, rf a- , H ll'l "' - SVf a-. THE C.OAS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD,, OREGON, FRIDtf,' AUGUST 11', 191-1 EVENING. EDITION. TT TTT fw - Astbrid Centennial Pageant Augv IQIh.to Sppt, 9th, Inclusive, Astoria, Ore. 1M,000 SPECTACULAR, HISTORICAL JUBIIjKK COMMEMO RATING THIS FIIIST WHITE SETTLEMENT IN THE PACIPIO NOKTHlVUHTrMV THE A8IOR PARTY. Willamclte Valley and Southern Oregon Cities Day August 17th A FEW OF THK THINGS VOU WILL BBK: FLIGHTS 11V rflll? WONDERFUL CUR T1SS HYDRO AER OPLANE TRAVEL ING IV AIU, LAND AND SKA. INDIAN VILLAGES YAKIMA AND NIM rnilCH INDIANS. U.S. BATTLESHIPS INDIAN WAll DAN CIS AND SHAM BAT TLES. MANUFACTURERS i:IIIIIII'S. MAMMOTH MILL TAHV AND NAVAL PARADES. OREGON DEPART- MKNT OF FISHERIES LIVE FISH KXSII- HIT. VIVID DESTRUCTION OF THK SHIP 'TON- QUIN" CLATSOP COUNTY EXHIIUT. WONDERFUL KITH FLYING CONTESTS. SPECTACULAR' HIS TORICAL PARADES. SAIL AND MOTOK BOAT RACES. ELLKRY'B ROYAI. ITALIAN HAND. ELABORATE AND WONDERFUL ILLU MINATIONS. . OREGON 'NATIONAIj GUARD AND U. fl. MARINE HANDS. i SI-ECLAT FEATURES TQ FOLLOW EVERY DAY. . . . - , REDUCED RATES ON ALL LINES Flanagan & Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $100,000 Assets Over $500,000, Interest Paid on Time Deposits First National Bank OF COOS BAY AT MARSHFIKLD, OREGON, Capital and surplus and profits $107,000.00 J-otal resources 535,000.00 United States Depository for Postal Savings Does a general banking business, Interest paid on time and savings deposits, OFFICERS: W. S, Chandler, i ivii ui President, DIRECTORS: W. S, Chandler, John S, Coke, W. U, Douglas, Wm, Grimes, John F, Hall, S, C, Rogers, r- S, Dow, W, P, Murphy, M, C, ALICE II The Popular PIcnIo Boat. iUo make8 reBular schedule on W i C00S R,ver run Le andv ,- ai o;d a. m. "S, JT MarshflBld t 8 a. . " - ft iu. DEARY'S GUN SnOP GUncaMflx lt for w a. Dicycle, machine lock repair s' 8 made and fitted. E. IJAXDEL, Prop. - St. Phona 180-R ... August 17th Program Afternoon 2:30 P. M. Concert by Ellery's Band Indian WarDances at Stadium 4:00 P. M. Wonderful Kite Flying Con tests at Centennial Grounds Night 6:OOP.M. Concert ky; Ellery's Band Indian War Dances at Stadium Bennett Bank .. Vi u u i uuiooy (Mongol, Vice-President, Cashier, Horton, Blanchard's Livery We have secured the livery busi ness of L. H. Holsner and are pre pared to render excellent service to the people of Coos Bay. Careful drivers, good rigs and everything that will mean satisfactory service to the, public. Phone us for a driving hors, a rig or anything needed In the livery lino. Ve also do a trucking business of all kinds. DLANCnARD BROTHERS. Livery, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First and Alder Streets. Phone 138-J PAST AND Steamer Redondo 4 I EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Will Sail From Marshfield for San Francisco, Monday, Aug. 14 INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION OOMIJAT. Phono 44 C. F. McQEORQE), Agont, TnE FRIEND S. $. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WntELESS CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH BANK ROAD AT PORTLAND Sails for Portland from Coos, Bay, Sunday, Aug. 13 NORTH PAJIFIO 3TI2AMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE 44 O. F. McGEOEGE, Agent DRAIN-COOS BAY AUTO LINE VIA ALLEGANY NOW READY FOR BUSINESS LEAVES MARSIIFIEIil) DAILY BOAT LEAVES ALERT LANDING, MARSHFIELD 5:30 A. JU. ARRIVE DRAIN 4 P. M. SAME DAY. TICKETS FOR SALE AND INFORMATION AT THE BUSY COR NER DRUG STORE, PHONE 2 EQUIPPED Steamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT O A. M. ON AUGUST 4, O, 14, 10, 24 AND 20. ' SAILS FROM COOS BAY AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE ON AUG UST O, il. 10. SI. SO AND 81.' ' ' L. II, KEATING, AGENT i ii i FASTSERVICE TO. ROSEBURG Oar auto, levtaj( MswhleM atOI o'clock1 every momiag, aect with the erecting Irate to Portland. Fara 14.00. COOS BAY ROSEBURG BTA GE. LINK OTTO SCHRTTER, Ageat, O. P.' BARNARD, - 120 MARKET AV., Marahfleld. 