i riii T COOS BAY TlRlES p M. O. MALONEV Editor and Pub. DAN E. MALONKV News Editor- Address all communications' to COOS J1AV DAILY TIMES. Mnrslillcld tt :: : :: Oregon MKFlCIAIi PAI'Elt OP THE CITY OF MAKSIIFIELD. Dedicated to tho Borvlco of the people, that no good causo Bhall lack a champion, and that ovll shall not turlvo unopposed. An Independent Kopuullian nows papor published ovcry evening excopt Sunday, and Weekly by Tho Coos llaj Times Publishing Co. Entered at tho postoffice at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second class mall' matter. SUIISCIUPTION KATES. DAILY. Ono year JG.00 Por month .. 50 WEEKLY. Ono year 1.60 When paid strictly In advanco the subscription prlco of tho Coos Bay Times Is ftD.OO ptr year or J2.50 for six months. Oniclnt 1'nper of Coos County TUB COOS HAY UOAD. r (From tho Portland Telegram) rF THE purpose of the Soutnnrn Pacific Is serious to build a rail way lino from Kugeno to Coos Hay, the whole Htitto or Oregon will loudly proclaim Its approval. There Ib no lino of road jvImiko building Is mora loudly called for and whoso building has linen longer iwstponoa. Tho people of tho Coon Hay country, with no outlet but tho ocean, have built up a region of which tho whole etnto In proud. They have develop ed Industries, particularly In the lumbering and dairying lines, which have become n proud boaHt of tho ntnte. They have doveloped a mini bor of communities wlhch are am prlBlngly metropolitan In uppearauco and as enterprising as any to bo found on the railroads. If any section deserves a railroad that section does. Wo have had In in I ml tho Drain project of tho South ern Pncllln system and Its abandon ment after over n million and a ha'f dollara had been spent upon It. Wo havo not boon too sure that tho pro soiit niovoinont wns not llkuwlso n bluff. Thero are, however, wo aro pleased to say, certain sighs to Indi cate that tho road means business this time. Surveys about which noth ing hiiH boon publicly known havo been going on for sumo time. Wo sincerely hope that this will bo tho outcome, and the great Coos Day country will soon havo a railway out lot on tho landward aide such as it luiH so long needed. HLEY LEE PUSSES JUT Well Known Coos .Bay Travel ing Man Succumbs to Long Illness.' After an Illness of over a year from locomor-ntaxla. Charley Lee, a veteran trnvellng man of Coos Day, died at Mercy hospital this morning. Ho had been sinking rapidly for tho last few days and the end was not unexpected. For over twenty years, Mr. Leo had been covering this section and for the greater portion of tho time mndo his headquarters here. Ills genial disposition won him scores of friends who did much to pour some sunshine Into tho long dnys of his Illness. Mr, Leo wns unmarried. A mother and slBter resldo at Falrbttry, Neb They havo boon notified of his donilso and until they aro heard from, tho funeral arrangements will not be made. NEW STORY BE S.P, AC IT (Continued from page 1.) territory later. The trip going, will be made over the Lake creek route, and they will return by way of the stago route. This will show them two of tho several routes selected by their engineers for tho construction of tho now railroad. Tho permanent route has not yet been selected." PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY DH. A. J. HENDRY'S Modem Dentnl Parlors. Wo nro equipped to do high class work on short notice at tho vory lowest prices. Examination free. Lady attendant, Coke building, oppo slto Chandler hotel. D It A. C. IJUItltOUGHS, Scientific Mussnglst, Troats nil diseases Offlco, cornor, Second and Central Avonuo. OfllcG hours 11 to 12 a. m. 2 to 5 p. m. Tll. H. D. MOOKE, Chiropractor. - Chronic Diseases n Spoclnlt' 203 Cooa Dldg Phono 81-L MAKE THIP HV AUTO. 1 WO JOKER United States Soldier Says He Was Only Fooling With Indianapolis Maiden. (I)y Associated Press to Cooa Day Tlmou.j NEW YOUK, Aug. 1-1. Private George A. Petro, tho United States artillery man, nccusod by Miss Anita Dyer of Indianapolis, with being an Austrian spy, admits his nationality but denies ho Is a spy. He said ho had liooii indiscreet In representing himself ns Prince Wludlsch-Uraetz. I to says ho did so as u Joke that tho naiuo means "Prince Wind-bag." D VlcP-Preslileiit O'llrlcii Plans Trip to Coon Day. Tho Ettgone Heglstcr says: "Gen oral Mannger O'Hrlcn, of the Harrl ninn system, Informed Promotion Manager Freeman before his depar ture for homo that ho Is going to make n trip of investigation and to get acquainted throughout tho Slus law empire and the Winchester bny and Coos bny country In tho near fu ture As soon ns tho general trnfllc manager, It. D. Miller, of tho South ern Pacific and Oregon-Washington rnllwnys, gets back from tho enst.j when! bo Ih now In conference with tho trnlllc heads, President O'Brien FY Ofllco hours 1 to 6 6:30 to 7:30 Sunday 3 to 5 DU. G. W. LESLIE, Osteopathic Phyolclnn Uraduato of tho American school of Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. Ofllco In Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to i; Phono 161-J; Marshtlold; Oregon. It. J. V. INGHAM, Physician and Surgeon. 