THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, jjOTIOB OF DELINQUENT TAXES (Continued) of Deeds of ..20 T ntwl f1ca J. .?,B"v,4 Pane cTlDCU '" '-"-"' . . on. Record mns Co. Oregon Southern Oregon Co ,. -Lots 1. 2, J. ,.. Southern Oregon Co. Southern" Oregon Co. Bwu ;,"' Southern Oregon Co. SEVi ;' Southern Oregon Co. Southern Oregon Co. - "" " ftn urL'B"" "" . .zu 5.88 G.7G C.7C G.76 5.70 7.04 3.52 Fouthern C3P11 .... .... w ipHt. "-W S, " " " " A.enRM-d ucbw .i 7.04 to 3.10 1 22.03 1.G5 0.10 12.40 34.41 tlon. Sue. Mrs N' Anderson Land bribed Vol 50, lOgO 141. Hccovd of Deeds, Coos Co. Ore. (Por.onnl) 1 v. i 'idli'i'M - Lnnd de- 1I .. . ... 1f..l r.r. llnmi Ecrlbeii mi ' "" "" 38. Itecord of Deeds Coos r. nreuoil T M. Johnson Dcgln 24 5S chs. less 055.9 ft S & CI 2.2 ft W of tho Vi post 0 line of Sec 1-28-13 rn S 210 ft, rim W 00 ft. runN 210 ft. run 13 00 to beg, ( Personal),. 1 Lllllnn Dean Com nt n poll! on Twp line 1 32 Iks S of Vi Vi Sec corner on E boundary line of SEVi Sec 1- 23- 13. run N 75 ft. thence W 100 ft, tbcico to plnce of boglu- ' nliiK '; 1 Ivn Harrows Land do pcrlbed In Vol 41, Pngo 3S4, Record of Deeds, Coos Co. Ore. .....; 1 J. E. Perrott NVi NEVi. NWVii less Pt. sold ... 1 Margery Denn Dog at point on Twp lino 32 lka S of Vi Vi Sec cor on E boundary of SEVi Sec 1 28-13 run N 75 ft nlong Twp lino, run W 100 ft run to plnce of bog 1 Jnmos A. nnd Jos-iphlno Wynnt Land describ ed Vol 54, Pngo 30C Rec ord of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 2 Jnmes A. nnd JoBcphlno Wynnt Land describ ed Vol 54, Pngo 300 Roc ord of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 2 Llllle C. Jones EVi SWVi W'iSEVi 4 Coqulllo Mill & Tug Co Lots 4, 5, 0, 7, 0 Coqulllo Mill & Tug Co Lot 1 7 Duncan I'rquhnrt 4 acres off E end of NE'4 of SL '.4....... ....... 7 Eureka Conl Co. Lot 1, S'i NE'4. NB'4 NEVi. 8 Eurekn Conl Co. NW'4 NEW (Lens 3 A.)). ... 8 Duncan Urqulmrt . Lot 5 8 W W. Klght - WVi SE'4, lees pnrt sold 8 J M Vowell EVi of SEVi nlxo a f trip 8 ft wide oft N end of NW'4 SE'4, Sec S 8 C, A. Peterson. Jr. Land described In Vol 47. Pngo 3C1, Record of Deeds, Coos Co. Ore (Personal) 8 Oeo. A. Martin Reg. nt SB cor of 3rd & Stnto Sts. Rlverton. run S 70' E GO ft. Tim S 20' AV 100 ft, run N 70' W 50 ft, run N20' E 100 ft to b.j.; S Jnmes G. Leo Land de scribed Vol 50, Pngo 384, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 8 Flora Cessnn Land de scribed In Vol 50. Pngo 151, Record of Doeds, Coos Co. Ore S Kay Rros. Lnnd as de scribed Vol 41, Pngo 350, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 8 Robt. Sudden Lnnd de scribed In Vol 31, Pngo 558, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 8 Willis E. Potter Land described In Vol 44, Pngo 44, Record of Deeds Coos Co, Oro 8 Willis E. Potter Rlvor Frontage on Lots 5, G, Hlk 0, Rlvorton 8 Steward AVhltsett Lnnd described In Vol 43, Pngo 47. (Personal), Eureka Coal Co. AVVi NW'i BW?, CaI Co. WVi ,, sw'4 9 Irank WilJard SViNEH NE Vi 13 Wm. Xorrls . . EViSAVVi'.' 