, ft-- ti'rT'Vvwv irqfr,'5w','fflVt'''",WP'W1:'1 "IT wv - T WiWWiJ I mi t t ,) it ii a r . r THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELP, QREqWl. , FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1911 EVENING EDITON. COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEY Edllor ami Pu. DAN E. MALONEY News Editor Address all communications 'to COOS BAY DAILY TIMES. Marshfleld it a a t Oregon An Independent Republican news paper published ovcry ovonlng except Sunday, and Weekly by Tho 0s 7 Times Publishing Co. i- n.lMiu.4 in tho Horvlco cf the people, tfeat no good causo Bhall lack a chalon, and that evil shall not thrive opposed. Entered nt tho postoflics at Marsh Hold, Oregon. "r transmission throng malls as second class mall mttr. PUBLIffl IS TELLING SUBSCRIPTION KATES. DAILY. Onoyear J6-00 Per montli B0 WEEKLY. Ono year I160 When pal strictly In advanco the subscription prlco of tho Coos Day Times Is f 5.00 pr year or $2.50 for six months. Omrinl Taper of Coos County OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF MARSHFIEId). THE JOYS OF THE SUMMEK VACATION'. THE dlscnBO of tho ago Is worry, overstrain, too much congestion' In tho montnl worshop. At least onco ft year every ono takes a romody. This Is tho summor vaca tion. Tho very nnmo clears tho montnl ntmoBphoro. Vlslojis of lake, rlvor, sea or verdant lnndscnpo nt onco conio boforo tho mind. "Who docs not look forwnrd to tho summur vacation? Its Joys could All a year; Its uoiioIUh volumes. Tho opportunity It given ono to got away from tho crowd, tho rush and roar of tho trnfflc, Its dust and worry, Is worth untold gqld. Tho fow dnyB or wooks you spend In nature's green fields, In her mountains, camp ed besldo hor lakes or tasting tho salt In her Boa brcozes will bring you back n now mnn. Wlmt magician can do this for you 7 No elixir of llfo has boon found ouporlor to nnturo. Sho alone pos bobsob tho Bccrot, a BOcrot sho will roveal only to those-who court hor In hor own realms, "Throb thou with nature's throb bing honrt," Bnys Emerson, "and nil Is clonr from cast to west." Tho auminor vacation glvos ono this opportunity. It cloanB tho dust froin tho over worked mind, gives It n chnnco to rost and rocupornto Itself, relnvlgor ntos It, Bippllos It with fresh energy And souds It bnck full of now Ideas, now oxporloncos, now Jovh and mem ories, clnrlflod and moro than ready to moot tho work of another yoar of thinking and planning. F. B. Tichenor Receives Scores of Inquiries Regard Coos County. . F. B. Tichenor, who Is a natlvo of r.nn County and nt tho prosent tlmo visiting hero In tho Interest of tho wnmnn nt thrf Woodcraft has bcon an onthuslnstlc boostor for this section, m (a nm.ln manifest by tho scores of lottors ho la receiving weekly from prospectlTO locators. This morning Mr. Tichenor received tho following letter: " ,'-l'i ' Mill City, Oregon, July 17, , '11' Mr. F. B. Tichonor, ' ,''--',''; Marahflold, Oregon. Dear Sir: Would you bo bo kind as to lnformj mn nt thn resources of Marahflold and tho best way that I could get In thero from horo. In closing find stamp for reply. Yours truly, Evorott Miller, Mill City. P. S. I am looking for a placo to locate This Is merely an cxnmplo of tho splendid results of tho valuo of pub licity. Tho work of Mr. Tichonor In this county hns been given oxtonBlvo spaco In theHO columns and tho .value of publicity through Tho Times and tho splendid propositions bohlnd tho statements, In tho shnpo of Coos County nnd Marahflold nro beginning to tell. PHONE T. 8. K UFMAN Ai 00 YOUIt COAL ORDERS Sl.no PER TON". A TIIItKISH HATH will do you ;0()l. Phone 214-J of Mm, whohavimomo Invcnttva