The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, August 26, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Page 8, Image 8

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lino Mooro Itlley of linker City,
Worthy Grand Matron of the Oregon
Eastern Stnr. It was one of the lar
gest Roclnl functions of the Benson
on Coos liny, over one hundred In
vited guests participating. The bar
Belt home was prettily decorated for
tho occasion, verltahle beds of sweet
peas making It a howcr of beauty.
Huckleberries were nlso used In the
decorations. In tho receiving lino
were Mrs. Itlley. Mrs. O'Hrlen and
Mrs. Ilrownlee. Mrs. .1. Albert Mat
son was assisted In pouring coffee by
Mrs. T. C. Loylnnd and Mrs. F. K
Gottlnu whllo Mrs. P. A. Simdbcrg,
Mrs. P. M. Pnrsons, Mrs. A. T. Hai
nes and Mrs. A. K. Neff assisted Mm.
Ilargelt In entertaining.
W. P. Murphy and wlfo returned
today from n week's visit at the
.1. 10. Schilling homo at Gardiner.
J. Leo Drown of tho Drown Drug
company, and wlfo left today for
Dastondorf'u beach where they
will onjoy a fow weeks' outing.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Coko of
(Continued from pngo J.)
depots at tho towns on Coos Hay ot
tho route. Ench guest was required
to prophesy tho futuro of her station
and tales of futuro greatness were
unfolded that would mako the ordin
ary Coos Day booster feel ns though
lie didn't know how to boost. Mrs.
T. C. KtiRsell of Heaver Hill assisted
Mrs. Octtlns. Among those Invited
were- Mrs. J. ltalpho O'Drlcn, Mrs.
C. A. Sohlbrcde, Mrs. A. T. Haines,
Mrs. E. D. Drownleo, .Mrs. W. F.
Miller, Mrs. Win, E. Dungan, Mrs.
E. S. Dargclt, Mrs. A. L. HoiiKoworth,
Mrs. P. M. Parsons, .Mrs. Eflle Fnrrln-
ger, .Mrs. Chas van Duyn and .Mrs.
Itoberts. , j
MIbs Mary F. .Mullen nrrlvod hero
this week from San Francisco for an
extended visit at tho home of Mr.
and Mis. .las II. Flanagan and other
friends and relatives on tho Day.
A pleasant camping party consist
ing of Itev, and Mrs. 11. I. Ilutledgu,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weaver and baby, North Demi havo boon spending tho
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. I.angworthy and lst week with relatives and friends
baby, Mr. and Mrs. .1. O. Langworthy t Dnndon and other Coquillo val'o'
nnd dnughter returned this week Points,
from a three weeks outing near Dora. , o
They report ono of tho Jolllest vaca- .lay Lawyer and wlfo nnd hnby ar
tloiiB of tho season with lino llshlng' rived hero this week for an extended
nnd hunting. Two deer, one a lino stny. They havo boon spending several
live pointer, furnished tho party: they havo been spending several
plenty of venison and there was al-j weeks In California. Their homo Is
ways riulllclent trout and sulllclent In Spokane but as Mr. Lawyer has
meant many for tho night beforo acquired extensive Interests on Coos
breaking camp tho Manors brought In Day by tho purchase of tho O. C. ft Presontatlon by Miss Dobbins and
1B0 as n result of a two hourH catch N. Company, thoy plnn to spend most nU tno clnR8 anA n,an' friends Joined
nnd tho ontlro lot wns finished nt of their tlmo In tho futuro on Cooa ,n congratulations. Miss Alphn Mnu-
ono meal. During tho latter part Day.
of their stay they had as guests at o
tho camp Mrs. Peralta of Oakland, pishop and Mrs. Chas,
n daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. ,,ro guests at tho J. W. Donnott homo
Langworthy. and her friend Mrs. Mils ctv, A picnic In their honor
Prlttz, also of Oakland. I(, ,j,0 ji,ue. South Coos Ulvor, has
0 I been planned for next Tuesday.
Mrs. .1. C. Swluford, who has been q
upending tho Hummer at their o!d .Mm. I.ngerstroni and Miss Lydla
homo In Illinois, Is expected to re-, Lngerstrom have returned to their
turn about tho middle of September, home In Minneapolis after spending
0 tho summer with relatives nnd
Mrs. C. K. Perry, who has boon friends In Murshllolil.
giving a number of little Informal! (,
iiinciioiiHonieriiiinoil.Mr. U. 11. Peek,! Mim .Willi. Trll.bov left todnv to
... ... ... I '
w. lionnoit ami .Mr, wiu.i .,ond Sun.lny with friends at
w. r. t. r. hxtkp.taixmkxt at
r.APnsT (iii'ircii mps. iton
kut Mciuxx is li:ctei pdes-
i Dy the W. C. T. U.)
