P irvvjj mwwa . ,',MWV.iWT',Bl IW7 aw"! -t H ' v I t ' .? .., THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1911 -EVENING EDITION 4 R4Z1 II I 1 ' Iff IN NOT FILL IN SOUTH II i (Continued from pago 1.) ?rty owncrfl to about $37 for ench 2G foot lot. This of courso Is much chonncr thnn tho filling could lo dono In nny othor wny. Councllmnn Powers wan nlso au thorized to tako charge of tho bulk foeadlng and repairing of North Front atrcot. Tho gnrlingo dump camo up on tho following potltlon from tho resi dents In tho vicinity of Fcrndalo trbcro tho dump is located To Mayor 13. E. Straw and tho city council of tho city of Marsh- Held: Wc, tho residents nnd property owners of North Marshflold do earn estly request tho city to remove tho sarbngo dump from its present loca tion or do soinothlng to mnko It moro sanitary as it Is a public nulsanco and a niennco to tho health of tho residents of this part of the city. Signed: W. B. WILSON, T. A. PIU5ESI3 JOHN II. 1IOUSEH, C. W. VIKItS, CHAS AIILANDSON, CAUL II. AIILANDSON, ALUERT SEELIO, T. A. OOLDBN, j o. b. rowBns, ALVA DOLL, B. A. KIOKWOIITII, W. II. BI0KW0UT1I, J. I. MOUIUS, ISAHBLLA FERGUSON, ' FANNIE McTBAN, T. F. MILLBIl. A number of rosldunts of thnt sec tion wero present to voice their In- dlguntlou but the ciibu was clearly nnd concisely presuntvd by Councll mnn Korguson who nlno lives lu thnt part of tho city. Ho stated there was no objection to nshes, tin cans, or dry garbage of nny kind but t hu dump had been riuulo a receplaclu tor butcher shop offal, slops nnd de caying vegetable matter and nil kinds of 111th that furnished u breed ing ground for IIIch, nils and ver min thnt create and distribute dis ease. Tho condition of the dump was described us something most AVERAGES OF E HOME PLAYERS Some Statistics That Will In terest Coos Bay Leaguers and Fans. The Coos liny baseball league 1ms been playing for five weeks, nnd North Uond nnd Marshflold are tied for first plnco with a pcrccntago of .600, whllo Enstsido and Sumner nro tied for third placo with a percent age of .400 Tho average of tho play ers Is always Interesting to tho fans and tho following figures nro obtain ed from tho avnllnblo scores of tho games. In Bovernl Instances tho scores wero not taken nnd thus It Is im possible to figure tho totals out for tho games that woro missed. For Sumner 2 games are missed entirely and only tho batting nvorages for this team aro at hnnd for ono gnmo of tho othor three. Two full games nro re corded for Bumnor. Marshflold has four games available, Enstsido five, and North Uond four. Tho first set of batting nvorages Is for players who havo participated In tlireo or moro games, followed by others who havo played less. Whoro a player's name docs not appear, ho has mndo no bat ting nvorago. Doll Hennessey lends tho league In batting, but Is closoly followed by Hobortson, who hns play ed In two moro games. Thomas, tho North Ilend pltchor, hns tho cleanest Holding average, having nccoptcd seventeen rhnnees without n bobble. V. Solander, regulnr for Sumner nt first nlso has a clean score In cloven chances. L. Masters and V. west nlso havo perfect fielding nvorages. Alfred Matsou Is actual lender fo tho Holders, for ho has .0.13 in 15 chan ces. Young Tellofson of Enstsido, has not missed u fly ball this year nnd had it clean record until Sunday when ho allowed a ground ball to pass him. Wallace IoihIh the catchers lu Hold ing; Solander tho first bnsemen; O. Johnson the second hnKomon; Ilurko nt short: Ilrlggs at third; Matson router field; Cownn right field;; L. Mnsters left field; Thotnns pitcher; Cownn has pluycd tlireo games In left field without having n fielding E. Vineyard, p, E. 5 22 G Wallace, c, ND.. 4 10 4 O. Johnson, 2b, M. 4 12 3 Drlggs. 3b. E. . . o 22 o D. Vineyard. If. E. G IS 4 A. Volde. 3b. ND.. 4 15 3 A. Mntson, cf, M.. 4 15 3 N. Johnson, p, M. 3 10 2 Siimmerlln, rf, ND 3 12 2 Thomas, p, ND.. 1 12 2 l'nrton, 2b, ND. . . I 13 2 L. Masters, If, S.. 3 7 1 C. Masters, lb, E.. 3 12 1 Henderson, lb, M. 4 12 1 Darker, c, S. . . . 