Z25Smmmmpmi)-m"u .s-w'ywTrTTT? SRHMMB?? '' " ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULV 15, 1911 -EVENING EDITION. Summer Goods at a Hardware Store r Sounds 'a bit strango but It's truo. Wo watch tho seasons care fully And proparo for thom. JuBt now It 1b: SpnBBN DOORS , FLY SWATTERS SCREEN WINDOWS SCREENS FOR THE HAYFIELD EOl'TlIBS SNATHS . FORKS AND FOlt HVERYRODY Tho famous Whlto Moimtain Triple Motion Ico Cream Frcozor Oct ono and moko your own Ice-cream. )JClM FIREMEN PLAY E UN y LOCAL s GLEANINGS Personal Notes CHARLES JOHNSON was over from Cooston today. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. For twenty-four hours ending at 4:00 p. m July U, by Mrs. E. Mlngus, Bpoclal government meteorological obsorvor: Maximum CC Minimum 47 At 4:00 p. m 57 Precipitation ,nono Wind, Northwest; clear. ,! ! tt Let Us Talk It Over Suppose you were sick, wouldn't you choose your doctor because of confidence In his ability, training and roputation? If you had a delicate operation to be per formed you would choose a surgeon who had experience along the line wanted. You would get a specialist. We are making a specialty of the prescription business, that's the reason we want you to bring your prescrip tions to tho "Busy Corner." Our store is built up from the prescription specialists and we do not hesitate to say that we are entitled to that name, We could not maintain this prescription supremacy without sterling quality. We have the training, the experience, the repu tation and with tils we have always mingled the very bost In prescription drugs, We buy trie brand with the reputation. ' We not only make sure that the goods are standard we get above the standard whenever pos sible, When you bring your doctor's orders here you . are sure of competent, experienced service, the very best goods that money will buy, and a reasonable price, PHONE 298 ff LockhartParsons Drug Co. LEADING DRUG STORE IN COOS COUNTY. Fire Fighters of Two Bay Towns Cross Bats Here ' Tomorrow. Tho two Firemen's teams will con test on tho dopot ball grounds for supromncy tomorrow afternoon at r 2:30 o'clock. Tho gamo gives full promlso of being ono live contest. and It la expectod that a record-breaking attendanco will bo on hand to welcomo tho flro flghtors when thoy , '. HORN. strivo with all their might to lift tho ' Bphoro ovor tho boardB. Following Is tho porsonol of tho two teamss North Dond Marshflold Johnson c ,. ' Davis p Pennock lb Brlggs 2b Longstnff ss Sleop 3b BllYea rf Keating ct If sub. MAT MATSON of 'Catching Inlet, was In the city today.. ED NOAH was down Coob Rlvor today. from North E DLUFORD DAVIS was among Coos River visitors today. tho ARCHIE JOHNSON haB returned from a business trip to Portland. FRED MESSERLE and wlfo of Catching Inlet woro shoppors Jn tho city today. Heath Mooro Olln Nowlln Dralnard Smith Loomls Mlllor REICHERT To Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Rolchort at tholr homo In North Dond, Friday, July 14, n flftcou-pbund-boy. Mother and child nro doing well and tho fathor Is as proud of his only son as President Taft would bo If tho reciprocity bill would pass. J. C. SAVAGE, editor of tho Coqulllo Sentinel, was In tho city last evening. RAY WATSON, deputy county clork or Coqutljo was calling on his rfrlonds today. SCHEDULE IS Suapcjul Operations. Nows reach- Matson od horo today that tho Hurd Lumbar Cnrllslo nnd Navigation Company of Floronco Mauzoy.has suspondod operations. It is