THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 4 SAIL SUNDAY I PRINCIPALS HERE FOR BIG BOXIMG CARNIVAL AUGUST l ilnHP(MMMMMHrXK!M1 i. f fo'&fff MnMlBBiaHlKi Wmi Now for the Final Clean-Up of Men's Oxfords 250 pairs men's Oxfords, every size every style, all this year's Lasts BREAKWATEH SCORES t .. v Steamship Leaves With Lar gest Passenger List For Columbia River Ports. (I)y Associated Press to Coos nay Times. 1 PORTLAND, Ore, Aug. 7 Portland won one and dropped one In yesterday's doitl)lo-liender nt Snn Francisco. The scores In the Coast LenKtie were as follows: At San Frnnelsco (First game.) San Frnnelsco Portland (Second Kitmo) San Francisco. . .. Portland At Sacramento With the largest passenger list thnt she has carried from hero In a long time, the Hroukwntor sailed yesterday morning for Portland. The large number of the Nnvnl Militia going after the cruiser Uostou"atlded lo tho regular travel hut many ap plicants for passage had lo he turn ed down. Among those sailing on the Break wafer wore the following: Fred Peterson, II. K. Hansen, Trnnk Vivian, .1. M. Paddock, .Mar tin Levis, Henry Perrott, John QiiIiiii. L. Kon. K. .Tones. .1. X. Eve- At Lin Angeles rett. M. O. Lnuuhllu. Mrs. Chas Knl-I (Wrst game.) scr, Mrs. Worrell. Miss Worrell. Mrs. Cnlhoun, J. W. Onrdlncr, C. .lohn lion, S. S. Jennings. Walter Richards, John Richards, Mrs. S. S. Jennings, Mrs. H. P. Leslie, Hill Mllnor, C. L. Dnvls, Miss Derthu Kerr, Mrs. 15. Adnins. Mrs. 0. C. Lnttln, Miss Flos- Ic Lnttln, Miss McForau, Mrs. Do- League resulted as follows: tTnr.t. Mm. nlnkniMi. MIhu K. Ilnvln I At Hall I' railCISCO Miss K. Doyle. W. A. Ackorman, F.P Norton, Mrs. Mary 15. MoKnlght, Mrs F. II. Hazard, F. W. Hossfurther. F. At '" Angeles V.. I.onrli. Mm V. K. r.niwli. fWnrl VemOll Leach, 11. F. Oray, C. F. Oray, F. A. Gray, M. Carlson, Joo Hodge. C. L. Ferguson, H. Henderson, Alliert Hnlnes, Lewis Horton, Car I Hngliind, 3. D. Huchnnnn, II. Ilrlggs, Ilolllo Uorrlo. Hay Cnniphell, A. Craig. Lau ren Cooley, V. Carlson, Lester Thrush, F. Wnlters, Harvey Walters. E. W. (lalller, Lloyd Jorgeusen, II. R 6 ,10 1 R (First game.) Sacramento . . . Oakland . . . (Second gamp.) Sacramento . . Oakland . . .. I.os Angeles. Vernon. . . (Second game.) Los Angeles Vernon Saturday' HcmiII. Saturday's games In tho Portland. . .. Ran Francisco. 0 3 R 10 9 12 13 7 S Coast 7 wsfr ' IMP ' mA. ' S VSfJ 'iu&A rft Br 4. Js'ii ii Ey MifJm Sas!ftwSl ' ill 1& i: cn.itLi:v nntxs n 10 H MUX'S $5.00 OXFOHDS $3i(13 MUX'S 9 OXFORDS 930- MKX'S 9 LOO OXFOHDS $2 M MKX'S ?:i.."0 OXFOHDS 92,35 MUX'S $H.OO OXFORDS !ji00 "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. Los Angeles. . At Sacramento Oakland. . . Sacramento. , R 0 4 R 1 ;t R II O 9 II 10 n 11 G 12 itorcmiors KAKL HKXDFHSOX North Bend News tho dipt. IMgar Simpson left on D. MeNnlr, Krnest Hnrrlngton. Wal- Hreakwater for Portland. tor Jnnsen. Kdwln Leonard. Itoland Harry Huntley and wlfo havo gone JlcOeorge, Frank Mntson. J. W. Mot- t Curry county for u shorL outing. ley, Walter Skon. Win. Wevgren, W. Mw Pearl Johnson of North Ilenil L. Robertson. Carl Haines. C. F. visited Miss Ottlllo Lowln In llundon rfortmer. Frnnk Holhook. Hay Lang- last week. lots. Ira t.anglols, J110 Anderson, neo. Thu Preshytorlan Ladles' Aid will Ayro. Tom Ilntehelor. Itnlph Hatehe- meet Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock lor, 0. Ilowmore. ICdw Husliy. Perry. with .Mrs. Charles Murr. Podson. Chas. Kllerheck. V. O. Pratt,, Mrs. C. I). Hovener, who has been R. ronton, Hill Simpson, II. Howard, spending a few weeks In Portland. A. Jackson. Jack Johnson. Chas ICnt- returned on tho Hi oak water. for, J110 Oray, David Hill, Win.) M. C. MacLeod of North llend