rtvr f "-vir-h sr THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1911 EVENING EDITION. k 4, i in h e-f V MLLER'S W , nctlvlty In nil lines of tnanufncturlnc;, (and sawmills nro opening up or in creasing their output throughout the Coos Hay district. In North Rend, there hns been n notlcenblc lncrcaso In the population from the Inlliix nl people who have como to tnlco art vantage of the opening prospects for i employment." I ICft'li Country Pierced. Says Portland Paper's Attack' it is declared timt minions of feet of lino timber and ninny sec tions of rich farming lands will bo tapped by the proposed road. Run ning west from Eugene, the line will That tho I'ortlnnd Telegram's follow the course of the Sluslnw knock on tho announcement of the . rlvor to Florence or near that point, OF THE KNOCK on Road Was Due to Jeal ousy Over Story. pfiflCT irjpii: ; BALL SCORES Southern Pnclflc's intention to bulM from Kugono tc Coos liny was duo to Borencsa on tho part of that pnuor because they woro not given tho first storv Is tho vlow held of it bv Sunt TV. V. Miller of tho local Southern "' " few of ho most fcrtllo spots, where it will extend duo south to Mnrshflold. This Immense strctc'i of country has been relnrdcd on nc count of lack of proper transporta tion facilities. With tho exception Pacific interests. Mr. Minor was loath to discuss tho matter but nftcr expressing this view said the story In Tho Telegram wns not deserving of notice. C. J. Mlllls wns cr.pccted to bo en the liny before this hut unexpected developments in n proposition in Boutliorn California which ho !'ns boon looking Into for Vice-President Cnlvln necessltnted his return to that section from Snn Francisco. Now it is a llttlo uncertain when ho will got here. Enrly announcement of tho award of pnrt of tho contracts nud tint date of beginning nctlvo construction is expected soon. Portland View Of It. Tho following from tho I'ortlnnd Oregonlnn will bo of interest on tho Bny: "Tho construction of tho Eiigono Mnrshllold lino will mean great things for I'ortlnnd," snld Harvey Bcckwlth, president of the I'ortlnnd tho lnrgo territory hns not been sot' tied up. It Is the opinion of those familiar with that part of tho state that plans will bo started Immediately for big development and that by the tlmo the road is completed thcro will bo nn Immense- nctlvlty In both realty and timber operations. It Is predict ed thnt one. of tho greutcst dairying districts In tho stnto will be opened up through the building of this road. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times. ) PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. scores In tho Coast League yesterday were as follows: At Los Angeles 1 Tho games COOS MAY TO DRAIN Quickest time possible Hidden Auto Line, mi. In Allnimliv 'I'lll'llllllll I'll I .S8.ii.". .... oi.vn....' n . Stage, steamer and auto via Gardl-, nor. Through In one day $7.50. Drain, Coos Day stage line. Through In two days $0.50. 