jZm' W WWW ""' ' ' f WOULD BE SOIT IN POKER IE ONE COULD DISCARD AND DRAW AT WILL rTads carrying Smira SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's advertising space in m newspaper, compared with tlio Bpooa lived by other stores, should deflns It- comparative Importance In the community! Docs your store's ad vertising space do that? - . .mre-iint should appear m ...n- n (loos tills newspaper. If ..,..,nnor OlllHtLMi nn 1bho now ii""-"- ,.. .... t.llf-!tV II rt'ila 1 tllpll CICII ,"1 "" "-...., " ndt"C . ., n.l.rM ruin "' . wi1 timi-Htmiier. .. .mil (1 HOI "" " "" -,-.-- member op associated prksh iii Established In 1H7H as The Coast Mall 01. XXXV MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1911 EVENING EDITION, SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times. Coast Mai! and Coos liny Advertiser. No. 27 Cons law ONDON SCENE OF SERIOUS CONFLICTS WITH STRIKERS Lps With Fixed Bayonets Charges muu, hijuhmu Large Number. 10RE TROOPS ARE CALLED TO CAPITAL Manchester Faces Famine as Result of Tie-Up of Transportation. Associated Pross to Coon Day (DJ- Tiinea.) LONDON. UiiBtaiitl. Am,'. 15. Ll- Trtiool. tlio storm center 01 im ttrlke which la menacing tlio trade of r... itritnln. is under niiim today. In addition to tho police and rein forcements from surrounding cities. 1 000 iroonH of Infantry nnd cavalry arc quartered In tlio city. In a riot hlch followed tlio nrrest last night n iimn for assaulting a woman, tovcr.il policemen nnd soldiers mis i.iim.1 nlKicklnu wounds. A llayonet charge was ordered and two volleys wore llred Into the air with Rood ef fort. A number of rlotei-H wore wounded in tho bayonot chnrses but none were hit by bullets. Many ar rests followed. This forenoon, mnt- I ters were more peaceful. Thoro is little clinngo In tho strike situation. Tlio union at Manchester of strlk- ! lng carters Imvo ureatly Interfered lth business. The only strike won thus far by the employers was at Glasgow where the street railway strike has col- Inpscd. Today. Premier ABqulth Had o conference with other niembors nnd strike leaders when tho wholo ques tion was discussed. There nlso wns n conference between the ministers and representative employern and as- soclntlons Interested In tlio great sta ple trades. HAD IN MANCHESTER. SliIKe SpmuN and Dearth of ProvU bloils Is Feared. (By Associated Press to Cooa Buy Tlmc3.) MANCHESTER. EiiB.. Aug. 15. The railway strike spread today. Flour merchants declare tho city within three days will fnco starvation. BANDON til Drillers Fintj Strong Traces of Deposit and Will Go Deeper Still. 'According to .reports received bert today from Bandon, some oil has. been found In the well thut Is being unk on Dear Creek, about four miles from there. There Is no gusher, as some claimed, or no groat amount of oil, as near as can be ascertained. However, the parties Interested 'a sinking the well declare that suffi cient oil has been found to warrant them sinking It about 500 feet furth er, and they claim the slight deposit of oil, according to geologists Indi cate a great basin of It deeper. TO SAVE ON MAIL. Government to Iteduco Allowance to Duilroads. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.; WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 15. A radical readjustment of tho meth ods of computing the pay of railroads for transportatlng malls which will effect an annual saving of approxi mately $9,000,000, was recommend ed to Congress today by Secretary ( "ucncocjt. JUST ASKING SOME CONGRESS TO QUIT AUG. 22 Joint Resolution For Adjourn- ment on That Date Is Introduced. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times, j WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 15. I ust 22 nt 4 p. in. IB provided for In n concurrent resolution offered today by Senator Penrose. The resolution was referred to the Committee on Appropriations nfter Urlstow had declared lie would op pose vigorously the adjournment un til tho other tariff schedules, particu larly steel and siisar were disposed of. STKIMIENSON UNDER IMtOllE. