V THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1911 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES 31. C. MALONKY DAN E. MALONKY Kdlior anil Pub. News Hill tor Address all communications to COOS J1AV DAILY timks. Mnrshflclil :: :: :: :: Oregon si:k bloody aito. Manner Aitiisi'iI of Wife Murder Xot Alleileil liy (iiowsimii' Slfjlit. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.; CIIESTI3KF1BLD COUHT HOUSC, Vn., Aug. 23. The trlnl of Henry Clay Uenttlo Indicted for wife mtir- ,...... . ... dor, began In earnest today when the Dedicated to the sorvlco of the h , , , ,' , .. . , i it i i. court resuined its hearing at 10:30 people, that no good cause shall lack . . . ........ , . . .... ,. i ii this morning and tho Introduction of a champion, and that ovll shall not . , ,. .. , , testimony began. Previous to the thrlvo unopposod. . . . .. .. ... . -. open ng of court, tho bloodstained auto In which Louise Owen UenUIo met her death, was driven Into the ynrd. Bcnttlo was on tho lawn at the time and calmly Inspected It. Thomns Owen, Mrs. Heattlo's un cle, wnB the first witness. Ho detail ed tho events of the night of tho mur- T1IE RECALL AND ITS JUDICIAL SIDE, THE report In Tho Times last eve ning of the prolmhlo fiasco of tho attempted recall of Judge Coko will prove good news to friends dor, and described the sceno where of tho recall as well as tho frlondsitho crlmo was committed. Ho said of Judge Coko. Its fnlluro In this lu-JHcnttlo appeared grloved and porslst Btanco will subHtantlato tho claims oil In going Into tho room whore his of the ndvocutes of the recall thnt Its wlfo inv. Ho saw Uoattlo tako one IT'S A PEACH" That Peach Ico Croad of ours Id i true to Its name. Mado from fresh, ripe, luscious peaches you will find It a dream of delight. All tho ln- grcdlonte aro puro and wholesome Order somo for dinner this evonlng. Wo havo soveral other flavors also. ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW AT application would not ho abused. Wo havo built not without reason a wall of snerodnuss nbotit tho Ju dicial function. It is recognized ns the highest and most vital in nil gov ernment. Wo hnvo hedged tho Ins titution upon which tho very Inte- drlnk of whiskey nnd Inter found a half-pint bottle, which was glvou Ucnttle. empty but ho could not swear that Bcattlo drnnk It nil. Tho witness described tho "boarded high wayman" nnd recounted Ueattlo'u story of tho alleged encounter. Tho TWO STORES. grlty of civilization reposes from, only hid rendered by Heattle In the overy possible source of pressuro nnd attempt to Identify tho nssnssln was contamination. It has been built as the description ho furnished, n bulwark of freedom of pornon.il Under cross-oxumlnatlon, Owen bo nnil private rlghtH. We have habltu- came a bit confused ns to several In nlly looked to It ns a Hiilllclont re- ddents. With u vlow of showing If luge In overy storm: and It has not I Hcattlu pontcniplntod murder ho would not havo selected tho Midlo thian Turnpike, the witness was nsk ed to describe tho highway which he admitted was one popular with nil- tolHts. Owen claimed thnt ho and not llenttle suggested tho uso of blood hounds to trnll tho nssnssln nnd ho hnd no remombrnnco of Uenttlo say ing to get tho hounds nnd spare no expense NOTICE TO PISIIHItMH.V. Wo wnnt fresh snltnon nnd nre prepared to pay tho highest ennh prlco for them. For furthor pnrtl- ctilars soo C. G. HOCKETT, Emplro City, 01 GEO. F. 8MITH, Coos River. been found wanting either In n sense of Its high responsibility or lis time honored devotion to Its sacred func tion. Tho only thing to fear from u re call of Judge has been the unwise uso of n now power before tho peo ple hnd couio to properly estimate Its purpose. This failure of the attempt ed recall of Judge Coke proves titie'v thnt the people may bo trusted to properly discriminate. If the dis gruntled Individuals with a private grudge hod oven succeeded In brlng Ing tho matter to an election Judgo Coke's vindication would hnvo been oven greater. Tho people of Oregon, and they nro fairly representative of America, are not so volatile ns they nro soinotlmcs pictured. Exactly tho same argument was ndo against tho election of Judges for a dollnlta term that Is now innilo against their recall. In the old days Hi") wieiiw Iih ihui ubiuionmt In nil lie It was bolloved thnt a Judge, to be VZ u"Zr<NJkKmlXmWto incorruptible and sincere, must bo np- i!h,i;r.!lrlu:,,?;riin,Mr(li pointed, nnd for life. tri'ijtiiwiii. ll;ili.i;iiriiiiiiriutkM inur- ,, . ..,,... . . niilly. Killim.llncllyiitniii Hie I1I00.I ninl inn. If wo stop to think of It, election 0"H"iiiutifihiiiHi.iiiMiitwi'bpit'ir.i)iii for a spocinod term amounts to tho IM'XlS same In theory ns the recall, for It a&l?J?h tt.fe: Biinjecis mo juugo urst to popu nr V, "!V r.,.n .. ..,,. VI i I'iV ."" ""nfii Pjn. ... .... . , i'." 'Timi oii'i' Mint It (nut driiri'. Hviul (or Holectlon, nnd then keeps boforo Itlm! "' "H.'i.irB.niilii ""w constantly tho prospect of nn appeal h..miivii PmiKi".ST.vAt'0',T',Il'l0, to tho 110011I0 for Indorsement. I T.iko Hull.