nWiqtWs ""' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY -J 21, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 3 duy on tho Brenkwntor 'f or n Bhort Btny on Coos Day. Personal Notes You're invited W. J. SELLMER and wifo, of Ban don, aro in tho city; H. D. Wallace was in Eastsido on business Saturday. , Hi i rrr ' ' ' tf w . E'RE having a good-values party in het;e; fljis week' in a clearance sale -.,. "V"1,' rj-'- Va ' (R i. Hart, Schaffner & Marx furnish the goods We furnish the entertainment, T.VpU;fl have a good time if you come ( Here are th Htes:; ;. ; .;' $35.00 Suits $30.00 Suits $27.50 Suits $36.50 $22.50 $20.00 $25.00 Suits $22.50 Suits $20.00 Suits ' vT $18.50 yl$lso .. ... . . $15.00 .' '. jr Mi' . t" WOOLEN MILL STORE Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes ItBN SMITH of Coos Rlvor t Marshflold visitor today. Is Mr. Allen Jackson returned homo from tiio lodging camp Saturday. Something New THE GIBFORD ZIG-ZAG AUTOMATIC STROPPER solves the problem of the safety razor for It Insures sharp blades at all times, The Zig-Zag improves new blades even better than new, so that they may be used over and over, again and again, putting a stop to the needless expense of buying blades, PRICE $1.00 'tf For sale at the BUSS" CORNER PHONE 298 lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. LEADING DRUG STORE IN COOS COUNTY. ildB$& First National Bank OF COOS BAY AT MAItSIIFIEM), OREGON, Capitol and surplus and profits $107,000.00 Total resources 535,000.00 United States depository for Postal Savings. Does a general banking business, Interest paid on time and savings deposits, OFFICERS: W, S, Chandler, M, C, Horton, Dorsey Kreltzer, President, Vice-President, Cashier; s. DIRECTORS: ' W, S, Chandler, John S, Coke, W, U, Douglas, Wm, Grimes, John F, Hall, S, C, Rogers, F, S, Dow, W, P, Murphy, M, C, Horton, Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $100,000 Assets Oyer $500,000 Interest Paid onJTirne Deposits $P SNAPS IX HEAL KSTATK 80 n. nil bottom land, well, Improved on Co quillo Illvor, 3 mlloa nbovo Coqull lo City, will carry 40 cows, Prlco $12, 500. 1-2 cash balanco Mnio 1G0 n. 8 miles from Myrtlo Point on Rosoburg rond, 30 acres of which aro in orchard, consisting of 5 yenr old Gravonstoln trees In flno condition. Prlco $4,500. '$2, 000 down nnd balanco on tlmo at 7 por cent por annum. Call orwrlto J. o". StommlofT Myrtlo Point, Orogon. FOR RENT House of five rooms on Central nvo. West. Apply to Hn)l & Hall. Prlco $0,000, tonus $1,000 cash nnd $50 por month. Think quickly and sco: Title (iiinnmlco nnd Abstract Co. Houry Songstncken, Mgr. MRS. JACK UOWRON, of Isthmus Iulot, was a Marshflold visitor kto day. FRED SLAQLE, of Coqullle, Is in Marshflold for tho day. O. P. NOAH returned today'from an extended stay in Portland, W. R. HEYNETT and wifo of Mod ford, aro guests at tho Charidlor. MRS. A. KRUSE and her sister Mrs. Mooro, woro in from Isthmus In- - lob today. O. B HINSDALE loft today for tho. Umpqua River via tho Allogany auto route ALBERT SELIQ returned from a business trip to Coquillo on to- day's train. DR. CULIN nnd L. H. Hazard of Coquillo in udo a trip to Marsh flold by auto yesterday. R. E. SHINE, of Coquillo, was a business visitor in tho city yesterday. MISS ISIS MARSH will Icavo to morrow for a visit with relatives