13 "enjnmln F. Smith N Vi of NW'4 .,20 R. W. Pnlien Timber on BSE'4 22 ,,;.', Pll"en Timber on WViSW'i. SWMNWU 23 "enry Gouthler Land described Vol 45, Pngo i, Rocord of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 4 o r, ,' ' ....-1 t ",?; 5achus Lot 13,. .. 24 vuP,u,,en Timber on WViNWVi 20 vw,PxH"en Timber on .Meadow & Sg SWVi 4. (Personal) 27 "fe Cornwall, SEUSV7 4 og Emily Burgess Lot' 3,' '. '.h '-are Cornwall NAVViNE ', ot Pn-TV?.': 2" ? w w; v. k on,. se" Tl,g Co, Tax .75 7.t-0 2.40 30.00 4.80 1.50 3 9 4.56 9 7.20 30.96 72.00 4.80 3.68 5.52 29.23 36.19 A- H. Hulton SWh' NW g. JfWHSEM, N SW W.W .& P.Holland Lot 1 W w111 Lot12 10" VvrS Pl "olland NE HNEU, 10 Mrs. Addlo Howell NW ttswy. 10 W. C. Pratt SW4 of SW . 10 "W. W. & P. Holland WVfc NW ..11 W. W. & P. Holland W& SE4, NHsSWV 11 W. W. & P. Holland NVj SSWK 11 W. W. & P. Holland E 3-4 S 9J34SWVi ... 11 W. C. & John Unrrow Timber on 40 A. In Sees 13 & 12 W. C. Pratt Lnnd describ ed hi Vol 54, Pngo 318, Record of Deeds, Coob Co, Ore in I Hnna n I)nK.n..l,rt t CA "" -"1 UIV. V UIBUIIUIJ ill .u-i Hnuii n, ,,,!...., . t 1 ..' vu.. uuuumuu niuiu in scribed In Vol 33, Pngo 200, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Oro, (Personal) 10 C. I Halgren Land de scribed In Vol 43, Pngo till, Record of Doeds, Coos Co, Ore lc Abrulinm Wilson Lnnd described Vol 39, Pnge 6 Record of Deeds, Coos Co. Ore 17 Abraham Wilson Land described Vol 31, Pago 280, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Oro '.17 John Do Costn Reg at n point 389 ft N of 4 4 Sec between the SE'4 t& 5 WVi run N 80 ft to high water lino on right bank of Coqulllo River, run W 37 ft, run S 80 ft, run E 37 ft, to place of beg. (Personal). 17 Mis. Lon Gillespie Lnnd described Vol 50, Pago 309 17 Abraham Wilson WV4 S WViSKU, less Pt sold.. 1 7 HprrlBon M. Averlll Lnnd described Vol 53, Pngo 184 17 Fred Omen Lnnd describ ed Vol 44, Pnge 320, Rec ord of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore. (Personal) 19 13. A. Edgor Land describ ed Vol 52, Pngo '.14, Record of Deeds, Coot Co, Oro 20 Anna Day Hack Land de scribed Vol 55, Pngo 204, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 20 Annn Day Hack Land de scribed Vol 55, Pngo 2i!', Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 20 William Thncker SE4N EtfN'E4 20 John I- Hill Lnnd de scribed Vol 54, Pnge 210 Record of DeedB, Coob Co, Oro 20 W II. Smith Lnnd de scribed Vol 50, Pngo 407, Record of Deeds, Coos Co. Oro 20 A. Pershhnker KVj SW 4, SEV4 NWM Loss 15 ncrcs 21 C. M. Smith Land de scribed Vol 52, Pago 207, Record of Deeds, Coob Co, Oro 21 John J. Rushelc Land de scribed Vol 52, Pngo 251, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Oro 21 John J. Riishek NN'Vj NW4SW4, 21 lltnlph II. Lenovo Lnnd described In Vol 35, rnge 396, Record of Deeds Coos Co, Oro 22 "Emily llurgesa Lots 3 & 4, N'j SE4, 8B'4NE4 25 Mary P. Flnm SB 4 . Less 7 acres, (Porsonnl), .. 