THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 6 f NEW SERIES IK iSILE m Vernon Now Heads Percen tage Column Other League Leaders. STANDING OV TDK (M.UIW. i Won Lost P.C. Vornon 7fi 00 .BR5 Portlnncl ..... .GO Oakland 72 Snn Francisco . . .09 Sacramento 03 Los Angeles . . . .55 iiilllilii BOATS ABE DEFEATED 58 07 07 70 72 .513 North Bend Commercial Club Takes Sailors Down the Line Saturday. l)y n store of 17 to 10, tho N'orth Bend Commercial Club tcnni defent cd tho Cooh Huy Motor Bout team at tho North Horn! grounds Saturday ME PAYROLLS FOR COOS BAY C. A. Smith Writes Views on Means of Developing This Section. That Coos Day should make n de termined effort to pet additional manufacturing Institutions to open plants on tho Haylsthcadvlsc of C. A. WILL ESTER BUN RACE afternoon. There was n big turnout Smith, haul of the C. A. Smith Luni- .518 I for tho giiuio and If tho "scouts" of her Company. .507 .171 .lll.'l $ coos hay li:a(m;i:. (lamesWonLorftl'.C. Marshlleld . ..." 0 4 2 .000 Sumner 0 3 3 .500 North Ilend . . 0 3 3 .500 Unstable 0 2 1 .333 Willi Vernon lending, tho Co;iht League, 11 now Hcrles of panics open in tho organization today. Through tnkliiK the erroneous figures In the Sunday Orcgonlnn's purconliiRo col umn, Tho Times iniulo an error In tho standing of tho clubs yesterday. Instead of losing 0!) Karnes, Vornon lost CO games. Tho corrected per centage Is given nbovo. In tho National l.enguo, Chicago leads Sunday with a percentage of (122 while I'lttsburg Is second with .(114. In the American League, Phil adelphia leads with a percentage of .051 with Detroit second with .012 In the American Association, Kansas City leads with 11 percentage of .503 with Minneapolis second with n per rentngo of .518. In tho Western Leaguo, Denver leads with 001 while Lincoln Is second with .001. In the Northwestern Leaguo Vancouver leads with .005 while Tacomn Is sec ond with 581. The new series hi the Coast Leaguo opens today with the teams playing as follows: Los Angeles at Portland. Sncramentii at San Francisco. Oakland will open nt Vornon tomorrow. In a letter to J. W. Hay Point, Cul., Mr. the "big leagues" had only hnd an Bennett from opportunity to bo present. Umpire I Smith says: Denny Hull says that North Ilund'3 1 "Friend llonnott I nm In receipt population would be depleted by at 'of -your night letter of tho 10th Inst., least eighteen. Wallace's pitching for which please permit mo to thank was one of tho features, ho only al-'you. lowing fourteen was us follows: Cotu.Club Kern (tardlucr Kehoe Host llriiulllnrd Painter Ward Ituah Ituwull Umpire runs. The lineup Pos. .Motor HoaH e illch p llorno & Wallace 1 b 2 1) 3 1) rf u f If Denny Hull. Coko IJverett Wallace llyler Bannister liartlo O'Miii'n I.O.(J All! TKIP DKt.'lN. I 'or At Inter Sduls l''iom St. Louis Now Voile mill Boston. (Ily Associated Press to tho Coos Day Tlmoa.) ST. LOUIS. Aug. 15 Amid tho cheeis of a huge crowd gathered to witness tho event, Harry N. Atwood of llostoii began today his record breaking Might of 1.100 miles across the continent from St. Louis to Now "I hopo this will be, the solution of the street railway business fpr the best Interests of nil of the towns lo cated on Coos liny, nnd also that It will bo for the benefit of the people who ure taking hold of this matter, ns well. "Out hero for a few days only; re turning east next Wednesday. Sorry I could not conio up this trip. "Hy tho wny, 1 am also Informed thnt the Southern Pacific have an nounced their Intention to tnko u, Immediately the construction of it railway to Coos Hay connecting at Kugone, pushing such construction us rapidly as is consistent. I feel tha: tho people of Coos Hay should be congratulated. Certainly, however. If there Is n territory