- -.inillr I'lll. ir nni.ifi.minn $100 Reward, $100 Tin" remit1 ri of till nnpor will lie plcax-il Irani tlml tlivro Unt irmit niioilroit.lf.1 1IU01 to to tho pooplo for Indorsement. Tho only illfToronro between the' recall and olectlon for a defliiUe! term Is thnt the former Is more llev Ible, ns has been demount rated In tho English parliamentary system. An English parliament can be re railed on nny Issue at any time. Thus In England there hnvo been two in tlonnl elections within the past two years, ami also In Canada, while at other times both parliaments hnvo been nllowed to run four or live onrs without nn appeal to tho people. It Ih unfortunate on many accounts thnt Arizona Ih not to be pornilttol to try out the recnll of Judges tho snmo ns Oregon Is now trying It. Per Imps If tho peoplo aro Insistent they mny yot hnvo their wny. President Tuft hns nhown In his voto tho sumo sort of conservatism thnt In the ad ministration of the criminal lnw he hns reprobatod. TEe Royal TONIGHT Hello! Hello! Housowlves of Marshfleld uso Marshfield Creamery Butter If your grocer doos not keep It call up rilONE 78-J. Froo dollvory S a.m. to 2 p.m. also STERILIZED CREAM & .MILK ICE, BUTTERMILK, OOXTAGE CHEESE New Fall Goods Are Now Arriving The new array of fall and winter goods now arriving daily. Our stock of Shoes for Women &&& Men and V11I1U& Cll n UNIQUE PANTATORIUM Wo aro oxport dyors and cloanoru. Hat work of all kinds. Our work will plcnso you. Suits mado to ordor. 2150 Control Ave. Phone 200X ROSS (8b PINEGOR ritopitiETons Offer variety in style, comfort in service and big val ues in the reason ableness of price. You will find here some unusual shoos for women. Those little unusual tou ches in the cons .fraction and finish of women's fool wear lhal invari ably please and aro eagerly sought for. AVe havo them and the prices aro as pleasing ns the shoes. cr5?5i!rB!5 VU uP'SK -j"- r - . ui m s r -mj -. -Z. f vT " ?' g' UorSete? School Shoes for Children You must soon begin lo think of fitting the kiddies out for school and we have just the ones you want in the famous Busier Brown line. Thov nw wear resistors, and stylishly made to please the lit lie men and womoii who wear tiiem as well as lather who furnishes the price. Bring tho boys and girls here for their school shoes, and save money for you. It will please them MERCHANT SON THE BIG STORE "No Thank You Sir!" She Said "DO XOT .U'IKJi: lt.SIIIV" A Very Pretty I.lttle Omnia Eclair. "kickshaw tiii: detective" A Ureat Detective Story Kollance. "THE MIIjIj OK THE CODS" Solax Mi V K I l A V'S IMIOfi It A M. "ot.'AMaiaii" A Vory Kino Indian Picture Powers. "WAITI.VC JOIN tho IIAXDO.V E.VCUKSIOV Bunday, ACCl'ST 117. l'OK THE EXPKESS." .MIDXIGIIT Western Cowboy Picture Italia. Have You Called TO SAY HOWD'Y DO TO THE NEW PROPRIETOR OF THE Sacchi Grocery? We aid glad to gieet you and give you personal as surance of our desire to serve you satisfactorily and well in the line of GROCERIES NASBURG'S GROCERY fliis particular ladv speakimr also for millions of other women laughed when someone sug gested that she abandon her ga$ range. "J never know a person who had become familiar with a gas range who wanted to cook with coal, wood or gasoline, and none ever did willingly," she added. Telephone 17S and wo will send a representative to explain the true economy and the true com fort of cooking with gas. Oregon Power Co. A ? t AAZ. .A r-J rfflX,,?fi WA. KOiqiEULY SACCHI'S WATCH! NOTICE! Homor Mauzey. one of the drivers nnd tho solicitor for us Is out for Laundry. Wntch him! he Is llablo to atop you on the street nnd etnlnin all detnlls of Laundry nud also to bo at your homo any time. Ho knows Laundry business from A to Z. Marshfield Hand and Steam Laundry lltlm ..n w riiu.. JZIV'J The cost of repairing tho wlrlug In our building In Marshfield was nlno dollars. The owner at onco got a re duction of Kifty Dollars per yenr in tho Insurance. Think It over. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHOXE 237-J Don't Kick Yourself For forgetting your winter's supply of wood, Order now and be happy later, Dry Timber Ends While they last, we have on hand a fine lot of DRY blocks for fire place and stove wood, ORDER NOW C A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Roadway Yards Phone 190-J COOS HAY TO DHAIN Quickest time posslblo HoUlen Auto Lino. via Allegany. Through furo $8.23. Stage, steamer and auto via Gardi ner. Through In one dav t7.Kn. Drain, Coos Day stage line. Through n two days $6.50. 60 Bounds of baggago froo. Norton & Hanson, ngts. MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEL THE LLOYl i Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 76o and 11.00; week $2.00 to $5.00. House-, keeping apartments with gas ranges $10.00 to $18.00 per month. FREE) BATHS K. W. SULLIVAN, Prop, ' Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO 4N JOSSON OUMENT. Plaster I iil T, ?omeet,c an! Imported brands, natter. Llmg, Brick and all kinds of buildera material HUGH McLAIN om. SSS5AL CONTRACTOR ZlZi wwauWAI. PHONB 801 &l