t"Wfjm aniri-yp fr- vprt "VWWJ fv1" I -" rfHfiijfrwwTPr THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 24, 1911-feVENING EDITION. Yo w u're invited E'RE having a good-values party in here this week in a clearance sale Hart, Schaffner & Marx furnish the goods We furnish the entertain ment You II, have a. good time if you come . 4 ' Here are the prices: $25.00 Suits, r $18.50 $35.00 Suits f $26.50 $22.50 Suits . . $16.50 $30.00 Suits $22.50 $20.00 Suits $15.00 $27.50 Suits' $20.00 WOOLEN MILL STORE Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes w LOCAL & GLEANINGS ARCH COIfN REMOVER & A sure and prompt remedy for the painless removal of corns, warts and bunions, PRICE PER BOTTLE 25c. Money refunded if not satisfactory: For snlo at tho BUS 2" COENER PHONE 298 Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "TILE BUSY CORNER" LEADING DRUQ STORE IN COOS COUNTY. SWAS) Tim WEATHER. (Dy Associated Press.) OREOON, July 2J. Fair to night, iind Tuesday wnrmor. ItE- LOOAL TEMPERATURE TOUT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:00 p. in., .Inly 23, by Mrs. 13. Mlngus, special government meteorological observer: Maximum 77 Minimum 48 At 4:00 p. m 71 Wind, Northwest; qulto cloudy. was tho causa df so much agitation, fermentation and damnation, and brought Inspector Trlbboy and Curry both Into tho courts Is to be torn down boforo It Is scarcely completed. It stands on land that Is to bo filled by tho dredge Oregon. As it looks to Curry life Is just ona damn shave af ter nnothor. Personal Notes Will Tench Model Clnsi MIbb Smith of Portland, who Is to bo one of tho Instructors In tho Teachers' Instltuto held in Marshflcld next month hns wrltton Mrs. P. M. Wil bur of tho Primary Department of tho Central school asking her to have u model class of twelvo pupils ready for demonstration work. Slio will ubo this class twlco each wcok to exemplify the primary work for tho benefit of visiting teachers. Omega In Tho bnrkcntlno Omoga arrived in tho Day this morning and will tako on a cargo of lumber. Nairn Smith In. TOo Nann Smith arrived in from Day Point yestorday afternoon and will sail at 11 a. m. Tuesday on hor roturn trip. Hold Probate Court. Judgo Hall went to Coqulllo today to hold prob ate court. Among tho wills to bo probnted Is that of a Mr. Baldwin of Unndon. Berry Fair Publicity. Coos coun ty Is getting considerable publicity out of Its "Berry Fair." Sovornl Orogon pnporB copied tho entire nrtl clo ns It originally nppenred In Tho Times. WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply nt onco Mrs. Win, Cox No 188 Second and Park nvonuo. M'irn'-irJ ! irtffi'Mr--JH"-'-J'' t" limits ' ' m' ' r , - - WAXTKD Pantry Chnudlor hotol. girl. Apply WAXTKD Young lady clerk over 20 years. Apply Immediately Western Union Tolegrnph olllco. WAXTKD To purchase city prop erty, Address "A" caro Tlmoa. Deer Sensnn. Tho open deer Ben son bogtns August 1st and continues two months, and tho limit to any ono hunter is fivo bucks, so bo careful and don't exceed tho limit. To Camp nt UnHnrtlx. Mrs. W. T. Merchant, Jack and Holon Merchant, Mrs. II. S. Tower, MIbb Norn Towor and Miss May Prouss loft yestordny on an outing trip down tho const, whoro thoy will spond Bovornl wcoks. Ktcnd Telephone Line. A tolo phono lino Is being extended to tho Loon lnko country. Tho long dis tnnco lines extend only from this city to Allegany nnd to boiiio of tho ranches beyond. Tho ownors of tho Coos Bay-Drain nuto lino havo co operated with tho farmers and havo started a now lino which will run from Allegany through Loon lnko to Scotsburg. An oxchango will bo main tained at Allegany. Picnic nt Charleston. A Jolly crowd of plcnlckors wont to Charles ton bay yesterday on tho launch Shamrock and enjoyed an outing nt tho beach. Thoso In tho party woro Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Curtis, Judgo nnd Mrs. John F. Hall, Mr. nnd Mrs, Frnnk Flyo,Mr. nnd Mrs. I. Lando, Mrs. Leslie, Mrs. Lang, Mrs. 13. Nns- burg, Mrs. Cowan, Mabol Lang, Mary Hansen, Edna Lando, Ruth Cownn, Roxlo Hall, Melvln Lesllo, Amll Mat- son, carl Holm, I rank Curtis, noii- ort Lang, Will Curtis. FOUND At Duty Corner, pair la dles glovoa. WAXTKD Flint cImhh nieclmnlc. Ap ply in porson to lloavor Hill Coal Compnny. WAXTKD To rent good dairy ranch by experienced man. Addross "F" caro Times. Coos liny Honey. Mrs. T. W. Hlg