THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEQNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1911 EVENING EDITION. THETURKISH BATH PARLORS HAVE MOVED From tholr old qunrtors, in tlio Coos building, ono block north to n now homo at 392 Broadway which has been especially fitted up for thorn and whoro they aro hotter proparod than over be fore to rendor oxcellont sorvlco to the public. TURKISH, RUS SIAN, STEAM, ELECTRIC and SHOWER IIATI1H, In fact any bath that can bo given anywhoro may bo secured hero. You arc cordially Invited to call at our now quarters. Both Lady and Gentleman Attendants PHONE ana broadway Reliable Preparations Nearly overybody has need of somo remedy sometimes. If a physlclnn Is not employed lt'3 often a question of what to take for certain disorders. When our advlco Is asked, as It ofton Is, wo recommend our own remedies, becnuso wo know exactly whnt they contain and Just what they will do. They aro all prepared from tlio freshest and purest drugs obtainable and the compounding Is done by experienced phurmaclHtB In our own laboratory. . Evory preparation compiles with tho I'tiro Food and Drug Law. Monoy refunded on nny remedy bearing our labol which does not prove satisfactory. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded. THE HL'SV CORNER PHONE 208 No Scorching With Electric Flat Irons Electric flatTirons maintairi' even temperatures. No changing from cold irons to hot ones and the resultant danger of scorching. Any woman who has used an Eectric Flat Iron knows the difference. Electric Flat Irons now Ironing Done In Half the Time With Half the Labor. Telephone J 78 Oregon Power Company "WANTED TO KENT Small furnish ed or unfurnished houso closo In. Address PostolHco 285, Marahftold. WANTED Two experienced boiler firemen. Apply Beaver Hill Co.. Beaver Hill, Ore. WANTED Girl for office work. Must have fair education and reference. Address "Office" caro Times. WANTED-cnrrlcr boy to deliver Tho Times. Must at least be In fourth grade at school. Call at Times' ofnee. WANTED WAITRESS ForVork In restaurant. Apply "B" Times'. FOR SALE Flvo Berkshire Brood bows. Address "S" caro of Times, WANTED Orders to ninke willow Plumes. Reasonable prices Phone80 IiOST Small link gold watch clinin August 14. Finder please return limes' office. Reward. WANTED Girl or young man living at home, for office work. Experi 211-J. MARHIiriELD $3.00. ence unnecessary. Address In own hand writing "Competent" caro of Times. WANTED Room with heat, la mod ern homo, by single muu. Address Homo care Times. WANT To buy good HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT Box 71 Gar diner, Oregon. WANTED O experienced coal min ors Beaver Hill Compauy. AUTO LINE Cars at any time. Phono 231 R, after midnight 181X FOR SALE My farm OOO acres In one lot or will cut up In parcels to suit. C. W. Sanford, Marshflold. COOS BAV TO DRAIN Quickest time possible Hoiden Auto Line, via Allegany. Through faro 98.23. Stage, steamer and auto via Gardi ner. Through In one day $7.50. Drain, Coos Bay stage lino. Through n two days $6.50. 50 pounds of baggage free. Norton & Hnnsen, ngts. MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEL THE LLOYD Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 75o and $1.00; week $2.00 to $5.00. House keeping apartments with gas ranges $10.00 to $18,00 per month. FREE! BATHS K, W. SULLIVAN, Prop. i ! f tidm ifftMllb 1 ) -J -" " .