nliltlty nlu4 wrltu MIIIXI.I'.Y A Mrl.NTDir, I'nlfiil Mlurnc, s AVu.hlntl.n, I). U ADDITIONAL PERSONALS $tMeUnsntt . tSroriUnil.Orrcoii X , TTTll.t.nt mi! n Rrhnol for Gilt. llTi ohtrMotHUUrtet 81. John npUil(Kplooplil ClluliU, Attl.ml til XUmUrr D.pirtaoU, I Until, Art, SlMitlH, Ojnmilin. I For cUlc tiitt Tlir. SIKTEIt HUI'KlUOlt I OMf fl.Bt. llli Ilnll I SAFE INVESTMENT For Information concerning high-class bond luvcstmonts, bearing 0 interest not, wrlto 0. B. Hlnsdalo, care J. II. Adams nnd Company, Los Angolos, California. T. II. (WAVES of tho Portland Oro gonlan, arrived In tho city today. B. MONDS, a 8outhorn Pacific mnn, arrived today on tho Break-wntro. m. M. QALLIEIt, floo. P. I.alrd and F. J. Fnby wnro among tho Bnn- donlans In tho city yesterday. Thoy aro all boosting for tho big Carnival to bo hold In tho CIty-by-tho Sea In August. hiioml Picnic. Tho nnnual lucme of tho Suoml Rocloty will bo held nt Knegrou'8 Grove on August 0. Watch for later nnnouueomonts. WE HAVE A LOCK LAMP GUARD that will keop you from losing that Mazda lamp In tho hall you havo had to roplaco so ofton. It Is thljf proof. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE saw Blanchard's Livery wo nave secured ilio Ilvory buat nogs of L, II, Holsuer ami nro pro pared to rondcr excellent sorvico to tho pooplo of Coos Bay. Careful drivers, good rigs and everything that will menu satisfactory sorvico to tho public. Phono us fur n driving horse, a rig or anything needed In tho livery lino. Vo also do a trucking business of all kinds. HLANCHAIll) BROTHERS. Livery, Fwd ami Side Service. 141 First and Alder Streets. Phono 138-J At Your Service Part of the electric lighting service which wo offer our customers without extra cost is not generally known. Correct 'illuminatwn is a science. It must be studied and mastered before the desired, results can be obtained. We place expert illuminating engineering, service at the command ofrevciy customer and prospective customer. 6uv object is not lb-Install the most lamps. On the' contrary, it is to give you the light ing you nccd;ittiy6 fewest lamps, prop erly arranged. .- ApricotsandLoganberricsforCanning PLACE YOl'K ORDERS NOW. PRICES WILL HE NO CHEAPER. Wo also havo a fresh supp'y of FRUITS and VEGETABLES for our Saturday trado. WATERMELONS PLUMS CANTALOUPES RLACIv AN1 RING CHERRIES GREEN PEAS ORANGES PEACHES LEMONS APRICOTS BANANAS FBF.S11 TOMATOES CUCUMBERS HEAD LETTUCE RUTABAGAS CAULIFLOWER GREEN ONIONS TUR NIPS CARROTS BEETS CABBAGE, FRESH TELE PHONE PEAS. TRY OUR PURE COOS BAY HONEY 20e PER LB. PHONE ITS YOUR ORDER. OLLIVANT & WEAVER PURE FOOD GROCERYMEN P1IONB 275-J- A GOOD PUCE TO TRADE. Corner 3rd & Central Telephone 178 r .Oregon Power Co. The BOSTON STORE Is The Place to Save Money You save 20 to 60 per cent on every article you buy here. H you want to save money, don't buy elsewhere until you hav visited the Boston Store, Open every evening until 7p.m MEN'S WORK GLOVES, gqnulno horsohldo and pigskin. OP Woro $1.50. Pair 03C MEN'S UNDERWEAR In medium cotton ribbed, blue. Was j C6c. Oarmont TTa5l MEN'S DRESS SHOES In ?4 to B grades. Uost styles. (fl 7C Pair y&tO AMOSKEAG APRON GINGHAM ia assorted chocks.' Regular 8 l.jc nnd luc. i Ynrd CI 4C WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR In Jcrior riuuuu. vuolb uuiy. Ct Values to BOc. Oarmont. . .dC WOMEN'S "SOROSIS" 4.00 Shooj nnd Oxfords. Widths tn jm AA to C. Pair tj)Z.45 DRAIN-C00S BAY AUTO LINE VIA ALLEGANY NOW READY FOR BUSINESS LEAVES JLRSHFIELD DAILY BOAT LEAVES ALERT LANDING, MARSHFIELD OjOO A. M. ARRIVE DRAIN 4 P. M. 8AME DAY. TICICETS FOR SALE AND INFORSIATION AT THE BUSY COR NER DRUG STORE, PHONE 208 m FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails From San Franchco for Marshfield Monday, July 24 INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 44 C. F. McQEORGE, Agent. THE FRIEND OF COOS HAY" S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS CONNECTING WITU THE NORTH BANK ROAD AT PORTLAND SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. EUREKA, FRIDAY, JULY 2 1st NORTH PaJIFIO 3TEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE U O. F. McGEORGE, Agent Don't Buy it Elsewhere if You Can Get it Here The Boston Store "EVERY ARTICLE A HIG BARGAIN" The Greatest Bargain Center in Southern Oregon EQUIPPED WITn WIRELESS STEAMER BREAKWATER ALWAYp ON TIME SAILS FROM COOS BAY AT O A. M. ON JULY 5, 10, 15, SO, 2, 7, 12, 17, 22 AND 27. SAILS FROM PORTLAND"AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE ON JULY S5, BO. Ia H. 'KEATING; AGENT PHONE MAIN 85-L Good Livery Service Fancy noy rigs, good horses and aroful drivers are now nt tho dis osal of tho Coos Bay public at REASONABLE RATES. Rigs or rigs with drlvors ready for ny trip anywhero any tlmo. Horses boarded and rigs cared for. New hearso and special accommo dations provided for funoral pnrtles. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLES PHONE 273.J We Work And Advertise To bring a customer hero the flwt time, after tlmt lio comes of his orn accord. You know why. REMEMBER There is no kink, or cue that we can't do. 'THINK IT OVER MARY." Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN 5T.J UNIQUE PANTATOR1UM Dying, Cleaning, Presslnc and Re pairing. Ladles' Work a specialty. Wo do all kinds of Hat Work. All work guaranteed or no char ges. Wo clean rugs, carpets and Laco Curtains. Goods caljod for and ueuvorea. suns .MADE TO ORDER. 230 CENTRAL AVE PHQNE 230-X ROSS (S, PINEGOR PROPRIETORS Have That Roof Fixed NOW Sec CORTHELL Phono 3121 PESAJIRTORY T R A. C. BURROUGHS, T Scientific Mnssngist, TroatB nil diseases OfTlco, corner Second nnd Contral Avonuo. Ofllco hours 11 to 12 a. m. S to 5 p. m. ' "TVR. II. H. MOORE, Chiropractor. Clironla Diseases a Specialty 203 Coos Bldg Phono 81-L Olllco hours 1 to 5; 6:30 to 7:30 Sunday 3 to 5 D ,11.' G. W. LESLIE, Osteopathic Physician Graduato of the American school of Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. Offlco In Eldorado Bile. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phone 161-Jj Marshfleld; Oregon. rR. J. W. INGRAM, ' Physician and Surgeon. 209-210 Coke Building hones: Office 102J; Resideuco 1021. J W. BENNETT, Lawyer. Offlce ovor Flanagan & Bonnett Bank larshueld Oregon TMt. J. T. McCORSIAO, Physician and Surgeon Marshfleld, Oregon. Dfflcos Lockhart Building, opposite Post Office. Phone 105-J ;arV? Don Kick Yourself For forgetting your, winter's supply of wood. Order now and be happy later. Dry Timber Ends While they last, we havo on hand a flue lot of DRY blocks for fire place and stove wood. ORDER NOW C. A. Smith Lumber &f Mfg. Co. Broadway Yards Phone 190-J Your Sunday Roast ;' , Wo have It ready for you. Sweet and Juicy. ROAST BEEF ROAST MUTTON ROAST PORK Union Meat Market Phono Us Your Ordor. Phone 63. Abstracts, Real Estate, Five and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Ofll:e Phone 191 Marshfleld Office 14-J. ' Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Gonsral Agents "EASTSIDE" FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBURG Our nutos, leaviug Mnrstifleld at O o'clock every iiiornlhg, con nect with tho evening train to Portland. . Faro $0.00. COOS BAY ROSEBURG STAGE LINE OTTO SOTIETTER, Agent, - O. P. BARNARD, 120 MARKET AV Marshfleld. Agent, ROSEBURG, Ore. PHONS 11 "tpnuccsapc jw...:. Ziutmii