-jv-- 'VTfTI I'l'iw HW H r A ' !ri ' '. , M'"? ('-.'. V .,, i f ' j ? ' I '1 r. ' ' " THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIEiD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1911 -EVENING EDITION. . :7 ft K. fr D D D D D D D D I) D 1) U !; l i COOS BAY TIMES 01. 0. MALONKV IIAN E. MALONKV Editor and I'uli. Xi vs Editor Local Overflow Address all communications to COOS WAY DAILY TIMES. Sfjirsliflelri :: :: :: :: Oregon Dedicated to tho aorvlco of the peoplo, that no good causo shall lack a champion, and that ovll shall not thrlvo unopposed. Entered nt tho postofneo at Marsh (lold. Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second class mall matter. All Independent Republican news paper published ever evening oxcopt Sunday, and Waokly by Hio Coos liny Times Publishing Co. suhscriition rates. DAILY. Ono yoar $6.00 Per month 60 WEEKLY. One year . . . . $1.50 When paid strictly In advance the subscription price of tho Coos Bay Times Is $5.00 ptr year or $2.60 for six months. DOllN. P1NEUOK To Mr. nnd Mrs. It. E. X'luegor, n son, Wednesday, Aug ust 30. Mother nnd child are do--lug nicely and Papa I3ob Is hap- pier than If a hundred rnllronds wcro coming to Coos Day. Grandpa and Grandma Elckw'orth also cs tonded a warm welcome to tho lit tle stranger. Hoy Hotter. Thojyoung Bon of J. W. Vineyard of Eaatslde, who hns been very ill of bloodpolsonlng, Is re ported Improving. BIG MEETING BANDON MtN IT COQUILLE IIJOliE In Hotter. Mr. Alto? nn Enstsldo resident, who has boon very 111 of ptoinnlno poisoning from eating can nod goods Is reported Improving. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF MAHSIIFIELI). OOIelnl Paper of Coo County ItEADY FOIt PUHLIO CONTROL. THE Amorlcun Tele)houu nnd Tol egraph compnuy commonly known ah tho Doll systam, lu Its nnnunl roport, innkes a frank appeal for n single owiiorslilit of telephone linos throughout the country under propor governmental regulation. Thnt much progress toward this end 'has .been maijo may be gathered from Ihis jtatomont: Whorovor It could be lognlly tlouo nnd done with tho ncqulcH onso of tho public, opposition companies have beon acquired nnd merged Iut6 the Hell syfltuin. Tho report declaron that since these mergos bagnn tho cont of con Htructlon, Including toll IIiioh, per ox chilngo station, has Htendlly docrenH od, from $199 lu 190Q to $1-12 In 1910, nnd correspondingly thero hns beon an average decrease for the an nual churgo for exchange service, from $14.08 lu 1900 to $31.28 lu 1910. Tha taxes paid lu 1910 were more than (i per cunt of gross earn ings, 10. I por cent of tho net earn ings nnd l.-l por cunt of Its valuation of Its tolophnno plants. Tho contention Is made, nnd fairly so, that tho telephone should be as universal ns tlfo highways, extending from ono man's door to uuothorS, And that rntos tthould bu mndo thor oughly popular nnd reasonable. This, It Ifl contended, could bo best done uudr ono ownership ami fair regu lation. So far as competition goes, tho tolophono ,1s ono public utility . i i i New Physician. Dr. W. P. Hop kins of Portlnnd arrived here today to assume a position as physician nnd surgeon nt tho Bonver Hill mines un der Dr. E. Mlngus. Lows Finger. Goo. Holmes, n cook at tho Bunkor Hill boarding hotiBO cut oft tho first finger of his loft hand while chopping kindling. Ho Is gotting along ns well us could bo oxpectod. wljbjio Horvlcp (o tho peoplo Is hinder ,od nthor than helped by divers' lums nun