-- I l. I . MSWfi! TLjSEMi!r THE WEATHER. (Dy Associated Press.) OREGON, Aug. 1C Fair to- night and Thursday. Warmer In Interior and west portion. LOCAL TEMPERATURE KB- PORT. For twenty-four hours ending 4 at 4:00 p. m., Aug. 15, by Mrs. 12. Mlngus, special government meteorological observer: Maximum 73 Minimum 43 At 4:00 p. m 03 Precipitation none Wind, Northwest; clear. Will Picnic. Tho annual picnic ot tho Kenwlll Telcphono company members will be held September 1 on Kentuck Inlet. Plans for It aro now being made, a big time Is anticipated. Will .Move. Word liaB been re ceived here that Jay Mahoney, who has been practising law In Portland , will shortly move to Yaqulna Day to locate. Gov. West Coming. Word was re ceived here today that Gov. Oswald West will reach Marshllold by auto this evening. Ho was delayed by oill clnl duties at Salom and could not leave for Coos Buy as soou as ho had planned. Meet Tonight Chief Trnvcr of tho Marshflold Flro Department, oxpects to complete tho team to outer tho Bnndon Cnrnlval hoso rncos at a meeting horo tonight. North Bend Is also planning to enter a team In tho Bnndon races. No OH .Yet. Honry Songstackon last ovenlng received a messago from the Bank of Bnndon at Bundon stat ing that tho roports of a big oil strike there woro erroneous. Tho drlllors liavo found strong Indications of oil and nro Jubilant over tho prospects, though. . Grimes Roosting. In a letter to tho Marshflold Chambor of Com moco, Win. Grimes who with his wife hns been spondlng tho summer In Ohio, snys they will bo back on Do not allow your kldnoy nnd blad dor troublo to devolop beyond tho reach of niedlclno. Tako Foloy Kld noy Pills. Thoy give quick results and stop Irregularities with eurprls Ing promptness. For sale by Rod Cross Drug Store. Men's Khaki Pants and Coats We nro going to closo out our Hno of thoso goods for this season nnd men will find It nn oxcellont oppor tunity to got a suit for hunting or outing at a vory small price. Look at thoso prices: $1.75 KHAKI PANTS, to closo out, will sell for $1.10 $2.00 KHAKI COATS, to 'close out, only $1.00 $1.25 BOYS' KHAKI PANTS, to closo out, only $1.05 Como quickly to got these. The Bazar nOUSE OF QUALITY PHONE 32 Watermelons Delicious and ripe Just the kind of weather, . these sultry, warm days when a cool, ripe melon is especially good Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones 85 and 305 tho Bay about September 1. He Is very enthusiastic over the outlook for Coos Hay und says that he plans to advise a number of eastern friends of his to come here nnd suggests that It would be well for tho Chnm bi'r of Commerce to resume Its ex tensive advertising campaign. Trip In Open Boat. Bert Roberts and Mr. Hudglngs of Gnrdtuer, and Mrs. Emll Nelson and baby arrived In Coos Bay yesterday afternoon aft er n rather uuustinl trip, having eonio from Gardiner In an opun launch only twenty-six feet long. The line weath er and perfectly smooth bnrs ennbled thoin to do It. They loft Gardiner at 1 1 o'clock yesterday morning and reached tho Swanlo Peterson homo on Unities Inlet at 3:30. At 11 o'clock today, Messrs. Roberts and Hodglns started on the return trip. No Council. Owing to lack of n quorum, the Mnrshflcld city council meeting last night was adjourned un til next Tuesday. Only Counclltneu Copplo, Coke nnd Savage were pres ent. Mr. Jackson, who Is looking after the Nolan application for a water franchise, was present nnd asked that tho council try and expe dite matters uh much as possible En gineer Rlchurdson hns not arrived horo yet to make tho Investigation as to the possibility of municipal own ership. President Coke of tho coun cil Informed Mr. Jackson that In enso of anything particular coming up, Mayor Straw could call a special meeting of the council ut an earlier date to handle It. NORTH BEND NEWS. Tho mombers of the Methodist Episcopal church und tho Sunday school nro enjoying n picnic In Simp- son