THE REPUTATION Of BEING UNLUCKY IS THE SUREST PATENT OF FAILURE ukADS carrying COOB SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's advertising spnoo in s newspaper, compareil with tho space used by oilier stores, should deflno It, comparative Importance in the community! Dock your Btoro'o & crtislng pnco do that? v..r storciicuB, should appear ns llnrlr a l0C8 ,,,,B "0M'8Im,en " rne'l"p 0,,,,llcd 'm lW "0W .l Ihcii-cn for bo wclfinty n ten- 1 fl, fearing Hint " mltf mln- would not a Rood iiomnmpcr. OTOttWi MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Established In 1H7H ni) The Const Mall ! VOL XXXV MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 1911 EVENING EDITION 24 PAGES. A Consolidation of Times. Const Mnl! and Coos Bny Advertiser. No. 37 mn OIIHT SEATTLE MEN 10 D Federal Judge Hanford Hung In Effigy at Mass. Meeting There Last Night. TO ISSUE WARRANTS FOR MEN BEHIND IT United States Attorney Char ges Them With Conspiracy to Defeat Justice. (By Associated Prcsa to Coos Day Tlincs.; SEATTLE, Wnsh., Aug 20. unit- .a emi District Attorney ininoiinc- RE PROSECUTED FOR MOB WORK ed today Hint lie would cuubo tho ar- the Mnrrlmnii Bystein, trouble will re rest of the men who Instigated tho !. according to President Itynn of burning In effigy of United States Judge C. H. Hnnford last night Mid who mnde Incendiary speeches at tacking the federal court because of thelssunnco of tho Injunction In fight letftcen the people of Rainier Valley sd the Seattle & Kenton railroad. Warrants charging conspiracy to defeat Justice are liulng prepared and jirolmlily will bo Hurved this uftor- noon. Touu nam warrants wm uo issued for Leroy Saunders, editor, and B. C. Cnnnold. publisher of tho Seattle Stor, which promoted tho mats meeting, John II. Perry, Saund ers' attorney, city Councilman Erlck ton who presided at tho meeting, ex Mayor Fnwcett of Tncoinn, Win. At- klnson, Hugh Kelly, former gumo warden of King county. Paul K Molir and Tims. Hornor. State Sena tor John II. Humphries, n enndldato ror rinieu tunic senaior inai year, spoke at the meeting but did not make n Hitter ntl.lresH nnd bo wna nos included in the list to be prnsecuicti. Todd says that as the pending IlnnI hearing of tho Injunction ugaliiHt which the meeting wna qnlled to pro tect such an outhorst eoustltutes a clear case of conspiracy to defeat justice. The law under which tho pmeriitloii8 will he brought provides a maximum pennlty of two yearn im prisonment and u lino of $10,000. Contractors Here to Look Over Proposed Eugene Route Aston Starts Survey. . G. O. Foss. n railroad contractor from Spokane, arrived hero today on the Ilroukwator. It Is understood that his purpose Is to mako n trip o(t the pioposed louto of, tho South ern Pacific between Coos Bay and lEugene with n view of bidding on tha 'ork. Ho is registered nt The Chnn d'er but could not bo seen this aft ernoon. It was nlso reported by passongoia n tho Breakwater thnt a second rail N LIY IN ARE ON BAY road tontinetor enmo In on the vcseoiItIio meotlng was arrnnged by Hugh today for the same purpose ns Mr. ross. Mr. Foss hos been doing Bomo'Governor who thought It would bo tlie work on the Deschutes line nnd also bu"t part of tho Hue through tho Snake River valley. o further word has been received from Vice-president O'Brien or Chief Engineer nn,i oD i, ,i i,i coming to the Bay. Another report in circulation hera that railroad contractor have ar- "nged for the shipment of construe- ln equlpraent to Coos Bay from San p'anclsco,Mndlcatlng that construe- ' to begin on this end of the ne as well ns at Eugene. Enelneer Aston of the Coos Bay etsr et Ra,,way start- o mentTorth ? 