h e?' s 1(1 a ol i t&- 1 b - -?sinsrsmnr,sL - - " -- - - "" .-v Inoifn I Hfll SE ORDER WIKSJJ CASE Organizer Loses In Portland CaseAnother In Los ' Angeles. PORTLAND, Ore, July 12. Tho Orcgonlan Bays: "A decision In fa vor of tho dofendnnt was given by ' Judgo Kavannugh in tho enso of Itcy Blopklns, 'who organized ftho local lodgo of tho Loyal Ordor of tho Moobo last fall, against W. L. Ful tner, cx-sccrctnry of tho lodgo. Hop kins nllogcd that Fulmor owed him $1,445, collected ns Initiation fees bo tween Octobor 13 and October 29. Tho caso nroso as ft result of the celebrations which were undertaken while members wore being secured. J. J. Davis of Pittsburg, Pa., supremo organizer, ordered Fulmor, who was acting nt that time ns sccrotary pro torn, to hold all money rccolvcd ns Initiation fees from Octobor 13 to Octobor 29, tho dnto tho charter closed, his object being In ,thls way to tnnko IIopklnB pay nil oxponses of organization. Judgo Kavnnnugh hold that Ftil 'mor owes Hopkins nothing. A re cent audit of tho books of tho lodge lias disclosed that Fulmor Is In tho neighborhood of $1,000 Bhort. Ful mor declnrcs, however, thnt tho mon ey was lost In bookkeeping. Ho lins agreed to ninlto good tho amount. LOS ANGELES, July 8. James J. Dnvls, Biipromo organizer of tho Loyal ' Order of tho Moobo of tho World, Is dofendnnt In n suit filed In tho Su-I porlor Court hero by H. II. Illoom, formorly n doputy orgnnlror under Davis. Illoom asserts that Davis gnvo lilm oxcIubIvo control over tho terri tory west of tho Mississippi river, but Inter nppolntcd other deputies to work In tho snmo district. Illoom nBBorts thnt 20,000 members woro nbtnlned by tho other orgnnlzers nnd nsks Judgment against Dnvls for 984,000. Ho alleges Dnvls Is coming lioro to Intorforo with work In thin section, nnd asks thnt ho bo enjoined from so doing. ALONO Till: WATERFRONT. Tho Ornco Dollar nrrlvod In nt 11 n. in, Wednesday from San Frnnclsco. Tho Nnnn Smith, Ilrenkwator, Al liance nuil Ilodoudn crossed out Wed nesday. Tho speed boat Coos liny was out Inst night and Hindu several trips. Iltich work lins boon dono on hor engine Hluro sho wns Inst out and the improvement wns wonderful. IiibIoiuI of 'bucking", tho speed boat mndo twenty miles nu hour very oimlly nud w'th apparently no dlltlculty. Summer Itch Now Relieved, IiiHtnut relief for nil kinds of sum tnor Hid u trouble Is found In thnt Implo wash D. D. D. Prescription tor Kozoiim. Get n 25c trial bottle todny nnd prove for yourxolf tho me rits of this wonderful proscription. "Wo nlwnys recommend It for Summer Itch. Red CriHM Diiik Store. JUST A NKW.fclllP.MKNT OF THE FAMOUS Heide Caps rzssnxssn&itG&zsi All colors and all slroa, They aro tho standard of tho world. Up-to-date and nifty. PRICKS only noc c t.no. The Toggery Formerly Geo. CJoodrum. MOD CEIVED THE COOS BAY TIMES CHEWS ON THE SIUSLAW Wendling Pushing Survey From Eugene to Coos Bay. ' According to reports from authen tic sources Wendling has two larso crows of surveyors nt work survoylng along tho lino of his proposed road between Bugono and Coos Bay. Tho ', ( aniii in tin nrmnncnt and ,du..w - - , Is for a steam rnllway.. This tends i to confirm tho story that Wendling Is .r.rtslntr In rnnlunctlon With the Southern Pacific although this has neither boon confirmed or denied nuthorltntlvoly. In addition to his railway survey, Mr. Wondllng Is very nctlvo In tlm- 1 bor and other property along tho lino jof his proposed routo. Ho lins not only purchnsed tho 'big snw mill nt Acmo near tho mouth 'of tho Sluslnw, but with somo San Frnnclsco ns'soclatos has mado a tlm- bor deal that Involves over $1,000,-, 000 nnd mnny thousand acres of land j in i.nno county wnicu win uu i Jin a short tlmo. Tho llrst pnymoni .has been mndo nnd tho deeds nro In escrow In tho First IMIonnl Dank 'of Eugono. TIiobo In tho pool In 'cludo n largo numbor of Eugono peo- plo, somo of whom will bo mndo In