Longstnff, Itulio Lyons, H. Morton, (Heights, has been nulto III of rliotim- R. Simpson, Chas Strougbert. Oeojatlsin tho last few days. Bwnlnger. C. Tucker, ('. Hoffman.) Miss Flook of Portland came In on Win. Lenton, J. J. Heynolds and Nil. tho IiibI Hieakwater and will spend par Simpson and L. W. Henno. a few weeks nt Hen Smith's homo nt JOHN IIILLIIACICA di:.i John Illllhaekn. for years a miner Daniels' Clock. Mrs. A. L. Oubser and Miss Doris and lona llutchlus returned via AN for Homo nt Llbby. died last night of heart u,Kim. friim .nvwIhtk. Wash., where iroiiuio at ins iinonolor npartments near Fourth and Highland. Ho had been sick some time. Mr. Hlllbackn was n Itusslan-Flun, nnd wns about fifty years old. Ho wiih unmarried nnd tho only rein tlvo In this country who survives him Js Mrs. John Holm of South Marsh-', flold. Ho has some relatives In tho old rountry. Ho owned considerable property In Marshdeld nnd also a raiijch on Catching Inlet. The funeral will probably bo held today. "Houghhouso Charley" Hums, who Is to meet Karl Henderson In n twenty-round boxing bout nt the Mnrshllcld Skating Kink next Satur day night, August 12, arrived In from San Francisco today. Ho enmo up via nandon. Ho Is In tho pink of condition, showing no effects from his short bout with Carroll In San Francisco in which ho wns victori ous last week. Henderson Is also ready for tho big go nnd Is conlhlont thnt ho will give "Houghhouso" tho go of his life. Henderson's friends nro like wise contldent of his nblllty to put It over on tho Snn Francisco boxer. A great deal of Interest Is being shown by tho locnl followers of tho "squared circle" and Promoter John Ilerron Is confldont ho will hnvo tho best card thnt wns over put on In this section. The preliminary between Hilly Wilson nnd Hill Gnffney, which Is slated to go ten rounds, nlso promises to bo n bout of inoro than tho ordlnnry merit. Iloth lads nro clover with tho gloves- and nro training hard for the go. With "Itoughhoiipo Chnrloy" came his mnnngor J. W. Joseph and both were elated over tho victory In tho fourth round over Joo Carroll nt Sa linas. Cnl., last Tuesday night. After lauding this ovent and doclnrlug that Hums wns In duo fcttlo, Mnnngor Joseph said that Hums would meet Hobble Kvans of Portland nt Handon, August 2 I, nnd It successful In both contests, ns he Is sure he will be, ho hopes for a twenty-round go with Hattllng Nelson In Mnrslilleld.Lnhor Day. Hail Henderson, who hnlls from Muscntlno, Iown, hns a lino record nnd this will bo printed In The Times tomorrow to show that his sup porters hnvo ninplo renson, besides their Judgment formed from see ing him workout, thnt ho will bo able to put It over on "Houghhouso Charley." MAHSHF1HLD HAXDO.V Bargains in North Bend Business Property On Shormnn nventio. Also close-In resldonco property. Improved and unimproved. Must ho sold nt onco. It Will Pay You to Investigate This Standard Investment Co. LOGGIE BUILDING NORTH BEND OREGON Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO INI) JOSSON CEMENT. Tho host Domtctlc nnd Importod brands. Plaitor, Llmo, Brick nn d all kinds of bulldoru tnatorlal HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. PHONE 201 Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance NOTICE TO riSHEHMEX. Wo want fresh salmon and nre propared to pay the highest easb prlco for them. For further parti- ctilars seo c 0. IIOCKETT, Empire C'ty. 01 GEO. F. SMITH. Coos Illor " ni.'imv Thru Its flavor won Its fnvor. they havo boon visiting time. Andrew Olson Is making nu uppll cation to tho county court for 11 li cense to open 11 saloon nt Lakeside II cltlens of that precinct having signed the application. Hew Waller Smith, the new I'nlt ed