27 John Swlndnll Est. W NE4NWM4 27 ttnlph II. Lenovo W& NW'4. WV&SWK 27 Q. W. Wyor Rogln nt NE Cor NEVi NE Sec 28 run S 60 rds, run W 80 rds, run N 00 rds. run E 80 rds to beg. Also SE NE , .... " T. P. Strang. Jr. NV6SE H.NEtf SW. SW N E Vi D. P. Strang. Jr. SM-att NE4NEi - Dandon Light & Water Co. VSHi 29 Rosa ningaman Land de scribed Vol 32, I'ago ma, Record of Deods, Coos Co, Ore., Leas Illngaman Add 30 John R. Rothenhouslor Land described In vol di Pnge 21, Record of Deods Coos Co. Orel 30 J. H. & Lucy Wolsh Lnnd described Vol 00, J'ago 640, Record of Deeds, Coos Co. Oro 30 Robt. 5C. Walker Dog 425 ft S 41V VV& 54.2 ftS 52'39' E from NE Cor Lot 3, Sec 30, Tp 28 S R 14 W, run In a southerly direction nlong E side of Co. road 100 ft, run S 52' 39 E 220 ft more or less to Dandon Cemetery, run In a northerly direction along snld cemetery lino 104 ft. run N 52' 39' W 220 ft moro or less, to place of beginning 30 Alma Nelson Land de scribed Vol 53, Pnge 326, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 3- Delphl Lodgo No. 04 IC.ofP. Beg 421 ft N of center run N 205.4 ft, run W 315.0 ft, run S 265.4 ft, run E 315.6 ft to bo. less Pt sold 30 Pearl Walker Laud de scribed Vol 46, Page 262 Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 30 Lota Hlnes Land describ ed Vol 48, Pago 380 Roc ord of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 30 Peter Culver Land de scribed Vol 49, Page 103, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Oro 30 W. H. McMnhon Land de scribed Vol 53, Pngo 164 Record of Deeds, Coob 9.30 10.40 2.C0 COS 2.60 .88 I 3.01 110.70 2.70 34.G8 22.20 8.52 5.10 1.84 1.84 1.44 13.84 2.16 1.03 4.32 3.60 8.64 17.28 t 4.32 3.42 1.90 .03 14.00 2.10 3.50 4.48 7.28 .70 8.40 .70 1.80 10.80 1.08 3.96 3.60 5.40 8.82 18.90 2.70 .27 1.08 .45 33.83 9.90 1.98 G.53 2.34 6.55 .36 91.40 18.00 12.30 6.74 3.08 12.30 6.08 8.28 36.72 4.32 4.10 2.46 10.40 4.10 4.10 2.05 Co, Ore 30 J. M. Vowell Land do Bcrlbod Vol 41, Pago 237, Record of Deeds, Coob Co, Ore 30 Mary P. lllackorby Est. Lnnd described Vol 38, Page 371 Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Oro. . . 30 Oscar Hendrlckoon Land described Vol G4, Pngo 300, Rocord of Deeds, Coos Co, Oro 30 Sarah CoBtollo Deg 275 ftEBW Cor of NW4 2 W4, run E 260 ft, runN to SE Cor of Mary Dlack erby's land, run South westerly nlong S bound-' nry of snld Dlackerby land to SW cor thereof, run S to beg 30 Romnn Catholic Archbishop of Diocese of Oregon The N 6.00 chs of lnnd described Vol. 20, P. 004 Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore., Less 1 A 30 W. H. Smith Lnnd de scribed Vol 50, Pnge 400, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore ,30 Jntnes Armstrong Lnnd described Vol 62, Pngo 294, Record or DeedB, Coos Co, Ore 31 Elliott L. Ilnles Lnnd de scribed Vol 55, Rnge 200 Record of Deeds Coob Co, Oro 31 Rose H. Lux Lnnd describ ed Vol 65, Pngo 304, Record of