also roportcd that Porter Bros., tho rail way contractors, aro about to tako over all tho Hurd property. ANNOUNCED Balance of Season With Dates Now Arranged. Tho schedulo of tho games to bo Installing Doors. Carpontors Sav ago and Stutsmnn nro placing n num ber of largo doors on tho front of tho onglno house. Each of tho doors will havo a largo window at tho top which will afford plonty of light for tho In terior. Thoy nro being arranged so Games' t,mt t,10y wI" D,,on automatically nt limes oi lire. C. M. MONTGOMERY of tho Stand ard Oil Company, is homo from, a business trip to Portland. CARL STRIPLIN, tho genial night manager of tho Java Coffco Houso Journeyed down to South Slough yesterday for several hours. MRS. E. MINQUS and Mrs. I. S. Kaufman returned today Nfrom a visit with Mrs. J. T. McCormac at hor summer homo on South Coos Rlvor. After Cream. Two of tho mana gers or uio sunset Condensing Com pany of North Bc'nd went up Coos DR. 0. W. LESLIE loft today for Bandon whoro ho will ombark on tho Flflold for San Francisco. From thoro ho will go td Chlcngo and lntor to Kentucky and Missouri. playod by tho tenms In tho Coos Bay R,vor thls morning in tho motor boat Baseball League has beon announced j"Kld" ,u senrch of additional supply as follows: points. Tho condensing plant has July 10 Marahfleld vs. North bco oporatlng nt full blaBt for somo Bond nt North Bend. Sumner vs. ' tlmo uow nnd n shortngo of tho croam Eastsldo at Sumner 4. .supply nas rcsuitoa. July 23 North Bend vs. Sumner at North Bond 5. Mnrshflold Eastsldo at Marshflold G. August Q Eastaldo vs. Sumner nt Mnrshflold 0. North Bond vs. Marshflold nt North Bond C. August JJ3i North Bend vs. sii.m nor.'a"8umnor 7. Marshflold- ' vs. vs. MRS. J. S. EDMUNDS and Miss Mario Thomnson nro tho guests. jf Mrs. Edmund's sister, Mrs. Oliver Jory of Snlom whoro thoy oxpoct to remain for somo tlmo. FOR SALE Rooming house. Twelvo rooms. Well furnlshod. Cheap It sold soon. Inquire 171 North Broadway. FOR RENT 3-room houso furnished or unfurnished. Apply at 9GG 7th street. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. Cheap to parties with out children. Apply "0" Times FOR SALE Rst iwylne basl-css la Marshflold 1,000 swings it, euro tig thing. Apply to "Johnny; caro of Times. $1,000-Cash to loan at 8 per cent. Apply Hall & Hall. by ability nnd oxprlonoo. Man preferred. Address Loo Webstor, clork Diet. No. G, Etnpiro, Oro. WANTED Woman or girl to caro for oldorly Invalid. Apply to Mrs. Sdngstackou. FOR RENT Modorn O-room houso on south Fifth street, No. 921. All nowly paporod. Phono 314X2. Auto Lino Iltlsy. Tho Drnln-Allo-gany nuto stago carried a largo pas songor list out yesterday morning ITnd No Fish. O. S. Floyd, who nmong whom woro O. K. PIgg, II. J. was nrrested for fishing nt Ton Mllo Keown, Q. W. Goodrich, Wm. L. Grn lako without n liconse. denies tho ham. J. S. Humor. P. J. Vial. ' tllllillnlmfl olnrv Mm Jin fcn.1 n.t.r flat. . V. . . , .., .. uu utl uuu, jA-mruo unmet two loanuo canios I wnB not thoro on a flshlnir trln." win tin ninvn.i inmnrrnnr nnrnn Floyd Bays. "I wantod to soo n lnunuy tho four tenms comprising tho further up tho lnko and took a bont'eoos Bay Basoball Longuo. Ono of Eastsldo at Marshflold 7. lttM 1 rouna on tho sharo. I did the contests Is schedulod to bo plny- August 20 NorthBond vs. East- not know w"b "at it was and did od at Sumnor botwoon that club and sldo at North Bond 8. Marshflold vs. not Unow u ovon llold nny Ashing Eastsldo. Tho