j uiCads carrying Voiir Htorcncws, should npjienr as reculnrly ns does this newspaper. If .newspaper omitted mi Issue now and then even for so wclgnty n ron wn as toirluK ! "''B1'1 ,n t wouni not bo ft Bod newspaper. SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's advertising epoco In m newspaper, compared with tho spnoo used by o'lier stores, should tlcllaa It- comparative lmiortatico in the community! Does your store's a vertl.sliig space do that? Mmt MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PKESS Established In 1878 as Tho Const Mull VOL. XXXV MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1 911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolldntloti of Times. Coast Mnll and Coos liny Advertiser. No. 35 MORAL COURAGE MAY BE BORN OE A FATUOUS SENSE OE BEING IMMUNE (Ham Vm CONTRACTS ON EUBENE Li WILL BE General Manager Millis Re turns From Southern Trip With Good News. ENGINEER HOOD TO VISIT BAY SOON Contractors to Determine Whether Work Begins on Both Ends of Project. That tho contracts for the cons truction of tho Coos Dny-Eimno lino will ho let In tho course of the next few weeks, tho work probably begin miles east of hero at 8:30 last night, enrly lltlu fall and bo cnrrJbd on The ilentl: through tho wlntor nnd the lino bo ( MRS. E. A .STEVENSON of Knn onpietcd at aa onrly n dato as poa- ns on route to Join lior husband and slble was tho Htutomont of (leuural son who had precudud her on u Mnnagor C. J. Mlllls of tho local visit to Coilllo and who were stny- Southern Pnclllc interests who ar rived hero last night from San Fran cisco. Mr Mlllls has been absent from the Hay for live months, looking aft-' qulllo. Dadly bruised and porhnpH er Koino special work hi Nevada and Injured Internally. California for vice-President Calvin. DKIVEK PIERCE of Alloy & Ho expressed himself us very ghrli Pierce Auto Line company, who was tc get bioK hero mid this inornl'ie driving tho machine. Injured Inter lie was welcomed by many who ox-'nully. pnwed their appreciation or tho of- W. It. COURTRIGIIT, wlfo and furls he has constantly put forth to, two children, badly bruised and expedite tho building of the Southern scratched. Pnclllc lino to Coos Day. Mr. Mlllls i Machine Turns Turtle. modestly disclaims any particular) Tho cur which was being driven by credit for this, saying that ho has al- wnys felt confident that tho Southern from Rosoburg. Tho road at tho Pnclllc would build hero at an enrly scene of tho accident Is rather nnr d:te. llownver, many ou Coos Dav.row, n ditch eight or ton feet deep feel that tho coining of tho Southern running alongside of It. In tho dark Pncllle was hastened considerably , nous, Plerco evidently drove too close through the recommendations nnd to the ditch nnd tho dirt crumbled efforts of Mr. Mlllls. Mr. Mlllls U beneath his wheol and the inachlna looking well. He Intended to bo Uncle tipped over. It didn't fall moro than hero when tho announcomont of tho six feet but it turned completely construction of tho Coos Ilay-Eugono over, pinioning Mrs. Stovouson, Miss line was made but luminous mnttors Jones nnd Driver Plerco bonenth It. at ether points made It Impossible Mrs. Stovouson was almost Instnnt fir 1)1 m to be hero. , ly killed. Engineer Hood Coming. i Mr. Courtwrlght, who was not so Calif Engineer Hood of tho South- badly hurt Iinmodlntoly bognn to ex- ern Pacinc at San Francisco loft trlcnte the Injured from honeath tho I...... .i.i ,.,.i. .... a.,11 i !. (ltv ...nnliliiK nml unrromleil 111 UOttIn to look after some special contracts nnd from Salt Enko City