Deeds Coos Co, Ore 31 Stephen S. Llttlo SEVi SE'4 32 William Wlegand 13 N 13K.SWMXWM 32 Twp. i!K S, It 15 W, W. .M. Ore. Assessed Descrlp- to tlon. Sec. Coqulllo Mill & Tug Co. Und Lots 1 & 2 24 John Klernan Land de scribed Vol 44, Pngo 480. Record of Deeds , Coob Co, Ore 2G W. A. Somors Ijnd de scribed Vol 4G, Pngo 359, Record of Deeds, Coob Co, Oro 25 Mnry J. Rowan Land de scribed Vol 53, Pngo 279, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 2G Mnry J. Rownn Lnnd de scribed Vol. 41 & 53, Pngcs 592 & 279, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Oro. 25 Dennett Trimt Co. Bog 330 ft E of NW Cor. of N13V4NW4 runS 1320 ft run E 330 ft, run N 1320 ft. run V 330 ft to beg. 30 Dennett Truct Co. Hog 060 ft W & 390 ft S of N E Cor run S 924 ft, run W 330 ft, run N 924 ft. run E 330 ft to beft. 36 M.E. Church So Deg 792 ft S of NE cor run S 628 ft, run W 330 ft, run N 528 ft, run 13 330 ft to beg.. 36 14.40 II. II. Howett WVii E6 NEViNWVi 36 Mae Penrco Ileg 1320 ft W of NE Cor run 13 166 ft. run S 132 ft, run W 166 ft, run N 132 ft to beg 36 Claude W. Drown & Irn M. Abbott Land describ ed Vol 49, Pngo 510, Record, of Deeds, Coos Co, Oro 36 Mnry Scaddlng Lnnd de scribed Vol 56, Pngo 499. Record of Deods, Coob Co, Ore 30 Twp. l!t) 8, It AV. M. Ore. Southern Oregon Co. SE4 I- Southern Oregon Co. SWtf 5 Southern Oregon Co. SV6NV4 C Southern Oregon Co. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Southern Oregon Co. NE4 7 Southern Oregon Co. SE4 7 Southern Oregon Co. Lots 1, 2, & EV4NWV4. 7 Southern Oregon Co. Lots 3, 4, & EV4SWU, . 7 Southern Oregon Co. NE4 9 Southern Oregon Co. NW4, 9 Southern Oregon Co. SW4 9 Southern Oregon Co. SE'4 9 Frnnk J. Hayr 4 et al EVSE4 18 Dowltt C. WDoy HVi'NE y 20 Dowltt C. Wiley NBUN E4, 20 11.60 Washington Flro & Ins Co. SEVi 20 69.60 G.F.Sanborn NWU...28 46.40 Twp. 20 8, It 10 XV, XV. M. Oro. Assessed Descrlp- to tlon, Sec. Southern Oregon Co. SE'4 1 Southern Oregon Co. SW4 1 Southern Oregon Co. SV4NV4 1 Southern Orv?".n Co. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 1 H. S. Davis W NEVi, EVNWVi 2 Southern Oregon Co. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 3 Southern Oregon Co. S 72 S t t u Southern Oregon Co. SWVi 3 Southern Oregon Co. SEVi 3 Southern Oregon Co. SWVi 5 Southern Oregon Co. SEVi 5 Southern Oregon Co. SN 5 Southern Oregon Co. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 S. C. Brownson Lots 4, 5, 10, 11, .... ........ 6 Sol & Geo. Brownson Lots 6, 7 6 Southern Oregon Co. NEVi 1 Southern Oregon Co. I 13.94 15.10 1 18.45 1 8.10 .30 4.50 2.88 1.80 Tnx .28 1.08 1.04 18.45 2.0G G.40 18.90 14.40 7.20 2.70 1.80 .90 09.G0 G9.G0 G9.G0 G2.64 69.00 09.60 75.69 76.13 69.60 69.60 09.00 69.60 34. SO 23.20 5.80 5. SO 5. SO 5.S0 5 SO 5.80 5.S0 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 37.i: 20.G0 SEVi, 7 Southern Oregon Co. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 Southern Oregon Co. Lots 5, 8, 9, 12 7 Southern Oregon Co. NE4 9 0 aouinern ureon uo. wi4 Southern Oregon Co. SWVi 9 Southern Oregon Co. SEVi 9 Southern Oregon Co. NEVi 11 Southern Oregon Co. NW4 11 Southern Oregon Co. SWVi 11 Southern Oregon Co. SEVi 11 Earnest Mnrkham N',4 NEVi, NV6 NWVi 12 Vincent B. Snead Vv"VNE Vi, WVfcSEVi 14 James Russell NEVi, . .18 . L. Robinson NVfcNE Vi. SW NEVi, NWVi SEVi 20 II. S. Davis 13 V SE Vi . N WVi SEVi. SEVi NEVi. 28 Zettn Wlgnnt Lots 2, 4 & 5, (Personal) 30 C. A. Smith Timber Co. Pt. of NWVi NEVi 33 II. S. Davis NEVi SEVi, 33 Edgar I. Howes Timber on W'fc SEVi, EV6 SWVi, SEViSEVi 34 Edgar I. Howes Timber on WV4SW'Vi 34 II. Sengstncken SWViS WVi 36 6.90 Twp. HI) S, It 1 1 XV, XV, 31. Ore. Southern Oregon Co. SWVi 1 Southern Oregon Co. SKVi .... ..,. 1.1. 1 Southern Oregon Co. SV6NV4 1 Southern Oregon Co. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 1 Southern Oregon Co. SWVi 3 Southern Oregon Co. SEVi 3 Southern Oregon Co. SV4NV4 3 Southern Oregon Co. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 3 Robt. XV. Sova Lot 4, S V4 NWVi, SWVi NEVi .. 4 Southern Oregon Co. Southern Oregon Co. SEVi 5 Southern Oregon Co. SV4NV 5 Southern Oregon Co. Lots 1, 2 3 4 5 Henry & Elmer Brownson EViNEVi, NWVi SEVi EV'jSBVi 11 41.47 Henry & Elmor Brownson EVi SEyt. SWVi SEVi,. U Sol & Geo. Brownson Lots A iV Of 1 1 iIm Geo. 13. Brownson Lot 4,12 Sol &, Geo. Brownson Lot fi 13 Henry & Elmor Brownson NWVi NEVi 1.4 T. L. & J. L. Knight NV6 NW Vt , SW Vi NW Vi . ..16 Thos. L. Knight Lnnd de scribed Vol 34, Pago 310, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Oro. EV6 SW Vi. (Porsonnl) 16 Ellen XV. Gotilcy NV4NE Vi 18 Edwnrd C. Rice Land de scribed Vol 44. Pngo 37, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Oro 28 Thomas Jerrol Est. EV4N KH on 74, ...... ..... ...' Twp. 2) S, It 12 XV, XV. M. Ore. Assessed Descrlp- to tlon. Sec. E. J. Mlchenl Tlmhor on SWVi SWVi 1 Snrah S. Ames Lot 9-12, NEVi SWVi, SWVi NEVi, NWVi NEVi, Less 05 -A. (Porsonnl) 2 E. J. Mlchenl TImbor on SWViSWVi 2 N. John Lusk Land do- ' scribed Vol 41, Pago 439, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 2 Amelia Lnfferty SWVi NEVi. XV Vs SEVi NEVi.. 0 T. W. McCloskey Land de scribed Vol 32, Pngo 300, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Oro 8 R. P. Endlcott Lnnd de scribed Vol 40, Pngo 532, Record of Deeds, Coob Co, Ore 9 S. C. Endlcott Land de scribed Vol 50, Page 485, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Oro. (Porsonnl), .. 9 Joseph M. Endlcott L and described Vol 50, Pago 193, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 9 Andrew B. Endlcott Land described Vol 50, Page 177, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 9 Alva Huntloy Land de scribed Vol 32, Pngo 142, Record of Deods, Coob Co, Ore -. 10 E. II. Nerr NWVi NWVi 11 Amelia Schunko SVfcSE Vi. NEVi SE'4 14 Amelia Schunko EV4 W V4NWV4 SE'4, EV4 .NW y.SE4 14 Arthur T. Train All that Pt Lot 3 lying & being below or S 6f County Road 15 Arthur T. Train XV SE ' Vi NWVi 15 Arthur T. Train E 1-6 SW' NWVi 15 R. P. Endlcott Land de scribed Vol 45, Pngo 493. Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 10 R. P. Endlcott Land de scribed Vol 40, Page 40, Record of Deeds, Cooa Co, Ore 10 George Lalngor Land de scribed Vol 44, Pago 47o, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore ?0 Geo. XV. Maglll 3.i;r at N E cor Mrs. W. H. CorbetB one acre tr.v, rt'n S 20 rds, run E 8rds, run N 20 rds run W Srds to logic 8.58 Tax 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 12.04 5.80 5.80 5.80 6.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 7.31 5.80 37.12 46.40 40.40 21.75 4.90 .58 4C.G0 34. SO 4.64 23.20 23.20 23.20 23.20 14.88 14.88 14.88 14.88 39.19 6.20 6.20 6.20 G.05 8.70 11.08 6.96 1.45 3.34 6.30 12.25 23.20 3.68 13. IS Tnx 4.58 o 70 4.58 .43 62.40 5.94 5.61 16.50 5.62 3.30 14.22 14.23 3.45 2.07 3.68 6.44 2.19 1.32 1.32 1.98 Carrrio McCulloch Land described Vol 52, Pago 0fi. Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 16 2.30 G. V. Gumcy Land de scr bed Vol 55, Page 036 Record of DeedJ. Coos Co, Ore 16 6.90 G. V. Gurney Lund de scribed Vol 56, Pnge 3, Record of DeedB, Coos Co, Ore 10 11.81 Mnrllla Leo Land de scribed Vol 25, Page 04, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 17 1.05 C. It. Ruscoo Land de scribed In Vol 40 Pngo 202, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 17 .54 Ivy Mny Adnms. . Lnnd de scribed Vol 32, Pngo 030 Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 17 5.12 Ivy Mny Adnms Land de scribed Vol 62. Pngo 589 Record of Deeds, Coos Co. Ore 17 .09 Norn B. Knight Lnnd de scribed Vol 51, Pngo 201 Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 17 5.49 N. .1. Bonewltz Lnnd de scribed Vol 30, Pnge 591 Record of Deedo, Coob Co, Ore 17 2.10 J. XV. Bnrklow Lnnd de scribed Vol 32. Pnge 020 Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore., (Porsonnl), ..17 4.50 Ivy May Adams Lnnd de scribed Vol 32. Pago 630 Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 18 5.70 N. J. Bonowltz Lnnd de scribed Vol 30, Pngo 591 Record of Deeds, Coos Co. Oro 18 3.87 Norn B. Knight Lnnd de scribed Vol 51, Pngo 202 Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Oro 18 .IS Nora B. Knight Lnnd de scribed Vol 61, Pnge 201 Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore IS 3.15 L. L. Billings EV4WV6. nlso 13V4 rds off W sldo of SEVi, (Porsonnl), ..24 0.20 A. J. Wilson SEVi, less 13 14 rds off W sldo, nlso R. R. right way 24 A. J. Wilson NWVi NE .25 53.01 1.55 1.84 Mobcb Endlcott SEVi N E'4 20 Chas. XV. Dye Land de scribed Vol 53 Pages 359 -300, Record of Deeds, Coos Co. Ore 27 W. P. Hermann Lot 4, less Pt. sold 31 A. D. Hermann Lnnd de scribed Vol 55, Pngo 004 Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Oro., (Personal), ..32 Twp. 20 8, It 111 XV, XV. M. Ore, Assessed Descrip- to tlon. Sec. David Roberts XV NE Vi . less 4 acres 1 William Stlllwell SW'4 15 Russoll J. IIIU NWVi.N 174a t n tlU E. "W. Jones W,WVj . 