209-210 Coko Building hones: Ofllco 102J; Itcsldcnco 1021. J W. DENNETT, Lawyer. Office ovor Flanagan & Bennett Dank larshfleld Oregon and party will visit Eugene and tuk-a autos for Mapleton. 10 KILLED IN WRECK HETH LIFE AH JUST IN POKKIt; IiOSICH, THEN PAYS THE STAKI Dlack Aces and Fours Deal "Dead Mau'N Hand" In liidlniuipoll Victim Had ItUslputvd Fortune. LAWHKNCKMJKG, laid.. Aug. H. Although ho had lost a fortune at tho cardi table, Harry C. Wheeler Jok ingly staked his life on IiIh hand, while playing poker with John W. Corney, and lost. "What'vo you got?" asked Cerney. wncolor laid down his hand. lie hold iwo block Jacks and a pair of black eights, while Cornoy held two black aces and two black fours. Wheeler'H head dropped on his chest, and ho rolled from tho chair tind died. Heart disease, suporlndiu od by n "linker sweat," Is blamed. Two Others Missing and Many Hurt On Pennsylvania Flyer Last Night. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) Fort Wayne, Ind Aug. H. A re vised list of the dead and Injured us n result or tho east bound eighteen hour Pennsylvania flyer from Chicago to Now York leaving tho track one nillo west or hero Inst evening shows two dead, two inlsslng and 3t Inlur ed, none fatally. Tho known dead aro W. K. Ariel', freight engineer, Valentine Snyder, bnggagomnn. Tho missing nro J. F. Wilson, en gineer, and Ira Burger, llroman. While tho causo of tho wreck is not positively known, tho best explana tion seems thnt tho second onglno a! tho flyer, which was a double header, "split" u Bwltch and threw tho engine ahead ofr the track and tho two en gines crashed Into tho west limimi freight on the adjoining track and me smasu-up followed. A St. l.ouls woman coiunlalmi that her husband beats her on tho fif teenth of every month. Wonder why she doesn't manago to bo away from homo on that da. i'ile dig di:i:i). Johnson, UVudllng anil Southern Pa id lie Deal. HOSUBUItd. Ore.. Aug. 1 1 Ad ditional evidence tending to Indicate thnt tho Southern Pacific is sincere In Its announcement mndo relative to the Immediate construction of a lino from ICugcne to Mnrshfleld mate rialized when the Wendllng-Johnson Lumber Company filed a trust deed with tho clerk or Douglas county se curing n bond issue in tho sum of ?1, 300, 000. Tlio deed Is executed In favor of tho Michigan Trust Company, with headquarters at Grand Ilnplds, Michigan, and Involves Bovornl thou sand acres of timber lands In Doug Ins and Lnno counties. In this con nection It might bo said that most of tho tlmbor lands involved nro along tho lino of the contemplated Mnrshfleld extension from Eugene, and with tho road completed will bo subject to easy transportation. With tho trust deed filed closely following tho announcement, it Is nssuiued In Itosoburg that tho South ern Pacific Company Is playing the "dark horse" and that thoy will come Into possession of the lands Involved. Ah nbovo stated, tho timber in ques tion Is among tho best in tho stute and Is so situated as to attract spe cial attention from a railroad com pany contomplntlng tho construction or a line through the Sluslaw dis tricts and to the coast. 11. J. T. McCOIlMAC, Physician and Surgeon Marshfleld, Oregon. JfTtco: Lockhart Building, opposlto Post Ofllco. Phono 10B-.T UNIQUE PANrATORIUM Wo aro export dyors and cleanors. Hat work of all kinds. Our work will plcaso you. Suits mado to order. 230 Central Ave. Phono 230X ROSS (b PINEGOR PROPRIETORS REAL ESTATE HARGAINS. 7-room house nt Dunkor Hill 91,(500 G Lots and two buildings on Broadway South $0,500 Bungalow, modorn, Contrnl avonuo $ft,ino Threo acres deep watorfront 91,000 AUG. FKIZEEN, Heal Estate Insurance and Rentals OH, Central Ave., Mnrsliflclri, Ore. Havo your calling cards printed at (Thn Tunas olflc It you have anytning to soil, trade, rent or want help, try a want ad. Peaches Are At the Bottom Next steamer has 500 boxes. Get in quick. The canners are taking everything they can get hold of and the crop will not last as long as usual MISS HPEICHKR WEDS. Woman Who Caused Roy MrClallcu's Trouble Marries Another. VANCOUVER, Wash., Aug. 14. -A mnrrlngo Ilcenso was Issued horo to William Henry Adams of