nviiuiniiiiH. ah iiir H concerned, thoi'o has never on actual competition fie- n OBO I Bi'stems v runny be H.X e . . . . x ipryu i'ii'"l"iu Liiiiiiiiiiiun, mil i ii. Iiiib boon to force peoplo to mufutftln I two telephone systems for u whll 1- J'Ml.J.V ... ...A. .1.1 ....Al'nA' iiiti v iiiiii iviiiiui miiutu. If tho beuolUft' of competition cun i)t) had and tho evlln n voided by pub- iic'Oontrol nnd lobulation, tlmt will Villi tut step. North Bend News Fighting Charge!. Mnrshnl J. W. Cartor today Died Information before City Hecordor Butler charging O. Morrlssoy nnd F. Grant -with lighting on North Front street hut night. The combat Is snld to have been a lively one. They will have their hearing Inter. Child Umvh Fingers. Tho threo-yenr-old son of Mr. nnd Mr, I. E. Johnson had tho first linger nnd part of tho second linger of ono hand cut off this morning by n hatchet. Wheth er tho child or some of his plnymnten wielded the hntchot Is not known. Tho family lives In South Mnrsliflol.1 near tho cemotory. In Hiinawny. A. L. Kedfliild and child and Mr. Itodfleld, Jr., nnd wife of North Bend were in n rnthnr bud runnwny on tho road to Beaver Hill yesterday. While passing Dr. E. Mlngus nuto, ono of tho wheels of the rig Hllpped over t,hu grade frighten ing tho horses nnd breaking the wheel nnd tongue. Tho team got nwny, throwing tho occupnnts who hnd not nlready Jumped out. Mrs. Hcdlleld, Br., sustained u slightly Injured kneo. Tho rig wiib demolished. T S HOW (Snide Siimmeillii, who Iihk boun visiting relatives in Myrtle Point, re turned to North Itoml today. Mrs. l!mry Truoiuan of North Bond IlnlghtH was a guest yesterday of lior daughter, Mrs. Harry Uus foll of Marshlleld. Mrs. C. II. Worrell and Mrs. K. W. Fahy nnd daughter, Miss Hazel of Dullards, oxpeot to leave tomorrow for n few weeks' stay at Portland. Itobt. McCnnn foreman of tho North Bond mill, will leave noxt weok for n visit nt his sister's and hrothor'a In Edmonton and Heddier, Can. Mrs. Harry Hrndnold, Pnsquln Bradlleld, Miss Margaret Wltto, and M)ss Humphrey were guests nt tho Imhotf home nnd of Mrs. E. II. Jones yostorday. Miss Margaret Wltto and Miss Humphrey, nurses of tho Good Sam aritan hospital In Portland, uro spending their vacation at tho home'os i Mrs, nurry Brndflold of ??' H First Agate Carnival Closes Frank Tichcnor Plans Big Hotel There. (Special to The Times,) POT OJlKOltn, Oregon, Aug. 2'J -Port Orfnrd's First Annuul Agate Carnival olosud Saturday. It was a micro In every wny. The Tlchr HQr Trophy n beautiful silver cup offered ns a prlxe by Frank B. Tichc nor .of Portland, for tho best dl-plu or Agaton. was won by Mrs. ! 'n Knapp. .The wrnnri award jvns glv"n to Mrs. William fltlllwui jid tho third best display belonged to Mrs. Ames Johnson. Miss Enn McKenrlo won ilrst priao for lludlng the best nguto on tho benches during tho Car nival and Miss I.uclle 'Meredith won second prize. F. E. Colloy, tho Dis trict Mnnager of the W. O. W. for Southern Oregon, who was visiting horo during tho Cnrnlvnl won tho prize for cntchlng tho lnrgest trout from the shore of Orford I.ako, nnd received a line assortment of Trout flies. Even tho old tlmo citizens of Port Orford were surprised at the vnrlety and size of tho ngnto display at tho Carnival, nnd already plans aro bolng mndo for tho Second Annunl Agato Carnival to be hold noxt yoar. Tho Battlp of Battlo Rock which tool; placo tho night Gov West nnd his party wore hero will ho onlargod nnd Improved upon, and bo made ono of tho nttrnctlyo features of tho CarnlVai noxt year. Interest In ngate hunt ing hns been stimulated, nnd tho Port Orford Comerclal Club Is planning to plnco nn exhibit of Port Orford's ng ntes In the Chnmbor of Commorco In Portlnnd nnd Snn Francisco so travel lers can see a samploofthornrostones so numerous on Port Orford's bench- Frank B. Tlchonor is nlannlns - m m, --r-rj nii. ;,'..'