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Dav Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 15. An Investigation of thoelectIon of Seuntor Stephenson of Wisconsin was adopted by the Senate. The hearings will he next fnll. nm nl finrnni Bib bUuLiLrti Royal Welcome Extended Offi cers of the Boston at Millicoma Club. With royal welcomo volcod by lend- Ing Coos Bay men and appreciation of It expressed by olllcors and moiii bors of tho Oregon Naval Militia, with music, song nnd story nnd story nnd a light lunch, tho smoker ten dered by the MUllcomn club to tho officers of tho United States training ship Boston last idght was ono of tho most delightful nnd successful functions of the kind ovor hold hero. There was a largo nttondnnco. C. F. McICnlght presided as chair man of tho evening and thoro were addresses of welcomo by him, Mayof L. J. Simpson of North Bond, Judgo J. S. Coko nnd J. W. Bennett while tho responses wore by Mr. Mahonoy. of the Portland Orogonlnn, Capt. Reynolds of the Oregon Naval Militia, Dr. Ben L, Nordon, Dr. L. J. Wolf, Paymaster Albert J. Capron,, Chief Engineer Wm. D. Edwards, Lieut, E E. Straw and Chaplain Rev. J. Rich ard Olson. - .. s ...Jo opening. tK .Irnpromptu pro gram, Chairman Mcknight oxprqssed tho pride that. Cops Bay feels fo$ itho Naval Militia urid. tho great gratifica tion of tho community over tho bring ing of tho Boston, the first large man' of' war to this harbor. , Mayor Li J. Simpson said that things are at last coming Coos Bay's way. He said the other Pacific wub coming with the long-looked for rail road, tho United States training ship Boston was now here and that still greater things were In sight. Judge J. S. Coke said that the ar rival of tho Boston In Cooa Bay meant much for tMs harbor and also meant much for the government because It would make the Naval Department more fully nppreclato the worth of Coos Bay. He said that this was the only port south of Puget Sound where thero wns a natural coal sup ply and further he pointed out tlw strategic advantage of having a har bor here that would accommodate any vessel of the navy, thus reducing (Continued on page 2,) SMOKER iW WOULD A LIMIT ON Welcome Oregon Naval Militia c OOS DAY'S wnters dancing in the were brightened yesterdny by Boston and Its crew of citizen Naval Militia. They are welcome. All Coos Dny united in their recep tion that they might have ample assurance of tho cordiality of their greeting. To ninny of tho hoys aboard It was home coining and tho Port land division accompanying the Boston, found a welcome quite as earnest and sincere as the ever loyal boub of Coos Bay. The lntid and water ap pertaining to Coos Day Is theirs during their stay and we hopo they will make the most of them, especially tho land nnd all Its attractions. Lieut. Straw, as mayor, has doubtless provided each Individual with a separate key ring containing the keys of the city and the master of the Boston, Cnpt. J. .1. Reynolds, as n resident can give iissurnnco of tho genuineness of Coos Bay hospitality. Welcome! Tho town Is yours. EAIATER IS DELAYED Steamship Will Not Reach Coos Bay Until Late This Evening. In order to have somo minor rc i in I ik imiilo In her boilers, tho stenni- , , , , ,,..,, 4 slip Dreakwater was delayed at As- trrln nearly a day in consequence, she will not reach Coos Bay until about midnight tonight. Shu cross ed out from Astoria at 9 o'clock this morning. The Breakwater will sail from hero at 1 o'clock Wcdnesdny and will not Hop at North Bend. It Is expected that tho sixty mem bers of the Blltmoro forestry school who are to establish a pcrmauont camp In the C. A. Smith timber near Ct nenry, Mrs. C. Beary, John Brown, here, will como on her. I cnrl Johnson. Harry Johnson, Miss Tho steamer Washington, which 1st Mlnnlo Knrdoll, Miss Amanda Kar to go on tho Marshllold-San Francisco, doll, Herbert Tompkln, James Aiken, run Is scheduled to lenvo San Fran-1 Glen Hnzard, K. II. Menko. A. Fosol, Cisco today on her Initial trip here. J Dr. A. II. Hoppner, Geo. E. Dlnkor, However, no Into advices havo been Fred Toller, Chns Hanson, Wm received to confirm tho ortglnnl plans. ! Smith nnd Frank Smolock. 