row- tt-"s 7 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1911 EVENING EDITION. '-Smtc'v The Final Every $25 Fancy Sum mer Suit Men's $5.00 Oxfords $3.65 "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. MAHSIIFIELD DID YOU KNOWpAT In tho cxtonnlon of tho public bocvIco of this Htoro wo have a branch olllco of tho WKLUS' FARGO & CO.'S EXPRESS MONEY OltDCItS. There 1h no moro convonlont or economical way to re mit money or to imy uccoun'B, hills, dues, nssessniontB, subscrlp tlons, etc., than this. Rodconinblo by nil EXPRESS COMPANIES In tlio United StnteH, Canada mid Mexico. A receipt Ih Issued with every Order for tho convonlonoo nnd Hocurlty of tho purchaser. Mon ey promptly refunded on lost or Btolen Ordcra. HAT MS: Not over ?2.G0 3 Cts. " 5 " 10 20 " 30 S , 10 12 Over $100 at Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded. THK HU8Y CORNER l'HONK 1108 First National Bank Or COOS HAY AT MARSH FIELD. OREGON, Capital and surplus and profits $107,000.00 Total resources 535,000.00 United States Depository for Postal Savings Does a general banking business, Interest paid on time and savings deposits, OFFICERS: W, S, Chandler, M, C, Horton, Dorsev Kreltzer, President, Vice-President, Cashier, DIRECTORS: W, S, Chandler, John S, Coke, W, U, Douglas, Wm, Grimes, John F, Hall, S, C, Rogers, F, S, Dow, W, P, Murphy, M, C, Horton, Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $100,000 Assets Over $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits Good Livery Service pncy new rigs, good horsea and rtul drivers are- now at tho dls 1 of tho Cooa Bay publlo at "EASONABLE RATES. Riga or rlB8 with drlvora ready for , V,p wywhere any time. Horsea rded and 'les cared for. ew hearse and apeclal accommo- "0n8 Prvlded for funeral partloa. W. L. CONDRON'S UERY AND FEED STABLES I'UUNE 273-J JtaTimes Does Cleanup $14.50 BANDON Not over ?40 15 Cts. " " CO 18 " " " CO 20 " " " 75 2G " " " 100 30 " Above Hntos. U PUof Ideas, who have some Inventive ability pH please write UHKK1.KV A McI.TIIIP, I l'.wnt Aturne't, Wuhluilau. 1). V. We Work And Advertise To bring a customer hero tho first time, nrtcr truic ho comes of his own accord. You know why. REMEMBER There Is uo kink, or cuo that we can't do. 'THINK IT OVER MARY." Coos Bay Steam Laundry rnONE 5IAIN BT.J Job Printing HOY ONE SHAKE OP TWO THOUSAND DOL LARS wo ahull glvo to eve ry boy who Bells to ten of Ills friends a standnrd flve cont article each week this Bummer. In ADDITION to tho big prlzo A REQULAR INCOME Is assured. We'll tell you how. Mnko n list of the ton nnmcs and ad dresses. Bring It with you. You needn't miss hall game or fishing trip. Bring your parents If you ehooso. Como eaily. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, 1024 Elrod avenue. FOR KALI': Fine fruit much In Yd klma valley, near North Yaklinn. 13 acres In apples, cherries, ponch os, apricots, 7 In ulfulfu. Reason nhlo terms. Address "Snap," Times LOST Red cow with large horns Expected fresh and may have calf. Reward for Information. Apply Alfred Johnson, Hunker Hill. FOR KALE S."$ foot launch, IH 1 1. P. 1 cylinder, 4 cycle engine. Enquire Kuntz' gurago. FOR KENT Donlrnble housekeep ing rooms, nlso furnished rooms 13! 