'Agtat, ROSEBURG. On. , r JCnbNH ii. RE.L ESTATE BARGAINS. 7-room houso at Bunkor Hill $1,B00 G Lots nnd two buildings on Broadway South 90,000 Bungalow, modorn, Central avonuo f.1,100 Thrco acros doop waterfront 91,000 AUG. FRIZERN, Real Estato Iiuuranco and Rentals 08, Central Ave., Marslifleld, Oru. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Tk R- A. J. HENDRY'S Modorn Dental Parlor. Wo aro equipped to do high class work on short notice at tha vory lowest prices. Examination, freo. Lady nttondarit, Coko building, oppo site Chandlor hotel. MRS. L. ERIOKSON, ProfetBlonal, Nureo as Flrot.Btfoot Ph6na 64-J Am propared to accommodate pa tients. Confinement cases a specialty DR A. O. BURROUGHS, Scientific Mosaagfstt Treats all diseases Offlco, cornor Socond and Central Avonuo. 6ulco hours 11 to 12 a. m. 2 to 5 p. m, DR, If. B. MOORE, Cltlropractor. Clironlo Diseases a Specialty 203 Coos BIdg Phone 81-L Office hours 1 to 5, 6:30 to 7:80 Sunday 3 to 6 DR. G. W. LESLIE, OsU'opathlo Physician Uraduate of the American school of Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. Office In Eldorado BIk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phone 101-J; Marshfield; Oregon. DR. J. W. INGRAM, Physician and Surgeon. 209-210 Coke Building honest Office 10.2J; Residence 1021. W. BENNETT, Lawyer. Office over Flanagan & Bennett Bank larshfleld Oregon DR. J. T. McCORMAO, Physician and Surgeon Marshfield, Oregon. Office: Lockhart Building, opposite Post Office. Phone 10B-J BAFE INVESTMENT For Information concerning high-class bond Investments, bearing 0 Interest net write O. B. Hinsdale, care J. If. Adams and Company, Los Angeles, California. " COMMODIOUS qF COOS BAY", WITH WIRELESS PHONE MAIN S8.L Many a Suuffering Wontan. Drags herself painfully through her dally tasks, suffering from backache, hoadache, norvousnoss, loss of appo tlto and poor sleep, not knowing hor Ills are duo to kldnoy and bladder troubles. Foley Kldnoy Pills give quick relief from pain and misery and a prompt return to health and strength. No woman who so auf fors can afford to ovorlook Foloy Kld noy Pills. For salo by Red Cross Drug Storo. Km OakUMl, CkUTmU Th only Wcmin' Collfjt on tb Pacific Coiit Chartered. ISS3. Kttr twp grttt Unlrtriltlta, Ideal cllatau l&tugtKutth jttr. Kntraptt and graduation rcauUaraanta tqulfaUnt to Ihoie of Slanlord and Unlraraltr of Calllorola, .aboratoxlca for clcaca llK modrn equip, rntpt. Ezctlliat opportnnlllta for bomt conomlaa, Ubrary atudr. rauile, and art. Modem grtapaalum. SotcUl cart far health of atudenta, out-door tile. PreiMent, Luella Our Caraoo. A. .. Lltt. D.. L.L. D. For eatalogut addrcaa Secretary, Mllla College 1. vk. biiuornia. VXlS r. & t w S?!5WW RMldaat aad Day Behocl tow Qlrl. l?4kk oLan of autua at Bl. Jahk(IUUil 4KaUoopall Mule, Ail. lUtatlM. a,aualm. Yet catalog a4l4rM THE B1STEH SUl'EBIOlt OfflM2f, it, Ilalana Ilall Tho cost of repairing the wiring in our building In Marshfield was nine dollars. Tho ownor at once got a re duction of Fifty Dollars per year in the Insurance. Think it over. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHON.E 287-J Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono 3131 WATCH! NOTICE Homer Mauzoy, ono of tho drivers t-nd tho solicitor for us Is out for Laundry. Watch him I ho Is liable to stop you on tho street and explain all details of Laundry and also to be at your home any time. Ho knows Laundry business from A to Z, Marshfield Hand and, Steanj Laundry puon aao-j Ay.. b0 55 HOPS VALUED BY LOOKS AND AROMA, Best Are Raised In Bohemia, Bavaria and Parts ot England. According to tho prevailing opinions, which, according to some American growers, aro mora prejudices, the best hops aro raised in Bohemia, Bavaria and somo parts of England, notably Kent. Most American browers as well as their European brothers valuo bops largely by tbclr appcarnnco and their aroma. This matter Is being iud or oournoara babut. v thrashed out thoroughly in connection with the barloyi and- bop exhibition which wllli bo held In Chicago Oct. 12-22. Aa In tho case of other aromat ic plants, thb'aources ot the aroma aro not well understood. Aroma usually da-Deads' upon such minute 'particles of substance that sveu the delicate re actions la the chemical laboratory ae frequently Inadequate to discover them. The high prices which aro paid, for Instance, for certain urines are based' upon their flavor or aroma, and yet this flavor or aroma cannot bo discovered by chemical analysis, It is not surprising, tnorerore, tnatytne substances which contain the-flavor or aroma of bops have never been as certained with certainty. There is a theory that they aro closely associ ated with tho soft resins contained in tho lupulln, or the hop flour, which Is found between tho bracts of tho cone and which Is really tho essential port of tho hop plant, As for tho color of tho hops, various preferences prevail, Bomo preferring thp varieties which aro entirely green, while others think the yellowish green Is preferable. In this country the' yel low! i. kinds' are usually preferred, While In Germany the greon ones have thecal!. Inasmuch' as the brewing valuo of hops depends largely upoii tha lupulln Icadd and tho soft 'resins and ths American -hops are unusually rich 'In, soft reklns, American' hop 'growers, iaesdkavs no f ear'df entering tho prise competition at'Cakagonndr'ta rmjse vr hkh hare been 'adopted' for th Jury which is to Jcdga tha hops. 11 ' r ' AWARDS tJLFJRR. , FOR HOP EXHIBITS, Condition;; That Will Govern In TMs Class. Awards of prizes will be made ac cording to tho following rules for hops entered' in tho socond international barloy and hop prise exhibition to be held at Chicago, Oct. 12-22, 1011: Tho awards will consist of twenty-one prices, tho highest amounting to $160. For the purpose of prize distribution each distinct hop growing eectlon (for- XiUJ-DLIK OLAMU MAQ.NIifJED 800 TIMES. clgn or domestic) will constituto a class by itself. Tho following Ameri can sections nro recogiilzed as distinct for this purposo: (1) Now York state. (2) California, (3) Oregon, (1) Wash ington, (D) British Columbia. Hops grown outsldn of theso sections will be considered as belonging to that section which conforms most closely to their districts geographically and cllmutlcnlly, In tho discretion of tho committee on awards. AH samples of hops must bo certified to havo been grown by tho exhibitor. Tho amount of hops offered for ex hibit must bo at least tor. -ibunds, with six clusters of about twelve coues each- " alnHf JlfWanlnlnH H wm v gggH ggR ;c 't tgggl B w jggggggggggggggi sHMkIiiiiiH