THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1911 EVENING EDITION. NORTH BEND NEWS. Bargain News Jf II I ' HI ' ; nt , Ml 1 iKI 14 1 H 1 I VII V I HL Hi p&M Tomorrow is the last day our special sale on Dutchess Trousers Easy to renew the youth of your old suit at these prices: $6,00 Dutchess Trousers, now $4.85 $5.00 Dutchess Trousers, now $3.85 $4.00 Dutchess Trousers, now $3.00 $3.00 Dutchess Trousers, now $2.25 Woolen Mill Store MARSHFIELD MILL-TO-MAN CLOTHIER OREGON LADIES' HAND BAGS AT REDUCED PRICES Wo nro closing out our ttresont lino of Ladles' Putsch nnd handlings nt greatly reduced price. Thoy represent tlio best of tlio kind from lending nuinufncturora of tho country nnd nro all tlds season's styles. It Ih our policy not to carry Uicho ovor nnd to make wny for now goods vo huvo placed them In tho window marked down to prices that will innko thorn movo quickly. Como nt otico to got your beat choice SUE OUIt WINDOW. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded. THE BUSY CORNER PHONE 20 Ws I'()K SALE A certlflcnto la tho Equitable Savings & Loan Asso ciation of Portlnnd, Ore., 21 caro Tlmoa. THE TURKISH BATH PARLORS HAVE MOVED From their old quarters, In tho Coos building, ono block north ton now homo at 392 Droad.vay which has been especially fitted up for them and whore thoy aro bettor prepared than over bo fore to render oxcellont servlco to tho public. TURKISH, RUS SIAN, STEAM, ELEOTRKI and SHOWER 1IATI1S, In fact any bath that can bo glvon anywhere may bo secured hore. You are cordially Invited to call at our now quarters. Both Lady and Gentleman Attendants PnONE 914-J. 32 BROADWAY MARSHFiBLD Your Sunday Roast Wo have It ready for you. Sweet and Juioy. ROA8T BEEP ROAST MUTTON ROAST PORK Union Meat Market Phono Ua Your Order. Phono 68. ttARSHFIELD'S POPULAR JP-AUUiY. HOTEL n THE LLOYl 31 nn r6duCed to: Day 50o, 7Bo and J'0;5 wek-?2.00 to 15.00. Houao iinn8 apnrtnionts with gas ranges VLto n8,0 Wf month. FREE) "ATH8-E. W. SULLIVAN, Prop. OOOS BAY TO DRAIN Quickest tlmo possible Holden Auto Lino, via Allegany. Through fare $8.25. Stage, steamer and auto via Gardi ner. Through In one day 7.60. Drain, Cooa Bay stago line. Through n two days $6.60. 6C pounds of baggage froe. Norton & Hansen, agts. WANTED CoiiiH.'tont woman for good position In boarding hoiiao. Can glvo place to man and wlfo with no children. Address oppor tunity enro Times. WANTED CJIrl for olllce work nt Mllner's. WANTED Position as lookk:eiHr or olhco work Addross 'C c Times KOR SALE CHEAP Eleven hem ono roostor, Hliodo Ialand Rods. Inqulro 378 First St. WANTED Sonio party who knows values whon presented, to buy 160x100 business corner for $4,000 easy terms. 40x100 on Hnll nnd Second for $2,000. 100 aero farm on Ten Mllo with dwell ing, bnrn, and 30 acres slnshod and partly Improvod; cloan tltlo for $1,100. Tltlo Guarantee & Ab stract Co, FOR SALE Cook stove nnd utensils complete Enqulro 135 Second street or phono 4 10-J. FOR SALE 3 good milk cows. En qulro Conner & Hoagland. FOR SALE Full blood white Wyan dotte stock. Rlnghouso strain. Cock Is full brother 1909 Stato cham pion. Also some young Wyandot tos. Enqulro of Mrs. I. Bartlo, North Bond, Oregon. FOR SALE My fnrm OOO acres In ono lot or will cut up In parcels to Georgo Murphy has purchased Joo Slilrlti's saloon and taken possession. Irn Whcolor has opened n now plumbing shop here, opposite tho postolllco. ' h. V. Falkenstelu Is expected to bo nblu to return soon from Portlnnd where ho underwent tm operation for hernia. Miss Broulllard arrived hero this week from Dubuque, lown, to visit nt tho homo of her brother, C. 11. Uroulllnrd. JOIN tho BANDON EXCURSION Sunday, AUGUST 27. Do not nllow your kidney nnd blad der trouble to develop boyond tho reach of medlclno. Tnko Foley Kid ney Pills. Thoy give quick results nnd stop Irregularities with surpris ing promptness.