The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, August 26, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Page 7, Image 7

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From their old qunrtora, In tho Coos building, ono block north
to n now homo at 392 Broadway which has boon especially llttod
up for them and whoro thoy aro bettor proparcd than over be
fore to render oxcellont sorvlco to tho public. TURKISH, HUH
SIAX, STEAM, ELEOTItIG nnd SHOWER BATHS, in fact uuy bath
tlint can bo given nnywhero may bo secured hero.'
You aro cordially invited to call nt our now quartors.
Both Lady and Gentleman Attendants
Kotlco is hereby given to all
whom It may concern thnt I havo
been mndo trustco and nsslguco or
tho OBtntes or L. D. Klnnoy, Tho Bolt
Lino Hnllwny, n corporation and tho
Coos Bay Rapid Transit Co. also n
All persons having claims ngnlnst
said L. D. Kinney or ngalnnt either or
said corporations nro hereby notified
and requested to present tho same to
mo, under oath nt my office in Marah
fleld, Coos county, Oregon, within
threo months from nnd nftor tho dnto
of this notlco. Outstanding contracts
must bo settled at onco or thoy will
io cancelled.
Dated August 15, 1911.
W. J. RUST, Trustee.
Wo, tho undersigned legal voters
of Lakeside precinct, Coos County,
State of Oregon, respectfully petition
h; Hon. County Court or Coos
County, State or Oregon, to grant n
license to Wm. Hlllls Short to sell
spirituous, malt and vinous liquors
Ja less quantities than ono gallon In
Lakoslde Precinct, Coos County,
State or Oregon, for tho period of
Six Months, ns in duty bound wo will
wr pray.
Mllo M. Pierson Chas. St. Donnls
Amos Klnbargo Chas. N. Norria
Pargualo Clnrlne, Auver Lames,
"W. Ingersoll
Dennis McDonald
J. Vanlenegan
It. M. Wleder
Harry Bou3on
John Vienler
II. W. WllkJns
Robert J Monson
Mat Manlkl
J. P. Wbyback
George Carlson
P. L. Roundtroo
P. O. Krick
Geo P. Schroder
Prank Bouron
Chas. Stutsman
"D- R. Razur
"W. Ingersoll
D- O. Kinyon
3. E. A. L. Cram
P. 0. Jordan
Herman Carlson
Ous Carlson
C. Anderson
'Chas J. Purhop
Aug. Laksonen
E. Vanburgor
"Will. Judd
-A. P. Johnson
-Andrew Manlkl
NOW therofnrn
tho undersigned
111 apply to the Hon. County Court
f the State of Oregon ror the Coun
Y or Coos, on the 15th day of Sep
tember, I9ii, f0r a jiquor iC0nSe in
conformity to and with the aroro
ald petition.
Dated this 17th day ot August,
When You Think
There are reasons too numerous
to mention here Interview us
Suits From $6.50
to $25.00
Every garment has our guarantee
A complete line of Men's Wear
Front St.,Opp, Breakwater Office
Employes of Harriman System
Will Vote on Question
By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Aug. 25.
Botweon COO and 700 men om-
ployod in tho Hnrrlman systom shops
In this city will voto on tho strike
question tonight. President Roguln
or tho Shop Employes association
said tho sontlmont or tho local shop-
ment Is strongly In rnvor or tho
strlko and ho bollevod u voto would
show at least nlnoty por cont in favor
or a strlko.
Evorybody is Invltod to attend tho
DANCE at Plerson'e hall, Lakesldo
Good music and a good tlmo assured.
Don't rorgot tho dato.
Don't forget tho Turkish
InONB 214-J.
This has been a dry month but
aro you nwaro that It has been
Raining Bargains
At our storo overy day. Just cast
your oaglo eyo in our window and
see tho
40-Piece Set of Crockery
for Only $5.00
You cannot dupllcnto this price
In Coos county.
The Storo That Saves You Money.
GEO. N. BOLT, - - MinBger.
Front Street, MarsMeld.
The following la roprlntod from the
olllclal ndvnnce Bheots of tho llrst gov
ernment report over mndo of tho soil
1 1111(1 nllmntln rnnitltlmia nt r.nna mill
'Curry counties nnd Just Issued from
i.i . , , , .
the government printing olllco In
rue Marsnllold area Is situated on
tho west side of tho Coast Kango In
the Southwestern part of Oregon. It
Is bounded on the north by pnrellel
43 degrees CO minutes north latitude.
