The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 29, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Page 2, Image 2

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.'WjGfMe 4
gH'""l ' Mtfir
Advance Styles Mew laitore
First Shipment of the Fall Tailored
. -i Hm ii , m. . . w
TU .. ff Piiwi.1111 nnullHllMWIll" ' '
A Skirls
CONTiHHUTIONS concornlng
facial hnrtnenltiKn, intundod for
oubllcation In the aocluty depart
tnont of The Tltupo, must lio sub
mltted to the rtlltor not lntor
thun fl o'clock p. in. Krldny of
eaoa wool:. L'xcaptlons will bo
allowed only In cnaes whoro
oventB occur Ititor thun the tlmo
llor curling locks were fair.
She wriH a blond from birth.
Sho had a wealth of hair
Sny twenty dollars worth.
Her hazel eyes had cauh
An nttnlo. ho 'tis said.
And. though she wan a peach.
Her lips were cherry rod.
I'nUSOXAL aoMcos of v'flltorn
In the city, or of Coob Bay people
who visit In .ithDr cities, together
with notices rt qnciul affair, m
gladly recolvcd In the social do
paitmen,. Tolephono 13B1. No
tices of clab meetings will bo pub
lished and secretaries aro kindly
requested to furnish sanio.
New "Ten Commandments"
For Husbands and Wives
I-'iir Will's.
Oeorgolto I-o Dlnnc.)
I'(r Husbands.
(By Mis. Wilson Woodrow.)
1. Never allow nny one to
I II 41UUI tit (1 It Itllt HJ HI IM
1. Never nliow hirelings to tend ,noro ,llllorlnnt ,0 yoiir wlfo.a C()1
yotir husband In what coiicenm hi fort nnil mHi!onient than you your
bodily wolfnro
Soo that his clothos are ready
Notice her clothes at least
each day and befitting the mmc-ii of ()lc0 or twco rmmtti ln8toml ()f
flm vmil i . . ..
tho year
3. Amiiiiio the oualltleM of n
barometer that you may foresee tho
only noticing the bills
II. Though you cannot foresee
your wife' moods, nnil poibnps can
electric disturbance which visit eve- m)t (, ,ymmtlll7u wlth thollli tr
ry muiiiiKu. , to understnnd nnd he sllont.
I. When your busbMiul Is In nj .,. wll0 ,, g cr0M ,(, C(J1K.
baJ temper don't develop Himllar ,. ,)1t n()t ,,),,,,. ,.ieerful.
symptom, but when he Is merry Iml- B ,. ,,,, ,(rp llnv (leai...
tale him i.ninllli.gly. w,,im ,,,,. ,. u Rt (,mipi. nm,
5. Don t fondle him before meal-,..,.,,.. a 10 res( ()f tI)() 11(
tlmv-klNHM to a hungry man are tt fli nisnisrcc- with her oolnlo.m If
soap bubbles to a parched throo)
15. Use your tongue only In agree
ment; disapproval Is bent uxpreiweri
with the eyes.
7. If your husband has the gout
don't Insist on walking.
8. If you wish to convince him
that you aro a better actress than
Dornhardt nnd n sprlgbtller diacor
than I'nvlowa, show him that you
are a better cook than Hscoller.
0. A wlfo's duties me, among
others, to smooth over domestic tiffs
a man nnror ndmltH he Is In the
wrong to attend to tho housohold
llnnnces and to have an eye for the
week after next.
10. Finally, never lose sight of
the fact, In making all these sacrl
vou like, but don't make fun of
7. If your wife has n heart to tho
exclusion of a brain, don't expect her
to think with the former.
S. If yon wish to convlnco her
Hint you aro n good husband show
her that vou still continue to bn n
good lover.
0. A husband's duties Includo
willingness to go half way In nny
reconciliation a Rolf-respecting wo
man cannot ubaso herself utterly
consideration for tho fact that his
wife Is a weaker physical organism
and recognition of her pnsslhlo men
tal equality or even supremacy.
10. Itonioiubcr that you aro not
your wife's servant, nor slu vnnra.
,, . ,. .... """ ""u M'rviim, nor sue yours,
flcoH. that. If man supports the fain- i..., n,( , ,., ,.,.,. ...
