THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1 911 EVENING EDITION i- 4 : ii - tf Hk 1 1 O O 1 sMlri lASTSIDE IS SEELEY GALLS BEAT SUNDAY A NOBTH BEI i I our Odd suit special Clam-Diggers No Match For Tigers' Heavy Stick Work , at Sumner Sunday. i Tho North Hcnd cliun (Hbbith wont i .. ,r..,., v-i..inv l.nfn.. - tin- UUillI fcw Ui-i;tn. . . .j.. ...- -- - Burner tigers here hy the .core of 16 to 7. Wallace's team was no mntch for tho Sumnor nggregatlon ,1C0 tioflniloly uBsurcd earlier. I unlay night. It was one of the cle- nnd ho tried four pitchers to try to The, feature of tho game was the verest goes ever seen on the Hay and stoj) tho terrible stick work of tl"', ,nttlng of Hennessey and Hrlggs and If the decision had been loft to the 8unmer tigers, but to no avail. Sum- tlc, )mso runnB 0f N. Johnson. In' audience, eight out of every ten pre nor took tho lead In tho llrst Inning. ; tnu fr(i, inning. Johnson stole sec-j sent would have given tho decision Clinton going to llrst on an error, oniI llllnj nll(j homo. o. Johnson ami to Henderson, Judging from the com nud howls bringing him home by his Mlll.,n tu,i 8ino atellar Holding and ments after tho light and expressions homo run drive to left Held, in tho fourth Inning Wallace took Ihoinas Jm) tltt ticlltn of tho crowd. Hcndor out of tho box and Bout Mnloney to B()n ,.al,turc.,i (l foul that looked Im tho mound but as his work was pobhIIiU. Hennessey had his right bettor ho put Thomas In again. " i tliumli disjointed In the second In ngnln relieved TIioiiiuh by trying f nK i,iit caught the game out. do the pitching stunt nimseii. inn m ; found out that his twisters wore noj puzzles for tho Sumnor stickers ho ; ho placed Heath on tho mound f"' , tho rest of tho game. ! linker did line work for Siminur' till tho sixth Inning when he al- lowed a hitB and tho seventh threw ()W,.gt)M, p . . I more which scored seven runs '"'''west, rf ...... I Korth Head. In tho eighth IiiiiIiik! Baker was relieved by I.owls who "" - ly nllowed one hit In each Inning and no runs. There was a largo nttoudnncu, The scoro follows: Sumnor AH II l'O A i 0 K IV . ." Unrklow G ' 10 Clinton ....r Lewis r. linker " Barker .G Pigeon r. Johnson fi Masters I Totals North Reinl "Wallace Heath Young Mooro McDonald Thomas Smith1 Llllobo Mulouoy Summorllu . II IS 27 AH II I'O . r. i ,-. 10 A 0 I 1 I) 1 0 I) 0 0 0 a ...r. ...r. ...1 ...i ...i ... i ...l ...a a 2 l la o o o l l i ! i i tt i i o Total .an ! 21 1 1) Score by Innings, Sumner 2 0 17 110 1 x 1.1 UltH ...10172203 x li North Bond 00000-1 0 0 7 iiuh . ,.i o o o o a a i i o' Summary Huns Prey 2. Hark-' low 2, Clinton 3, Lewis 2, linker 1,1 Bnrker 1, Pigeon 2, Johnson 1. Mus- tors 2, Wallace 2. Heath 2, Young 1. Mooro 1. Summerlln 1. Struck nut by Hakor G, by Lewis 3, by Thomas 3, by Wallace 1. liases on balls off Mulonov 2. off Heath 1. Homo run by Lewis 1. Threo bnso hits Me - Donald 1. Heath 1. Two base hits ii..nit, n-.... i iin.m 1 o. ...... .. - lln 1. Wild Hitches linker 1. Malo - noy 1, Wallace 1. lilt by Pitcher Bnrkor, Moore, Pigeon, Llllobo. Left on bnsos Xorth llend 3. Sumnor 0. PIIONK I. 8. KAUFMAN A CO., yoim coal orders, st.rso tox. Exactitude In style In fit nnlsh- fnbrlo integrity exactitude It guides tho hands of our tailor In his pnlnstaklng task of shnplng uud modeling - It dliects the hand that tlnally puts that subtlo. yet Intensely Important tonch to the garmunt thnt stamps It a nnlshod product through