3 13 1 Lllabo, rf, ND. . . 4 14 1 West, rf, B. . . . 4 1G 1 Tellofson, cf, E. . G 19 1 Two Games nnd Less. PInyors. PO A Langworthy, 3b, M 2 8 Chandler, 3b, M.. 2 6 Young, If, ND. . 2 9 Painter, 3b, ND.. 1 3 Clinton, S 1 5 Stovcns, bs, S. . . 1 5 Storn, 2b, S. . . . 1 2 Wilson, If, M. . . 1 4 Hansen, rf, M. . . 1 5 McKeown, lb, M. . 1 3 Pittmnn, cf. M. . 15 Neighbors, rf M. . 1 5 LaPalmo, 2b, B. . 1 4 Wnlmnrk, c, E. . . 2 7 B 1 1 Don't forget tho Turkish PHONE 21 1-.I. .273 .250 .250 .230 ooo .200 .200 .200 .1GG 1GG .154 .143 .0S3 0S3 .077 .071 .0G3 .053 AV .500 .1GG 2 on .GOG .400 .G00 .500 .500 .400 .333 .200 .200 .250 .143 Dnths. F Tho Tlmos Want Ado brine results SETO GO TOJEOPLE (Continued from pago 1.) Mr. Chnndlor nnd his associates were willing to nccept a frnnchlso model ed after tho Dlnko frnnchlso, nnd it would nlso bo ngrccnblo that tho franchise bo submitted to n voto of tho pcoplo for approval. Recorder Dutler was thon Instruct ed to notify tho applicants for a fran chise to moot with the city council nt n special meeting to be hold nt tho council chamber this evening to de termine tho features that aro to bo Incorporated in tho now frnnchlso. Tho city attorney will thon proparo a frnnchlso nnd also tho municipal ownership proposition for submis sion to tho voters of Marshflold. NOTICE. Th or o nro a number of umbrollas, guns, bicycles, etc., left nt C. Deary's gun and bicycle shop. Owners, plcnso call and get your property as I will not bo responsible for snmo nftor August 1, 1911. PHONE I. S. KAUFALVN & CO., YOUR COAL OHDEItS, $1,50 TON. I J i 19 1NITR0 CLUB and 'NEW CLUB SHOT SHELLS ioul and n monnce to the city health Tho matter was referred to Council- chnnro, and therefore Is no dope on man Coke as head of the health "I" fielding. commltteo for Immediate action. Oilier ISitxIiifNS, Claude Stutsman, engineer or the Are department presented a petition requesting an Incrense of salary from 175 to $90 per mouth. It was en dowed by Fire Chief Trnver giving at a reason that u now engine en tailed more work and that Mr. Stilts man's work hud saved tho city inon- ey. After a brief discussion, the In crennu wiib grained io commence .August l. Councllmnn Ferguson reported that hu had secured bids for painting 4bo doors of tho llro department lu front of city hall 113 follows: C. W. View $18.50 T. J. Scnlfo $43.50 LoMloux & Miller. . . .$42.00 In accordance with his Instructions from tho council he nwnrdeil the con tract to LoMloux & Miller. FH11 nnd (JAMB LAWK JUNNERY. at the I Wearing Qualities as Well as Style That's what you get at Tho Toggery always, It is acknowledged that we stand at the head when it cpnios to all the latest and niftiest in men's wear but quality is never overlook ed, HIGH ART SUITS KINGSBURY AND STETSON HATS HEIDECAPS PACKARD SHOES The Toggery Formerly Geo, Goodrum, Fielding Average. Players. PO A Thomas 8 9 W. Selnnder. .. .10 1 L. Mnsters 3 0 West 1 1 Matson, A 12 2 W'nlluco 40 15 Tellefson 9 3 N. Johnson. ... 19 Hrlggs 17 11 Langworthy ... 13 8 Chandler 5 2 Wnlmnrk 13 1 Hennessey .... 27 3 O. Johnson. ... 9 7 Lllnbo Ill 0 C. Masters .... 19 2 Henderson .... 15 5 Dubuque 13 1 Ilurko G 8 Drynnt 9 10 Darker 11 2 II. Vineyard. . . . 3 t Maloney 3 1 A. Velde 7 G Pedersen 21 0 Partem 9 7 Daker 1 12 Hull 4 3 Itobertson. ... (I 12 K. Vineyard. . . . 2 S Summerliii ... 