1 1 OF RAWS i t Claim Contractors Are Here on Boise Project Jas. J. Hill's Statement. A numbor of railroad rumors nro atloat on the Bay and If credence can he placed In tho gossip, which Is ap parently better founded than tho ubuqI lino of "dope," Coos Bay will havo at least one nnd possibly two Pther railroads besides the Southern Pacific's line from Eugene. Ono story afloat today Is that a largo railroad contractor has been b,ero nguring on tno iooa uay mm Boise tproJppt, Indicating tbnt actual construcMqa '8 to start soon on it President Francis H. Clarke is ,ln Marshfleld but la making no utale inent,. Ho stated .yesterday that his company's policy would bo the same as It lias been In .the past to let real work or developments speak f,or themselves. Another IllllStory. According ,tp a report current here todny, Minneapolis advices are that tho Minneapolis Tribune quotes Jas. J. Hill, head of tho Hill system, In an Interview as stating: "If tho Harrlman peoplo beat us to Coos Bay, they wlll,ha,Ya.to Bo some." The statement Is said to have been made by Mr. Hill when asked for an expression on tho announcement of Vlce-presldont O'Brien that the Southern Pacific was going to build from Eugene to Coob Bay. BREAKWATER sails at 1 o'clock Wednesday and does not stop at North Bend. Read the Times' Want AJs. sunlight of a perfect afternoon tho arrival of tho United States cruiser sailor Inddles known as the Oregon LEAVE TODAY AEDOIDO Steamship Sails This Afternoon For San Francisco With Many Passengers. TJic Itcdondo snlled at 2:30 this afternoon for Snn Francisco with a capacity list of passengers, ' ' ' rled a enrgo of lumber Sho enr- from tho Sin,th mm Among the outgoing passengers were: May Johnson, Mablo Johnson, Mrs Ingn Lowland, Edith Lund, Mrs. O. O. iJintl, Mrs. W. II. Ashmon, J. J. Domron, Mrs. J. J. Domron, John Domron, II. J. nusBoll, J. N. RubboII, C. K. Perry, Jny Wilcox, Josephine Cordes, Selmn Holmes, Slgna Hol mes. Mlsi Mndgo Barry, Miss Rhota Keane, BeBslo Coko, T. L. Turnor, Mrs. I. L. Tumor, Miss T. L. Turner TIS E Oregon Chief Executive, Supt. Alderman and Warden Finley En Route. Gov. West, accompanied by State Superintendent Mdorman nnd State Gamo Warden Flnloy, are expected here tonight or tomorrow. Unleib they make a stop on route, thoy will probably get by auto this evening. Tho three officials are dated tj speak before tho Coos county Insti tute here. Gov. West also plans' to go to Curry county to, apeak thoro nnd axay talMJ Jn tUe carntval nt Ban don IAJ. RATIIIIONR DEAD. 1 ' i ' ' 'M .. Military Aide to President Lincoln ;Iafisea Awuy Id Asylum. , (By Associated Press to Coos Bay ' Times.) NEW YORK, Aug. 15 News has been received of the. death In Ger many of Major Henry Reld Rathbone, military aide to President Lincoln nnd who while attempting to defend Lincoln the night he was assassinated received a stab from Booth. Rath bone died In an asylum for tho crim inal insane where ho was Incarcenat ed for murdering his wlfo. END COMMISSION'S WORK. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 15, A bill providing for the final report and dissolution of tho national mone tary commission by January 8, next, passed the Sennto yesterday by a voto of 56 to 0. BREAKWATKIt sails at 1 o'clock Wednesday and does not stop at North Bond, THE DRAW w 1 PRESENT TUFT 'PEACE TREAT! RAPPEO HARD , Senator Lodge In Report of Committee Condemns Plans of Sec. Knox. (By Associated Prcfcs to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 15. The nrbltratlon trentlos with Groat Britain and France that were recent ly sent to the Senate by Tuft, ore characterized by tho Senate Commit tee on Foreign Delations as "breeders of war and not of penco" in a written report presented to the Sennto today. The report was prepared by Lodge of Massachusetts. tBy tssoclntcd Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 15. Following a conference todny, Secretary of Stato Knox and Count Von Bernstorff, tho Gorman ambas sador, announced that Germany ac cepted the general principles of the nrbltratlon treaty with tho United States. ENJOY STAY Big Steamer Makes Trip Up Bay Safely -.Will Remain Here For a While. Following tho training ship Boston J coming safely to nnchor In tho Upper, Bay hero lato yestorday aftomoon, I tho members of tho Oregon Naval Mllltla havo been enjoying their stay on Coos Bny. Tho woather conditions yesterdny for