"&$Rl THE BEST THAT EXPERIENCE DOES f OR SOME PEOPLE IS TO' MAKE THEM SOFTER JDS CARRYING Coos Sag Stms SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's advertising epneo la a newspaper, compared with tho spnos used by other stores, should doflao lt comparative Importance In the community! Docs your store's ad vertlslng spneo do that? roar store-news, should appear as Lllnrlyns does this nouwcr. If rmm,r omitted nn issue now .-.i then ccn mi JjVnnMnot bo n good newspaper. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Established In 1H78 ns Tho Const Mall VOL. XXXV MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1911 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGES. a consolidation r Times, o.nst jmn N ig and Coos liny Advertiser. v ROOSEVELT TELLS STORY OF TENNESSEE STEEL ABSORPTION Former President Appears Be fore Congressional Com mittee Investigating It. SANCTIONED DEAL TO END PANIC IN 1907 Says That New York Concerns Were Threatened With Dis aster by Stock (By Associated PrcsB to Coos Ba Times.) NEW YOKK, Aug. 15. Former resident Theodore RoobovcU ap peared before tho House commltR'o Investigating United Status Steel Cor poration today and told tho pnrt ho took In permitting the purchase of tho TennesBoo Conl nml Iron Com pany by tho Steel Corporation In .1907. Chairman Stanley, explained Roos evelt appeared voluntarily heforo tho committee. Roosevelt stated he hnd prepared a statement which tho coni mltteo permitted him to read. Roosevelt began n description of the financial pnnlc conditions ' In 19Q7. lie declared It was thu utmost duty or tno nilinlnlstratlon to pre vent by all menus tho spread of n panic before it becomes a disaster He Enid tho secretary of tho treasury and himself were In hourly commu nication with New York nml riming this time ho learned thnt two mom lers of the steel corporation. Judgo Gary nnd II. C. Frlclc wished to seo him. A conference was arranged i for thorn with himself nnd Secretary Hoot. This conferonco was brief. It consisted of the submission of n proposition by the Steel Corporation to purchase the TenneBseo Coal nnd Iron Compnny. Roosevelt told fnosteol men thnt ho did not wish to stnnd In tho wny of preventing n nnunclnl panic. It wnB a mntter of genernl knowledge thnt certain banks nnd trust companies In dnngor In Now York nnd ono Inrgo brokorngb con cern were loaded with Tennessee Coal nnd Iron stock nnd securities which hnd no markot vnluo. Roose velt went Into details tin to tho norl ous llnnnclnl conditions In '.Vow York nnd how he hnd taken the re sponsibility to permit tho transfer of steel compnny stoch nnd did this en his own lnltlntive. '"Twns necessary for mo to net at onco before, tho stock oxchnngo opened or tho transaction mlglit Prove useless," ho snld. Ho declnr ed he wns satisfied thnt tho acquire ment by the steel corporation of Tennessee Conl & Iron Compnny did not chnnge the legnl status of cor poration. Furthermore he snld ho relieved thnt It would bo for tho pub He Rood nnd the results proved the "t was a good ono for it stopped a panic. "I should hnvo proved nn un worthy public officer If I had not ne ns I did. In every such crl8,8( ne teniptn.ion of Indecision, to uon- niHnH 'u niwnys exists. Thoro Is nl- - mi utciiso lor nan-notion. Tf :hrnnJ!,:T,h Ill8.8lt b0 "111 g.vo -" inline m trouble tho benefit of ,B "O'lbt nnd net ns tho sltuntlon do nU U tho law Is not vlolnted. Evo- lutht'"" l t0k WnS "aS pon ns l,ny Col. Roosevelt was questioned at wne leneth bv Phnlniinn Stnnloy Rni oth.r menibors of tho commit J s to