-- " ..i . - - 'am r '""H" ",ni iiHMnwn"",wir,W j.' , f Tkf f:W?i THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1911 -EVENING EDITION. 3 " You're invited w E'RE having a good-values party in here this week in a clearance sale FOREST FIRE S 1 Personal Notes J. J. SULLIVAN cnmo In from Lar son's Inlet today. Hart, Schaffner & Marx furnish the goods We furnish the entertain ment You'll have a good time, if you come Here are the prices: $25.00 Suits $22.50 Suits $20.00 Suits $18.50 $16.50 $15.00 $35.00 Suits $30.00 Suits $27.50 Suits $26.50 $22.50 $20.00 WOOLEN MILL STORE Home of Hart, Schaffner &.Marx Clothes Blaze For a Time Threatens Smith-Powers Camp There. A forest flro that for two days has boon In progress near Stunner for n time threatened the Smith-Powers logging camp near that place. Oper ations were suspended yesterday and today whllo the men fought tlio ilames. Today the flro wnB gotten under control and It Is expected operations will bo resumed in tlio camp tomorrow. Tlio dnmago dono was only nominal. FRANK BOWRON Is a Ton Milo vis itor In Murshflold. E. It. IIODSON of Coos Rlvor Is a Marshllold visitor today. D. It. PINKERTON of Ilaynos Inlot, Is In Marshllold today looking aft er business affairs. O. C. SETIIER of aicndnlo, Ore, la In Marshllold for a short Btny. L. J. POST has returned from n bus lnosa trip to northern points. -VIM ,v,n , , .lyi- yi"- J You May Just As Well As Not Have A Beautiful Complexion No mysterious skin foods, no salves Just through tlio ubo of CremedeCamelia Complexion Powder Dainty wholcsomo and puro its ubo Is novor objcctlonnblo to anyouo. Bofton Hofrcshons and Restores tlio natural hues of tho skin and bolng oo exceptionally lino It "Novor shows Powder." tiii: price is noc per box Mado In ! tlntB Whlto, Flesh, Cream and Pink. For sale at the BTJS5T CORNER PHONE 298 Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER" LEADING DRUG STORE IN COOS COUNTY. r u a. c. burroughs, , Scientific Mnssnglst, Treats all diseases Ofllco, cornor Second and Contrnl Avontio. Olllco hours 11 to 12 a. m. 2 to 5 p. in. rR. II. II. MOORE, Chiropractor. J- Chronic Diseases n Specialty 203 Coos Dldg Phono 81-L Ofllco hours l to G; C:30 to 7:30 Sunday 3 to G DU. G. W. LESLIE, rkafnntinf liln IMivnIMnt, Graduato of tho Amorhnti school of Osteopathy at Klrksvlllo, Mo. Ofllco In Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phono 1C1-J; Marshllold; Oregon. WANTED Buyer who knows a good dnlry ranch when ho seca it, and can talk business. Huvo ono of tho best dairy farms In Coos coun ty nenrly 100 acres bottom land. Loavo nddross and will call on you. "A B" enro Times. TOR SALE A mounted eagle, and a few nrtlcles of household furni ture etc. Cheap. Inqulro at C. Uenry's Gun & Dlcyclo Shop. FOR SALE 1 1 j tho owner Tract of land near Random Part Improv ed, good wator. Just tho thins foa a party looking for n homo. Ad dross "X" enro Times. MRS. WITTICK and daughter of North Rond nro Marshllold visitors today. ED. MOIILER, a traveling salesman, Is making his quarterly visit in this city. MRS. JAS. ELLERRY returned from n visit to Portland on today's Breakwater. J. G. FISH, representing Crnno & Co of Portland, Is making a business visit in Marshllold. MR. and MRS. F. K. DEUEL aro touring tho Cooa Bay country In tholr cnr. Med ford Sun. ROSS SMITH returned todny from Portlnnd. Mrs. Smith will follow on tho next Breakwater. C. It. LANGLEY of tlio Coos Bay Homo Tolophono Company Is at Bandon on n short buslnoss trip. FOR SALE OR TRADE A Coluin- bia rlvor fish boat C. J. Vnn Zllo, Phono -190, North Bond. MISS RUTH ALLEN returned todny from a visit with friends nnd rola tives in Albany nnd Portlnnd. FOR SALE A (cam of ivoik miiiey and light wagon. Inqulro Whltty Bros., Enststdo. WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply nt onco Mrs. Wm. Cox No 188 Second and Park nvonuo. WANTED Pantry Chnndlor hotel. Klrl. Apply - Don't Kick Yourself For forgetting your winter's supply of wood, Order now and be h'appy later. Dry Timber Ends While they las'tV we havo on hand a'fine lot of DRY blocks for fire place and stove wood, ORDER NOW C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Broadway Yards Phone 190-J yU. J. W. INGRAM, - l'liyolclnti nnd Surgeon. 