jhb '""' ' " i (,!" ;"j"5553B5!!5'!B" "" "" ---, .,, if wvmwPMii ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1911-EVENING EDITION. f 2 IM Vi W E .V 1. COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALOXKY IAX K. MALOXEV Edlior ami News Editor rim nnnun u iSiQ U UnUWU HI I SMI PICNIC Address all communications to COOS MAY llAlliY TIMES. Mnrshfleld :: :: :: i Oregon official i'ai'ku of Tins city Seventeenth Annual Affair the OF MAHSHFIEL1). Uodlcatcd to tho Borvlco of the people, that no good cauaa shall lack a champion, and that ovll Bhall not thrive unopposed. An Independent Hoptiullian nows papor published ovory ovonlng excopt Sunday, and Weokly by Tho Coos liny Times Publishing Co. Entered at tho postoflico at Marsh flold, Oregon, for transmlsBlon through tho malls as second class mall matter. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. DAILY'. Ono year $6.00 Per month GO WEEKLY. Ono year $1.50 Wlion paid strictly In advanco the subscription prlco of tho Coos Day Times Is $G,00 pr year or $2. GO for six months. WATCH! NOTICE Homer Mauzey, ono of the drivers atld the solicitor for us is out for Laundry. Watch him! he is llablo to stop you on tho street and explain all detnllB of Laundry and also to bo at your home any time. Ho, knows Laundry business from A to Z. Marslifield Hand and; Steam Laundry IMIOX. 220-J Greatest of Them Ail Maybe Last. The seventeenth annual picnic of tbo Siioinl Society at Enogren's Grove on South Coo3 River yester day, was tho most successful of all. Tim fiHntiitntirn oxrouded 1.G00 und nothing marred the pleasures of tho Ped to render excellent service to lliu UUUIJ1U Ul kUUI UHIi VjUIUIUI Blanchard's Livery We havo secured tho livery busi ness of L. II. Holsnor und aro pre- OHIclnl I'npcr of Coot County A.V OLD DIJVIC'i:. WHILE hero lu Oregon wo aro discussing tho referendum ns though It wore a now dovlco of government, In Canada thoy aro taking a referendum on reciprocity after a mnnnor ns old an tho parlia mentary system. Tho pooplo of tho United States woro given no opportunity to ox prcBB themselves upon this subject. It was forced upon them by tho presi dent ntid congress, whether thoy would or no. No party lu Englnnd or nny Eng lish possession can remain In power nn hour after tho people havo decided to tnko tho matter Into their own hnnds. Tho English hnvo both the Initiative and referendum In tbo most practicable' and workable form known. It may not bo patriotic to ndmlt It, but under tho English system there Is much moro direct appeal to tho pooplo tbnn there Is under the Am erican. Tbo EllKllsh inivouiinniit l moro democratic, (he American pure ly roprosontntlvo. Reciprocity will h settled In Can ndn by direct popular vote. In this country It has been settled by com binations of politicians, all of them guessing how host to promote their own porsonal fortunes In tho deal. The referendum Is at tho vorv bnslB of tho English parliamentary system. Whoro the English fall down Is that their ballot Is not as free as ours. Mut that Is not truo of Can mla. Which has tho most democratlo government and In which do tho people havo the determining voice? Tho liberals In England advocated reform In taxation which tho houso of lords refused to sanction. An ap peal to tho people was taken, and mo niiministratinu sustained. Tho will of the people Is paramount mul tho bouse of lords threatened with extermination yields, daring not re peal. In the Hulled Stales, tho people veto for n tariff revision downward and got a revision upward. They retaliate by electing nil opposition congroiw lower limine and still thoy will gt no lower tariff. In an other two yours thoy might nxnlu try for n reduction, and still not con trol tho Smmlo and If they did. It would be a year lonwr before they got action. drivers, good rigs and everything that will mean satisfactory Bervlco