The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, August 26, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Page 4, Image 4

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    i "iwi'pupi"
M. C. MAIiONKV Kdltor mid Pub. j
DAN 13. SIALONKV News Editor
Address nil cqmmunlcntlons to
Marnhncld :: :: : Oregon
Dedicated to tho service of the
people, that no good causo shall lack
a champion, aud that evil shall not
thrive unopposod.
Entered at tho postoffice at Marak
flold, Orogon, for transmission
through tho malls as second class
mall matter.
An Independent Itepubllian news
paper published every evening excopt
Sunday, and Weekly by
Xho Coos Hay Times Publishing Co.
Onoyear 11-00
Por mtnth B0
One year f 1.50
Whon paid strictly In advance the
subscription prlco of tho Coos Bay
Times Is $5.00 pir year or J2.50 for
six monttas.
Ofllolnl Paper of Coos County
GOVERNOR WEST Is to speak at
tho Opera I Ion ho this evening
upon tho pnrolo uyBtom which
ho has Introduced In Oregon penal
Thero Is no doubt that thuro U u
vast Hold fur reform In tho present
methods of handling our criminals.
A feature of tho parolu Bystom that
.commends Itself to thoughtful mon lu
that It remedies a Hurlous wroug that
heretoforo scorns to have escaped tho
thought of those charged with tho
punishment or prisoners.
It Is urged that convicts must not
bo kopt lillo, that thuy must earn
thulr living and that tho peoplo
should not bu taxed to food and clotlio
an army of crimlualH.
Let us hco how thin works. Tho
state arrests a man who lu a drunk
cm iiunrrol hau stabbed a companion,
llo Is hurried away to prison. Ho
Is brought Into court, tried and con
victed. Ho is sent to tho tttato poul
tontlury for llvo or ton yearn or for
life. All tho whllu u young wife and
four or llvo llltlo children aro left
without their natural protector or
Hiippurt. They huddle in tho corner
of tliu rpurt room. Thoy hoar tho
lawyer lashings or ItiKubrlous
yawps. Thoy listen to tho verdict.
Tho cauo Is closed. Tho young father
is bundled off lu one direction lu
chains. Tho young family Is turned
off In another In tears. Tho state
takes tho time and earnings of tho
one to itsolt, leaving tho others to
Ktnrvo. Tlio mother dies of despair.
Tho boys grow up thieves. Tho girls
grow up harlots. Tho law Is vindi
cated. Tho taxpayer Is protected.
Tho criminal cIiihsoh are ruplonlshod.
Is it not dnmuablo? Does not tho
society which tolerated such monstro
nltlea deserve tho evils which It en
tails upon Itsolt? The state has no
right to tnko that man's labor from
his wife nnd children and give thorn
no equivalent. It Hhoilld punish tho
guilty, not tho Innocent. Hory dol
lar that la divortod In this way from
tho natural needs of tho helpless to
tho uses of tho publlo Ih bnso blood
money that should and does carry
with It tho curso of (lod.
If Oovonior West can contribute
anything to tho solution of this great
nud grave problem which confronts
Eocloty ho will havo rendered an In
cstlmablo sorvlco lu promoting public
welfare. It Is a hopeful sign when
our public olfloluls are devoting their
time and thought to tho solution of
such practical problems lu tho bet
terment of civilization.
ulntlon nlone, whon compared wlth
that of many of the other western i
states at the time of admission, these'
now states were entitled to their
An Interesting political Incident U
recalled In connection with tho final
successful appeal of Xow Mexico. In
tho seventies statehood had been
voted for Now Mexico In both houses
of congress, when Stophen B. Elkins,
nt that tlmo delegate from tho ter
ritory, happened to publicly congrat
ulate Julius Caosar Burrows on n
bloody shirt speech, which so anger
ed tho southern democrats that thoy
had tho bill recalled.
With tho admission of theso states
tho west has now such n preponder
ance of lnflucnco In tho Sonnto that
leadership cannot but drift away
from tho Now England group. It
hns been ono of tho anomalies of our
system that tho real domination of
congress hns always been with tho
little Now England states thnt nil to
gether could bo bundled up nnd lost
In cither Now Mexico or Arizona.