50 pounds of baggage free. Norton &. Ilnnsen, ngts. Los Angeles. . Vernon. . . . At Sacramento Sacramento. . Oaklnml. . . At Snn Francisco Portland. . . San Francisco. R 4 7 R 7 G R o r EXCHANGE FELICITATIONS Eugene nud Mui-slillcld Coinmi'icliil Hodlcs Wire Knell Oilier. Ah n result of tho prospect of be ing bound closer together by tho proposed Southern Pacific lino to connect up Kugono and Coos Hay, tho commercial bodies of Marshflcld and Kugeuo have exchnnged felicita tions. Tho following messuges nro Bolf-explnnatory: President M. .1. Duryen nml Mnn- Commercial Club, yestordny. "This agor D. C. Frcoinan of tho Eugono U enslly tho biggest announcement! k'oinmorcliil Club wired nB follows: of tho year. Tho road will not only J "Kukoho Commercial Club extends open up n rich country nud a blgi greetings nud congrntulatlonB to timber belt but It will bo the mentis Marshlleld nud tho magnificent Cons of bringing to Portland a lnrgo trndo' Ih'V country upon tho positive an whlch hns been going to Snn Frni-nouncoment of building of tho Hnr clsco. In tlmo, n great trado wmoC'innn Kugene-Coos llny-Sluslnw rnll wlll bo built up and will bo added to f roml connecting these Important con Pnrtlnnd'H business expansion. tern." "Thoro hnvo been at lonst a iloat- Dr- !. T. McCormnc. president of en paper roads built to Coos liny,"1" Marshlleld Chamber of Com In yenrH pnst nud there hns be'.Mi n.niorco replied ns follows: "On nc lot of tulk, wllli nothing to show for j c-ciimt of who troublo, your tele tho spnHinodlc nnnouncemenls. Riit.'Krnni delayed. We thank tho Com- the nil nbsorhlng topic of conversn- tlon Wednesday wns the new movo on the rnllwny checkerboard, and Its happy significance to the entire com monwealth. Most everybody wore smiles of satisfaction and tho gleeful "Sunny Jims" were beaming all about the market place. "Feeling thnt the Southern Pnclllc company should have some visible token of appreciation from a Eugene source, the banking Interests nnd eommcrclnl organizations of tho city proceeded to wire their fellcltntlous to .1. P. O'Urlon, vice-president nnd general mnungcr for the liurrlmnn lines." real estate bargains. 2 Flue lots at Hunker Hill. . .S 100 50x120 Corner on county rond. Hunker Hill S.1 Corner 100x110 Railroad Ad dition. . . . 91,(100 Rooming house $050 AUG. FR17-EEN, Real Extnte Insurance nud RentnN OH, Central Ao Mnrslillcld, Ore. Fresh Fruits Just arrived a lino shipment of fresh fruits on steamer Rcdondo. Also all kinds of fresh Coos Vegetables. Uny now, wo know with certulntv Hint tho lino Is to ho built nnd thnt It will ho ready for operation Inside of two years. Tho Eiigono-Mnrshtleld road will bo nuothor Important fat tor in tho development of Western Oregon nnd of Portland." Impetus Already Fell. ProspectH for tho liniuedlntn con triirtlnn of tho rail road from Eu gono to sinrshlleld, have nlrendy had a benollclnl Inllucuro on nil Hues of litiglness In tho Cooh Hay oount-y, ac cording to William Candlln. of Co Oullle, who Is In Portland this week on n business visit. "In real estnto nlone, sales nmnuullng to more than $:iin on 'I have been inaile within tho lint I wo months. Most of tho buyers wore outsldo capitalists, many of thorn from Portland. Prices in renl ostntn are steadily climbing nil throng.) the section that will bo opened to the Interior when the new mail Is finish ed. "The llttlo 2S-mllo road from My tie Point to Murshlleld gave us aft er all no outlet for trado except by water. Tho nsstirnueo of ml! ,u. nectlons with the Willamette V.il Jeyhiis started a mnrked revlvtl of merehil club for Its kind rongrntuln tlniiH. We hopo to visit Kugono In a body as soon us the rond Is com pleted." EOHHIIPRG VIKW OF IT. Line FRF.SII FRUITS lluiuiiias Ontiigett ICiiioiih Seedless, ltlaelc nud Mnlngo Grncs Prunes Plums Cherries Apricots Pears Peaches Watermelons Cunlalopes Ijogun, Hliielc nnd Strim-Rcnlcs. fresh vegetarles Ciii'iiiiibeis Hell Peppers To inutoes Cireeu Corn Pens Vn Menus Cnbluige Sweet PotatocH