Brethren pastor In North Head, occupied the pulpit hero yesterday for tho first time. Ho arrived n few das ago fiom Kearney, Nob., with his family. Tho W. C. T. If. will meet tomor row afternoon nt 2: .10 nt tho Presby terian church. Members from tho Marshlleld and Easislde unions will nihil meet with them to complete ar rangements for the county conven tion which Ik to bo held sometime -- . - soon. Everyone Interested In torn- EASTERN STAR. prrnneo work Is urged to be present? All ofilcors of tho Eastern Star oro requested to bo present nt tho meet Ilnvn your Job printing deno n. Ing Tuesdny evening, August 8. rho Tlmoa offleo. ' ny oriJ(.r 0f WORTHY MATRON, Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. IIENRV SENGSTACKEX, Mgr. Coqulllo Ortl.o Phono 191 Mnrshflold Oillco H-.I. Farms Timber Conl and Platting Lands a speclnlty. Gensrnl Agents "EASTSIDE" DRAIN-COOS BAY AUTO LINE VIA ALLEGANV NOW HEADY FOR BUSINESS 1 ' LEAVES MARSIIFIELD DAILY BOAT LEAVES ALERT LANDING, MARSIIFIELD 5:30 A. Si. ARRIVE DRAIN I. M. fln: DAY. TICKETS FOR SALE AND INFORMATION AT THE BUSY COIl NER DRUG STORE, PHONE 1!08 "FIFIELD" THE ONLY WAY TO 'FRISCO BAY" The Steamer FiHeld WILL SAIL FROM BANDON FOR. SAN FRAN CISCO, TuesdayAfternoon, Aug. 8, 1911 TICKETS FOR SALE AND INFORMATION AT HILLYER'S CIGAR STORE. FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails From Marslifield for San Francisco Sunday, Aug.6, 4 p. m INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 44 C. F. McGEORGE, Agent. Railway Announcement! That Jim Hill Will Build to Coos Bay Wol,i eroato a groat stir but It would no, bo more Important to tho men who buy clothes and furnishing, than tho fact that nno now carry tho n7nls"t lino of everything In Men's Wear that can be found In Coos county. You know our motto 'unrjU , ,. ..... ,.,,. T. Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good horses and nroful drivers are now nt the dig osal of the Coob Bay public at REASONABLE RATES. Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for ny trip anywhere any time. Horses )oarded and rigs enrod for. New hearso and. special accommo dations provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLES PHONE U7U-J "THE FRIEXD OF COOS BAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED AVITH WIRELESS COXNECT1NO WITH THE NORTH BANK ROAD AT PORTLAND Will Sail From Portland for Marshfield Monday, Aug. 7, 6 P:M ..v OUT" I'AwlFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. 1 "Nh 44 O. F. McOEORGE, Agent STEl'SON HATS $i.K0 AND fcn.OO. KlNdSIUIRY HATS, $:.()(. HEIDE CAPS Hlttll ART SUITS $17.50 TO $:12.30. PACKARD SHOES $1,00 A.D S.yoo. CLnyrr shirts. "The Toggery" FORMERLY GEO. (IOODROI. Have That Roof Fixed i NOW ! See CORTHELL Phono 3121 MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY nOTEL THE LLOYD Rates reduced to: Day 60c, 75o nnd 11.00; week 12.00 to $5.00. House keeping npartments with gas ranges J10.00 to $18.00 per month. FREE BATHSR. W. SULLIVAV. IVon ' DEARY'S (SUN SHOP "I can fix it for you." . Gun, bleyclo. mnchlno lock repair ling, Keys made and flttod. 1 E. HANDEL, Prop. No. (107 No. From St. Phono 180-R EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT O A. M. ON AUGUST 1, 0, 14, 10, "t AND 20. vSn P"O5'C00S VY AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE ON AUG 1ST O, 11. in, 21, 20 AND 31. L. II. KEATING. AGENT Pn0NB MAIX 85.L FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBUR.G n,nMtM,U'aVh!BM'U8h,k,d Bt 'c,ock o? morning, con. nect with tho evening train to Portland. Fare $0 00 COOS BAY ROSEIIUIIG STAGE LINE OTTO SCHETTER, Agent, 0. p. BARNARD ISO MARKET AV., Marshtleld. , Agent, ROSEBURG, Ore. I'HOXS 11 I "" The Times Does Job Printing KH Z t