Raw 'H THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1 911 EVENING EDITION. 1 tl also arranging to estlmato tho value of tho old waterworks system here. is getting along flno, handling , trmrn litlolnnaa ilinn Wllft HtltialDAt i '.' Silk Dresses, It Will Be H M A Careful Record of Prescriptions filled at this storo Is kopt on fllo. If yon want the snnio pros cription filled ngnlii, wo look up tho nitmbor fill It nccurntoly you got It without doluy. Uho tho tolophono wo dollvor prescriptions promptly. It Is not possible to obtain u bottor proscription sor vlco than wo give Lpckhar t-Parsons Drug Co. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded. THE BUSY CORNER TOH SALE Tho giiHolhio launch ".Milllntn." C II. I. Standnrd en gine 27 feot long .by 7 foot beam. Enquire E. N. Smith Flagstaff or tolophono 3125. TOIt SAM Ten colonies of hoes. Call at Petor Scott's Qlon Gardon. FOU.N'n Ladies' hmid bag mill P'irso. Owner may have samo by deseilblng property and paying for this notice. LOST -Plain, black handbag. Inir kid gloves, some change, enve lopes, etc., In it. Howard for re turn to Mrs. Dorrlngor at Marsh field Hand and Steam Laundry, FOlt SALE Fine, lot of household furniture, enough to furnish ontlro home. Sold by tho pieco or lot. Cheap for cash, Must "bo sold be fore August 30. Call and seo it. Above Coos Bay Steam Laundry. '"ANTED Somo party who knows values when presented, to buy 150x100 business center for $4,000 easy items. 40x100 on Hall and Socond for $2, 00. 120 acres of coal bench land near Llb y for $50 per acre easy terms . 300 Acres dairy farm noar Bandon formerly owned by Flanagan & In Preparing for Fall Styles Coats Suits We Will Close Out Every Garment Left From the Past Season at One-Half Regular Prices Lingerie Dresses, Tailored Suits and Coats to Go to Your Advantage to Look at These Values agne: PHONE 208 Ilonnott Bnnk for J4C.OO0 easy terms . 35 Acres Including V4 mllo wntorfront on Coos Buy chnn nol for $3,500. Tltlo aimrantoo & Abstract Co. WANTED Siv steady boarders nt cornor 2nd and Coutral. Closo In. Prico reasonable Mis. N. M. Matson. FOR SALE Sly farm 000 acres in ono lot or will cut up In parcels to suit. C. W. Sanford, Marshflold. FOIt SALE llolden now proportion cornet. First class condition. Ap ply II. Q. Howard. WANTED 0 eierleneed coal min ers Beaver Hill Company. WANTED Strong woman or girl to caro for elderly woman. Apply Mrs. Sengstackon. WANTED Girl lor general house work. Apply to Mrs. A. H. Powors. Phono 207. AUTO LINE Cars at any time. Phono 231 R. after midnight 181X Seemed to Glvo nim a New Stomach "I suffered intensely after eating and no medicine or treatment I tried seemed io do any good," writes H. M. Youngpetors, Editor of Tho Sun, Lake View, Ohio. "The first few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gave me surprising relief, and tho second bottle seemed to give me new stomach and perfectly good the Reception of in Ladies' and Dire ATSO This has been a dry month but nro you nwaro that It has been Raining Bargains At our storo ovory day. Just cast your englo oyo In our window and seo tho 40-Piece Set of Crockery for Only $5.00 You cannot dupllcato this prico In Coos county. c OOS BAY ASH STORE Tho fitoro That Saves You Money. GEO. N. HOLT, Malinger. Front Street, Marshlleld. Cuts and bruises may bo healed In about ono-thlrd tho tlmo required by tho usual treatmont by applying Chnmborlnln's Liniment. It la an nntl- soptlo and causes such injuries to hoal without maturation. This linlmont also relieves soreness of tho muscles and rheumatic pains. For salo by all dealors, ALICE