this vicinity yesterday looking for a atray mare. EXTRA I havo a lot of EXTRA hay to A. T. Halnoa. i 1 WILL EXCHAtfGE-MCy $2,100, equity In. a 5-room bungalow, lot 80x92, Woodstock Add., Portland, Ore. Valued at 3,000, for acrcase near or property In Marshfled, Or. I am tho owner of this bungalow, and shall only deal direct with owner of proporty. If you know of anyono' wishing to 6xchanx nave thom writeL.' J. Justed 49 Mbrrlssoa Si, Portlands Oregon. v t, k4M 9 V uarnei .M --'-"- j"-ly v .- !&!Gs&me&ir...i - ' - -