x '"r" A GOOD OPINION OP FAIR PLAY NEVER GOES WITH THE SHORT END Of IT YOUR. ADS CARRYING v0nr store-news, should appear as rtculnrly ns docs this newspaper. U rncffspnpcr omitted nn Issue now " j then-even for so weighty n rci wn M fearing that It might rain n would not "" k""- -""-i-i,"" (E000 Stau Sttra MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED rilESS SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's advertising spaco in newspaper, compared with tho space used by other stores, should define Its comparative importance in Um community! Does your storo'e vcrtislug space do that? VOL XXXV Established In 1878 as Tho Coast Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1911 EVENING EDITION. O'BRIEN SAYS HH5I IHMI ( WILL COME IN TWO YEARS A Consolidation of Times. Coast Mail and Coos liny Advertiser. No. 16 cvnofit.c Southern Pacific to Start Service Here Be fore Jan. 1, 19H. EXACT ROUTE HAS i NOT BEEN CHOSEN Fvnect That Brancnes Have to Be Built to Towns Off Route. (Special to Tlio Times.) PORTLAND, Ore, Aug. 2. Tho Wlllnmetto Pnctllc Ktillrond Com pany which was Incorporated under the laws of Oregon on Juno U, 1911. will build tho rnllway from Eugene to Coos Day. The ofllcorB of this concern nro: 0. X. Wemlllng of Snn Frnnclsco, president. S. 0. Johnson, of Snn Frnnclsco, vice-president. R. M. Cross of Portland, vice president. S. R. Hotline, of Portland, secret ary. C. H. Rnrrell, of Los AngclcR, trcna- urcr. C. R. Rrock, of Eugene, chief on glneer. R. L. HiiRliCB and J. D. Miller, rortlnnd, nddltlonnl directors. ' 0. X. Wemlllng Is a wcnlthy tim ber operator and has oxtonslvo hold-1 Ings adjacent to tho Southern Paci fic property In this state. Most of other ofllccr8 nrn Identified In vnrl- ons ways with tho Southern Pacific, Brock be'ng assistant onglneor h tho employ of thnt company. Tho! Wlllnmetto Pnclflc company Is capitalized at $1,000,000 divided In to shares of $1,000 each, all of which are held by tho Southern Pacific In terests. As soon as engineers now In the Held can return sufficient dntn to provide plans for the construction work bids will bo cnllcd for and contracts will bo let. OTIrlen snld yesterday that ho ox pects the road will bo completed In approximately two yenra and tralnB will likely bo In operation by Janu ary 1, 1911, nt tho latest. "The building of tho lino will ho pushed ns fnst ns work can bo dono In a reasonably economical manner," he said. O'Rrlen expects to hnvo completo figures for tho routo In less than a month after which tho engin eering department will bo able to Preparo plans nnd nsk for bids. Julius Krutsehnltt, director of maintenance nnd oporntlon of tho Jiarrlmnn systom, hns made n por onal Investigation of tho situation nd tho directors of tho Southorn Pacific have approved tho project. In 6omo plnces tho construction ork win bo quite difficult. It la Probable that a tunnol will bo drlvou through coast rango nnd sevoral "'nor tiinuols will be necessary, wavy cuts will be mndo In a num w of places nnd In others deop mis must be mndo. Tho engineering Problems win bo difficult but tho jouto generally is probably tho easiest Into tho Coos nay district and '8 likely to bo tho most profitable. e rights of way have been already obtained over much of tho proposod rote. The officials horo nro not ready to say through what towns tho mm will pass ns they are not suro men of seveml posslblo routes "rough several parts of the terrl 7 "fy select. Tho original rvey Incliidea tho city of Floronco " 'w month nt m. 01...1 .... .. ti. " " oiumuw river oni 'ne mala line of this road, but it is! - Probable that Florence will bo thus benefited na It la on tho north ",? ,of the bay and It will be dlffl- 5.i ,cr0M thl8 hoay ot wnter- of y hns no dnnito knowledge wnat plans win bo made to reach i I !mportnnt towns that no main Cann0t b0 lnc,ed n the In sevr0aCl' Tho buBlness Interests everal of these places tiro eager inM ranch llnes connect them, ncluded In the general plan of Centoutiined by the HnrrI E Mi 1 - DEVELOPING COOS BAY'S RESOURCES '.V.'Sas- e- SBSjggaBS'- v " Joseph Clary, Entombed Alive In Missouri, Is Found Alive Today. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) JOPLIN, Mo., Aug. 2. Joseph Clary who was Imprisoned In a cavo In at tho White Oak mlno near this city since Sunday morning, was reached by tho rescuers this morn ing. Ho wnR nllvo and well. When tho last spadofuls of earth wore removed by tho workmen In tho shaft nnd they dropped Into rrT THIS IS WHAT TINS RAILWAYS WILL CARRY FROM COOS HAY. CONSTRUCTION ATB0TH ENOS? MIT TO FIX W WO IS UP AGAIN Many Believe That Southern Pacific Will Work From Both Ends Real Estate Prices Soaring. "Whether tho Southern Pacific will Rtart construction on tho Coos Hny drift, Clary throw hlmBolf Into their J end of the Eugene-Coos Day road is arms nnd wopt whilo shouts of thou- u iiuustlon that Ib occasioning much snnds of cheering mouths cchood,jBCUB8on i,oro today. No ono horo down tno sunn, i-iuor, n pnysicum was lowered and administered stimu lants to the weakened man. Later, ho wns taken to the surface and was greeted with tromondous chcorlng. Aftor bolng welcomed by his father nnd brothers ho was taken to his homo whoro his mother wnB on the has any Idea but It Is likely thnt this will not bo given out until after tho contracts have been awarded. Another big question Is as to whether tho company Intends to build the loop around the bay or will endeavor to bridge tlio bay. Tho ncss caused by worrying over her sou's Imprisonment. mnn Interests and the ono othor mo tive for determination to connect with tho Southorn Pacific lino nt I3u- genu Is nn east aud west line across Oregon nnd a continuation of tho O. W. It. & N. Company's Deschutes Valley rond to u convenient point on the Natron Klamath main lino. While tho cast and west lino Ib not yet authorized by tho Harrlman directors, it has received serious consideration nt a recent mooting and It will bo ono of tho next stops to bo tnken. vergo of death from anxiety nnd 111- Impression that many have Is that tliey will build n bolt around tlio bny. It Is stated on reliable authority ,that tho compnny will not follow tho beach down from tho Umpqun but will build down west of or along tho Ton Mllo lakes. They have two sur- 'voys between tho hny and tho Ump qua. There Is only ono tunnel on this ond of tho lino nnd that Is be tweon here and tho Umpqun. It Is also understood that tho lino will cross the Umpquu nbovo Gnrdi nor nnd whether tho lino will go right through tho town or wind in around tho hill back of Gardiner re mains to bo determined. It Is figured thnt material can bo shipped Into Coos Day by steamer Just as cheaply nB by railroad to Eu geno so thnt thero Is no reason why construction should not be carried on nt both ends nt once nnd some who have boon very closo to the South ern Pacific aro Inclined to believe that is what will bo dono. Other Announcement. "Another railroad will Btart ac tual construction or will nnnounco Its plans for a lino to Coos Hny within a month," Bald n local man this morning. "You may think I um talking a llttto wild but you wait nnd sco. Tho Southorn Pacific I knows who It is and that brought the announcement." "You will sco n lively rnco horo within n short tlmo," remarked an other locnl mnn who has hnd moro or less to do with rnllroad work around hero. "Tho fight will bo for UP w Solicit Funds to Improve Sumner Road For Mail Service. At n meeting nt tho .Marslifleld Chamber of Commerco yesterday aft ernoon, It was decided to tnko im mediate steps to rnlso sulllclont mon ey to plank the old Coos liny wagon road from Sumner to the top of tho hill cast of there, a distance of nbout three miles, nnd thus inuuro good mall service throughout the winter. DEHHY Thru Its fiavor won Its favor. All present woro unanimous for tbn belt lino nrntiml Mm l.nv ml 1,V,K this dOUO. TllO COUIlty Will one of tho prettiest railroad strug- bear o"'"1" of the expense if othera gles thnt the country hns seen In w, cnro for tho r08t' Mn" Contrac many a day will take place on Coos"tor Barnard will put nl $000 towards rjny.. lit nnd it Is figured thnt if $2,500 is raised on coos uay, mo woric cnu bo dono this fall. Hugh McLaln was appointed chair man of a committee to solicit contrl- Itojil Kittiitc Active. Ttcals estato Ib jumping high nnd fast nnd many transfers nro bolng made. There wna a little lull yes- butions for this purpose Ho recolv terdny and today ns result of renl od word t0,,ny Umt ho wouIu ,mvo ostnto owners marking up prices t0 icnvo ut onco for IIood Ulver t0 anywhoro from twonty-fivo to n linn- ,ook nftor BOmo j,0rsonal Interests dred per cent ns a result of tho but wm try ,uul nrnuigo for u suc- Soutborn