Good soil
Best llvo stock
Flno Poultry Farms
Land unexcelled for fruits
Oregon's best dairy ranches
Only coal field In Orogon
Orenteat timber resources In the
ontlro United States. And a thou
sand other natural resources that
will mnko Its prosperity pyramid ns
pormnncnt nB its etornnl hills.
WITH tho admission of New
Mexico and Arizona thero aro
no remaining territories.
Alaska Is governed differently in
many respoctB, while Porto Rico,
Hawaii aud tho Philippines occupy an
ontlroly dlfforont relation.
A tnblo has boon prepared whlcn
proves their right to being accepted
Into tho sisterhood of states:
Ariz. New Mox.
Area, squnro mllesl 13.020 122.5S0
Population 122,931 105,310
Whites U2.903 180,207
Of voting ago.... ll.OSl Gti.OG?
Whlto votes 31,911 50. SM
Illltorato voters., , 10,533 15.5S5
Dwellings 28,703 -H.90J
Organized Fob. 24, Sept 9,
18C3 1850
It will bo seen that, leaving extont
of territory and resources to be rep
resented ontlroly out of account, pop-
wT IS EASY to prench rest; to get
1 tho restless man to tnko It Is ono
of tho hardest tasks, somotlmo?,
that n mortal enn undertake. For
often whon men's nrms would fnln
hold a gun, nnd their hands aro quite
willing to ply tho onr or wlold tho
racket or thrash tho lake with a rod
for trout, tholr minds rofuso to tnko
tho samo vacation that tho physical
frumo la enjoying. They Import their
ceaseless worrlmont into tho heart. of
Curry county woods, tnko It camp
lug with thorn up Coos Ulver, or nl
mon nablng. Some Coos Bay men
nro so nfruld of losing tholr trouble
they will take It with them oven on
n trip to tho bench or to u clambako
at tho seaside They do not want to
let It out of sight or thought, lest
thoy should not recover It.
One uilmlres tho genius of tho man
or woman who can calmly turn tho
key In tho closed door on u past Incl
dent, nud not let tho howling mid
night banshee of deplorable bygones
aHsall his or her sleep. It Is not va
cation If In your grip, along with
your shirts and collars, your tooth
brush aud your popor novol, you
pack tho little blue devils that so
easily beset us If wo lot them, nnd
tho small nagging annoyances that
aro all tho worse because thoy aro
so small, that, llko South America
Insects, wo cannot got nt thorn to
dislodge them. To know whnt to
leave behind as well as tho things to
tnko along spells the secret of going
away In siimmor for n rest or of
staying whoro you nro, If yon must,
with an equablo mind. Thero Is no
more useful baggage for n holiday
than tho disposition not to weop ovor
split milk, nor bo distressed about
the rovorso side of tho moon nor
manufacture trouble with uny tools
nt hand, Instead of shaping objects
of communlcntlvo dellglt,.
What do wo llvo for If It Is
not to make llfo less dlfflcult to
each other.
Sometimes tho llttlo lips of him, all
dowoy wot on' tender
Aro laid ngalnst tho lonely breast
that novor felt tholr kiss;
Tho baby oyes look smllln' up In nil
their Bhlnln' Bplcntlor
Oh, llttlo son, my llttlo son, thnt I
should mourn llko this!
Sometimes I sco him coniln' through
tho furze nn' purplo honthor,
An' oh, tho toddlln' feet of him.
that never stepped tho earth!
An,' when we're settln' quiet like,
Himself nnd mo together,
There's dimpled hnnds thnt beckon
in tho pent smoko on tho
Tho happy mothers children suro
thoy come nnd lean besldo
An' their eyes so full of pity thnt
my own doep tenrdrops
An Himself so kind nn watchful
thnt no ovll ahnll botldo me
But nnught enn ense tho wenry
acho within my empty henrt.
Oh, Mary up in hoavon, If my llttlo
son bo wcopln
(Though heaven Is grand, 'tis lo
nely; nn' my bnbo Is Binull, so
Oh, tnko him or. your Mothor-henrt,
nn' soothe him Into slccptn',
Lest sobbing through tho long,
long night, ho hears his moth
er's call.