Cnirots Heels Turnips (liven Onions RudMies Head Lettuce Cinill llouer Afpiirngus Coos Hay Celery. PHONB US YOUR ORDER. Wo try to plenso tho trnde. People There Expcrl Another lo Coos Hay. The Roseburg News prints the fol lowing: I "Tho local capitalists Interested In the construction of n railroad from Roseburg to Mnrshflold nro elnted over tho announcement In this mnr nlng'H Issue of the Portland Orego nlnn to tho effect that tho Hanimnii Interests expect lo construct n lino between Kngeno nnd tho const in tho near future. They claim that tho llnrrlmaii Interests are somowhnt disturbed over tho persistency of Fennel Clarke and his usaoclntos In behnlf of the Rosoburg-Murshllold mini, anil mill l c mi I lis lied nn- cliu. doodIk nf r.nn it,.v -,.. .....i nonncement Is merely n threat upon drivers, good rigs nnd everything the part of tlie Southern Pacific Com- thnt will mean satisfactory sarvlco tn ALICE II The Popular Picnic Rout. Now makes regular schcdulo on the South Coos River run. Leaves Mnrshflold week dnys at 4 q. m. Ar rives in Marshflcld at S:46 a. m. Sundny, leaves Mnrshfleld at S a. n. Returns at C p. m. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Plnlntlff. vs. SEAPORT LAND CO.. n corporation, J. N. Shahan. F. II. Walto, Annlo M. Wnlto his wife. E. M. Ward, L. D. Kinney and M. G. Kinney his wife. George M. Everett and Llzzlo Eve rett his wife, J. Virgil Pugli nnd Adorn Pugh his wife, Helt Line Rnllwny Co., n corporation, J. II. Summers, A. W. Meyers, W. J. Rust, Chnrles Stnuff, John Swenson, Hulso Hrndford Co., n prlvato corporation. Armour & Co., n corporation, P. N. Reborg & William J. Smith co-pnrt-ners, ns North nend Hnrdwnro Co., 8. C. Giles, E. Don McCrnry, Port land Iron Works, a corporation; E. L. C. Fnrrln, Honoymnn Hardwnre Compnny, a corporation; E. C. At kins & Co., a corporation; II. H. Hen- cock, II. O. Peterson, F. T. Barton. R. H. Fry, North Head Hardware Co., n corporation, nnd Coos Roy Manufacturing Co., n corporation. Defendants. To J. H. Sommers, John Swenson, Hulso Hrndford Co., n corporation; H. II. Heacock nnd II. O. Peterson, defendnnts In the uhovo and fore going entitled cause: In tho nnmo of tho Stnto of Ore gon, you nnd ench of you nro herebv required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the nbovo entitled suit within six weeks from nnd nfter tho date of tho flMt publication of this summons, the same being tho tlmo prescribed In tho order for publication hereof, nn.l If you fall so to appear and nnswer for want thereof, tho plaintiff will npply to tho court for the rollef Now for the Final Clean-Up of Men's Oxfords 250 pairs men's Oxfords, every size every style, all this year's Lasts. MEN'S 95.00 OXFORDS MEN'S 91""0 OXFORDS Rln, MEN'S 9 LOO OXFORDS ?M MEN'S 9JLC0 OXFORD3 ojj MEN'S 93-00 OXFORDS o. "MONEY TAtKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. MARSHFIELD HANI)0Y Your Sunday Roast ROAST IIEKF Wo havo It ready for you. Sweet and Juicy. ROAST MUTTON ROAST PORK Union Meat Market Phono Us Your Order. Phono 58. DRAIN-C00S BAY AUTO LIME VIA ALLEGANY NOW READY FOR I1USINESS LEAVES MAIlSIIFIEIil) DAILY ROAT LEAVES ALERT LANDINO, MARSHFIELD 0:30 A. JK. ARRIVE DRAIN I P. M. SAME DAY. TICKETS FOR SALE AND INFORMATION AT THE 1JUSY COR. NER DRUG STORE, PHONE 1!08 OUIVANT & WEAVER THE PURE FOOD GHOCERYMEN a uuou nacoio irnuo. prayed for and demanded In plnln- Try Our Fine Coos liny Honey. Stiff's coinplnlnt filed against you In PHONE "7n..7Corner Jin! & Central