2nd St., near Chnndlcr hotel. FOR RENT Housekeeping room, also furnished rooms 171 Broad way, ovor Times' office. FOR SALE Paying hotel, S3 rooms, cheap. Addross "E" Times' olllco LOST Retwoen OmjuIHo nnd Mrnh field, watch fob, monogram E.P.D. Finder return to olllco. Roward. WANTED (I experienced coal min ors Reaver Hill Company. WANTED Comjietoiit girl for housework. Apply Mrs. II. S. Tower, 9th and Elrod. CHIMNEY SWEEP Now is the tlmo to clenn chlmnoya nnd stovo pipes for tho winter. Yout will Bnvo nionoy now whllo It la dry weather. Whon It commences to rain tho prlco will go up. Goo. Staugh, Phono 78, Dlanco Cigar Storo. FOR SALE Leghorn, Plymouth, Rock and Buff Orpington laying hens. "W" caro Tlmos. FORCED SALE t acres at Bnndou, 400 ft. of River frontngo ,435.5 ft. deop;' Riparian rights. Permit to deop water already oocured from government; lovol; no ovor flow; perfect title. Torma. Prlco right. Address Box 01, Bandon, Or AUTO LINE Cara at any time. Phone 231 R, aftor midnight 1S1X TOR SALE Six acres InirovetI land suitable for gardening and chlckon raising, one mllo from Myrtlo Point address Harvoy Smith, Myr tlo Point. FOR SALE Tho Belgian Breeding association of Marshflold will recolvo senlod bids for tho standard bred bay Belgian stallion Champagne do Stave. This animal Is six ycara old and may bo soen at Holsnor'a barn. Tho company resorvea tho right to reject any and all bids Addross Albert Seollg, secretary, Marshflold, Oregon. FOR SALE My farm (100 acres in ono lot or will cut up In parcels to suit. C. W. Sanford, Marshflold. FIRST ON YOUR LIST Ehman's Olive Oil The purest as well as the most reasonable priced Olive Oil in the market, Used the World Over IN BOTTLES 25, 60 and $1.00 12-GALLON CANS $1.25 Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones 85 and 305 fS m Plrnlc Friday. Tho Eastsldo Sun day school has planned a picnic up Coos River Tor Friday. Tho Express will lenve tho Short wharf at 8 o'clock. Everybody Is Invited. lluys ProK'rty. It Is stated that E. W. Wright of Portland, who has bought considerable- property on tho liny is about to close deals for about $50,000 worth of proporty on tho Sluslnw, along tho route of tho Eugene-Coos Buy road. RosobnrK SherllV Hero. Sheriff Qulno of HoBoburg Is oxpectod hero tonight to tnko J. Smith, who ii wanted thoro for stealing a harness and buggy, bnck for trial. As yet, it has not been found where Smith got tho horse. Smith Is believed to bo n bad man by Marshal Carter nnd Sheriff Gugo. Undergoes O-tei-iitioii. John Coko, father of Judge J. S. Coko and Coun- cllmnn Tom Coko, this morning un derwent an operation at Mercy hospi tal for tho amputation of his limb. Gnngreno had dovoloped In nddltlon to hlB old trouble, necessitating tho oporatlon. Owing to his advanced years, his condition Is critical. Recover Ciih. Mrs. Walter Rus sell today recovered a long black capo which she lost at tho Suoml ptculc. Tho enpe was found by Alox Johnson who ndvortlsed it in The Times. Mir Russoll had about lost hope of ovor recovering It when alio ran across tho found ad In Tho Times nnd wns much gratllled when upon coming to Tho Times olllco she found tho capo wn? hers. Colds Prevalent. Thoro nro n largo numbor of summer coldn nnd cases of tonsllltls roported in Marsh flold nt prcsont. My wash bill Is a fright, kcrtchow! I ubo six handkorchlofs a day; My noso Is rod, my oyes nro, too, My head fools llko a ton of clny. Somotlmcs I cuss, sometimes I pray; I rough and then I sny, "Kort chow!" I'vo got tho cold that's bad today, 'Sonough, Mawruss, to mnko mo blue. Everybody Is Invited to attend tho dnnco at Plorson's hall, Lakosldo, AUGUST IS. MU8IO by string band. Admission gontlomon ?1 and Indies FREE. 