"nw&Ni0fffitntiRitGiQmHHpi'0HG40Pjilifrii'Ai9) N' Wyqm- r-ii"r rrJBijiim?cr-w - PWPWWr'r''" -rV -" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 25, 191 1 EVENING EDITION. k Hello! Hello! Housewives of Marshflold ubo Marshfield Creamery Butter If your grocor docs not koop It call up PHONE 7U-J. Freo dollvcry 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. alio 8TEIULIZKI) CREAM & MILK ICE, BUTTERMILK, COTTAGE CHEESE Union Oils IlSOMNE DISTILLATW HENZINE KKKU8KNIS SIMSON GAS ENGINES and CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS oos BayOil & Supply Co. ... n iirrvi?. nonl UlllIICIUi ure. .w --w Moll Orders Solicited. Wearing Qualities as Well as Style That's what you get at The Toggery always, It is acknowledged that wo stand at the head when it comes to all the latest and niftiest in men's Wear but quality Is never overlook ed, HIGH ART SUITS KINGSBURY AND STETSON HATS HEIDECAPS PACKARD SHOES The Toggery Formerly Geo, Goodrum, Arch Dyspesia Remedy FOIt DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, SOUIt STOMACH, HEART I1UIIN, PAINS IN THE STOMACH, DIARRHOEA CAUSED BY IXMdlSTION AND DYSENTERY. PRICE PER BOTTLE 50 CENTS Money refunded if not satisfactory: For sale at the BUS? CORNER PHONE 298 Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "TIIE BUSY CORNER" LEADING DRUG STORE IN COOS COUNTY. .esJRft?' Don't Kick Yourself for forgetting your winter's supply of wood, Order now and be happy later, Dry Timber Ends Mile they last, we have on hand a fine lot" of DRY blocks for fire place and stove wood, ORDER NOW C A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Roadway Yards Phone 190-J RAILROAD ADDITION BARGAINS. 2 Lots, 2d nonr Goldon. . . .1,500 2 Lots, 2d near Ilnll $1,100 10x100 oiv Ilnll near 2d $1,100 2 Lots corner lot & Ingorsoll $1,500 2 Lots, 2d nonr Ingorsoll. . . .$l,frso 3 Lots corner 4th & Ingorsoll 1,500 Modern 7-rm lionso paved St. $1,000 O-room hotiEO, good rcsldunco corner In So. Mnrshflold. .$1,1125 O-room houso and 2 lots on f tli street $3,500 100x212 facing Broadway nnd 1st Sts with -1 houses $12,500 Blk G, In Rallroud" Addition, 315 ft. of wntorfront $:i,200 20 Acres ndjolnlng O. C. & N. lays nno for platting $5,000 O-room houso, corner on fith St., paved, 2 lots $:t,000 Homombcr I lmvo property listed on overy street In Rnllroad Addi tion. Also lots in Erfstsldo, Bay I'nrk, South Marshflcld, Dolso Addi tion, Boulevard Park, Copples' Ad dition nnd Bandon, Come and see mo. GEO. E. HAINES, 18(1, Broadway. Personal Notes LES. SMITH of Coos River is n Marshflcld' visitor today. MISS LULU II0DS0N of Coos River waB In the city yesterday. A TUIlKISIt IIATH will do you HOOD. Phono 214-.I. PIKE WARDEN JESS SMITH Is In Mnrshflold on business today. HEN CHANDLER camo down from the Chandler home on Coos River yesterday. T. M. COLLVER of Catching Inlet wns a Marshllold business visitor , yesterday. , DR. II. WALTER, nnd T. V. Johnson ' will Icnvo Saturday on hunting trip to Curry county. MISS LUCY HORTON returned this morning from a visit at tho Tower Cottage on South Coos River. READ TUB TIMKS' WANT ADS. BuiJne For Exceptional Bargains antyl!! nd Res,denc property in North Bend and acreage in Coo Standard Investment Co. f BBODDra NoRXH BUND OKBOON ffisaSS FOR SATjE OH TRADE A Colum bia river