II Tho Popular Picnic Boat. Now makes regular schedule on the South Coos River run. Loaves Marshflofd week dayB at 4 q. m. Ar rives In Marshflold at 8:45 a. in. Sunday, loaves Marshflold at 8 a. ju. Returns at 6 p. m. M Van Camp's Soups THESE SOUPS ARE READY FOR USE AND REQUIRE HEAT IXG ONLY. THEIR GREAT CONVENIENCE, INVARIABLE QUALITY AND CLEANLINESS WITH WHICH THEY ARE PRE PARED HAVE AVON FOR THEM A WORLD-WIDE REPUTA TION. WE HAVE THEM IN Half Pint Tins 10c Each ALL VARIETIES Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones 85 and 305 .v. Wwfm is if! W mwW -I I'm ' 111' MJII JIM' N IP J THE WEATHER. 4 (By Associated Press.) OREGON, Aug. 29. Fair to- night und Wednesday. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:00 p. m., Aug. 28, by Mrs. E. Mlugus, special govornmont moteorologlcnl obsorvor: Maximum , CG Minimum 52 At 4:00 p. in CO, Wind, Northwest; clear. . 4 Mvt Tomorrow. Chairman Jen nings of tho Executivo commtttco of tho Marshflold Chnmbor of Commorco has called n mooting for 4 o'clock Wodnosday aftornoon to tako up vari ous matters. Investigates Supplies. Englnoor Richardson and Councilman Albrecht who nro Investigating tho water sup plies around Coos Bay will leavo soon for tho forks of Coos RIvor to dotormlno whether thuro Is n source of supply thero. Thoy havo looked Into tho Clonr Lake and Ten Mllo Lnko situation. Mr. Richardson is Fine Straw berried. "Thero," re marked J. W. Umatndt as ho wheel ed' 200 boxes of strawberries into the Anona this morning, "that shows what old Coos can do. Thoso berries are ns fresh and full of flavor ns the first of the season." Deal Is Closed. Petor Scott Sr., last evening announced that tho ne gotiations for tho sale of his four acre "Glen Garden" tract to E. W. Wright of Portland hud been con cluded. Tho property has been under option for some tlmo but wns not closed until yesterday. Mr. Scott Is now arranging to glvo possession. Sunday School Picnic. Tho Sun day school of the Christian church of Marshflold will hold Its anminl picnic at Cooston grove across tho Bay next Wednesday. Tho boat will leavo tho public dock at the foot of Market nvonud at 9 o'clock In the morning. Members of the school and tholr friends of tho school nro invited. No fares will be charged. Saw Two Rucks. (Jcorgo Rotnor is still feeling glum over an export enco ho had Sunday. Ho drovo to the beach for a little outing. Be foro lonvlng, lie had a hunch that ho should tako his deer gun but fin ally decided It would bo too much bother. After reaching the beach, ho strolled back into tho timber and set down to smoke. It looked ns though thero might bo deor thoro aud suro enough a couplo of tho blggost bucks ho over saw soon nmhlcd ncross the opening within a fow yards of him. Thoy took tholr time In gottlng back to covor and nil, George could do was to make resolutions that novcr again would ho wnndor out Into the tlmbor In tho opon season without his trusty rlllo. PERSONAL S3 PICKUPS S5 MRS. J. T. McCORMAC is entertain. Ing at cards today. GEO A. aAGE,a tho Rivorton cont man, Is in Marshflold on business. Mil. MORGAN of Dnnlols Creek wiib n business visitor In the city to day. FRANK IIODSON of Coos RIvor wns transacting business In tho city to day. MltS. ROBERT McCANN of North Bend, wns a visitor in Marshllold today. A. S. HAMMOND and wlfo of Co quillo wore Marshflold visitors yen tordny. MRS. J. E. LYONS will loavo tomor row for hor homo In Snn Francisco nftor a short visit horo. C. C. GOING and wlfo nnd children havo returned from n short visit nt Bandon.