M ijiff'U'iwyrgy P fwi i1 " rvwp j-wHhpw ww t "vv w rmr' ?"" Vf 1- 'J(HT " r Tr T" ' TWj( THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULT13, 1911 -EVENING EDITION. H5r GOOD LIGHT BROUGHT 40 PER CENT MORE TRADE This exhibit comes from a large meat market and grocery in Oklahoma City that of the Yearout Market! "After adopting the Tungsten lamp for my store, displacing gasoline, and arranged ac- cording to the lighting company's plans, my ' i business has Increased 40 per cent. "I attribute this entirely to the improved .II- i luminationi which made the store more, at tractive and brought out the quality oWhe , . goods handled by us. These goods were not , . shown to proper-advantage under inferior lllu minatlon. (Signed)' N, R, Yearout," our Wfliv Business DeDartment Why not lei us try? - Telephone 1 78. OREGON POWER COMPANY Wlb ' It makes no difference to us who's who, Wo are work ing hard every day to give each Individual customer the best possible service, The utmost courtesy Is ex tended, The best posslble.goods are supplied, "THE BUSY CORNER" PHONE 298 lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. LEADING DRUG STORE IN COOS COUNTY. Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO INI) JOSSON CEMENT. Tho boHt Domuttlcund Imported brands. PUstor, Llnio, Drlck and nil klurta of builders material HUGH McLASN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. Abstracts, Real and Marine Title Guarantee and Abstract .Co. I IIICMtY SENGSTACKEN. Mgr. Coqulllo om e Phono 101 Marshflold Olllco li-J. Farms Tlmbor Coal and Platting Lands a specialty, Qonsrnl Agents "BASTSIDE" Parties Desiring Monu- ments to be Erected V. .!. io veil to call at tho Pacltle Monumental Works, South Dn iU.y tuid make selocflou from the lavgo stock now on hand. Ill T .I-..M linn f 1.x. ..1 11.. ....I.. ...... ImaI niniilila anil fll ....,..,, ,,am in HIM UIIl)IUy IJIO OIHjr limistuuil ""Hum mu m- nlte ru'ier In Coos county. Aud nono but tho host won; Is turned Hello! Hello! Hou-iwi,-, ul Marshflold 1100 TJ arsnnei Creamery Butter If your Brocer dooa not koop 't call up PHONE 78-J. p delivery 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. also SlElUZEl CREAM & MILK ICE, BUTTERMILK, COTTAGE CHEESE mav do as much for YOU. ', II I PHONE 201 Estate, Fire Insurance WATCH! NOTICE Homor Mauxey, ou of tho drivers nd tho solicitor for us Is out for -nundry. Watch hlui! ho is liable to Biop you ou the street and explain J nil details of Laundry nnd also to be ' at your homo nny time. Ho knows Laundry business from A to Z. Marshfiel Hand and Steam Laundry PHON-- U20.J. .ii Union Oils GASOLINE DISTILLATE BENZINE KEROSENE SAMSON GAS ENGINES and CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. Morehfleld, Ore. PHONE 302-J Mall Orders Solicited. WJh POIt SALE Must bo sold nt onco chenp, a flno now playor piano. Very easy torms. Address A. D. FOIl SALE At Rrcnt sacrifice, ono high grado piano slightly used. Your own torms. Mako mo an of' for. Address "H. G." caro Times FOIl SALE O-room house, corner ' lot 7090 West Marshflold, 1072 Andorson street. Apply on prom ises. WANTED Position iu foreman on ranch by married man. Under stands gonoral ranch work. Ad dress "E. II." caro Times' office. FOIl SALE O-room houso, lot lOOx 100 foot squaro In South Marsh flold, 084, 10th Btrcot. 