I THEreCOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 5 1 damjtaj&SUH T 41 Mercer St. New York City Itl'ltlXG THIS SALE VOU CAN HAH AT HAGS FROM TIJE II EST, HOUSES IN AMERICA. ).,XOV IS YOl'U.TIMK XOi-SEOURE A 1JARGAIN. f k J& ' !. '.?' The cost of repairing uio wiring in our building , ty Jisrsnnem wi ntno, doUars. The owaor nt once got a re duction of Fifty Dollars' per ar In tho Insurance; Think it ovor. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237.J U"'.MHM!N8 IN DWELL1NO. BUY NOW ALSJk Room house at nay " Pari " ' 'ice i7nn. ra. "oom house, lots loVxlVov .t?160 CIKTOMa. n,r 91,200 "iinea In nnnlf tjiii T.r-t J Soyth Marshflold, Fernd'alo and Band at bargains. AUQ. FRIZEENU auto Insuranco nnd Rentals SSflAve.. MiirslUleld, Ore. KARSHFIBLD'S POPULAR -AMTLV HOTEL , THB UXTb Mtw 1 rediiMri n. .. i -- uuy ouo. 7En nnd i hrr ?2,o to ,b00' jio AThoJ ,0 por "oath. FRHH siER- W. 8ULLTVAW lw SULLIVAN, Prop. Aixmr 'S?!!.w -fe-I ismar scnedula on RTOtt Cooa Rivor rui. TAvaa FNV-u:"!wAr ,eek day, at 4 .;. Ai. wit i 7 ""I1 :4B a. - .anea.t 8:4S All OndPiece Dresses $9.95 Values to $37.50, See Big Window Display HIS is an unusual oppor tunity to buy any of our one-piece dresses. Among, those offered at this very low price is our entire stock of pretty French shallie, figured silk f oulard, messaline and taf fetta, also several very pretty styles in voiles and fine velvet broadcloth Sizes 32 to 42 Regular prices' were $1850 to $3750 Take your choice at only $9.95 SEE WINDOW DISPLAY ON SALE THIS WEEK MYERS' WOMEN'S AND MISSES' WEAR Ladies, Don't Overlook This OUIt SPKCIATj SALR OK LADIES' HANDBAGS T8 A GENUINE IUIUUIN OFFERING OF THESE NECESSARY ARTICLES. lilYI' A UUUIJ Jjl.AlJII.il UrtiNII- One-Half Regular Price r UKMKMIIEIl THESE' ARE HIGH GRADE leather hand- : LockharkRarsons Drug Co. Prdsci'tytions Accurately Compounded. Till: lll'SV CORNER PHONE 21)8 WANTED Second desk. AddreBS ' Iinnd roll top K" Times onieo. FOR SALE Ten colonies of bees. Call at Petor Scott's Glen Gordon. WANTED Six steady bonrders ,at corner 2nd and Central. Glosofn, "fprlco roason'ablo Mis,'- N. M. ta Matson. FOR SAMS My farm OOO acres In on lot or will cut up in parcels' to Buit. C. W. Santord, Marshfleld. WANTED O experienced coal min ers Beaver Hill Company. ' WANTED Strong woman or girl to f care -for elderly woman. Apply Mrs. ' Song8tack6n. WANTED Girl lor general house work. Appjy to Mrs. A. H. Powers. Phono 207. AUTO TJNE Cars at any ttoe. Phone 231 R, after midnight 18;x OOOS.BAY TO J)RAIN-T-Qulcltest; tlmo possible HoJden Anto Line, Tli Allegany, Through faro, i?8i. Stage, Beamor and auto via Gardi ner. Through In .one. day 17.50. Oraln,jRoo ay,jtAe If ae.;, Thrp.th m tw days 96.50. 0 poumna 91 Vanax free. Nertoa ft Haas, agta. Coos Building Marshfield THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON', Aug. 30. Fair to night nnd Thursday. U lfnyo Trouble. jMrs. Fred Muotzol arrJV(lnfro.i.,Ton Mjla ycagrjjnft Thoro has been trouble In tho Muot zol family nnd, alio is appealing to tho local authorities. ' Wants Divorce.- Efllo CollUfS "lias filed suit for dtvorco" rronf "Thomna Leo. poJHnBi Onp, of thogrounds ,for separation is desertion, sho claiming thnt sho doesn't fenow his' p"resyut whereabouts. Kill Die; Deer. Claude Plpor of Coos River recently killed a buck on tho West fork of North Cdotf River that weighed. dressod, 1,70 pounds. This is one of tuq largest, that has boon lclllod in a long time. Enjoy Picnic Three scoro or moro pooplo enjoyed tho annual excursion of tho steamer Alert to the Llfo Sav ing Station and tho beach yesterday. Tho weathor was fine nnd in addition to tho usual picnic diversions, tho crowd enjoyed, a drH by 9 Llfo j Last Big Shipment of Ashland Crawford Peaches FOR PANNING PURPOSES ARRIVED TODAY ON T1TE BREAK. WATER. THE ASHLAND PEACH HAS AN ESPECIALLY FINE FLAVOR AND IS UNEXCELLED "EITHER-FOR- "CANNING OR THE TABLE. .1 Per Box, Per Dozen, Lbckhart's Grocery Two P4vat!eTh6ne ! ""' V ! ',, : , lkW' . Baving cvovf. Captain Edwards of tJio Alort is planning a moonlight ex clusion to the beach about Septem ber 8 or 9. Is I'liii-tl. Joo Gaynor was fined 