fish boat C. J. Van 55llo, Phono 400, North Rend. E. W. WRIGHT, an oxtenslvo Invest' or in Mnrshflold property, loft yes tordny for Portland on a business trip. nlng from a pleasant outing at Ton Mile. Thoy nil lmvo a fish record to their credit as a result of their trip. MRS. JOHN PIERCE of Allegany was In the city today.' MISS GRACE KRUSE of Isthmus In let Is u Marshllold visitor today. ROY LANDRITH and Mr. Kohlstrfdt of Coos River nro in Marshflcld today. MRS. CHARLES .CODDING of Mll llcoma, wns a Marshflcld shopper today. JAMES Med RAW, head hook tondor nt the Conologuo camp near Rand, was a Mnrshflold visitor today. GEO. MURCH, Jr.. returned homo this morning from . South Coos River whoro ho vlsltod nt tho Mnt son nnd Williams' camps. MISS LILADEL JOHNSON, who re turned yesterday from n visit nt "Tho Nook" Is a guest of Mrs. Smcdburg on Catching Inlet this week. 4 LOCAL & GLEANINGS THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON, July 25. Fair to- night nnd Wednesday, coolor tomorrow except near coast. MRS. C. J. MILLIS and Miss Mnbol Mlllls nro expected homo tomorrow from nn extended vlBlt In Eastorn Btatcs. MR. and MRS. HERBERT LOCK HART left yesterday for a few dnya at their -summor homo on Coos River. FOR SALE A tcnin of work man's nnd light wagon. Inqulro Whltty Bros., Enstsldo. FOR RENT FuriiMicd rooms for housekeeping. Apply "M" Times POUND Ladles' purse. Otrnvi cnu hnvo samo by applying to W. Cy Lund, Pomdnlo. and paying for this ad. WANTED CJIrl for general lioust work. Apply nt onco Mrs. Wm. Cox No 188 Second nnd Pnrk nvenuo. WANTED Pnntry Chandler hotol. girl. , Apply WANTED To purchase city irti orty, Address "A" enro Times. MR. nnd MRS. GUY LATTIN lmvo moved into tho resldonco they pur chased rccontly from Mr. ami Mrs. J. II. Juza.' . .MRS. i:. G. FLANAGAN and children returned yestordny from Lakesldo whoro thoy woro tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hlllls Short. JOHN BEAR arrived In this city to- duy from his Wlllnnch Blough ranch to join Mrs. Bear who has boon visiting In town for tho past week. J. MARSHALL, a traveling' man, camo In yesterday from Bnndon and will Icnvo tomorrow for tho Willnmetto vnlloy via tho Gardi ner route. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. For twenty-four hours ending at 4:00 p. m., July 24, by Mrs. E. MIngus, special government 4t meteorological observer: Maximum 71 Minimum -17 At 4:00 p. m 08 Preclpltntlon nono Wind, Southeast; partly cloudy. ' HORN. OAUGHELL To Mr. nnd Mrs. Al fred Caugholl of Gold Beach, at Mercy hospital, this morning, an eight-pound girl. Mothor nnd chili nro doing nlcoly. MRS. T. W. HIGGINSON of Catch ing Inlot, was n Mnrshflold shop por todny. Sho has as a guest nt her homo nn old tluio friend, Mrs. Ellon Crnwford. MR. nnd MRS. L. J. SIMPSON re turned Monday from an ovor-Sun-dny visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bylcr at Lakesldo. MR. and MRS. J. M. RUSSELL re turned yestordny from Ten Mllo whoro thoy woro tho guests of Mrs. Hlllls Short'nt Lnko'sldo. FOUND At Busy Corner, pair lu dies gloves. WANTED Plrst class mechanic. Ap ply In porson to Denver Hill Conl Company. WANTED To rent good dairy ranch by experienced man. Address "P" caro Times. POIl SALE Thrco pure- blooded silver spangled Hamburg cocks. In