'Enquire nt homo. FOIl RENT Dcslrnblo furnished houBokooplng rooms, 13G Socond street, near Chandler hotol. FOIl SALE A well established mil llnery buBinoss in Coqulllo, Ore, Will bo sold at a sacrlflco If taken Is tho noxt ton days. Addroas P. O. Box 37, Mnrshllold, Oro. FOIl RENT Six roomed houso on First stroot. Apply Mrs. A. Hut cheson. WANTED Socond cook. Apply im mediately nt tho Chandler hotol. FOIl BALK .My farm OOO ncrcs In ono lot or will cut up in parcols to Bulk O. W. Sanford, Marshflold, AUTO LINE Can nt nny tlmo. Phono 231 R, aftor midnight 181X FOIl BALE Largo 12-room houao on 4 lots, So. Mfld. Vory doslrnblo. RoaBonnblo for quick salo. Apply Mrs M. F. Campboll or phono 119L WANTED Woman or irirl to envo for oldorly invalid. Apply to Mrs. Songstnckon. FOR RENT Modern O-room houso on south Fifth street, No. 021. All nowly pnporod. Phono 314X:2. LOST Ucnr clnw watch charm, July 4th. Finder return to Jnck Carter nnd rccolvo reward. WANTED Toncher qualified for Ninth grndo work. Salary governed by nblllty and oxporlonco. Man .preferred. Address Loo Wobstor, clerk Dlst. No. 0, Empire, Oro. FOR RENT ftiriilHhcd rooms and bnnrd in prlvnto family. Closo In nnd In walking dlstnnco ta mill. Address "E" Times. WANTKDfr-flJrl clerk nt Chandler Clgnr Stand. FOR RENT Houso of live i-ooms on Contrnl nva. Weet. Apply to Hall & Hall. FOR RENT HOUSE wJth 12 rooms and bath, hot and cold water. FURNISH KI) lint tilth O room, Imih hot aud cold water, gns range. Apply to ROBERT MARSDEN. ' (These are In tho boet rosldonco part of town.) MODERN TWCSTORY HOUSE FOR , SALE Hard flnlaked, 7-room houae, oomploto and convenient In every respect. One hlook from now school house and close to oentor of E i TV t " IS NOW ON FOR Loganberries, raspberries, currants, strawberries and cherries. We are taking orders at the following prices: LOGANBERRIES per crate of 24 boxes $1.20 RASPBERRIES ... per crate of 24 boxes $2.80 CURRANTS per crate of 24 boxes $2.80 STRAWBERRIES, fancy .....per crate of 24 boxes $2.80 STRAWBERRIES, medium. per crate of 24Jjoxes $1.90 CHERRIES, (Coos River) per pound job Lockhart's Two Private Phones 85 and 305 Personal Notes j .1. 15. DAVIS of Coos River Is spend ing tllo day In Marshflold. P. D. LAYTON, tho traveling man, left for San Francisco on tho Re dondo. W. IRWIN and Wi L. Stucker of Minneapolis nro registered nt tho Chandler. MRS. EMILY MbFARLAIN Is In town from hen cranberry ranch on North Inlot. MRS. HERDERT ARMSTRONG of North Bond was n Marshflold vis itor yestorday. ALDERT GARFIELD. of Dandon was a pnssongor for Portland on the Breakwater, JACOB KAMM and Dr. Wyllo of Portland nro In Marshflold on a short vncatlon trip. A. J. MILLUS nnd R. C. Jollotto woro outgoing passcngors on tho Drain Allegany auto routo this morning. MRS. JAS. ELLERBY nnd her moth- or, Mrs. Mnnnlng, left on the Bronkwntor today for Portland. JAS. E. BERING of tho McPhorson Qlnner Liquor Company, loft to day for California on tho Rcdondo. MRS. I. S. KAUFMAN nnd Mrs. E. Mlngufl went up Coos River to day to visit Mrs. McCormao at Rock Lodgo. MRS. ROBT E. BROWNING nnd Miss Annn Melrose Browning loft ycBtordny for a stay nt Ton Mllo nt tho Bennett cottngo. W. B. SLEEP of Portlnnd nnd W. (3. Hnrdlng of RoBoburg enmo In yos torday from Portlnnd and nro guests nt tho Chnndlor. . A. TROWBRIDGE and E. W. Wright woro outgoing passongors on tho Drnln-Allognny nuto routo yoBtordny morning. W. E. BEST, mnangor of tho North When The Railway Conies IT WILL NOT BRING ANY BETTER CHOCOLATES THAN YOU CAN BUY town, Hot nnd cpld