I. ""
Down nt Bnndon theso lnR Inter
est In lively In nvlntorH nud tholr Hy
ing mnchlnos. Thoy nro rightly proud
that tho first Hying to bo douo In
Coos county Is to occur In tliu rtty
by-tho-sen. Tho old rhymo nbjut
the dnughtor going out to swim hiiH
been chnnged to tho fojlowlm;:
"Mother, may I go out to fly?"
"Yes, but havo a rare!
Bo suro and wear your nicest hoso
And don't go near tho nlr."
It sometimes scams ns It there
ought to bo n general revival of tho
llttlo story about tho man lu Kon
tucky who beenmo prosperous, pop
ular and happy simply by uttondlnn
to his own buslnesB. Christian
Sclenco Monitor. Thoro wns ono of
tho samo kind of mon on Coos Bny
Somo Coos Bny mon's Idea of bra
very Is doing somothlng their wives
hnvo told them not to.
niuo print nnd dotnll paper nt
nt Walker'B Studio.
iii ii i hi 1 1 1 1 in ic 1 1 1
A Record of
Individual Opinion
One Killed and Two Others In
jured Following Bell Boys'
(By Associated Press to the Coos Bay
MACON, On., Aug. 26. In nn
ultercntlon between two negro boll
boys ns to tho division of "tips" from
a depnitlug guest at tho Elder hotel
at Indian Springs led to a clash be
tween tho blacks and oillcors early
today, during which ono deputy sher
iff was killed and two othors woro
Injured. Sovernl persons wore more
or less hurt In minor lights. Tho
shooting occurred ns tho ottlcers
neared the negro quarters. At the
time of the assault ono of tho otllcora
had ftred. Judge Danlols has ordored
tho .Jackson Rifles out and js holding
them In readiness to go to tho Springs
about three nillos away.
Thru Its flavor won Its favor.
Waterlogged Saginaw In
Charge of Capt. Jas Magee
Redondo Sails.
Ponding Instructions from tho un
derwriters, tho steam schooner Sa
ginaw, which was towod In yester
day by the Redondo, lies on the East
side of tho channol opposite Mnrsh-
fleld. Capt. Jas Mageo of Empire
has been placed aboard her to as
sist Capt. Koffold In taking care of
It Is expected thnt divers will prob
ably ho sont hero to try nud nscertnln
tho extont of the dnmngo so that ar
rangements can bo mado to tempo
rarily repair tho damage to permit
tho Saglnuw holng towed to Portland
or San Francisco to go on dry dock.
The nmonnt tho Redondo will re
ceive for saving tho Saginaw will
probably bo fixed by tho unedrwrltors
and it is declared that It will not bo
uenrly sevonty-tlvo per cout of tho
vnluo which was first estimated.
Tho Redondo sailed at 1 o'clock
this afternoon for San Francisco.
PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 2 C Yes
terday's games in tho Coast League
resulted as follows:
At Portland
At San Francisco
Los Angeles
Oakland , .
At Los Angeles
Sau Francisco
4 9
1 3
R 11
0 9
1 8
4 12
8 12
IT SEEMS that tho people nro for
over ongnged lit working out the
details of our great and growing
democracy. Government is progres
sive. New issues nro constantly nrls
Ing, nnd many nu old problem comes
back for rc-solutlon, or at least for
readjustment. 'The evolving order,
both social and political, forover
compels us to pny tho prlco of intel
ligent vlgllnnco ovor all of tho pro
cesses of associated life. Onco we
thought It dangerous to admit the
populnco to participation In affairs
political. It looked llko Inviting tho
rabblo to n Jubllco of dohnuchery and
shnmo nnd certain rovohitlon In tho
ond. Tho old aristocracy did not
take kindly to a division of respon
sibilities nnd spoils, when audi divi
sion could only menn disaster. At
first tho oxtenslon of tho Bitffrngo
wns opposed nB nn astounding lnno
vntlon. Public cducntlon wns equally
opposed nB n futile menns of trend
ing Intolllgenco whoro It would do
moro ovll than good In awakonlng
discontent nnd passion nnd noblo
nsplrntlon through a diffusing Bys
tom of education, thnt wns Utoplnn
to begin with, nnd worso than nils
chlovous If nt length n pnrtlnt suc
cess. But wo have oven freed and
enfranchised the blnck man for his
betterment, wo sincerely hoped; and
public education has grown Into tho
grandest nnd most nll-succorlng
Htrticturo of paternalism that tho
emerging world has over known. All
of our splendid Institutions nro tho
outcome of public education nnd In-
crensed polltlcnl power, nnd demo
cracy novor was so sanguine. Not
that It never makes mlBtakes. I
would not deny that It does. It lias
long since been moro thnn half sus
picious that It went too far In extend
ing the suffrage) to tho llbornted
Blnvcs. But our atrldont democracy
corrects Its mistakes, or adjusts Itaolf
to them ns wlsoly ns It mny bo.
