ONE-HALF THE WORLD DONT KNOW WHAT THE OTHER HALPS BEEN UP TO tTads carrying SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's advertising spneo In a newspaper, compared with tlio npnee used by oilier (tores, should define it compurntho Importance lit till! community! Does your storo'ci ad vert Mug spaco do that?. omtra V 1P .ton-news, ..,....-... . " nrlV ilr ,,,ls "OWMmpcr. If rf!vMm '' M" l8,,l, mMV nfffsi" i iir.iiv " ' "n! .rri-w ","t ,i ,n,K,,t r,,,n"" son as It would ,,ot l)i' K""! "C'VHpnpcT. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PHESH Established In 1878 tin Tho Coast Mall VOL. XXXV MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times. Const Mai! and Coos liny Advertiser. No. 24 (Uoos iSIB REVEALS GLUE TO URDERER OF OB Mil Theft at Roseburg May Harry Smith Arrested Here For Solve Mystery. SAYS HE KNOWS MAN WHO KILLED HILLS. Marshal Carter Sends Details With U. S. Marshal Hammersley. Unless Hurry Smith, tliu until nr- rested liore by Marshal Cartor while trjlng to bcM n homo, 1jukk ' k.r.M. tinrt of which 1m admits laving stolon nt Rosoburg, Ib an iful ircnrlcator tho mysterious i.vlncof tho Hill fiunlly In Portland jane 9. will ho Bolvud. Smith hnH jltcn the olllccrs tho imniu of tlio nun whom ho nlleges killed tho en tire family nnd who Is still nt llborty. Smith wns taken to Rosoburg thin morning- by Sheriff Quliio, who camo over Inst iiluht ami will hu hold thura on the minor charge wlillo tho Port land police arc investigating the duo that Mnrshnl Carter ecured from him. Marshnl Cnrtor snw that something as worrying Smith, or lllsggo ns his namo npponra to bo from bookB found on him, nnd proceeded to learn hat It wns. Smith told tho story of the staying of tho 1 1111 family and how a friend of his did It. killing Mrs. Hill, her llttlu daughter and Mr. Hill. Ho broke down and cried ai he related the pitrtleularH. Thou Marshal Cnrler got hold of Sheriff CaKO nnd Deputy United State) Marshnl llnmmeridy and had Smith repent the story before them. Mr. Ilnnuiiorsly loft today on tho Breakwater for Portland and will lny the whole matter beforo tho Port land authorities. Smith admitted tho theft of the harness nnd buggy In KoKcliurA hlch bclmitted to Dr. It. M. Ilriuii Held. Ho clnlmod to hnvo got tho horse nenr Snlem but refused to Identify tho stray nnlinnl nicked un near I.lbby ns the ono which ho drovo nere. mil Centers found tho nnlinnl Qlred llPnr Llliliv. It la n Imvinnrn about nine yours old, wolghs nbout J.050. hns n white spot on forohend and has for blnck foot. Sheriff Qnlne thought tho horso nlRht bolonK to n Rosoburg mnn named Jackson. Jackson la now ay on n rnmnlnc trln nmi till could not bo confirmed. ARTIST 601; MAYBE DEAD A PRSONER RONS AMUCK TODAY mo DOCKS BURN. H'e On Antwerp "Waterfront Cnuso 81,00(1,000 Loss. (B; Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) ANTWERP, Helium, Aug. 11. F're In tho docks hero today caused loss of ono million dollars. ANOARD Oil PAYSJTH E BILL "Uncle John D" Has to Dig Up 542,395 For Government Prosecuting Him. Br Associated Press to Coos Bay .J;AS",JfQTOND,.)C..Aug. 11. day t fr $42,39n Wns colved to. from fi, th? DePnrtraont of Justico JL s,ntard Oil company In Z 2 ? u,e costs of tho dlssolu- under ! Kht by " Bovornmont Sherman Anti-trust law. I Tacoma Painter Writes .That He Is Going to Drown Himself In Pacific. (By Afisoclatcd Prosa to Coos nay Times.) TACOMA, WiihIi., Auk. 11. Henri F. Stnrgls, n well-known artlHt who was to have appeared In Police Court yeaterdny to answer a charge of palatini; obsccuo pictures from I undo girl niodela, hns disappeared after mulling a letter to his bonds ninu declaring hla Intention to com mit suicide. Tho letter snys tho In tontlon of tho writer was to drown hlniBclf In tho Pacific nnd dlsposo of his effects. LEAVE TODAY Steamship Sails This Afternoon For Astoria "and Portland Tho Breakwater