ho will go to Eugene to go over tho routo of the lino to Coos Day. He Is expected to visit Coos Day within tho next week or ten days, Right of wny men linvo been In tho Hold for somo time nnd unless thoro is somo unexpected delnys. It Is expected that Mr. Hood will bo ready to nsk for bids for tho construction of tho lino enrly In Sep- temlier. Vice-President O'Drlen of Port- land nnd Trnfllc Manager Miller are! also expected hero within n short time but tho dato of their coming has not l.non ,inmniv nnnnunced. Work On Doth Ends. , telephone message rom M Uo The question or whether tho conjoint about 11 o clock sub struction will begin simultaneously moiling tho husband and son of on the Eugene and Coos Day ends of tho dead woman to tha nlnce .To i the rnd will be up to the contrac Walker nnd his nutomoblle were l.ur tors to determine. However as they rledly secured and ook tho "orrow can get material In hero cheaply nnd . nB relatives on their sad J"' .. . .... At. Olnvnnsnn nnil his SOU Had men- contrncts will requlro them to ;k. ,,,.. u ,. ,,,y ,, ,,. ,n , ouiri woi-k on both onus nt onco. . - " ' J .. Another matter that would indl-'tho nwf.il accident came ns d fen -cate that work Is likely to be prose- f1 shock and surprise to then. The cited from both onds at onco Is tho likelihood of different contractors to do the work by sections. There is approximately 110 miles of road to b " ; ., cutruct. As the Southern Paclflc Is has cast a gloom over the conuniin . anxious to have it completed quickly. There was n report In Genuine there are fow If nny contractors able that lt was thought the . aeddont was to handle It all. Consequently, sev- caused by the driver of the ir Uw eral contractors aro likely to do the lnB Into a half b umber o. It was Wori5 said he had been driving his enr for It 'is also expected that they will hour, without sleep. He .left Co he able to prosecute tho work during Q"Ie night before Inst for nosebng 'he winter months. While they may not bo able to do grading, thoy can do the tunnel work In tho wlntor, al so clear right of way, etc. View of Franchise. Mr. Mini- ,on,i -,r,.t that the Mar.un.ld city council had not at (Continued on pago 4.) ONE WHO THINKS THE SAME THING CAN HAPPEN LET NEXT 1 ONE KILLED AT .MILS. STEVENSON OK KANSAS VICTIM OK Al'TO ACCIDENT TWO OTHERS HADIiV I.V.IL'IIED LAST XI (5 1 IT. MYKTUC POINT, On.'., Auk. 24 Ouo killed outright, two surlously hurt utiil four others slightly Injured Is the record of nu auto ticeldouc four lug at tho homo of Capt. wllliml. Tho Injured: MISS .IONICS, slutcr of Mr. .Tones of tho linn of Lyons & Jones nt Co- Plerco was bringing In passengers, M them out. Help was summoned nndBhlp Doston for the bonoflt of out of tho Injured brought horo. ! town visitors on Saturday, August 20, Mr. Courtrlght and family nro,betweon UiQ ,0urH )f 10 ft , nd 2 from tho enst nnd wore en routoto' m A a, 08(;ort ,ms boon (lo. Coos county with a vlow of locating. I to B,OW v,Bltor8 ovor tho ship Miss Jones was just returning n pleasure trip Mr. Stevenson nnd son had como on ahead of Mrs. Stovonson wnlklng In from Roseburg. Tho dend woman Is nbout forty years old. SHOCK TO COQUILLE. - " Sm th. who returned today from a business trip to Coqulllo was i t t ..l..lii uilinn Inn firar flAWM i "",l "' """ , " . f tho tragedy reached that city in '",,.' , , .,, ,,,. ,nom -- - -- Stevensons aro ro.ateu ww i lard and havo iot,,er(r,;,a,tht08Jveri valley where thoy visited two , , - ....i .... wnll.tMinn'n. Tlio news and unci neon goom cu) out any opportunity to ros(. The place where the accident oc curred is not particularly dangerous nnd ns the enr was known to be In good condition Wiu umr .. in VlrJZ red was uj- mu uo. "-...