and through the High Art ' Clij lies nro Quality sure stylo Bill' ' fo guoss work about tho High Art. i authorltntlvo In stylo weaves and textures tho embodiment of all that's tho Jbcat, confers In a High Art Suit. The Toggery FORMERLY GEOHUK (JOODRUM Marshfleld Takes Game by Score of Nine to Two Hennessey Injured. By n score of nine to two. Marsh- HpIiI S'ny took the Eastslclu bane i. ..ii ftriu'n (liti Ifiui linrn. - 'Z not as large as . . . . . . , , tllc ,,ilI1K, n om,.Mmj catch by Hrlggs also wt)ii -piie scoro: .;aHtsm. All H II I'O A .MHturn, lb & p 5 0 2 3 1 ,!, Hi'lggs. -b jrl,t ;j, vit-luilM. ef a 1 0 1 -1 11 0 .,ierseu. . . . I Wnlmurlt. n isteckul, cf . Totals 37 1 Marshllold AH H 0 2 1 12 II l'O A llloniUHMoy. e .. " ,0 Johnson. 2h . . . ..Merchant, p ... 5 JJI.V Johnson, lb.. 5 " 'Cowan, If & p. . -I 0 llurke, hs a it .a a r. 1 I 0 1 1 11 0 0 .Matson, et .... " lleudersou, ah Hanson, rf 0 Totals 3!l !) !)20 12 I , .... i i i .. I .miimi'ib tun iur uiiiiiiiK "n " turn. i Huns by Innings. ,.Marshlleld . .! 1 0 a 0 0 2 0 x 3 Kastslde ... 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 02 Summary Struck out, Hobertson '7, Masters 2, .Merchant 4, Cowan 1. ; Wild pitch Hobertson a. Passed .ball Walmark. Stolen bases llen jiu'bsi'y a, X Johnson 3, Hrlggs 2, O. Johnson 1. COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORES ' STANDING OF Till) CLl'HS. Won Lost P.C. ' Portland CO f.8 .f.43 ' Vernon 75 00 ,r.21 .5 IS O .507 .474 .433 ' 0ll,tl"i'l 72 07 San Francisco ...00 07 ! Sacramento 03 70 I Un Angeles fifi 72 I Sunday's Hi-miHs. 1 Sunday's games In tho Const Lea- guu resulted as follows: At Portland H II Portland 0 4 Oakland 6 9 At Snn Francisco H II San Francisco 10 10 Los Angeles 0 5 (Second gnmo.) San Franclsct 4 7 Los Angeles , . 2 6 At Los Angeles R H Vernon 14 15 Sacramento 5 10 (Second game.) Vernon , f. 12 Sncrnmento ,, fi 10 Saturday's Game. Saturday's games In the Const League resulted ns follows: At Portland R H Portland 0 C Oakland 1 7 At San Francisco .R H San Francisco 2 4 Los Angeles , , l 7 At Los Angeles R H Sacramento 0 8 Vernon f 10 The HIHLK In PICTURE at tho CHRISTIAN Church VKIl.lAY evening. NOTICi: TO PISHKRMRN. We want fresh snlmon and are prepared to pay tho highest cas' price for them. For further parti culars see C. G. IIOCKKTT. Kmplro City, or GEO. F. SMITH. Coos River Don't forget tho Turkish PHOXB 2 U.J. Baths. .Crowd However Gives Hender son Decision Over Burns Saturday Night. Twenty rounds to a draw wn the derision of Heft-roe Tim Seeley in the bout between "HoughhoiiBe Charley" Hums and Karl Henderson nt tho Mnrshlleld Skating Hlnk Sat . of the crowd when Hoferoo Seeley in nounccd his opinion With the oxcoptlon of two or threo rounds. Henderson outpointed Hums throughout tho match. Henderson Is n very clever boxer, has good foot work, very seldom hit wild, took nil- U 1 vantago of nearly every opening and u pressed the match throughout. 1 Tho match wns undor Marquis of I Qiieonsbury rules. At llrst Promoter Ijllorron announced that tho lighters I were to break clean but "Houghliouso I I Charley" objected to this and Insist ed on "lighting all the time." Hen derson acceded to this and although giving Hums his own style of light ing, he was nblo to do it. He simply went Hums one better nt his own game. In fact Henderson's cleverness was so far superior to Hums' that ho , overshadowed "Roughhouse Charley" I and caused Hums' supporters much (IIrmiiikiIiiIiiu'IiI at his showlnc. ! Henderson wns only Inciting In ono thing and thnl tho kick. While ho inndcd frequently on Hums, his blows lucked the steam to show any grout effect. 