Amid dainty nnd beautiful flowers
and grceneiy tho American ting "was
honored yet onco again when six of
our Marshlleld mothers nnd home
keepers delivered their temperance
messages at tho W. C. T. U. Matron's
Silver .Modal contest nt the Mnrsh
flcld Dnptlst church Thursday night.
Tho ladles were each dear and
sweet to look upon and mnny re
marked they "were glad they didn't
havo to act as judges" for all gave
their lines so finely and as the true
test of art, "naturally" tho very
greatest compliment that could be
paid thorn.
Thoy were particularly fortunate
In the services of three prominent
citizens of North Dend who so kind
ly gave their services as Judges:
Prof. Grubbs, Mr. Mullen nnd Mr.
Wnrd, nnd In this ninnner wo wish
to throw a boquet nt North Dend for
three staunch citizens who said at
once, "They would" and then "Did
All were satisfied when Prof.
Grubbs announced that No. C, won
the decision.
Mrs. Dcsslo Drown Savage being
Introduced by tho contest Superin
tendent to Miss Dobbins and tho au
dience, received tho matron's
medal. Tho world wrapped round
with the whlto ribbon, surrounded by
a laurol wreath surmounted by tho
word "Matron", pendant from tho
W. C. T. U. bar. Mrs. Savage re
sponded modestly to tho words of
The New Browns and
Grays Full Box Backs
Elegant Fall Models
Spring Styles on Sale
at Half Price
Hub Clothing & Shoe Co.
zoy was especially attractive as she
consented to sing In tho nbsenco of If
I Ml.... Mllll.. !.. ........ .!.. .1. '
Scudding'"" , .'"" w,u m,"K i"ul- """ u,ui
musical . u. i. u. nicuai at liio
Tabernacle last fall, "Mother's
Voice." Also In tho duct "Deautlful
Hag of Liberty, Miss Mnuzey and
Mrs. Smith were strongly applauded
and only tho strenuous use of the
voices during tho evening rendered
tliom unable to respond to an insls-lnent shop, "Mo Wnkeo Pp Too." pleases a groat many during tho wnrm
tent encore. The Impromptu duet by A wlde-awako Chinaman w:u ho weather.
Mis Dobbins nnd Miss Alphn was nnd ho ilM a thriving business. So .
inueli appreciated. It was the W. C. It Is with tho W. C. T. U. Xo mat-
T. IT. Whlto Itllihtm Dally song, and tor what discouragements or sooin-
Wo desire to Inform you that WK
Mrs. .1. W. lleuuetl ami Mr
llorsrall Jr., at nurds Friday aftor-
Mrs. W. K. Duiikiiu was hosteiw at
The young ladles of the .Marshlleld
itpixcopai eiiiiieii nave arranged to
y M nftor the versos tho audience did line Ing defeat cross our path, wo "Wnkeo ,i .mhj; DEPOT from the SMVIII
""" on tho chorus "Wind tho Rib- Up Too" and ns all know tho wide- toro to the waterfront In READ of
Mrs. Dorsoyj tho occasion nre: Mrs. Dobt. E. i hearty congratulations nre duo each , reach you.
n Bowing party Thursday iifjoniomi.Klvo a proiuenade at tho Eagles Hall
ns a farewell to Mrs. Ill Wright.' Friday evening, September 1. i:ia
Ncodlownrk and conversation wore borate preparations aro being ninile
followed by lefriwhinents. Among for the event. The imtronoiwos for
inose piiMunt were
Kreltzer, Mrs. A. L. Houneworth.
Mrs. J. ll. M liner. Mrs. .1. T. liar
rlgan, Mrs. HI. Wright and Mr. W.