.... ,i, , i . '"" "' "inn uii iiiii ennui
Iiy, woman Is hit superior In far. ,,, of u,rfo(,t, ,inrill0llloHH frIt!Iltl.
mom wjij'b than ho Is hers. H, p
(lly MnrKiierlle Mon.-rn Maishall) , tho two sorts of cheerfulncmB vou
MMK. aKOKaKTTK 1.13 IH.ANC.ini,n01l , Comillllllmont ,,.-,
who la tho wlfo of Maurice . .
Maeterlinck, the dramatist, and ",
horself a famous nctress, has com- "You know," rospondod Mrs.
piled a now version of the Mosaic Woodrow. "Every woman knows. If
Law In ten commandments to wives, your shoos aro tight ami your head
Undoubtedly the average man will aches, you don't want some one to
set the seal of bis approval on thin, trip nboiit ostentatiously whistling.
nxiiui r ino prouiiciion or nuientmn tho other band. If he brings you
OrlHoldn up to date. But what soino roses nnd says, 'Poor girl, you'll
nbout tho average woninn? Will feel bettor tomorrow,' you do fool
nho not promptly protest that mini, I better right off.
to bo unreasonable. On tho other
hand, the modern womnn may very
easily have better brains than tho
man she marries.
"As for Madame Maeterlinck's
Inst cominniulmont. I am rather tir
ed of all this talk about the 'superio
rity' of either husbnnd 01 wife. Knch
Is in sonio wnys different from the
other, that Is all. And tho very fact
of tholr marriage Is an emphasis, not
on those differences, but on their
essential likeness, their friendly
One of the most Interesting uffnlrs
In society circles this week was tho
nmrrhiKo of Miss Pearl Senior Craig
to .Mr. Wnrnor Victor Ogren at the
home of the bride's narents. Mr.
and Mrs. Win. Craig of South .Marsh-
Held Thursday evenlii'r. .Inly 29, A
S:30 the fnmllar Htrnlus of the Men
delssohn March, played by Mrs.
.John Merchant, swelled forth with
Its sweet melody while the bridal
procession entered tho front parlor
and halted under a largo arch of
white sweet peas, while ltov. Hut
lodge performed tho rlnir ceremonv
Miss Kllon Ogren was maid of honor
while Mr. Jay Tower acted as bride
groom. Little Florence Jonson was
llowor girl and Hdna Iteeso ring
bearer, carrying tho ring on tho
stem of n largo white rose. The
brldo'B dress was of white messalln
trimmed with Laval lnco and silk
braid. Orango blossoms fnstonod
tho veil In her hair whllo sho carried
a largo boquot of white roses nnd
Binllnx. Miss Ullon Ogron woro a
cream colored dress of silk vollo
with lace trlmmlnrH Tho color
hchomo of decoration In tho parlor
was groon and white. Festooning
were of groon Ivy Intortwlned with
whlto cnrnatlons. Around
too, needs a Mosaic Law of Mar
rlago? Acting on this principle, that what
Is sauce for tho goose Is also tnbueo
for tho gandor, I yestordny asked
Mrs. Wilson Woodrow, tho well
known novelist, to glvo me ten com
mandments for husbands, nnd she
"Mndnme Maeterlinck's m-st com
mandmont in regard to a wife's car
ing for hor busbaud'H bodily welfare
"There Is a tlmo for all things. In
cluding kisses, but If a man should
not ho caressed when ho is hungry,
neither should n womnn lack caros-
ses after sho has been married n
year or two.
"A man Is too apt to don bis nf-
fectlonate courtesy townrd his wlfo
nloug with his silk dressing gown
whon coiupnny Is present.
'It may bo true, as Madame Mae
terlinck asserts, that a man always
i "- ..-..,". iiitu ii mm
tmittnu tfi in ,. Ii,u ,.. L, ...... '
'" " "'""" ""' i, rebuts vorbal disagreement. But I
n great mutual truth." said Mrs.,(1 not ,. mt 10 ,
17?' , ., T? Tl XO w,aUV"" wr husband's absolute
SmviSJm U '" ",y nriti'"nooivUhnlMiorl,l.n..Onlv
11 .,,, . , , ' ! thinks he fthnulil pay hor the
I .,. to me .ha, the i.Ihh (compliment of taking them erloul,.