8UrVey" T I 2 The P ?.,?? TT ar urn rush lhfi Bandn- H lU ru8h the purvey as fast as possible. ETeryboy Bhou,d HA1NE8. WCEs. 1 ' w s ,Over 25,000 Shopmen on Har- riman System Threaten to Strike Soon. (By Associated Press to the Coorf Bay Times) KANSAS CITY, Auk. 2G UuIubb Vice-president KruttHclmltt soon fixes mo unto tor tne conierenco regarding recognition 01 mo rcuurui unions 01 tho International Brotherhood of Car men. Ryan went on to sny every hour's delay glveH additional dllllcul ty In holding the men down. CHICQO, Aug. 20 .1. W. Kline, In ternational President of tho Black smith's Union sent n telegram to President Lovett of tho Hnrrlinnu sys tem asking an Inunedlato conference with a vlow to bringing about a set tlement of tho Inbor dlsputo which Miriintnnu n ntrllm rif "Ti 0(10 nlinmnrr. 0n,oyC(, by .,, IInrrIinnn Btom PLAX FOB CONKEBENCK. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO. III.. -Aug. 20. A con fcroncp lin8 ,')COn nrrnilBt,t, between vtce-Presldunt Kruttschnltt of the Ilnrrlmnn system nnd the Interna- tonn, I)ro8l(lontH of tho trn,i0 ull,onB ,..,..,, ,n tnu ,a,K)1. lIl8l)Ulo to ,,0 ,,oI(1 , Sn1 Krnilc,HW, September 2. (U whc nnothpr ettmt wlll 1)0 inntlo to avoid the threatening atrlko. OPPOSED TO I'M OX. Assoclnted Press to Coos illy Bay Times.) OGDEX, Utah, Aug. 20. To the Associated Prchs, vlce-Prolduiit Kruttschnltt, who spoilt n fow hours horo todny, stated he did not. expect to liavo a conferenco with tbu repre sentatives of tho Federation (! Shop Employes nt San Franolsco. He mild ho nlwnya waa ready to confer with roprosontatlvca o'f tho Individuals hut not willing to treat with olllclula of a federation. . WEST IN Oregon's Chief Executive to Speak at Masonic Opera House Tonight. Gov. Oswald West of Oregon arriv ed In Marslifleld today noon from a trip to Curry county and Bandon. Ho la to address tho people of Coos Bay at tho Masonic Opera Houso tonight. ,McLaIn and other local friends of tho best means of enabling the public to meet tho Chief Executive. Gov. West has not fully recovered from his recont sick spell but said he felt considerably benefitted by his trip tn rinrrv eonntv. It was a rather MARSHFIELD strenuoiiB trip though, and he was so tired that he had to take a little nap at the Chandler this afternoon. "I s surprised and delighted o Be the big advancement made In Morshfleld since my trip here a few years &" "mrke 7' ,! ' "You I,eop,e here Probab,yJ do" fc real' ,z0 !ho lPveent. Jerja. iu.r J2iJiSii?s; ounty and the Coqulll. valley are ... coming ahead in fine shape. They are having a fine carnival at Bandon g nQ of the m0Bt enterptlsing (Continued on pe 4.) Here's Our Glad Hand, Governor West DEFtC 1 1 HE hh GOVERNOR WEST, Cooa Bay grbota you with a glad hand and a hos pitality as wide nnd boundless na the ocenn whoso wnves wash Its shores. We greet and wclcomo you not ns a democratic governor but na the chlof executive of our great state and with a belief and hope that you will honor It as It has honored you. The Times nnd many of tho cltlzona of Coos county are not of your political faith but for the day all politics will be forgotten. The city nnd nil It contains nre yours. While most of us uio ropubllcnnB atlll there la Mnyor Straw, Hugh McLaln and John Gosa. They will make you feel nt home and the presentation of the City's golden keys by the worthy mayor and the glad greeting by those Bllvor