to tho public. Phono us for a driving hors, a rig or anything needed lu tho livery lino. Vo also do o trucking business of all !tlnds. MIiAXCHAMI) HHOTHEHS. Livery, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First and Alder Streets. Phono U8-J day. Music and dancing, an athletic pro gram und picnic entertainments af forded diversion for all. The weath-; or was good and everybody had a' good time. Tho largo attendance i taxed tho accommodations to the utmost. During tho day, sevoiity-flvc gallons of Ico cream and 3.000 Ice cream cones woro disposed of and then tho supply ran out long before' the crowd dispersed. ! Owing to the great throngs and tbo work connected with caring for them, tho society hns about decided to mako yesterday's tho last of tho great annual picnics. ' The prizes for tho athletic contests wero awarded as follows: Men's footrace N. E. Noah, first, and J. Lnrson, Bccond. Ladles' footrnce Mrs. Albert Coll vcr, llrst, and Mrs. Arthur Mntson, second. Hoys under 10 footrace N. E Noah, first, nud Albert Ounncll, sec ond. Hoys under 8, footrnce M. A. An-' ilersou, first, and Arthur lilllstrom, second. (llrls under 1C, footrace Ethel ; Wo nro equipped to do high class Anderson, llrst, and Miss II. Smith, work on short notice at tho very second. i lowest nrlcos. Examination trtt. Fat women's footrnce Mrs. Em- Lady attendant, Coko building, oppo- mctt Pierce, llrst, and Mrs. II. Ilclhcr. ; slto Chandler hotel second. Tho cost of repairing tho wiring In our building In Mnrshfleld was nine dollars. Tho owner nt once got a re duction of Fifty Dollars per year lu the Jnsuruncc. Think It ovor. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PnONE 237-J PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY r M. A. J. IIENDHY'S f Modern Dental Parlors. PEHSOXAL OVHMFLOW. KEESE, who MILS. L. EHICKSQX, ProfcKMlomil Xiirso 25 First Stroet Phono G4-J Am prepared to accommodnto pn- y t uum. ouiiuoincni cases a specially for MM. and MRS. O. .1 hnvo boon tho guests of A. Meyers of South Marshllold tho past week, left for their homo in wnsiiingiou yosioruny ny Al- Treats nil diseases Olllco. corner Second nnd Central Avonuo. Olllco hours 11 to 12 a. m. 2 to G p. m. Dlt A. C. HUHHOUGHS, firtli.titlfi, rt,ci....lu .v.v..,.... .'....-.r....!.., legnny A. C. MEESE, representing the en gineering llrm of Louis C. Kelsey. formerly city engineer of Salt Lake City, arrived hero yesterday to meet with the Joint committees of the Mnrshfleld and North Demi city councils tonight .rolativo to the waterworks' situation. .MRS. OUY C. LATTINund daughter Flossie, left yesterday on tho Mronkv;itor for Alpine, N. Y , where I hey will visit her father, mother, brother and many friends and school mates. They will visit In Now York City, Elnilrn, Mon turn Falls, and other cltlos on their way. Guy Lnttln was ovor from Mandon whoro ho Is In char ge of tho shore pipe and bulkhead lag for tho dredgo Oroijon. TMt. II. H. MOOKE, Chiropractor. " Chronic Diseases n Specialty 203 Coos Mldg Phono 81-L Ofllco hours 1 to G; 6:30 to 7:30 Sunday 3 to G -H. G. W. LESLIE, "' Osteopathic Phyolclun Uraduato of tho Amorhan school of Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. Ofllco In Eldorado Mlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phono 101-J; Marshllold; Orogon. A TI'MKISII MATH will do you GOOD. Phone 2H-J. Happy Housewives Find satisfaction In tho use of Dalles Diamond High Patent Flour Makes a bountiful uhlto broad. Nyery sack fully guaranteed. It costs no moro than tho ordinary kUri altho It Is tho bust Hour In the lid. fry a sack for your next baking. The Bazar SjV 3l$U8B OF QUALITY HEAL ESTATE HAHGAINS. Fluo lots nt Hunker Hill... 81(10 50x120 Corner on conntv road. Hunker Hill ,$.100 Comer 100x140 Mallroad Ad dition sj?f,nno Moonilng honso S(I."K Al'G. FHIZEEX, Hfal Estate Insurance and Rental IN, (Vnirnl