- For sale by Rod Cross Drug Store. Purity Cream AND Milk Depot Has moved from tin) Sacchi store to the waterfront in rear of Pioneer Grocery. PHONE 37-L 'We can serve you bet ter than ever from our new quarters. Sacchi & Madden Tho cost of repairing tho wiring In our building In Mnrshflold was nlno Idollars. Tho owner nt onco got a re duction of Fifty Dollars per year In tho insurance. Think It ovor. Coos Bay Wiring Co. rnONE 237-J WATCH! NOTICE! Homer Mauzoy, ono of tho drlvors nnd tho solicitor for us Is out for Laundry. Watch him! ho Is Uablo to stop you on tho street and explain all details of Laundry and also to bo nt your homo any tlmo. Ho knows Laundry business from A to Z. Marshfield Hand and Steam Laundry pnoN:. 220-j suit. C. W. Sanford, Marshflold. FOR SALE Holden now proportion comot. First clnss condition. Ap ply II. O. Howard. AUTO LINE Cam at any tlmo. Phono 231 R, after midnight 181X WANTE1 O experienced coal min ors Beaver Hill Company. WANTED Dishwasher, waitress aud waltor. Apply at Java Coffee House. WANTED Strong woinuu or girl to caro for elderly woman. Apply FOR SALE Lots 21, 22, Block SO, East Marshflold. Address Nols Mar tinson, Box 522, Washburn, Wis. Mrs. Songstackon. FOJl RENT Rchldeuco on Nob hill. Apply J. W. Tlbbetts. FICKLE Are something that should always bo kept fresh to bo at their best. We have recently Installed a whlto enamel caso, especially for pickles. It Is provided with glass and enamel Jars with glass cov ers in which the pickles nro kopt clean nnd sanitary, submorgod In vinegar and brlno that keeps thorn In prlmo condition and ready for the tablo. Hero We keep tho following varieties In bulk: DILLS SOUR SWEET MUSTARD. ALSO GREEN AND RIPE OLIVES. Phono us your noxt order for Pickles aud ouij word for It you will bo pleased. Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones 85 and 305 'ItPr&i . i"FU .. t - II riiL37v-''.vj- ?n ,u-...,.f f y.'i ' I-; rsyr THE WEATHER. r j (By Associated Press.) OREGON, Aug. 3 C Fair to- night nnd Saturday. BORN. EREESE To Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Freeso of Forndnlo, a boh. Mothor and child aro getting nlong nicely. B'ASCA To Rocco Blnscn nnd wlfo of Coos River, n boh, Thursday, August 24. Postpone- Fight. Tho Evnns Bums bout which was scheduled to bo pulled of nt Bnndon Inst night was postponed until Saturdny night. Attend Mooting. Dr. Geo E. DIx and Dr. E. Mlngus loft by nil to this morning for Coqulllo to attond n meeting of the Coos County Medical society. Will Build F. E. Nelson has ar ranged to erect a frumo building on North Front street, opposlto the foun dry. Tho building will bo 60x70 feet. Plnii Picnic. C. W. Montgomery, secretary of tho Crab club, has Issued Invitations for tho Hist nnnual, picnic of tho organization which Is to bo hold Sunday nt Charleston. Bay. Undergoes O'lerntlon. Tlio sovon yenr old daughter of J. A. Epporsou of Rlvortou underwent nn oporntlou nt Mercy hospital this morning to re niovo an obstruction resulting from nn nttnek of plourisy. I Honored. Mlko Dunbar, n for nier Coos Bny man, was voted n gold medal by tho International Typo graphical Union convention nt Snn Francisco Inst week In recognition of his work ns president of tho Union Printers National Aid society. Ho Is u son of Mrs. Jordnn of EnstBldo. will visit tho Episcopal .church la North Bend. Piano Tuner Here. M. O. Warner, tho well-known nnd export piano tu ner of Eugene, Is horo on his nnnual visit