The southern boundary, beginning on
tho cast side, follows parallel 12 de
grees 50 minutes north latitude for a
dlstanco of approximately 10. miles
and then bends south, purtmlng a gen
eral southwesterly direction, reaching
the const at a point about 1 14 miles
southeast of Port Orford. The east
ern boundary Is formed by thi nioil
dnn 12 1 degroes west longitude, and
tho area extends to tho Pacific Ocean
on tho west, having an ocean frou'iiga
north and south of nearly 5:5 miles.
The maximum width from cast to
west, about 29 miles, is reachec nt
Capo Blanco.
Tho nrea Includes all the Coos Day
nnd the northern third of the Port
Orford quadrangles, piiblla'i.M by tho
United States Geological Survey. It.
. .i,..'
comprises si tehtly mom than or.e -
half of Coos County and n fcmnli part.i)ecn Brcntly rotnrdcd by the lnck or
of northwestern Curry Co.mty.'Ihol trnnsnortntlon facilities.
aren surveyed In Curry County J't
eludes the only cxtciiBlv.) bodv of mm-
pnrntlvely level agricultural tnml In
tho county.
In gonornl the nren consists of ex
tensive, rough, hilly uplnnds, dlssect-
ed by Innumernhlo minor vnlloys,
imnrking tho location of tho rivers nnd
Iargor sloughs. Tho only pnrt of tho
nren hnvlng a uniform or lovel 'on -
ogrnphy lies In the Coastal Plnln. In
tho portion north of tho Coqulllo Rlv-
er nnd west of n lino running north
through Myrtle- Point, tho uplnnds re-
somblo a lilghly dissected nnd eroded
plateau. This Is n region of niimor-'ronds
cms rhoppy hills, tho higher hills hnv-
ink u li iimmu uiuvuiiuii oi uuu io ,'j.j
feet. The summits nro usunllv wol
rounded or capped by narrow torrn
ces and tho sldo alopes nro frequoiit'.
imvi'ii Him iiuriiiH, iiiiiugii occasionally
tnrrnroil nr nrwliilnHii.r rp ,1... um,i.
land east tho country nssninos n morol"tllur ""tlonnlltlos. Around Coos Bay
iruggeil nspoct. nnd olovntlons of l.r.OO
to i,000 reet or more nro reached In
.li 1.1. .I. l ru m
inu uiKiiur imriH oi uurrv uoi iu
The roughest pnrtH of tho uplnnds no
cur in tills region, nnd much of tho
Innd Is too rough nnd broken for ngrl-
There are threo wolWdoftned nrena
of doprosslon In tho rollof or tho re
gion. Theso nro, first, tho mnln body
nnd Inlets of Coos Uny nnd tho Pooh
River Valley, In tho northern third of
tho nren. second, tuo compnrntlvoly
hrond valley nnd tributary vnlloys nf
tho Coqulllo Rlvor crossing tho con
trnl portion of the nren nnd third, tho
low belt of land along tho const south
or Coos Bay Included In tho Constnl
Tho physiographic division includ
ed In tho Constnl Plain rorms n con
tinuous bolt or land ranging rrom 2 to
4 miles In width, which oxtonds rrom
the southern hnso or tho Sovon Dovlla
Hills to Port Orrord, or approximate
ly two-thirds the length or tho nrea.
From a high point tho plnln appears
as a low, narrow doprosslon or shelf
along tho const, ot flnt topography,
which Is bordered on tho enst oldo by
tho steop slopes or tho various ranees
or hills near the const. Contrasted
with tho more extonslve nren or hilly
uplands to tho east tho flatness or tho
plnln la nccentuntod. A closor exam
ination or tho topography shows that
on the landward side near tho baso of
tho hills tho plain roaches an eleva
tion of noarly 200 reet throughout n
considerable portion of Its length
nnd hns a poorly defined slopo to
ward the coast whoro It usually tor
mlnntoB Abruptly In n low soa wnll or
cliff. Tho surfneo Is undulating or
flat. The maximum elevation 22S
reot, Is reached nt Capo Blanco.