11 ii in s iippaiently only had two things In his favor and that Is ability to stand punishment uud to land In flinches. Ills ability to take punish ment coupled with the stylo of light ing he has adopted leads him keop boring In all' the time. Neither of the men wore severely punished and very little blood wns shed. Honderson lnuded several to Hums' left eye and unso and caused the latter a little worry. Henderson wns In the pink of condition and did l not show as much fatigue at the close as did Hums. Only In two rounds, tho thirteenth nnd fourteenth, could Hums bo said to have had any of the best of It. In these, he did considerably rushing and landed once or twice weakening Henderson's defense. Seldom during the bout did Hums land a clean one. most of his blows being to Hender son's Htnmnch In the clinches. Resides hnvlng It over Hums In cloverness, Hendorson showed that he wns the equal of Hums In strength nnd tho hitter's "Roughhouso" stylo availed him llttlo In clinches. Itl llin tiff it.Mltll I nnmn back strong and throughout the last!. live rounds outpointed Hums as much ns he hnd In the enrllor rounds. Hilly Wilson of Mnrshfleld nnd Wnlter Wenver of Coos City wero the principals in the preliminary. Bill finffney of North Bend was to have met Wilson but It wns announced thnt he hud got "cold feet." Wenvor wns picked out of tho crowd nnd while ho showed lnck of training, he gnvo Wilson nil he wanted to do nnd tho bout wns declared n "drnw" by Roferco nobblo Kvnns of Portland, who Is to meet Roughhouso Charley nurns nt Hnndon tho lattor part of tho month. WANTKO A man with 9S.10 to buy 100 foot square In Sengstacken's Addition for J&00 terms half cash, balance 1 year Interest Gft; also 2 lots on Hrondwny, north Hall nvenuc, for $2,500; also 52 lots In Portlawn Addition, near Cooston. 35 per lot. Seo Title Guarantee nnd Abstract Company. DKRHY Thru Its flavor won Its favor. A TURKISH HATH will do you GOOD. Phono 214-J. Do not allow your kidney nnd blad der trouble to develop beyond the rencn or medicine. Take Foley Kid ney Pills. They give quick results and stop Irregularities with surprls- i iuk promptness.- t-or sale by Red ,Cross Drug Store. mmm. sxims near Utkland, California t..irtcri'.l IKS. w h.i..t I 1U, .,,.. Meal cl.ui.itF throus!...t tlie )1M,. , ,; ana grailiution rt.jmicirci t n ,V tll tl.oe ..( Maiif.iid giul I nm-riy o't I v i i i a Laboratonr (or cicnCF tmHliru c;m; l.xcil cut opportumlic (or In ; ... oinic library imc a.l , , J ..'"i' ..B.'U"1!"!IU- ?." ' fT In . i!i Clav laiiott. A. II , I nt rrcfcident I 11 . II. 11 I taiai s.ic a.t.ires Sccut ary, M,:4 Clcee .. til.krma. ! Were you here Saturday? Seemed as if all Coos County must have been, Never have we seen such an outpouring of bargain seekers, and today will be like Saturday. Every day will be like the starting of a now sale. Tis impossible to display a stock like ours at the same time. Every day our doors will swing open on tables, counters and racks refilled with bargains that we have been unable to men tion on account of lack of space but WATCH THE TIMES DAILY to miss one of our "ads" may mean to miss just the thing you want most. ONE FOURTH OFF HERE IS EQUAL TO FORTY PER CENT ELSEWHERE BE CAUSE OUR REGULAR MARKED PRICES ARE 15 per cent LOWEST and