- MBS. J. J. CL1NKINDEARD of Da nlols Crook, was iv shopper in tho city today. MISS TOR A LUND loft this morning for n fow dayB visit with Coos Riv er frtonds. CAPT. J. ERNST has roturnod from n fow days visit nt points In tho Coquillo valloy. MRS. W. II. KENNEDY will ontor- taln n number of frlouds at tholr homo this evening. SHERIFF W. W. GAOE Is horo, from Coquillo on 'business today. No criminal business has como up Into ly. SENATOR JAS RAINES and Frank Lalso are planning to go to Ten Mllo to establish a now trout 10 cord. MISS VIOLET HENDERSON loft yestorday for San Francisco for a short visit with hor undo, Hugh Brown. MRS. R. G. GALE, who Is spending a fow months with frlonds in North Bend, was a Marshflold visitor yes terday. MRS. O. E. NICHOLSON will ontor taln a party of friends nt tholr summor home on South Coos RIvor tomorrow. J. O. STEMMLER has returned to his home In Myrtle Point aftor a short business stay here. He re ports that tho now cannory there F. J. FEENEY, formerly of Marsh flold, but who Is now located io Bandon, is oxpected horo today oa business and pleasure. STATE SUPERINTENDENT ALDER MAN arrived boro ypBtorday en route homo from a trip to Curry county and tho Coquillo valloy. MR. and MRS. L. A. HESS, arrived on the Alliance yestorday coming from Philadelphia and nro guests at tho Percy Peot homo In Enstsldo. MISS FRANCES FRANSE is acting as secretary of tho Marahfleld Chamber of Commorco during the nbsonco of Miss Violot Hondorsou. MRS. FLORENCE HAWES roturnod overland today to hor homo noar San Francisco nftor a pleasant vis it nt tho homo of her mother, Mrs, M. E. Smith. JAKE GOLDIE, formorly of Mnrsh Hold but who Is ongagod In busi ness In Portland now, write frlonds horo that bo Is figuring on returning to Coos Bay to locato. & FRANK B. WAITE, who has been Bp'ondlng some tlmo on tho Bay, plans to leavo tomorrow for Rosa burg and Sutherlln but oxpocts to return horo within a fow days. G. A. BROWN, who rocontly under went nn operation for nppondicltta at Mercy hospital, Is reported get ting along nicely although It may bo a fow days boforo bo will bo able to leave for homo. MISS ANNIE ROBBINS of Portland, who has Just conductod a sorloB of successful W. C. T. U. meotings In Marshflold, left yestorday for the Coquillo valloy whoro sho will upend n week In tompornnco work. WILL SCOTT, pattern mnkor nt the C. A. Smith mill, leaves this weok for a month's vacation which be will spend In Washington and the cast. Rumor has it that ho will bring back a brldo with him. una. v. A. Tuvi'j anu uiiio (inugiuur ji Cnthorlno nro expected homo on tho next Rodoudo from Napa, Cal.. whoro thoy havo apont tho sum mer. Llttlo Miss Cnthorlno Is much Improved In health. MISS ANNA M. DODGE, Mrs. J. D. Hawos, A. C. Abbott, L. Halo, E. G. Aloxandor nnd Mrs. Aloxnndor woro nmoug tho paBsongora loav lug this morning for Rosoburg o tho Coos Bny-Rosoburg Stugo line. FRED POWERS loft yestorday In his auto for Rosoburg to moot his mothor, Mrs. A. II. Powers, and hla brothor nnd alstor who nro return ing from n short visit in Califor nia. Thoy uro oxpoctod homo to night. MRS. KATHERINE GRAY, cor Hotloro of Chicago Is In tho city In tho Intorost of tho II. W. GoBsnrd Corsot Co. Sho will bo plonsed to domoiiBtrnta hi your homo without obligation on your pn.rt, tho supe riority of tho Gossard Corsot. Call nt 101, 3rd Btroot South. Phone 2f0R. Don't Be a Cheap Guy Hand her the best you can get It may cost a little more but look at your reward WHITMAN'S Confections Pink of Perfection is good enough for angels. Brown Drug Co. Graduate Chemists. 71 Market Ave. Coos Bldg. Phone 141 Y v4 tek l -.MM .. t. . iJl