the details In connection Hn,... . nroronee nt th0 White ! --v U(, auout the trust companies . .u.iijip " Nw York. Roosovolt ia one trust company was mention In ,,name bt that he had been poi wnaiiy Informed there wero two wj companies and a largo stock roKerns;e concern threatened. Frlck n Gnrv told him Tennessee- Coal Ton had -io market value at that ent hut that they wore willing i.P?iCh" lt becauso tnoy folt lt the onlv way to snvo tho sltu- atton ""I Prevent a dlsnstor. Roos- THE EASIEST TAFT TO ST 1PA President Will Leave Septem ber 16 on Four Weeks Tour of Country. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmoa.) WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. . The most Important trip President Tuft bus planned since ho hns been in tlio White House In tho vlow of republican leaders, Is tho trip on which ho la expected to open his 11)12 presidential campaign "Which will begin 'Soptombor 10. It -will Inst four weel.'s nnd should It Inter bo de cided to uxtuuri tho outing to thu Pa cific coma It will bo stretched to hIx weeks. According to plana so far drawn, thu President will vlt(It most of the states which have progressive congressional delegations. FOUTt OTIIKHS IN.IUUKI) AVHF.X TmtniJ cabs of soirriiKKN RAILWAY PASSKNOEK AUK DITCH 121 ) IN NOUT1I CAItOLINA (By Associated Press to Coos Bay .TlmoB.) SAUSBUnY, N. C, Aug. C Two persona wero killed and four UnJJured i a. ..Al. ..!.,... ,. iHnn I t ti ihu niv.n t I'tintiviirjvt i TWO KILLED IN TRAIN 1REGK q,,M,nm 1217 1 Vh "'"""i'' Ul rcB,,,nr trftVo1 bo,BB Southorn Hallway rrluay. Tno.' ,.... . . n ,vh running beacon Ashvllle large nwnbor of Ooldsboro. members of tho Orogon Naval Mill-! tho trnl nnd Ouldsboro, (By Assoclnted Press to Coos Buy , Tlmc3.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 5. A message to tho Southern Railway hendqunrters from AbIitTHo snysi trnln No. 22 was wrecked at Wajoll ca, N. C, Friday nfternoon. Tho en gine, baggago car nnd two conches and chn'lr car wore derailed. l'ORTEU IS BOUND OYKR. Portland Man Held to Grand Jury For Offense. Tho Coqulllo Sentinel cnys; "Dr. A. W. Porter of Portlnnd, who posed ns u corn doctor in this city and who 0t M. Orlnes, J. F. Hnnsen, Mrs. ttilrcl nsslstnnt secretary of state ln took special pains to form the nc-( Hnnson, May Athorton. Gertrudo troduced him to tho President. qunlntnnco of ns many young girls nnd women ns posslblo, nnd who en- tlced n Coqulllo valloy girl to tho Bay last Friday, wns nrrested liy.idn Bolden. Kate Border. Madge Sheriff Gago nnd Marshal Carter that night at the Chandler hotel, was brought to Coqulllo nnd Tuesday hnd n nrPllmlnnry hearing boforo Jiuigo nni,in .-upon hearing the c.rcuinstapces ' as related by tho ofllcers and wltnes- ses Portor was bound over to appear ( bofore tho grnnd Jury In tho sum of i $1,000, In dofnult of which he Is now In tho county Jail in this city. "Owlntt his knowledge of tho ex-' Istenco of tho "white slnvo" business along tho coast Mr. Gngo hns been V,n.i,f n tho nlnvt of Into nnd somowhnt on tlio nioit or rnto ana has been the profosslonr-1 "mashers" who . . i have eomo under his obsorvntlon.; hnn i.ia nniiiin. tn n halt tho esca- hence his ennuis, to n nau inn ust pade of tho "Dr." nnd his victim. "A full explanation will bo forth- nonilnc nt the assembling of the) noxt grnnd Jury." ' evelt concluded his testimony ntilem. He takes with him the pacln 1:30 and received the thanks of the nrmimlttpn nnd oxnressed satisfaction ' m,o n- n "ninin pitmen" ho hns been iituv i able to assist the committee. TO LAND IS STREET CAM STRIKE IN DES I Rioting and Other Scenes of Violence Mark Inauguration of Labor Trouble In That City. (By Associated Prebs to Coos Bay Tlnns.) DES MOINES, la., Aug. An effort this morning by the Des,,noni- The police arc defending tho Moines Street Hallway Company to!1,0'c1. 