rufFc NOBODY WISHES THE BEST MAN TO WIN WITHOUT A MENTAL RESERVATION tCads carrying v cimnlfl nii)(nr ns Stos SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's advertising epaco in a newspaper, compared with tlio space used by other stores, should deling It., coiupnratlvo liuportnuco in the community! Docs your store's dV vcrtlsliiK spneo do that? l.rlV AS llOCB thlH IIOWSIMlllCr. If SSiper 'Mted "n, 'r0 nW i n-ii for weighty a rc,i. 9" .,., innUie n good MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS EstahllHlicd In 1878 as Tlio Coast Mall VOL XXXV MARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAY, JULY 31, 1911 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation and Coos of Times. Coast Mai! Hay Advertiser. No. 14 nP4U (Eons flag illil OFFICIALS CONFER; L WOKD ABOUT HIL T SHARD OIL ADOPTS NEW PLA Reorganization of .President O'Brien Goes to San Francisco For Meeting. COOS BAY RAILWAY ' TO BE DISCUSSED General Manager Millis De tained For It Early An . notincement Expected. According to reports In circulation p. nnv today, a conference is V1 v" : WOULD ELECT Senator Owen Advocates New System For American Federal Judiciary. OFFERS PLAN OctODUS t0 co,nl'ly w"n the decree of tlio Will Begin In September ,010 subsidiary Btock for shares of tho n , , .. parent company will probably begin BaSIS Of NeW Concern ,l Sontombor. Tbo decimal of dis tribution, it Is said, will bo flvo shares of Standard Oil stock on in basis of flvo Bliarcs of stock of the parent company, tho holder will ro celvo fractional shares of thirty-two subsidiary companies and one full shnro or more In each of the three constituent companies. FOR COA 0 OPI L FIELDS TDDAI Agreed Upon. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NEW Y011K, N. Y., July 31. Directors of the Standard Oil Com pany hnvo approved a plan of re organization It was learned today, MEET TONIGHT (By AHSoclatod rrcss to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 31. A sovoro criticism of tho Supremo In progress In San Frnnclsco now to Court of Ul0 untcd States cliarnc taVe cloflnlto nctlon on tho Coos Bay torlzctl tho Hpocch of Senator Owon line project. Nothing has been given ()f oklnhoma who advocated boforu out official lint according to an nppa- tn0 gonato today tho adoption of his rontlv nuthcntlc report, dolinito om bm providing for tho election and fil announcement Ir to bo mndo r(ica 0f federal Judges. This bill loon, jirolinlily within two weokB nt provides any Justlco of tho Supremo ( the outside, i Court or any Judgo of nny Reception For Boston and Naval Reserves Affairs to Be Taken Up. ' FARMERS FREE LIST BILL OP Democratic Senators Hold Caucus to Aid In Secur-' Ing Passage. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Dny Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 31. W IS TODAY Measure Providing For Pre venting Monopoly Offered In Congress. Delegate and Attorney Gen eral Clash Before Inves tigating Committee. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Ba TlmcB.) WASHINGTON, D. C. 3my 31. Attorney General Wlckershnm again today faced Alaska Dolegato JamcP Wlckershnm before tho Houso Judl clnry Commlttco which Is Investigat ing charges by tho dolegato ngalnst tho attorney general. Tho question nroso of Insufllcloncy of what tho delegate declares waB proof that tho attorney general "purposely shlolded Arrangements for a welcome to tho cruiser Boston nnd nUo for re united crtiltlug tho Mnrshflold divisions of Vlce-prcslilcnt O'nrlcn of Portlnnd ;stntcB court shnll bo subject to re- tho Oregon Nnvnl Reserves will bo! In bopo of Insuring unity of action nn(, ,jcfcn,lo,i Alaskan synd'eato crl- has Bono to San Kmncisco io coniur cnj ny n resolution or congress, innt'mado -at a masB mooting to uo nciu on tlio Fnrmers' Frco List bin tnoininnlH nrn,1Bf nnnlniininnt with Vice-president Calvin nnd othor n district and circuit Judges of tho .this evening at tho Old Tabemnclo democratic senators met In caucus omclnts of tlio Southern Pacific rein-.united BtntcB shall bo elected by vo-. building. The Coos Hay Naval Ro- today. Tho prlnclpnl question boforo tire