glnsou of Catching Inlet jirosontod tho Times' olllco with n flno square of Coob Bay honoy todny. It is sug gested that tho bcokcopors of tho county mako nn exhibit nt tho Clinni- bor of Commorco. which lator on could bo used at tho Stato Fair. FOR MALI-: Three pure blooded silver spangled Hamburg cocks. In qulro Archambonu boarding houso, Second and Commercial street. '' Don't Hick Yourself For forgetting your' winters supply of wood, Order now and be happy later," Dry Timber Ends While they last, we have on hand a fine lot of DRY blocks for fire place and stove wood, ORDER NOW A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Broadway Yards Phone 190-J M t I Hie POS1TIOX For woman or girl. Ap ply at tho Blanco Hotol. FOR ItKNT Furnished roomBand board In prirato family. Closo In and In walking d'lstnnco to mill. Address "B" TImos. FOR MALK Aly firm COO crea 1b onoNIot or will cut up In parcels to suit. O. W. S&nford. Unrohflold, FOR ItKNT Houso of fivo rooms on Contral & Hall. avo. West. Apply to Hall OraiitN Puss Hot. Tom Hnrvoy Is In rccolpt of n lottor from rolntlvos In Grants Pass saying tho thormomo tor registered 110 for sovornl days. It was so hot that tho city was com pollod to put two sprlnklors on tho stroof. to cool asphalt paving to pre vent1 it molting nnd running into Rogilo River. lions rs.'Ge iiho rarty nt pooic. .Mr. nnn Mrs. 'Geo. Murch, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Peck, Mr. and Mrs. 13. S. Burgolt, and Misses LUabol Johnson and Llla bol Davis constituted a plonsant houso party that woro guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Albert Matson nt "Tho Nook" over Sunday, returning to tho city this morning. - - WAXTKD A good sized second band 'offlco desk. X caro Times. WANTKD Oirl for general house work. MuBt havo roferoncoa. Mrs. O'Donnoll, Bunkor Hill. $2,000 Cash to loan at 8 per cent. Apply Hall & Hall. AUTO LINK Hum at any time. Phono 231 R, utter midnight 181X SNAPS IN REAL KSTATK HO a. all bottom land, well Improved on Co qulllo River, 3 miles above Coqull lo City, will carry 40 cows. Prlco $12,500, 1-2 cash balanco time 1G0 a. 8 miles from Myrtle Point PisIilnjC Party. R. K. Booth, H. J. MoKoown, J. G. Qrooway and A. S. Hammond of Coqulllo composed a fishing party that wont by auto Sat urday night to Rock Crook. Thoy had 6xcollent luck and brought back a string of boautlea as proof of tholr skill with rod and lino. Tho Curry Hen Houso. And now thnt famous Curry hen houso that on Rosoburg road, 30 acres" of which aro In orchard, consisting of 5 year old Gravenstoln trees in flno condition. Prlco $4,500. 2, 000 down and balanco on tlmo at 7 per cont por nnnum. Cal) or write J. O. Stemmlor, Myrtlo Point, Oregon. Married In liu(ldo. Last Satur day Enstsldo was tho Bcono of a vory pretty wedding in which John M. Ol son nnd Miss Ruth Mlnnlo Smith woro mndo mnn and wife, Rov. U. F. Bongtson, officiating. An interest ing fenturo ofthowcddlngwnsthofnct that tho marrlago took placo In tho new homo of tho happy couplo which tho groom had completed for tho ovont. Tho brldo hus long been n rcsldont of Enstsldo nnd Is known ns n young lady of cstlmablo charac ter and mnny oxcollont qunlltlcs. Tho groom Is nn employo of tho Smith mill nnd n man of sterling worth. Tholr many frlonds will unito In wishing thorn a long nnd hnppy mar ried llfo. II. It. FANCHOR of RoBoburg Marshlleld visitor. is a MR. and MRS. R. M. Jennings spent Sunday nt Bandon. DR. INGRAM returned yestorday from a business trip to Spokane JOHN today roka. KRONIIOLM . is homo" from a plcasuro trip to Eu- W. II. KENNEDY left Saturday eve ning for Curry county on a busi ness trip. WM. DENNING and wife woro up from Arngo light Iioubo yesterday, culling on friends, II. W. SCUDDER nnd O. P. Porsin ger and wife of Corvnllls aro regis tered at tho Chandler. R. F. WILLIAMS spont Sunday with his family who are camping at Cut lip's Grovo, South Coos Rlvor. J. W. MITCHELL and wlfo nnd Dr. Wnltcrs nnd wlfo spent Sunday on a combIncd''berryIng nnd bnthlng outing. MRS. W. S. CHANDLER is in from tho Chandler cottngo on Coos River nnd will spend few dnys In town. MRS. R. K. BOOTH hns Issued Invit-, ntlons for n houso party nt tb Bennett cabin nt tho Snnd Hills on Wodnesdny. WILLIAM WALLACE and grnnd son Enrl Stllwoll of Mnrysvlllo, Iowa, aro tho guests of II. D. Wallace nt his