25 E. XV. Jones SEVi NWVi SWVi NEVi 25 N. E. Bnrklow Lnnd de scribed Vol 60, Pngo 270 Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Oro 25 John Pnbry E V SW Vi . NVi SE'4 25 Nnthnn Bnrklow XV M, N E'4. N'j SEVi 20 Nnthnn Bnrklow SEVi or7 ' XV. R. Miller S'ANWVi 20 XV. It. Mlllor SWVi. ...20, XV. R. Mlllor SWVi SEVi 26 XV. R. Mlllor SE'4 SEVi 27 Twp. 20 8, It II XV, XV. M. Ore. Assessed Descrlp- to tlon. Soc. D. P. Strnng. Jr. SV4NE '4 3 Chns. Andorson Lot 3, S'i NWVi. SWVi NEVi 4 Stophen S. Llttlo Lot 4, 4 Stephen S. Llttlo Lot 1, SE'4 NEVi 5 C. H. Chnndler SWVi N E'4. less Pt. sold .... 6 C. II. Chnndlor EV4 Lot 2 0 S. A. Hufford Wj Lot 2 (Porsonnl) 6 Gonln Chnndler Land described Vol 55 Pngo 432, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Oro 6 E. E. Onkes NEVi SEVi 7 Chns. A. DnvU SVi NW Vi W NEVi 9 M. Ohman NEVi NEVi 10 W. A. Doak EV4 NEVi. EV SEVi 10 Claudia M. Hollopeter Lots 2, 3 12 William A. Prowett NE'414 J. A. Albortson NEVi N E4. SVNE'4. NEVi S EVi 15 Petor Schrnder SE'4 N WVi 17 Vesper Brumbock SWVi NWVI. NWVi SWVi ..17 L. J. Davidson SEVi NE Vi 18 William Bates Land do scribed Vol 54, Pngo 75, Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 18 Mrs. S. J. L. Dnvlson NEVi SEVi 18 Prnnk Boyerio TImbor onNV6 SWVi 19 XV. A. Prowett NWViSW Vi, EV6 SWVi. SWVi SB '4 23 W. A. Prowott SWVi N W'4. NWVi SW'4, 25 W. A. Prowett EV.NEM2C V. E. Hlxon WV4 NEVi, NV4 SE'4 20 Dobornh A. Young WV4 SWVi, SEVi SWVi,. ..27 R. P.. Hompel SEVi SWVi 30 R. P. Hompol EVfcNWVi SWVi NB'A, 31 Dobornh A. Young NE'4 of NWVi 34 Twp. 20 S, n 15 XV, XV. M. Ore. Assessed Descrlp- to tlon. Sec. Tnx H. L. Smith NEVi NEVi NEVi SW'4 1 -23 John Rolsnter Lnnd de scribed Vol 55, Pnge 284 Record of Deeds, Cooa 18.25 9.10 9.25 8.00 7.68 20.00 31.04 8.40 11.00 t Tnx 26.34 4.00 7.82 31.78 2.80 .28 43 40 23.44 0.72 4.4S 8.90 8.68 1.08 Tnx 2.30 11.52 2.88 5.70 1.01 14.04 4.94 1.44 1.52 7.98 1.84 9.20 9.32 28.29 8.28 11.40 8.92 1.52 .3S 1.52 COS 5.98 2.30 2.30 7.36 5.52 1.52 10.32 1.S4 Co, Oro 1 .19 J. L. Kennody SWViNE '4 SWVi 1 -95 Mrs. F. J. Strndor NEVi NE'4, (Personal) 24 5.04 XV. A. StlUWell TImbor on VV NE'4 SE'4 NEVi, ...NWVi SEVi 25 19.00 Twp. no S, It JO XV, XV. M. Ore. Assessed Descrlp- to tlon Soc. Tax Aztec Land & Cnttlo Co. Lots 2, 3 2 30.89 Edgnr I. Howes Timber on Lot 3 3 6.96 Edger I. Hewes TImbor ' on Lot 4, & SV6 NWVi, ' (Porsonnl) 3 6.9f Jnmes M. Gurney SVi NE '4, NW'4 SEW, NEWS WVi, (Porsonnl) 3 7.54? Joo Thomns E V SE Vi 4 23.20 John W. Tulles NV6 NE Vi, NVS NWVi 8 40.40 John W. Foley SV NEV4 SV4 NWVi 8 46.40 Mnry D. Durham SWV4.12 69.00 Russol P. Tulles EV6 NE Vi 18 23.20 Twp. !10 S, It 1 1 AV, W. M. Oro. Assessed Descrlp- to tlon Sec. Tax John II. Smith SVfc SEVi SE'4 SXVK, NWVi SEVi 10 7.28 Vivian A. Fish SWVi N WVi 20 12.87 K. A. Loop NE'4 3WVi 21 1.G5' James L. Appleton SEVi NWVi 28 G.12 