tongued orators McLaln and Gosa will serve to remind you of the doublo monetary Btandnrd of your party. There is only one standard of Coos Bay hospitality nnd that la a wholo hearted and genor oua welcome. We hear of you as a clear thinking, plain apenklng citizen of this great cominonwenlth nnd those nro virtues timt win the respect nnd regard of all virile red blooded mon. who may differ with you as to policies but not na to vital principles of Integrity nnd moral righteousness. There arc no politics In the Golden Rule. You wlll find among Coos countyrepubllcnna n broad tolerance In uint tura political. We don't forget thnt our neighbor, though he mny dif fer from us politically may he Justaa honest In his convictions as wo are and that that this Is n freo country where freedom of opinion Is one of the biggest of the broad foundation stones of our government. There would be an end to this form of government without It. Wo stand by our con victions nnd let our neighbor stand by his. This Is tho spirit In which you will bo welcomed to Cooa Bny and your messago received without partisan bins. We understand thnt you are to speak on Good Roads and Prison Roform. There nro no politics In good roads and thero la no politi cal partisanship In doing good. We welcome you not na governor of Oregon democrats but ns the gov ernor of nil the people of this great state nnd n co-laborer In Its devel opment, in this Held of human endeavor you will find earnest support nnd sympathy among tho people of Coos Bny. We welcome you on your morlta ns a man and the mcaaure of your worth will he tho e:;tcnt of your accomplishment. On this day our political preferment will not tinge or taint our personal cordln'lty. Aa governor of Oregon then. Is a placo In nil Coos Bay henrts nnd homes for you today. Accept It tn the same spirit of hearty hoBpItnllty with which it is tendered nnd we fhall nil he glad of your visit. As our guest and as our governor u greet you. Wclcomo! NEW RECORD TRIP AROUND WORLD Paris Newspaperman Circles schmidt, joumniist, omciaiiy com Globe In Loss Than Fi,V'-1S'i Days, Beating All PreVIOUS 8CConds. Ho started from Paris at Records. . l:45 p. m. July 17 In tho nttompt to (By Associated Press to Coos Bny beat tho record of M. Stolglcr of tho Times.) Paris Matlr. who nmdo tho tr'p PARIS. Aug. 20 Andre Jaeger- around tho world tn 03 days. SEATILE Mayor Dilling Makes Novel Ap peal In Behalf of Bond Is sue For City Water Supply Improvement. (By Assoclnted Press to the Coos Bay Times) SEATTLE, Wnsh., Aug. 25. A municipal excursion was run today to tho Cedar River wntershed where eight hundred voters Inspected tho municipal wnter system nnd looked over tho ground where $1, 000,000 i to be spent Improving tho wnter sup- TEN DIE IK Several Others Injured When Motor Car Strikes Car riage In England. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEWCASTLE, England, Aug. 20. Ten were killed and several In jured today by the overturning of a motor car near Consett. The cause was a collision with a carriage. TO FLY TO BOSTON Avlntor Atwood to Continue Long Flight By Associated PreBs to the Coos Bny Times j NEW YORK, Aug. 20 Harry At- wood will continue his aeroplane trip to Boston. Rain last night wet his engine and the fog this morning It self makes a start dangerous. At wood may retire from aviation. REMEMBER Band's nANDON EXCURSION LEAVES Marshfleld at 7:80 sharp SUNDAY morning. j m CCIDENT RUNS CUT ID SO ply. Special trains cnrrled tho excur sionists to Monoton nnd from thero tho city furnished automobiles Win transport tho women votors to Cedar Lake, while the mon travelod the four miles on foot. At noon the city served luncheon and at six o'clock tonight dinner will bo served. The excursion wna planned by Mayor Bil ling nnd other city olllclnls in order that tho taxpayers who wlll bo asked to vote on a bond Issue of $1,000,000 on September C, may have an oppor tunity to see for what the money la to bo expended. 