West or Langlols and ror somo dls
tanco north tho plain Is depressed
nnd Ilea a row reotnbovo tho lov
ol or high tldo. Along the wnter
rront it Is frequently bordered by n
narrow bolt of sand dunos. In mnny
places the surface has boon deeply in
cised by tho narrow vnlloys and
stream courses. In tho southern sec
tion of tho Coastal Plain, hownvor,
tho vnlleys nro broador and th
streams havo formed rather extensive
alluvial plains, as seen along Floras
Crook nnd tho Elk nnd Slxoa Rivers.
Tho uplnnds of tho nronB nro thickly
covered with orlglnnl or second
growth foie8ta consisting mnlnly or
flr, white nnd red codar, spruce, snd
hemlock, with a dense undergrowth
or bushes, shrubs, forns nnd grass.
In tho moro remote parts or tho sur
vey some oxtonslvo nrens remnln cov
ered with tho original or virgin ror-1
The valley or tho Coqulllo below
Myrtlo Point ranges rrom one-quarter
mllo to upward or 2 in width. Be
tween Rlvo.ton nnd Norway tho river
plain reaches Its greatest oxtent, be
ing nearly 2 miles In width through
out tho groator part or this section ot
tho vnlloy and rurnlshlng tho largest
nrea of cultivable bottom lnnd in the
Tho drnlnnge of tho northern part
nt the area Is discharged Into Cos
Bay through Coos Rlvor and tho var
ious sloughs nnd Inlets ot the bay.
Tho southern two-thirds ot the area
Is drained by tho Coqulllo River and
Its tributaries and by the Sixes and
Elk Rivers and tho smaller streams
crossing the extreme southern part
or the area. Near tho coast the min
or atroams occasionally have their
outlets obstructed by tho shifting
sands or dunes and form lagoons or
llltiirntltf (11, etl'nmiic! ailnli nn rlnt.fl.
1 8011 LuKOOtl north of Port Orford ntlit
... .w. tiviaih unuutiiaf DUVII t0 UHIII
ho. '"K.00"9 north of tho Coqulllo
lower Itlver. Of ami nr origin nrc tlio
... ... . . , , , ,
hikes New Lake. Crooks Lnko nnd
'Davidson Lake formed bv the ills-
ng of tho streams upon tho
part of the Constnl Plain or by!
tho backing in of tidewater.
Coos Hay Harbor
Coos Day is one of the Kirgest nnt
urnl harbors for ocean-going vesaels
In the northern coast region. It Is
the center of the commerce of tho ar
ea. At the present time tho only
outlet for tho products Is by wntor to
northern or southern coast points.
rue nunc of tlio Blilpmcnts part
through Coos liny, though a consldoi-
nblc qunntlty of lumbor nnd other
products arc shipped from tho mouth
of tho Coqulllo Rlvor nt Uandon. Tho
construction of a lino of railroad,
wnicn is nt present projected, con
nectlng Cos Day with tho mnln 'lues
of railroad In tho Interior of the state
would greatly facilitate tho market
ing of agricultural products nnd tend
fin itnvntnn IniltiCrlna ,)in, nA 1.v
,i ,, mnr m,.i.i iPnn.n.iniinn
tlmn ,8 nvnllnblo nt tll0 re8mit tlmo
Tim nurlnultnrnl nB w,.n nH Mm iminit.
-..--..... . ........ ......,,.-. . ..,-,.
!i,.i ,i..:.i, ...... .. .i... , i...
transportation facilities.
The Coos Uny, Roscburg & East
ern Rallrond furnishes rnll connec
tion between Mnrshflold und Myrtle
Point. Tho greater part of tho local
trnfllc between tho towns nnd the
farming districts along tho Coqulllo
and Coos Rivers Is by otenmbonts nnd
prlvato launches. With tho exrop
tlon of tho mnln wagon rond between
und tho upper Coqulllo
River nnd tho singe ronds running
f1(,m Myrtle- Point nnd Sumner the
country ronds nre lnrgoly unlmprov-
od, In many parts of tho country
the unfavorable condition of tho
nnturnlly tends to discourage
settlement nnd tho production of
cioiia for innrkct.
Tho population of Coos nnd Curry
counties Is mndo up chiefly of Amer
icans, with a consldornhlo numbor of
Scandinavians, mnlnly Swodes, ami
""" " l"L "'luino uivor vauey
there hns been n marked In
tho population during tho.lnst lour or
llvo yon re. To n gront extent this
Iiuh been duo to tho development or
lumborlng nnd rclntcd Industries.