K. Dungan.
Mr. and Mrs. HI Wright mid fam
ily will leave Sunday niunilng for
"White Salmon. Wimh., wheie they
will mako their future home.
0 -K.
S. Dni'Melt and wife will mivu
shorlly for an eieuiled In Iowa
and Nebraska wlwre Mr. Dargelt for
merly rofctdml. They plan to go
oast by tlin northern route and will
return via the Southern route.
Friday afternoon. Mrs. S. I), llnr-i
per was hostew at a delightful llitlo
tea and hewing parly at her home In
South Marshlleld. Among her
gnosis were .Mrs. It. T. Street, .Mrs.
"W. F. Miller. Mrs. C. .1. Mlllls,
lion round the .Nations, the .Nations! awake crowd is the one that wins
of our God." sung to the tune of "The j In tho end.
Dattle llymii of the Pepubllc." This; Altogether wo were very proud or
wing will be sung again tonight. jour sister who has traveled so far,
Groat credit was given to Mr. Geo to help us "Wakeo Pp" aud'.vo would'
Watklns' contest superintendent, for j say to our citizens that If thoy feel
tho arrangement and iiianagenient of I In need of that, come and hear .Miss
the evenings entortnlnmont and j Dobbins tonight nnd sho'll
IMOXKKI! (.'ItOCKItV. Our new
telophoue number Is :I7-L, SACl'lll
Fotographlo tlnlahlng and supplies
Wnlkor'H Studio.
Drowning. Mi's. Arthur MeKoown, Mrs
Win. llorsfall Jr.. .Mrs. John Coke,
Mis. J. T. llarrlgan. .Mrs. Otto Schet-
ter. Mrs. M. C. Maloiiey, Mrs. .1. A.
Malsou, Mrs. II. Loekhart.
Mrs. S. K. Painter and Miss Kve
lyn Mock leave tonight for Oklahoma
wheie they will spend oorurnl mouths
with relative.
The Amerlean Woman's League
will meet with Mrs. Ilomiuo at Coos
ton on Wednesday. September i, at
two o'clock.
participant for the exceptionally
pleasing manner In which they con
tributed their numbers. As the au
dience Hied forward to welcome MIm
Itobblns, onch one hoped the W. C.
T. V. of Marshlleld would always
keep up the sign, "We Wnkeo Pp
Puigi-aiii In Detail.
After the nntlonal hymn "Ameri
ca" was sung the class ave the Dibit
surely, liVI-MtVOXK Is IXVITKn t . i...
IPItO.MK.VADK to ho clvon hvl .1...
Klect Ollleers ; Young ladles of tho Marshllold
The Coos County W. C. T. U. con- KPISCOPAL ehiircl. ,. ti, nfl..N
..yv. ..!... I.. t-. ,,, , , . " ...- .........m7
i.-iuiiMi iii .iic.i Minium .vesieniay was HALL, FIIIDAV
well nttended nnd most siiccosaful. m:it i,
Following n program of prayer and '
reports from tho various
night, si:pti:m-J
Kong, reports irom tno various un
Ions In tho county wore received nnd
Lthe work discussed. Mrs. Ora yc-
Cnrty presided.
Mrs. Mnudo D. Watklns wns tend
ered n vote of tlinnks for tho succesi-
8avo money by
Times ndvertlsors,
patronizing Th
Vleplioiu. Meinbeix
Kiijoy Kient.
The Keuwlll Telephone eompaii)
will hold their becond niinuai picnic
int Kentuek Inlet, September 1. The
nmimilitntkd ii n ... ii,i.iiiia .. 1..1.
M,.i,i n miiii ,. " "h.-ini iin line
v..i.f ..iiiiiv. .urn. r.. 1J. j
iirowniee, .Mrs. A. T. Maine. Mrs
V. S. Dow and Mrs. V. 0. Morton.
Thursday evening Miss Minnie Ma
honey, who will leave shortly for
Toppeiilsh, Wash., to visit relatives
anu io anoint the. marriage of her
brother, C. J. Mahoney. and Miss
Kltlo Collier of Coquillo which will
take plnco in Portland nbout Sop
tomber C, entertained a few friends.
Among these invited were Mrs. K,
Mlngus, Mrs. M. C. Malone', Mrs.
j. i. .Mccormftc. Mrs. D. K. Dooth,
Mrs. W. H. Kennedy, Mrs. Kllzaboth.