1 tuke cars from Its second stroot. ham failed when nenrly noo sym pathizers of the strike which was declared Into last night threatened to attack the Htrlkc-brenkerB. Tho latter retreated to n plnco of safety whllo tho crowd Jeered. Two strlko- breakers were Jailed, charged with carrying concealed weapons. TlfnHt.tr nvi.1 Till nl,t.. 'In nfTltr. flf Mnnniier Hnrrliran and domonstrn- tions against tho strike-breakers and Louis n. ChrlstlaiiBon. their leader, attended tho iiiuiiaiirntlon of the strike. Flvo men Including n .. ,, ... detective und a police ofilccr wcro Injured. Traffic is suspended every line In tho city, 'but it Ib stated thnt cffoitH will lie niado during tho day to operate four ur flvo cars. Just before noon ii crowd of strike sympathizers attacked Walter Em- inons, a Chicago strike-breaker, and If fBRHE Steamship In Early Today From Portland With Capa city Passenger List, The llreakwotcr nrrlvcd In this morning from Portlnnd with a enpn clty passenger lint nnd n' big cargo of frolglit. Sho had a very good trip down tho const. Tho Breakwater will sail nt 10 i W o'clock Sunday morning for Port-;nnd IHIIli U Ki HHUllD "UIW itllVUl. tta who are going nftor tho cruiser Boston. Among those arriving on tho Brenkwnter wero tho following: Mrs. Kelly, Miss Kelly, MIbb Flor ence Jennings, E. Jennings, Mrs. S. iM. Jennings, Mrs T. W. Ronnie, Mrs. E. B. Anger, Mrs. J. W. Ingrnm, Daisy Rlchnrdson, "L. W. Prestler, Wm. Canfllln. A. Candlln, Gertrude Miller, Miss -Ellon Flook, M. Schnlr, '" Mr. Schnlr Mrs. Schnlr E. H. today In a brief reception nt the -"the" - $&& ? Hnversnck. W. C. Bnrlgnn, C. W. Rn white House. He was escorted fromjcusslon, Mr. Jackson flnnlly agreed Eor, P. Flnnngan, Miss Alice Dnhl- nja itotol hy two troops of cavalry, that a clauso would bo Inserted pro gren. Miss Fern Baker, Mrs. Sndle Mnjor Butt nnd Lieut Commnnder vldlng thnt tho compnny should lay Dlmmlck. Mrs. C. D. Havener, Hnn- Palmor, military nnd naval aides, re. , he connoctlonB ns fnr ns tho curb nnh Rounew, E. S. Hnwloy, Mrs. spectlvely led the Jnp hero to tho' The meter nuestion wns nisn tnirn Hnwley, Mrs. C. Nolson, I. Orlnes, Vaun, Vera Ashley, S. F. Bnll, D. J. Conlopuo. C. II. Denn, Geo. May, E. c ciinse, Mrs. Chase, A. F. nolden, Smith, Mrs. E. Ryan, Miss L. A. Cox, Mrs. A. B. Noff. Mis. B. S. SwCgii, j. j, wnlkor, Fred Harris, A. G. Llnd, L. C. Bnrgolt. C. B. i.n.n t Mnrinvorn t p wucthp. . j.,. w. Mle, Ed. Ward, Ei L Keenan, Robt. Wells. 11IO AIR RACE OX. Thivo Contest for .l,mi(l l'11.e 111 New Vorfc. (By Assoclnted Press to Coos Biy Times.) NEW YORK, Aug., 5. Tho Aero "ice from Now York to Philadelphia D,i i,, , ho" Contestants woro T,nColn Benchoy, Hugh Robinson nnd . . . Eugene Ely. Ely took the plnce or Clins. K. Hamilton who declined to niiui in. iwiviiiui ui iiiiiuiuiiium in. i conditions. To Make Circuit. F. P. Norton w"1 'oave on steamer Breakwater for . ine u.'egon stnio inir grouiuis nt on- horse Marin. Ho also has Belle N at Salem and will attend the fairs throiieh the Willamette circuits and i I Portland with these two horses, HE WHO IMAGINES HE'S beat hi in to unconsciousness. Em mon's condition is critical. Sensational Mob Scenes. The mob has surrounded the Iowa hotel In which nearly a hundred strlke-brenkers, under