Km ' iw,wwmmnffsi r iimrmfram m ' . "V THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1911 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES 10 !. I M - !! II IM lef ore You Invest in Furniture M. C. MALONEY Editor and Publisher DAN E, MALONEY Nows Editor G00S RIVE Visit Perry, Montgomery , Co. Entered at tho postofilco at Murshfleld, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second class mall matter. Nil i l i m tr OFFICIAL PAPER OK COOS COUNTY. AN INDEPENDENT REPUHLICAN NEWSPAPER PUHLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. AND WEEKLY BY THE COOS DAY TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY. OFFICIAL PAPER OK THE CITY OK MARSHFIELI). Two Editorial Views of Southern Pacific IS IT IHiUKK? w (From Portland Telegram) E. OK COUHSE, hope for the best, but wo rannot help re marking tho pccullnr slgnlll- enncoof tho fact that colncldont with tho filing In CohuIIIq City of tho trust deed for $10,000,000 for the purposo of providing funds for tho building of tho Coos Hay & Oregon Central' Itnllwny company, tho oaHtern start ing point of which Is Rosobtirg, tho Southern Paclllc should rush Into the broach with tho announcement thai It proposes to build a road from Eu gene to Marshlleld. that It Is to bo completed In two years and that $N. 000,000 hns already been appropriat ed for ItH construction. With this announcement comes tho olllclal and doflnlto abandonment of tho railroad project from Drain to tho const. it will not bo forgotten that eight yeans ago, when dellnlto plans had been completed for tho building of an Independent lino from Itoseburg to Mnrshllold, tho Southern Pacific nuddenty uwoko from Its torpor and actually began the construction of u railroad from Drain to tho const. Upon this road It spent, It Is said, about a million and n half. Iiumonso masses of construction material wore collected, and most of It Is still lying on tho ground ncnttorod for miles out of Drain. Now this costly onterprlso 1b dead and tho obsoquloH have been dollnltoly pionnunced upon It. Tho reason for Its abandonment was that tho Sou thorn Pari lie's apparent sin ONLY ONE KNOCKEU. (Krom tho Eugono Register) rtfiHE Portlund Telegram Is tho only paper In tho state thntlsdlsposed to throw cold wuter upon the Eu-gonc-Coos Hay announcement of the Southern Paclllc, nudthailssupposed to bo duo to tho scoops tho morning papers hod on tho story. There I onu Htutement by the Telegram, how ever, probably true, nnd that Is the one to tlio effect that a group of local financiers headed by one of tho big gest bankers In the city has ar ranged to tap the Coos Hay countrv with n feeder lino from Eugeno by way of a route down tho shore of tho Paclllc. This company has all but completed an arraugomont whereby tho necessary bondB for tho project will bo floated In London. The Hnrrlmun crowd got wind of this and rushed Into print with blowing accounts of what It was going to do. Tho local interests referred to have already surveyed a route all the way from Eugono to Klorenco with option on most of tho balance of the distance to Marshlleld and other Coos Hay points. They have already pro pared all of tho preliminary work, and their prollles for tho road are fin ished and have been submitted to the agents who linve chargo of raising tho nocossury money needed for building tho road. Tho Register violates no confldonro when It states that tho above decla ration by tho Telegram enn bo accept ed as n mnt tor of fact, and there Is corlty In sotting about building a ' ,v"',' rt,BO t0 lmlluvu ,lmt th,! nz' tlon of tuo Houtnorn raciuc win uoi deter these people from going nhend with their undertaking which Is satd Smith-Powers Company to Clear Channel "Lie" Passed at Meeting. COQU1LLE, Ore., Aug. 11. The Coos county commissioners at a spe cial meeting this week granted a perjnlt to the Smith-Powers Logging company to uso dynamite in clearing the channel of South Coos river from McKnlght's Landing to Daniels Creole. Tho application wnB Indors ed by tho stnto game warden. Tho logging company Is opening a no v cam) at McKnlght's landing and , number of snags nnd rocks In the channel