(, -., exhausted from lack of sleep Fire This Morning Destroys Plant and Causes Loss of About $15,000 to L. J. Simpson and Jas. A. Allen. Flro thought to have originated from sparks or In tho boiler room nt about 10 o'clock this morning des troyed the North Iiend shingle mill with a loss of nbout $15,000. The loss falls on ,1ns. A. Allen nnd L. J. Simpson and no Insurance was car ried on tho property. In addition to tho destruction of the mill, nbout COO, 000 shingles which were piled alongside the mill were destroyed, adding considerably to tho loss. Tho llro gained headway very rapidly, tho waste around the plant IET DEATH Six Killed Outright and Four Terribly Injured In Disaster In Shaft Near Ely, Nevada, Today. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Tlnios. i ELY, Nov., Aug. 24. Of tho ton men working at tho 1, 400-foot lovol In a now compartment shaft of tho Clroux Consolidated mines when It caught llro last night from nn un- known cause, six aro dead nnd four Special Reception For Out of , Town People on Warship That Day. Thoro will bo n speclnl reception aboard tho United States training , 0X,lIaln jt8 various Interesting features. Everyone will bo cordially welcome and it Is especially urged that as ' many as posslblo avail thomsolves or tho opportunity to seo ono of Uncte Sam's fighting ships, tho first ono of largo size to ever visit Coos Day. ( largO B1ZU IU UVUI wdii. uuua .-. , Deception n Success. Tho reception and ball given by 'tho offlcora and men aboard the Dos RoCoa3 ton Inst night was a great success. Thoro was a largo nttondarice nnd a speclnl orchestra furnlshod music for n.n iinnnl.n- nn ilnrlc Freedom of VISIT BOSTON ON SATURDAY the ship was allowed tho visitors and'.nitho 8UrV0.y fi the Coos Bay and many Inspocted It closoly, Friday ovonlng, tho officers will en tertain their frlonds nt a dance inboard the Doston, ; WE usuea ..d, Invltntlona forUt Report Steamer C. C. Martin With Crew of Ten Sunk In Georgian Bay. (Bv Associated Press to coos nay Associated Press Times. DETROIT, Mich., Aug. 24. A special to the Journal from Midland, Ont., says tho steamer C C. Martin with a crew of ten was probably lost Jn a storm on Georgian Bay Monday nicht. mnriT I llr liKtAI Lffit VESSEL LOST N MILL being very combustible. Strenuous efforts wero made to stay tho flames but without nvnll. Soon the fight against tho Are sim mered down to tho prevention of tho posslblo spreading of it to other plants nlong tho waterfront. This was successful. It is barely possible that the boil ers and some of the other machinery may no't bo a total loss. Tho mill was being operated by Mr. Allen, ho having resumed Its operation a fow months ngo when or ders canio In that would havo kept It busy for ninny months yet. It Is likely that the mill will bo re built. Asldo from tho general regrot ex pressed over tho crippling of an In dustry on tho Day, much regret 1b op pressed over tho loss to Messrs Al len and Simpson personalty. II BURNING HIE llo at the point of death, after pass ing through the flames to reach tho surface. While at work they heard a noise which they thought had been caused by an explosion. Thoy look ed upward nnd saw tho shaft In flames. They hoarded the cngo and started for the mouth of tho cage, stopping at tho 1,200-foot lovol where llvo left tho cago and tried to escape by the old Alpha shaft. Theso llvo wero later found dead. Tho oth ers gale tho signal