of Inspection of pianos, for dur ing tlio twenty yours that ho has been coming to tho Coos Bny county Mr. Warner has dovoloped a list of friends who depend upon him to caro for their Instruments. Mr. Warner Is not only it proficient plnno tuner nnd n musician of skill, but he knows n piano In nil Its pnrts from strings to enso ns thoroughly as It can bo known. Ho enn repair nnd rojuvetinto nny plnno that rotnlnB nny of tho elements of music. Par ties desiring the Borvlces of a really fine tuner nnd ono thoroughly rcllnblo should drop n postal or note to M. O. Wnrnor, MnrBhllold, P. O., as ho will be hero only n short tlmo. Personal Notes MRS. WM. SAUNDERS of Empire l tho guest of Marshflold friends. Bishop Coming. Rt. Rev. Charles Scnddlng, D. D., Bishop of tho Dlo ceso of Orogon, nccompnnled by Mrs. Scnddlng, nrrlvcs hero from Bnndon on tho ovonlng train today. Bishop Scnddlng will preach In Emmnnuol Episcopal church Sunday nt 11 n. in. At 2 o'clock In tho afternoon ho will preach nnd conflrm In St. Luko'a Church, Empire, nnd nt 4 o'clock ho Here Are Some Suggestions for Sunday Dinner TOMATOES BELL PEPPERS CUCUMBERS VAX & STRING BEANS CARROTS RED BEETS TURNTPS SUMMER SQUASH FRESH LETTUCE . APPLES Largo shipment of Ash land Peaches will arrive in time for early Saturday delivery. The Bazar Phono 32 The Tlouao of Quality. JUDGE TURPEN of Emplro was at Marshlleld business visitor yestor day. GEO SHERIDAN and C. F. McCol lum of North Bend woro Marsh fleld visitors last ovonlng. PAUL I. SCHULT'PELTZ of Ton Mllo was In Marshflold today nrrnn&Iug to provo up on his timber claim. T. J. PATTERSON, C. W. Montgom ery .nnd W. H. Cortolyou loft oo tho Coos Bny-Draln auto lino thl morning. C. R. SELBY loft todny for Goia Beach to attend court. John D. Goss will leavo tomorrow for tho snmo point. JUDGE JOHN S. COKE nnd wlfo nml children loft In their nuto for Gold Bench today via tho Myrtle Point route for a ton day's stay. A. DEMANGEOn", formorly with tho Smith mill but now In tho machi nery business nt Portnlnd, Is on tho Bny on business and pleasure. MRS. P. H. BREIER of Coos River In Mnrshflold today. Mr. Brolor, who has been very 111, Is gradually growing wonkor nnd vory llttlfl hopo Is hold out for his rccovory. ARNO MEREEN, gonornl suporln tendont of tho C. A. Smith com jinny, returned overland from Cali fornia whoro ho has boon the past fow wooks. J. W. RATHBUN, J. E. Kelly, EL Barclay, Paul Bates and Mr. Goots .woro among thoso leaving on the Coos Bny-Drnln nuto lino thli morning. GEORGE BROWN, district attorney, and Bon tind Court Reporter Iru Rlddlo passed through horo on route to Gold Bench to attend court. Thoy arrlvod last ovonlnff In Mr. Rlddlo's nuto nnd proceeded down tho bench today. GUY LATTIN, who has boon super intending tho hulkhondlng and pipe lino work for tho Drodgo Oregon on tho Coqulllo was horo yostordnjr and roporta that stneo tho Larseri dredgo Jolnod the Oregon, tho do lay caused by snngs lms hcon over come and tho two dredges nro do ing rapid work. GIVES QUICK ACTION Lockbart & Parsons Drug Co. re ports that A SINGLE DOSE of simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as compounded In Adlor-1-ka, tho new Gorman appendicitis remedy, relieves constipation, sour stomach or gns on tho stomach nlmost INSTANTLY. Many Mnrshflold people nro bolng helped. TICKETS' forllAN'DOx" oxcurslon on salo nt BUBV CORNER. GET YOURS now. i Use The- Flour That Can't Vary Make sure of a uniform bread each loaf like every other. Use only Pacific coast flour gov erned in milling by daily, complete laboratory tests, insuring absolute Uniformity. Sperry Drifted Snow Flour LIGHT WHITE-ALWAYS RIGHT -p. $ :! J J