But it Is forovor on tho try, nnd
will bo till tho end of tho chapter.
Evils lu plenty nrlso nnd somehow
thoy must bo mot. Where old reme
dies seem futile, or out of tho ques
tion because of Inapplicability to now
conditions, popular experiment be
gins, and Innovations iuovltably ap
pear. Ours by law nnd growth Ih a
purely roprosontntlvo government. It
Is the only known effective Instru
mentality through which a huge
democracy can handle itself. Aud
yet It Is ovorywhoro felt that that In
Btrumontnllty Is seriously Impaired.
A phonomonnl development nnd nu
awakened greed with Its nmnzlug
contingent of graft accounts for tho
situation. Representative government
hns lost to nn alarming extent its re
sponsiveness and Its prestige; and It
Is tho purpose of tho peoplo to ro
storo tho old representative Idea and
function to their ancient effective
ness. There can bo no mlstnko about
that. Domngoglsm has nothing
whatever to do with tho widespread
movement. Tho only quostlon Is: Is
tho movomont in harmony with, or
in antagonism to, tho representative
I havo chiefly hero tho recall idoa
of tho movomont in mind, Is that
helpful to, or destructive of, tho rop
rosontatlvo principle? Tho Initiative
nnd tho referendum, which are far
moro vital and about whoso purport
and political scope thero Is a differ
onco of Intelligent opinion, aro omit
ted from consideration. Our thought
Is; What Is tho charactor of tho ro
call aud 1b Its extension to tho Judi
ciary helpful, or especially and
alarmingly dangerous?
That the recall is something radlc
nlly now as a polltlcnl device is not
ignored, but thnt fnct nlono should
not bo prejudicial, olso wo Bhould
nover move forward ulong nscen-
slonnl lines. Progress forovor means
somothlng now. Men nro elected to
office such hns been our wnyward
drifting often by cliques and rings,
whoso creatures they become. Their
object is organized public plunder.
Often corrupt political alliances aro
so formidable that they are beyond
easy publlo control. Conditions cov
ering whole states need not be nam
ed. Under circumstances so over
whelming bad so reeking with
political turpitude It would bo portl-
nont to ask "Whnt quick and effec-
tlvo remedy hns tho victimized pub
lic for malfeasance and maladminis
tration In office?" The old ono of
Impeachment seems too often utterly
out of tho question. Or at least so
far off as to bo reasonably such. It
Is a most difficult thing to prove cor
ruption whoro It is absolutely known
to exist. Call a corrupt official,
whether senatorial or other, to pub
lic account nnd sec. It Is not sur-
..-luimr thnt Roosovelt Justified tho
recall In Cnllfornln. The wonder Isj
ho did not call for Its invocation In
many another state. It Is a condl-(
.i .!... oMnfrnntn t.llO tltlbllc nlld i
liou mm. ..... -
not an academic theory.
Caesar's wife should bo above sus
picion nnd so should tho public olll-
clal. Whether legislator or oxocu-
iivn. hn Is iiresumnhly elevated to
nffln. n ilo tho will of tho people.