5 0 Pldgeon 8 2 Bxtrn bases. Dryant Drlggs. . . Cowan. . . Stevens. , . Hennessey. . Ilurko. , , , K. Vineyard. Hull Parton Wallace . . . Painter . . . . MeKoown. . ..... Hit 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 1 4 I I 3 3 I 5 3 3 4 1 3 3 I 3 1 1 1 7 G 5 4 8 G 3 G 3b 0 0 1 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AV 1,000 1,000 1.000 1.000 .933 .932 .923 .909 .903 .875 .875 .S75 .S57 .842 .S42 .S40 .833 .823 .S23 .822 .S12 .S00 .800 7C4 .750 .727 .722 .033 .G92 .G25 .025 .G25 2 b 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 The steel lining in Nitro Club smokeless powder shells insures better pattern, belter penetration and greater velocity for the same load. It makes the shell stronger, surer and safer. It costs you no more to buy. If you prefer black powder, shoot New Clubs the famous hard hitting, sure-fire, old " yellow " shells. perfect shooting combination. Rcmiof ton Arai-Unlon Mttillic CirtriJr e Co, 19 Brotdwijr, New Y01 1 il if I Hi Hill Hill m ' II Hull lllllll Hj rWnflHI pill inv SMOKELESS POWDER, w3 City Pir49riHb j f0LACK POWDER Wo carry all tho Remington models of repeating guns nnd nlso tho othor models thnt havo proved best suited to tho Coos Day country. Wo enn also order nny special modol nnd securo it for you promptly. Our stock of cartridges Is complete. The Gunnery "Sportsmen's Headquarters" FRONT ST. MARSIIFIELI). Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $100,000 Assets Over $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits Totals 2 Team Ratting Average. Marshfleld Sumner , Bnetsldo North Dead Hatting .erngiN. PInyors. Honnessoy, c, M. Hobortson, p, B. Drynnt, 2b, B. . Cowan, If, M. . Dnrko, ss, M. . . Pldgeon, ss, ND.. 4 Selnnder, lb, S. . linker, p, S. , . . Pederson, lb, E. Dubuque lb, S. Hull, cf, ND. . PO A 3 12 5 20 5 22 3 11 14 15 12 13 13 It 11 B 5 8 S 4 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 I 11 .207 .232 .231 .203 AV .417 .400 .304 .363 .357 .333 .333 .307 .307 .273 .273 First National Bank OF COOS RAY AT MARSHFIELD, OREGON, Capital mid surplus nud profits $107,000.00 lotal resources 535 0Q0 00 United States depository for Postal Savings. ' Does a general banking business, Interest paid on time and savings deposits, W, S, Chandler, President, OFFICERS: M. C.Horton, Dorsey Kreitzer, Vice-President, Cashier, w c nu m 'RECTORS: W, S, Chandler, John S, Coke, KLUVDuas' Wm- Grimes JFohQn ft Hall S, C, Rogers F' S.Dow, MOII W, P, Murphy, M, C, Horton, The Last Week of Our Big Clearance Sale We are determined to close out all odd Suits, Shoes, Pants, Hats and broken lines in fur nishing goods YOUR SIZE IS HERE 20, 25, 33 1-3 and 50 per cent discount "Cash Only" "Money Talks" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. SIARSIIFIELD DANDON DRAIN-C00S BAY AUTO LINE VIA ALLEGANY NOW READY FOR BUSINESS LEAVES JLYHSHFIELD DAILY ROAT LEAVES ALERT LANDING, MARSH FIELD 5:00 A. Jll. ARRIVE DRAIN 4 1 M. SAME DAY. TICKETS FOR SALE AND INFORMATION AT THE RUSY COR NER DRUG STORE, PHONE 208 FAST XSli COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails From Marshfidd for San Francisco Friday, July 28, 1 p. m. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 44 C. F. McGEORGE, Agont. "THE FRIEND OF COOS BAY" S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT PORTLAND SAILS FROM PORTLAND FOR COOS BAY FRIDAY, JULY 28th, 6 p. m. NORTH PAJIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE 11 0 p McGEORGE, Agent EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM COOS HAY AT O A. M. ON JULY O, 10, IB, SO, 2, 7, 12, 17, 22 AND 27. SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT SERVICE OF TIIE TIDE ON JULY 25, 80. L. II. KEATING, AGENT rnONH MAIN 35-L "FIFIELD" TIIH ONLY WAY TO 'FRISCO BAY" The Steamer Fifield WILL PROBABLY SAIL FROM BANDON FOR SAN FRANCISCO, Friday July 28th. TICKETS FOR SALE AND IN ORMATION AT HILLYER'S CIGAR STOItE? FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBURG Our nutos, leaving Mowliileld at O o'clock every morning, con. nect with tho evening train to Portland. Faro I O.OO. COOS BAY ROSEBURG STA GE LINE OTTO 8CHETTER, Agent, 0. P. BARNARD, 120 MARKET AV., Marshflold. Agent, ROSEBURG, Ore. . PnONE 11 Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTAOKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Oflke Phono 191 Marshfleld Offlco 14-J Farms - Timber Coal and Putting Lands a specialty. General Agents "EAST8IDE" A Want Ad will sell it for you ,