.. a ... ,, mBK carat prinKdat U TAmm etrit. AlnrSll-itho proptlnn nt n tnrtrn a.i.,,n.n. tT-..l horp for next year ta ako care of tho Farmers' Union to Have Sper cial District Officer Come to Coos County. ' - COQUILLE, Ore., Aug. 29. At a largely attended convention of the mombors of nil tho local branches of tho'Frnmcrs Educational' and Co- oporntivo Union of America hero Sal urday, arrangements wore mndo to take up with, a Portland warehouse company n proposition for handling tho output of .all tho' members. By this central sales ngoncy, it Is bo Moved thnt the prices tho rnnchors will derive for their products will bo greatly increased. P. M. Hall-Lawls ,ojt Catching In Jot, fruit Inspector for Coos county, was present and made a short address In which he stated that F. A. Sykes, secretary of tho Oregon and Idaho district of tho Union would be in Coos county from September 10 to 20 for tho purposo of assisting tho locals In extending tholr member ship nnd nlso for tho purposo of or ganizing tho ranchers on the Coos Bay sido of tho county. Mr. Hnll Lewls stntcd ho had tho mattor up with tho district olllclals for somo tlmo. It was nn nil day session nnd din ner was served hero. During his stay In Coqulllo, Fruit Inspector P. M. Hnll-LewlB caused quite a stir by making n tour of tho stores nnd notifying thorn that thoy must not handle diseased fruits nnd sorved notlco thnt any dlsonscd fruits found In tholr placos honcofortu would bo destroyed. DEHHY Thru Its flnvor won Its favor. A TUHK1SH HATH will do you GOOD. Phono 214-J. State Game Warden Finley Aft ' er Minister's Party For Law Violation. BANDON, Oi-o., Aug. 29. State Gamo Warden FInloy has boon hero sovoral dnys Investigating nn alleged violation, of thb gamo lnws involving n hnlf-dozon nromlnont local men. Ho announces that ho has arranged with Deputy Prosecuting Attorney LilJoqviBt of Coqulllo to hnvo tho grand Jury tnko tho mntter up nt tho Septombor term of court. According to Mr. FInloy, Deputy Gamo Warden Morgan discovered tho nkinB of two spotted fnwns near the camp of the Bandon men a short tlmo ago. Ho further claims that when Deputy Morgan nsked them about It, they first laid tho killing on to a slxtocn-year-old boy who was with tho party but lator dented it. Finally it was taken boforo JubUco Holden nt Coqulllo who discharged thorn on tho grounds thnt tho ovi donco against them was not conclu sive. Stnto Gamo Warden FInloy al leges further that Justlco Holden stated that his principal reason for docldlng contrary to tho ovldonco in troduced by tho stnto was tho stato mont of Bev. II. C. Hnrtranft, pastor of tho Prcsbytorlnn church In Ban don, denying the chnrges. Mr. FIn loy declares that tho caso will not bo dropped becnuso ho claims tho ovl donco of guilt Is conclusive. Tho Ban don peoplo Involved nnd who aro to bo summonod boforo tho grand Jury aro: llov. H. C. Hnrtranft, pastor of Bandon Prcsbytorlnn church; II. E. Boak, Sam Barrows, B. F. Klopfor, H. C. Schmoker, nnd a nephew of Mr. Barrows.' The Sign of Salesmanship Half of salesmanship is cnthusiam. it you have