To call him down nnd out Is not lu
Itself unreasonable. But moro bus-
tilnlnn without tho fact of criminal
evidence, nnd uninformed popular
clamor, Bhould havo no place in tno
statute of recall. Tho solo object of
Biich a law should be tho swift deca-
nltntlon of any ofllclnl who Is known
to havo entered upon tho enreor of a
malfeasant. If ho Is known to havo
yielded to tho pressure of corrupting
Infiuonces, that significant fnct should
constitute his official Waterloo, oi
course, ho should havo full redress
for wrong Inflicted by ucccss to tho
courts. No such law could bo wIbo
ly administered, no matter how man
nnd enroful ita restrictions ns to cri
minal ofllclnl action, without pre
serving recourso to legal remedies,
should tho decapitated wish to avail
himself of them.
With tho Damnscus blndo of tho
recall suspended ovor his head, it
Bhould seem that the olllclal would
bo n llttlo chary of his actions and
solectlvo of his Influences. At least
ho ought not to fall to, sco tho
"Imngo of denth" In n Jackpot. It
ought to be n most effectual memen
to morl to ono who must move among
a thousand Insistent corrupting for
ces. It ought to make for better
government nnd purer nnd more ex
ulted public llfo. It Bhould nnd It
will Invito Into public llfo n bettor
class of mon, whllo it holds In check
nnd minimizes tho sordid alms of tho
predatory hordes, with whoso mis
demeanors Boclety nnd polltlcB havo
bo long been unblessed. Thus far.
on the whole, I llko tho recall.
i -
(Contlmiod from pag0 n
Iltfln pIHoi T hnvn tli1t-j .
'" '"ieu IQt
time. During my trip, many Mlm '
les woro shown mo by the pe0pu!
fliirrv eountv wlilol, r ,i...
:, :.. wp,'
UrKfH Good Road,,
Gov. West's talk tonight n .
rather Impromptu ns ho has notlu
tlmo to proparo any set a4dn
uunuvui, nu win nun on "(Vj
Roads" and "Prison Reforms," t
Buujocis in wiucu no is deeply i
CBted nnd which ho Is working l
to boIvo.
"ThlB section sorely needs not,
good roudB," remarked the gov.,..
whon tho subject was broached, "to,
will need them even when yon t
n railroad nnd you need thein no
until you got tho railroad. l ro,
got good roads, tho sconery, obm
Utilities and hunting aud fishing
nttract hundreds of tourhti to moist
In horo. I wnnt to forward the w
roads movomont an fast at poulb'i
und nm cortnln of tho cooperation;
tho peoplo. Tho good roads bD
passed by tho last legislature n
sorely dotectlvo and did not, ac
tho Holutlon of tho question and tic
Is why I vetoed thorn."
uovornor wcsi expressed pjt
pi ensure ovor tho successful trio t
tho Boston to Coos Hay and pnbrf
tho oillcors nnd men of tho Ortpt
Naval Militia.
r .1, . .-. , ...
uovernor voni win iiciaKeaoiil
pleasure trip down the Bnybyapird
of Marshflold men tomorrow, ftl
plana to leave Monday morning.
OCEAN PARR, wave-washed
WOODED ACRES. Don't got left.
without Interest. TODD, CHAN
DLER hotel.
TtilO sharp SL'NDAV morning.
(By Associated Press to Cooi 3tl
SPOKANE, Wash.. Aug. 25.-1
grand Jury tins been called to u
at Wallai.'o, Ida., September 11
While tho purpose Is not stated b
the court, it is understood that tit
failure of tho State Bank of C
nioreo of Wallace which failed xv
12 will be investigated.
NEW YORK, Aug. 20 SamUM;
ford will Ball from Vnncouterl
Australia October 0, determined be
fore his return to make Jack John
"light or craw." Ills manager n.i
Lnngford can make no money la til
country becnuso people know bin
ity nnd won't pay money to seen
put out second raters.
A Wonderful Record
Every Intelligent Oregoniaj
Should Know This :
Oregon "
Orcgonljfc Is the only life insur
ance company which accents nc
risks on men who have passd
the age of 55
OrcgOUlifc writes no policy fa
more than $10,000 on one
Notwithstanding this conserva
tism OrcwnFife wrote more pol
icies in Oregon in J 909 than any
other life insurance company
wrote more policies'in J 9 JO than
any other life insurance company
is in 19 JJ surpassing its own
wonderful record
Home Office, Corbett Building, Coraer Fifth and Morfrison, Po
Tesiueni , General Manaeer DLftrict ""- -.
... -
ftlftAV i