anywhere which not ouly needs rail connection with tho outside world but absolutely de serves It. considering the long time It has been waiting, it Is Coos Hay and when this connection Is secured. It certainly should change tho feeling Marshfield Fire Department to Be Represented in Hose Contests. Fire Chief Traver nnd the Mnrsh flold Fire Dppurtinentnre arranging to participate In the hose races at tho Bnndon Carnival Sunday. August -f. It Is expected thnt most of the Fire Departments In the county will be represented as It Is Intended to start nn annual tourney, the first prize or which shall bo n loving cup which Is to become tho permanent property of the department winning it three years 1 In succession. Tho tourneys nro to be held at nny town in tho county. Tho Marshfield Flro Departments hoso teams have been practising reg ularly for some time and It Is their firm belief that they can pull down the honors. If an excursion train 's run from here; it Is likely that not only the members of the hoso team will go but also tho majority of the members of tho department. BHKAICWATKU snlls at Wednesday nnd does not North Ilend. 1 o'clock stop nt NOTICE TO riSIIKKMUN. Wo want fresh salmon nnd nro prepnred to pay tho highest cash price for them. For further parti culars see C. G. HOCKETT, Emplro City-, 01 GEO. P. SMITH, Coos Itlvor. NEW IjAAV UULlXfj. l'lnn ; flf Hnvo your lob fho Times offlco. printing deno m Senator Houriio tins New Siinrciiie Court. (By Associated Press to Coos na, Times.) WASHINGTON, I). C, Aug. 15... A bill requiring that decisions of tLo Supremo Court of iho Unite states affecting tho constlluttonullty 0f any provision of a federal or state lav must bo unanimous, was Introduced yesterday by Senator Houriio of rjr gon. It wns attacked by Ilcyburuot Idaho, as an "oddity" or "fad" 0( tho day, which attempts to Increase tho power of minorities. Uourno explained the bill wns de signed to provent a majority of the court In overruling tho deslio of Con gress nnd tho pooplo. Heyhiirn ob jected to n second rending of tho bill, thus defeating Ha being referred to the Judiciary committee as Uourm requested. YorkundHostonbywaynf Chicago iind'of tha people, and tho condition of other cities. Atwood Is using tho tho community very materially. To Hurgess-Wrlght biplane. Atwood cx-,Bonio extent, you peoplo who hnvo pects to complete tho Might to llostoii lived there so long hnvo become so In ten days. Atwood arrived nt Sprlngllold nt 10.-30 11. m., covering tho 00 inllea between St. Louis and Springfield In two hours and 25 minutes. He also lauded at Pontine, III, TAIT HACK TO WOKK. IIKAU MISS HI.I.KN the CllltlSTIAN church DAY evening. I'l.OOK nt wi:hni:s- NOTICE. (Hy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 15. President Tuft returned to Washing ton yesterday from Hoverly, his sum mer home. Al'TO IS HOODOOED. Notice Is hereby given to nil whom It may concern that I hnvo been made trustee nnd iisslgueo of the estates of L. I). Kinney, Tho Holt f.lno Hallway, a corporation nnd Iho Coos Hay Hnpld Transit Co. also a corporation. All persons having claims against iiald L. I). Kinney or ngnlnst either of wild corporations urn hereby notliled i' '.. ' ' i . . ... niui rcquenied (O prosoill 1 110 8111110 to "W. under oath nt my ofllco In Mursli tleld, Coos county, Oregon, within three months from nnd after the date of this notice. Outstanding contract roust bo settled at once or they will bo cancelled. Dated August 15. 