Mnrshlleld, nt tho head of Coos
Bny, Is tho lnrgost town and tho prln
clpnl Industrial center of tho nren.
Tho population In 1909 Is estimated
nt about 4,200. It la nn Importnnt
shipping point ror tho lumbor, conl,
dairy nnd nthor farm product!) of the
nrea. North Bond, In common with
Mnrshflold, has oxporlouced n rapid
dovolopmont In tho last few years,
and Is n town of about 2,500 Inhab
itants, it Is tho conter of nctlvo mill
ing nnd shipping operations on Coos
Coqulllo , Bnndon tuid Myrtle
Point nro Importnnt towns In the Co
qulllo Rlvor Vnlloy, the lnrgeat bolng
Coqulllo, tho county sent of Coos
County, which hns n population or
about 3,000. Bnndon, jnltuntod nt
tho mouth of tho Coqulllo River. Is
tho shipping point for tho lumber
produced In tho mills In tho lower Co
qulllo Vnlloy. Tho salmon canneries
nt Bandon nnd tho buttor and cheoso
foctorlos In othor parts or tho valley
represent local Industries or Impor
tance In this section.
Tho grent timber resources or th"
region have led to tho oxtonslvo dev
elopment or tho lumborlng industry.
Tho lumbor mills on Coos Bay nnd
tho Coqullo Valley includo somo of
tho largest nnd most modornplantsou
the Pacific Coast for the manufacture
Inf unfinished lumber. Tho oxttin-
slvo doposlts of conl, of soml-bltumln-
oua qunnty, hnvo made tho mining of
coal nn Industry of consldornhlo im
That part of tho Northwest lying
west of tho Const Range in Washing
ton nnd Oregon Is said to hnvo the
most equable climate In tho United
States. Clear, cool summers and n
comparatively long Vrnlny season"
during tho wlntor months aro tho typ
leal climatic foatures. The Marsh
field nroa, lying vlthln this general
region, departs little, If nny, from the
gonornl conditions.
Tho record or tho Falrvlow station
indlcnto that tho average tempera
turo ror July nnd Augimt Is G0.4 de
grees. Tho coldest months, January
and Fobruary, have an average torn
poraturo or 4G.. Tho variation Is
groator Inland rrom tho const. In
the vicinity or Coqulllo tho monthly
mean temperature Is about G degree?
higher In summer and lowor In win
tor than occurs on tho coaBt at Ban-
don. In tho coast districts tho tem
perature ot tho warmest days does
not usually exceed 80 dogrees, nnd
during the winter months rarely fulls
below 20 dogrees abovo zero.
Tho summer wonther Is Invigorat
ing, Clear skies and light breozos
are generally experienced during this
season of the year. The higher de-
greo or summer hent in tho Interior
produces earllor ripening of corn and
grain crops. Wheat, oats and corn
nro hotter ndnptcd to tho enstom thnn
the 'western portion of tho nrea be
cause of tho variation In tnmnnrntnra
At Bnndon tho first killing frost
curs In tho fall about November ?5
nnd the last In tho spring about Mar,
10. At Falrvlow tho averago dates
are November 3 and April 14, res
pectively, though the dntes ahovy wide
variation rrom year to year.
The rainy season extends from tho
Inst of October to tho middle of Ap
ril. Tho mean nnminl precipitation
at Dandon Is about G7 Inches, The
records of tho Uandon station bIiow
that under normal conditions about
8fi percent of tho precipitation occurs
during tho months of October to April
Inclusive. December and Janunry
are tho months of heaviest rainfall,
whilo July and August aro generally
almost free from rain and constitute
a short "dry season." Protrnctod
spoils of rainy and misty weather ex-
tending over iwo wcoks or more aroi
not Infrcnuent ilnrlni? tlio wot Honrm
though short periods of clear, cool
weather usually occur nt frequent in
In general the cllmntle conditions
of tho area nro very favorable for thii
growth and maturity of most cult'.va
ted crops of the tempernto regions,
and especially for tho production of
wlntnr-trrnu'ltic ntntiu It. ,i. ,... ....
wjtn dairying.