dependently rich by tho sale. TO Local Fire Fighters and North Bend Boys Play Hero Sunday. What gives promlso of bolng n rcnl llvo bnBoball contest Is n gnmo be tween tho Flromon of Mnrahflold nnd thoHo of North Ilend, which Is to bo played on tho depot lot Sunday aftor noon. Tho gnmo will bo called at 2:30 o'clock. It Is urgontly request ed of tho fans thnt they attond tho contest ns tho proceeds will go to tho benefit of tho two departments. SUTHERLAND To Amiable Band of Insurgents and Soothsayers," He Says. (Dy Associated Prow to Coos Da Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 12. "To mh auilnhle bond of Insurants nd Soothsayers" nil efforts In bohnlt oi tho initio' ivo nud roforendiiin nnd tho recall provUlou of tho Arizona constitution were tracod by Sonntor Sutherland yoetorduy when ho ad drensod tho Sounto In opposition to an approval of tho Instrument. Will Veto Arloim Dill. illy Asuoelii'tud Prows to Coos Day Tliuas.) WASHINOTON. 1). C, July I. - ComluK from n conforouce with Taft Chalrnmii Smith of the Sennto Terri tories Commlttoo Kavo notice yostor dy that nu mnomlmont to oltminnto tho Judiciary recall provision In tho ArUona constitution was passed. Ho said that If the resolution wns adopt ed as it passed It would be votood. Havo your calling curds printed ai The Times office. i Saturday Evening July ism will bo tho last danco for 2 weoks nt Odd Follows hall. Hill's orchobtra will play nnd a good time Is Insured. Como and hnvo a good time. A LICK 11 Tho Popular Picnic limit. Now makes regulnr schedule on tho South Coos River run. Leaves J Mar8hfleld week days at 3 p. m, Ar rives In Marshfleld at 8:tD a. m. Suuday. leaves. Marshfleld nt S a.m." Returns at 6 p. m. LEVI SMITH, Master. 10 FIIIH PLAY SUNDAY ADDRESSES , HANSHFIELD. OREGON, FOREST FIRES RAVAGE CR8PS which swept across it Into yesterday. CALUMET, Quebec, July 13. Fire hns wiped out tho saw mills horo nnd tho thrco hundred employes nro trying to prevent tho destruction of tho town. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) ALPENA, Mich., July 13. Tho towiiH of Tower nnd Onawa aro re ported as bolng partly destroyed. Mlllorsburg suffered heavily. Laro nuo Is reported as wiped out. Motz poscn Is Bald to bo destroyed. Portion of Klrc Controlled. (Dy Associated Press to Coos D.u Times.) TORONTO. Out., Cnnnda, July 13. Superintendent Dlnck of tho Tomls innim nnit Northern Ontario rail road at North Day states that tho I fires In tho Porcuplno District nro un dor control. A. D. Miles, construc tion onglneor of tho Great Domo mlno, eatlmntes tho totnl loss of life nt two hundred. Conditions Still Set-ions. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times,) HAY CITY. Mich.. July 13. Tho flro conditions throughout tho north ern pnrt Qf this statu aro still serious mid will continue so until there nro rnlns. No towns nro reported ns be ing In Immedlnto dnngcr howovor. BUILDING GOOD HOAR. .. . .. ...... ....... tt... ....,., .... ni.i I 1'.. nniT) ikViiHiin imiin- " " Cooi Day Wagon Highway. E. N. Hnrry of Sltkuin wns In town Wednesday for supplies for his now rond camp which will be established this week In llrowstor Cnnyon. Tho rond rrnw will begin soon on n piece of rock rond which has been plnuncd In that section for two years but for which thu money hns not bcou avail nblo until this year. It comprises nbout forty rods of rond which tra verses tho worst pnrt of tho can;on, nnd when finished will put tho Coos county end of tho Coos Dny wagon road In very good shape for cither wagons or nutos. A second contract wns also lot for anothor section of rock rond nt tho west end of that which Mr. Harry will build. This contract was lot to Drnuo nnd Train, nnd Mr. Trnjn londed a freight wagon with supplies for his camp Wednesday and will begin work ns soon nu tho camp Is established. Sontlnol. Ill'SINKSS CJROWINtJ. Pioneer Grocery Adds nu Auto Deliv ery to Its