other gamo, which memo wnicn was ai me- pottom or . was to havo boon plnyod In this city, mo uoai. l wish you would uony tho story." Floyd's trial is. schedulod for tomorrow In Justlco Ponnock'o court. Two Injunctions Against City Are Issued In Lapp Case. i That tho tax-payers may, har somo understanding of tho pooulfar procedure that has been gone through with in tho caso of Joo Lv Lapp vs tho City of Marshflold, th attention of a Times' "representative was called to thoy matter this morn ing. .. Somo timo ago tho Lapp propofty, on Old Cedar street from tho north lino of Third street, wob to bo sold at public auction by tho city to pay for tho streot and various other assess' monts. It seems that at tho tlmo tho mnttor, was to como up for sale tho city attorney was not In tho city, county nor Btnto nnd would not ro turn for somo thirty days. Tho attor ney for tho plaintiff, E. L. C. Farrln, who, was formerly city attornoy at tho tlmo that tho Lapp proporty wan to bo Bold at auction tho first tlmo, selzod tho opportunity nnd got an In junction out ngalnst tho city and tho marshal of tho said city, etc. As tho first injunction was only a temporary one, tho placo was again advertised and was to hnvo been sold last Friday, July 14, 1011. This tlm tho present city attornoy, John D. Gos8, was not in tho state, inciden tally tho mnttcr ban boon postponed ngaln, incidentally another Injunction haB been Issued against tho city. Jubt what will bo tho result of tho mat ter 1b not known. Sumnor. at Marshflold 8. jSopto'mbor 3 North Bond vs. Sumnor at North Bond 9. Marsh flold vs. EaBtsldo nt Marshflold 9. ' Soptombor 10 Marshflold vs. Sumnor at Sumnor 10. North. Bend vs. Eastsldo at Marshflold 10. . Soptombor 17 North Bond tb. Marshflold at North Bond 11. East sldo vs. Sumnor nt Mnrahflold 11. Soptombor 24 North Boud yu, Sumnor nt North Bend 1,2. Marsh flold vs. Eastsldo at Marshflold 12. COAST LEAGUE RESULTS. AUTO LINE Tiara at any time. Phone 231 R, aftor midnight 181X WANTED Second cook. Apply im mediately at tho Chandler hotel. WST Nugget tlo put. Finder re turn to Times' office. FOR SALE New O-room houso nnd lot 50x140 at 107G Fourth street railway addition. Spring water, Will soil for $4,600 if taken at once. Address "X" caro Times. FOR SALE My farm OOO acre la ono lot or will cut up in parcels to suit. O. W. Sanford, Marshflold, FOR SALE Largo 1 3-room hoaso on 4 lots, So. Mad. Very doslrable. Reasonable for quick salo. Apply Mrs M. F. Campbell or phono 119L (By Associate Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) PORTLAND, Oro., July IB. Tho Boavors made good again yostorday whon' they camo off with tho big ond of tho scoro In a gamo with tho LHaganltos. Following nro tho official scores of tho gamo: At Portland Portland. . Vornon.- . , At Los Angolos Los Angeles, , . , Sacramento, . , At San Francisco San Francisco. . Oakland. ......... ...... R H 2 7 1 5 R H 3 11 5 12 R II 3 G 2 0 Mother Dying. Mrs. Warren ' of tho O. K. restaurant. received a roes sago this morning bringing tho sad Intolllgonco that hor mother was dy ing nt Santa Moulca, Cdl. ' - Will Fish Tomorrow. "Commo dore" McGoorgo, "Hen" Hugglns and "Dooklo" Chnmbors will dopart about daybreak tomorrow morning for Da nlol's Crook in tho "Commodore" speedy gasollnprr . "Got-Thro:' ' A now supply of flies and Ashing para phornalla has boon layod In and tho cblobrated anglors doclaro that thoy will brook all soason .records for big catches. botwoon