'I ". Royal Opens Saturday Tho Royal Thoatro will bo opened Saturday night with 3.000 feetof Pictures Chango of program nightly and finest pictures obtnlnablo will bo shown. Hero Is tho program for Sat urday night: THE HAREM SKIRT "Tho funnlost funny film ovor exhi bited" American. WAS HE JUSTIFIED? Bison Westorn picture. FOOLSHEAD'S Prosont Itala feature film. O. J. LEMANSKI, Prop. Personal Notes M. P. GULOVSON returned today from u business trip to Portland MRS. F. E. HAGUE will leave tomor row for Portland to visit relatives. NI3LS RASMUSSEN of Unndou was In Marshflold yesterday on busi ness. R. A. WERNICH of North Bond wns a Marshflold business visitor yes terday. MilS. GEO WATKINS of "The Ce dars" was a Marshflold visitor yesterday. A. II. DERBYSHIRE of North Bond wns a Mnrshflold business visitor yesterdny. ROBERT 1IA7.EN will leave tomor row for Portland and other north orn points. MRS. ROSS SMITH, formerly Miss Edith Holms, enmo In on tho Breakwater this morning. FRANK SUMNER nnd Lesllo Isnai son leave today for Dora whoro they will enjoy n short outing nnd show nil rival hunters how to got door. J. E. BAILEY, wife and daughter of Tucoma, arrived today on tho Breakwater for n visit at tho homo of M:b. Bnlloy'H brother, C. S. Dodgo. R. M. WEIDER was In today from Ton Mllo whoro tho family are on- Joying tholr summer outing. Thoro nro a largo number of vncatlonlats nt tho lakes enjoying themsolvos. MR. and MRS. WARREN DULLARD nnd MIbs Christie Bullnrd camo over on tho train this morning from tho Coqulllo river to visit with friends and relatives on tho Bay. HUGH SNEDDON camo In yesterdny from BaBtondorf'a Bench whero he and his fnmlly nnd Dave Rccs and family nro enjoying a few weeks' outing. He says they aro hnvlng n line time. CHIEF ENGINEER ROBINSON for merly of tho old Areata nnd later with tho Plant, la now running on tho ExcolBlor which arrived 01 Coos Bay today. Ho Is kept busy greeting his old frlonds. W. F. McELDOWNLY, associated with MeBsrs. Lawyer and Kornnu In tho Roynolds' Development Co. Hint took ovor ho Goddall & Per klnB Intorosta on Coos Bny, arriv ed In tho city today from Spokano for an oxtonded stny. HENRY FRANK, president of tho Bluiuauor-Frank Drug Co. of Port land,' Is on a business trip to Mnrshflold and Coos county. He Is highly Impressed with tho fit turo possibilities nnd prospects of this section of tho country. RODERICK MAURICE O'CONNOR, tho aovon-year-old con of Mrs. J. W. Bonnott, arrived horo today from Irnlaud to mnko his homo. On tho trip down, ho boenmo a warm friend of Cnpt. Macgenn who una dubbed him "Prlnco Rodorlck." W. E. BOIE, ono of tho Spoknne's en torprlslng citizens, arrived today on an investigating trip to this sec tion. Ho brought along nn lnvolco of the Spokuno spirit which he may add to tho Coos Bay boost. Well, mixed It makos a flno tonic for city building. W. L. TRIBBEL of Spokane, arrived In tho city today on a prospecting tour of tho Coos Bay country and to visit his brothor, W. Edwin Trlbbol of this city. Mr. Trlbbul oxprosscd himself agreeably sur prised at the metropolitan appear ance of tho city. JUDGE C. A. SEHLBREDE nnd wlfo roturned last evening vln Myrtlo Point from Portland and other points. Tho hearing of tho appoal In tho Garrison murdor enso was continued by tho Oregon Supremo Court from August fi to Soptombor 8, tho aupromo court judges taking a vacation. ALLIANCE SA1LS"S0UTIT. Steamship Loaves Today For Eu reka Returns Sunday. Tho Alllanco snllod this morning for Eurokn. She will return Sunday and leavo tho samo day for Portland. Among thoao sailing from horo on her today wore tho following: L. C. Fuller, Mrs. L. C. Fuller, R. L. Werner nnd wlfo, John D. Wer ner, Henry Wallaco, L. C. Wallace and wlfo. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN. Wo want fresh salmon and aro prepared to pay tho highest cash prlco for them. For further parti culars seo C. G. HOCKETT, Emplro City, 01 GEO. F. SMITH. Cooa Rlvor PHONE I. S. KAUFMAN CO., YOUR COAL ORDERS, $1,(50 TON. DERBY Thru Its flnvor won Its faVor. TRANSIT North Bend City Council Re vokes Franchise Given Major Kinney's Company Tho North Bond city council nt Its meeting this week passed a resolu tion revoking tho street car franchise which was granted tho Coos Bay Rapid Transit company during Major Kinney's last operations. Thoro was very Httlo discussion ovor tho mat ter. It Is presumed that this action was preliminary to taking up nn ap plication from tho C. A. Smith corn puny, the Simpson Lumbor company, W. S. Chandlor and Flanagan & Ben nett for a franchise similar to tho one granted In Marshflold last night. The North Bond chnrtcr provides that all corporations holding fran chises must pny nn Income tax on tholr earnings nnd whether an at tempt will bo mndo to have tho char tor amended to ollmlnnto this re mains to bo scon. Tho North Bend council nlso ra tified tho action of tho special water commlttco In securing Englncor Ri chardson to provldo plans for a muni cipal waterworks Bystom for Maroh fleld and North Bond nnd arranged to pny two-lift lis of tho cost of his work, Mnrshflold pnying three-fifths. Tho commlttco wns continued. City Recorder Derbyshire was Instructed to nscortnln whnt steps would bo no rcssary to havo tho Oregon Railroad commission npprnlso the vnlto of tho prosont compnny'a plant. Stdownlks wero ordered laid on Vlrglnln Btreet from Sherman to Monroe. GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION. North Bend Commercial Cluh Take Move to Organize Coos County. Tho North Bond Commercial club at Its last meeting took preliminary steps to organize a pormanent Good Roads Association in Coos county. Tho plnn is to call a meeting of rep resentatives of tho towns nnd com munities of tho county, thon organize and coopornto with tho Coos county eommlBBlonors. Dr. Bnrtlo, W. R Best and A. B. Rnab wero nnmed as a commlttco to tnko tho matter up with tho other commercial bodies of tho county nnd nrrango for n moot ing to tnko action on tho mnttor. NORTH HENI) NEWS. Mrs. A. H. Dorbyahlro left yostor day to spend the balance of tho wool with Mrs. M. 0. Coleman at tho Pe terson ranch. McDonald and Vaughn nro having a uow tow bont, 28 foot long and eight-foot bonro, built. Sho will have a twolvo horse powor engine Tho launch CoaBtor left a fow days ago on Its final trip from Cooa Bay. Cnpt. Olson having agreed to dolly? her to tho purchasers, the Klamath nivor Packing Company at Eureka, aftor landing a cargo at Rogue Rlv or. Tom Goldon went aa engineer ou her. Aftor the abow try a Turkish Bath Phone 2 14-J. "Taste theTaste" The next time you are making pastry, desserts, ices, etc, use SUNSET VANILLA or SUNSET LEMON flavoring: then "taste the taste," If you do, you will always use SUNSET flavors, That's why the users of SUNSET VANILLA and LEMON are constantly Increasing in number, Ask your grocer, or como direct to us, Brown Drug Co. Manufacturing Chemists 71 Market Ave. Coos Bldg. Phono 141 1 - ?1 1 READ THE TIMES' WANT ADB. i ' ' " " . m i s""x