hampered the handling of tho logs. Tho dynamiting while probably hnrd on the fish for the time being will greatly Improve tho stream for boating. Tho commissioners also took up n number of road mntters. In one from Un n do n, Mr. Richardson nnd Com missioner Armstrong got Into n real lively tilt. Richardson charge 1 Armstrong with carelessness In hnv Ing a brldgo put on Rlchnrdson's Innd Instead of on tho county road. Rlelinrdson chnrged thnt tho commis sioners carelessness was duo to the fact that relatives or friends wore Interested In the contract. This lend Commissioner Armstrong to resort to indignant statements In which the "lie" wns passed nnd threats made of n fistic encounter. Judge Hall finally restored order. nP PTTJlJ THERE IS NOT ANOTHER (.TIT FIVE TIMES Till.' SIZE OK MARSIIK1ELI) THAT HAS A KUHNITl'RE STOIji' 1IALK SO (5001). WE NEED NOT ENUMERATE. THE (IOOIIS ARE HERE, ARRANGED SPECIALLY i'()ii YOUit INSPECTION, THE PRICES AHE IN PLAIN Km. IRES. Come In and See Them COMPARE THEM, WITH WHAT OTHERS SALE. HAVE KOR You Will Be Convinced THAT THIS STORE IS AN EXCEITION, THAT THERE IS NOT ANOTHER TO CO.MPARE WITH IT. FOR LOW PRICES OR FOR QUALITY OR FOR STYLE PERRY, MONTGOMERY d CO. North Bend News John Carlson Is seriously 111 nt his homo near tho -Mercy hospital. Judge Turpon of Empire Is vhlt Ing his daughter, Mrs. C. M. Dyler. he t i BATES IDE rood to tho coast destroyed tho mar ket for tho bonds of tho other on terprlso. The lattor was, perform, Miss Inez Anderson and brother, Kreddlo, loft yesterday for a vlilt Mrs. C. E. Mnthor, who has boon quite 111 at her homo, Is resting easier nbandonod whou tho money wnH nl-l, " H0 fl"' '"Iviineod that thoro Is most within tho grasp of Kh promo- "cklne down. Just what rail tors. Onco It was dollnltoly dead 1"1"1 IntorostB these people represent work ceased on tho Drain branch of ls "ot l"w. t road as pro tho Southern Paclllc. 1 I'0101' povith a wldo stretch of coast What will now bo done? Is thd territory Including Eugeno and the purposo JiiHt the sniuo as before? Is Sluslnw and Involves an outlay of It to destroy the credit of tho now il"l ' construction. It Is more enterprise, which, as a matter of fact.1 tlmn I'rohnblo thnt activity of those is u revival of tho old one. and that I'00"'0 ,,,,H ,ono n,oro t() ,novu tho onco killed again to abandon work """thorn Pacific to Immediate con- and leave tho Coos Hay country still "traction of the const lino than any without railroad outlet? There nr? "m tM"K nnd u wou,a ,10t ,w 8ln" outward Indications that this Is so. I'llslng to see dirt flying on two roads For yenrs the Southern Pacific Inter. lll8,L't' 0ll wll0 n'1""1 wrk he- csts hnve owned a railroad which K,im- Tho Tolora, ' k,,cl the runs from Mnrshllold. on the liny, to KuKi'iio-to-Coos road us a bluff, but Coijulllo City In tho Interior, a din- u wiu ,l0 "H,u h' tho Southorn Pn- tanco of nineteen miles. Kor yem-H clnc ""ll tM0 othcr "torprlso mny tho people in thnt section hnvo'been "kowlso cover a similar torrltory and hoping nnd praying for an extension w,th a,,out ns ",uch rapidity nB Its to this lino thnt would lnlm? ili.m i,ollotltor. railroad communication with tho o ti nkle world, the only thing needed to make a potentially great section Krent In reality. Hut beyond rumors and tho flash In tho plan at Drain, nothing has eventuated. Porhnpi thoro In something to this Intent en terprise, but no one outside the In nor circle can bo at all sure. The other onterprlso looks Inviting. Out of It nil tho Cooa Hay people are llk ly to get a road. Everybody since rely hopoi. so. No section of tho stnto hns shown greater enterprise under! fliich conditions than Marshlleld and tho other towns In that section. Their country Is wonderfully rich. It has received considerable development, hut If thoro wns a profitable outlet for the products it would receive a with relatives on Catching Inlet. Mrs. Ezrn Kinney Is visiting- (or a few duys at Allegany. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomns Carey, who spent a short time hero, left this morning for their homo at Port Or- ford. Dr. Ira Hartlo hns purchased Span ish Court from Simpson Lumber Co. This wns formerly tho J. F. Hodi res Idcnco. John A. Groves will occupy the house vacated by Dr. Ilnrtle. Mrs. Fred Drews nnd children of Portland, Mrs. E. C. Drows and MrB. Gnsnoy of Mnrshllold visited at tho Harry O'Mnru homo lioro this weolc. Tho schooners Advent nnd Arngo nro duo from San Frnnclsco. Hl'SlNESS MEN'S VIEW OK DAILY NEWSPAPER Say That It's Impossible Krom Iliisl- ness Standpoint to Conduct Two In Tim ns of l'ss Tlmn SK Thousand, WEIISTER CITY, Aug. H L. K. Hladlne, has purchased tho Cedar Kails Dally Record, taking possession the tlrst of the month. The Record has been on the mar ket some time nnd sovoral delega tions of Cedar Kails business men have been here the past fow mouths to interest Mr. Hlndlne In tho prop erty and he finally decided to buy It. Cedar Kails Is a town of about six thousand and It Is a good town In great deal more and make a region every respect especially from the of Industry, wealth nnd beauty thnt'nowbpnper standpoint. Tho Record town scnrce;y ue duplicated nny whore In the Pacific- northwest. Mrs. Orn McCorty. president of tho Mnrshllold W. C. T. U., Mrs. Knnitle Wheolor nnd Mrs. Helon LMwns r.f Murshfleld, Mrs. Maud Watklns of Kerndnlo. Mrs. Martin Hron nnd Miss Annlo Lund of EnitB'do, met with tho North Hend W. C. T. U. this week. Formal Order Issued In Spok ane Freight Cases by Commissioners. (Oy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.; WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 10. Formal orders in tho Pacific coast freight cases supplementing the deci sions rendered two weeks ago, woro Issued today by tho Interstate Com morco Commission. Material reduc tions in both class nnd commodity freight rates are made from Atlan tic coast points of origin to inter Rocky Mountain cities llko Spokane, Reno, Phnonlx and others ulmllnrly sltuntcd although tho carriers aro permitted on account of wnter com petition to exact rates somowhat Icsh to tho Paclllc const terminals than to tho Intermediate points. Tho ordor In tho Spoknno rnto caso which affects tho rntos not onlv to Spokane, but also to Wnlla Walln, La Grando, linker City and Pendle ton, follows preclsoly tho principles nnd tho rates laid down In tho long and short haul ordor, which appor tions tho country Into Ave zones, nnd provides a differential of seven, fif teen nnd twenty-flvo per cont In fa vor of tho Paclllc const terminals. Tho rates on hundreds of commodi ties nro reduced, tho rango being from four .to thirty per cont. All tho rntos prescribed will becomo or fectlvo Novombor 15, 1911. 1 T 1 mmimmi T Government Crop Bulletin Shows Production This Year Is Considerably Short. (Oy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) Washington, Aug. 10 Tho gov ernment crop bulletin shows tho con dition of spring whent to bo fiO.S per cent nnd estimates the total ylold of winter wheat nt 4511,149,00 bushels. Tho wlntor whent In Washington yield Is 27.3 per cent, tho production 19,820,000 buBhelB, and quality 97. Tho Oregon ylold Is 2C.2, production 11,200,000 bushols, quality 9R. The total production of winter whent Is 4iti, 149,000 bushels for 191 1 ngnlnst IC 1,044.000 for 1910. Tho spring wheat ylold Is 209,045,700 bushels for 1911 ngalnst 231,399, 000 In 1910. CATCH I NO INLET NEWS. Miss Grnco Jones wns the guoit of Miss 'M, Wallace, Sunday. Arthur Hansen of Mnrahflold was a visitor of Chnrllo Donne's a fow days this weok. PERSONAL OVERFLOW. JETTV WASHED AWAY. AltCO MI7IWL POLISH The Gunnery NOTICE TO GRANGIFrS. Tho Coos Hay Grnngo will hold n picnic Saturday, August 12, at the Moplos on Catching inlet. Tho Tlo gn will loavo Marshtluld at S o'clock and connect with tho boat at the creamery going tr. the grounds. The public nro lnlted. Is tho only paper there and the busl niws men of tho town nro opposed to having more. Tho advertisers rea lize that one good dully paper In a HuiiiIoii Light House Enilniigcrol by HeiiTy Surf. A portion of tho lighthouse Jotty, 220 feot long, was washed down by tho brenkors Sunday night, and this, with what hns previously gono out, mukes a gap of nenrly 400 feet thai has boon washed out. Tho llght houso Jetty