North Bond nnd Mnrshflold will bo played at tho trnnBbny town. THE VERDICT is In favor of LEWIS' ICE CREAM. WhyT Causo It's pure. NORTH INLET ITEMS. (Special to Tho Tlmos.) John Bear was olected school clork at tho special election hold for that purposo last Monday. Tho Ingorsoll camp aro at work again attor a few days lay off In which thoy moved from tho lowor enmp up to J. H. Plnkorton'B. Tho wedding of Louts St. Donnls nnd Miss Floronco Ruth occurrod on Wednesday. Thoy aro North Inlot'a mooBt popular young peoplo nnd the community wishes thom success and happiness In tholr weddod Ufo. THE Wantod A want ad will sell it Harvest Fair at Rnndon. Tho Commercial Club at Bandon is making arrangements to hold n Har vest Fair and Carnival at Bandon during tho latter part of August in ordor to colloct a good exhibit for tho Orogon Stato Fair at Salem which will bo hold in September. A Commltteo Is busily at work solicit ing funds and no stone will bo left unturned In tho effort to mako tho carnival and exhibit a grand success. REAIi ESTATE "UNDER MARKET." A flno modorn .dwelling, bun galow stylo, all modorn, In cluding hot wator.. heating plant. , East front, bay vlow, lot grndod, close- to conter f 3,000.0 8 Modorn dwolllng, cornor lot D0x70, control location, good vlow, a "pick-up". , $2,180.00 Business cornor, Central and Second, best In town. .$15,000.00 Hnlf block West Marshflold, on tho flat, close In $3,000,00 Flno sightly residence lot, on hill in West Marshflold. . .$800.00 Sightly resldonco lots, South Mnrshflold, 50x140, flno bay view, unobstructed, cheap est lots In locality $ono,00 Now dwolllng, two lots, lovol, splendid small homo. . , .$000.00 Tho above aro only "samples." Investigate our list. It Is tho best and cleanest that can bo secured on Cos Bay. I. S. KAUF.ALVN & CO. You Won't Say Oh! Oh! My Corn If You Use Brown's Ruby Corn Paint Not more than two appli cations are required to give relief to the worst corn you have and in three or four days it will have completely disap peared. No danger or in convenience in using It, Simply paint it on after bathing the foot In hot Waten 25o THE BOTTLE Worth $5,00 to you If you have a corn, Brown Drug Co. Graduate Chemists, 71 Market Ave. 'Coos Bldg. PJiono 143 WANTED Girl clerk at Cigar Staud. Chandler FOR SALE a weR established mil Nnery business In Coqulllo, Oro., Will bo sold at a sacrifice if taken the next ton days. Address p. 0. Box 87, Marshfleld, Ore. ANTED-JTeacher qualified tot N'nth grade work. Balary Bororned FOR RENT Houso of flvo rooms ou Central avo. West. Apply to Hall & Hall. FORRHNT HOUSE with 12 rooms and bath, hot and cold water. FURNISHED flat with 0 rooms, bath hot and cold wator, gas range. Apply to ROnERT MARSDEN. (Those are In the best resldonco part of town.') You Will Find That It Is Business Policy For you to buy your groceries at our store. Wo put our reputa tion back of everything wo sail. You will And that our prices nro tho most reasonable. You will bo treated most courteously. You will recelvo tho best of sorvlco .and your goods will bo delivered promptly. Let us prove it to you that such is our REPUTATION Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones 85 and 305 Chittum Bark I will pay the highest spot cash for all the Chittum bark offered F. O. B. my warehouse at Bandon, Co quille, Myrtle Point and Marshfield F. S. DOW 4 i 4w 3 ..t i .,. i jii 1,,, '.tjibtLj . ,it -a. , ..AiabLi4...( &&& .fc.UtUUufel.i. icW.V mIa, igugyi