Portland nnd Miss Lillian Spolcher or Edon bower. Both or tho contracting par ties nro woll known In Itosoburg and vicinity. Tho groom Is n traveling salesman and was ono of tho chlor witnesses for tho dofonso In tho ro cont McCln'lon murder trial. Ho testlfled, among other things, that .Malum told him whllo a Portland visitor that ho would "get" McClal leu In tho ofunt ho persisted In pay lug his nttontlons to Miss Spelchor. On cross oxnmlnatlon Adams admit ted ho was a close frlond or Miss Spolcher's nnd called upon hor fro- quently upon his visits to Itoseburg. Miss Spolcher, tho bride, hns lived In Edenbowor lor about two years and figured as tho "woman In tho enso" at tho tlmo Mnhan was shot. Tho cost of repairing tho wiring In our building In Mnrshfleld wns nlno dollars. Tho ownor at onco got a re duction of Fifty Dollars per year in the Insurance. Think it over. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237J WATCH! NOTICE Homor Mntizoy, on'o of tho drlvors and the solicitor for us Is out for "Laundry. Watch him! ho Is liablo to stop you on tho stroot nnd oxplalri all details of Laundry and also to bo at your homo any time. He knows Laundry buslnoss from A to Z. Marshfield Hand and Steam Laundry riiun.. iziV'j AMKXD COQl'ILLE CHARTER At tho speclnl election held Monday ror tho purpose of making nmend-i truck,ng bu8,no" ' kinds. Blanchard's Livery Wo have secured inn livery busl ores of L. H. Holsnor and are pre pared to ronder excellent service to the people of Coos Bay. Careful unvors, good rigs and everything thnt will mean satisfactory service to tbo public. Phone us for a driving hors, a rig or anything needed Id the livery lino. We also do a iiu'iiib 10 mo ennnor xz votes weio cast out or approximately 300 persons ellglblo to vote. Tho act to amend sections 12, 13. II and lfi relating in I the establishment of grades and the j Improvement of certain streets was .carried by a majority of 10 votes, 61 'for amendment nnd 21 against it. Tho ,nct to amend section 2 rolntlvo to tho sale of Intoxicating liquor was carried I by tho same majority. The act to amend section 3 prescribing the meth od of enforcement powers, and author , Ity of thoCominoii Council was carried ' by a majority of 41 votes. Coqulllol l Sentinel. I HAS SMALLPOX. Paul Crooks who returned n day or two ago from San Francisco wns ordered quarantined for snmllpox yesterday. Ho has been Isolated and It Is hopod to prevent any spioad of tho dlsonse. He contracted It In Cali fornia. Mr. Crooks' homo Is at or I near Sumner. DLANCIIARD BROTHERS. Livery, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First and Aldor Streots. Phono 138-J MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR PASHLY HOTEL THE LLOYD Rates reduced to: Duy 50c, 75c and 11.00; week 2.00 to $6.00. House keeping apartmeuts with gas ranges 110.00 to $18.00 per month. FREE BATHS E. W. SULLIVAN, Prop. BAFE INVESTMENT For Information concerning high-class bond Investments, benrlng G Interest net, write O. B. Hinsdale, care J. H. Adanis and Comnnnv j.na - , .ww Angeles, California. No Wearisome Tuesdays With Electric Flat Irons vvuiiic-- w -vv -v, witxx ureaa to the Tuesday ironing the hot kitchen . walking between stove and ironing board-. 1 T 1 1 1 .ii.a. j m AtkON 44 AA ww 4lfc I J r fa me siow laDonuus piugic&a wim uia iasnioned sad irons. Tt-.aolo.f wax- Uaa rUxrctcA i11 4-UJ- X lft;U..Ul WCy -.-.w wa&wv 1 UUS CJ, out the hot kitchen enabled faster, cleaner work permits the ironing to be done seated if you desire. Electric Flat Irons now $3 Ironing Done In Half the Time With Half the Labor. Telephone 178 Oregon Power Company .00. i QsEsS t-"V j- --Jin.- & t vm 'jgsvrfv' v tififc 3r av . c.j- xw Vyi.wt VVix if.. -jlMStTx 7oNilr. l N7fl -XVA'. .VL M' OL WttettaT'lt Wsf " -sSJ' ' -i- - i"-: - ' '- - Don't Kick Yourself For forgetting your winter's supply of wood! Order now and be happy later. Dry Timber Ends While they last, we have on hand a fine lot of DRY blocks for fire place and stove wood, ORDER NOW C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Broadway Yards phone 190-J Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO 4ND JOSSON CEMENT. The beat Domeitlo and Imported brandu. Pinter, Lime, Brick and nil kinds of bulldera material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. raoNE 201 Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. IIKXIIY SKNGSTAOKEN. Mm- Coqullle Offl:e Phone 191 Marshfleld Office 14-J. Coal and Platting Lands a epeclalty. Farms Timber Qenaral Agents "EASTSIDB" I MEN pSS&inXvWjRttw After the 8bow trr a Turk,8h Datl1 jinfciiiK,,,,,,, "wMfciJ-yiyii Phono 2 14-J. t' I t E 1 k fi