Balled this after noon for Portlnnd. Shu had a largo list of pnBsongors nnd n good cargo of miscellaneous freight. Mate John son, who has boon with tho Hroak wator for n long tlmo, hns tondoreil his resignation nnd will lonvo tho ship us booh ns n succossor Ib so Among thoso Bttllliif? on her wore' Mm following: I John H. Ellerby, It. D. Union, Hans Flnton. Mrs. linns Flnton, Frod Har ris, Mrs. n. Wlnchcll, P. H. Soulo, M. C. Lawman, A. F. KoIIoiikIi, Mrs. A. F. KollmiKh, Mrs. C. II. Wilson, T. E. Unmoral)', W. O. Thompson. Peter Hnnsoii, Ny?A. Q'" Ernn II. Pane. A. Dol Vnllo, A. Cnrlson, L. O. Huntor, R. E. Smith, Mr. Chns. McCnrthy, C. II. Rosenbnum, H. Dano, "W. Honsby, Mrs. F. 12. Hague, II. U. Steolo, T. Sunnho, S. Nagaro, N. Stophenson, II. Gurdriin, N. O Osmundson, Mrs. N. O. Osniundson, Hilda Andorson, Lenn Erlckson, Carl Willett, Miss Pulloy, Miss Holt, Amn- dl Kllko, T. W. Douglass, Miss II. L. IlnrriB, Frank O'Connor, Henry Ilotc- liUIss, Mrs. Jncksoii, Estolln Jackson, Mrs. Eva 55. Crockett, O. Klapp, Gor- trudo Walker, W. T. Prlnco, Paul Prlnco. Hnnnn Rovenow, A. O. Coss, E. Mnrsh, Swans Swanson, Nols Lar son, MIchaol Walter, Ed. Discon, C. Whitehead. M. Mlckelson, J. Mlckol son, R. Lund. USE "ENGINE TO CH D Locomotive Proves Successful In Chase After Illinois Bad Man Today. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) CHICAGO. III., Aug. 11. John Woods, 54 years old. charged with attempting to mistreat Elizabeth ba laba. ten-years old, was chased by a locomotive in which tho girl's mother rode, captured nnd turn ed over to the police. The mother appealed to the engineer of the loco motive who ngreed to aid in tne cnasn Several Shot and Injured Be fore Accused Man Is Slain by Officers at Benton, Illi nois. (By Associated Press to Coos Bnj Times.) BENTON. 111., Aug. 11. Attempt ing to eHcapo after being rciiiniiileJ to Jail for examination, Martin Sha- jdowons today shot Justico of tho TAFT TO VETO FF BILLS Republican Leader Mann Calls For Party's Support of President's Plan. (Dy Associated PrctB to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 11. Republican Loader Mnnu gave for mnl notlco in tho Houbo that tho rep ublican inomborB would ask for n cancellation of nil pairs so fnr ns votes on the vetoed measures nro concerned. Mann explained ho ex pected tho President to voto what ever tariff bills nro sent htm nnd that every republican In tho House would be needed. Cotton Turin Vote. LnFollette today asked tho Sen ato for unanimous consent to vote on tho cotton tnrlff revision August 1C. Senator Overman objected and Ln Follette announced ho would repeat tho motion tomorrow, saying ho was willing to stay here ns long ns nuccB- siiry to consider In addition to cotton tho steel nnd chemical revision bills. I Wool Turin' III 1 1. Tho full House nnd Senate con-j foi'oiico Committee on the Wool Tnr lff Revision Hill today ngreed on u lint rate of 29 per cent on rnw wool. Tho committee also ngreed on the House clnsslllcatlon of wool. The' agreement on those two points seomn to remove tho groateat obstacles In j tho way of tho dual agreements,' which Ib' said, might bo reached. Penco Jnmes Mannon, City Marsha) John Stnklurider nnd n spectator, nnd cut Deputy Tom Mackey. Mac key then shot and killed Shndowcns. Charlqs Shndowens, n brother of Mnrtin Shndowens. fell from tho win dow during the excitement nnd wns probably fatally hurt. The Shadow ons were arrested for shooting In the streets of Christopher, near hero nt midnight n mnn named Hcnjoa who was Injured by the bullet. PERKINS WILL TELL STORY New York Financier Finally Testifies at Hearing De nies Story of 1907 Panic. (Dy Associated Press to Coos D.i Times.) . WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 10. Gcorgo W. Perkins, n director or the United Stntes Steel Company, toi tlfylng boforo tho.Houso Steel In vestigation