wator, gas nnd electric lights, telephone sower connections and etroot improve ments all In A bargain for ?3,000 Furnished complote, Inoludlng ?SQ0 plnno for ?3,000. No ngonts neod apply. Wrlto "Owner" Times'. ANTED A Rlrl for general house work. Apply to Mrs". W. U. Doug las, FOR SALIC I lota one-half block from now school houio. Water nud light. Good vlo , ?375, enquire O nor" care Tiiuea'. Grocery RIGHT NOW. Nfi SEASON Bend Mill, Is oxpectod homo to day from a month's business trip to California. . J. SIMPSON Is oxpectod homo ovorlnnd today, from a business trip to San Francisco, Southorn California and Portland. E. DEHRUNG, who was seriously In jured In a 8mlth-Powors camp re cently, Is roported improving and thoro aro hopes for his rocovory. MRS. and Mrs. R. C. Lockhart, who havo been vlBiting at tho Songstac kon homo, returned to Portland on tho Bronkwator yostorday. t FRANK TICHENOR loft this morning for tho Coqulllo valley towns to Interest thorn in tho Coos county exhibit at tho Oregon stato fair. DR. F. J. HAYES loft yestorday on tho Breakwater for Portland. From thoro ho will go to St.. Martinis Springs in Washington for a threo months' Btny. , MRS. J. N. NELSON of Marshflold is vory ill nt tho homo of her ' daughter, Mrs. Petorson In San Francisco. Sho has been confined to her bed for somo tlmo. MISS ANNA CLIFT SMITH of Dun kirk, Now York, pnssod through Marshflold today on hor way to Port Orford whero Bho expects to rcsldo for tho noxt year. MISS E. M. DUNNING and tho Mis ses Edith nnd Doris Moreen nro ox pectod on tho noxt Nann Smith from the south to spend a month , on tho Bay, MR. nnd MRS. E. A. EICKWORTH, Mrs. It. E. PInegor, Mrs. Chns. Knlsor nnd dnughtcr, Theodora of North Bond nro visiting nt the Will Elckworth homo nt Mlllicoma today. DR. nnd MRS. A. L. HOUSEWORTH will return to Mnrshflold tomorrow via tho Drnln-Allognny routo after a six wooks trip through tho east which included stops nt Buffalo, and Atlantic const points. JAMES J. SAYER, olllclnl roproson tntlvo of tho Oregon Dovolopmont Lenguo, loft this morning for Myr tlo Point nnd othor vnlloy towns to InvostlKnto conditions nnd gather dntn nnd information for tho lenguo. J. O. DANIELS nnd daughter, Minn Morlo enmo in by wny of Drain yostordny on tho Coos Bay-Drain nuto line. Mr. Daniels nnd dnugh tor rosldo in Whlttlorj Cnl. Boforo arriving hero they mado extended visits nt both Portlnnd and Snu Frnnclsco. At proHont they nro visiting with Mrs. J. II. Prlco nt Allegany. & LOCAL 4 GLEANINGS THE WEATHER. (By AaauolatQd Press.) OR.KGON, July 18. Fair tonight, and Friday cooler ex- copt near ooaat. ... LOOAL TIOIPHRATURE RE- PORT. For twenty-four hours euding nt 4:00 p. m., July IS, by Mrs. VS. Mlngus, 0olnl govornment meteorological obwrver: Maximum ..,...,. 71 Minimum '40 At 4:00 p. m 01 Precipitation none Wind. North woet: dear. I HORN. .OROSSBN To Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Croseen, Wedneaday, July IS, at their homo In South Marshflold, a girl. Mother and child nro doing well. Quiet Wedding, Lowls St. Dennis ! and Miss Florence Ruth of North In- lot were quiouy mnrneii uy juugo Hall at his office Wednesday morn ing at 11 o'clock. Young Peoplo Meeting. Tho Baptist Young People's Union will hold their regular monthly business meeting at tho Baptist church, Fri day evening nt 8 o'clock. All mom bers are requested to bo present. Annual Excursion, Tho Epworth leaguo of the Methodist church