THE DISCARD GROANS WITH FIRST CLASS CARDS THAT SIMPLY DIDN'T f IT A' (Unm YOUR. ADS CARRYING ......... oinroiicivs. should nppcnr US SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's advertising spnoo In n newspaper, compared with tho spneo used by other stores, should doflno its compiirntlvo inipirrtnnco Ju tho community! Does your storo's ad vcrtlslng spaco do that? 1 regularly ns docs tills newspaper. If n newspaper omitted nn Issuo now nml tiicn even for so weighty a ron boii ns fearing Imt It might rain JP&M it would not bo a good newspaper. MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESB VOL XXXIV Established In 1878 as Tho Coast Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY 13, 19tf EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times. Coast Mai! and Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 155 ExmtB i.ti Vi ii x n m urn FOREST FIRES IN THE EAST . RAVAGE CROPS-CLAIM LIVES Twin Cities of Oscoda and Au Sable Are Wiped Out. LOSS AGGREGATES MILLION AND A HALF Flames Leaping Tracks Stop Rail Connection With the Burned Section. Last roportB stnto.thnt tho wind has died down to ton miles per hour, incidentally tho Arcs nro Rotting tnincr bo that thov can bo put undor control. ' (By Associated PrcBB to Cooa Day Times.) NORTH RAY, Ontario, July 13. As a result of forest flroB In Northern Ontario, thirty Hvcb aro known to liavo boon lost and many persona In jured. It Ib bollovcd tho casualties will number hundreds. A hospltnl train Is now on Its way Ho. Iroquois Falls. Fire Wipes Out Twin Cities. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay TlmeB.) BAY CITY, Mich., July 13. Tho twin towns Oscoda and Au Sablo, op posite each other nt tho mouth of tho Au Sablo river, with n comblnod pop ulation of olghloen hundred, aro In nshcB whllo such of tho Inhnbltnnts ns liavo not escaped on board tho steamer Kongo or rollof trains, nro Rholterlesfl In tho awninps' and fields about tho still burning towns. No loss of Ufa Is reported though thoro Is much suffering nnd a Bhortngo of food. A fifty mllo galo carried tho flro rapidly through that section. From reports received today, tho flro swept tho region of tho Au Sablo river country, tho estimated losses al ready nggrogato a million nnd n half dollars. A high wind was gonoral throughout Northern Michigan last night and from many sections canio tlio reports of heavy flros bolng fan nod to hugo proportions by breezes estimated to havo forty to Blxty mlls velocity. A number of towns nro la danger and all tho residents nro out fighting tho approach of flames. Oi coda and Au Sablo nro practically wlpod out. Crops Hnvnged by Flames. (By Associated Pres3 to tho Coos Bay Times.) PETOSKEY, Mich., July 13, With flames lonplng tho track In tho Tanmrack swnmp at Boyno Falls, trafllc on tho Grand Rapids and In diana railroad Is tied up. Flames swoeplng wost through Antrim and Otsego nro entlng up tho crops and buildings. It Is feared somo lost their lives. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) RAY CITY, July 13. Mlllorburg s said to bo threatened. At Rich- mond forty cars and bridges burned. At HaakRoad a brldgo wnsnlestroyod. Beavor mnnri. , ci,.tini, t,a. townhall and several other buildings The Are Is near Royne City. Forest fires are burning near Grayling. West Branch, Wolverine, Roscom mona, Gaylor and Muchana aro towns for which nnxloty Is felt hero for the district to tho north whero tho forest flros have been burning. Thoro Is no wire communication to many of the points north of here. Small Towns Wiped Out. Mill" Hums Fnntf lies Homeless. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.)- ST. JEROME, Quebec, Canada, July 13 Twenty-soven families aro homeless here and tho entire business 'ttouwaswlpedout'by the flro w (Continued on page 4.) FIVE HUNDRED GREAT 'BILLOWS OP FLAME SWEEP CANADIAN FORESTS PROPERTY AND LIFE IX)SS TREMENDOUS. (By Assoclatod Press to Coos Bay Times.) TOItONTO, Ont., July 13. Vast billows of flro miles In length con tinned today to roll through tho enmps, woods nnd brush of tho Por cuplno Vnlloy mining district of this provlnco and tho regions to tho north. Unverified reports contlnuo to swell tho number of fatalities uoino estimates aro as high as llvo hundrod dead. Tho flnnnclnl losses roprosont hugo sums. Only with tho return of tho rollof expeditions and reestablish mont of tho railroad tolograph sor vice will tho full extend of tho dis aster bo accurately known. E LETTER RUNT "Dick