ggggggggvuirV'v,gggggg1ggggggl ggggCcKflggggggggl nnnnnnsnnk ht v '.gnnnnnnnnnnnnnnBsnj ggggggggflL'ggggglggggggggggfl iggggggg BUSY TIES AT INSTITUTE Coos County Teachers Become Pupils Again News of the Gathering. Tho Coos county lnstltuto work for Wednesday foronoon began with in struction In Arithmetic, Sth grade language, Cth grado composition by Prof. Ball, and A reading and num ber work by Miss Smith. Prof. Ball gives printed outline of each subject to all tho teachers and explains samo from beginning; to ond. Miss 'Smith outlines tho courso of study on tho board and demonstrates the work In phonic reading and num bers by meant of tho model class. Tho aftornoon's work consisted in discussing methods of teaching goo graphy, history and IB reading. Tha topics discussed In geography wore BrltlBh-Atnorlcn and Canada and South America In history, Now York. Mlsa Smith gavo Instruction In IB reading and questioned tho tcachors on work previously prcBonted. Among tho teachers who curollod todny woro Miss Bordlnnh Hlckoy of North Bend. A. Hucnorgardt of Marshfield. Mrs. Minnie Horman of Myrtle Point, who will teach at Dlst. No. 5 tho coming term. Mr. S. 0. Shorrlll, a recent arrival on tho Bay, will bo principal ot the Bunker Hill school tho coming torn. Superintendent Raab of North, Bond has boon a vjsttor nenrly overy day. Through an error tho names of Mrs. Ellon Kelley nnd. Miss Frances FranBo, both ot Marshflold, were omlttod yesterday from tho list, of tcachors attending tho teachers' In stitute. Good Instructors. Tho Institute work la being cba- ductod by Prof. Ball and Miss SmUts ot tho Arllta school, Portland. Both nro very capable Instructors, and their work will bo ot much profit to tho toachors. Monday nttornoon Prof. Ball de votod two periods to work In history nnd goopraphy, boglnnlng with 4ta grndo work, nnd Miss Smith gavo a discussion on mothods ot teaching reading in tho primary grado. On Tuesday, Prof. Dall dlscusuoJ mothods of teaching arithmetic 4th grndo composition, 4th grado laa guaga and history. Miss Smith presontcd work in the primary grndo In reading, using u model class of young boys and girls from tho city. Objoct lossons.on the black board wore used and tho chil dren were taught to spoil tho namos by using tho phonic method. Supervisor J. T. McCormao was present and givo a short talk on tha study ot arithmetic, would advlse tbat moro montal work be usod. anj gavo as a reason that formerly pu pils woro moro proficient In arith metic whon moro mental work was given. A now toaturo In regard to tho ln stltuto this yoar Is that Instead of a short session of three or tour days a8 In formor years, a two wooka' courso In regular normal sohool work' Is given by normal' Instructors to the tcachors In tholr home county, r.. TARIFF BILLS D BEE ON No Agreement Reached Yet on Wool or Cotton Revision Measures. V (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) , WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 10. Tho sub-conferonco committee In s chnrgo of tho wool tariff revision bill, fallod to roach an agreement today. All tho conferoos will moot tomor row to consider tho ontlro tarlo sit uation again. TO STAND BY TAFT. (By Associated Pres3 to Coos Bay Times.? WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 10 Stnnd-Pnt Republicans loaders of tho. Sonato and Houso flockod to tho White Houso today to Inform Taft thoy will light to the last ditch be fore they will allow olthor tho Son- jate or Houso to pas any measure JJ,M:MMa-iSa-aMaaasaaaasa-saaaBSSSal 1 "1 i n L