Lands nround Coos Day were first
taken up by members of tho Coos Bny flro-
colony in 1853. In the next few I William Lee, an older son was nr-
LC1.nOt,!,f0M,8Ctt?C,nlBr,,lM, l0.,,'"a' rented today on the charge ot mid
section of the stnte, notnhly thnsn ,. ... ,
forming the Bnltlmoro colony. whn,dor- Tho house was found burning
sottled In tho upper Coqulllo Vnlloy. early this morning nnd whon tho flro-
i lie enrly settlement of tho country
iiivucu uy mo ncn natural ro
rfources and mildness of tho coast cli
mate, nnd mining, lumborlng, stock
rnlslng, nnd agriculture wero all en
gaged In to some oxtent. The lum
bering Industry linn ovcrshndowed I
other lines or development, but ngil
culture has mndo slow nnd subatnn
tlnl progress. Tho production ot
crops hns been lnrgolv confined to the
bottom lands along tl"j rlrs nnd
larger streams. At the present tlmo
these cultivated land rnnk lu pro
ductlvenoBs und vnltio with the b?!
fnimlng lnnds In the in a thl-ikl s?t
t 'd pnrts or the bU:t
The ngrlculturo or 'ho nrr-'i in.iv be
summarized ns consisting mnlnlv or
dairying nnd the production or' tho
vnrlous crops Incidental to this type
or running, nnd to n less extent or
general farming, the production of
hay, grain, vegetnbeles, and somo de
ciduous fruits. In certain sections
of tho nren the rnlslnir nf cntHn ,111.1
sheep Is profitable Tho dovelon-
ment of ngrlculturo hns been lnrgoly
confined to tho pnrts of tho nrn.
which aro accessible from tint riiwa
and larger streams. Few nttomplH
have been mndo to fnrm cxtonslvelv
the hilly or upland portions, nnd n re
lntlvoly smnll proportion of tho area
capable of iiKrlcultunl dcvnlnniiutnt
Is Improved or classed as farm lands.
The llrst pormnnont settlors In ti.n
southern pnrt or Cooa county nnd In
Curry county began tho raising of cr.t
tlo for murkot on tho small stretches
or open prairies which wero found
in tlioso sections. Tho cnttlo woro
iiueti ror mnrkot In tho fall and driv
en across tho country to Roseburg to
tho rnll rond or shipped by wator to
San Frnnclsco,
The production ot milk nnd thn
mnnufneturo of buttor nnd choeso
hnvo ror n grent mnny yenrs boon tho
most Importnnt Industry ot tho runn
ers or tho nren. Mnny of tho farina
nro equipped with prlvnto crcnmoHof.,
whllo Inrgor Indopondont or cooper
ative creameries nro locntod on Coon
Bny, In tho Coqulllo Vnlloy, nnd In
othor pnrts or tho farming districts.
Tho choeso fnctorlcs nt Mnrshlleld,
Myrtlo Point, nnd elsowhoro tnko n
largo pnrt or tho milk produced lu
theso sections. Milk Is sometimes
sold by contract for tho sonson nt n
sot prlco, hut moro gonornlly pnymoij.
Is based on tho contents of butter fnt
nnd tho prlco varies with tho provnll
Ing market prlco or butter. Tho prin
cipal markets ror tho buttor nnrt
cheese nro Portlnnd nnd Snn Frnncls
Tho dnlry herds nro mnlnly or tht
Jorsoy nnd Durhnm breeds. Herds
or grndo Hnlstclns nro also used.
Many pure-bred dnlry nnlmnls nro
round In tho herds on tho Coqulllo
nnd Coos rlvor districts, but tho num
bor' ot such nnlmnls Is relatively
Tho general nvorago production or
tho herds could undoubtedly be grent
ly Increased by nn Improvement In
tho quality ot tho grndo Block. Mnny
herds contnln nnlmnls or low pro
ductiveness which tend to reduco the
profits or dairying. Tho caro oxor
clsod In hnndllng tho milk and tho
sanltnry conditions of tho dairies vary
grently with the prnctlco of Individ
uals. Tho raising of beor stock s a rela
tively Important Industry In tho conft
sections of tho nren and In tho hills ol
Curry County. Sheop nnd goats nro
bIbo grazed in Coos county, tho flocks
ronchlng 10,178 hend In 1899.
In gonornl, farming In tho nren Is
directed townrd tho production of
crops usod In connection with dairy
ing. Wheat nnd barley nro not pro
duced In sufficient qunnltles to supply
tho local domand tor theso products,
The chlor money crops or tho major
ity or fnrmera aro potatoes, onions,
bennB, tomatoes, and other vegetables
and bush nnd tree fruit, nil of which
nro gonornlly In demand at good pri
ces In tho towns nnd lumbor enmps.