the guard of four plntoons of police enroute to the depot, were obliged to take re- fugc. The mob Is demanding that ' the strike-breakers beturned over to I IIU ll'IUIk IS IjllllUJIL UJUl U1U 1'U- i... ..,.i .,... .n,.i..i.l out of the hotel by wny of the col - iilu tiiu niiun uiiit tuv Diimw-uiuaiivint Inr, but If this is true the mob In front nnd at the sides of the building nro not nware of the ruse. A train Is being held for the strlke-brenkers Another cnll for police hns been ont In from the Iowa hotel. The Another cnll for police hns been font In from the Iowa hotel. The crowd in still clnnimoring for a'Mr. Nolan, who Is desirous of seem tilftltr it tlui ui.ls.ilirnn lrnfu An. Inr. o .....trill (an horn, tlfftantl fill! II I1PW other crowd has collected In front of the Hex hotel on Walnut tsrcot' where nhnut fifty strlke-brenkers ore assembled In the lotabv nwaltlnc 1 " .. .. I chance to get to tho train - D. - It is rumored Hint Manager Har - on'rignn of tho City Hnllway system hns sent his personnl baggage to tho do pot with a view of leaving tho cljty. Hundreds of conl miners on a half-holiday have Joined tho strikers. , It may Tie necessnry to nsk Governor Carroll to order out tho mllltla. BIG IE ON ST i K. It. 3ACKSOX OF A110 TOHMICI) W t WHO TOIUIM) Wlllh COMIIINM80n, Mr, jnCkson explained thnt tho MUST VAY J? 1.1,000 FOB VIOLA TION OF LAW. (By ABsnclntod Press to Coos Bay . Times,; vpvv vnntf. Am. r. v. n. .Tnrif. son, Jr., of New York, tho nttor - ""' , '"' , ,:......!.' m.L .i my .un.. u, iui.u '" drains" of tho wire trust wnsjduced from fifty to twenty-five cents IIIIV'U 1UUUU IlltUU Ill ilt" 'i ituiiu conteridro to nine Indictments charg- . ... . .. . Ing hln. w 1, the fonnntlon of 'wire pools. United States District Attor - noy Wise nindo n plea that Jackson bo given a prison sentence. .l.I HERO MEETS TAFT. Admiral Togo Received by PreMdent Today. ,Rv Ac.oMntpd PriH to Coo nav (By Assoclnted Press to coos uay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 5. i 'resworn xau mei uiiurui iubu. Proslrtnnt Tnft met Admiral Toco bju0 Room where Chandler Halo,1 PAYS DEATH PEXATTY. Rssjn Win Killed San Francisco CHrl Is Executed. fSneclal Lone Distance Teleobone to Times.) o,v omhvtint. Cni.. ahc r. I .... .... . x, . ted In the .tl"; nrl-ou here for tho mm.,iei. 0f Dorothy Malonkanoff a ten-year-old girl of the sanio na- tionnlltv In San Francisco Februnrv :.!?' unncisco, leinuorj io. ionn. Hownlked pnlmlv tn tho - - - gallows. TreEchenke, who wns 52 oo ., woa lnfntlin0,, ,,Ml ,, ohU(1 W,J0 rosentod hU ntlentIons H ... , ,t , , t , " lnl(l ' "" " Et er- NAME NEW OFFICERS. i ... , " , , lr.iiiiimi l.lll,iiiillllill irAllianB.i II.i1.1k "'-" ................ ......n., ...... ,.-. Annual Election. i lay .-seucuuuii nua io i-uu jiuy Times ) , ,. . . ,, , BUTTE, Mont.. Aug. 5. Mnhonoy , of Butte was olected vlco-presldont of the Western Federation of Miners (n,.. v. wniinm pn,inD nt Wni. . t, ' ' , . . lace. truest .uius was uiuuhuiuuhij , re - elected secretary and treasurer, Charles H. Mover was re-elected ores- Ident yesterday. NEA COPFER DIES FROM INJURIES IB RUNAWAY WANTS TO GET ; FRANCHISE NOW Nolan Asks Council to Grant Him Water Rights Before Election. At Inst evening's conference over i the draft of a waterwoiks iranchlso, scheme to members of the Marshfleld city council. Tho plan ho suggested wns thnt ho be given the franchise al,"'0"V.u "."' ""' "u"'i """"' &.. ... !. !...... .mmIIm. 