Outfit. "I do not know nbout tho railway boom but I do know thnt business Is booming with tho Pioneer Orocory," remarked ivy Cnndrou this morning to n Times' reporter. "I hnvo been compollod to buy nn nuto dellvory to tnko enro of my growing trade No, I hm not In tho millionaire class," ho added, "I did not buy tho nuto for pleasure but for necosslty to servo my customers. I kuob tho people must llko tho prices and tho treat ment and tho goods that thoy got at tho Pioneer Grocery. Tho auto was purohnsod through tho J. 11. Mlluer ngency. Merchant & Son's Store to be Closed All Day Friday In order to make preparations for our 9th Semi Annual Clenranco Sale wo will bo closed for all day pre vious to tho occaslou. We promise to fnr out do any pre vious effort and will make this event tho most successful of our sorles of Seml-Annunl Sales. We will nsk you an to watch for our big annouuee mont In tho Friday issuo of tho Times read the prices carefully nnd uring your sups for comparison. The big feature of this sale will bo tho giving away of 10 beautiful pri ces absolutely freo and without any compensation. Seo big window display. . MKRCHANT AS SONS. Have your Job prlntlne don. Ta Ttme office. THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1911 BOYS M SUPPORT Team Promises Better Ball If Fans Attend. Thoro appears to bo no littlo amount of dissatisfaction on tho part of tho fans over tho two ball games played yesterday In tho Coos Day League. Tho players aro nlso voic ing somo dissatisfaction. It seems thnt both complaints nro Jubuhpu. Tho fans aro not boln? trcnted to tho best ball obtalnnblo. Tho players aro not accorded tho support for their efforts that they should. Captain Langworthy Btntcd thl mnrninir th n ronrcBeiitntlvo of "The Times" that ho will give tho people hero bettor ball than thoy havo so.-n fnr Rnmn tlmo If thoy will but rally to tho support of tho team. All that Is aBkcd of thorn Is tint thoy nttcnfl tho games and glvo tho team n chance to "produce." Somo raw mntorlnl lins been wont ed out In the Inst couple games and thus' far thoy havo failed to Bhow up to any ndvantngo. At tho present tlmo thoro nro sovornl moro now ap plicants for places on tho team. Two of theso look qulto promising. To morrow evening tho boys will get out nnd commenco tho wcok'B prnctlco with renewed spirit nnd will work with grcntor energy thnn horotoforo so that when tho "Ump" shouts, "Play ball" noxt Sunday, thoy will bo nolo to got off In n whirl. Ono of tho now recruits has had n world of cxperlcnco nnd will bo plnc cd In nn Infield position whoro ho will bo nblo to show up to good ad vantage. Doth inon, howovor, nro strong on tho stick work. With tho bnlanco on tho boys back who wont to tho beach Sundny tl'o local team will present nulto n formldnblo line up when they clash with tho Easc- sldors hero noxt Sunday. HOLDK.V8 AUTO LINK via Alle gany. Faro from Marshfleld to Drain $8.25. Loaves Alert's Inndlng dnlly nt 5:30 a. m. NORTON & 1IANSI2N, agents. Don't forgm tliu Turkish Dnths. PHONIC 2H-J. Real Estate Bargains 3 Lots closo In 92.UOO.00 Droadway property, closo In 98,000.00 Flno residence proporty In Wost Mnrshfleld ...i? 1,000.00 2 Lots on corner, closo to doop wntor on Kastsldo. . .ljt.100.00 Now House on A lots and cor ner iu Kastsldo 8 1, 200.00 0-rooni Houso nnd 2 lots nt Forndnlo S2,noo.oo 2 Flno lots nt Dunkor Hill 8:t7.'S.OO 100x100 corner South Mnrsh Hold 82,000.00 This Is only n fow of my bargains. Call and seo mo. AUG. FIU.KKN, (18 Con t nil Avenue, MArtdillclri, Oregon. rH. G. W. LKSLIK, - Osteopathic Physician . Graduate of tho Amerhan school of Osteopathy nt Klrksvllle, Mo. Office In Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to ; Phono lCl-Jj Marshfleld; Orogon. rR. J. W. INGRAM, Physician ami Surgeon. 