besides the money saving, which you are sure of here, is the added satisfaction of choos ing from one of the largest stocks in Southern Oregon, "Moiey Talks" Men's Black and Blue Suits, One-Fourth off marked price. Men's Fancy Mixed Suits, Thirty per cent off marked price, All Boys Suits thirty per cent off marked price. $16.00 to $20.00 Suits for "Money Taiks" Hub Clothing S DANDON Business Directory Following Ib a list of Rollablo UtislncBtt Flrmu that It will Pay to Patronize Go To WILLEY & SCHR0EDER for Plumbing and Heating Miii-MilleM, Ore., l'hone 77J1 STADDEN All Mails of photograph work, liromltle enlarging and kotlalc finishing. J. J.. KOONTZ Macliluo and Repair Shops GKXKHAh MACHINIST Steam and Gas Engine- Work At Holland's boat shop, Front street, Marshfleld, Ore. .1. Last Chance The Old Man Chimney Sweep will only remain here the rest of tho month. So clean them now us GeorRO has an encagoment with O. R. & N. R. R. Co., tho year round to Inspect nnd clean Depot chimneys on all their divisions. Ho will glvo tho peoplo of Coos Day a chnnco nt ono for J1.00. For raoro than ono 75 cent each or residences and public buildings. But you must leave order nt Blanco Cigar Store nt onco. Good Livery Service Fancy new rigs, good horses and nreful drivers are now nt tho dls osal of the Coos Bay public at REASONABLE RATES. Rigs or rigs with drivers roady for ny trip nnywhere any time. Horses )oarded and rigs cared for. New hearse and special accommo datlons provided for funeral parties., W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLES ' rilONE '-'.78.J "Getting business is Just like courting a girl you must offer the right kind of goods, and keep on calling." . $22.50 to $30.00 Suits for i I B JJ PAST A.NI) Steamer Redondo KQUII'l'KD WITH WIRKMJSS Will Sail From Marshfield for 'Frisco, Tues., Aug. 15,2:30 P. M. ;' INTKINOCISAX TRANSPORTATION' COMPANY. Phono 44 c. F. McQEORGB, Agent. "THE PRIKN1) OP COOS HAY" S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK HOAI) AT PORTLAND Sails for Portland from Coos Bay, Sunday, Aug. 13 NORTH PaJIPIC PHONE 44 DRAIN-C00S BAY AUTO LINE VIA ALLEGANY NOW READY FOR BUSINESS ' LEAVES .MARSHFIELD DAILY BOAT LEAVES ALERT LANDING, MARSHFIELD 5:80 A. M. ARRIVE DRAIN A P. M. SAME DAY. TICKETS FOR SALE AND INFORMATION AT TnE BUSY COR NER DRUG STORE, PHONE a EQUD?PED Steanier Breakwater ALWAY8 ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT O A. M. ON AUGUST 4, O, 14, 10, 21 AND 20. BAILS FROM COOS BAY AT SERVICE OF TIIE TIDE ON AUG. UBT 0, 11. 10. 21, 20 AND 31. L. II. KEATING. AGENT PHONE MAIN 88.L I l I I Y FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBURG Our atiins, leavinK Marshfleld t.t O o'clock every morning, con nect with the evening train to Portland. Faro $0.00. COOS BAY ROSEBURG STA GE LINE OTTO 8CHETTER, Agent, 0. P. BARNARD, 120 MARKET AW, Marshfleld. AKent, ROSEBURG, Ore. PnoNS ii BEARY'S GUN SHOP "I can fix it for you." Gun, bicycle, machine lock repair ing, Keys raado and fitted. E. 11ANDEL, Prop. No. 007 No. Front St. Phono 180-R Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL $16.50 Sioe jQ MARSHFIELD COMMODIOUS 3TEAMSIUP COMPANY. O. F. McOEORGE, Agent WITn WIRELESS We Work And Advertise To bring a customer hero the flrl time, nfter time no conies of his own accord. You know why. JtEMEMREIt There is no kink, or cue that n can't do. "THINK IT OVERMAnY." COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 3121 .1 PnONE MAIN mi