25 and costs by City Recorder But lor for n violation of the moral ordi nances of the city. A second offonso ineniib a heavier flue and probably being ordered out of town. Get Contract. Olson and Johnson of Missoula, Mont., the contractors who built the Chandler hotel here, have been awarded the contract for the construction of the new Eastern Oregon hospital for the Insane. Kinney Hotter. C. A. Sohlbredo Is In receipt of a tdlegrntu from the physician attending Major Kinney at the San Francisco sanitarium Btntlng thut Mr. Kinney Is Improving Rapidly nnd will soon be able to return to Coos Day. On Areata. Capt. Noren, who for merly ran Into Coos Day on the stenmer Eureka, Is now master of the steamer Areata. The Areata for merly ran Into Coos Bay from San Francisco but recently1 left the Qolden Onto for Alaska. Itroko Hip. Mrs. Mary Randloman of the lower Coqulllo passed through here a few days ago en route homo from Alma, Wash., whoro alio visited her brother, Ed Roso, who recently sustained n fractured hip. Ho for merly llvcdln Coos county but Is now engaged In the logging business thorn. Hat 111k HhhIiu'hh. W. P Murphy, who lately returned from a visit with J. E. Schilling at Gardiner, reports that Mr. Schilling Is meeting with great success in his now hotel. There are sixty rooms In tho now structure nnd it is crowdod. Gardinor is on Joying a boom as a result 'of tho rull road prospects. o , Travel Very lleuvy. An Indication of tho rapid Increnso In travel to and from Coos Bay Is shown at. tho Ho dondo olllce. Although tho Redondo wll not sail south from hero uuMl about next Monday, Agent McGcorgo this morning hnd thirteen applica tions for pnssngo on her more than ho could accommodate. , Leave on Auto Among thoso leav ing this morning on tho Coos Bay Drain auto lino via Allegany wore Bishop Scudding, Mrs. Scnddlng, F. B. Walto, Ooo. 11. Durham, Mrs. Dur hnm, E. S. Bnrgelt and wife, Mss Morrlmnn, Jf Ilsmfth, E. W. Wright, A. J. Jarnolh, niid Mrs. C. Tlmmons. Grows FInv. Today Geo Balncsls exhibiting n big bunch of lino llox that Hcrmi(n SnilthguH grotyon Ulj proporty in aouui Aiursuuoiu us an experiment., So fnr as known, Itilia" tlio first llax grown hero. Ho only had n .smnll natcli of It but It crow wolL filled out nnd ripened In oxqW lenti condition..,'' A M, 1UJUSSU -n. - J Rack From Hunt. Will Cox re turned todoyi from, hla hunting trip to Curry county nftor getting Jils thrccu deer. . Tho othcr.jncjnb.oj-8.- of, tho imrtyjjion. Wllloyjlep. W,. Chlldd nnd Leonnrd Mauzey, will romnln Each mombor of tho party expects to havo throo bucks to hjs credit before bieakl'ng enmp. Fawns nnd does are plentiful, Will says, IiIh party counting forty-flvo in one herd ono day last weok. tTho two Uttlo Jacks tho party tooK nlong for' packing purposes proved n joko. juo urst day oujtliey, missed footing jyid roll to rthoMiolt6m of-n 'hill with their cd load of supplies. Qox says that Bon Wllloy'a lnngungo on this occnslou will riot boar repetition. The ilodondo Is s'che'dulelrto "reach hero'Saturduy from Snn'Frnnclsco. READ THE TIMES' WANT ADR. w u?; Ui tt.Ts; . -Vi '"'t?ljl .20 i Dersonal m PICKUPS m PIlIL DROWNELL of Gardiner Is In Mnrshflold on business tind pleas lire. W. COACH of Bandon, n son of the Into Col. Coach, Is hi Marshfleld on business, C. S. WINSOR- nnd Geo. Sheridan of North Bend were Marshfleld visit ors last evening. L. A. LILJEQVIST, doputy prosecut ing attorney, Is hero froin Coqulllo on business and pleasure. DH. 11. M. WEBBER of Eugene ar rived hero yostortlay to spond a few dnys In the Coos Day country. MRS. C. TIMMONS of Bnmlon nrrlv ed horo yesterday and mny procood to Portland and other northern points for a visit. E. W. WRIGHT, tho Portland real estate operator, loft this morning for Portland. Ho will roturn soon and oxpectB to go south to Crescent City on his next trip. DR. and MRS. L. P. SORENSON of Bnndon nrrlved horo yesterday. Dr. Sorenson Is head of tho Bandon Division of the Oregon Naval Mili tia. E. S. BARGBLT and wlfo loft this morning on an oxtoudod visit to Mr. Rargclt's old home In tho mid dlo wost. They will visit In lowu and Nobraska and will roturn