1011. W. J. ItUST, Trustee. Exactitude There seems to be hoodoo of some description on Esther .lohusun's tour ing car. Every time she goes out for n spin something happens to It. Mon day while rolling along on the .Marsh lleld rond the nut holding one of the forward wheels In place became loos ened, consequently the wheel decided to porumhulnto around alone for a while. No serious damage was done, although Cat Single's llttlo son, who was the only other occupant of the machine, was thrown out and almost took a header off the T bridge on Moulton street. Tho mnchlne will bo In running order again ns soon ns another nut enn bo secured from Portland. Coqulllo Sentinel. MANIAC WOl'NDS TIIIIEE. Die In stylo In flt finish fabric Integrity flxactltude -r-lt, guldos tho hands of our tailor lc his painstaking task of shaping and modeling It directs the hand that finally puts that subtle, yet Intensely Important touch to tho garment thnt stamps It a finished product through nnd through tho High Art Clothes nro Quality suro style sure no guess work nbout tho High Art. nuthorltatlvu In stylo weaves nnd toxturcs tho embodiment of all that's the best, centers lu a High Art Suit. he Toggery Two Victims and lllm.self Will In New York. (Ily Associated Press to Coos Bay ' ' ' Times.) NEW YOHK, Aug. 15 John Vec- cl, nn Insane man, early yesterday stabbed nnd shot Mr. nnd Mrs. John Armlni and then shot himself. All Will dlo. . . , 1 '11 Srnui in lie FALLEN IN THE PHILIPPINES. rilEETTfl of the roaring town. ilush for him. hush, te' still! e come, who was stricken dawn Dolnt the word of our will lluih' Lri him hnve tin state) Olve htm hlu soldier's crown; The Krlsts of trade can wult Their prlmlm at (he mill. Hut he cannot wait for hit honor now tho trumpet ha been ulown Wreathe pride now for hli irrnnlte brow, lay love on his breast ot atone. Toll! Let the great bell toll Till the clashtnu air Is ,11m. Did wa wrong his parted soulT Wo will muke It up to rum. Toll! Let him never Kue.s What work nn set him to. Laurel, laurel, yen. He did what we hade him do Praise nnd never a whispered hint but the ilKht he fotiKht vviu iiood; Never n word thnt the blood on his sword was his country's own henrfB blood A flag for the soldier's bier Who die that his land may live. Oh. banners, banners here. Thnt lie doubt not nor missive; That he heed not from the tomb The uvll days draw near Winn the nation robed in Klonru. With Its faithless past shall strive. Let him never dream that his bullet's ucain wem wmo or lis island mark. used to tho sltuntlon that-It has be come second nature to you, but to us, coming and going frequently, 1 think probably we realize tho great Inconveiilenco more and for thnt rea son ntity possibly appreciate tho nc coniniodntlon of n railroad to evon a greater extent. However, Coos llnj should now, as time goes on, come Into Its own more and more. "The necessity of innmifucturlng of different kinds In order to build .' up nnd maintain n city, I have no doubt Is lonllzcd and I sincerely dr j hope thnt the efforts of the public , lu general and the Chamber of Com-1 mono especially will bo strained In j the dliectlou of drawing such Indus-1 tries and usslstlug in building them 1 up. The foundation of our cities nil over the country Is agriculture, mill lag. and manufacturing, of which , iniiniifacturlng does the most tnwnrdi tho building-up and the permnneii " sustaining of Inrge coininiiiiltles. A city cannot build up nnd llvo exclu sively on Its own people'; It inuat produce something for export out sido its own boundaries In order to compensate for tho import of neces sities nnd luxuries for Its population Tho sooner this exceedingly Impor tant matter Is tnken up nnd pushed nnd tho greatest success with which it Is carried on, and manufacturing of different kinds is developed, the1 faster the cities of Coos Ray will) build up and prosper. Somo outsldocap ltal will be brought In nnd Invested In ' real estate, some will bo brought In by the railroad, but for permanent pros- j perlty nnd continual growth manu facturlng Is .most exceedingly Imnor Unt.