i thl muse, n succinct stntomont of which Is, thnt thero Is duo nnd ow ing to tho plnlntlff from tho defend ant the Senport Lnnd Company, on n promissory nnto mndo, executed nud delivered by snld Seaport Land Co., pared to render oxcellent service to n por"orntIon to snld plaintiff on the urn any or .lanuary. lPOfi, tho sum of Four Thousand Dollars togothor with Interest thereon from said dnto FAST AND COM.MODIOUS BlancharcTs Livery Wo hnvo secured Hie livery busl- loss of L. II. Helsner nnd lire uu Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails From Marshfield for San Francisco Sunday, Aug. 6, 4 p. m INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 44 C. F. McGEOROE, Ageat Wearing Qualities as Well as Style That's what you get nt Tho Toggery always, It is acknowledged that we stand at the head when It comes to all the latest and niftiest h) men's wear hut quality is never overlook ed, HIGH ARTSUIT? KINGSBURY AND STETSON HATS HEIDE CAPS PACKARD SHOES Tlie Toggery puny. They hnvo little fnlth In tho report, further tlmu udmlttlug thnt the Southern Pnclllc Interests nro frlghtoued nnd will uso every effort In hlncMug any nttompt thnt niiiy bo niiide In constructing a railroad from Riweluirg to tho .coast. One well Known capitalist reninrhed this morning: "i ronlsdor tho llnnimnn nnuouiicemeut ns a bluff, nnd I hnvo no fnlth. wliatovor. In tho sincerity f .Mr. O'Urleu or his nsoclutes. I believe they nro convinced thnt tho RoFohiirm-Murshllold-llolso line Is n go. nnd In order to protect their own Interests caused the announcement ' be published." Another capitalist, and n man who Is vltnlly Interested in tho construction of the Roseburg Murshlleld road snld: "1 am not in a position to be limited nt this time but you enn wiy thnt the Ilarrlinnn announcement will he considered lightly by peixins who nro In touch with the cnnteinplnted line west from Roseburg. Personally, I nm of tho opinion thnt the Ilarrlinnn pcoplo nro frightened nnd are using their nest efforts In hope of killing off any orolcct thnt may Interfere with their business in this stnto." tho public. Phono us tor a driving horse, a rig or anything needed li the liver lino. Wo ulso do 'rucking business of nil kinds RLANCIIARD ItROTHERS. Livery, Fcvil nud Sulcs Service. HI First and Alder Streets. Phono 138-J nl tho rnte of 0 por cent per nnnum, for the foreclosure of that cortnlu mortgngo given by said Seaport Land Co. on snld date for tho security of tho payment of said sum of mony, Interest, nnd for costs, nttomov fe3 nnd c.peiiFes In case of suit for the collection of the snmo, nnd tho sale of Mie premises thoreln described, to wit: AlIof Relt Line Rnllwny Addition to Empire City. Coos County. Oregon tllfOlldlfirr nil rtt i 1 !., Homer Maiuey, one of tho drivers! "ZV ""'': '" . "" ' T '. and ih.i Knllnt, f,. ... I. ... ..i h u mu pun moreoi Uuindry. watch hlin! ho Is itaili ' ZI "" JT ? "I?. "I"!6 i" thl N to stop you on the street and explain A" V . """"' V,L,K ,or U00B nil .1...lla t !..-....