Park today. Mrs. Alglo HniiBvii nnd Mrs. Geor gia Sanford of North Inlet nro North Bend visitors today. Miss Annto Peterson returns to Portland today after a pleasant visit with relatives and friends here nnd at North Inlet. Mrs. Wilkes Cavannugh, Misses Ethel and Herman Cavannugh of Eustslde are guests at tho Charles Cavannugh home. Mrs. J. M. Russell, Mlssos Virgi nia and Dorothy Russell, who hnvo been spending tho past six weeks vis iting Coos county friends, leave to morrow for their homo In Portland. IIJ,USTR.VrEDl7lBLF, LAND EN TERTAINMENT. Evnngollst Georgo E. WIlllaniB of Portland, Oregon, will glvo an on tortalnmont nt tho Christian church In this city, on next Wednesday ovo nlng at 8 o'clock, consisting of a lecturo on Blblo lands and scones, Il lustrated by 120 beautiful plcturo slides. Miss Ellon Flook, tho sweet singer of Portland, already known to many of our pooplo, will sign n con plo of solos. Admission, adults 15 conts, children undor 10 yonrs ot ago 10 cents. This Is n bonoflt for tho above named church. HEAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS THAT WILL BEAR INVES TIGATION. 2 Lots, 2nd near Golden. ,. .$2,000 3 LotB corner of 4th near In gorsot , $1,700 2 Lota lBt near Depot $1,100 2 Lots on Broadway $2,000 6-room Houso, 2 corner lots on paved streot $3,000 7-room House, 2 lots paved st. $1,000 C-room Houso G lots, 10th Bt $2,500 2 Lots 4th near Ingorsoll. .. .$1,100 2 Lots nenr Hall Avo on 2nd $1,100 2 Lots corner 2nd and Ingor- boII $1,700 2 Lots, 2nd near Ingorsoll. . . .$1,200 2 LotB 10th near Kruso $550 C-room House, corner, good rosldonco district $1,150 C-room houso on cornor 10th st $1,15 G-room Houso on cornor 10th streot $1,150 Call and look over my list of city and country Investments. GEO. A. RAINES, 180 Broadway So. : Personal Notes FRANK ROOD of Coos River Is n Mnrshileld business visitor. A. II. POWERS Is reported 111 at his home In South Marshflold. MISS CORA BELLON1 ot Coqulllo Is tho guest of Murshlleld friends. C. A. HOWARD today moved from Fourth street to West Eleventh street. AL HITES, Jr., of Coqulllo was in Marshflold yesterday to visit friends. MRS. ELIZABETH ADAMS returned last night from a fow weeks visit In Portland. CHAS HICKOX and wife are expected homo tomorrow from nn outing trip to Curry county. MRS. EUGENE O'CONNELL nnd lit tle Miss Rosemary Richardson left on the Breakwater today for Port land. GILBERT GILBERTSON ot Glendalo, Oregon, urrlved ou tho Bay ltiBt evening to look nftor property In terests. MRS. A. R. McCOMB nrrlvod homo InBt night from u threu mouths trip to Oregon mid Washington points. D. J. REES und family and Hugh Sneddon and family have returned from a fow weoka outing nt Bus tendorf's bench. ROBERT SWANTON Is expected . homo In n day or two from his an- nuul hunt near Doru. At last re ports, ho hud secured two lino bucks. M'SS BEATRICE ROBERTS Is tnk- Ing n short vacation from her du ties nt Stafford's nnd will spend It with tho Robert Sartor family at the beach. FRANCIS H. CLARICE, presldont ot the Coos Bay and Boise line, will leave soou for Philadelphia on matters connected with that prop osition. REV. FATHER MORAN, C. Konrnoy, R. M. C. Whlttnkor nnd Win. L. Graham woro tho outgoing pnsson gors ou tho Allegnny-Draln auto lino this morning. MRS. WICKHAM, Mrs. John Bon- ham, Eugouo Wlckham and Tracy Loach woro among tho Coqulllo pooplo who enmo ovor yesterday to Bee tho Boston. HARRY G. BUTLER, formorly ot Marshflold but now assisting la en gineering on P. A. Dovors Irriga tion project at Pasco, arrived horo today for a short visit. E. W. WRIGHT of Portland, who Ib oxtonslvoly Interested In Coos Bay real estate, writes frlonds that ho and