1ntlnnln .,- fit iwniiT nun arnrr iniT rnv nnu sinn llliprux:- I 1IIU1IIS lit MUWC 1IIVII, I1U Otl.ti, . KHJ I. ... ... ..,. T1, 1, on .1 If II..1 Ipcoplo of Mnrshflcld at the December election voted In favor of a municipal plant, tho city could tnko over tho plant from them nnd pny them what they pnld for It nnd the expense they hnd boon to for improvements, etc. Lnat evening s meeting wns Inform nl b,lt n11 of t" Mnrshflold city off! Sp..i S men Copplo nnd Albrecht were pros eut. Councllmen McDnnlcl, Bnrtlo and Fnlkensteln and 3Ir. Kern of North Bend were nlso present. The new drnft presented did not differ materially from tho old. The franchise Is for a period of fl'ly years. In the new draft, It Ib pro vided that the cltty may exercise the option to buy It nfter tho cxplratl'.n of twenty-five years, flvo years long er thnn the first one provided. Mr. Nolan did not take nn exten sive imrt 111 tho illfKMiHRlnn. ihn rnml. NKW YOHlCiliic nf the new frntiplilRn nml Mm uv. dctniied Htntement of flnt rates which had been In the first ordlnnnco was loft out because It was too long nnd anyway they would hnvo to file It with tho Oregon Rnllrond commis sion. . In the brief thblo of flnt rntcs In cluded, the minimum rnto for a resi- !denc;?" f1? nt 1-2fl w'K'rn It I wns $1.0ln tho old ono. However, tho price of bath-tub sorvlco Is ro- Pny rntra would be adopted. Both tho flat rato and meter tables flv h .nmZchaw "S the colnpiny wm rankei tlmt ,8 tho k,a8t nn,'0l;t mh utiinnuii oiwil UIU JMfBCIll L'UIII1 . n patron can pay and get service, hut the franchise does not fix tho mnd mum flat rnto or tho point to which the riat rato may be Inter Incrcnsed by tho compnny. Mr. Jackson o. plained that In case the rntes woro not considered equltablo, an appeal .umi4 uo uiuun in inno uiem reuueou ! byJ fho 0r8on Railway commission. councilman Coke wanted to know what the company wns going to do J nbout laying connecting pipes from l"u ". iu irnncniso uui not :;:. .,,':, i .V L ... up nnd Mr. Jnckson oxnlnined that the franchise meant that for rewi deuces, n deposit of $5 or the pay. ment of twenty-five cents per month would cover the expense of Installa tion and maintenance, tho deposit to be returned when tho' uso of the meter ceased A tnble of meter rates running from thirty cents per thouK j nuu gaiions uown to ten cents poi .hnmi t th m ..," ,.VIV. the minimum ench could uso" 'vns attached. vuunciiman rerguson snltl he Councilman rvrgiiHun saiu nc Ifta!, ttft.?,!!! the company failed to comnlv with lit. terms. Both Messrs Jackson and olnn objected to this on tho ground t,mt u woul(, ,te,.foro wth the 1H,f .., i'i- ...". n,.'.. .... J 1 v . i men uuiius, i nuy nm not agree i" put In any forfeiture clauso but thvo is n elniiso nrovldinc tlmt tim oitv nn Institute suit ngnlnst thoin to recover .dnmagei. , Tho clauso providing thnt In -iM the eltv himniii itr tn taa ..,. tlio plant nfter tho expiration nt twenty-five yonrs provides that th i .! i. . ml ... pneo sunn ne i xou uy two aruitratr ono chosen by the company and one , t nni,nni, pii.n., v,.a- " """" ........ ..-i.i wiuiiuu huh hibo in )iruvi(ie innr In case tho two wero unablo to agre. on the valuation or tho third nrbi- trator that the Oregon Railroad corn. nilsslm should nnmo tiie th'rd. Messrs Jackson and Vol in o o l doing anyth'ng of the kind, savin? that as tho Railroad commissioners are olected by tho people they mluht not oo lair to me corporation. Mnvni' Qiroxi Qiiirn-oetnrl f1o ,. ..b(,vvu n..n. the BEEN THROUGH IT ALL Col. W. C. Greene, One of the Most Picturesque Million aire's, Passes Away. METEORIC RISE FROM POVERTY TO MILLIONAIRE Was Attacked by