-. . . "W V'll-KWI. .... ..v.iiiio ui wiuiiiui.v nun uiso 10 no nt your home any time. He knows Laundry business from A to Z. WATCH! NOTICE "THE FHII2ND OF COOS HAY" S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS lu.i.Cli.M, WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT I'ORTMM) Will Sail From Portland for Marshfield Monday, Aug. 7, 6 P:M- PHONE 14 NORTH PAJIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. O. F. McGEOROE, Agent "FIFIEMi" THE ONLY WAY TO 'FRISCO RAY" The Steamer Fifield WILL PROBABLY SAIL FROM BANDON FOR SAN FRANCISCO, Sunday, Aug. 6, 1911 Q-rmV?S Fn SALK ANI INJ'0MATION AT IIILLYElfS CI0AH Also the E'. of tho SEM of See- Hon 3 nnd tho W'S of tho SWV, of j L : Marshfiel Hand and Ri'OKxi: is PLEAsnn. People Theii' KiiiIiummI Over Line to t'ooo Uy, The Eugeno Register snys: "Thero wns great Jubilation over the break fast tables of Register patrons Tues day morning when this pnper served up ns an nccossory to tho menu the hot nnd sizzling morsel of news that ho Southern Parlflc wns back of the wiiinmetto nnd Pacific railway pro ioct and that lnimedlato rmwin.n. tlon of tho lino had been ordered "Among townspeople, generally. SAFE INVESTMENT For information concerning high-class bond Investments, bearing C Interest net, wrlto O. B. Hinsdale, care J. II. Adams and Company, Los Angeles, California. Section 2 nil In Township 26 South.' llance H West of Willamette Merl- q, I , ........ ,u vims V.UUIU.V, aiaie or ure- oteam Laundry Rnn ,hnt u, sni n the 1'HON 2U0.J manner prescribed by law In foro- S1LJU-' '"' ' klosnro sales; that the proceeds of l said alo be nnnlled to tho payment of tho costs nnd expensqs of fore closure and sale with reasonable nt torney's fees nnd then to plaintiffs' demands and the balance If any to whomsoever mny be lawfully entitled thereto nnd thnt defendants and each and all of them be forever barred of; nil right, tltlo and Interest nnd I equity of redemption in the prom-J im- (lescrineu nerem nnH in .l.- ' ... illU complnlnt of the plnlntlff herein, or any part thereof. This summons Is published by order of tho Hon. J, S. Coke, Judre of the Circuit Court of the Stnto of Oregon for tho 2nd Judicial District. in sain state. Hated August 3rd, 1911. Tho date of the first publlrn tlon of this summons is August 4th A. D. 1011. CHAS. n. SELBY, EQUIPPED WITn WIRELESS Steamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT O A. SI. ON AUGUST 1, , U i9' -I AND 20. )!. l CO0S"AV AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE ON At 1ST 0, 11, 1, "I, 20 AND 31. II. UKATINO. AGENT pnoNK MAlN S5-1 Tho cost of repairing tho wiring In our building In Marshlleld was nlno dollars. Tho owner nt once got a re duction Of Fifty Dollars ier year in tho insurance. Think it ovor. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J 1L - Formoily Goo. G- ,-trimi, r-3lMMl P ' J1-"-laflWV,iy. M . siiBM " 2 FAST SERVICE tb RnMinr. ncS Jn ? leavlalha 0 o'clock every morning, eo uect Mlth the ovenlna trnla to Portland. Paro $a!oO. nr. 0PS "AY ltOSEURG STA GE LINE OTTQ SCHETTER, Agent, c P ntn5AnD 120 MARKET AV Mrshe,d, A Z V rilONB 11 t"- REARY'S GUN SHOP "I can fix It for you." Gun, blcycje, niachlno lock repair ing, Keys made and fitted. E. RAVTIVT. t Attorney for Plaintiff. No. 007 No. Front St. Phono 180-It Have That Rool B NOW r1 "See GGBftflBfct Trc pea invi por. too) tho ran 190 C ctcl' com jiroi mitt R. tho 1907 duty M'nt pa nli He s and nlrnt this tors Gary him. for II Root. ronsl' propo to pti Iron men 1 In tin panic, know trust York corn Coal 1 hlch velt w 0118 fl. Tork 1 tporiBl; of stei on his "'Ti t one opened prore 1 fd he x meat 1 Tennes not eh. poratlo lellevei "c KOOl let was Panic. "I si worthy done as the tem action ways n a man l the peo tlie don raaml fv Hen light " Oil j somn je in! nth tee ns lh ),, Hoso r, In trnp) f,ld cno f(l bv rni fpna'iv 8eb en brokernR "id Gnr & Iron b noirent ,0 Purch the a,,"n nnri THf Phono Sial