Catching Inlet homo. Times Does Job Printing The best business policy for us is to buy what wo can sell, giving duo consideration to tho quality and standing of the article considered. t The best business policy for ypu is to MS Buy What You Can Use And, buy it where you know that you will get value received for every dollar expended. Wo tako a great deal of prlda In that1 wo know that what wo 'havo to sell is always' of excellent quality," that our prlcos aro always most reasonable and that our sales forco Is composed of experienced and competent men who aro always glad of the chance to prove to you that the place to buy your groceries is Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones 85 and 305 J Tlnudnu'fl Now. SujM'rliitendont. II. L. Hopkins, n graduate from tho University of Orogon with tho claas of 1893, has been elected City School Suporlntondout nt Bandon, to succeed Superintendent II. C. Ostoln, who has boon olovntod to a professorship nt tho Monmouth Normal School.. Tho salary Is ?1200 a year. After gradu ation Mr. Hopkins took post grndu ato work at Oborlln Colloge, Yalo UnlvorBlty and tho University .f Chi cago , and thon occupied sovornl teaching posts, later becoming nBslstt ant presldont of Albany Collogo at Albany, Or. For tho last two years tho now supervisor hns boon asso ciated with his father In tho lumbor business. Miss Rodgers, who had been elected assistant principal, noti fied tho board that sho could not como, so Bonjamln' F. Cousins of Hndley, Pa., was elected assistant principal. Tho othor high school tenchor baa not boen secured. C. O. LANGWORTHY of tho Coos Bny Wiring Co., is nt Gnrdlnor do ing somo electrical work on tho Jowett rcnldonco there. MR. nnd MRS. J. C. MERCHANT enmo up yesterday from tholr bun galow nt Bastondorf's beach to spond n week in town. ARCHIE JOHNSON loft yestorday for San Francisco to spond a week's vncatlon nnd assist tho di rectors in choosing a slto for tho exposition. MR. nnd MR8. COLBY PERRY nnd Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Horrln of Port land wcro ovor Sunday guests nt tho McCormac bungalow on Soutb Coob Rlvor. MR. nnd MRS. F. E. LEEFE. MisBea Agnoa Hutchison nnd Evolyn An derson nnd Messrs. Ilayos Howard and Hugh Barclay formed a picnic pnrty to Coos Rlvor yesterday. DON'T be a Ready Made Man Whon you can havo a Suit mndo to your mensuro nt tho snmo prlco you pay for Hand-mo-Downs. Wo carry 320 samples of do mestic and im ported goods From which you may mako a selec tion, wo-will take your moasuro and guarantee a fit and mako your clothes to order for from $15 to $40 These Suits nro all finely tailored and In oyery way superior to rendy- mado Suits for which you will pay as much as theso Suits mado to your order will cost. Come In and talk It over with us. The Bazar nOUSB OF QUALITY rnoNis'M. DORSEY KREITZER, Mrs. Kroltzor, William Kroltzor, Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Housoworth, Mrs. DoFord and Mrs. Dixon woro members of a picnic party that spent Sunday nt Sunset, Bay. MRS. SARAH MOORE of Riverside, California, who has been visiting hor sister, Mrs. Alice Kruso of Isthmus Inlet, loaves tomorrow for Bandon whoro sho will bo tho guest of hor sister, Mrs. Roger O. C. GOING roturned this morning from Gnrdlnor whoro ho Instnlled tho furnlturo In J. E. Schilling's now hotol. Mr. Going says It Is a beauty and would bo a credit to n much larger place than Gardiner. MISS MAMIE MAHONEY returned Inst evening from Larson's ranch on Lnrson's Inlet whero sho nt-' tonded a Jolly houso party of young ladles. Othors in tho party nro Mrs. W. II. Kennedy, Mrs. R. K. Booth, Mrs. Harry Hunter, Miss Potorson of Sun Francisco. U. W. CHRISTIE and J. II. Hunter a prorainont real estate dealer of Eureka passed through Marsh field today on their way to Port land. Mr. Christie was on his way to Hoqulnm, Wash. Mr. Hunter will go to Nova Scotia to attend tho golden wedding anniversary of his pnronts' marrlago on tho 7th of August. MRS. E. O. PADDOCK and sister, Miss aortrudo 'Ryan, loft Saturday for San Francisco. Aftor a brief visit at homo they will leave for Southern California. Mr. Paddock recolved a message from Roseburg saying thoy mudo tho trip from Marshflcld to that place by auto In soven hours, Sheard gold bend THE GUNNERY, rifle sights at After the vbow try a Turkish bath" u X L I JMwitMt- "