via tho Southern routo. ED. McKEOWN, foreman of tho South Inlet camp of the Smith Powors company, enmo in last eve ning. Ho roports Umt thoro have boon a number of Uttlo fires in that section but no serious dnm ago has been done. W. 8. NICHOLSON, who will bo re memborcd by many as having been on Coos Bny a fow years ago, but Into of Spokano, arrlvod hero re cently with his wlfo nnd family nnd enmo prepared to maku his fu ture homo hero. OTTO MORRISSEY hna roturnod from n business trip to Coqulllo for tho Cooa Bay Paying nnd Cons truction company. The business men of Bandon aro figuring on, having boiuo ot tho principal BtreetB thero paved k with bjtutni vedkWlthj bjtutn folifLoh Angoh nous payingi n in '1 s 7 cb'N hmi DRrDIX nd wlfo "of Lob Augoloa ,Jnn,jstingnt tho homo .fAIarshnl Jim i prowuM f his uncle im j prowuMjin MyrtlQ )r3 blxon tin aiformor Coda iKSsS fflwrtrt county boy who is how a promt H Wo Wlli 'Soil All Our 50c Neckwear. Embracing nil tho newest and nlfllest designs on Coos Bny for Only 35c Now Is your chnnco to get fiomoj fluo Neckwear nnd savo lt cents on overy purchase. The Bazar Phone 32 Tho House of Quality. FordDaysOnly Do YOU Want Plums or Prunes FOR CANNING Buy Them Whenever You See Any for the Crop Is Short; n4 They W?1L Not Last Long. 111 KmrnWrnWrnWl REPAIR MK ' ON SAGINAW m-mmmmmmmmm uiver Mast Hutting Patch on Bottom Sight Attracts Big Crowd. . 4 Tho repairing of tho damage to tho Btcum schooner Saginaw which was damaged on Blanco reef Inst weok, Is attracting a great crowd nt tho Al llanco dock. Throughout tho day scores roninln thero watching Diver Mast. Tlie patching up tompornrlly -ot tho bottom whoro tho hole was atovo in 1b a dtfllcult Job. Dlvor Mn'stla working as rapidly as possible. Ho 1 equipped with tho latest diving uni form and air supply apparatus. Yes terday, ho caused qulto a bit of amu semont for tho onlookers by insisting on stopping nnd smoking Just before going down. Ho had his uniform ou nnd was ready for tho holmot whoa mm. t m. m . . . . . tho desire to smoko struck him. Tom ' Lawhorne, who is asBlBttng him, lit up n pipe nnd after enjoying a fow purrs, Mnst put on his holmot and wont down. Ab yot, Messrs. Hart nnd Plllsbury, representing tho owners and under writers, havo not announced their plans. If tho patching is effective they hopo to bo nblo to tako tho Sagi naw undor hor own steam to Port land or San Francisco to go on tho dry dock. Whether tho cargo will bo disposed of horo has not boon announced yot although a numbor of local partlca havo bid on pnrts of it. nont dentist In tho Southern Call fomln city. Ho is expected on Coos Bay to visit frlonds next weok FRED HARRIS and family ot Port' land arrlvod hero today to locata on 'Cobs Bay'. ' ' MISS MARIE T. MALONEY, who hai been spending tho summer with relatives In Iowa and Mtddlo West points, arrived homo today. GHAS. MYEHS, n promlnout attorney of Lawton, Okla.. 1b on' tho Bay for a short vUlt with Chas B. Solby nnd othor frlonds who cnino horo from Oklahoma. NAPOLEON RICE, wlfo and child havo roturnod from a throo weeks sojourn at points on tho coast. Whllo nwny thoy visited LMarsh- Hold, Coqulllo City, Myrtlo POlnt uud -Bandon. Mr. Rico Bays that thQro 1b considerable r.nllroadtalk 011 tho coast and that tho cltlrons of thnt locality predict tho .early construction- of a rnllroad.-r-Roso-. xt' . . . ' , ..UHlJi.iXJ.)lfil.-w M J, S, GREEN, .who w'lll bo reWnjJl&r- od 'by.-iiiuuyJfi-Iontls'Uriat-howand his estlmabjQ vfo lnndo during tliolr reBhJoiicejiior "iv-faWjfc'rs ugo, arrfve'e? 'yesfordhy otra brief buslnossivlslt. Thowraro now lo ; cnteof'nt.CoruiiiiirCai.owhoro Mr. Greon Is engaged lit some govern ment onglnoorliig work. Ho ox prossos hlniBolt plonscd with tho present prospects on Cooa Bay which glvo ovldouco of fullfllUng the hopos of all loyal admirers of I i-'thlst sootlon1 'u'tid 'lts'isplcndldl re sources. , , 4 ELKS ! ELKS ! SPECIAL MEETING, initiation. Visiting brothdrs cordially Invited. C. W. TIPPETTS, Sec. Don't forgot PHONE 214-J. the Turkish Baths. .'I .,! sif.' ' ilil 'H ',iu: "'- B 1 X ' ft V,. 4 JL" Nv I :lod 811 his ots (an- is , J ,, ; 1Z mKoJl