to Dick" Missive May Not Be Submitted as Evidence. (By Assoclatod Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 13, Secretary of tho Intorlor Fisher was tho most conspicuous prospective witness present whon tho Houso Com mlttco on Expenditures In tho Inte rior Department rcnssomblod today to inqulro Into iho nllogod nttompts of tho Guggonholms or othor Interests to monopollzo Alaska. Miss M. F. Abbott, a nowspapor wrltor, who claims to havo discover ed tho "Dick to Dick" letter regard ing Controller Bay, may not bo call ed to testify for several days. Though not subpoonaod, FIshor was allowed to make n stntomont nnd.declarod his conclusion that tho public interests had not boon Jeopnrdlzodby anything dono In the Alaskan coso. (By Assoclatod Press to Coos Bav Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Jdly 13. FIshor asked tho committee to hasten tho Inquiry Into tho nllogod "Dick to Dick" letter which cannot now bo found in the dopartmont files. W. P. 'Fennoll, counsel for tho committee, replied thnt tho lotter was not of bo much interest ns aro tho facts. "It was within tho power of tho President," added Fennoll, "to throw theB0 lnnds onon to nl1 B0 tnnt tho race wou, D0 xo ino 8W,U' u,u u wna not dono that wny lt wns ljnown onl' t0 a few nnd thoso few n,rendy havo obtained a monopoly of tho mineral rights In that territory. That is what we want to investigate." FIshor said that ho wanted the In quiry to end in regard to tho lotter because if there was any man in the service who would abstract a public document he wanted to know It. ELECTED ON FIRST BALLOT. - (By Associated Press.) . ATLANTA, July 13. Govern- or Hoke Smith was elected United States senator from G.oor- gla on tho first legislative joint ballot today. If you have anytning to sell, trade, rent or want help, try a want ad. I S GOVERNMENT JOJAKE INQUIRY Investigation of Retail Lumb"eriraany ftttomnts t0 monopolize tho Associations W Be Commenced thorities. Shortly by Au- (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C July 13. Following closely on tho heels of tho criminal action against tho Retail Lumber Dealers Association of tho' west nnd tho civil nnd trust action ngnlnst retailers of tho cast, tho gov ernment now hns dotormlucd upon n thorough Inquiry Into tho methods of wholesaling lumber, tho National Lumber Association of which Edward Illncs of Chicago Ib tho Past Presi dent nnd a director will probably bo ono of tho first In tho Investigation. It has been represented that tho retail lumber dealers who havo boon under flro by tho government nnd the manufacturers who wero maintaining agrcomontB to curtail tho manufac tured lumber so as to Incrcnso tho de mand nnd tho prices, thoro has been City Council Accepts Combina tion Bid at 5 1-2 Per Cent For $35,000 Bonds to Pay Outstanding Warrants. At tho last mooting of tho North Bend city council tho bid of tho Con tinental & Commercial Trust & Sav ings Bank of Chicago and Davis & Struvo Bond Company of Scattlo, for tho $3G,000 bond issuo to clear up outstanding warrants, wns nccoptcd. Their bid wnu par and Interest plus 32.00 with Interest at GW por cent tho bidders to furnish tho bonds. Tho othor hlddors woro: Morris Bros., Portland; a premium of J7t0 bonds to draw G por cont. T. L. Bolsokor, Fcssondon, North Mystic Ones Select California City For Next Year's Grand Session. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) ROCHESTER, July 13. Tho Mys tic Shrinors In session hero today elected tholr olllcors nnd soloc'ted Los Angolos for noxt year's meotlngj place. Following are tho offlcers ojected: Potentnto John Frank Troat, Fargo, N. D. Doputy potentate Wra. J. Cun nlnghnm, Baltimore, Md. ' Chief rnbban W. W. Irvln, Wheel ing, W. Vn. Assistant rabban F. R. Smith, Rochester, N. Y. High priest nnd prophet J. Put nam Stevens, Portland, Maine. Oriental guide H F, Nedrlnghaus, St. Louis. Treasurer W. S. Brown, Pitts burg, Pa. Recorder B. W. Powell, Boston, Mass. First ceremonial master Charles E. Oversblre, Minneapolis, Second ceremonial master E. J. Jacoby, Indianapolis. Marshal W. Freel .and Kendrlck, Philadelphia, Captain of guards Ellis L. Gar retson, Tacoma, Wn. Outer guardWilliam J. Mathews, New York City. . MADAME T3AMES MARRIES. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PARIS, France, July 13. Madame Emma Eames and Emllllo De Gogor za wero married today, WINERS TO LOS ANGELES supply 01 curium kiuuh ui iiiuiuor in certain sections of tho country and that In somo soctlons a uniform price hnB boon maintained from which has resulted In Increasing tho prices twen ty por cent in tho last two years In tho faco of decreasing demand. Attornoy General WIckcrshnm, it Is said, Intends to push tho Investiga tion of tho retailing nnd wholesaling methods whllo tho civil suit against the Eastern States Retail Lumbor Dealers Association nnd tho criminal Indictments against fburtcon secret aries of ns many rotall associations In tho west nro ponding twolvo cons tituent organizations which nro said to control largely tho manufacturer lumber from logs nnd compose- tho Nnttonnl Lumbor Manufacturers As sociation. E. O. Griggs of Taconn, Wash., is tho president of tho asso ciation;; R. II. VanSnnt, Ashland, Ky.; A. Freeman, Tacoma; Georgo K. Smith St. Louis and Lconnrd Bronson, Tacoma, nro Its othor o di cers. Lumbermen from tho western and southorn states comprlso Its board of directors and govornors. SELLS ITS B Dakota, bid par, Interest to bo G por cont. J. II. Causey & Company of Den ver, bid $710 for G por cont bonds nnd $19 premium for 56 por cont bonds but thoy required Interest nnd prin cipal payablo in Now York. Othor business transacted was au thorization of city wharflnger to placo nddltlonnl cleats on wharf for launches. City Clerk Derbyshire wns author ized to purchnso 100 foot of hoso to clean the streets. Street committee will plank ton foot wldo from Shorman avonuo to brldgo on California. Also to lay 2 In. plank 1G In. wldo across Shorman avonuo brldgo at Florida street. Usual bills woro allowed. 270 DIE IN T In New York City Almost Three Hundred ' Perish. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay TlmeB. NEW YORK, N. Y., July 13. A break In tho heat nndo ltsolf felt hero today although llttlo real com fort Is In prospoct until tomorrow. Thoro woro ' thirteen deaths last night making n total for tho ten days from tho heat, 270, beating all pre vious records. South Slough Resident Ap- pears to Be In Bad. (Special to The Times.) COQUILLE, Ore., July 13. The trial hero yesterday of J. M. McICeu zlo of South Slough, charged with drawing a gun on a neighbor result ed In. a curious mix up boforo tho trial, was conclulel. The defendant wns not only released from custody hut one, of tho State's witnesses was sent to Jail for contempt of court. It seoms a few days ago lt was brought to attention of Prosecuting Attorney Liljeqvlst that "Mac" Mc Kenzle had drawn a gun on one of his neighbors. A warrant was sworn out WEEK PRISONER FREE; WITNESS JAIL LA FOLLETFE DENOUNCES ROLD FARMERS INSTITUTE HERE Oregon Experiment Station Will Conduct Sessions In Marshfield. Tho first Farmers' Instltuto over hold In Marshfield will take placo next Monday July 17 undor tho auspices of the Oregon Experiment Station and undor tho personal direction of James Whlthycombe. Thoro will bo throo sessions, ono nt 10 a. m.; at 2 p. m , nnd at 7:30 p. m. Tho meetings will bo hold in tho Mnrshfleld Chnmbor of Commorco and tho topics treated will bo "Dairying," "Soils," "Agrlcui turo and Livestock Husbandry." Tho following lottor of Director Jnmos Whlthycombo to P. M. Hnll Lowlo, mnklng tho announcement, la solf explanatory and gives tho de tails: "Mr. P. M. Hall-Lowis, Mnrshfleld, Oregon. My Dear Sid: Wo expect to bo at Marshfield on July 17th. Wo would llko very much to havo this meeting well ndvortised among tho farmers and dairymen of your local ity, nnd wo alno will cxpoct tha local pcoplo to provide n hall. Wo destro to hold threo sessions, boglunlng nt ten In tho morning, nnd nn afternoon and a night sosston, tho night session to bo mnlnly-a storcoptlcon Illustrat ed locturo showing various typos and Breeds of llvo stock, principally dairy cattle Thoro will bo throo depart ments represented, nnd tho head of each dopartmont will bo presont, honco tho pcoplo will have an oppor tunity to meet our strongest men 2n tho different lines. A soil oxport will bo along nnd ho will take up various phnscs of soil work rotating to crop production, Including fruit lnnds, If necessary. Our expert dairy man will also bo present und ho will tako up various phases of dairying, Including rations for dairy cows, stabling, gonornl manngomont nnd caro and testing of milk. Wo wnnt thoso Institutes to bo ns Interesting and profltnbfo to your 'fnrmors as wo can mako them! honco would llko to havo as ninny of them present as possible Slncoroly yours, JAMES WITHYCOMBE." Instltuto at Myrtlo Point. A Fnrmors' Instltuto and