to It. C. J. Mlllls, who hns "-1 tors of tho district or circuit and servo band will bo out and It Is hop- tho meeting was that of nccoptlng porvislon of tho local Southern Paci fic properties, Is said to havo boon detained nt San Francisco for It. It Is further stntcd that norno of tho Southern Pari lie olllclnls nt least that their tenure of olllco bo four'ed that thero will be n big attend- tho Bnll?y nmendment eliminating yenrc. mice. farm products from tlio nrtlclcs to The Boston la to be brought hero bo ndmlttcd free. Most of the son- about August 12 and It Is desired to ators present favored the KILLED OWN DAUGHTER. IMNNEMOItA, N. Y., July 31. arc more or less worried ovor tho'chnrlos L. Groon, a farmer, was dec- hnston preparations for hor recep- amendment ns tho best means of tlon nnd to hnvo tho local divisions Insuring tho support of Insurgont prospects of early work on Boino of , trocntetl today at Lincoln prison for nt frill strength when she coiiiob. (republicans members. initials ngnlnst punishment nopresontntlvo Storllng suggested thnt; Dolegato Wlckorshnm's chnrgeu Indicated only failure of the Depart ment of Justlco to prosecute. "01), lit' hns gono way beyond that," Inter runted Attorney General Wleknr- B,Io.shnm. the other Coos nay rnllroad projects laboring under the bollof that tho Hill system Is behind ono of them. ALL AICE IN AND OUT A6AIN Brings Capacity Load of Pas sengers From Portland Full Cargo For Eureka. The Alllnnco crossed In nt daylight Sunday morning with a capacity freight cargo nnd ovory nvnllnblo berth taken by passengers. Includ ed In tho freight enrgo wos 1,000 cases of cans for tho Empire flih cannery. After discharging tho Coos Bay freight she loaded with nnothor capacity load for Euroki, being un able to take nil freight offered. Many of tho nnssongtiM woro bound for Kurekn. Tho following is list of the Incoming Coos Hay pas sengers from Portland: C. Bondalo, Mrs. Bondnlo, IIitlIo Bojd. w. S. Boyd, Mrs. D. Murphy, Dr- A. J. Hendry, Mrs. A. .T. Hou dry, Dr. Lanmnn, John D. Lnnmun, W. T. Brown, Jno. D. Wilson. II. L. Wlson. OutgahiK Passenger List. The following Is n list of outgoing Passengers on tho Alllnnco which 'e't for Eureka at ono o'clock this "ternoon: N. c. Hallldny. Mrs. N. Hallldoy, A, Walter Klltlalo, Mrs. Halllday, A. Walter Kildalo, Mrs. Al J'ter Wlhlnlo. M. B. Kildalo. P. "hellhan, Mrs. S. Whollhnn, C. J. ""on, Mrs. s. Whlllbon, C. J. Pot her Klldale, M. B. Kildalo, P. "Hon, Joo Gngnon. tho murder of his dnughter. Hi OI'B CONTEMPT CASE UP. TO GO TOBERL!N Taft Expect to Appoint .Him Ambassador to the Kaiser's Court. (By Assoclntod Press to Coos Bay Times.; WASHINGTON, D. C. Jnly 31. It Is reported that Presldont Taft about decided to appoint John G. A. Lolshmnn nt present Amorlcnn am bassador to Germany succeeding Dr. Jnmes Jnyno Hill who resigned Inst spring. It Is also said Thomas J O'Brlon, ninbnssador to Japan, will bo sent to Homo to succeed Lolshmnn. BAPTISTS Hi PICNIC S MANY ARRIVE ON BREAKWATER Steamship Arrives In This Morning From Portland Sails Tuesday. The TJrenkwnter arrived In nbout 0 o'clock this morning nt from Portland after a good trip down tho const. Sho had a capacity passongor list, n number at Portlnnd being un- THIEVES TAKE THE JACKPOT (By Assnclntcd Press to Coos Bay Times.) One of Seven Montana Card Players Killed by Thugs at Meadville. BUTTE, Mont., July 31. Three masked robbers early today entered nblo to secure, pnssngo on her. Sho . Baloo Ilt MOndvlllo and nrobably also una n good cargo or iroigiu. The Annual Sunday School Ex cursion Will Take Place Wednesday. The annual picnic of tho Sunday school of tho First Baptist church will tnko place at Charleston Bay Wednesday, August 2. Tho "Allco H nnd tho "Express" have already been chartered and other boats will bo secured If tho crowd warrants. Boats leavo tho Market street dock at 8 a. m. All who go are requested to bring well filled baskets, bathing suits nnd overythlng that they think will add to tho pleasure of the day Thero are a number of games to be pulled off on the beach. These onnunl ovents have come to be looked forward