underly n every U.,..yiimrrta. ..0n the other hand. If a man mar.
u jusi uihi eaei. member of the .re, a .wool. .,tv iiin ,i,i. ........
out Ideas, but with a flue fund of nf-
,,n, .. .,.,.. . "'" " iiiwu-r line iireaKlllg a
- ""mi wuo omy i,itorliy to expect her to be logical
oarus monny for his wife and forces (S .,, 110, llo fnrna. 2
jwrinersnip porionns every pm-
suite service for the other.
her to seek other people for her en
joyment of it Is t root in her most
on her own mentnl feet, any more
than the gouty husband should be
asked to Join a walking club
room woro whlto bolls nnd largo
bonnets of white rosefr After ho
coroniony they proceeded to tho din
Ing room whoro n delicious colla
tion awaited them Hero tlie
white decorations woro blended with
pink. On tho center of the tablo
was a largo boquot of whlto Binllnx.
Tho place cards woro decorated with
sweet peas. Thoro wero numberless
drniilugs of pink creno from thn
chandoller, from tho contor of which
hung a largo whlto boll. Tho buffet
was almost covored with a shower of
pink sweot penB. Tho hall dimly
iigniou wua uinneso lanterns wns
In red and whlto. During tho eve
ning vocal selections, suggestive of
tho ovont woro rondorod by .Mr. Jny
Towor. Many beautiful gifts evi
denced tho high regard of many
iriona3. Both young peoplo aro too
well nnd fnvornbly known to require
comment on their many admlrablo
qualities. Tho brldo is n lovely girl
who enmo to Marshflold with hor
parents a few yoars aco and during
hor rosldenco hero has by her char-
nilng ninnnor won many friotids who
aiuniio lior for hr inarming qual
ities of head and heart.
me xroum jb a popular younit
(Continued on page s.)
II it Is a wifely duty to 'lay of , ,om,', Uellevo Cooking i, Fit ,lc.
shirts and seeks for the lord of thai mi,,Ul,
jnnnor the latter should certainly "Madame Maeterlinck rings the
J 1 ; ' " mnv trw- " "mil's heart Is throng,, hi. .ton -0
1,1. of " ? ,nn" ,IBU,r ''" I """'t 1'olleve It myself, be-
SSS;!1"' -o-on--t. I don't believe that the wifely
'..i,', i-l , , , liequlslte of llrst Importance Is being
tant KMHTt AnjlHHly l.. Be m,,.B K0(, POok. n,lt .'... ,. ' '""
"I think It's nonsonso to expect
anybody to bo a human barometer.
Mental moods and tenses can never
bo reduced to a fixed. Invariable eon
Jugatlou. Tho most one can oxpeut
from one's husband or one's wife
Is a quiet, tolerant understanding of
tho occasloual havoc wrought by
tlght-Btrung nerves and devltalUud
"How do you distinguish botween
woman asks first that hor husband
be a good lovor.
"The particular virtues hnt t i,n.
j picked out. among the many the
Idonl husband possesses, hardly
seom to need explanatory comment
It always takes two to mnke a qttnr-
rei. ana it isn't fair for the wife to
be tho only ono to say 'forgive mo.'
A woman Is nearly always physically
weaker than a man. and when one
Isn't well and strong ono Is likely
No chocolntes sold anywhoro aro
bettor, purer or more doliclous than
Stafford's Chocolato creams. Nothing
nui tno Highest quality and purest
Ingredients over go Into a Stafford
chocolato. Tho rich, creamy delica
tely and dollclously flavored contors
are Incased In tho highest grado of
pure chocolate and extra caro is
taken iu tholr making to Insure ab
solute purity nnd wholesomeness.
The sanio principles apply to nil
Stafford's products and especially to
pyTjVERY express now from the East brings to us immense salients of gorgeous
I I new Autumn apparel for women and misses. We invite your inspection of these
early arrivals whether or not you intend buying at this time.
Pretty Aufamn Styles in Fine All-Wool Pre
Reasonably Priced From $4.50 to $10
Tlii' fashionable skirl for (ho new season
measures about 21. yards around Hie bottom,
although there wilfb'o worn both narrower and
wider skirts. But in every instance, however,
they are made to give lly Harrow cJ'ccf.