209-210 Coko Dulldlng hones: Oiflco 102J; Residence 1021. J W. 11ENNRTT, Lawyer. Office over Flanagan & Dennott Dank larshfleld Oregon DR. J. T. McCORMAO, Physician nnd Surgeon Marshfleld, Oregon. Office: Lockhart Dulldlug, opposite Post O.llco. Phono 105-J SAFE INVESTMENT For Information concerning high-class bond Investments, bearing 0 interest ,net, write O. D. Hinsdale, enre J. H. Adams and Company, Los Angeles. California. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono 3131 - VBIIQ EDITION Our 5th Semi-Annual Clearance Sale Still On Specials for Friday and Saturday MEN'S' 82S.00 SUITS MEN'S 820.00 SUITS ,. .i. MKN'S 815.00 SUITS ..... MEN'S 812.00 SUITS MEN'S 85.00 OXFORDS MEN'S 81.00 OXFORDS MEN'S 8JI.50 OXtX)RD3 MEN'S $!1.00 OXFORDS . Hub Clothing MARSHF1ELD Flanagan & Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Profits Over Assets Over Interest Paid CONDENSED STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL DANK OF COOS RAY AT MAILS 1 1 FIELD, OREGON, at tho closo of business, Judo 7th, 1011. RESOURCES: Loans nnd discounts $180,015.32 Overdrafts .43 U. S. Bonds and pro- inlums 2C, 250.00 Othor bonds 77,412.50 County nnd school warrants 2,571.78 Banking houso, furnl- turo nnd fixtures. . . 82,080.45 Cash and duo from banks 100,585.12 8527,021.051 Cash rosorvo 40 of doposlts. W- Invito your attention to tho strong condition of this bank ai Indicated Id tho aboro utatoraont, also to tho porsounol of IU di rectorate. Does n gonernl banking business. Iutorost paid on tlmo nnd savings doposlts. OFFICERS: W. S. CHANDLER, President; M. C. HORTON, Vico-Presldont; DORSEY KREITZDR, Cashior. DmiJOTOHS: W. S. CHANDLER. JOHN S. COKE, W. U. DOUGLAS, F. S. DOW, WM. GRIMES, JOHN F. HALL, STEPHEN O. ROGER8, W. P. MURPHY, M. C. HORTON. of Hnu, who hnvo somo Intcntlre ability nlauwwriUtlllli:i:LKV .1 Mol.vrilllf, I'ltUalAllvrov., V.UIUu, 1, O, Blanchard's Livery Wo havo secured iho llvory busi ness of L, II. Holsner and aro pre pared f.o ronder excellent service to tho people of Coos Day. Careful drivers, good rigs and everything that will mean satisfactory sorvlco to tho public. Phone us for n driving horse, n rig or nnythlng needed In tho livery line. Vo nlso do a trucking business of nil Llnds, I1LANCIIARI) HROTHERS. Livery, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First nnd Alder Streets. Phono 138-J Would you like to have Electric Lights in your Country home? Find out the numbor of lights you would want nnd we will bo pleased to glvo you all the Information you ask. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PnONE 237-J. MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY nOTEL THE LLOVn Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 75c and 1,00; week 12.00 to 5.00. House keeping apartments with gas rnnges 110.00 to $18.00 per month. FREE BATHB E. W. SULLIVAN, Prop. ' 815.00 . .' 818.80 910.78 f.&O - 93.95 82.83 820 i 82.18 & Shoe Co. I1AND0X Bennett Bank Undivided $100,000 $500,000 on Time Deposits K LLYIHLITIES: t Capital stock. . . .9100,000.011 Surplus and profits. . 7,145.95 Circulation 25,000.0) Deposits 395,778.70 8027,021.03 WeVork And Advertise To bring n customer lioro the ftwlj time, nftcr Mint lio comes of W own accord, You know hy. REMEMREH Thoro is uo kink, or cno that w can't tlo. "TiriNK IT OVER MARY" Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN BT.J Good Liverv Service Fancy new rigs, good horses M rareful drivers nro now at the o . osal of tho Coos Day public at REASONA1JLE RATES. Rigs or rigs with drivers ready Wj ny trip anywhere any time. Horl boarded and rigs carod for. New hearse and snoclal accomni0' dations provided for funeral parti-1 W. L. CONDRON'S LTVERY AND FEED STADLEfl PHONE 278-J UNIQUE PANTATORIUK Dying, Cleaning, Pressing and R pairing. Ladles' Work a speclsltJ- Wo do all kinds of Hnt Work. All work gunranteed or no cbsf ges. "We clean ruea. ear nets Lace Curtains. Goods called for a delivered. SUITS MADE TO ORD 250 CENTRAL AVE PnONE 250-X ROSS db PINEGOR PROPRIETORS II IT "p?X'3 - - rmm. x