qulro Archnmbcnu boarding house, Second and Commercial streot. FOR HALE My farm 600 acre la one lot or will cut up In parcels to suit 0. W. Sanford, Marshflold, WANTED Girl for general house work. Must hnvo references. Mrs. O'Donnoll, Bunkor Hill. MRS. J. II. POLHEMUS nnd Miss Harriot Polhomus leave Thursday for their homo In Portland .after a threo wooks visit on Coos Bay.; MR. nnd MRS. P. G. HORTON, Mns tor Warren Hortou, Miss Kathoryn Horton nnd thnlr guest, Miss Sny- dor of Portland, returned Inst ovo MR. and MRS. T. R. SHERIDAN nnd tho Misses Sheridan aro expected on tho Bny, August 1st. Thoy will occupy tho McCollum bungalow on Coob River during tholr stay. MRS. LAGERSTROM and Miss Ln gorstrom of Minneapolis arrived yestordny on the Nnnn' Smith to bo tho guest of Cornell nnd Ans- gar Lagorstrom for sovoral wcoks. MR. nnd MRS. HARRY NASBURG nnd Miss McGrnw camo down Inst night from tho Lockhnrt bungn low on Coos RIvor whoro thoy hnvo boon visiting for sovornl days Brother Seriously HI. Eugono O'Connoll loft yesterday for San FrnnclBco summoned thoro by a tele gram announcing tho serious lllncso of his hrothor In thnt city. Contractor Sells Out W. W. Ladd has sold his Interest In tho con tracting firm of Lndd, Hunt & Co., to L. B. Lndd and tho firm namo will horenftcr ho known ns Lndd & Hunt. Mr. W. W. Ladd will romnln with tho concorn. GEORGE ROTNOR, James Cowan nnd Edgnr Mauzoy leavo tomorrow on tho Coaster which thoy hnvo chartered for Gold Boach for n hunting trip Into tho mountains of Curry county. Thoy will Join tho Wolls-Donnlng camp and If thoro Is nny gnmo loft whpn tills party returns, it will hnvo to ho sovon up, plnochlo or something llko that. Hero aro some AUTO LINE rfera at any Uino, Phone 231 R, after midnight 181X SNAPS IN REAL ESTATE 80 n. all bottom land, well iniprovod on Co qulllo Rlvor, 3 miles abovo Coqull lo City, will carry 40 cows. Prlco $12,600. 1-2 cash balanco time 160 a. 8 miles from Myrtlo Point on Rosoburg road, 30 acres of which aro In orchard, consisting of 5 year old Gravenstoln trees in flno condition. Prlco $4,500. $2, 000 down and balanco on tinio at 7 por cent per annum. Call or wrlto J. O. Stommlor, Myrtlo Point, Oregon. Hot Prices for Hot Weather THAT ARE COOLING TO TIIE POCKET HOOK: 7 pieces water sets, . ,Bet$l & $1.50 12-qunrt Tlu Pans each 10a Quart Jars , . dozon 70c 17-aunrt Tin Dish Pans. ...., ,30c Those nro only a fqw of tho many articles to koop tho tomporaturo of tho purso down. Call and look us ovor. C OOS BAY ASH STORE The Rtora That Saves You Money. GEO. N. nOLT, - Manager, Front 8tret, Marahfleld.' Cuts and bruises may bo healed In about one-third the time required by tho usual treatmont by applying Chamberlain's Liniment. It Is an anti septic and pauses such Injuries to heal without maturation. This liniment also relieves soreness of the muscles and rheumatic pains. For sale "by all dealers. Spanish Dishes Aro always appetizing for picnic lunched and hurry up meals at home. , i Try soma of the following thoy are exceptionally good. CHILI CON CARNE . . ... ...PER CAN 15c ENCHILADOS '. PER CAN 15o CHICKEN TAMALES (not boneless) , ' " . . 