in Portland. CHARLES HICOX nnd Edgar Mau zoy lcavo next week on an outing nnd hunting trip to Pistol river. CLAUDE NASUURQ, wljo has boon qulto ill sinco his return from Curry county, Is ablo to bo out ngatn. FOIt KENT Dcslrnblo ItoiiHckccp lng rooms. No. 13fi-2nd street nenr Chdudlor hotel. FOItJSENT Close-in rooming house, Enquiro of, HOME LAND CO. FOIt RENT Furnished rooms and board in prlvato family. Closo in ' and in walking dlstanco to mil. j 'Address "E" Times. POSITION For-uum nnd. wifo with- out children. Enquiro Blanco Hotol. WANTED A good sized second Inuid offlco desk. X caro Times. RAFFLE Next Monday Evening Eight thoroughbred Jrlsh Settot pups at tho Busy Corrtor. Only 04 tickets, whatovor moro xvro 'sol J Monday ovonlng at eighty o'clock tho rnfflo will hold pnlyjfnpludlpg tho tickets sold up to that tlmo. Unsold tickets wilhnot parIc!pa,to in tho drawing. Tickets aro now on Balo at, tho Busy Corner and nt Ed. Richmond's Billiard Parlor. WANTED A niaa with 2,000 to buy 4 lots in Caplos .Addition, So. Marshflold, with cottago 22X30..' Lots Improved and producing ber ries and small fruit. Tltlo Guarantco and Abstract Co. WANTED Girl for general liouso work, Must have roforoncos. Mrs. O'Donnoll, Bunker Hilt. WANTED A Mum, Woman or Child, To pick up an exceptional bargain in a flno homo In heart of City. Tho Geo. Farrin homo In South Marshflold, consisting of a pioco of ground 100X140 feet, all lmprpv od, with largo nearly new bungalow 82,000 Cash to loan nt 8 por cent. Apply Hall & Hall. WANTED Woman or girlto ctwo for oldorly Invalid. Apply to Mrs. SengStackon. FOR SALE 80n. flno spruce, Q bust le noss lota In North Bond 21ri shoro II rnnch soutli of Shoro Aoros. grand bulldlngslte. Musi Ieavo Boon as inoBslblo. No roasonnblo otfor ro- fusedf TODD, 4Iool Oregon, No, Bond,. , , 5 a . TT ' - 1 . AUTO LINK Own t (if j UaW.v; Phqneai R,vafjqr,eftldalght 181X FOR ailMGr'taria 0 acro'la obW foC or'wlirfiut" upIa parcl"tp , vult. C? W. Sanford, Marshfleld, WATCH! NOTICE! Homer Mauzey, on of tho drivers nd tho solicitor for us is out for .laundry. Watch him I ho is llablo to stop you on tho streot and oxplaln all details of Laundry aud also to be at your porno any tlmo. He knows Laundry business from A to Z. Marshfiel Hand and Steam Laundry PIIONU 220-J v. IIARSHPIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEL TUB LLOYD Kates reduced to: Day 50c, 7Bo and 11.00; week $2.00 to 5,00. House jp'DB apartments with gas ranges W0.00 to $18.00 per month. FR ATHS-K. W. SULUTAN, Prt. ALICE H Tho Popular Picnio Boot. Now makes regular schedule on tho South Coos River run. Leaves Marshfleld week days at 3 p. m. Ar rives In Marshfleld at 8:46 a. m. Sunday, leaves Marshfleld, at 8 a.m. Return! at 6 p. m. . . LHVI. SMITH, Mastari, Don't Delay Your Canning Rush your orders atonco for ' APRICOTSflug boxes.., ?$2.00 LOGANBERRIES, crate 24 boxes $1.20 RASPBERRIES, crate ,2-i' boxes $2.30 FANCY STRAWBERRIES, crate- $2.80 Lockhart's Grocery Two Private IJhop.es 85 and 305 ' ' -i MISS VIOLET HENDERSON has re turned from a few days' visit at tho McCormnc bungalow on Coos Rlvor. MR. and MRS. EARL SAVAGE lenvo tomorrow for nn over Sunday vis it at .tho Norman Snvago homo on Coos Rlvor. 