THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1911 EVENING EDITION. Tone Up That Suit! With a new Pair of DUTCHESS TROUSERS that have the appearance of being custom-made without the cost. Every pair is sold under the famous Dutchess Trousers Warranty 10 Cents a Button; $1.00 a Rip. It's Bargain Time in Dutchess Trousers We've placed prices on these goods which will leave our shelves as clean as a whistle in a very short time. Avail yourselves of the unusual values offered at this sale. This is the way we've marked them : Regular $6.00 Trousers, Now Regular $5.00 Trousers, Now Regular $4.00 Trousers, Now Regular $3.00 Trousers, Now Regular $2.00 Trousers, Now $4.85 $3.85 $3.00 $2.25 $1.45 Woolen Mill Store MILL-TO-MAN CLOTHIER MAESHFIELD OREGON Roosevelt Scoured Africa NYAL'S BLACKBERRY CARMINATIVE Scours the World A remedy for the. quick rollof of DInrrhocn, Sumnor Complnlnt, Cholera Infantum, DyBontory. Ib of sorvlco In most cases of relaxed conditions of tlio bowels. Price 25 and 50 Cents a Bottle Lockharfc-Parsons Drug Co. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded. LEADING DRUG STORE IN COOS COUNTY. tin: nrsv corner phone aim )jjgrflljl) old and may bo seen nt Helsnor's barn. Tho company reaerves tho right to reject any and nil bliln Address Albert Seollg, secretary, Mnrshllold, Orogon. FOUND Ladles' long, plain black capo at Suoml picnic. Owner can havo Bamo by Identifying pyoporty and paying for this ad at Tho Tlmoa olllco. WANTED At onco BOO men to havo tholr clothes cleaned and pressed at tho Unlquo Pnntntorlum First National Bank OF COOS IIAV AT MAHSHFIKL1). OREGON, Capital and surplus and profits $107,000.00 Total resources 535,000.00 United States Depository for Postal Savings Does a general banking business, Interest paid on time and savings deposits, OFFICERS: W, S, Chandier, M, C, Horton, Dorsev Kreitzer, President, Vice-President, Cashier, DIRECTORS: W, S, Chandler, John S, Coke, W, U, Douglas, Wm, Grimes, John F, Hall, S, C, Rogers, F, S, Dow, " 5 W, P, Murphy, . Mi C, Horton, --J. s Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 ' Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $100,000 Assets Over $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits LOST Baby's blue and white stock lug cap. Finder, please return tn Times' olllco. WANTED, Kx,erlcnced grocery man. Formnnont position. InBldo work. Address L. Q. enro Times. LOST Between IJandon and Marsh Held, Friday, Aug. 4, a tan leathor hand but; containing surgical In BtrutuontB. Flndor return to Times olllco and recelvo reward. WANTK1) First class nt' iluuilc. Apply In person to Heaver Hill Coal Compnny. FOH SALE A snap, n new modern C-rooin honso nud lot, with nil Im provoments. Prlco J1.C00 If takou nt onco. Apply "W" caro of TImos CHIMNEY SWEEP Now Is the tlmo to clean chimneys nud stovo pipes for tho wlntor. You will save monoy now whllo It Is dry wenthcr. Whon It commonces to rain tho prlco will go up. Goo. Stnugh, Phono 78, Dlnuco Cigar Store. AUTO LINE Cars nt any time. Phono 231 R, aftor midnight 181X FOR SALK Six acres Improved land sultablo for gardening and chicken raising, ono mllo from Myrtlo Point address Harvoy Smith, Myr tlo Point. FOIt SAMS Leghorn, Plymouth, F0U SAIiKMy fnrm fl0o acres In uocic nnu uuri urpingiun luyuiB. on 1nt . wl nnt nn in nreoi. to hens. "W" caro Times. WANTED Good second hand safe. Also good typowrltor. Address postofllco, Dox 540, Mnrshflold. suit. C. W. Snnford, Marshgeld, FORCED SALE 1 acres nt Bandon, 400 ft. of River frontngo ,435.5 ft. doop; Rlpnrlnn rights. Pormlt to deop water already secured from government; lovol; no "over flow; porfect