to bo drawn up nnd when thoy got to tho surface, one was dead and the four others torrlbly burned. X Chief Engineer Aston of Coos Bay and Eastern Arrives Here Today. Tnggurt Aston, chief onglueor of tho Coos Day & Eastern Electrical Railway company arrived hero today from San Frunclsco. Ho wns ucconi- panlod by some engineers and an- nounced this afternoon that ho would Btart m noxt Monday with threo sur- 1U"'B i""" "'" "' '"" "' the routo from Mnrshfleld to Rose' har Mr. Aston has made prolln.l- "' ""- " u"l ' lu lifnannr nna iitlll ln tlm InnnMitn an '""" u " " " ""- vo ..., "' "' v-wllu'" "?ii Benernl manager of tho company, 1.1 uxpecieu uero snoriiy to join .Messrs. ' Novors and Aston. Mr. Cnttoll Is ono of tho best known railroad men nnd consulting engineers on the const. Mr. Aston announced today that contrary to goneral reports, ho did not proposo to infringe lu any wn llolse made by F. A. Haines hereto fore. Ho said that ho was confident that another routo Just ns good ns Mrs. Haines' could bo secured nnd that It was not his intontion or the lntontlon of Ills company to Interforo in nny wny with that project. Additional membors of his survey ing party will arrlvo via Handon on tho FIflold and others will como on the next Redondo. CIIAMMER OF COMMERCE NOTICE There will bo n meeting of tho tub scrlbors to tho Mnrshfleld Chamber of Commerco at 4 o'clock Friday uft ornoon, Aug. 25, Wo urge a go.il attondnnce as mattors or importauro are to be taken up. J. T. McCORMAC. 'President. NOTICE. Tho Imported Belgian stallion chnmpano Do Stnvo, wolght about 1900 pounds, ngo six years, will be sold to highest bidder noxt Friday, August 25, 1911, at 10 o'clock a. m at Hefsnor's barn. SURVEY 1 w LONG DISTANCE FLIGHT BEGOBD HOLD SILVEB ST W. C. T. U. Arrange Fine Pro gram at Baptist Church This Evening. Miss Ilohblns, one of tho national organizers for tho W. C. T. U. has reached Marshlleld and will be pres ented to the people at the Baptist church tonight, when the Mntron Sli ver Medal Contest will be held. Tho program for tho evening Is as follows: Song. "America"; scripture texts, class; Introduction national organizer, by president Mnrshfleld W. C T. U. Response, Miss Rob bins; White Ribbon Rally bow?. Contest: No. 1 "Ono Standard for Until Soxob," Mrs. (1. EoRoy Hall; No. 2 "Tho Stray Sunbeam." Mrs. W. E. Siultli; No. 3 "Tho Story of Putsy," Mrs. Ell6n Kelly; No. 4 "Christendom's Sacrifice," Mrs. He len Downs; No. (i "lion Hnzurd'j Ouosts," Mrs. Hownrd Savage; duet. "Uenutlful Flag of Liberty," Mrs. 12. Smith nnd Miss Alpha Mnuzey; decision of Judges: Prof. J. F. Grubbs, Messrs J. Q. Mullen and .1. A. Ward, nil from North 'llond. Pre sentation of medal, Miss Robblns. nnnoiincontents for Friday, social half hour to welcome Miss Robblns. Tho medal camo yestordny from Portland nnd lias been on exhibition nt Wulkcr's studio; It represents tho world, bound nbout with tho "White Ribbon" with tho word Mntron above nnd surrounded by n lnurol wreath, attached to bar upon which Is In scribed W. C. T. U. (Coos County). Tomorrow, Friday morning tho W. C. T. IJ. Convention will conveno nt tho Rnptlst church; tho morning will ho tnkon up with organization, devo tional exercises, reports of county of ficers, otc, with lunch served at noon for tho delegates. Tho after noon sosslon will consist of reports of county superintendents, local unions mid plans for work of the coming yenr. Miss Robblns will nlso address the convention. In tho ovonlng, Miss Robblns will glvo her famous lecture of Manilla. This will bo Illustrated In many at tractive