J. V. Loop NE', NEVi .29 1.55 C. A. Smith Timber Co. TImbor on Lot 2 31 11.20 Geo, Sanderson KVj NE Vi, E. SEVi, 34 37.20 Twp. 0 8, It 12 W, XV. M. Ore. Assessed Descrlp- to tlon Soc. Tar S. II. Johnson SVi NWVi SVi NEVi 3 29.70 S. H. Johnson WVi SWVi 3 14.85 S. H. Johnson EVi SEVi, 4 16.00 Leonard Hnrtloy Lnnd do scribed Vol 52, Pngo 135 Record of Deeds, Coos Co, Ore 5 Leonnrd Hnrtloy Lnnd de scribed Vol 52, Pngo 135 Record of DeedB, Coos Co, Ore 5 Leonnrd Hartley Land de scribed Vol 53, Pngo 290 Record of Deods, Coos Co, Oro 4& G C. C. Carter NWVi NEW 9 C. C. Carter NEVi SWVi 9 Simpson Lhr. Co. SEVi NE'4. NE'4 SE'4 9 Frnnk D. Allen TImbor on Lots 1 & 2 15 19.08 Frnnk II. Allen TImbor on Lots 1, 2, 3 22 16.33 T. C. Fnucott NEVi . . .20 10.81 Hiram S. Krlhhs SVi SE '4, SE'4 SWVi 5 23.70 Mnry E. Krlhhs NEW . . 8 31.68 lllrnm S. Krlbba NEVi NWVi 8 7-oa Twp. HO 8, It 1H XV, XV. M. Oro. Assessed Descrip tor tlon Sec. Tax Oliver G. Miller EVi SW '4. WVi SE'4 11 15.03 Geo. M. & E. L. Drown N Vi SWVi SWVi 11 2.64 A. D. Brown SVi SWVi. SWVi 11 -9 M. H. Dement NVi SEVi 12 18.72 A. B. Brown NWVi, 14 17.49 L. XV. Penrro SW Vi SB '4.13 SW'4, SB y4 NW 14 18 26.40 E. 1). Nortbrup NVi NE '4.8WV4 NBVi.NWVi S E'4, (Personal) 21 5.12 Coqulllo Mill & Tug Co. Timber on SW'4 NW'4. NWVi SW'4 2G Twp. HO 8, It M AV. W. L Oro. Assessed Descrlp- to tlon Soc. Tnx Annlo M. Pngo 8',8BVi 0 C88 Annlo M. Pngo NViSE'4.. 0 0.88 Annlo M. Pngo NVi NEVi BW'4 NB'4, 8B'4NVy 7 13.76 Annlo M. Pnge NE'4 SW 14. NWVI SE'4 7 6.88 S. J. Wilson WVi SEVi, EVi SWVi 8 7.94 Jesslo Cotton WVi SEVi. SW'4 NE'4, 13 5.52 Jnmes Cotton EVi SEVi 13 3.68 Lewis Turner Est. SViSE yt 17 2.80 H. XV. Potter Stf SEVi . 17 11.10 Lewis Turnor Est. SVi NE NEVi, NE'4 SB '4 18 2.00 II. XV. Potter NB'4 NEVi 20 1.84 II. W. Potter Land de scribed Vol 45, Pago 390, Rocord of Deeds. Cooa Co. Oro 20 1.15 II. W. Potter NWVi NW 14 21 1.84 James Cotton E'j NEVi 24 3.68 Jamos Cotton WVi NEVi EVi NWVi 24 9.66 Twp. HO 8, R Irt XV, XV. M. O er. Assessed Descrlp- to tlon. Sec. Tax Mrs. Bortha Stlllwell Lot 3, SEVi NWVi NEVi SW'4, 1 32.00 Mrs. Bortha Stlllwell SEVi SW'4 1 4-00 Twp. HI 8, It 10 XV, XV. SI. Oro. Assessed Descrlp- to tlon Sec. Tax C. A. Smith Timber Co. EVi NEVi, SW'4 NEVi. 24 22.28 C. A. Smith Timber Co. NVi NE'4, SW'4 NE'4. 26 27.84' C. A. Smith TImbor Co. SVi NWVi 26 18.56 C. A. Smith Timber Co. SWVi 26 37.12 C. A. Smith Tln.bor Co. WVi SEVi 32 27.84 . . Twp. HI 8, It 11 AV, AV. M. Oro. Assessed Descrlp- to tlon Sec. Tax Evnlyn E. Grntm Lot 4, S Vi NWVi 2 31.44 Carrlo E. Crouch & Andrew T. Bestul EVi SB'4. 10 20.96 A. E. Crouch Und Vi SVj' SWVi. AVV4 SEVi 10 20.98 Andrew T. Bestul Und. ' Vi AVVi SEVi. SV.SWV4 10 20.96 Santa Fo & Pacific R.R. Co Lot 11 24 14.3S A. B. Crouch & wf. SVi N AVVi 26 25.44 Twp. HI 8, It 1 AV, AV. 31. Oro. Assessed Descrlp- to tlon Sec. Tax Ed. B. Porrln . .AVKNWViia 26.40 Twp. H2 S, It 10 AV, AV. 31. Oro. Assessed Descrlp- (Continued) "-1