Ae Maiblleld, Ore. -Mt. J. W. INGHAM, Pliyslclr.il and Surgeon, 209-210 Coko Building houcs: Olllco 102J; Hcsldcnco 1021. J. W. MENNHTT, Lawyer. Ofllco ovor Flanngan & Mennott Dank Iarshflold Oregon 1TH. J. T. McCOM.MAO, Physician and Surgeon Marslifield, Oregon. Dfilco: Lockhort Building, opposite Post Ofllce. Phono 105-J JMmx y. V nightly exhibitions of fine Merchandise A walk through the b usiness streets any evening in the week is a trip worth while, You may inspoct the finest grades of mer chandise and food stuffs the best offered by any market. See the latest ideas in articles for personal and domestic use the newest and most at tractive fashions in wearing apparel, See them to advantage under Electric Light. We A re Pleased I Ml'i ft''n A "M Mil W Wt V ' u Nu w 1 " & SV To noto tho success of our July g nnd tako It ns Indicating that the Val! lies given touched n rcsponn,,' chord In tho hearts of Coos Day sho pors. Wo nlso fcol certain that thli satisfactory record Indicates that YOU WERE PLEASED With tho Prices nnd Quality of our merchandise. Whllo there are aN wnys Bpeclal Imrgalim at our sales our everyday prices contain special vnlues that nppcnl to careful bur. era. YOU WILL FIND Somo especially nttractlvo offer ings on both sides of this Dig Store next weolc. Wo hnvo put tho knife n llttlo doopcr Into tho prices of OUR MEN'S SUITS And all down tho lino In Mon's Furnishings. Espcclnlly you canuot overlook tho offerings in Men'i Suits. All wo nsk Is that you call and seo what wo hnvo, get tho prices and mako comparisons, ' thea uso your judgmont. A now lino of Suit Cases nnd telescopes Jurt received. sooner or later You nro going to And out that It Is to your own best Intorcst tc trado at this store MERCHANT & SON Business Directory Following Is a list of Hollablo Business Firms that It will Pny to Patronize Go To WILLEY & SCHROEDER for Plumbing and Heating Mandilleld, Ore., Phono 773 STADDEN AH hinds of photograph work, bromide enlarging nnd kodak finishing. J. L. KOONTZ Machine and Mepnir Shops OKXKHAL MACHINIST Steam nnd Gas Englno Work At Holland's boat shop, Frout street, Marshfleld, Ore. ..S jf& JSV We Work And Advertise To bring a customer liero the flnit time, after that he comes of h& own accord, you know why. ji:mi:mhi:h There is no kink, or cuo that we can't do. "THIXK IT OVEIl 1A11V." Coos Bay Steam Laundry PIIOXIJ MAIN Of.J U. -fc. iszfi&yjfrfa. Wk-z. I lT)MiWrX J f AAr the glow of UNIQUE PANTATORIUM Wo aro expert dyers nnd cleaners. Hnt work of all kinds. Our work will please you. Suits made to order. 230 Central Ave. Phono 230X ROSS PINEGOR PMOPRrETOMS Don't Kick Yourself For forgetting your winter's supply of wood, Order now and be happy later, Dry Timber Ends While they last, we have on hand a fine lot of DRY blocks for fire place and stove wood, 0R0ER NOW C.A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Broadway Yards Pn0lie 190-J Oregon Power Company Telephone 178 COOS MAY TO DHAIX Quickest tlmo possiblo llohh'ii Auto Mm.. via Alleaanv. 'I'liwi.nri, ,, cor.- "iv7 ..-.o.-o. Stago, steamer nud nuto via Gardi ner. Through In one day $7.50. Drain, Coos Day stage line. Through in two days 6.50. 50 pounds nt baggage free. Norton & Hanson, agts.l -; VJ f ,lnnVV . TBBMHsiBMBssili '"irTsiWl't- .BJjm.BBBlT'J' ...1 !jTniTissL8BPTVf'uBW1llMrrjisiMii-r- n f I MbVBbIBIBIHbWIsIH KBmiLrrnst- --HMF. SSSSSSiSSiSSSSSigSSSSSSSSLZrrSSfcJMiiijLaaiailMc.,.: tPJ-,, SSSSSSSHSSSSBBSHrBH BBrjpBBBBBBflJBBJBHSBHlBBBBaMBBBBkMBBHMH BAFB INVESTMEXT For Information concerning, high-class bond Investments, bearing 6 Interest net, wrlto O. B. Hinsdale, care J. H. Adams and Company, Los Angeles, California. ALICE II Tho Popular Picnic Boat. Now makes regular schedule c tho South Cooa River run. lr Mnrshfleld weok days at 4 Q. rives In MnrnhflnM nt 8:45 ISunday, leaves Marslifield at 8 I Returns at 6 p. m.