his family will roach horo about August 20 to make nn ex tended stay. CHAS MYERS, an attornoy of Lnw ton, Okln., Is expected horo In a fow days to visit his old frlouds, Chas. B. Solby and C. R. Pock. Tho three will also go out to got a fow deer while ho Is hero. MR. and MRS. LOUIS L. GORR loft this morning for Klamath Falls via RosQburg. Aftor a fow wooks' recreation on tho lakes, thoy will roturn by wny of San Francisco and Contrnl California points. MRS. RILEY of Bakor City, Qrand Use The Flour Make sure of a uniform bread each loaf like every other. Use only Pacific coast flour gov erned in milling by daily, complete laboratory tests, insuring absolute Uniformity. Sperry Drifted LIGHT - WHITE - Worthy Matron of the Oregon Eastern Star, arrived here via Al legany Inst night on her nnnual visit to the Coos county chnptors. While here, she will bo tho guest of Mrs. E. S. Bargelt. L. R. TRAVER ot Senttlo arrived hero today for a short visit with his brother, L. W. Travor, and other friends and relatives. Ho I Interested In educational work and will visit the Coos county Insti tute. H. II. HOLMES and W. L. Hombree, two prominent rcsldonts of Mc Mlunvlllo, Oregon, arrived horo to day to look ovor this section nnd to Join Gov. West nnd the party of state officials on their Curry coun ty outing. MISS NORA TOWER returned today from a pleasant vacation visit In Portland. She wns accompanied on her roturn by her cousin, Edgar Swnrtz of Fresno, Cnl., who will visit for a tlmo nt the II. S. Towor homo.'' MRS. JOSEPH FOX, who nrrlvod hero n few days ago from Cnndlo, Alaska, where her hiiBband and ions nro engaged In mining, Is vis iting nt tho home of hor daughter, .Mrs. Emll Ogrcn In Coqulllo now. SENATOR E. D. BROWNLEE, who hns been visiting nt the homo ot his brothor-ln-luw, A. T. Haines, left today for Kingfisher, Okln. 'Mrs. Brownleo nnd tho children remain hero for n longer visit. Their llttlo daughter, Mary Wilde, full last ovenlng nnd siiBtnlncd n sovore brulso on her head. II. A. WELLS nnd wife, Frank Don ning nnd wlfo nnd Walter Law horno nnd wlfo nro expected In to morrow from their outing trip to Curry county. Thoy reachod tho Sacchl ranch down tho coast last ovenlng and Intended to mnko ft short stay thoro. DR. CALVIN WHITE of tho Oregon Statu Board of Health and Stnto Superintendent L. R. Aldormnn ar rived hero todny on tho Break water. Mr. Alderman will nppoar boforo tho local lustltuto nnd aft erwards ho, Dr. Whlto, Gov. West nnd some other stnto officials will onjoy an outing In Curry county. ATTORNEY FRiaa of Hutcheson, Kns., Is horo on matters conncctod with tho settlement of tho J. N. Shnhau estate. Bcsldo tho estate matters, ho Is looking up tho suit ngnlnst tho Shahan estate and J, Virgil Pugh for about $3,000, Mr. Shahan having boon ono of tho so curltlcs on a note by Mr. Pugh who hns slnco gono through bankruptcy. An Appreciation To my patrons and tho peoplo of Marshflold generally: I wish to anuounco that I havo dis posed of my grocery business and property to Horbort Lockhart, und next Saturday night will turn over tho koys and chargo ot tho business to Hurry Nasburg. This will mark my rotlromont from business in Marshflold for tho time being nt least. In connection with this announco mout, I wish to express my thanks nnd appreciation of tho business and social courtesies and favors that havo boon oxtonded mo by the pooplo ot Coos Bay. In my olghtoon years of business oxporlonco horo, I have tried to morlt tho confidence and trust ot tho peoplo nnd I bollevo I havo onjoy ed It In n large measure. Thanking you ono and nil ngaln, I am, respectfully yours, F. A. SACOHI. That Can't Vary Snow Flour ALWAYS RIGHT '