In mnny enses, howovor, tho Incomo
of the farms is dorlvod entlroly from
tho sido of milk or butter nnd no nt
tempt is mnde nt nil to produco crops
for market. Tho friable soils of tho
bottom lands nro woll adaptod to tho
truck crops. Largo yields ot potatoes
or fine quality aro produced and this
crop hiis been shipped to outsldo mar
kets In seasons of good prices. Bur
bank, Early Roso, and Carmen No. 2
nro tho chief varieties of potatoob
grown. Most truck cropH aro pro
duced with a small amount or labor
and often Increase tho Incomo on the
dairy rarms.
(To bo continued next Saturday)
We want tre'sh salmon and nro
prepared to pay the highest cash
prlco ror them. For further parti-
oc-'culars soe .
Empire City, or
Cooa River.
A TURKISH BATn will do you
GOOD. Phone 2 14-J.
j Will. Lee AtTCSted FOf Killing
Parents and Brother and
Setting Fire to Home.
(By Associated Press to Coos Bay
BOOKVILLE, Ind., Aug. 24,
Richard Lee, wife nnd son, Clnronce,
wore killed In their bods early today
with a hammer nnd the houso set on
I mon reached It thoy discovered nil
tho doors nnd windows lockod.
Breaking them down the fireman
found tho incinerated bodies of Lee,
his wire and Clarence. In addition
to tho caved skull, Clnronco was
found to havo been shot. Robber
Is believed to havo been tho motive.
It Is known tho Leca consisting of
father, mother and two sons had sold
their property nnd divided tho mon
ey. '
Eastern Man Flivs Three ShotH Into
. Head, and Erlciidn Say llnppl .
less Turned Ills Drain
NEW YORK, Aug. 23 "Happiness
turned his brain. His cup of Joy
Mowed over when u son was born
three weekB ago," wns tho way a
friend spoke of the nttompt at sui
cide of Samuel Morgeusteln, 29 years
old of Brownsville, who fired tUreo
shots into his head and was tnkon In
n dying condition to St. Mary's hos
pital. DEMOCRATS flirt' BUSY.
National Organization to Promote
Progressive Policies.
(By Associated Press to Coos Bay
WASHINGTON. D. C, Aug. 23.
Tho foundation of tho Federation of
Democratic Clubs for tho country nt
largo was laid today In tho ndoptlon
hero on n charter and by-laws. The
organization la undor tho guidance
of Senators Owen nnd Chnmborlaln
and Goo. II. Shlbloy of tills city. Tho
purposo Is to promote progressive
policies In tho doinocrntlo party and
tho movement is Intended to bo of
national wldo scopo. Suvoral states
woro represented nt todny's mooting.
Cannot Cluingo Headquarters
Portland or Seattle.
(By Associated Press to Cooa
WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 24.
The nppllcatlon ot Brlgndler Gonornl
Miiua, commanding tho Dopnrtmont
ot tho Columbia, to chnngo tho hoad
quartors ot tho department to Port
land or Sonttlo, hns been disapproved
by tho War Department.
Illinois Man Hends (3. A. R. Fotf
Ensuing Year.
By Associated Press to tho Cons Bay
Judge Harvoy M. Trlmblo or Prince
ton, 111., was olocted commnndor-ln-chlof
ot tho Grand Army of tho Re
public todny.
Box Car Rulim Cullfornlu Homo But
OeciipantH Survive.
(By Associated Press to Coos Bay
SANTA BARBARA, Cal., Aug. 22.
A box car bolng shunted onto a
switch, jumped tho track and crash
ed into John Fields' houso and col
liding with the bod In which Flolda
his wlfo nnd bnby woro slooplng,
drovo tho bed Into nnothor room but
nono or tho occupants woro hurt. The
houso was almost demolished.
Boston Italians Arrested For Killing
Lieut Whittlor.
(By Associated Press to Coos Bay
BOSTON, Mass., Aug. 23. Two
Italians suspected or knowing some
thing ubout tho death of Lieut. Wm.
A.'Whlttlor, U. S. N., who was as
saulted on tho waterfront Saturday
night, nro under arrest hero.
I 1
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tDTIK WriKlOK . Uirt'i JtUmu. VnM
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