coming hero were Ideal. Tho bar was as smooth as tho Inner Bny and with tho stars and stripes flying over head nnd tho Coos Bay Naval Ro sorvo band playing nnd hundreds In launches wnvlng welcomo, tho Boston enmo In without a halt and proceed ed slowly up tho bay. Not onco did sho touch a shoal to Impede her pro gress although sho was drawing. It is stated about nineteen feet of wnter, Capt. Reynolds never felt prouder In his life than when she came to anchor wjUiout touching, demonstrating his claims as to tho harbor wero weil founded. , Tb,o smoker at tho 'Millicoma 'club last night for the officers was 'follow ed 'today by an auo trip (6 "Shore Acres." Another Uttlo banquet is being; arranged for them this evening. Tonight, a military ball will be given at tho Eagles hall for tho men aboard tho Boston. It promises to be largely attended. Tho outside members of the Naval Mllltla will leave on tho Breakwater tomorrow for their homes. Tho Bos ton will remain here a couple of months In chargo of tho six regular Unlto'd States Navy men abonrd In charge of Instructor Hall of tho Unit ed Statea Navy who will drill tho lo cal divisions. ' Tho North Bend Commercial club will ontortaln tho officers of the Bos ton at an Informal reception there to night. nit. CLARKE of PORTLAND, N ROYS CHIROPRACTOR. will GIVE treat- tratlve of the character of tho wlt ment and diagnosis FREE from now ness." UNTIL Al'GUST 17. Office ut the LLOYD HOTEL. ' .MISS Ellon FU)OIC of Portland, is a charming SOLOIST, hear her at tho If you have anything to sell, trade jciIItlSTLW Church WEDNESDAY rent or want help, trv a wnnt nd evening IN FRANCHISES VETOES ARIZONA STATEHOOD BILL New Mexico Also Loses State hood on Account of Joint' Resolution. RECALL OF JUDGES PROVISION SCORED Chief Executive Declares It Would Be Simply "Le galized Terrorism." (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 15. President Taft In a special messago to the House todny vetoed tho Joint resolution for tho admission of Now Mexico and Arizona to statehood. His reason for exercising tho oxccutlvo power of veto was based In his thor ough disapproval of tho recall of Jud ges clause in the Arizona constitution. The fact that New Mexico, statehood was bound up with that of Arizona, meted out to her tho sumo fate as neither territory can como Into tho Union at this time unless tho friends of tho Joint resolution In Congress enn muster the two-thirds voto neces sary to pass the resolution over tho President's veto. This may bo at tempted. The President did not spare words In condemning tho rccnll foa ture of the Arizona constitution which ho said would compel Judges to make decisions "under legalized terrorism." Ho charnctorlzed tho recall of this point as pernicious In effect and "destructlvo of Independ ence In tho Judiciary and so likely to subject tho rights of tho individual to tho possible tyranny of tho popu lar majority and therefore to bo In jurious to the cause of freo Bovorn mont. I must dlsapprovo n constitu tion containing It." A resolution providing for tho ad mission of Now Mexico nnd Arizona In accordance with tho wishes of Taft (0 U0 rocn of Ju(,ko8 waB ,ntr0. jucod todny by Sonntor Smith of Michigan, chnlrmnn oi tho Commltteo oh Territories. The resolution mnkea obligatory tho elimination of tho re coil feature of tho Arizona constitu tion. Tho message was recolved by tho House In absolute sllonco. Then a storm of atiplauso en mo from tho Republican sldo whllo tho democrats remained quiet. The messago was roforred to tho Territories Commit tee. t TOLD A HE Wiley 'HearTffg'Befdre Commit tee Brings Forth Some Stinging Language. (By Assoclat'M Press to the Cooa Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 1C. "If Dr. Kobler tdstifled that officials of the Bureau of Chemistry, are pro hibited from giving Information, to members of Congress, ho lied," de clared Solicitor McCabo to tho com mission todny. Members of tho com mltteo objected to tho language and, hood" and ho finally was Induced to withdraw It altogether. Koblor Is Wiley's assistant. Representative Hepburn of Iowa, attorney for Wiley was reprimanded by tho committee ' for declaring the romarlc wns "iiius- WORK OUT? r.