to ns ono of tho most enjoyable of the season. ffo,t M" to revive Huek Store nnd Range Suit. ' y Aoclated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON. D. C. July 31. ompers. Morrison and Mitchell, tho , r 'wders. todny were allowed JMtjr days by Justice Wright of "e District Supremo Court In which NOTICE TO FISHERMEN. answer tho charges of contempt We want fresh salmon and are gainst them ns contained in the prepared to pay the highest cash ! ond rePrt of tho committee of price for them. For further partl jMecutora In the Buck Stovo and culara see C. 0. HOCKETT. naige case. i Empire City, or GEO. F. SMITH, TD FIND OUT IS 1 Tho Breakwater will sail about 1 o'clock Tnesdny for Portland. Tho Breakwater Is being overhaul ed and fixed up considerably under the supervision of Cnnt. Macgonn. Sho has five rnoro trips to mnko on,robbor8 eMnPcd tho five days' schedule Among those arriving on tho Brcnkwator were tho following: W. A. Ackormnn, S. II. Pngo, M. C. Horton. Dorothy Horton, Ruth Horton, Chrlso Donholm, Nelllo Wll loy, Mrs. N. L. Curry, Mrs. A. E. King, L. J. Cary, Mrs. Cary, EUz abetlr Hondry, Gertrude Hendry Edith Hendry, Laura Hondry, P. Bnrstow, Mrs. Barstow, F. Aylward, F. Trumbnll, A. S. Hammond, Eml llno Smith, Mno Smith, Louise Smith, David Smith, Mary Bronahan, Mnr garot Cudahy, Kathorlno Doyle, Eliz abeth Doyle, Gladys Lowls, Ada Lewis, Emma Keith, II. W. Keith, Elma Keith, Alda Kolth, W. Lowls, F. E. Smith, W. Smith, L-. L. Bailey, J. C. Bailey, J. Baldo, R. Prlvo, M. O'Loughlln, Jno. A. Burns, Mrs. E. M. Berry, Miss Hob'en, Jno. Harrl gan, Mrs. Harrigan, Jas Denholm, Mrs. Denholm, Miss D. Hnyden, Mrs. A. Larson, Enda Miller, Edward Miller, Mrs. M. W. Roberts, Mrs. P. E. Heath, Mrs. J. L. Howard, Mrs. Pense, Bonlta Abernnthy, Miss L. Cook, J. B. Wilson, Mrs. Wilson, Venltn Fox, C. E. Fox, Mrs. Fox, Mrs. R. A. Feltor, Ella Folter, Ger trudo Getting, Mrs. S. L. Miller, Mrs W. R. Smith, D. E. Moloney, O. Wll- fatally shot one of sevon men who wero playing cards and secured $G00 which wns on tho table. Mar tin SInnech mndo a movo ns If to offer resistance nnd wns shot. Tho Government Experts and Oth ters Trying to Solve Pecu liar Problem. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C. July 31. Having long ago settled the vexed problem of "Whnt Is whiskey", tho Agricultural Department's Board of Food and Drug Inspection, headed by Dr. Wiley, today undertook to deter mine "what Is beer." Manufacturers of beer and other malt beverages and barley raisers all over tho coun try are here attending the henrlng conducted by the board nnd many others sent their views by mall. Tho object of the board Is to bring mnlt liquors within the scope of the puro food drug act to determine Just .what son. W. E. Kenney, P. Duggan, W.I shall and what shall not be contaln G. Thompson, A. M. Swathley, F.ed In llquld.8 under the labelB of E. Getty, D. Delvalloy, THP TIMES' WANT ADA. REFUSES $20,000 OFFER It was stated this morning that Al Hall had refused an offer of $20,- 000 for his South Broadway and Hall avenue holdings. It was not Coos River, stated who had made tho offer, Lacer been" "Bock beer." "Ale." "Porter" and "Malt extract's.4' ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The gasoline schooner President crossed In Sunday morning. The Excelsior left out Sunday morning. "Yes," snld Delegate Wlckersham. "I Insist thero wns dollberato at tempt to protect." The delegate de clared that United Stntcs Mnrshnl II. K. Love, who figured In tho Cunning hnm conl Innd cases had dlschnrgod a deputy named Bowers who was also Jnllcr at Kodlak because ho would not glvo up tho grnft. "Ho would not pny Lovo $100 n month out of whnt ho received for board of prisoners," Dclegnto Wlck ersham declared. Dolegato Wlckershnm, who is n republican, rovlowed IiIb attempts to have tho Department of Justice to movo against D. II. Jnrvls of tho AlaBkan syndicate and J. II. Bullock of tho Jokn J. Scsnor Company for an alleged conspiracy on government conl contracts whoroby ho alleges tho government to have lost "iflty thousand dollars. The delegate charged that tho federal