-r-ln fnct, absolutely neecssarj for tho contlnunl prosperity of tho community, Every lending man in Marshfield should appoint himself n sub-committee of one to net Inde pendently, as well ns collectlvoly In'1 conjunction with all, to attract nnd nsslst In securing and building up manufacturing enterprises. Whether it is tho employment of two or threo men, women nnd children or the em ployment of thousands, all means as sistance for the bulhllne on of n community. t "Hoping to bo with you In October and afterwards frequently, and to nt nil times to Join with you for tha success of Coos Bay and Marshfield, 1 remain, with many regards." L iV f1- id . j VV s A JE l Jf t tj OLjh X EL Were you here Saturday? Seemed as if all Coos County must have been. Never have we seen such an outpouring of bargain seekers, and today will be like Saturday, Every day will be like the starting of a new sale, Tis impossible to display a stock like ours at the same time, Every day our doors will swing open on tables, counters and racks refilled with bargains that we have been unable to men tion on account of lack of space but WATCH THE TIMES DAILY to miss one of our "ads" may mean to miss just the thing you want most, ONE FOURTH' OFF HERE IS EQUAL TO rTORTY PER CENT ELSEWHERE BE CAUSE OUR REGULAR MARKED PRICES ARE 15 per cent LOWEST and besides the money saving, which you are sure of here, is the added satisfaction of choos ing from one of the largest stocks in Southern Oregon,' "Money Talks" Men's Black and Blue Suits, One-Fourth off marked price, Men's Fancy Mixed Suits, Thirty per cent off marked price, All Boys Suits thirty per cent off marked price, $16.00 to $20.00 Suits for info 1 9jtJ $22.50 to $30.00 Suits for $16 50 "Money Talks" Hub Clothing (Sh Shoe Co. BANDON MARSHFIELD "' : r . i Does Good thin- in u f .1, j ' , Advertising Pay? It surely 'does. Leading business men tho world over are doing a' 'lot foMt. They would not keep it up if it did not pay. Marshfield s lqa4ing. busipess men are advertising in The Times. Would they keep it up if it did'-nobpay? The fact that they continue to do it is evidence that it -pays. . Good advertising in The Times will get results. There is no better medium. Ask yourself. Does advertising influence you? Maybe you've, but .you've Cl'T WOOI, TA1UKK. House Passes Mill ItoporCcri by iho Confm-ois. (By Assoclnted Tress to Coos nay Times, WASHINGTON'. D. C. Aug. 15 Tho conference report on tho wool tnrlfT revision bill carrying n tint duty of 20 per cent on rnw wools ami correspondliiK reduced rates on wool manufactured wns adopted by the Homo to the heart of his dnrllns tami Ho,,8p l)y a voo 'f 20C to 00 Tho UwfSark' "tumblfl1 n,,J slnn,d ' Sfnn'o Is expected to agree to It to- wtuium Vaughn Moody ul", uuls ,unB e measure up to uuBt gicHt iimuy mrags uecause you've seen them advertised, and the ad "b A,wxu iU1 Apio any wen-advertised commodity i that' ...- 0 ., . D.l,lli8 owlIJ luulu urusUj C0UnrS Imtg glove8 ete,, You til lilt x'Aii'l Iahit 1r4- , .i:x 1. .1 '"" " ""J wm' uiiiiuiiuy wncrner it was advertised or not. you may Mavbe. But suppose, then, that you didn't see it advertised for some months. A competi tor comes into the field and advertises the same kind of article; claims it's bet ter; maybe cheaper. You'd be influenced to try the new kind. You'd trv it. Tf you hked it as well, you'd keep on buying it. You'd got in tho habit of using it. And just so long as you were well pleased with it and saw it adver tised day after day, week after week, you'd continue to use it, and give vour business to the advertiser. A trialwill convince you. Coos Bay Times veto. 1 'jflfcr- 1 LW;i3 'Bffr'TT " '.)?Vtr. Idont'a ox pocted