1AJ0RJ1EY Mrs. L D. Kinney Asks to Be Appointed to Look After His Interests. Mrs. L. D. Kinney has filed ap plication In tho Coos County Probate court thnt she he appointed guardian of Mnjor L. D. Kinney. Judge John F. Hall has fixed tho hearing for Sep tember 20. In her application, Mrs. Kinney states that owing to his nervous breakdown and poor health, Major Kinney Is Incapacitated from looking after his property Interests. It Is stated that Major Kinney is now In San Francisco county, Cal. Notice of his wife's application for the appointment will have to be serv ed on him prior to the hearing. NOT a BANKRUPT SALE but a cheap sale of FLOUR at HAINKS. TICKETS for nANDON excursion on Bale at BUBY CORNER, GET YOURS bow. L AWEUL WRECK IN NEW YORK ACCIDENT AT AU10 RACES Grandstand at Elgin Collapses With Spectators and Con test Is Postponed.' (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times. ELGIN.I11., Aug. 20 The second day of tha Elgin races started off In ausplciously. Just after the last car got away on the 305 mile road race for the Elgin cup, thousands of spec tators were horrified to see soveral sectlons of the grandstand sag and , high wreck nt Manchester yesterday, slowly to settle, carrying tho scat- Tho report says that up to this morn holders to the ground. Chnlrmnn lug, 25 deaths were recorded and 08 Gregory ordered tho rnco stopped and Injured. Thirty-seven of tho Injured tho enrs returned to tho pits. nre In the hospital and of theso It Is A Bcoro of persons were hurt, four expected soven will dlo. Tho train seriously. Among theso whb Mrs. was traveling 25 miles nn hour whon Ray Graham, daughter of Scnntor it struck a broken rail 000 feet cnat Lorlmer nnd dnughtor-ln-law of An- of Manchester stntlon. Tho rail drew Graham, recently n candidate which was broken In 17 pieces wnsdrj for mayor of Chicago. MrB. arnlinm'4 foctivoly rolled, and thoro woro a leg was broken. Tho other three "ihor of defects on tho ball of tho who wero seriously hurt, Buffered rn,' Tll Illt nlno enra of tho train similar Injuries. Tho seats which wcro derailed, two of tho coaches foil wore of the kind known nn "clr- dropped r teat Into Canndngua out- cub" seats and wero hastily complet As tho stand collapsed. ed yesterday a hush fell over the field but whon tho word came through the mega phone that nobody was killed, thero wero cheers and hand clapping. I Dave Buck In a Pope-Hartford, ' was Injured and his mechanician killed1 when their enr overturned when half way around tho course. " nt "enUl B l001, nn" 00 ot,lor8 nro Lenscngel, driving n National, was ,,ol"K cnr(,, rr in ii0 Pltnl from In tho lend when 14-1 miles wns env- Cnnndnlgua to Rochestor today nc ered. his time being 2,08,42. Grant cdlng to the latest figures aa a re followed, his time being 2,10.31. ,8"u of ystcrdny'H wreck on tho Lo- high railway. So far hut half of M ON BREAKWATER Heavy Fog Delays Steamship on Trip From Portland Leaves Tonight. Owing to a deiiBo fog off tho coast, tho Breakwater did not arrive In from Portlnnd until this morning. Cnpt. Macgenn reports that he had a good trip