209-210 Coko Building hones: Ofllco 102J; Rcsldcnco 1021. J W. BENNETT, Lawyer. Ofllco over Flanagan & Bonnott Bank Iarahflold Oregon The Times Does Job Printing T"R. J. T. McCORMAO, l Physician and Surgoon ' Manshflold, Oregon. Jfllco: Lockhart Building, opposlto Post Ofllco. Phono 10G-J WATCH! NOTICE! Homor Mauzoy, on of tho drivers nd tho solicitor for us -lo out for sundry. Watch hlml ho 1 liable to atop you on thq street and explain all details of Laundry and also to bo at your homo any time. Ho knows Laundry business from A to Z. Marshfiel Hand and Steam Laundry PIION". 220-J Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono 8121 WANTED To purchase city pro orty, Address "A" enro Times. WANTED First clans ineclmnlc. Ai ply in porson to Beavor Hill Coal Company. WANTED To rent Rood dnlry ranch by experienced man. AddroBS "F" enro Times. FOR SALE Thrco puro blooded Bllvor spangled Hamburg cocks. In qulro Archnmbcnu boarding house, Second and Commercial stroot. FOR SALE My farm 600 acres In ono lot or will cut up In parcols to suit. O. W. Sanford, Mnrshfleld, WANTED Girl for general house work. Must havo references. Mrs. O'Donnoll, Bunker Hill. AUTO LINE fars at any time. Phono 231 R, after midnight 181X SNAPS IN REAL ESTATE 80 n. all bottom land, well Improved on Co qulllo River, 3 miles abovo Coquil lo City, will carry 40 cows. Prico $12, GOO. 1-2 cash balanco time ICO n. 8 mlloB from Myrtle Point on Rosoburg road, 30 acres of which aro in orchard, consisting of 6 year old Gravonstoln trees in. flno condition. Prlco $4,500. ?2, 000 down and balanco on tlrao at 7 per cent por annum. Call or write J. O. Stommlor, Myrtlo Point, Oregon, JUST ARRIVED Anothor shipment of thoso popular condiments Ehmann's Olive Oil AND Ehmann's Ripe Olives U -PINT BOTTLES OIL 25c PINT BOTTLES OIL OOo QUART BOTTLES OIL $1.00 ) 'GALLON CANS $1.05 IUVE OLIVES IN JARS PINTS 30c RIVE OLIVES IN JARS QUARTS 55 nnd 75o BULK PINTS 20 und 25c Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones 85 and 305 MRS. R. O. GALE nrrlvod on tho Bronkwator today to bo tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Simpson. .MRS. C J. MILLIS nnd Miss Mabel Claro MIHIb roturnod todny from a visit with rolatlvo3 In Now Yorlc. MISS MADGE BARRY and MlsBltn ICcnuo nro In town today from tho Bnrry camp on South Coos River. MR. nnd MRS. HARRY NASBURO nnd n pnrty of friends nro enjoy ing n blnckborrylng excursion today. TOM HALL and his nophow, Tom Patterson, loavo Saturday on n hunting trip Into tho mountains nenr Eckloy. CHAS MERCHANT is rccovorlng from his rocont Illness nnd will lenvo Sunday to Join his mothor who is cnmplng nt Dullards. MR. and MRS. G. LEROY HALL nro oxpoctlng Mrs. Unit's undo, Eli Cooko of Blackburn, Englnnd, for a visit. Mr. Cooko is a rotlrod merchant and wlshos to boo some thing of tho West. DR. J. T. McCORMAO, county school supervisor, visited tho two schools on HnyneB Inlot yestorday. To day ho wont up tho North Fork of Coos River nnd will visit tho school now In session at Allogany. THEODORE F. DRAKE, nsslstnnt observer nt Portland, loft for Mod ford this morning to Install a now bnromotor nt that Btatlon. Ho will go to Coos Bny boforo returning to Inspect tho storm warning sta tions there. Portland Tologrnm. Attor tho show try a Turkish Bath Phono 2 14-J. rent or want holp, try a want ad. Good Livery Service a Fancy now rigs, good horses and tareful drivers are now at the dls osal of the Coos Bay public at REASONABLE RAT1IS. Rigs or rigs with drivers rqndy for ny trip anywhoro any time. Horses boarded and rigs cared for. New hearse and special accommo dations provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLES PIIONE 278-J WE IIAVE A LOGIC LAMP GUARD that will keep you from losing that Mazda lamp in the hall you havo had to replace so often. It is thlsf proof. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PnONE 287-J w LOCAL & GLEANINGS LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:00 p. in., July 2G, by Mrs. E. Mlngus, special government meteorological obsorver: Maximum 03 Minimum 45 At 4:00 p. in 64 Precipitation nono Wind, Northwest; cloudy. To Hold n Picnic. Tho Lndl.os Aid of tho Baptist church will hold a pic nic up Coos River on Friday, July 28. Wins Certificate Miss Etta James of Coqulllo, was awarded n Ufa cer tificate by tho stato as a result of tho recent teachers' examinations. Preaching Service C. F. Swandor sccrctnry Christian Bonrd of Mis sions, will nronnli nt tlin Olirlntlnn church In Mnrshfleld Thursday ove- ning, July 27. All aro invitcu. Port Orford Boosters Hero. W. II. Meredith and E. J. Lonoy of Port Orford nro In this city to confor with tho Port Commission of Coos Bny about tho formation of a port at Port Orford. TlhlK-tls Sells Restaurant. J. W. Tlbhctts has sold tho remaining half Intorest In his restaurant to Cnrl An drews and Jerry Kinney who rocont ly purchased a half interest when it was consolidated with tho old Mel roso restaurant. Home From Trip. Miss Jessie Chnso who loft Murshflold early in Juno for an extended eastern trip to Now York, Boston, nnd Montreal haB roturnod to Oregon nnd Is now with hor sister, Mrs. Wnrrlnor on a lioiisobont nenr Milwaukee, Oregon. ITouso Party at Sand Hills. Mrs. R. K. Booth nnd n pnrty of frlonds loft todny for tho G. A. Bonnott cab in nt the sand hills for n short stay. In tho jmrty wero Mrs. W. II. Kon- ncdy, mid-Miss Nnnn Browning. Miss MnmlrfInhonoy will Join tho pnrty on Saturday. Build Now Home. R. A. Church, who sold his rcsldonco proporty to Mrs. Thompson, tho school teachor, haB purchased from C. E. Jordan a lot across tho stroot from his for mor homo nnd will erect n $2,000 bungalow thereon. Tho contrnct has boon awarded to J. S. Falrchllds. Will Restrain Cows. Eastsldo Is proparlng to tnko on metropolitan airs by passing nn ordlnnnco com pelling owners of cows nnd other stock to kcop thorn from running at largo. Tho ordlnnnco will probnbly bo brought up nt tho noxt mooting of tho city council. Socialists Now Hull. Tho Social ist party lravo rontod tho hall ovor tho Castlowood saloon which will bo fitted up as n rending nnd rest room. A Finnish branch of tho party was organized last wook with a charter momborship of thirty-six. Thoy will meet in tho now hall. Interest In Patent. On his recent trip to Roslyn, Wash., Davo Roos ac quired an Intorest a now hoaoA'ou- ,ij pllng dovico pntontcd by n frloud of his in that city. Davo has a work- t'l Ing modol which ha hns been exhibit ing to the locnl firemen nnd it Is prpnouncod'n big improvement over tho presont systom of coupling, be ing easier nnd quicker. COQUILLE CULLINGS. News of tho Week as Told In Col umns of Tho Sentinel, Born To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Powers in Coqulllo, Monday, July 17, a boy. BornTo Mr. and Mrs. Milton W. Mlllor of Coqulllo, July 14th, 1911, a girl. ' Mnrrlod At the Skookum Restau rant Parlors in this city, July 16th, 1911, Ewnld II. Bahlmnnn, of Rose burg nnd Miss Donna Ruth Scott, of Bandon, Judge E. G. D. Holden officiating. Tho many frlond.s of John Lund- quist, tho popular ox-chef of tho Bax ter hotel, will bo surprised to loam that ho has purchased tho chop house on First street known as Yo O. K. Restaurant from its former owner, F. U. Moon. Tho Coqulllo Volunteer Flro De partment hold their soml-annual election Wednesday evonlng, electing Sam Nosier chief in tho placo of A. T. Morrison, nnd re-olocting Robort Watson secretary and W. H. Lyons treasurer. r t-frnttfitt-ihHfflin;,..i jjuta-w.