Thomas, W. Lawson as One of the Worst of Stock Gamblers. NACO, Ariz., Aug. 5. Pol. W. C. ; Greeno' tho cI'l'er mngnato of Ca I nanen, Mex., died today of ncuto I pnoumonln. The dlsenso devoloped " " " injuries sustaineu in a .. - ii , nnl,if Mnrwtnv wliftn 1m .. ......v...v ... , .. Mi TTI was inrowii mini um cmiiuBu. Ilia coiinr nono and two nus wore irac- turod. Tliursdny an acute pnoumo nln condition devoloped in his lungs.. Col. Grceno wnB ono of tho moBt picturesque nnd ono of tho best known of tho group of copper mng nntos who hnvo operated in tho Southwest becauBo of his motcorlo rlso from the position of n penniless prospector to tho directing genius of tho Cnnnnea Copper Camp. Ho wns born In Wisconsin In 1853, Col. Grceno wns ono of tho group of mngnntes nt tacked by Thomas W. LnwHon In his story of "Fronzlod Fi nance" nnd his reply to Lawson and threntH of bodily vlolonco causod much comment nt the tlmo. His wealth was estimated at many mil lions. compnny furnish freo wator for tho city hall but Mr. Jackson stated that tho law forbnde doing so. Dr. Bnrtlo or North Bond sahl that n stnndnrd of purity should be fixed for tho water. Also that tho fran chise provision that tho company had to bo given ton days notlco of any de fect by tho city nnd wns thou given ten dnys more In which to start to remedy the defect nnd with no pro vision ns to tho tlmo they might tuko In remedying same was sufficient. Ho snld that In raso of typhoid fovor contamination, a few days dolay would endanger tho entire city. Mr. Jackson flnnlly agreed that tho clauso bo changed to provide for Immedi ately beginning to remedy defect and do so with duo diligence As to testa of city wntor, Dr. Bartlo said they should bo frequently mado and told of his having tests mado every six wooks or so now. Ho said that when the tests showed the water Impure, ho reported it. Dr. Bartlo also told of his oxpor lonco at Eugene during a typhoid fover epldomlc. He said that undor tho franchise tho Kugono wator com pany then held, thoy could not bo forced to remedy tho defect and flnnl ly tho only recouroo or protection the public had was to hnvo the Oro gon State Board of Health condemn tho wator system. During tho evening Mr. Nolan nromlsed the North Bond delegation thnt If ho took over tho wntor plant, ho would run a Blxteon-lnch main to North Bond nnd furnish them sovon-ty-flvo pound pressuro. Tho North Bend dologntes want a reservoir put In there so as to insuro thorn plenty of wator and pressure. Mr. Jnokson nskod that tho city agree to tako iilnaty hydrants at tho Increased rentnl of $3. CO por month, Tho councllmen did not know wheth or tho city could uso that many to nd vantugo or not. Tho city now has thlrty-sovon but would hnvo more If tho water pipes woro largo enough to supply thorn where needed'. Finally It was agreed that Flro Chlof Traver should mnko nn investigation und report how many additional hydrants tho city should hnvo. Othor minor nintters wero brought up and Informally dlscussod. Messrs Nolan nnd Jnokson will probably bo up before the council again next Tues day evening with the rev'.sod frnn- chlso nnd will probably endeavor to nave it grain on tnom. UU Big Sum. John Horron to day received a letter from Battling Nolsou who le at Medford on a box ing tour. Battling Nolson has a very exaltod Idoa of his worth and demanded n big guaranteo and per centage of the sato receipts if he should come hero. However Mr. Herri'ii will wire him n counter prop osition to box In Mm Mi Hold Labor Day on fifty per cent basis. 'WVwSr'Vw ' . At.