tltlo. Tonus. Prlco right. Address Dox 01, Randon, Or FOR SALE, Tho Rolglnn Breeding association of Marshflold will recolvo scaled bids for tho standard bred bny Rolglan stallion Champagno do Stavo, This animal Is six years FOR SALE Cheap. Good plniio, n motrostyle pinna plnyor, and 40 rolls of good music. Enquire E. N. Smith, Flagstaff, or phono 312G, Kffi3W3EEgl Near Oakland, California The only Woman'a College on the Pacific Coait, Chartered tS8J. Near two great I'nlvrrtltlei, Meal climate throughout the year. Entrance and graduation rtiiulremcnU cciiilvalent to thoie of Stanford and I'nivvrtity of California, Laliomturiei for icience with modern cmiili' ment. Uxcellent oiiortunitIe (or .home economics, library study, mutlc and art. Modern xyninarium. Special care for health of studenu, out-door life, l'realdent. Luclla Clay Caron, A. !., M't. D.. I.I.. D. lor ratalogue nddrets .Secretary, .Milli Lollrgc 1. V) California. nJ'1 forget th0 Turkish Baths. THONB 214.J. UEII of Ideas, who have aome Inventive ability HE H pleaao write UUKKLTV i MtlNTIKK, "II t'aiaat Atloracji, WatulasUa, l. U THE REPUTATION OF THE HEINZ GOODS HAS BEEN ES TABLISHED THE WORLD OVER. Heinz ClhiwCSiw IN BULK IS ONE OF THE FINEST OF RELISHES WE ILWE JUST OPENED A FRESH KEG AND IT LOOKS TO RE THE REST EVER. Bulk, per pint Quart ?0c 35c Lockhart's Grocery .i Two Private Phoues 85 and 305 Personal Notes W. It. HAINES left Saturday for Portland on business. FRED E. WILSON hns gone to Port laud on business and pleasure. MRS. TOM CHAPMAN of North Bend Is a Marshflold visitor today. MRS. II. J. McKEOWN mid chlldron spent Sunday on South Coos Riv er. MISS ANNA CLINKINBEARD of Daniels Creek Is a Marshflold vis itor. MISS ELLEN FLOOK of Portland Is a guest of her aunt, Mrs. Levi Smith. WM. BONEBRAKE of Catching In let Is a Marshfleld business vlslt tor today. E. L. ROBERTSON and wlfo roturn- cd today from a short Btay at their homestead on North Inlet. MISS FRANCES GOLDEN 1b spend ing a fow weeks at tho Cllnkln boarti homo on Daniels Creek. D. A. .JONES arid wife and family spent Sunday with friends, near tho South Coos River hatchery. MISS ETHEL TIMMONS of Bandon pnsBed through here Saturday en route to Portlnnd via tho Allegany route. V. P. MURPHY nnd wlfo returned totlny from South Coon River where they have been enjoying a fow weeks' outing. ERICK ERICSON and wlfo, who hnve been visiting rolntlvos hero, will leave tomorrow for their homo In Portlnnd. T. A. RIIINEIIART, stnto land ngent, nnd wlfo nnd daughter havo been guests at tho C. II. Marsh homo hero tho past week. B. B. OSTLIND and wlfo nro spend ing part of tholr vacation at tho homo of Mrs. Ostllnd'n undo, Nols Munson, nt Ton Mllo. MISS ANNIE SMITH loft todny fori n week's vacation at tho homo of her pnrents. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Smith on Kcntuck Inlet. EDWARD W. NEVERS, who Is pro moting tho Coos Bny and Enstorn Electric ioft todny for Rosoburg on matters connected with It. DR. E. E. STRAW will leave short ly for Portland to mako tho trip mSm THE WEATHER. (By Associated Prosa.) OREGON, August 7. Fair tonight and Tuesday. LOCAL RE- TEMPERATURE PORT. For twenty-four hours ending at 4:00 p. m Aug. G, by Mrs. 12. Mlngus, special government meteorological observer: Maximum 05 Minimum 55 At 4:00 p. m GO Preclpltntlon 04 Wind, North; cloudy. T " BORN. . FLANAGAN To Mr. ana ftirB. j. a. Flanngnn, n son, Sunday, August G. Mother nnd child aro doing nicely nnd Mr. Plnnngan Is about the happiest man over. In Named Oliver E. Hill hns been recommended as postmnstor at Brldgu by Congressman Hnwley. Buys Auto. L. J. Simpson nnd wlfo havo purchased I. It. Towor's Rcdblrd