Stook show will bo hold In Dixon's Grove. Myrtlo Point, on Tuesday, July 18. Tho commltteo has arranged for pre miums to bo awarded to tho best ani mals exhlbltod in tho different clas ses and stnhlo nnd yard room will bo furnished froo for animals on exhibi tion. Three representatives of tho Orogon Agricultural collego will be presont. Prof. F. L. Kent will address tho farmers on dairying, Prof. E. L. Potter on live stock nnd II. C. Scud der on soils and crops. A basket din ner with freo coffoo will bo served nt noon. Tho committee In chnrgo of tho occasion Is composed of J. R. Ben son, L. Strong, J. L. Laird, Percy Ward, Dr. J. L. Masson. by Mr. Forrel of South Slough, and Sheriff Gago gathered In tho nllogod pirate with tho big gun and sevoral witnesses. , Tho trial was before Judge E. D. G. Holden and among the witnesses was one Frank Elliott bettor known ns "Klondike" This witness said ho know things about tho case but ho didn't propose to toll 'em until ho was paid. Ho knew his rights and was prepared to assort thorn. Ho got "real sassy" with tho court abused tho sheriff and treated and I sacred tomplo of Justice as If it wero a clown's court or a fishwives mar kot. After exhausting the court's patience the recalcitrant "Klondike was sent to Jail and tho prlsonor at the bar was dismissed, told to go his way and gun no more. CANADIAN RECIPROCITY Senator LaFollette of Wiscon sin Claims Measure Means Fight. 3 ASSERTS BILL VIOLATION OF REPUBLICAN PLATFORM "Measure Unjust to 30,000,-. 000 People," Says Senator. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay, Times. i WASHINGTON, D. C, July 13. . LaFoltotto in n Bpccch agalpst reci procity today reviewed net by act tho administration of Tnft and In ua spnrlng terms declared that tho con test involved was a light "botweort plain pcoplo and n contcdorntcd privi lege." "Consldorod as a measure of reci procity," said LaFoltotto of tho Cnna dlniivngrcomcnt, "lt violates ovory; tariff prlnclplo of reciprocity hereto fore expressed In tho platform decla rations of tho Ropubllcan pnrty nnd recommended by formor Ropubllcan presidents. Considered ns n tariff bill, it violates ovory tariff prlnclplo and platform promlso upon which William II. Taft was olectod presi dent. "Reciprocity Is n popular catchword, and tho President seized upon it. Ho mndo an oxccutlvo com pact tho banlB, hot of tho. reciprocity treaty but or tho tariff bill. Upon this fatso basis he- seoks to forco ' It through congress without an amend ment or chnngo. As n troaty lt should liavo foino to tho Sonnto for ratification. Abu tariff bill it should have been consldorod by tho Houso nnd Senate with duo regard to ovory Industry affected nnd sub ject to whntovor nmondmont Is re quired to mako it a fair and Just leg islation. "In lcttor nnd spirit this monsure . violates ovory prlnclplo and ovory promlso of tho Ropubllcan platform, expressed or Implied, nnd ovory printed or spoken word nnd Indues mont atnployed to sccuro votes neces sary to olect William II. Taft. This bill and tho Canadian pack aro cruol ly unjust to tho 33,000,000 pooplo engaged In, and dopondont upon agri culture. Slnco tho President's nd mis sion nt Indianapolis July 4th, that bill promised nothing for tho consu mer, tiio roal parties to profit aro bo ginning to be a llttlo moro distlnp-t ulshnblo. "Jolnod with tho oxocutlvocommlt too to forco this bill through con gross, nro uowspnpors, thoy have frankly admlttod their solflsh Inter est amounting to many millions of -dollars, tho railroads, tho othor pro tected manufacturers and practically ovory trust nnd combination backed by Morgan and tho Morgan Influences CHANGE MANAGERS MR. NIEHAUS INSTALLS NEW MAN AT NORTH 11IJXD FACTORY' A. Nlohaus, president of tho Coos Bay Manufacturing Company at North Bend, Is on tho Bay making his annual Inspection trip. With Mr. Nlohau8 Is W. Dwrlght who will ns suino tho management of tho box fnctory nt North Bond. Goorgo Rac coulllat, who has been In charge for tho pnBt yoar, expects to leavo Boon for San Francisco for a month'o vacation after which ho wilt go to Gray's Harbor whero ho has accept ed a position. COAST LEAGUE SCORES. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.; PORTLAND. Ore.. July 13. Fol- lowing nro the pfllclal scores of yes- thelterday's Coast League gamos: R 6 3 1 3 0 H 11 8 7 9 8 Portland. . , Vernon, . . . Los Angeles. , Sacramento, . San Francisco. Oakland. , , ' t 8 ' m m f ra '?!- i PS v. "' - I I J. ,..- iWf-i'