committee today, created n Btlr when he Jumped to his lent and branded as falso the assertion thnt tho pan'e of 1D07 wns Btnrted to rulu certain banks. Representative Dartlctt cskpd Per kins whether such was not tho case nnd tho New York flnnnclt-r wns on Ills foet In n second snying "such n charge Is absolutely falso. Thoro Is na a scintilla of truth In It." Cuiti Commercial Ills. "I nin ndvlscil." Mr. Littleton snld. "thot there Is to bo n thorough In- oulry Into tho commerclnl Ills of BLACK RAID" BOI KILLS TWO AMRTS FOURTEEN m RA1S0I ! TO KIDNAPERS Chicago Italian Gives Marked Bills and Many Arrests Follow. (Dy Associated Pi ess to Coos Day Times., CHICAGO, III., Aug. 11. Angclo Marcno, six years old, who was re turned to hla parents last night nft ur a ransom of $500 in mnrked bills wns pnld to tho kldnnpcrs, was close ly guarded today. Nino men nnd three wonion nro under -arrest. The father of tho kidnaped boy has received n letter wnrnlng him to bo silent "or no torture will bo hor rible enough for you." Italian Tenement House In St. Louis Scene of Terrific Explosion. FOURTEEN FAMILIES WERE IN BUILDING BANDDN GETS 12 I Teachers Vote by Big Majority In Favor of It For Next Session. Tho Coos county tenchors at the nuniinl session of Institute hero this tho nation nnd thnt n conforoiico will , mornlnB decided thnt tho 1012 moot- be railed to determine tho problom ,n "''n"1" ',0 ll0,(1 """''on- Tho nf how to best deal with tho Indus. ' vo van overwhelming In fnvor of frlnl Hltnntlnn In America. It Is n MM0 dt)' by project thnt will Involve n most drns No Clue Left by Perpetrators of Awful Crime Victims Were Asleep. (Dy Associated Prosa to Coob Ray Times.) ST. LOUIS, Aug. 11. A "black hnud" bomb was exploded In tho crowded Italian colony horo last night killing u mnn nnd woman nnd injuring fourteen other residents of n two-story brick building which was completely wrecked. Twonty fnmlllos wero asleep In the building when tho explosion occurred. Fire followed the explosion. "ALL WELL" ON IS BY Coos Bay Steamer Picks Up Johan Poulsen, Near San Francisco. Agent McGeorge of the Redondo received a wire this morning from San Frnnclsco stating that tho Re dondo which loft San Frnnclsco lato yosterday for Coos Day Inst night picked up the lumber schooner Johnn Poulsen from Port land nnd had to tow hor to tho Gol den Gnto harbor. Tho Johan Poul een, which Is carrying lumber aouth from Portlnnd was badly disabled but the Redondo got her safoly into port. Tho Redondo sailed this morn ing for Coos Day nnd Is expected in here some time Sunday. tic Investigation nnd bring togothur cnpltnl nnd labor In nn effort, with out bins, to find out Just what could bo done." "Thnt Is tho best news I havo henrd," snld Perkins. E IN FORESTRY Noted Biltmore School to Establish Camp Here For Instructing Students. Word has been received hero that tho Dlltmore Forestry school of Dllt more, N. C, has decided to estab lish a permanent forestry camp on tho sea. Tho voto wns ns follows: Dnndoii 53 Coqulllo 5 Myrtle Point 1 Charleston 2 North Rend 1 Mnrshileld 1 Tho total enrollment nt the Insti tute up to Inst night' was ninety-one, nbout tho Inrgest they ever had. Since Monday night, tho following hnvo enrolled: Derdlnnh Illckoy, A. Hucnorgardt, Snrah Hucnergurdt, Mrs. Minnie ' Horrmnn, Gladys Roberts, Mrs. Evn M. WIso, Mrs. Ellon Mlnnrd, E. II. Peterson, Winifred F. Rood, Prof Rnnb nnd Prof. Criibba. Tomorrow, tho teachers will en joy nn excursion nnd outing to Char leston Dny, a special launch leaving Mnrshflold at 8 o'clock in tho morn ing nnd stopping nt North Dcnd to got tho teachers thoro. Bay TAFT AT BEVERLY. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Times.) BEVERLY. Mass., Aug. 11 Pres- Coos Bay for tho purpose of glvlm? . dont Tftft nrriVed hero today for a K BLOW UP BIG PLANT. Chicago Police Blame Labor Unions For Outrage. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlrac3.) CHICAGO, 111., Aug. S. A bomb partly destroyed tho plant of tho Victor Jensen Electrical company on tho southsido today. The firm em ployes non-union men and the police ! oRovo representatives of labor unions are responsible for tho explo sion. Windows In tho vicinity weto broken. CARBIDE at tho GUNNERY. Its students part of their courso of Instruction here every year. Tho fif ty or more students of tho school with tholr Instructors nre expected hero soon on their flrat trip. Tho Blltmoro school was establish ed by C. W. Vanderbllt on his great holdings in North Carolina nnd Glf ford Plnchot, of International fame ns a forestry expert and conserva tionist, wns at the head of It once. Ho was succeeded by Dr. C. A. Schenck who remains at tho head of it. In Its course of instruction, the students are taken to the great for ests and glve,n practical work. Nearly every winter Is spent in tho forests of Germany. Tho past summer thoy have spent In the timbered sections of tho Great Lakes and are now on route to Coos Bay. John Lafon, head of the refores tation department of tho C. A. Smith company, and Cornell Lagerstrom of the same department are both Bilt more graduates, and it was probably duo to Mr. Lafon's efforts that the school became interested here. week end nt Pnramatn. THANKSGIVING DAY IS NOV. 30 President Taft Will Name Last Thursday of Month Great National Holiday. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 11. President Tuft, it wns learned today, will designate Thursday, Novombor 30, na Thanksgiving day, sotting doubt as to the date which originat ed because of tho fact that this year Novombor has five Thursdays. United States Cruiser With Naval Militia Will Reach Here Tuesday. "All tho Coos Bay boya on tho United States training ship Boston nro well nnd having n lino time," wns tho gist of n moBsago received todny from Dr. E. Mingus who Joined tho vessel nt Astoria this morning. Tho news wna most gratifying to tho rol ntlves and friends of tho momboru of tho Naval Mllltlu. According to present plans, tho Boston will lenvo Astoria tomorrow and crulso slowly down tho const. It Is planned to have her cross In over tho bnr nt 3 o'clock Tuesdny aft ernoon and como to anchor off Mnrsh flold nt 5 o'clock. Plans for tho reception nro bolng perfected today. Besldos tho turn out of tho launches nnd vessels to meet hor in the lower bay, a smokor will bo tendered tho ofllcera nt tho Mllllconin club Tuesdny night. Tues dny afternoon immediately nftor sho comes to anchor, a public rccoptlon will probably bo hold on board tho Boston. Tuesdny ovonlng, n naval ball will bo glvon nt tho Eagles hall, dipt. Reynolds Wire. Chairman Jennings of tho Marsh field Chamber of Commerce today re ceived tho following tologram from Cnpt. Reynolds of the Boston: "Your wire recelvod. Complement of olllcors eighteen. No lndios will bo prosont. Numbor of men inclu sive of Mnrshflold, 12C. Presont ar rangements nro to lenvo horo Satur day nftornoon for Coos Bay nnd ex pect to rench thoro Monday or Tuesday, weather governing. Entiro complomont well and nnnouncomont of our procedure to Coos Bay Js causing stir In local circles but wo will bo on our wuy ns stated abovo " FRENCH KOLDIKltS EXECUTED (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times. TOULON, Franco, Aug. 11 Tho first naval execution In Frnnco slnco 1S5C occurred hero when two mari nes who murdpred a comrado wero shot in tho presence of tho garrison. Just received barrel of fresh COL UMBIA BATTERIES. The (jiiiiucry. FKicK guns PLACE. Steel Magnate Resigns as Union Pa cific Director. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, Aug. 11. Honry C. Frlck hns announced his resignation from tho board of directors of tho Union Pacific railroad. WHEN IT GETS AN INKLING OF IT, THE AIRING OF SCANDAL'S THE RESULT X ;v m