auto. Injures Hand. Miss Hnttle Whooler while ndjustlng nn electric fan, cut her finger quite badly and It Is feared that blood poison may set In. Hold Services Rev. P. O. Bonc brnko, D.D., of Philomath, Oregon, will preach In tho United Brethren church on South Coos Rlvor, Wod ncsdny evening nt 8 p. m. Father Dead. Cnrl Evortson to day received tho uad news of the death of tho father of his fiance, Miss Francos McGcorgo, which oc curred at tho McGcorgo family home In Port Huron, Mich. No particulars woro given. Culled OIT Gaines. Thoro woro no gnmes In tho Coos Buy League yesterday. Tho Murshflold-Nortn J. llitiul trnmn wnu mil oil off Oil I1C- hack on the Boston which will , .. u , ,, ,. ,,.., - UUllIlk Ul VIIU kMILMIIt tll.tia ..111 .... sldo nnd Sumnor could not reach an ngrcomont nbout playing nt tho pic nic so no gnmo took plnco. Institute OpenH. The nnnunl Coos county Instltuto and Training Rchool for teachers oponcd today nt tho Marshflold high school with n good attendance. Moro tenchors havo been nrrlvlng nil tiny, and Coun ty Superintendent Bunch and School Supervisor Dr. McCormnc, anticipate an unusually lnrgo nttondanco. Flno Remitted. C. F. MclCnlght this morning received nn order from Gov. West cancelling tho flno of Mar tin Allison In tho recent fish poddllng enso and ordering tho county clork to refund It. An appeal wbb tnkon to leavo Astoria August 14 for Coos Bay. MRS. WM. WARREN and Bon re turned yestordny from tho Willa mette, valloy whore they woro call ed by tho death of Mrs. Warren's mother. A. Z. DOWNS and C. TI. Lowory loft on tho Redondo for different points In California on n business nnd plensuro trip. Thoy will hn gono nbout threo weeks. R. SMITH, formerly of Coos Bay but now a rosldont of Snn Frnti clsro, Is spending n weok hero nB tho guest of L. J. Simpson of North Bend nnd other friends. C. SAVAGE of Coqulllo Is In Marshflold today. IIo reports that tho Bovornop for oxocutiv0 clemency Jnck London, who wns making n tour of tho const, wont from Co qulllo to Rosoburg, not coming over to Coos Bny as Bomo oxpoct od him to do. MISS ALICE LANDRITII, who hns been assisting In tho storo of O A. Robinson for a number ,of weeks, went to tho Bny by yestor dny morning's trnln. Sho goes to hor homo nt Lakesldo for n weok's visit. Coqulllo Herald. E. M. WRIGHT of Portland, who has boon buying consldornblo prop erty on tho Bay, returned today for a short stay. Ho will leavo In n dny or bo on n ten dnyn' trip hut will rot urn tn mnko his head quarters on tho Bny. CIIAS KAISER, who camo over from Bandon Saturday, reports that the parties sinking tho Benr Crook oil well said thoy struck n pocket of gas which forced gravol up over 150 feot In tho well. It Is now over 1,300 feot deop. owing to mlsuudorstnndlngfl in the enso. Tho order will rcqulro Gamq Wnrdon SI Nonh and Powol to ro turn tholr shnro of tho flno. Made Fast Run. D. L. Footo re turned yesterday from Drnln aftor having inndo tho fastest auto trip between Allognny nnd Drain that hns yot boon recorded. Saturday with four passongors ho made tho trip In Just flvo hours running timo, deduct ing tho dolny in crossing tho Umpqua nt Scottsburg. Ho mndo tho run from Allegany to Scottsburg In two hours nnd forty minutes and from Srnttshurg to Drnln In two hours nnd twonty minutes. Ho Is now wnlttng for somo ono to equnl It. Mossrs. Edwnrds, Donny nnd Edwnrds nro planning to put another forty-horse powor Cadillac on tho run. PHONE 1-8. KAUFMAN M CO., YOUR COAL ORDERS, $l,f0 TON. Aftor tho sbow try a Turkish Bath Phono 214-J. 1800 Watermelons Everybody Can A Afford to Eat Them After the Redondo Arrives I f. X 1 ;4 w 'm K 4 .m . 'i v.5