hold a business meeting nt tho church last evening and decided to hold their nnnual picnic nt Charleston Day oa Wednesday, July 10. Miss Taylor Resigns Miss Sylvia Taylor, who has been omployed In tho offlco of tho O'Kolly Launch Com- pnuy for somo tlmo past, resigned her position yestorday to work in the Snyder hotol. No ono has succeeded hor yet nnd ns a consequenco Mr. O'Kolly Is "dolled" up and passing out tickets nnd candy In the office and storo. Rack From Curry County. Clauds NnBburg and Rubb Towor returned via tho const routo from Curry coun ty last evening. Tho nuto In which they mado tho trip broko down near tho Prouss ranch and another mack lno brought thom homo. Tho Port land parties who accompanied thom returned to their homo by another routo nftor looking ovor tho real cBtato conditions in this section. Sprain Wrist. Gordon RaBsmui' son whllo pitching hny at his grand father's ranch on Larson's Inlet, sprained his right wrist which neces sitated his coming to town for medi cal treatment A nophow of Albert Colver of Catching Inlet received tho snmo Injury from tho snmo cnuso at the samo tlmo nnd tho accidents will probably cauBo two vacancies In th rnnks of local baseball players. Auk Injunction. Judgo Coke heard today tho nrguraont In tho ap plication for n temporary Injunction filed by proporty owners In Myrtle Point against tho city nnd J. J. Burnt, contractor to enjoin tho grading of cortaln Btreots. Tho attorneys for tho plaintiffs wore C. B, Solby and J. O. Stomlor. Tho city attorney of Myrtlo Point, L. A. Roberts. The city did not resist tho application. To Form Association. Tho gradtl- ntos of tho four year courso of the Marshflold high school will meot noxt Friday ovonlng nt tho homo of MU Mnrjorlo Cowan to offoct an organiz ation. Thoso entltlod to belong to this society nro, Miss Mnrjorlo Cownn, Miss Bcsslo Coke, Miss Slgnn Holm, Miss Alpha Mauzoy, Miss Nolllo Trlbboy, MIbb Allco Curtis, Miss Bol va Flanagan, Miss Mary Hanson, Erlo Bolt, John Forguson, Joo Bennett. Mayfleld Located. E. J. Mnyflold has wrltton to friends In Marshflold that ho Is pleasantly lncntod in Oak land, California, and that ho and Mrs. Mnyflold nnd tho. baby nro enjoying tho best of health. Ho says concern ing tho sltuntlou In tho Bay City that "things nro rather quiet along most linos hero, and most people nro of tho opinion that it's tho non-decision of tho "Exposition slto" that Is caus ing n delay in construction In gener al, for ns soon ns samo Is decided upon tho business will tnko an entire ly now turn." C. B. POWERS of the Marshflold Grocery, Is confined to his bed with an atjaclc of Inflammatory rhouma tlsm. Eric Bolt Is In ohnrgo of tho store during his llhioss. FOR SALE lktst paying biifluess In Murshflold ,$1,000 swings It, sure big thing. Apply to "Johnny" cara of Tlmo. wmem9Mtw.trmm Vacation Days call for Cold Cream, and Our Cold Cream is about the only toilet preparation that answers the call. Hot Dry Parching Winds dry the Skin, Dust fills the pores and najure cer tainly needs help to keep the skin naturally soft and smooth, Our Cold Cream supplies just the natural amount of oils to keep It right, Keep your Face and Arms in good trim, You can with a little of B. (8b S. AntiisepLic COLD CRJEAM 25 c and 50c Per Jar Brown Drug Co. Graduate Chemists, 71 Market Ave. Coos Bldg. Phono 141 -- r.i., uaii. I ''tlAfcur ifi'n i .jj .. tahtA -. d.taU -. . ml -.'tft.it if Vf-l L,.Ji i