15c CHICKEN TAMALES (boneless)'' J .TWO FOR 35c FRIJOLES I.X.L ".,15c Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones 85 and 305 PRANK TICHENOR loft this morn ing for Portland nnd Salem on a trip of ton dnyB duration. Whon ho roturns ho expects to bring Gov. West with him to acquaint him with tho rcsourcos of this section which Mr. Tlchonor novor tiros of boosting. Govornor Wost is coming to address tho toachors' Institutes 1m Coos and Curry counties. TOM BENNETT'S NEW BOAT. Buys Anson Hogcr'u SimhmI Boat nnd Itcclirlstoiis Her. Tom Bonnott recently bought tho Anson Otis Rogors' speed boat and ho has hnd hor ropalnted and over hauled and has chrlstonod hor tho "Supl-yaw-lat" which was takon from tho following poom: Er pottlcoat was yallor, an' 'or llt- tlo cap was groon, An 'or namo was Supl-yaw-lat Jos' the samo us Theobaw's Qucon; An I seed 'or first n-smokln' of n whackln' white cheroot, An' n-wnstln' Christian kisses on nn 'oathon Idol's foot. Bloomln' Idol made o'mud What they called tho Groat Gawd Budd; Plucky lot sho carod for idols, whon I kissed 'or whoro sho stud! Wins Wntrli. Miss Ruth Horton wns tho lucky prlzo-wlnnor In tho drawing for tho gold watch at Mer chant &. Sons storo on Saturday ovo- nlng. Sho Is travollng with her fath- or nt present nnd has not yot heard of hor good fortune Wedding In October. Damo Ru mor Is busy with an Interesting sug gestion of n wedding of two woll known Mnrshflold young pooplo thnt will tnko plnco early In Octohor. Tho prospectlvo groom is n popular Front Htrcot business mnn. Crescent City WiintH 'em. Cres cont City hns wrltton to tho mnnngor of tho Marahold hasoball club asking thoni for n gamo to bo played In Crescont City during n big colobrn tlon to bo hold thoro In Soptombor. Tho hoyB havo written stating torma nnd If accepted will mnko tho trip. Start On Auto Trip. Mr. add Mrs Geo. P. Murch, Miss Clmrlotto Murch, Goorgo Murch, Jr., and Hugo Quist leavo tomorrow morning on a com bined auto and camping trip to tho Umpqun vnlloy. Thoy will tako tho Myrtlo Point routo and camp along tho way. Stafford's Chocolates No chocolates sold anywhoro are better, purer or more delicious than Stafford's Chocolate creams. Nothing but the highest quality and purest tngredlonts ovor go Into a Stafford chocolato. Tho rich, creamy delica tely and dollclously flavored centors are lncasod In the highest grado of puro chocolato and extra caro is taken In their making to Insuro ab solute purity and wholesomeness. Tho same principles apply to nil Stafford's products and especially to STAFFORD'S ICE CREAM! AND ICES ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW AT TWO STORES. MISS MAGGIE WILSON has arrived from KansaB City to spend part of hor summer vacation with hor sIb tor, Mrs. Loulo Anderson of North Bond. She reports that Kansas City has experienced the hottest summon, wonthor ovor known thoro. On July 4th It was 122 In tho shade. All garden vegetables havo boon lltoral ly burned up by tho hot weather. Try Tho Times Want Ada. Service Our to-days service Is good, and our to-morrows service will be better, for we are continually seek ing to serve you better in all Wiys, It is this ser vice that has built our business and promises us a greater business in the future, Are you getting It? Commence today to get a good drug store ser vice by dealing at this stpre, Brown Drug Co. Graduate Chemists, 71 Market Ave. Coos Bldg. 'Phone 141 1 --JJ - a ' k