down. Tho repairs to tho defective grates liavo been completed and Cnpt. Mncgonn says they wlll have no trouble from now on making tho regulnr flvo day schedule It Is planned for the Breakwater to leave nt 10 o'clock tonight for tho lower bay so that she can cross out early In the morning, Shu hnd a capacity incoming list. Among those arriving on her wore tho following: Gladys Falres, D. II. Falres, Emlla Falres, C. B. Falres, W. It. Van Slck ler, Mrs. S. Brlggs, Miss F. Arm strong. W. F. Hummert, C. W. Kea cher, Mrs. G. II. Fish, G. H. Fish, Miss M. Bornltt, Miss H. PorkiiiB, Mrs. W. H. Perkins, F. M. Reovos, F. A. Ford, O. McNnmnra, Mrs. WellB, Rolla Wells. Evelyn Robertson, Mrs C. Robertson, Mabel Matthlson, L. L. Pearcoy, A. Llgorateo, M. Hender son, AUco Gundy, Mrs. M. Hender son, Mrs. J. D. Nuson, J. II. Meyers, J. A. Olson. G. McNamara, O. T. Hamlin, T. Whlttlngton, F. Whlttlng ton, G. Toss, W. Arnold, Jno Fitz gerald, J. E. Nelson, R. R. Coroy, J. L. Gray, H. H. Korn, J. Flowers, C. Kelson, W E Geloln, J. B. Dull, E. Hill, E. Crlger, Wm. Link, C. W. Al lenberg, C. Ingerman, N. Sugar, Mrs. I. P. Conrad, Mrs. R. Monroe, C. A. McNabb, Mrs. McNnbb, E. W. Wright, H. J. Mohr, V. McNabb, B. Doremous, Wm. Leaton, Mrs. Lonton, P. Spanl, Mrs. Spanl, Mrs. 8. H. 'Moore, Harold Moore, Clara Moore, A. D. Allison, H. P. Campbell, J. R. Wagner, J. H. Agen, J, S. Ageuj Dr. E. B, Wood- CAUSE DF State Officials Determine the Cause of Disaster at Man chester Friday. TWENTY-SIX KNOWN DEAD LATEST FIGURE Six Others at Point of Death and 69 Injured Are In Hospitals. (By Assoclnted PrcsB to tho Coos Bay TIiucb) NEW YORK, Aug. 20 Up-Stato Public Service Commission today re ceived a report from lta representa tives who are Investigating tho Lo- lot. Tho diner turned over on its ?,c,e, nmI "'N0'1 20 foct down t"0 Pn'- immwiieiii. rue spectors oi mo com mission charge tho hrokon rail with tho responsibility of tho wreck. TWENTY-HI.Y DEAD. MANCHESTER, N. Y., Twonty-slx l,or80nH nro dead, half a dozen moro the 20 persons killed have boon Idon ! tilled. With ono oxceptlon thoso Idontllled lived In Now York, Penn sylvania, Now Jersey and Ohio. Tho exception la D. M. Boll of Loa An goIeB. n G. A. It. veteran, 70 years old, who died In tho Rochostor hos pital. Chamber of Commerce Plans to Launch Great Publicity Campaign Soon. At a lnrgoly attonded matting of tho subscribers to tho MarchflQld Chnmhor of Coininerco yostordny afl ornoon, preliminary plans waro mndo for giving moro publicity to tho Coot Bay country. Dr. McCoi'u.uc and a score of apoakeia, Including I". B. Walto of Roseburg, and Juy Lawyer of Spokano, urged tho advortlMng of tho wonderful rebourcoa of Cooa .Hay and tho opportunities here. Thoro wna considerable dUcnsslon na to tho beat means of gotMng tho publicity nnd how tho funds ral&cd for It should ho expended. Henry Seugstnckeu suggestod that a publi city fund of at least $GO0 por month should be raised. After considerable discussion, It was decided that the launching of a campaign to secure tho rnwwiT funds should be at n booster banqoefl to be held In the near fuuiro. If Vice-President O'Brien of tho Suuth ern Paclflo visits tho bay soon, hla visit may be made the occasion of the step. ward, Mrs. W. S. Nichols, W. S. Ni cholson, R. Nicholson, Katherlno Nicholson, R. R. Jones, R. II. Quick, W. L. Fuller, Mrfl. S. A. Hill, MlM F. Norbluf Sara Phlllany, A. D. Mills, G. W. Artla. R. McPhlllnnv. E. Wl lor, J. Pntchett, E. A. Waller, Jno. Lucas, C. Wears, R. R. Corcoran. COOS BAY TO 8E BOOSTED K