anytning to sell, trade, 'ent or want help, try a want ad. The New Styles FOR 1" 911-1912. NOW IN Browns, Greys and Blues BEST EVER, WITH PRICES LOWEST Suits for Men From $6.50 to $25.00 FIXUP ' Mri$- GrJy 1 1 1 1111111 ??vyiv5wSHiP"iI II Mr i HI NITRO CLUB SHOT SHELLS, TJfie best shot shells ever made improved with a steel lining. This steel lining around the smoWeu powder iniurei better pat tern, betttr penetration, and greater Telocity for the ame load. It givei added itrength to the ihell and protection to load ado! hooter. Nitio Club ihot sheila have won every intentate handicap for the lait two yean. Cwt no more lhan ordinary sheila. For Remington-UMC and all other ihotgun, QgnJpgfol-WfCke perfect ihoohag combmatioa. REMINGTON ARMS-UNION METALUC CARTRIDGE CO. 299 Bfo.dw.x, Ntw Ttrk City Wo carry all tho Itomlngton modols of repeating guns and also tho othor models that have proved bes t suited to Iho Coos Bay country. Wo can also order nny special model and secure it for you promptly Our stock of cartridges Id complete. The merchant who advertises with an Electric Sign tells the world that he.iscnthusiastic Sout his store. ' ! .. " "'j;fnr The hlcctric Sign drives home .tliis , message, and drives it hard. . ) . i I , j (1 M tx It is the best and livest expression of enthusiasm that you can find at any' price. ' ' !li'1 Get a Sign that stands for YOUR business and none other. Telephone 178. d , " i J! J! Oregon Power Company y The Electric Sign Is the Sign of Salesmanship THEJURKISH BATH PARLORS H HAVE MOVED From tholr old quarters, In tho Coos building, ono block north to a now homo at 392 Broadway which has boon cspoclally fitted up for them and whero they are hotter propared than ovor bo foro to rondor oxccllont sorvlco to tho public. TUWC18H, BUS SIAN, STEAM, KLECTRK) and HHOWKlt BATHS, In fact nny bath that can bo given nnywhoro may bo socurcd horo. You aro cordially lavltod to cnll at our now quartors. Both Lady and Gentleman Attendants PIIO.VE 21-I.J. 002 JIllOADWAY MAHSIIFIELI) First National Bank OF COOS BAY AT MAHSIIFIELI). OREGON, Capital and surplus aud profits ..,..,,.$107,000.00 Total resources 535,000.00 United States .Depository for Postal Savings Does a general banking business, Interest paid on time and savings deposits, OFFICERS: W, S, Chandler, M, C, Horton, " Dorsev'Kreltzer, .President, Vice-President, ""; Cashier, DIRECTORS: ' . W, S, Chandler, John S, Coke, W, U, Douglas, Wm, Grimes, John F, Hall, s, C, Rogers, F- s ow, w, P, Murphy, M, C, Horton, Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus anil Undivided Profits Over ...... Assets Over Interest Paid on Time Deposits $100,000 $500,000 WATCH! NOTICE! Good Livery Service suiumer tourists and hunters -who are coming In Increasing numbers each year to thla aectlon of Oregon. t The Gunnery "Sportsmen's Headquarter" FRONT 8T. Homer Mauzey, one of the drivers and the solicitor for us is out for Laundry. Watch him! he Is liable to stop you on the street and exnlatn all details of Laundry and also to bo at your homo any time. He knows Laundry business from A to Z. Marshfield Hand and - I: Steam Uundiy Fancy new rigs, good horses anil taroful drivers are now at the dia osal of the Coos Bay public at REASONABLE RATES. Rigs or rigs with drivers ready f ny trip anywhere any time. Horie )oarded and rigs cared for. New hearse and special accommo datlons provided-for ffaueralvPrtl. w.u. 1AVKHY ASVTWWaU , raowisrM . I .MAJISHFIKLD. MMXlj 'UarRtTr Tr-rtiw