and Instructive wnys: n girl dressod In native costumo, mndol of natlvo house nnd ninny curios used to lllustrnto tho nntlvo llfo of tho lB,nnd8. u x Such nn opportunity ns rnroly presented nnd tho hopo is for n crowded houso to henr this talented lady, who, on account of hor hospltnl servlco In tho United States Army, has so much of Inter est to relnto. Thoy nro trying to plan for n union mass meeting to bo hold nt tho Tnb ornnclo on Sunday night, If this can bo arranged, Miss Robblns will glvo ono of her fnmous temperonco lec tures. No admission Is to bo charged to nny of those meetings nil who wish can glvo to holp dofrny tho exponses, but tho prlmo motivo Is to lot all know whnt tho V. C. T. U. stands for In tho world today. TAI-T PUAVS CIrtliF. President nt I.nst OYts Summer Vaca tion nt Beverly. cBy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) BOSTON. Mass.. Aug. 21 PrwI dont Tart arrived bore this innrulnif. Ho went nt once by nuto to Iloverly. Ho plannod to spend a good part or the day on the goU links. BIG DOINGS at BAXDOX Sun- day, AUGUST 27. Take advantage or CHEAP EXCURSION rnto. Tlck - ots for salo nt the Busy Comer. Read the Times' Want Ads. TO HIM GETS ID S1 Accident to Machine Will Delay Arrival In New York Until Tomorrow. HAD TRAVELED 1,177' MILES AT NOON TODAY Previous Long Distance Record Held by Europeans Goes to American. (By Associated Press to Cooa Day Times.) RHINE CUKE. N. Y., Aug. 24. Dy passing over here nt S:40 this morning. Atwood exceeded by 13 ,nCH til0 provIous long dlstunco roc- ord or 1,104 miles hold by Hurope ans uvlutors. Atwood'u dlstnnco when he passed hero was 1,177 miles. NYACIC, N. Y., Aug. 24. Harry Atwood sulTored n slight accident to his neroplnno shortly before 11 o'clock this morning when within 2G miles or his record-breaking flight to Now York. Ho landed to mnko ro pulrs. Ho said It was doubtful ir ho could contlnuo to Now York until to morrow. CASTLEWOOD, N. Y., Aug. 24. Ilnrrv Atwood left hero nt 7:3Cjthi8 innriilnir on what is cxncctcd t(W b tho final dash or KM iuIIoh to No York, nnd thus to comploto bororo nlghtrall his record-breaking flight or 1,2GB miles from St. Eoula to Now York. Steamship Sails This Afjternoon For San Francisco With Large List. With n capacity list or passengers, tho Redondo Hailed today lor San Francisco. Hor outgoing cargo con sisted principally jor lumbor ifrom the Smith mill. Sho Is scheduled to sail Monday from San FranclBco for Coos Bay and will sail from horo for San Francisco again a weok from tomorrow. Among those sailing on tho Ro dondo wore tho following: F. M. Frledburg, Mrs. F. M. Frlod burg, C. E. Frlodburg, Mrs. E. Wol lach, Miss E. n. McQraw, MIbs 0. Guorln,' F. II. Elliott, Frank Dillon, Frank II. Gould, Perry Lannlng. Fritz Relmon, R. II. Edwards, A. P. Egor, Mrs. S. R. Norrls, Mrs. Ernest Wll letts, Mrs. E. A. Ericson, Mrs. J. D. Howes, Mrs. E. C. Travis, Mrs. S. B. Judd, Mrs. Emily Stovons, Mrs. FranJc Dillon, Miss Ireno Prouss, O. M. Davis, Capt. Geo. II. Vamoy, O. O, Norrls, O. M. Fowler, Honry Bennett, S. B. Molllnod, E. A. Dlbblo, T. Po pes, Tom Roges, Jack Boldo, G. W. Pelrco, E. Hicks, John Stoln, E. Mlk uls, Stanley Gudlkins. TEX ("EX'I'S a DAY Tor threo years without Intorobt WIUli buy an ACRE FRONTING on tho OCEAV and TIMIH'JBED. You'll novor havo a chanco like this agnin. TODD, Chandler Hotel. MARSHFIELD. TICKETS for IIAXDOX oxcurslon on sale nt BUSY CORNER, GET YOl'lIS now. ' Aftor the sbow try a Turkish Bath Pnone 2U-J. Tnko In tho CAHXIVAL nt Bandon SUXDAV, AUGUST 27. COLD EEET LEAVE TOUAY ON 0E00NDD