The slashed skirt will be worn to a consid
erable extent. A few slashed skirts disclose
the ankle or petticoat, but the majority aro
made with straps or aro fastened with but
tons , while many have a piece, of contrasting
material inserted at the side to give the slash
ed effect.
mi.., ...i ...,.:r,i i:.,,x ....,1 ,,.,,...1 ,ift...r. ...:ii
int' iiwiuiiii wiw.-M iuii-iiiw .miii'i uiii-i-m uui
again he popular, feinall pleats inserted
give the desired fulness are introduced
main styles.
1 IMlmMi
I c-h5t2?
1 1 1
ss Skirts
fpfe i
Plain and Neat Effects Are Shown in Many of the New Styles
For Misses, Little Women and in the Regular a?;d Extra Sizes
Advance Styles
In Women's Suits
Prices Range From $15.00 to
$35.00, in Fine Tailored Garments
Tho Initial shlpmont, doplctlng tho now Fall
Btylo tendencies in tnllorod Biilta, canio In yostor
day. Tho slzea rnnKo from n 11 In a misses or
little woman's to slzo 44 Thoro uro no two nllko,
and every ono reiirosonta an exceptional valuo in
strictly lilRh grado all wool tailored garmontB.
Your visit to seo these now stylos Is desired.
Misses' Coat
For Early Autumn
A Comprehensive Showing of
Newest Styles, Priced $4 to $15
Sovoral dozon vory pretty coats In tho new
autumn styles camo In this week. Tho sizes rango
from 10 to 18 years. Tho nmtorlals aro tho new
novolty offocts In both tho single nnd doublo
fnco. Largo collars nnd lapels, trimmed with
checked or different colored nmtorlals and Inrge
buttons aro shown In very protty stylo and col
or combinations.
IH i -
I Iff 'l Thl. I. .. ..... -- - . -4
Sahlin Corset Forms and Waists Now Here Only $1.50
Another Lot New Hair Goods and Neckwear Received
41 Mercer Street
Coos Building
Hi .- mL8 of beanru M'Page book, which
l!Jo ,.w.Snyb0 or ltl now to succeed, bron I
Th. 5lm f,?i.mVU.70DA.T and U WlU b FREE
the tadustrlet, ana to rvo ALL the people, it offerS
courie In Agriculture. civil Engineering Electrieli
lrJ?f ' DPH0rB,rjr' "omeitlOvSclenee kna Art. com
COarriWeVa"00" A0RIC"AL
iNeu Otilind, CalUornU
The only Woijm'i College on the Taclfic Coa.t.
JUel climate throughout Ihe year. Entrance
fi. ?.r."cVa,,,onJ "aulremcnti equivalent to
thoie of btanlord and Unireriity of CaWornia.
Laboratoriet for iclence with modern equip.
Sinn,l,!rxe?1Ltn, oPPo.'tnnltlM, or home
Jjodern Bymnailum. Special care for health
of .tudenti, out-door life, rreildent. Luelli
Clay Carton. A. M., Lltt. .. L.L. D. For
S cfliforn I"" Sccrr,a"' illj Collse 1.
fJ PUli. CondoctecJ br the SISTERS OF Tur uni v
NAMES OF jttua i AND MARY. toaj.. A.ll,
CilUfiii, Cnrm, Miulc. Art. llocutlon ,ui Comnwr
i '"!'"'" SpuimaReiati Moral n4
II C U Sf Ueu' w,ho haTO aomo Inventive abllltv
The Best of Everything in
Coos Bay Bakery
coos mvT Qtwfifiu.
tarV O
-. ' iij ' i i
v Y tiSrJ
' A Cim.yeWOM y
' SAFE AW X 'If 4&
SW h
I ynrr?rirvn X vS
( flv NJ
Fmr fwit. nneml.
inlaw LfUWD.
Qrsanizins or musk
conpAiiiss a mciAir
Homer Maurey, on of the drlte"
nd the solicitor for ub is out
-aundry. Watch him J he U UW
to stop you on tho street ana ent
ail details of Laundry and also to"
at your homo any time. He 8"
Laundry business from A to l-
Marsliffpl HanH and
Steam Law
piion:. 220-J
a Timraan bath win & 1
DtUKlk., H.Mj, o. " ' '" ,UCh to OIr- 0I"' '
uood. Phono 214-J.