Adams, Mlsa Lucy Horton, Miss Nol-
Do Tower, MUs Cliarlqtto March nnd
Miss Gcnovlevo Sengstncken Ile
frcshments were sorved.
Mrs. E. S. Dorgelt was hostess at
reception last Monday evening com
plimentary to nor guest, Mrs. Pau-
ng special pains to make it a grand
A ball game between Cooston and
Kentuek Inlet will be one of the In
teresting events of the day.
The following program has been
arranged: 100-yard dash free for
nil; 100-ynrd for boys under 15; 50
yard dash for ladles free for all,
girls race, 16 nnd under: boys race,
12 and under; girls race, 12 and un
der; obstnelo race, freo for all; wa
termelon enting contest, freo for nil;
sack race for men; sack race for wo
men; fat mow's raco; fat women's
Prizes will bo awarded for the
various ovonts.
texts pertaining to commands against j fl1' mnnner In which she conducted
strong drink. After prayer, Mis An-,t,u' odal contoet mid Miss Dobbins
nle Dobbins, C. T. U. Xatlonal w"8 vo,0(1 n honornry membership
Organizer, was Introduced and gae'" ,no ,ocal organization. Mrs. Geo
a most eloquent, sboit speech that "nzPr f North Dond was olected a
at once won the hearts of her audi-"U"PK!U0 t0 tUo Oregon State W. C. T.
enco. She told of the cause of her'1'' pov'tlou which will bo hold a'
patriotism, her grand father nnd lMo,,for(1 October 5. Tho election cf
brother having given their Uvea In oinco'8 resulted ns follows:
service to the flag and of her three ''resilient .Mrs. llobt. McCann jf
years work as nurse In the United
States army during the Spanlsh-Aiu-
4 f
' t 1 I .
'--- ' I ,no
kk.u Tin; T1MKS' WAXT ADS '4
Big Decrease In Number ol
Dead and Injured In Celeb
rations Last Few Years.
(Dy Associated Press to Coot Oif
CHICAGO, III., Aug. 2(T -As a re
sult of the snno Fourth of July legU
latlon during tho past eight yean
thoro hns been n docreaso in tho nuni'
ber of lives lost from 872 to S7 anJ
number of persons Injured from
a to 1G03.
Mnudo D.
'North Dend
VIce-Prosldent Mrs.
Watklns of The Cednrs.
Cor. Sec Mrs. A. Foote of Xorth
Orn McCarty
erlcnn war, and how whon she re
turned, she wns pressed Into service
ns lecturer for the national W. C.
T. P. having been ten years now, in
that work.
Illustrating the qualities of the
W. C. T. U. she likened it to a great
big old fashioned feather bed, to fall
on It In ono nlaco onlv mhi it tn
rise the higher in another and as
time passes, the most seemlnglv ,UV r,TV NF.WS.
hopelessly sunken place will again
rise to duty. Mr- an" Mrs. C. E. Maldenian en-
tertalned Mr. and Mrs. F. m. Marhoff
Dec. Sec. Mrs.
' Mn..l...1.1
, .'itiieiiiiuui,
Treas. Mrs. Harry Guorin of Myr
tle Point.
SUNPAY, August 27.
Sunday, AUGUST 7.
As the Celestial who camo to tho
big city to establish himself In busi
ness, passing up tho city street he
saw a brilliantly lighted place mark
ed on the great plato glass windows, !
or at dinner Tuesday evening In honor
i Mr. .Mamorrer's birthday.
Mrs. A. C. Thompson, Mrs. James
"Saloon, open All .Night." and forth '"-" " rs. C. E. Halden.nn
er on. another sign, most attractive.; -""rsntleld shoppers yesterday,
wero tho words, "Restaurant Wo -m... . . .. !T
Never Sleep." So tho Celestial onen. ,.., " mm will be running
.,ii iwvB ukuiu .iionaay.
Celestial onon
ed up his shop very near and the
rlHruna u-awa enn . . . .
I -...-... r.v.v tuuu regniea wirn the
sight of a bright new sign over the
F. M. Mnrhoffer has installed an Ice
cream stand In his store, which
Don't Go
Kodaks $1.00 to $65.00
Red Cross Drug Store
. rf-.