Pnclflc announcement. ccsBor. ;so nig cienis nnvo ueen roportoa TJl0 mntt0r B ono tlint Bi10Ill(1 r0. todny but many are on nnd tho wires colvo tho BImort of ovary business nro kept busy with out of town prop erty owners on negotiations. HAIXICS has the kind ot FLOUll YOU NEED. man nnd proporty owners In Marsh flold, North Ilond nnd tho othor Day towns nnd If it does the small nmount needed to Insuro good mail sorvlco enn bo quickly raised. MANY RAILWAYS FOR COOS BAY Hwtfm NOW THAT ONE RAILROAD IS ANNOUNCED IT IS 0Ev',oMiY RELIEVED THAT ONE OR MORE OTniR ROADS AVILL RE START. ED SOON AND IT MAY RE A RACE TO SEE WHICH WILL BE THE FIRST TO REACH COOS RAY. Mr. Nolan Says He and Fran chise Are Much Misunder stoodNew Offers. Claiming that ho and his fran chise wero much misunderstood, fin ally admitting that ho wns not very familiar with waterworks nnd fran chises nnd might hnvo accidentally misinformed tho council and urging that ho bo given nn opportunity to redraft and present nnothor fran chise, Mr. Nolan who Is negotiating for tho Coob Uay Wator company, appeared beforo tho Marshllold city council last night nnd mndo a rather lengthy statement. Ho was accompanied by Mr. Jackson who stated ho represented a Mr. Nyo who was to bo associated with Mr. No lan In tho proposition. Tho final results wero that Mr. Nolan and Mr. Jnckson woro told thnt tho council would bo glad to meet with them nnd tnlk tho mattor over but at this time tho council could not grnnt them a franchlso owing to tho fooling thnt tho plant should be municipally owned. Coun cilman Forguson explained thnt tho North Rend nnd Marshllold councils aro now sccnrlng data on n munlcl nplly owned plant and expected to submit tho mattor to tho pooplo at a gcnoral election but that If Mr. Nolan would prcpnro a franchlso It might bo submitted nt tho samo elec tion. It was finally agrcod thnt Messrs. Jnckson nnd Nolan should meet Friday ovenlng with tho city officials as Individuals and tnlk over what tho council thought would bo a fair franchlso. Mr. NoIiiii'h Views. Mr. Nolan In oponlng his romarka said that ho was surprised to find thero had been so much misunder standing of his nttltudo and of tho tentative form of franchise that ho had submitted. Ho snld that ho wna not n waterworks or franchlso man, nnd did not know much nbout ratos as ho was merely a lawyer. Ho said that tho franchlso offered had boon hastily drawn on tho ndvlso of ox porta who went over tho proporty. Ho said thnt If hn hnd boon nblo to remain hero after making bis first proposition, this mlsundoratandlng might hnvo boon avoided possibly by explanations. Ho snld ho might have returned sooner only owing to tho ndvorso criticism ho hnd boon In clined to remain nway at first. Ho then stated that ho had In tended to go over tho tontatlvo draft, correct It and submit a now form of frnnchlso hut tho ndvorso criticism hnd prevented htm doing It. This stntcmont struck somo of tho city olllclnls as strango as they know that ho had proparod nnother draft of franchlso nnd forwarded it horo although It was not formally presented to tho council. Again bo stnted that tho tablo of flat ratos provided for Marshfleld which tho councllmcn figured out woro a groat Increase over tho present rates had boon prepared by nn oxpert who fig ured them out from tho cost of tho local plant. Thoso rates, ho said, woro so figured that thoy would pay six per cont Interest on tho bond Is sue for tho $lfi0,000 tho old plant would cost nnd tho $50,000 or $05, 000 that tho needed Improvements would cost. Lntor ho stated that tho tablo of flat rates had been taken from tho St. John's franchlso on tho ndvlso of somo bond export. During his remarks, ho attempted to show that Tho Times had been mistakon In somo of Its criticism of his franchlso. For instance ho said that tho franehlho ho askertr-j only n twenty-par franchise- Instead of fifty becnubo tuo rlty was given iq prlvlleajof-nuyliiK It ut tho oxitdV tion of twenty years or at fivem- lntorvnls thereafter. However, tho franchlso specifies that It is grantod for a term of fifty years subject to the chances for the city to buy It. Ho also claimed that the table of flat rates didn't make much differ ence becnuse ho Intended to bavo all business put on the motor basis so (Continued on page 4,) WE NEVER RAIL TO APPRECIATE JUSTICE WHEN IT BREAKS IN: OUR PAV0R .r I fa