wns built only two yenrs ago nt n cost of about $4,000 to tho light house department nnd It would appear that It Is Impossible to build a Jetty that will stand ngalnst tho continual pounding of tho surf In mnt particular placo. it will bo re- niembored by peoplo who wore here two years ago, how closo tho water came to undermining the dwelling of the light house keepers, nnd only for the erection of tho Jotty nt thnt time, tho building would hnve been In the E. W. NEVERS. of tho Coos Hay Enstorn Electric Railway, return ed Inst night from a business trip to Rosoburg. T. R. RENICK of Ronlck, Virginia, a cousin of J. D. McNeil, nrrlvod In Mnrshfield today on a prospect Jonnlo Jones, who hns been assist ing Mrs. Malonoy nt Day City, re turned homo recently. John Donobrnko and grand daugh ter, Willa May, were over-Sunday guests of Grandma nonohrnko. John Portor of Allegany visited nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. H. Jack son from Saturday till Monday. Mrs. H. Granby and two children of Marshflold woro guests nt tho homo of Sarah Donebrnko Sunday. Fresh Fruits Sleninei' Heiloiiilo In .Salunlar. Wo hnve for our Saturday trndo fretdi Oregon Peachei, Cnllfornln ponchos, Aprlcoii, New Apples, Hunuuus, Seed. less, black and Malaga Orapei, Plums, Prunes, Oranges, Lem ons, PenrB, Nutmegs, Water melons. Fresh Vegetables Green Corn, Fresh Tomv toes, Dell Poppers, Coos Bir Cucumbors, Cnllfornln Cucum hers, Fresh Peas, Wax and Green lionns, Celery, Cabbag?, CaullIIowor, Carrots, rjwli, Turnips, Lottuco, Grcea Onions, Rhubarb, Sweet Pota toes. Try our Pure Coos Itltrr Honey, bent on the market. Phone Us Your Order OLLIVANT 2. WEAVER The Pure Food Grocermen A Good Place to Trade Phone 275J Corner 3rd & Central Don't forgot tho Turkish Bati PHONE 211-J. Henrv KliHvnll will in,. i.i l .... , ... I " ' W1IB . u, u.11 o, u.o west, no expresses week for a visit among his old time himself as very favorably Impress- friends and relatives In Indiana nnd cd with Coos pects. Ray and Its pros- WILLAMETTE VALLEY ESTED. INTER- town of that "sUe can and will server0'1 ,u n fow (,n8' Dnndon Record them bettor than two or more ofi Interior quality, and It goes without saying thnt It ls impossible, from a huslnohs standpoint, to conduct moie Everybody ls initod to attend the donco nt Plorson's ball, Lakesldo, AUGUST la. MUHIO by string band. Admission gontlomeu $i an Indies than one good daily paper In a town of losig tlmn six thousand people. The Cedar Falls Commercial lenguo be came Interosted in tho matter nnd nssurancoa woro made that no eu I'ouragoment would bo glveu a second paper A TURKISH HATH will do von GOOD. Phono 314-J. HUNTING KNIVES nt The Gunnery NOTICE TO FISHERMEN. Wo want fresh salmon and nre prepared to pay tho highest cash prlco for them. For furthor parti culars see C. G. HOCKETt. Emplro City, or GEO. F. SMITH. Coos River (From Eugeno Guard.) Nothing has happened for yonrs that has created qulto bo profound nnd widospread Interest In Willamet te vnlley and nil along tho coast line llko tho announcement made by O'Drlon to the effect that tho SotAh orn Pacific will proceed nt onco to build from Eugone to Coos Bay via tho Sluslaw country. Ohio. If you have nytning to soil, trade, rent or want help, try a want ad. I NOTICE TO 8UBSCIlHlEItS. Times subscribers who do not recoivo tholr naDors resularlr are requested to notify Tb Times offloce of nny Irregularity In dollvory. This ls the onlf moans Tho Times has of know- Ing when subscribers miss their pnpors, and consequently tb only means of romodylng tht trouble. . HILL IS SIGNED. PHONE I. S. KAUFMAN & CO., YOUR COAL ORDERS, $1,80 TON. Statehood of Arizona anil New Mexl- co ls Up to Tnft. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 11. Spoakor Clark and Vice-president Sherman today signed the bill for tho admission of Arlzonn nnd New Stoxl co. It now goes to tho president who Is expected to rot urn It with a veto messnge. Try Times' Want Ads. Peaches Are At the Bottom Next steamer has 500 boxes Get in quick. The canners are taking everything they can get hold of and the crop will not last as long as usual So, twnmriMmmim J rz