officials In Alaska had bcon bribed. Ropresen tntlvo Howlnnd of Ohio, demanded that ho proved tho statement. "I will boforo I finish." declnred the dolegato who then discussed tho nttltudo of tho attorney gonernl on tho clinrges of coal frauds, In which ho snld ho had submitted proof to tho attorney general department. "Do you bellovo thnt tho ovldonco you hnvo submitted Is proof thnt tho attorney general shielded these peo plo," asked Representative Littleton of Now York, (democrat). "I do, don't you." "I do not," said LIttloton empha tically. Several mombers of tho Judiciary commission objected. "HIh charges ngalnst tho nttornoy gonernl wns publicly made," snld LIttloton, nnd failure or success of his attempt to prove his charges ought bo Just as public. Delegate Wlckersham declared ho did not withdraw any of his charges. James Wlckorsham delegate In Congress from Alaska, stated to tho Houso Judiciary Commlttco today ho had consented to net as attorney for tho Guggenheim Alaska Intercuts -1908 for $15,000 a year. A proposi tion was mndo to him by Stophon Burch, representing tho Northwest orn Commorclnl Company "If they had paid what I asked, I would have been their nttornoy," said Wlcker sham, "and I think I would havo Baved them lots of trouble." IrPORfANTrNOTICE All business men and citizens In terested In keeping our presont mall service are urged to be presont at a meeting In the Chamber of Com merce rooms Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, for the purpose of discus sing this Important mnttor. Every business man In tho city should make a special effort to bo present. J. T. MeCORMAC. Pres. EARLY DEVELOPMENT UNDER IT EXPECTED Provides For Mining on Royal ty Basis and Division 1 of Fields. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 31. Chnlrmnn RoblnBon of tho Houso Public Lands Commlttco Introduced today a bill providing for tho loan ing of Alaska coal Innda designed as a bnsU of conservative legislation and to prevent n coal lands mono poly.. It fixes the minimum royalty of one cent u ton for lnw grado and three cents for high grado coal. It leaves tho maximum royalty limit less. Tho Biuno bill was Introduced In th'o Sennto by Works of Califor nia. Under Its terms no lenso Is to bo permitted for inoro than C.120 ncrcs nor u lenBo of tho land for moro than thirty years. In addition to the royalty tho government Is to recclvo n rental on tho land of 25 conts the first year, GO contB tho sec ond nnd $1 on the third and every year thereafter. E Assessor Thrift's Assessment More Than Four Millions Larger Than Last Year COQUILLE, Ore.. July 31. County Assessor Thrift linn finished tho work of compiling tho assess ment roll for 1911, nnd tho flguros show Home remnrkablo comparisons. Tho total valuation of all property Is $19,777,530 as agnlnBt $1C,514, 912 Inst year. But 18,136 acres of land nro assessed as tillable whllo tho area of the county Is given ut 894,813 ncres. No railroad Is assossod In tho county, but 26V& miles of logging rond Is In operation. It is assessed at $1,000 por mile. Horses to the number of 2,020 are listed, whllo, cattlo number 12, 874. A romarknblo fenturo of tho as sossmont Is tho high vnluo placed on tillable lands. The average for the county Is $73 per ncro. AGED WOMAN SLAIN. Found Murdeml In Nov York Was Nearly Dcrnpltntcd. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, July 31. With tho head nearly severed from tho body, Mrs. Roso Shlnolo, 80 yenrs old, wns found murdered early today In hor bedroom. A lnrgo Jack-knlfo with which the crime wns committed, was besldo tho body. Thoro Is no cluo. Sho lived with her daughter who wns absent when the crlmo was committed. RESULTS TO FIX PRICE. Government to Pay For Oil Accord Ing to Klllrlency. (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay; Times.) WASHINGTON. D. 0., July 31. Horeaftor the government will buy oil and oil products not by the stand ard of quality but of efficiency, The government already buys coal by tho amount of heat It will produce and not bv tbo standard of weight. UNCOMPROMISING PARTISANSHIP IS THE BEGINNING OF HEALTHY INTEREST II