9. C. GOING left this morning for Gardiner whoro ho will Install tho furqituro, in Joo Schillings now hotol nt that placo. MR. and MRS. T. M. RtfSSELL ot Beaver Hill, aro visiting in Marshflold. J. A. COLLIER and J.' Wr i Rath burn of Copuillo, aro In tho cHy oa business. . J.' C. KENDALL mado a flying trip to Coquillo today, returning on tho , noon train. J. E. SCHILLING was down from Gardinor yesterday on a brief t business trip. J. F. STANDISH, of tho North Bond Lumbor Co., has roturnod from n business trip to Coquillo. MRS. F. C. DREWS and two chil dren nrrlved today for a visit at tho Arthur Drows' homo. SHERIFF GAGE loft on tho nftor noon train for Coquillo nftor sev eral days spent in this city on civil business, MISS GLADYS MAULDING of Port land arrived today on tho Broak wator to be tho guest of Miss Maudo Bowron until September. 4 LOCAL , GLEANINGS CHARLIE MERCHANT camo up from tho ranch yesterday and' ro- ports ovorythlng prosperous thoro nnd crops' looking flno. FRANKLIN BIRCH wont to tho Prouss rnnch yostorday to Join tho camping party thoro and to pilot .them homo for Sunday. HERBERT .ANDERSON of Califor nia mado n short visit at tho homo of his-paronts, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Anderson this week. CHAS. ESTERBECK was In from his Catching Inlet ranch today. Ho roports" haying in full swing and a fair crop will bo harvested. CHAS. MERCHANT, who has boon conflned to his homo with an at tack of plourisy, has recovered Bumclontly to return to tho storo. MRS, R. F. WILLIAMS nnd family havo established their summor camp at Cutllp's Grovo on South Coos Rlvor whoro Mr. Williams will Join thorn for tho month of August. BEN VAN do CAR loft yesterday for Medfor.d after a pleasant visit with rolatlves on Coos Bay. Mrs. Van do Car remained as a guest at tho Kruso ranch and will not roturn for somo weoks. MISS W. TETHRAULT, Princess Wah-to-Wasa, ownor of tho largo dnlry ranch at Sumner, arrived to- THE WEATHER, (By Associated Press.) OREGON, July 21 Fair to- 4 night and Saturday. Oonuniiuloii Services Thoro will bo communion services at tho Luthoran church noxt Sunday at 11 n. m. Father Dies G. S. Capps, foro mnn of tho Times offlco, who was cnllod to Portland rccontly by tho serious illness of his father, rocolvod n messago this morning convoying tho sad intolllgenco of his death in tho Portland hospital last ovonlng. Tho body will bo tnkon to Tnconni for burial. ,julru,v.u.. .v f Married In Portland Novs has reached Marshflold friends of tho marriage In Portland last Friday of Miss Edith Holmes and Ross ,0. Smith, two well known and popular young peoplo of Marshflold. Thtf ovent was forecasted in Tho Timed but they succoeded in keeping tho exact day and dato a secret from all their friends. They will rccolvo many congratulations nnd bo warmly wel comed on their return. Wants to Como Hack. W. F. lit mon is in receipt of a letter from father-in-law, J. F. Zloglor, who wf bo romomborod by many Coos Das friends, having spent sovoral months horo two years ago. Mr. Zloglor is now located at Tho Dalles whoro hoi has n fruit farm. Ho says it has boon' 110 and 112 thoro sovornl days, tho hottest and dry eat rfummor ho has ovor experienced. If ho could sell his proporty ho says ho would bo glad to got back to Coos Bay. Read the Times Want Ada PEACHES AND CREAM Well I should say Who wouldn't have peaches and cream at the price peaches can be bought? rr. . r